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Your top 100 favorte movies (3 Viewers)

Just watched Cool Hand Luke for the first time this past year. It would be on my list. 100 is way too many to name.

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I realized I left Chasing Amy and Holiday off my list. Holiday is an old screwball comedy directed by George Cukor and starring Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn.

Jdogg, you should definitely see Breathless, especially as a big fan of film. It's really a self-referential film that pays homage to the Bogart noir films of the 40s and 50s while leading the innovations and quirky/edgy movies to come in the 60s. Other movies I'd recommend from my list that I'd be surprised if you've seen, since very few people I meet have ...

Destiny (1921): Brilliant Fritz Lang silent film. It just amazes me that this could be made in 1921. The Thief of Baghdad and The Seventh Seal were clearly influenced. Hitchcock called it his favorite film. Story is about a young couple in love. Death comes to take the man, and the woman begs for his life. Death, who is weary of his own destiny, makes her a deal, sending her to three alternate realities. If she can change destiny in any of them, he will return her lover. Essentially, it's a story on if love is stronger than destiny and death. The cinematography, special effects, imagery and scope of the film are amazing for the time. The storyline is also complex and thought-provoking, especially toward the end.

The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (1933): Yes, I took a class in Fritz Lang films at USC. This film is in German. Dr. Mabuse is the first super villain in film history, introduced in Lang's 1922 film Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler. Lang directed a third movie in the series in 1960, his last film before his death. The Testament of Dr. Mabuse is my favorite. Mabuse controls a crime syndicate from a trance inside a mental asylum.

Ninotchka (1939): Great screwball comedy starring Greta Garbo in a rare comedic role, directed by Ernst Lubitsch and written by Billy Wilder. As you can probably tell from my list, I love the screwball comedies from the 30s and 40s with their witty, fast-paced dialogue.

Two for the Road (1967): Directed by Stanley Donen, the director of Singing in the Rain, though this film couldn't be more different. The best performances of their careers given by Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney. Innovative editing. Really interesting, meaningful look into the long haul of marriage and relationships. The best closing lines of any movie ever.

I loved Airplane and Caddyshack as a kid, but those movies don't make me laugh anymore.
Comedies were the hardest because very few make me laugh more than once. Airplane was a sentimental favorite - saw it with my dad and we both quoted it for years. Caddyshack more for the behind the scenes stories on Bill Murray's involvement. Which reminds me I need to add The Razor's Edge. Crap, my top 100 is going to have about 150 films.
Airplane is definitely a sentimental favorite of mine.
I realized I left Chasing Amy and Holiday off my list. Holiday is an old screwball comedy directed by George Cukor and starring Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn.

Jdogg, you should definitely see Breathless, especially as a big fan of film. It's really a self-referential film that pays homage to the Bogart noir films of the 40s and 50s while leading the innovations and quirky/edgy movies to come in the 60s. Other movies I'd recommend from my list that I'd be surprised if you've seen, since very few people I meet have ...

Destiny (1921): Brilliant Fritz Lang silent film. It just amazes me that this could be made in 1921. The Thief of Baghdad and The Seventh Seal were clearly influenced. Hitchcock called it his favorite film. Story is about a young couple in love. Death comes to take the man, and the woman begs for his life. Death, who is weary of his own destiny, makes her a deal, sending her to three alternate realities. If she can change destiny in any of them, he will return her lover. Essentially, it's a story on if love is stronger than destiny and death. The cinematography, special effects, imagery and scope of the film are amazing for the time. The storyline is also complex and thought-provoking, especially toward the end.

The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (1933): Yes, I took a class in Fritz Lang films at USC. This film is in German. Dr. Mabuse is the first super villain in film history, introduced in Lang's 1922 film Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler. Lang directed a third movie in the series in 1960, his last film before his death. The Testament of Dr. Mabuse is my favorite. Mabuse controls a crime syndicate from a trance inside a mental asylum.

