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Steve McNair Dead (1 Viewer)

So the guy was cheating on his wife and the mother of his 4 children. Obviously not a reason for him to die, but enough for me not to really care.
I care if anyone dies... regardless of the circumstances. I do however agree, you reap what you sow. Cheat on your wife, and something bad is bound to happen.
Do we know for sure that he was cheating?
Pretty much, yeah...
I would echo the point made before that we have no idea how these two defined their marriage. The may have been estranged and had no plans to re-unite. They may have had a more open marriage. More to the point, marriage is an agreement that is pretty much over when either party says it is and the legal stuff follows on its own accord.No moral judgments needed.What is clear is that Steve liked to go out a lot more than his wife did. Eventually, this leads to wanting different things in life. I am fine with that although as a father I might be a little judgmental about choices that lead to not being there very often for one's children. That would be my issue. It may be he grew fond of the drink, which driven many people away from their responsibilities.What seems clear by his work off the field is that he was a man of character. Although this may or may not be a dent in that, it is essentially unchanged for me so far.
So the guy was cheating on his wife and the mother of his 4 children. Obviously not a reason for him to die, but enough for me not to really care.
I care if anyone dies... regardless of the circumstances. I do however agree, you reap what you sow. Cheat on your wife, and something bad is bound to happen.
Do we know for sure that he was cheating?
Pretty much, yeah...
I would echo the point made before that we have no idea how these two defined their marriage. The may have been estranged and had no plans to re-unite. They may have had a more open marriage. More to the point, marriage is an agreement that is pretty much over when either party says it is and the legal stuff follows on its own accord.No moral judgments needed.

What is clear is that Steve liked to go out a lot more than his wife did. Eventually, this leads to wanting different things in life. I am fine with that although as a father I might be a little judgmental about choices that lead to not being there very often for one's children. That would be my issue. It may be he grew fond of the drink, which driven many people away from their responsibilities.

What seems clear by his work off the field is that he was a man of character. Although this may or may not be a dent in that, it is essentially unchanged for me so far.
I doubt you 'know' this.
Why did this Neely character call this Gady dude wait for him to come to the apartment and then Gady makes the call to police? This seems suspicious.
It is a shocking situation to walk into and McNair was with another woman. I imagine it is not that strange to panic and need to call someone. Doesn't mean he waited so he could move the gun under the body. And what would be the point? Unless you think Neely was the shooter, what would he need time to do?Same thing happened with Heather Ledger. I don't remember which called 911, but whoever found him called one of the Olsen twins first.
Come on your a grown man and you come accross a tragic scene and it turns you into a 4 year old, cause I'm pretty sure fron 5 years up you know to call 911.
Why did this Neely character call this Gady dude wait for him to come to the apartment and then Gady makes the call to police? This seems suspicious.
It is a shocking situation to walk into and McNair was with another woman. I imagine it is not that strange to panic and need to call someone. Doesn't mean he waited so he could move the gun under the body. And what would be the point? Unless you think Neely was the shooter, what would he need time to do?Same thing happened with Heather Ledger. I don't remember which called 911, but whoever found him called one of the Olsen twins first.
Come on, you're a grown man and you come across a tragic scene and it turns you into a 4 year old, cause I'm pretty sure fron 5 years up you know to call 911.
So, what do you think he wanted the time for?
I'll say this again....

"Let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first stone."

So, let's keep our hands in our pockets please....

Everybody has skeletons in their closet. An affair is not a crime by law (just public opinion). The only thing we should care about is the ruling of the case Murder/Suicide or Double Homicide, and that is to alert everyone there is a killer on the loose. All the other trashy detail are pointless....

