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Otis fad diet thread — yoga, fasting, and kevzilla walking on🚶‍♂️ (1 Viewer)

Didn’t row this morning.  3yo and this pesky head cold kept us up all night, woke up feeling like garbage.  Going to take the day and work from home.  If I feel better later this afternoon, I’ll try and get one in.  really just need to get well.  

But I will seriously hit the grocery store later today and pick up some fruits and vegetables.  Maybe a big chef salad for dinner. 

You've got to try it at least once.   That could be the holy grail you've been searching for all these years.   
My wife does WW from time to time, Otis doesn't strike me as the 'track every little thing' type of guy though (nor am I) so I think the "just eat a bunch of fruits and vegetables" idea seems better. 

Nice and easy row today O you got this, getting your breath going a bit (not too much!) is good for a cold.  

December 3 Row: 6,055 - did 3 intervals of 2K with 2 minutes rest between so got some bonus meters it appears.

Total distance so far: 16,055

Split 1: 1:57.2

Split 2: 1:58.9

Split 3: 2:01.8

Overall: 1:59.3

Thought I had more in the tank for the last leg but alas I did not. Next time I do this workout will try to keep the first 2 at around 1:59 then get the final split lower than that. 

Your move @Otis

Day 2/100

4.5 mile run/walk in the park.

Lunch: Can of spinach tortellini soup (220 cals)

Dinner: It'll  be grilled chicken with jalapenos and avocado, with some queso.

Snack: Probably an apple and cheese

One of the difficulties of this season is that at work every night  from now until Christmas they have "Tea at Two, " so at 2am they roll out a cart loaded with tea, hot chocolate and sweets. I have no illusions that I won't indulge at all, but I'll keep it small.

Bank: $20

Elegant Diet

@Otis, this is a MUST WATCH for you (and everyone else in here). It's 8 minutes. 

@MAC_32 will love it since he's been screaming this forever.
Good video and I do agree with most of this but do think her slide about it being more about health than weight is accurate.  And for basically everyone being healthy is our main goal (or I'm assuming it is).  The small quibble I have is she seems to want to lean on CICO as being important while still noting that processed foods are horrible and food with added sugar is bad for you.  She should flesh that out a little bit and point out the addictive quality of some foods.  But there's no denying that if you want to be healthier then ONE good way to do it is eat more fruit and veggies.

One thing I personally struggle with is how much better I felt and how much weight I lost and how good my biomarkers got when doing low carb.  I've taken the advice of some on here and my nutrionist at work and added more fruit and veggies and even more so beans/nuts.  Maybe I would have gotten the same results if I did that sooner but anecdotally I saw someone (me) eat almost no fruit and limited veggies and by all measures got very healthy.  I can't reconcile that quite yet. 

Good video and I do agree with most of this but do think her slide about it being more about health than weight is accurate.  And for basically everyone being healthy is our main goal (or I'm assuming it is).  The small quibble I have is she seems to want to lean on CICO as being important while still noting that processed foods are horrible and food with added sugar is bad for you.  She should flesh that out a little bit and point out the addictive quality of some foods.  But there's no denying that if you want to be healthier then ONE good way to do it is eat more fruit and veggies.

One thing I personally struggle with is how much better I felt and how much weight I lost and how good my biomarkers got when doing low carb.  I've taken the advice of some on here and my nutrionist at work and added more fruit and veggies and even more so beans/nuts.  Maybe I would have gotten the same results if I did that sooner but anecdotally I saw someone (me) eat almost no fruit and limited veggies and by all measures got very healthy.  I can't reconcile that quite yet. 
the weight i've lost,  is a by product of my wanting to be healthier.   that's it.  nothing else.  

Day 2/100

4.5 mile run/walk in the park.

Lunch: Can of spinach tortellini soup (220 cals)

Dinner: It'll  be grilled chicken with jalapenos and avocado, with some queso.

Snack: Probably an apple and cheese

One of the difficulties of this season is that at work every night  from now until Christmas they have "Tea at Two, " so at 2am they roll out a cart loaded with tea, hot chocolate and sweets. I have no illusions that I won't indulge at all, but I'll keep it small.