Ninotchka (1939): Great screwball comedy starring Greta Garbo in a rare comedic role, directed by Ernst Lubitsch and written by Billy Wilder. As you can probably tell from my list, I love the screwball comedies from the 30s and 40s with their witty, fast-paced dialogue.

Two for the Road (1967): Directed by Stanley Donen, the director of Singing in the Rain, though this film couldn't be more different. The best performances of their careers given by Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney. Innovative editing. Really interesting, meaningful look into the long haul of marriage and relationships. The best closing lines of any movie ever.
I've been wanting to see Breathless for years, and it's in my Netflix queue. The other movies look interesting, and I'd definitely see them.
It would probably basically be the DVD's I listed that I own in the Recently Seen thread, minus 20 of those, plus 30-40 I dont own.

It would probably basically be the DVD's I listed that I own in the Recently Seen thread, minus 20 of those, plus 30-40 I dont own.
So it sounds like you're starting point is about 80 - 90 dvd's that you own.
Well lets see...I'll copy and paste my list (no specific order) and strikeout the ones that wouldnt be in my top 100Major League

Where The Buffalo Roam

Minority Report

The Doors

Saving Silverman

Three Kings

A Few Good Men



Blood Diamond


Walk The Line

The Hurricane

Boiler Room

Natural Born Killers

Catch Me If You Can

A Murder Of Crows


Shawshank Redemption

King Of New York

The Score

The Last Samurai



Lock, Stock, & Two Smoking Barrels

Reservoir Dogs

The Matrix


Gangs Of New York

Cape Fear (DeNiro/Scorsese version)


Bad Santa

Forrest Gump

He Got Game



12 Monkeys

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Fight Club

Black Hawk Down

Donnie Darko


Me, Myself, & Irene

Batman Begins

Almost Famous


Canadian Bacon



Made/Van Wilder combo

Training Day


Donnie Brasco

40 Year Old Virgin

The Departed

Dragnet (movie)

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Meet The ####ers

Requiem For A Dream

Say It Isnt So

Stand By Me

Angel Heart



Primal Fear

American History X

Raising Arizona

The Game

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

The Recruit

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Dazed & Confused (2 copies)

Strange Brew

Ernest Goes To Jail

Slam Dunk Ernest

Being John Malkovich

Dumb & Dumber


About Schmidt

Usual Suspects (2 copies)

The Goonies

The Princess Bride

The Thin Red Line

Blade Runner


Lord of The Rings Trilogy

The Last of the Mohicans

Pulp Fiction


Hotel Rwanda

Jacob's Ladder


Clay Pigeons

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints

Before The Devil Knows Youre Dead

The Big Lebowski

Ok, so I own 98.....29 of them wouldnt be in my Top 100

(98-29)= 69.......(100-69)= 31

28 Other movies that would be in there going off other lists:


American Beauty

Apocalypse Now

Boogie Nights




Godfather 1

Godfather 2

Jackie Brown

LA Confidential

City of God

Miller's Crossing

No Country For Old Men

Office Space


Silence of the Lambs

True Romance


Back to the Future

Saving Private Ryan


Dark City

American Psycho

What About Bob?

Carlito's Way


There's Something About Mary

3 More I thought of to round out 100:

Killing Zoe

Assassination of Jesse James

American Gangster

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Probably missing something

12 Monkeys

A Few Good Men



Almost Famous

american history x

american pie

American Pie Band Camp

American Psycho

Batman Begins

Beauty and the Beast

Big Daddy

Big Lebowski

Billy Madison

Blues Brothers


Bourne Identity

Bourne Supremecy

Bourne Ultimatum

Bram Stokers Dracula


Cape Fear

Chasing Amy




Dark City

Dazed and Confused

Demolition Man


Eight Crazy Nights

Ferris Beulers Day Off

Fight Club

Forest Gump

Get Carter

Get Shorty





Groundhog Day

Happy Gilmore



Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

Jurassic Park

Kill Bill

Kill Bill Volume 2

Legally Blonde

major league



Miss Congeniality

National Treasure

National Treasure 2

Neverending Story


Pirates of the Carribean

Primal Fear

Princess Bride

Pump up the Volume


Red Dawn

Remember the Titans

Resevoir Dogs

Road House


Rocky 2

Rocky 4

Rose Red


Shawshank Redemption


Short Curcuit

Short Curcuit 2

Silence of the Lambs

Sin City'