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Mystery Achiever said:
Two Deep said:
Mystery Achiever said:
Two Deep said:
Why did this Neely character call this Gady dude wait for him to come to the apartment and then Gady makes the call to police? This seems suspicious.
It is a shocking situation to walk into and McNair was with another woman. I imagine it is not that strange to panic and need to call someone. Doesn't mean he waited so he could move the gun under the body. And what would be the point? Unless you think Neely was the shooter, what would he need time to do?Same thing happened with Heather Ledger. I don't remember which called 911, but whoever found him called one of the Olsen twins first.
Come on, you're a grown man and you come across a tragic scene and it turns you into a 4 year old, cause I'm pretty sure fron 5 years up you know to call 911.
So, what do you think he wanted the time for?
Thats what I would like to know. Why isn't this being question by the media? If I'm a homicide detective that is the first question I would ask. I'm just thinking out loud but isn't unusual for a woman to commit murder suicide let alone shoot her lover 4 times, twice in the head?
Thats what I would like to know. Why isn't this being question by the media? If I'm a homicide detective that is the first question I would ask. I'm just thinking out loud but isn't unusual for a woman to commit murder suicide let alone shoot her lover 4 times, twice in the head?
He was undoubtedly questioned. I don't know the stats on female murder-suicide, but the evidence is all that matters. And we don't know what they have.
identikit said:
Yenrub said:
switz said:
So the guy was cheating on his wife and the mother of his 4 children. Obviously not a reason for him to die, but enough for me not to really care.
I care if anyone dies... regardless of the circumstances. I do however agree, you reap what you sow. Cheat on your wife, and something bad is bound to happen.
Do we know for sure that he was cheating?
Pretty much, yeah...
Lucky Lefty said:
I'll say this again...."Let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first stone."So, let's keep our hands in our pockets please....Everybody has skeletons in their closet. An affair is not a crime by law (just public opinion). The only thing we should care about is the ruling of the case Murder/Suicide or Double Homicide, and that is to alert everyone there is a killer on the loose. All the other trashy detail are pointless....
Hey bible thumper is an affair a crime considered by god? breaking an oath you take in church is pretty serious. It's a horrible that he died but lets give the throwing stones line a rest shall we?
Thats what I would like to know. Why isn't this being question by the media? If I'm a homicide detective that is the first question I would ask. I'm just thinking out loud but isn't unusual for a woman to commit murder suicide let alone shoot her lover 4 times, twice in the head?
He was undoubtedly questioned. I don't know the stats on female murder-suicide, but the evidence is all that matters. And we don't know what they have.
Looks like the girlfriend purchased a gun a few days ago. LinkThey're probably just waiting until the ballistics report comes back.

Looks like the girlfriend purchased a gun a few days ago. Link

They're probably just waiting until the ballistics report comes back.
Been wondering about the gun. I would guess ballistics will also confirm suicide from the standpoint of range of impact (Is that the right term? Distance shot from?)
Boy it's quite a cautionary tale for any pro athlete. Hard to judge the adults in this without knowing the facts. The real shame in all of this is that McNair's four boys have lost their father.

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Looks like the girlfriend purchased a gun a few days ago. Link

They're probably just waiting until the ballistics report comes back.
Been wondering about the gun. I would guess ballistics will also confirm suicide from the standpoint of range of impact (Is that the right term? Distance shot from?)
Three of the four gunshot wounds that killed Steve McNair were fired from more than three feet away, according to autopsy results.

One of the gunshots to McNair's temple was fired at close range, said Bruce Levy, state medical examiner.

Kazemi’s own gunshot wound was a contact shot, meaning the gun was touching her head when it was fired.
Aaron said the testing to see if gunshot residue was present on Kazemi’s hands has not yet been completed.
Lucky Lefty said:
I'll say this again...."Let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first stone."So, let's keep our hands in our pockets please....Everybody has skeletons in their closet. An affair is not a crime by law (just public opinion). The only thing we should care about is the ruling of the case Murder/Suicide or Double Homicide, and that is to alert everyone there is a killer on the loose. All the other trashy detail are pointless....
ESPN reported online that McNair's wife was unaware he was seeing another girl.
Lucky Lefty said:
I'll say this again...."Let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first stone."So, let's keep our hands in our pockets please....Everybody has skeletons in their closet. An affair is not a crime by law (just public opinion). The only thing we should care about is the ruling of the case Murder/Suicide or Double Homicide, and that is to alert everyone there is a killer on the loose. All the other trashy detail are pointless....
ESPN reported online that McNair's wife was unaware he was seeing another girl.
He isn't the 1st man nor will he be the last.
Looks like the girlfriend purchased a gun a few days ago. Link

They're probably just waiting until the ballistics report comes back.
Been wondering about the gun. I would guess ballistics will also confirm suicide from the standpoint of range of impact (Is that the right term? Distance shot from?)
Three of the four gunshot wounds that killed Steve McNair were fired from more than three feet away, according to autopsy results.