Bank: $20
You keep eating like that and the pounds will be falling off.   

did day 20 of the plank challenge.  no issues with the back  i'll continue on, as long as it doesn't hurt. day 30 is 18 minutes :mellow:  
Great job.  I think you were very smart to take that time off while on your ski trip.  You could have done some damage.  

Finished Day 29 - 11 minutes today!  I feel like I need a celebration tomorrow after I complete Day 30.  Maybe a glass of wine (or two) as I haven't had any for several days.

krista4 said:
Great job.  I think you were very smart to take that time off while on your ski trip.  You could have done some damage.  

Finished Day 29 - 11 minutes today!  I feel like I need a celebration tomorrow after I complete Day 30.  Maybe a glass of wine (or two) as I haven't had any for several days.
Compared to where you were before, this is awesome. Congrats. I would think it makes drinking the wine that much more enjoyable when you do, too.

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Compared to where you were before, this is awesome. Congrats. I would think it makes drinking the wine that more enjoyable when you do, too.
Thank you, and you're absolutely right.  I was thinking about it earlier today, and while I suspected at the beginning that wine had become too much of a habit for me, I'm absolutely certain now that it was.  Maybe I wasn't drinking to the point of drunkenness, but had a pretty much everyday habit of pouring a glass, which then usually became another, just out of boredom and habit.  

Now I almost never drink at home, only on rare occasions if Mr. krista has cooked up a big steak or something that is just screaming for a glass of red.  I also think it tastes that much better, too, as you said! 

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@krista4, @DA RAIDERS Is there consensus on a "maintenance level" plank amount? 

It seems to me that if getting healthier means implementing a life style change and the plank is part of that change, what happens on day 31? Find it impossible to believe that I might embrace spending 18+ minutes in a number of painful postitions every day for the remainder of my life

@krista4, @DA RAIDERS Is there consensus on a "maintenance level" plank amount? 

It seems to me that if getting healthier means implementing a life style change and the plank is part of that change, what happens on day 31? Find it impossible to believe that I might embrace spending 18+ minutes in a number of painful postitions every day for the remainder of my life
I take it you aren’t married 

December 4 Row: 6595

Total distance so far: 15,107

Well, took yesterday off I just felt so awful and sleep deprived.  But  got a great night of sleep last night.  Woke up still really congested and not feeling great, but didn't want to fall too far off pace.  So, tried to do enough to cover yesterday and today and get back on pace.  On a 3700+m pace now, which is fine.  Also didn't push it or sprint, just did a moderate 30 mins.  

@eaganwildcats quick question for you -- what resistance setting do you have your Concept2 on?  Mine was set at 6 when it came in and I've just left it there.  I'm not sure it matters, as you can get to the same distance one way or another, but just curious.  

AAABatteries said:
Good video and I do agree with most of this but do think her slide about it being more about health than weight is accurate.  And for basically everyone being healthy is our main goal (or I'm assuming it is).  The small quibble I have is she seems to want to lean on CICO as being important while still noting that processed foods are horrible and food with added sugar is bad for you.  She should flesh that out a little bit and point out the addictive quality of some foods.  But there's no denying that if you want to be healthier then ONE good way to do it is eat more fruit and veggies.

One thing I personally struggle with is how much better I felt and how much weight I lost and how good my biomarkers got when doing low carb.  I've taken the advice of some on here and my nutrionist at work and added more fruit and veggies and even more so beans/nuts.  Maybe I would have gotten the same results if I did that sooner but anecdotally I saw someone (me) eat almost no fruit and limited veggies and by all measures got very healthy.  I can't reconcile that quite yet. 
Losing excess weight is healthy. You’ll see improvement in cholesterol and insulin resistance with just about any diet that results in weight loss. But using cholesterol and glucose control as surrogates of health overlooks a lot of the additional benefits of plant based diets, probably in part related to the amount of fiber and micronutrients in fruits/veggies versus animal products.