Son in Law

South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut



Stand By Me

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

Star Wars Episode V

Star Wars Episode VI


Terminator 2: Judgment Day

The Blues Brothers

The Breakfast Club

The Cooler

The Dark Knight

The Shawshank Redemption

The Stand

Tin Cup

Titan AE

Training Day

V for Vendetta

wild things

Young Guns

Young Guns 2

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I highly recommnd criticker.com

Just go ahead and start ranking.

the site will generate recommendations and Predicted score indicators for stuff you haven't seen, which, very often, comes within a few points of your actual rating.

28 Days Later

A Shot in the Dark



Animal House

Apocalypse Now

Arsenic and Old Lace

Batman Begins

Black Hawk Down

Blade Runner

Blazing Saddles

Bottle Rocket



Casino Royale


City of God

Cool Hand Luke

Crimes and Misdemeanors

Crimson Tide

Dark City

Dazed & Confused

Dirty Harry

Dirty Pretty Things

Double Indemnity

Duck Soup

Dumb & Dumber

Eastern Promises

Ed Wood

Fantastic Mr Fox


Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Full Metal Jacket





Grosse Pointe Blank

Groundhog Day

High Fidelity

His Girl Friday

Inglorious Bastards


Jackie Brown

L.A. Confidential

Layer Cake

Let the Right One In

Mad Max


Miller's Crossing

Moulin Rouge

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation

No Country for Old Men

North By Northwest


O' Brother, Where Art Thou?



Paths Of Glory


Pulp Fiction

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Rear Window

Reservoir Dogs

Road to Perdition

Seven Samurai

Sexy Beast

Slap Shot


Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

The Apartment

The Big Lebowski

The Blues Brothers

The Conversation

The Godfather

The Godfather 2

The Good , the Bad and the Ugly

The Grifters

The Maltese Falcon

The Matrix

The Prestige

The Proposition

The Shawshank Redemption

The Shining

The Sting

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

The Usual Suspects



True Romance



Waiting For Guffman

Young Frankenstein

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A hundred? Oof. Here's the first ones that popped up, in no order.