One of the gunshots to McNair's temple was fired at close range, said Bruce Levy, state medical examiner.

Kazemi’s own gunshot wound was a contact shot, meaning the gun was touching her head when it was fired.
Aaron said the testing to see if gunshot residue was present on Kazemi’s hands has not yet been completed.
Thx, S. So, what it seemed like happened since announced on Saturday looks to be what did happen. Still sad all around.
A little bit of Roy Hobbs in this story...with obviously more serious ramifications for Steve.

RIP Air...

I am disappointed that Steve McNair has departed from this world, he represented what a football player should ideally do with his money and fame.

I am kind of surprised no one has made a possible reference with the clear lack of details and the culture ethnicity that possible this was an honor killing.

If you have no idea what the heck that is, as I had no idea when I was discussing it with a few friends, you can get a brief definition on wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honor_killing

Not trying to start or suggest anything, just surprised it not mentioned.

At the end of the day a great football hall of framer has passed in life way to early and a women he also knew has departed.

Im not going to go through 5 pages of posts....but this is sad, but of course anyone dying is sad...Im wondering if this would be supported the same way if a normal person was killed having an affair on his wife...? It would be even an added sadness if the NFL decided to honor his number this coming season.

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I am kind of surprised no one has made a possible reference with the clear lack of details and the culture ethnicity that possible this was an honor killing.

If you have no idea what the heck that is, as I had no idea when I was discussing it with a few friends, you can get a brief definition on wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honor_killing
I think it's more likely that the gf found out something that made her mad at McNair, so she bought that gun two days before the killing, and she confronted him the morning of July 4th then killed him and herself. He was shot several times making it seem like someone was angry at him. Her relatives were told by her that McNair told her his divorce would be final in 2 weeks. Whether he really told his gf that is unknown, but he had not filed for divorce in the county he and his wife live in. Finding out he lied about something like that could possibly send an unstable obsessed person over the edge. Who knows what went down, but I will be surprised if there is not gun residue on the gf's hand.
Lucky Lefty said:
I'll say this again...."Let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first stone."So, let's keep our hands in our pockets please....Everybody has skeletons in their closet. An affair is not a crime by law (just public opinion). The only thing we should care about is the ruling of the case Murder/Suicide or Double Homicide, and that is to alert everyone there is a killer on the loose. All the other trashy detail are pointless....
ESPN reported online that McNair's wife was unaware he was seeing another girl.
Do you think she was going to admit it?I think it was pretty well known around town that he stepped out a bit.Ive heard plenty of stories about people seeing him out...and I have seen him out as well.
McNair learned a hard lesson, and the only harder lesson would have been this crazy 20 year old attacking his family.

You lead by example.

He was great on the field, but seemed to lie to everyone around him. His girlfriend, wife, and kids.

Living a lie can be tough. RIP McNair, your family now has to figure out a way to understand your mistakes and hopefully not hold themselves responsible.

My best wishes for his family and kids, be better than your dad.

A lot of judging going on in this thread without knowing all of the facts first. Some of you people are really sad. You guys don't know what kind of father this guy was or husband for that matter. Shame on some of you. We have no idea why he and his wife are seperated at this time. I love how fans seem to think they know everything about famous people because you watch the news or read a few internet articles.