As I’ve said multiple times before, we’re probably gonna need another couple decades of data to really know if VLC diets are healthy beyond their effects on weight loss. In the interim, I’ll stick with a diet more similar to cultures known for longevity, none of which are low carbohydrate.

Losing excess weight is healthy. You’ll see improvement in cholesterol and insulin resistance with just about any diet that results in weight loss. But using cholesterol and glucose control as surrogates of health overlooks a lot of the additional benefits of plant based diets, probably in part related to the amount of fiber and micronutrients in fruits/veggies versus animal products.

As I’ve said multiple times before, we’re probably gonna need another couple decades of data to really know if VLC diets are healthy beyond their effects on weight loss. In the interim, I’ll stick with a diet more similar to cultures known for longevity, none of which are low carbohydrate.
Right and I’ve made some changes based on your advice (among others) - what I struggle with is a few things:

1. Your comment that it may be decades before we know - and while I agree with you it at least seems to me that you acknowledge that they may be (beyond weight loss).  Your point is valid about sticking to more tried and true (fruit/veggies, etc.) but....

2. My biggest issue is the idea of sticking to your diet.  In an ideal world we set kids up for success by having them eat healthy and exercise their entire lives.  Unfortunately, a vast majority (of Americans) don’t follow that plan and for some people, like me, they find it hard to break out of the SAD without some help.  I’m convinced I could have never gotten to the point I am today by switching my diet to the diet from that video.  And not because it doesn’t work but rather because I could never have stuck with it.

3. And this point just reiterates some of #1 and #2 but the whole bias of our experiences - I’m guilty.  I know what worked for me - I’m convinced it can work for others and I’m not convinced it’s a bad approach - I’m willing to concede it’s not ideal but I needed something I could stick to.  I think ultimately a lot of us in here have come to that same conclusion - do what works for you.  Even today if I tried to do her 800g challenge I would fail.  It’s much easier for me to do IF or even a full day fast or VLC for a few weeks (if I’m trying to lose a few).

I’ve said before that I genuinely feel this thread bought me more years and better quality years and good discussions like these are part of the reason why.  Thanks!

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December 4 Row: 6595

Total distance so far: 15,107

Well, took yesterday off I just felt so awful and sleep deprived.  But  got a great night of sleep last night.  Woke up still really congested and not feeling great, but didn't want to fall too far off pace.  So, tried to do enough to cover yesterday and today and get back on pace.  On a 3700+m pace now, which is fine.  Also didn't push it or sprint, just did a moderate 30 mins.  

@eaganwildcats quick question for you -- what resistance setting do you have your Concept2 on?  Mine was set at 6 when it came in and I've just left it there.  I'm not sure it matters, as you can get to the same distance one way or another, but just curious.  
Mine is set at 5. I remember googling it when I first bought it, but don't think there was a ton of rhyme or reason to choosing 5 other than "it's halfway between 1 & 10". Solid row - I find the early wakeup impressive. Will be getting mine in this AM / over lunch (working from home is great).

My biggest issue is the idea of sticking to your diet.  In an ideal world we set kids up for success by having them eat healthy and exercise their entire lives.  Unfortunately, a vast majority (of Americans) don’t follow that plan and for some people, like me, they find it hard to break out of the SAD without some help.  I’m convinced I could have never gotten to the point I am today by switching my diet to the diet from that video.  And not because it doesn’t work but rather because I could never have stuck with it.
Very macro level answer: you will never reach everyone - probably not a meaningfully large %. Many people developed bad habits from their parents then pass those same bad habits along to their kids. Our society is pre-programmed to take the path of least resistance that satisfies us most right now; future be damned. Not wrt diet, but everything. So naturally the same habits are reflected in dietary choices.

I think the goal should be to just reach out to some people. Get through to as many as you can then let the tree effect take it from there. If you get 11 people then each of those 11 will get 11 more on their own. Sustain this and we will be healthier. And I think the best way to accomplish that is to keep it simple. Let others develop their own anecdotal samples. Providing our own can be effective, but not in every circumstance. Overloading someone making an effort to get healthy with conflicting info won't put them in an environment to be successful.


Long time/first time.

