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Otis fad diet thread — yoga, fasting, and kevzilla walking on🚶‍♂️ (2 Viewers)

I don't think I could run any slower. I'd be walking.
I hear you. But, having just recently gone down that road while already comfortably running longer distances at faster paces, trust me, you can. I was doing 12:30 miles at one point when I started MAF training to keep my HR at 140. I'd have to walk at times, even.

Yesterday, one of my miles was in the 9's with the same HR. 

It can be stupid slow at first and frustrating, but it works. I also dropped ~15 pounds in about 3 months without even trying to.

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I hear you. But, having just recently gone down that road while already comfortably running longer distances at faster paces, trust me, you can. I was doing 12:30 miles at one point when I started MAF training to keep my HR at 140. I'd have to walk at times, even.

Yesterday, one of my miles was in the 9's with the same HR. 

It can be stupid slow at first and frustrating, but it works. I also dropped ~15 pounds in about 3 months without even trying to.
Ok I’m in on this. 

I hear you. But, having just recently gone down that road while already comfortably running longer distances at faster paces, trust me, you can. I was doing 12:30 miles at one point when I started MAF training to keep my HR at 140. I'd have to walk at times, even.

Yesterday, one of my miles was in the 9's with the same HR. 

It can be stupid slow at first and frustrating, but it works. I also dropped ~15 pounds in about 3 months without even trying to.
2 MAF questions that I’ll ask here because we are more noobs in here than the 10k thread.

1. To get the benefit of MAF runs on the HR do you have to do it consistently or can I mix a faster run in?  Does it just delay the benefit some or does it the “fast” run negate it?

2. MAF for weight loss - I still feel like I’m eating a ton when I do these - I did 9.5 miles today and was starving.  I did a much harder run yesterday so maybe the hunger was carry over from that??

2 MAF questions that I’ll ask here because we are more noobs in here than the 10k thread.

1. To get the benefit of MAF runs on the HR do you have to do it consistently or can I mix a faster run in?  Does it just delay the benefit some or does it the “fast” run negate it?

2. MAF for weight loss - I still feel like I’m eating a ton when I do these - I did 9.5 miles today and was starving.  I did a much harder run yesterday so maybe the hunger was carry over from that??
You're not supposed to do any fast running. It negates the gains, apparently. In fact, you aren't supposed to even lift weights or do any activity that gets that HR in an anaerobic zone. 

It's almost assuredly not a black/white all or nothing thing so I'm sure you still get some benefit either way, but done the way it's described, you have to commit to it and give it time. I'd say I was about 90% compliant overall.

December 9 Row: 10,012m  - MAF

Total distance so far: 49,247m 

49:29; average HR 136; max HR 155;  600-736 calories burned

Back to back 10ks, and just about halfway to the December goal.  Tried this MAF thing, and I think I cold do this.  I figure my MAF goal is right around 140, so trying to keep it between 130-140 (average HR at 136).  I did hit a max HR of 155, and a few times it spiked, but I tried my best to keep it down right around 140 or lower.  Interesting, my Forerunner 945 seems to confirm my estimated goal HR of 140, as it shows different HR zones and shows the aerobic zone from about 130-141; 142 starts the "threshold" zone.  So, makes it easy to keep an eye on my watch and stay below that.  

Keeping on it.

Week 1(again)  wiegh in** : - 4lbs

** I didnt really start until wednesday night and didnt weigh myself.  I had an idea about what I weighed give or take a pound so I'm just going with an even number that is close and makes me feel better :)   it might only be 3 but whatever.  I have an even number to start with now

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Had a bad eating week although I ran 30 miles. 
Me too, but 52 miles + strength training. The next 8 days look like more of the same, so sustain the mileage and lifting. May have a brief reprieve to reset the system the week before christmas, but not going to bank on it. Haven't weighed myself in a month, but clothes are all fitting the same. Goal is to get to Dec 29 in the same spot. Accomplish that then get back to a cleaner diet.

9/9:  Embarrassing starting weight

9/16:  -6.0 lbs

9/23:  -3.0 lbs

9/30:  -2.2 lbs

10/7:  -3.0 lbs

10/14:  +1.0 lb  

10/21:  -4.4 lbs

10/28:  -1.4 lbs

11/4:  -2.0 lbs

11/10:  -1.0 lb

[missed week]

11/25:  -2.4 lbs

12/2:  -1.4 lbs

12/9:  -2.4 lbs

Total through 13 weeks:  -28.2 lbs

Major milestone achieved:  I now weigh less than my driver's license says I do.