1. Cinema Paradiso

2. M

3. Nosferatu

4. The Seventh Seal

5. Seven Samurai

6. Ikiru

7. Rashomon

8. High and Low

9. Testament of Dr. Mabuse

10. Metropolis

11. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

12. City of God

13. The Iron Giant

14. The Princess Bride

15. Casablanca

16. The Last Picture Show

17. Das Boot

18. Toy Story 2

19. Ran

20. My Neighbor Totoro

21. Grave of The Fireflies

22. Nausicaa of The Valley of The Wind

23. Le Samourai

24. Day For Night

25. Glengarry Glen Ross

26. Dr. Strangelove

27. Rear Window

28. Almost Famous

29. Star Wars

30. The Empire Strikes Back

31. Raiders of The Lost Ark

32. Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels

33. The Nightmare Before Christmas

34. 8 1/2

35. Shall We Dance?

36. Nashville

37. Chinatown

38. Au Hasard Balthazar

39. The Rules of The Game

40. The Goonies

41. 12 Monkeys

42. Brazil

43. Delicatessen

44. Swingers

45. Heaven Can Wait

46. Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

47. Ghostbusters

48. Trainspotting

49. The Big Lebowski

50. The Hudsucker Proxy

51. Pan's Labyrinth

52. High Fidelity

53. Pulp Fiction

54. The Blues Brothers

55. Die Hard

56. Mary Poppins

57. Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind

58. Kagemusha

59. Chicken Run

60. The Apartment

61. North by Northwest

62. The Third Man

63. Aguirre, The Wrath of God

64. A Story of Floating Weeds

65. This Is Spinal Tap

66. Month Python & The Holy Grail

67. Duck Soup

68. Back To The Future

69. Lawrence of Arabia

70. Akira

71. Pinocchio

72. The Sting

73. Ugetsu

74. Taxi Driver

75. Pather Panchali

76. The Bridge On The River Kwai

77. Groundhog Day

78. Fist of Legend

79. Legend of The Drunken Master

80. Y Tu Mama Tambien

81. Wings of Desire

82. Before Sunrise

83. Divorce - Italian Style

84. LA Confidential

85. The Usual Suspects

86. Fight Club

87. The Shawshank Redemption

88. Night of The Hunter

89. King Kong

90. Lilo & Stitch

90. Tokyo Story

91. Boudu Saved From Drowning

92. The Thing

93. Terminator 2: Judgment Day

94. The Maltese Falcon

95. Rififi

96. Stand By Me

97. From Russia With Love

98. The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers

99. Airplane!

100. Citizen Kane

Interesting experiment. I got to 70 and then struggled to 100. I've seen every movie on my list several times. When there are several versions of a particular movie (e.g. Mutiny on the Bounty), I'm always referring to the original. My list includes movies I really like, not necessarily cinematic masterpieces.

Top Ten:

1 - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

2 - The Godfather

3 - The Godfather II

4 - Mulholland Drive

5 - Pyscho

6 - Taxi Driver

7 - Kill Bill I

8 - Natural Born Killers

9 - Goodfellas

10 - A Clockwork Orange

The rest:

2001: A Space Odyssey

3 Women

A Fistful of Dollars



American Beauty

American Graffiti

American Psycho

Angel Heart

Apocalypse Now

Blue Velvet

Body Double

Boogie Nights






Coal Miner’s Daughter


Cool Hand Luke

Dawn of the Dead


Dog Day Afternoon


Dr Strangelove


Eyes Wide Shut


Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Fight Club

Full Metal Jacket

Galaxy Quest

Ghost World


Hang ‘Em High

Interview with the Vampire

Jesus Christ Superstar

Kill Bill 2

Knife in the Water

Mad Max

Master of the Flying Guillotine


Mutiny on the Bounty

Office Space

Over the Edge


Planet of the Apes

Planet Terror

Pulp Fiction

Raging Bull


Repo Man

Reservoir Dogs

Rosemary’s Baby

Saturday Night Fever


Schindler’s List


South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut

Star Trek II

Starship Troopers

Stop Making Sense



That Thing You Do

The Blues Brothers

The Deer Hunter

The Great Escape

The Mack

The Matrix

The Omen

The Pianist

The Producers

The Shining

The Silence of the Lambs

The Sound of Music

The Streetfighter

The Terminator

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The Thing

The Wall

This is Spinal Tap

Total Recall


Wall Street

Wild Things

Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Young Frankenstein

A hundred? Oof. Here's the first ones that popped up, in no order.1. Cinema Paradiso2. M3. Nosferatu4. The Seventh Seal5. Seven Samurai6. Ikiru7. Rashomon8. High and Low9. Testament of Dr. Mabuse10. Metropolis11. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari12. City of God13. The Iron Giant14. The Princess Bride15. Casablanca16. The Last Picture Show17. Das Boot18. Toy Story 219. Ran20. My Neighbor Totoro21. Grave of The Fireflies22. Nausicaa of The Valley of The Wind23. Le Samourai24. Day For Night25. Glengarry Glen Ross26. Dr. Strangelove27. Rear Window28. Almost Famous29. Star Wars30. The Empire Strikes Back31. Raiders of The Lost Ark32. Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels33. The Nightmare Before Christmas34. 8 1/235. Shall We Dance?36. Nashville37. Chinatown38. Au Hasard Balthazar39. The Rules of The Game40. The Goonies41. 12 Monkeys42. Brazil43. Delicatessen44. Swingers45. Heaven Can Wait46. Who Framed Roger Rabbit?47. Ghostbusters48. Trainspotting49. The Big Lebowski50. The Hudsucker Proxy51. Pan's Labyrinth52. High Fidelity53. Pulp Fiction54. The Blues Brothers55. Die Hard56. Mary Poppins57. Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind58. Kagemusha59. Chicken Run60. The Apartment61. North by Northwest62. The Third Man63. Aguirre, The Wrath of God64. A Story of Floating Weeds65. This Is Spinal Tap66. Month Python & The Holy Grail67. Duck Soup68. Back To The Future69. Lawrence of Arabia70. Akira71. Pinocchio72. The Sting73. Ugetsu74. Taxi Driver75. Pather Panchali76. The Bridge On The River Kwai77. Groundhog Day78. Fist of Legend79. Legend of The Drunken Master80. Y Tu Mama Tambien81. Wings of Desire82. Before Sunrise83. Divorce - Italian Style84. LA Confidential85. The Usual Suspects86. Fight Club87. The Shawshank Redemption88. Night of The Hunter89. King Kong90. Lilo & Stitch90. Tokyo Story91. Boudu Saved From Drowning92. The Thing93. Terminator 2: Judgment Day94. The Maltese Falcon95. Rififi96. Stand By Me97. From Russia With Love98. The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers99. Airplane!100. Citizen Kane
:blackdot: :pics: :blackdot: :blackdot: :blackdot: Without looking at it, I know this is going to be closer to my list than any other.
A hundred? Oof. Here's the first ones that popped up, in no order.1. Cinema Paradiso2. M3. Nosferatu4. The Seventh Seal5. Seven Samurai6. Ikiru7. Rashomon8. High and Low9. Testament of Dr. Mabuse10. Metropolis11. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari12. City of God13. The Iron Giant14. The Princess Bride15. Casablanca16. The Last Picture Show17. Das Boot18. Toy Story 219. Ran20. My Neighbor Totoro21. Grave of The Fireflies22. Nausicaa of The Valley of The Wind23. Le Samourai24. Day For Night25. Glengarry Glen Ross26. Dr. Strangelove27. Rear Window28. Almost Famous29. Star Wars30. The Empire Strikes Back31. Raiders of The Lost Ark32. Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels33. The Nightmare Before Christmas34. 8 1/235. Shall We Dance?36. Nashville37. Chinatown38. Au Hasard Balthazar39. The Rules of The Game40. The Goonies41. 12 Monkeys42. Brazil43. Delicatessen44. Swingers45. Heaven Can Wait46. Who Framed Roger Rabbit?47. Ghostbusters48. Trainspotting49. The Big Lebowski50. The Hudsucker Proxy51. Pan's Labyrinth52. High Fidelity53. Pulp Fiction54. The Blues Brothers55. Die Hard56. Mary Poppins57. Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind58. Kagemusha59. Chicken Run60. The Apartment61. North by Northwest62. The Third Man63. Aguirre, The Wrath of God64. A Story of Floating Weeds65. This Is Spinal Tap66. Month Python & The Holy Grail67. Duck Soup68. Back To The Future69. Lawrence of Arabia70. Akira71. Pinocchio72. The Sting73. Ugetsu74. Taxi Driver75. Pather Panchali76. The Bridge On The River Kwai77. Groundhog Day78. Fist of Legend79. Legend of The Drunken Master80. Y Tu Mama Tambien81. Wings of Desire82. Before Sunrise83. Divorce - Italian Style84. LA Confidential85. The Usual Suspects86. Fight Club87. The Shawshank Redemption88. Night of The Hunter89. King Kong90. Lilo & Stitch90. Tokyo Story91. Boudu Saved From Drowning92. The Thing93. Terminator 2: Judgment Day94. The Maltese Falcon95. Rififi96. Stand By Me97. From Russia With Love98. The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers99. Airplane!100. Citizen Kane
:blackdot: :pics: :blackdot: :blackdot: :blackdot: Without looking at it, I know this is going to be closer to my list than any other.
But there are neither Macedonian films or any in Quechua....
A hundred? Oof. Here's the first ones that popped up, in no order.1. Cinema Paradiso2. M3. Nosferatu4. The Seventh Seal5. Seven Samurai6. Ikiru7. Rashomon8. High and Low9. Testament of Dr. Mabuse10. Metropolis11. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari12. City of God13. The Iron Giant14. The Princess Bride15. Casablanca16. The Last Picture Show17. Das Boot18. Toy Story 219. Ran20. My Neighbor Totoro21. Grave of The Fireflies22. Nausicaa of The Valley of The Wind23. Le Samourai24. Day For Night25. Glengarry Glen Ross26. Dr. Strangelove27. Rear Window28. Almost Famous29. Star Wars30. The Empire Strikes Back31. Raiders of The Lost Ark32. Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels33. The Nightmare Before Christmas34. 8 1/235. Shall We Dance?36. Nashville37. Chinatown38. Au Hasard Balthazar39. The Rules of The Game40. The Goonies41. 12 Monkeys42. Brazil43. Delicatessen44. Swingers45. Heaven Can Wait46. Who Framed Roger Rabbit?47. Ghostbusters48. Trainspotting49. The Big Lebowski50. The Hudsucker Proxy51. Pan's Labyrinth52. High Fidelity53. Pulp Fiction54. The Blues Brothers55. Die Hard56. Mary Poppins57. Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind58. Kagemusha59. Chicken Run60. The Apartment61. North by Northwest62. The Third Man63. Aguirre, The Wrath of God64. A Story of Floating Weeds65. This Is Spinal Tap66. Month Python & The Holy Grail67. Duck Soup68. Back To The Future69. Lawrence of Arabia70. Akira71. Pinocchio72. The Sting73. Ugetsu74. Taxi Driver75. Pather Panchali76. The Bridge On The River Kwai77. Groundhog Day78. Fist of Legend79. Legend of The Drunken Master80. Y Tu Mama Tambien81. Wings of Desire82. Before Sunrise83. Divorce - Italian Style84. LA Confidential85. The Usual Suspects86. Fight Club87. The Shawshank Redemption88. Night of The Hunter89. King Kong90. Lilo & Stitch90. Tokyo Story91. Boudu Saved From Drowning92. The Thing93. Terminator 2: Judgment Day94. The Maltese Falcon95. Rififi96. Stand By Me97. From Russia With Love98. The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers99. Airplane!100. Citizen Kane
:blackdot: :pics: :blackdot: :blackdot: :blackdot: Without looking at it, I know this is going to be closer to my list than any other.
But there are neither Macedonian films or any in Quechua....
I'm a forgiving sort. ;)I want to see your list, too.ETA: Could be above, I haven't read the whole thread yet.
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could probably sub in/out dozens if i think about it more...
dude - that was a great list. Had a few quibbles (too weighted toward recent films) but a LOT of great movies on there.
list is based on films i viewed multiple times again and again...its missing lots of great oldies im sure but i dont go out of my way to rewatch Treassure of Sierra Madre, 8 1/2, Ran, Rear Window, Vertigo, etcand if i look at it long enough, its not hard to sub in dozens imo
:eek: :D :blackdot: :blackdot: :blackdot: Without looking at it, I know this is going to be closer to my list than any other.
:lol: I don't know. A lot of it is just movies I've watched a whole lot of times, and others' mileage may vary on a lot of it. (Kurosawa, German Expressionism, awesome or simply cool-looking animation, etc).Almost tossed in So I Married An Axe-Murderer for your sake, though.