Only diet I ever went on was Atkins during it's heyday. Dropped 30lbs down to 160 with people asking me if I was okay. I began running again- something I can never seem to undertake gradually- which precipitated my first meniscus tear surgery. Second came a couple of years later. Like most of us, I slowly put some of that weight back on. And the knees don't like that. Synvisc shots helped BIG time.

Mrs glock underwent two major surgeries this past summer: abdominal surgery- that delayed a scheduled hip replacement- to remove a football sized :shock: tumor that turned out to be benign...aaand that hip replacement. She has come out the other side driven by her pre-hab and the successful outcome of her hip replacement.

This all coincided with our 20 year old's sudden desire to become a vegetarian.

Or at least NOT eat meat. In our efforts to support him in this endeavor, mom and dad have basically cut out meat and inserted plant based eating in it's place. Not having the same passion for avoiding meat as my boy, I "cheat" with chicken, turkey, ham sammiches for lunches at work and the occasional burger. But there are amazing meat substitute sources of protein out there. I'm eating veggies in forms I never knew existed and Trader Joe's has been a blessing in this area.  I don't miss all the "real" meat at all. My morning :cough: constitutions are awesome. And being someone who falls into the "eat to live" camp as opposed to the "live to eat" camp, this is working great for me. I dropped from a pretty steady 186 to an even 170 over the course of the summer and am easily holding there. Since I've been battling little old man boo-boos during that time, my exercise regimen has been reduced to some walking, an awesome 1/2 hour yoga based wake up program @ 5:30 AM, some planking and quad work (knees). I can't wait to get back to the Y.

Moral to the story? Going semi-veggie works, and doesn't involve all of the mental gymnastics of counting calories, etc. It just works.

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Long time/first time.

Only diet I ever went on was Atkins during it's heyday. Dropped 30lbs down to 160 with people asking me if I was okay. I began running again- something I can never seem to undertake gradually- which precipitated my first meniscus tear surgery. Second came a couple of years later. Like most of us, I slowly put some of that weight back on. And the knees don't like that. Synvisc shots helped BIG time.

Mrs glock underwent two major surgeries this past summer: abdominal surgery- that delayed a scheduled hip replacement- to remove a football sized :shock: tumor that turned out to be benign...aaand that hip replacement. She has come out the other side driven by her pre-hab and the successful outcome of her hip replacement.

This all coincided with our 20 year old's sudden desire to become a vegetarian.

Or at least NOT eat meat. In our efforts to support him in this endeavor, mom and dad have basically cut out meat and inserted plant based eating in it's place. Not having the same passion for avoiding meat as my boy, I "cheat" with chicken, turkey, ham sammiches for lunches at work and the occasional burger. But there are amazing meat substitute sources of protein out there. I'm eating veggies in forms I never knew existed and Trader Joe's has been a blessing in this area.  I don't miss all the "real" meat at all. My morning :cough: constitutions are awesome. And being someone who falls into the "eat to live" camp as opposed to the "eat to live" camp, this is working great for me. I dropped from a pretty steady 186 to an even 170 over the course of the summer and am easily holding there. Since I've been battling little old man boo-boos during that time, my exercise regimen has been reduced to some walking, an awesome 1/2 hour yoga based wake up program @ 5:30 AM, some planking and quad work (knees). I can't wait to get back to the Y.

Moral to the story? Going semi-veggie works, and doesn't involve all of the mental gymnastics of counting calories, etc. It just works.
I'll never give up meat completely but there are a lot of studies that link longevity with plant based diets.  The article below talks about one long living community that eats meat less than  times a month on average.


December 4 Row: 7,000 - 29:39.4 total time. Average 500 meter split = 2:07.1. Final 500 meter split = 1:52.4 💪

Total distance so far: 23,055

To each his or her own but I generally despise the "time-based" workouts so usually try to pick a distance around how long I want to row for. 

@krista4, @DA RAIDERS Is there consensus on a "maintenance level" plank amount? 