I'll say this again...."Let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first stone."So, let's keep our hands in our pockets please....Everybody has skeletons in their closet. An affair is not a crime by law (just public opinion). The only thing we should care about is the ruling of the case Murder/Suicide or Double Homicide, and that is to alert everyone there is a killer on the loose. All the other trashy detail are pointless....
ESPN reported online that McNair's wife was unaware he was seeing another girl.
A lot of judging going on in this thread without knowing all of the facts first. Some of you people are really sad. You guys don't know what kind of father this guy was or husband for that matter. Shame on some of you. We have no idea why he and his wife are seperated at this time. I love how fans seem to think they know everything about famous people because you watch the news or read a few internet articles.
that goes both ways. all of the people putting him on a pedestal, 'know' nothing but what the media puts out there. all the people crucifying him are basing their thoughts on the same thing. just personal opinions.
A lot of judging going on in this thread without knowing all of the facts first. Some of you people are really sad. You guys don't know what kind of father this guy was or husband for that matter. Shame on some of you. We have no idea why he and his wife are seperated at this time. I love how fans seem to think they know everything about famous people because you watch the news or read a few internet articles.
I haven't seen the outpouring of quotes, remarks, and genuine acknowledgement of how great a father he was....Hearing lots stuff about leadership on the field, grit, determination, and his community service work. Which is the only thing you can really say at this point. The circumstances of his death is a HUGE part of this story, and cannot be overlooked because he threw a football.Left his wife a widow, and his kids with a lot of weight they shouldn't have to carry. Hope they turn out OK.
A lot of judging going on in this thread without knowing all of the facts first. Some of you people are really sad. You guys don't know what kind of father this guy was or husband for that matter. Shame on some of you. We have no idea why he and his wife are seperated at this time. I love how fans seem to think they know everything about famous people because you watch the news or read a few internet articles.
I haven't seen the outpouring of quotes, remarks, and genuine acknowledgement of how great a father he was....Hearing lots stuff about leadership on the field, grit, determination, and his community service work. Which is the only thing you can really say at this point. The circumstances of his death is a HUGE part of this story, and cannot be overlooked because he threw a football.Left his wife a widow, and his kids with a lot of weight they shouldn't have to carry. Hope they turn out OK.
It's not like the guy asked to be killed. My point is the people calling him a bad husband and father and have no idea about that aspect of his life.
A lot of judging going on in this thread without knowing all of the facts first. Some of you people are really sad. You guys don't know what kind of father this guy was or husband for that matter. Shame on some of you. We have no idea why he and his wife are seperated at this time. I love how fans seem to think they know everything about famous people because you watch the news or read a few internet articles.
I haven't seen the outpouring of quotes, remarks, and genuine acknowledgement of how great a father he was....Hearing lots stuff about leadership on the field, grit, determination, and his community service work. Which is the only thing you can really say at this point. The circumstances of his death is a HUGE part of this story, and cannot be overlooked because he threw a football.Left his wife a widow, and his kids with a lot of weight they shouldn't have to carry. Hope they turn out OK.
It's not like the guy asked to be killed. My point is the people calling him a bad husband and father and have no idea about that aspect of his life.
but you "know" the truth of these things?
& publicly dating a woman 16 years your junior doesn't win you any points in the husband father category. no matter the marriage situation. you're still married.