9/9:  Embarrassing starting weight

9/16:  -6.0 lbs

9/23:  -3.0 lbs

9/30:  -2.2 lbs

10/7:  -3.0 lbs

10/14:  +1.0 lb  

10/21:  -4.4 lbs

10/28:  -1.4 lbs

11/4:  -2.0 lbs

11/10:  -1.0 lb

[missed week]

11/25:  -2.4 lbs

12/2:  -1.4 lbs

12/9:  -2.4 lbs

Total through 13 weeks:  -28.2 lbs

Major milestone achieved:  I now weigh less than my driver's license says I do.
Your state driver's license has weight?  That's odd.

Day 8/100

Working tonight, so I did a 20min TV workout with a ton of stretching. Not sure what I'll do between shifts tomorrow, but probably a short run. Planning on trying to replicate the MAF run on Wednesday, but see if I can hit 5 miles.

Diet: Slept all day. No food. Tonight will be wedding soup that my wife made, and maybe some crackers or a grilled cheese. I'll have an apple for a snack, and probably some 5am cheerios.

Bank: $80/100

You lose weight and you lose points...what kind of voodoo is this?!?!  ;)
Just like bmr;  you lose weight and now you have even less calories you can consume if you want to stay at your new weight.  It was a lot cooler when I was fat and had a lot more calories to play with.

K4 — in all seriousness, would you and Mista Krista recommend this WW thing?  Asking for a pudgy friend. 
I think it depends upon your personality.  My type:  anal and make spreadsheets and charts for fun, so tracking is right up my alley.  Also I love a challenge and hate to lose (except weight). So it kinda fits.  I think you've done MFP in the past?  I don't know the ins and outs of that but figure it's similar with the tracking.

On the other hand, Mr. krista is unorganized and much more laid back than I am.  He did well at first but fell off.  He's trying to get back "on" but it feels like I'm constantly asking if he's tracking, which isn't that much fun.  Another program could be better for him, but I'm not sure.

WW only had one option when we started but changed to three different plans maybe a month ago.  We were in what is now the "blue" plan so just stuck with that since it seems to be working, but you might prefer one of the other two.  Basically they are tiered so that you can have more daily points but fewer zero-point foods, or more zero-point foods but fewer daily points.  The "blue" that we're on is in the middle.

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December 10 Row: 10k  - MAF

Total distance so far: 59,247m 

47:54; average HR 137; max HR 149;  600-732 calories burned

Keeping on this MAF thing.  Lowered my 10k time today by almost 2 minutes, while also managing to decrease my max HR to below 150, but increase my average HR.  So, getting better at controlling my HR and keeping it in the zone.  Shame it even went up to 149, that was only for like a millisecond, otherwise I was mostly well below 145 and right on the money around 140.

Staying the course.  Not lifting weights during this thing, since I'm apparently now rowing a 10k every day.  Truth is right now I probably need the cardio more than the lifting; I'll get back to that eventually.  

Your state driver's license has weight?  That's odd.
Definitely seems odd. I imagine it’s to help make identification easier, but what are they going to do if someone is obviously lying about their weight?

”Haha, yeah right fatty, please step on the scale over here and let’s find out your REAL weight tubby.”

are the ergometers you brohans and brohanistas are using the air fan kind or do they have the water thing i do not mind the air kind but the water kind can go to the place down under where the big kahuna aint in my opinion take that to the bank 

are the ergometers you brohans and brohanistas are using the air fan kind or do they have the water thing i do not mind the air kind but the water kind can go to the place down under where the big kahuna aint in my opinion take that to the bank 
Air kind.  Concept 2.

are the ergometers you brohans and brohanistas are using the air fan kind or do they have the water thing i do not mind the air kind but the water kind can go to the place down under where the big kahuna aint in my opinion take that to the bank 
Air kind.  Concept 2.
youre gonna want to hit about 615 or so for 2k if you want to make the team less if you are trying to get in to harverd take that to the bank brohan 

dont forget the barf bucket if you are doing a 2k race you go like hell and then barf that is how you win when man confronts you on river in a skull he is enemy take that to the bank bromigo

K4 — in all seriousness, would you and Mista Krista recommend this WW thing?  Asking for a pudgy friend. 
I know you are 50/50 serious/schtick in here but my god man, you have to stick with something for more than a day or two to see any results.  I think they only thing that will meet your combination of goals and patience-level is liposuction.  Glllllll.