It seems to me that if getting healthier means implementing a life style change and the plank is part of that change, what happens on day 31? Find it impossible to believe that I might embrace spending 18+ minutes in a number of painful postitions every day for the remainder of my life
I mix in three one minute planks in between sets of whatever, about 2-3 times a week. I do this with various aB exercises, as I despise doing a bunch of aB only exercises, all at once.  

AAABatteries said:
Can you explain what you mean here?  Thanks!
when i started this wellness journey, it was about me getting healthier.  period.  coincidentally, i was at my heaviest weight ever.  i was over 200#, for the first time in my life.  i think 207# was the highest.  it wasn't the weight, that motivated me to start, it was the fact that getting off the floor, was a loud groaning affair.  getting winded playing with my daughter.  opting not to try out kite surfing, because my joints, my whatever.  getting seriously winded skiing.  not being cardio vascularly  fit, REALLY bothered me. in hindsight,  was some/most of this weight related?  of course.

but most importantly, my dad died at 51.  the age i am now.  so, 2.5 years ago, i decided to do something about it.  i've gone over this before in the thread, but i knew the only way for me to succeed, would be to pay through the nose for it.  i joined the most expensive gym around and hired their top trainer.  in our first session, my goals were to be able to get off the floor without making a ton of awful noises, to be more cardio vascularly fit and i didn't want to hurt myself(i had always hurt myself, when starting to work out again)  i worked with him for a year.  no weight loss goals at all in the beginning.  eventually, i started shooting for sub 185#

in a couple of weeks, i will have lived longer than my father.  i'm in really good shape.  i look good naked.  i am consistently under 185#  i'm quite healthy, eat very well and eat whatever i want.  and if i stopped drinking beer, i'd drop into the 170's.  but, like judge cavanaugh, i like beer. ;)   

Right and I’ve made some changes based on your advice (among others) - what I struggle with is a few things:

1. Your comment that it may be decades before we know - and while I agree with you it at least seems to me that you acknowledge that they may be (beyond weight loss).  Your point is valid about sticking to more tried and true (fruit/veggies, etc.) but....

2. My biggest issue is the idea of sticking to your diet.  In an ideal world we set kids up for success by having them eat healthy and exercise their entire lives.  Unfortunately, a vast majority (of Americans) don’t follow that plan and for some people, like me, they find it hard to break out of the SAD without some help.  I’m convinced I could have never gotten to the point I am today by switching my diet to the diet from that video.  And not because it doesn’t work but rather because I could never have stuck with it.

3. And this point just reiterates some of #1 and #2 but the whole bias of our experiences - I’m guilty.  I know what worked for me - I’m convinced it can work for others and I’m not convinced it’s a bad approach - I’m willing to concede it’s not ideal but I needed something I could stick to.  I think ultimately a lot of us in here have come to that same conclusion - do what works for you.  Even today if I tried to do her 800g challenge I would fail.  It’s much easier for me to do IF or even a full day fast or VLC for a few weeks (if I’m trying to lose a few).

I’ve said before that I genuinely feel this thread bought me more years and better quality years and good discussions like these are part of the reason why.  Thanks!
I’ve also altered my stance a bit, as I don’t want seeking perfection to be the enemy of the good. And for most people, losing weight is good, no matter the diet.

But I didn’t change my eating habits for weight loss, and believe animal welfare plus the environmental impact of plant-based diets shouldn’t be overlooked. Moreover, I didn’t find transitioning from the SAD very difficult. I believe a lot of people dig in their heels at the concept of giving up meat, convinced it will destroy their quality of life, without even giving plant based diets a chance.

But I think the tide is slowly changing, as evidenced by greater availability of meat substitutes and meat-less options. While not all of those are particularly healthy, for the most part I think VLC diets are moving in the opposite direction, encouraging people to indulge in meat, cheese, lard, bone broth, etc. Hopefully people settle on something a less extreme as more data is collected to help understand the long term health consequences of such diets.

Day 3/100

20 mins on the seated bike, followed by 20 mins of lifting.