A lot of judging going on in this thread without knowing all of the facts first. Some of you people are really sad. You guys don't know what kind of father this guy was or husband for that matter. Shame on some of you. We have no idea why he and his wife are seperated at this time. I love how fans seem to think they know everything about famous people because you watch the news or read a few internet articles.
I haven't seen the outpouring of quotes, remarks, and genuine acknowledgement of how great a father he was....Hearing lots stuff about leadership on the field, grit, determination, and his community service work. Which is the only thing you can really say at this point. The circumstances of his death is a HUGE part of this story, and cannot be overlooked because he threw a football.Left his wife a widow, and his kids with a lot of weight they shouldn't have to carry. Hope they turn out OK.
It's not like the guy asked to be killed. My point is the people calling him a bad husband and father and have no idea about that aspect of his life.
but you "know" the truth of these things?
No I have no idea about these things, that's my point. People should not judge people especailly not knowing all of the facts about this guys life. I'm not a McNair or Titan fan just in case you are wondering.
& publicly dating a woman 16 years your junior doesn't win you any points in the husband father category. no matter the marriage situation. you're still married.
WOW! just WOW! So dating a younger woman makes him a bad father. You Sir are amazing.
A lot of judging going on in this thread without knowing all of the facts first. Some of you people are really sad. You guys don't know what kind of father this guy was or husband for that matter. Shame on some of you. We have no idea why he and his wife are seperated at this time. I love how fans seem to think they know everything about famous people because you watch the news or read a few internet articles.
Here are the facts that we know:-Steve McNair was married and had four kids-Steve McNair had a 20 year old girlfriend who was a waitress at Dave & Busters, who he went on several vacations with, who he spent a lot of nights with, and who he bought an Escalade for.-Steve McNair and his girlfriend got drunk two nights before he was murdered, and she got a dui and he was sent home in a taxi.-Steve McNair did something to the girlfriend that got her so mad that she went and bought a handgun and then murdered him and killed herself.I surmise from these facts that he was not a good father because:-By his actions he told his kids its okay to be married and have a girlfriend.-He spent a lot of quality time with the girlfriend that he could have been spending with his sons-He spent family money on the girlfriend that he could have been saving or spending on the family.-By his actions he told his sons its okay to drink and drive.I surmise from these facts that he was killed because:-She was a wacko, or-He told her that he was not divorcing his wife.If the first is true, then Steve made a bad choice in mistresses. If the second is true, then we know that his wife didnot approve of his affair, and she wanted him back. That makes him a bad husband for cheating on his wife.I am not judging him. The sad thing is McNair could have made good father and husband decisions 95% of the time, but because he made such bad choices the other 5% of the time, that is the thing that his kids and wife are going to remember the most.
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I surmise from these facts that he was not a good father because:-By his actions he told his kids its okay to be married and have a girlfriend.-He spent a lot of quality time with the girlfriend that he could have been spending with his sons-He spent family money on the girlfriend that he could have been saving or spending on the family.-By his actions he told his sons its okay to drink and drive....The sad thing is McNair could have made good father and husband decisions 95% of the time, but because he made such bad choices the other 5% of the time, that is the thing that his kids and wife are going to remember the most.
Exactly. Once the kids come, your life is not your own. You work and live for their benefit.
A lot of judging going on in this thread without knowing all of the facts first. Some of you people are really sad. You guys don't know what kind of father this guy was or husband for that matter. Shame on some of you. We have no idea why he and his wife are seperated at this time. I love how fans seem to think they know everything about famous people because you watch the news or read a few internet articles.