1st 100 i could think of - no particular order

Dr Strangelove

Man Who Would Be King

Citizen Kane

Buttpirates 4: The Wreckening

The Producers


Groundhog Day

Doctor Zhivago

Last Tango in Paris

Annie Hall


Sweeney Todd

Being John Malkovich

Sophie's Choice


White Heat


Topsy Turvy


My Favorite Year


Godfather 1 & 2


Dog Day Afternoon

Best Years of our Lives

Cuckoo's Nest


Clockwork Orange

Apocalypse Now

Hable Con Ella

A Night at the Opera

Ed Wood


Monty Python & the Holy Grail

The Long Goodbye

Silence of the Lambs


Dangerous Liasons

Desdemona Does DesMoines

Third Man

Diving Bell & the Butterfly (which I am driving myself nuts trying to turn into a sitcom pilot - no kidding. pray for me.)

Glengarry Glen Ross

Love & Death

Blazing Saddles

Mr Saturday Night

Crouching Tiger

To Have & Have Not

Duck Soup



Mutiny on the Bounty (Brando version)

The Hours

Year of Living Dangerously


Larry of Arabia

Paths of Glory

The General

Wizard of Oz

Blazing Saddles

Princess Bride

The Big Sleep

Maltese Falcon

Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down

Chimes At Midnight

Schindler's List


The Bandwagon

Spinal Tap

The Right Stuff


Seven Samurai

North by Northwest

Ferris Buehler

The Jerk

40yo Virgin


The Apartment

Modern Times

The Sting


It's a Wonderful Life

Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

Run Lola Run

Household Saints

To Kill a Mockingbird

Motel Hell

Deer Hunter

There's Something About Mary

King of Hearts

Rain Man

Treasure of the Sierra Madre


Three Kings

Star Wars

Double Indemnity

Seventh Seal


Children of Heaven

Willy Wonka

The Misfits


day 2 edits:

out -

Rain Man

Something About Mary

Household Saints

in -

Body Heat

Grand Canyon

Murder On the Orient Express


day 3 edits:

out -


Butt Pirates


Women on the Verge


Crouching Tiger

in -


All That Jazz

American Graffiti

The Shining

The Conversation

Altered States


day 11 edits:

out -

3rd Man

Paths of Glory

Mr Saturday Night

in -

Cold Mountain

Being There


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:eek: :D :blackdot: :blackdot: :blackdot: Without looking at it, I know this is going to be closer to my list than any other.
:lol: I don't know. A lot of it is just movies I've watched a whole lot of times, and others' mileage may vary on a lot of it. (Kurosawa, German Expressionism, awesome or simply cool-looking animation, etc).Almost tossed in So I Married An Axe-Murderer for your sake, though.
:lol: Heed! Can't wait to pick through wikkid's and jdd's lists, too.

could probably sub in/out dozens if i think about it more...
dude - that was a great list. Had a few quibbles (too weighted toward recent films) but a LOT of great movies on there.
list is based on films i viewed multiple times again and again...its missing lots of great oldies im sure but i dont go out of my way to rewatch Treassure of Sierra Madre, 8 1/2, Ran, Rear Window, Vertigo, etcand if i look at it long enough, its not hard to sub in dozens imo
Very true man.
God bless B movies. Re-Animator is great. I take it you've seen From Beyond? Dario Argento's movies almost always feature bad acting and bad scripts. But I've always said that he has single scenes that are scarier than most directors could ever imagine making.
Last Tango in Paris
I've only seen 10 minutes of this movie out of context, and it was embarrassingly bad. Am I missing something?
The Hours
It seems uncool to like this movie, but I like it.
A little overconfessional here, but i can tell you that Last Tango had the greatest influence on me of any film i've ever seen. I was a kid from the neighbahood who, by running away to join the hippies, got way too much tail without understanding much of it. Last Tango showed me how tricky & deep entanglements could be and hence i invested myself in the process in an entirely different & much more satisfying way. And i put Brando's Paul up there with McMurphy & Sophie as the the greatest portrayals of all time. Best soundtrack ever, too.
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