Breakfast: Had a bowl of cheerios w/ 2% milk at about 5am

No lunch (slept all day after night shift)

Dinner: Pork tenderloin, rice, vegetables

Bank: $30

December 4 Row: 6595

Total distance so far: 15,107

Well, took yesterday off I just felt so awful and sleep deprived.  But  got a great night of sleep last night.  Woke up still really congested and not feeling great, but didn't want to fall too far off pace.  So, tried to do enough to cover yesterday and today and get back on pace.  On a 3700+m pace now, which is fine.  Also didn't push it or sprint, just did a moderate 30 mins.  

@eaganwildcats quick question for you -- what resistance setting do you have your Concept2 on?  Mine was set at 6 when it came in and I've just left it there.  I'm not sure it matters, as you can get to the same distance one way or another, but just curious.  
I've never rowed so have no concept of what these distances mean, but you guys seem to be killing and I love the challenge you're doing.  It's fun to read.

@krista4, @DA RAIDERS Is there consensus on a "maintenance level" plank amount? 

It seems to me that if getting healthier means implementing a life style change and the plank is part of that change, what happens on day 31? Find it impossible to believe that I might embrace spending 18+ minutes in a number of painful postitions every day for the remainder of my life
I mix in three one minute planks in between sets of whatever, about 2-3 times a week. I do this with various aB exercises, as I despise doing a bunch of aB only exercises, all at once.  
This is a fantastic question to which I had no good answer, so I'm glad Raiders answered already.  Working a minute or two in between other workouts seems like a good plan.

Speaking of planks, I finished Day 30 today!  I'm happy to say that I felt much stronger than I did when I completed it five months ago.  While I recall having to modify some of the planks last time (especially those GD side planks with arms raised), only once this time did I not complete the regimen as required, when on Day 23-ish with six seconds left on a side plank my right arm completely collapsed.  I did force myself back up to do 15 more seconds to make up for it.  

Happy that it was the end as my hyper-extended right elbow made me wish to die today.  I'll probably do the "maintenance" you guys mention and then start back on another 30-day challenge (intermediate this time) in January.

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Day 3/100

20 mins on the seated bike, followed by 20 mins of lifting.


Breakfast: Had a bowl of cheerios w/ 2% milk at about 5am

No lunch (slept all day after night shift)

Dinner: Pork tenderloin, rice, vegetables

Bank: $30
Just checking in to say I'm still here with you.  Started a few days early so completed Day 6 today.  My workouts are so boring I won't post unless something more interesting happens...NordicTrack, walk*, NT, NT, NT, walk*.  But I"m hanging in with you!

*My "walk" has been to farmers market and to do errands (CVS, Safeway) that are ~3 miles away.  "Walk" wouldn't qualify for elevated heart rate except (1) I walk very fast, and (2) more importantly, it's uphill both ways.  Not kidding.  And the uphill part on the way back is much steeper and, with the extra weight of apples/beets/carrots/potatoes/whathaveyou, is a lot more challenging.  I always try (and succeed) to do the uphill parts faster than the downhill.   :)  

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December 5 Row: 5016m

Total distance so far: 20,123m

Taking it easy, just trying to stay ahead of pace.  Another good night of sleep, and feeling meaningfully better this morning, and considered going longer but decided to just stay the course.  Once I'm more in a groove and 100% I'll do some more longer rows and I'd like to squeeze in a few 10ks this month.

I don't know about you, @eaganwildcats, but I find the thing that hurts me most at the end of my rows is my rear.  Starts to get really sore on that hard seat...

December 5 Row: 5016m

Total distance so far: 20,123m

Taking it easy, just trying to stay ahead of pace.  Another good night of sleep, and feeling meaningfully better this morning, and considered going longer but decided to just stay the course.  Once I'm more in a groove and 100% I'll do some more longer rows and I'd like to squeeze in a few 10ks this month.

I don't know about you, @eaganwildcats, but I find the thing that hurts me most at the end of my rows is my rear.  Starts to get really sore on that hard seat...
Heh - I don't really notice this anymore. I have been pushing pretty hard at the end so usually everything hurts. Going to be a dumpster fire on the work front today but am hopeful to get in the mid-day row. 