Here are the facts that we know:-Steve McNair was married and had four kids-Steve McNair had a 20 year old girlfriend who was a waitress at Dave & Busters, who he went on several vacations with, who he spent a lot of nights with, and who he bought an Escalade for.-Steve McNair and his girlfriend got drunk two nights before he was murdered, and she got a dui and he was sent home in a taxi.-Steve McNair did something to the girlfriend that got her so mad that she went and bought a handgun and then murdered him and killed herself.I surmise from these facts that he was not a good father because:-By his actions he told his kids its okay to be married and have a girlfriend.-He spent a lot of quality time with the girlfriend that he could have been spending with his sons-He spent family money on the girlfriend that he could have been saving or spending on the family.-By his actions he told his sons its okay to drink and drive.I surmise from these facts that he was killed because:-She was a wacko, or-He told her that he was not divorcing his wife.If the first is true, then Steve made a bad choice in mistresses. If the second is true, then we know that his wife didnot approve of his affair, and she wanted him back. That makes him a bad husband for cheating on his wife.I am not judging him. The sad thing is McNair could have made good father and husband decisions 95% of the time, but because he made such bad choices the other 5% of the time, that is the thing that his kids and wife are going to remember the most.
So when married people seperate, the rule is that you are not allowed to spend money on your new partner or yourself and if you do that then you are a bad father? Okay now I got it.
I like to apologize to the members of this board, I didn't realize I was on a board with nothing but SAINTS and people who have never done anything wrong and who are alwasy the perfect husbands and fathers. Again I apologize.
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A lot of judging going on in this thread without knowing all of the facts first. Some of you people are really sad. You guys don't know what kind of father this guy was or husband for that matter. Shame on some of you. We have no idea why he and his wife are seperated at this time. I love how fans seem to think they know everything about famous people because you watch the news or read a few internet articles.
Here are the facts that we know:-Steve McNair was married and had four kids-Steve McNair had a 20 year old girlfriend who was a waitress at Dave & Busters, who he went on several vacations with, who he spent a lot of nights with, and who he bought an Escalade for.-Steve McNair and his girlfriend got drunk two nights before he was murdered, and she got a dui and he was sent home in a taxi.-Steve McNair did something to the girlfriend that got her so mad that she went and bought a handgun and then murdered him and killed herself.I surmise from these facts that he was not a good father because:-By his actions he told his kids its okay to be married and have a girlfriend.-He spent a lot of quality time with the girlfriend that he could have been spending with his sons-He spent family money on the girlfriend that he could have been saving or spending on the family.-By his actions he told his sons its okay to drink and drive.I surmise from these facts that he was killed because:-She was a wacko, or-He told her that he was not divorcing his wife.If the first is true, then Steve made a bad choice in mistresses. If the second is true, then we know that his wife didnot approve of his affair, and she wanted him back. That makes him a bad husband for cheating on his wife.I am not judging him. The sad thing is McNair could have made good father and husband decisions 95% of the time, but because he made such bad choices the other 5% of the time, that is the thing that his kids and wife are going to remember the most.
So when married people seperate, the rule is that you are not allowed to spend money on your new partner or yourself and if you do that then you are a bad father? Okay now I got it.
In my opinion, if you are having trouble in your marriage and you separate, then you are looking for some space to decide whether or not you are going to try and get back together or you are going to get divorced. Then is not the time to go get a girlfriend. Even if it were okay with the wife (which seems doubtful) what message are you sending to your sons? Yes, he is a bad father if he is spending time and money on a girlfriend when he still is married.And if you are going to whine about people speaking without the facts, where is it factual that the McNair's were happily separated and the wife was okay with the new girlfriend arrangement?I believe when you say "I do" to someone you are making a commitment to them that you will be faithful to them and work as hard as you can to make the marriage work. If it doesn't work, and both parties have done everything they can, then you get a divorce. Too many people use the excuse that because the marriage isn't working, that it is alright to go and have an affair before the marriage is over. They are in effect ensuring that a divorce will happen. It is much more fun to have an affair than to try and work to save a marriage.Okay, I will get off my soapbox.
& publicly dating a woman 16 years your junior doesn't win you any points in the husband father category. no matter the marriage situation. you're still married.
WOW! just WOW! So dating a younger woman makes him a bad father. You Sir are amazing.
you sir, need to read a little more carefully. the age of the girl only makes it worse in eye of public opinion.
Maybe you Sir need to clean your own closet and worry more about yourself than this man's life. The eye of public opinion what a joke.
Read this today:

The fact that Steve McNair's home was on the market while he was having an affair has caused speculation that he was getting a divorce ... but we just found out he and his wife were actually looking to buy another home.

We spoke to McNair's realtor, who said Steve and Mechelle were selling their massive Nashville home to buy another one "near a lake."

We're told the Nashville home was set to be sold for $2.9 million, and that Mechelle told the realtor yesterday that she wanted the sale to go ahead as planned.

The board is not full of saints, but we aren't going to make excuses for Steve McNair. I'd like to say his wife maybe a better person. She married him, adopted 2 kids he had out of wedlock, and by all accounts will care for those 2 kids along with the 2 she had with Air McNair.

Thoughts and prayers to the McNair family.

A lot of judging going on in this thread without knowing all of the facts first. Some of you people are really sad. You guys don't know what kind of father this guy was or husband for that matter. Shame on some of you. We have no idea why he and his wife are seperated at this time. I love how fans seem to think they know everything about famous people because you watch the news or read a few internet articles.
Here are the facts that we know:-Steve McNair was married and had four kids-Steve McNair had a 20 year old girlfriend who was a waitress at Dave & Busters, who he went on several vacations with, who he spent a lot of nights with, and who he bought an Escalade for.-Steve McNair and his girlfriend got drunk two nights before he was murdered, and she got a dui and he was sent home in a taxi.-Steve McNair did something to the girlfriend that got her so mad that she went and bought a handgun and then murdered him and killed herself.I surmise from these facts that he was not a good father because:-By his actions he told his kids its okay to be married and have a girlfriend.-He spent a lot of quality time with the girlfriend that he could have been spending with his sons-He spent family money on the girlfriend that he could have been saving or spending on the family.-By his actions he told his sons its okay to drink and drive.I surmise from these facts that he was killed because:-She was a wacko, or-He told her that he was not divorcing his wife.If the first is true, then Steve made a bad choice in mistresses. If the second is true, then we know that his wife didnot approve of his affair, and she wanted him back. That makes him a bad husband for cheating on his wife.I am not judging him. The sad thing is McNair could have made good father and husband decisions 95% of the time, but because he made such bad choices the other 5% of the time, that is the thing that his kids and wife are going to remember the most.
So when married people seperate, the rule is that you are not allowed to spend money on your new partner or yourself and if you do that then you are a bad father? Okay now I got it.
again, HTF do you "know" they were separated? there is no public record of this.
& publicly dating a woman 16 years your junior doesn't win you any points in the husband father category. no matter the marriage situation. you're still married.
WOW! just WOW! So dating a younger woman makes him a bad father. You Sir are amazing.
you sir, need to read a little more carefully. the age of the girl only makes it worse in eye of public opinion.
Maybe you Sir need to clean your own closet and worry more about yourself than this man's life. The eye of public opinion what a joke.
:lmao:my closet's fine. thanks though. the facts are just that, the facts.
I like to apologize to the member of this board, I didn't realize I was on a board with nothing but SAINTS and people who have never done anything wrong and who are alwasy the perfect husbands and fathers. Again I apologize.
I agree with you that judging this man after his death is probably not particularly useful. HOWEVER, I do think that folks can go overboard in the opposite direction with regard to McNair's community hero "status", and I think there is some natural backlash because of it.The guy was a great football player, that much we know for sure. But given the circumstances surrounding his death, though it isn't right to judge him, I'm not sure he deserves all of the glory he is getting either. It's sad he is gone, and it's pretty clear he didn't deserve what he got, but on the surface at least it doesn't look like he was in the end a guy to be revered either.

I like to apologize to the members of this board, I didn't realize I was on a board with nothing but SAINTS and people who have never done anything wrong and who are alwasy the perfect husbands and fathers. Again I apologize.
I never said I was a saint or that I don't make mistakes as a husband or a father. I beat myself up when I disappoint my wife or my son. But just as you get frustrated by people judging McNair without all the facts, I get frustrated that people take it so lightly when people cheat on their spouses. The affair may be none of my business, but it does tear apart families, which in the long run affects our society and how people live their lives. If you don't think the high divorce rate in our country has had an impact on our children and how they view and act in relationships, then I don't think you are paying attention.
& publicly dating a woman 16 years your junior doesn't win you any points in the husband father category. no matter the marriage situation. you're still married.
WOW! just WOW! So dating a younger woman makes him a bad father. You Sir are amazing.
you sir, need to read a little more carefully. the age of the girl only makes it worse in eye of public opinion.
Maybe you Sir need to clean your own closet and worry more about yourself than this man's life. The eye of public opinion what a joke.
:lmao:my closet's fine. thanks though. the facts are just that, the facts.
Let's simmer down, guys. The "facts" of the case are still being unravelled by the authorities. No need to get screamy with each other in the postings. Mr. Black, the sarcastic apology to the whole board was provocative and unnecessary. Please refrain from incendiary posts such as that in future. If I need to, I'll suspend posting priviledges but I prefer to not do so. MW

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