I know you are 50/50 serious/schtick in here but my god man, you have to stick with something for more than a day or two to see any results.  I think they only thing that will meet your combination of goals and patience-level is liposuction.  Glllllll.

2-5 days is the norm...but we will every once in awhile see 1-2 weeks.  The problem is one little derailment is an excuse to blow the fad-of-the-day up.

my advice and it is serious advice because i have had several big surgeries where i had the pleasure of sitting on the couch for two months after getting cut up three times and seeing how fat i could get is 1 keep up some sort of work out routine no matter what it is try to burn 500 to 650 calories every other day with something then on the days in between do weights about a total of 45 to 60 minutes in the gym each day and then 2 stop noodles and bread use green beans or something else to replace them and stop with booze at night its dumb suger calories that just ruin everything you did in the day and slowly but surely in a few months you will drop 15 to 20 pounds take that to the bank bromigo 

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my advice and it is serious advice because i have had several big surgeries where i had the pleasure of sitting on the couch for two months after getting cut up three times and seeing how fat i could get is 1 keep up some sort of work out routine no matter what it is try to burn 500 to 650 calories every other day with something then on the days in between do weights about a total of 45 to 60 minutes in the gym each day and then 2 stop noodles and bread use green beans or something else to replace them and stop with booze at night its dumb suger calories that just ruin everything you did in the day and slowly but surely in a few months you will drop 15 to 20 pounds take that to the bank bromigo 
My version of eat less, move more, and lose weight.   

Holiday lunch yesterday and breakfast today....

Blew through my daily budget. Yesterday wasn't terrible. Today was. Still have bonus left over lol

Holiday lunch yesterday and breakfast today....

Blew through my daily budget. Yesterday wasn't terrible. Today was. Still have bonus left over lol
I’ve had some truly awful days, spending more than twice my daily budget, so don’t be too concerned about that happening now and then.

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Day 9/10 of 100

Had to work last night so I did a 20min TV workout. Today I slept til about 5 when my wife got home from work. That's unusual, but I guess I needed it. Went to the gym and hit the treadmill for an hour. Did a 5k at a 10:30 pace, then did the remainder with MAF in mind, with my HR around 124. 

I think I'm going to tweak my rules for myself, and require an hour of activity on my days off. That would add about another 2000k/cals burned per week. I'll keep the 20min requirement for days that I'm working.

Diet: Dinner was turkey sausage, mac and cheese and salad. Not great, but I kept the mac and cheese under control.

Bank: $100

December 12 Row: 6,340m  - MAF 30 min row

Total distance so far: 65,587m 

Took the day yesterday for a couple reasons, one being we hadn't slept, one being I probably needed a day off.  Ended the work day on a low note yesterday with a crappy call at work from a client, never fun getting chewed out but especially when it's not your fault.  So yesterday was just crappy all around.  That said, got a great night of sleep last night, got a good row in this morning, and I'm ready for a better day.  Let's go get 'em.
Keep at it.  The circumstances you described make it that much harder to get up early and workout...but nothing makes you feel better than doing just that  :thumbup:

Also, get your ### back out running too  :pickle:

December 12 Row: 6,340m  - MAF 30 min row

Total distance so far: 65,587m 

Took the day yesterday for a couple reasons, one being we hadn't slept, one being I probably needed a day off.  Ended the work day on a low note yesterday with a crappy call at work from a client, never fun getting chewed out but especially when it's not your fault.  So yesterday was just crappy all around.  That said, got a great night of sleep last night, got a good row in this morning, and I'm ready for a better day.  Let's go get 'em.
I cannot wait to be home. Only one more plane ride with the 18 month old and then I’m back in the game. 

Keep at it.  The circumstances you described make it that much harder to get up early and workout...but nothing makes you feel better than doing just that  :thumbup:

Also, get your ### back out running too  :pickle:
Yes I plan to get back out running. Knee is solid again. I’ll give it a whirl once I close out 100k rowing, probably Christmas week. 

I’ll try starting with two days a week running and see if the body holds up. 

Day 11/100

Didn't hit my hour today. Had company coming over, but knocked out 35mins/3 miles or so running.

Diet: Lunch was a can of soup and cheese w/ crackers. Dinner: Panera style turkey chili. Had a few cookies too.

Bank: $110


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