I would also consider mixing in some interval work (either the link I had sent before or the "Pete Plan") - helps change things up a bit when the steady distance gets too boring. 

Thanks @krista4  been thinking about trying "something" - I've lost weight on WW before.  I know I could probably do the same thing with MFP etc but I had success with WW before... even calcualting the stuff myself.  1 free month and digital only seems like it may be "Worth it" to try.

I put in my normal morning drink and it was 10 points...HOLY CRAP 

Super-secret formula:

I"m doing Weight Watchers, now called WW.  I didn't mention it at first because (1) it sounds like something old people and housewives do, (2) I wasn't sure if it works, and (3) Oprah.  Not doing any dumb stuff like meetings or official weigh-ins, but just using the app.

In the program I'm using I currently get 23 points per day and additional points per week to use.  There are a lot of zero-point foods that you can fill up on, including almost all fresh fruits and vegetables (avocados are one exception I can think of), eggs, seafood, chicken, turkey...obviously only if they are not cooked in oil or whatever.  Although presumably I could use all my daily and weekly points and still lose weight, only once have I ever done so.   That's part one of my WW strategy, always keeping under (usually materially) my weekly allotment.  

Part two relates to "activity points" that you accumulate every day.  I have my Apple Health app linked to the WW app so WW automatically gives me activity points for hikes, runs, walks, etc.  You can get extra food points by "switching" them for activity points that you've accumulated.  I NEVER switch for extra food points.  I see the activity as something entirely separate.  So while it is not bostonfred approved, I don't use the activity I get to give me room to eat more.  And I am also being conscious to get more exercise; my past three months have been a lot more active than my sluggish August, for instance.

Part three of my strategy is that I am insane about tracking; I don't miss anything or think "oh, I only had a little of that."  As I mentioned before, I've tracked half a potato chip, and on Thanksgiving I tracked one almond.   :lmao:   And if in doubt, I allot a food more rather than fewer points.  I don't "cheat" on tracking because what does that accomplish?  

It's working well for me so far!  Hoping that the progress will continue.  About 11 pounds to go.   :)   

ETA:  And I drink a lot, lot less wine.  One 5-oz. glass equals 4 points.  
WW really works.  I used it several years ago and lost about 20 pounds and gave it up as I hit my goal.  I slowly put that weight back on and a bit more over a couple of years and I am probably about 30 pounds over where I should/need to be. As a result, I have rejoined and started it this week as well as a new emphasis on working out.  I am hoping this time it can be a bit different as I hope I can lose the weight and then keep active which will help avoid putting it back on, which leads to...

Every year after Thanksgiving, I start to thinking about skiing (my one true athletic activity I love and can't live without) and actually work out regularly before and during ski season.  I did the same this year as I headed to the gym the weekend after  Thanksgiving.   My first ski trip is scheduled right after Christmas (which is usually the case) and working out after Thanksgiving gives me a month to start getting ready.  Of course once March comes, without fail there is no way I can find my way into a gym.   My real goal this time around is to keep this extra weight off and try to keep working out.  I have made some significant investments to hopefully make that happen (see Peloton thread).

Anyway, wish me luck.    

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krista4 said:
Just checking in to say I'm still here with you.  Started a few days early so completed Day 6 today.  My workouts are so boring I won't post unless something more interesting happens...NordicTrack, walk*, NT, NT, NT, walk*.  But I"m hanging in with you!

*My "walk" has been to farmers market and to do errands (CVS, Safeway) that are ~3 miles away.  "Walk" wouldn't qualify for elevated heart rate except (1) I walk very fast, and (2) more importantly, it's uphill both ways.  Not kidding.  And the uphill part on the way back is much steeper and, with the extra weight of apples/beets/carrots/potatoes/whathaveyou, is a lot more challenging.  I always try (and succeed) to do the uphill parts faster than the downhill.   :)  
I should clarify, my minimum is basically at least 20 mins of intentional activity that I wouldn't normally do. If I go for a long walk, as long as I'm doing it to get up and be active, then I can count it, even if my heart rate isn't exactly racing. So if I were in your shoes, if I would normally drive to do those errands, then it absolutely counts.

BTW, my workouts are boring too, but I find that posting them here helps w/ my accountability.

Day 4/100

2.2mi run/walk. I'm working tonight and tomorrow night, so tomorrow will probably be a yoga workout in front of the tv. My muscles are pretty tight from the past few days anyway, so hopefully that will also help.

Diet: Haven't eaten today. Will probably do the chicken/jalapeno/avocado concoction that I had the other night for dinner again, and an apple with jack cheese for a snack. I had routine blood work a month or so ago and my HDL is pretty low, so I'm trying to work in more avocados and olive oil. I don't like fish, so I have to find other sources. 

Bank: $40

Thanks @krista4  been thinking about trying "something" - I've lost weight on WW before.  I know I could probably do the same thing with MFP etc but I had success with WW before... even calcualting the stuff myself.  1 free month and digital only seems like it may be "Worth it" to try.

I put in my normal morning drink and it was 10 points...HOLY CRAP 
I'm tempted to do this too.    :unsure:

December 5 Row: 3,926  7x2x2

Total distance so far: 26,981

Split 1: 1:54.7

Split 2: 1:54.7

Split 3: 1:54.5

Split 4: 1:54.9

Split 5: 1:54.9

Split 6: 1:53.8

Split 7: 1:43.2
Damn, nice.  I'm so out of shape.

What's your S/M?  I'm going really slow.  My muscle memory is telling me to be really slow on the release, and I've been in the 20 range.  I read an optimal stroke rate is more like 25-30.  I have long legs, that's tricky for me.

I should clarify, my minimum is basically at least 20 mins of intentional activity that I wouldn't normally do. If I go for a long walk, as long as I'm doing it to get up and be active, then I can count it, even if my heart rate isn't exactly racing. So if I were in your shoes, if I would normally drive to do those errands, then it absolutely counts.

BTW, my workouts are boring too, but I find that posting them here helps w/ my accountability.
Ah, thanks for the clarification.  That will make it a little easier for me to do the full 100 days.

Holy crap even though I wasn't eating a ton it was way worse than I thought....
I feel you!  Had exactly the same reaction.  Good luck to you and to @Redwes25 on this.  Please keep us updated; we can all share our successes as well as commiserate.  By the way, I just had an insanely delicious steak tonight prepared by Mr. krista, together with roasted beets, roasted carrots, and pea shoots, all of which I love.  Total of 6 points for dinner between the steak and some olive oil used for roasting the vegetables!  It left me enough points to have a very nice glass of red wine along with it.   :)  

December 6 Row: 8599m

Total distance so far: 28,722m

39:24; average HR 143; max HR 165; something between 550-650 calories burned

Well, I came damn close to a 10k.  Just ran out of gas and, to be honest, beyond the wobbly legs, the thing that hurt the most?  My rear.  Yes, I had to stop working out because my ### hurt.  Seriously, that seat is hard.  I almost considered going back down and jumping on again to finish out another 1400m to make it a 10k day, but there's no rush, slow and steady.  I also did sleep like crap last night, and I still have this nasty head cold.  But the good news is I think I'm primed to shoot for a 10k after a couple of easier days.  Oh and almost 1/3 of the way through the challenge already!  Feeling good about that.

December 6 Row: 8599m

Total distance so far: 28,722m

39:24; average HR 143; max HR 165; something between 550-650 calories burned

Well, I came damn close to a 10k.  Just ran out of gas and, to be honest, beyond the wobbly legs, the thing that hurt the most?  My rear.  Yes, I had to stop working out because my ### hurt.  Seriously, that seat is hard.  I almost considered going back down and jumping on again to finish out another 1400m to make it a 10k day, but there's no rush, slow and steady.  I also did sleep like crap last night, and I still have this nasty head cold.  But the good news is I think I'm primed to shoot for a 10k after a couple of easier days.  Oh and almost 1/3 of the way through the challenge already!  Feeling good about that.
You are closer to 1/4 of the way than 1/3. HTH


PS: MOP math may help, but, really???


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