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UNOFFICIAL COVID-19: NOT the mainstream Narrative (3 Viewers)

He wasn't in the military to protect the government. There is no "greater good"; the only thing that matters is what's in the individual's best interests. 
I get that angle but also in this imaginary scenario, by doing what’s in his best interest he is supporting the machine that is robbing him of his freedom. Like a woman at work who participates in the culture of misogyny and abuse knowing it will get her in good with the old boys club yet also knowing it’s reinforcing the very system that will prevent her from ever being taken seriously at work. Tragic and complex figure. 

Thank you for your service. You're entitled to your opinion, obviously, and that should be respected. COVID-19 and all of the ramifications from it have been tough on everyone. Hopefully you can find peace and as the public health restrictions lessen we can all get back to the way we expect things to be. Have a great weekend.

I'm all for avoiding the mainstream when it comes to things like music or movies or Applebees, but as the great Cardi B once said, "CORONAVIRUS! This #### is real!"

That 22 yr old is just doing what she’s told by her boss

And the owner of the restaurant most definitely has authority to tell you to wear a mask in their place. 

If you don’t like it , you’re free to eat somewhere else 
Whoa - I feel like I am in bizzaro world - I pop into a FFA thread about a political topic and agree with cowboysfan about something.  


Is that what I said?  I'm simply pointing out the absurdity of where we're at in this country.  I walk into a restaurant where everyone at their table is unmasked while eating and socializing (I'm all for this btw) and the 22 year old hostess gets to tell me that I MUST cover up my two holes that God gave me to breathe with until I get to my table.  This doesn't make sense.  She has no authority over me and my health.
As you served then you are intimately aware freedom in America doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want.  I’m quite sure you did things while serving you didn’t want to do.  There are rules and laws. Private businesses have the right to set rules for their business as long as they follow the law. You as the customer have the freedom not to patronize said business, just like you chose not to do with The Dead.  

This entire situation has been so odd.  I think there is a group of people who enjoy simply being contrarian.  The issues in the early stages came about due to the mishandling of China by the WHO and the sometimes mind boggling contradictions as people looked to the US to get control of things. So this led to a lot of talking points and cherry picking of data, when most of the good information was there in Feb 2020 and became more cemented over time.  

The major blunder I believe can be explained well by this:


culdeus said:
This entire situation has been so odd.  I think there is a group of people who enjoy simply being contrarian.  The issues in the early stages came about due to the mishandling of China by the WHO and the sometimes mind boggling contradictions as people looked to the US to get control of things. So this led to a lot of talking points and cherry picking of data, when most of the good information was there in Feb 2020 and became more cemented over time.  

The major blunder I believe can be explained well by this:

That’s a great article, which nicely summarizes why the medical/public health community and aerosol scientists didn’t (and still don’t) see eye-to-eye. It’s a nice reminder how even “experts” can be way off-base, despite good intentions and understanding of the “science”. Even though support for aerosol transmission and masking may have been evident early in the pandemic, reliance on imperfect dogma buried in the medical literature jaundiced the initial infection control policy. Also of note, the screw ups don’t appear political in nature, at least above the level of public health bureaucracy.

Thanks for posting. It’s also worth reading the primary reference linked in the Wired article.

That’s a great article, which nicely summarizes why the medical/public health community and aerosol scientists didn’t (and still don’t) see eye-to-eye. It’s a nice reminder how even “experts” can be way off-base, despite good intentions and understanding of the “science”. Even though support for aerosol transmission and masking may have been evident early in the pandemic, reliance on imperfect dogma buried in the medical literature jaundiced the initial infection control policy. Also of note, the screw ups don’t appear political in nature, at least above the level of public health bureaucracy.

Thanks for posting. It’s also worth reading the primary reference linked in the Wired article.
It was political in the sense that the US would ultimately side with whomever would allow the most people to spend the most time indoors.  The who solution provided this along with all the safety theater of wipedowns.  

It was political in the sense that the US would ultimately side with whomever would allow the most people to spend the most time indoors.  The who solution provided this along with all the safety theater of wipedowns.  
I’m not sure I agree with your first sentence, but the WHO, CDC, et al. are clearly influenced by factors other than science. Still, I hope the politics of government bureaucracies can be separated from the standard tribal fare - maybe that isn’t a realistic expectation.   

So the letter F is worth a ban?  Why would the post you quoted be worth banning unless you're putting words into my posts?  Do you pretend to know what the F stands for? Because the FACT is that you have no idea what the F means.  You can guess, but then you're only guessing. Are you able to read my mind through the internet?  I only answer to my higher power and I haven't used profanity in years.  The F represented Forget but keep pretending you can read my mind.  It's clear that freedom of speech is NOT a value or right held by @Joe Bryant and I'll guess you never served your country either. So now we have folks who have done NOTHING for this country telling folks like me who HAVE SERVED what I can and cannot say.  'Merica!!
Yup.  Pretty much.  There's no requisite in this country to be in the military or no immunity for being in the military.  

businesses have a right to deny service to gays and the lbgt community.

also, businesses have no right to tell me i have to wear a mask or need to be vaccinated to enter.

culdeus said:
This entire situation has been so odd.  I think there is a group of people who enjoy simply being contrarian.  The issues in the early stages came about due to the mishandling of China by the WHO and the sometimes mind boggling contradictions as people looked to the US to get control of things. So this led to a lot of talking points and cherry picking of data, when most of the good information was there in Feb 2020 and became more cemented over time.  

The major blunder I believe can be explained well by this:

This and the terrible initial guidance of "masks don't help" (which seems to be related to this article as well as PPE shortages) really set us up for failure.  

culdeus said:
Thanks for the link.  @parasaurolophus and others who have been banging the ventilation drum would probably particularly enjoy this quote:

In the earliest days of the pandemic, Li convinced the administrators at the University of Hong Kong to spend most of its Covid-19 budget on upgrading the ventilation in buildings and buses rather than on things such as mass Covid testing of students.

This and the terrible initial guidance of "masks don't help" (which seems to be related to this article as well as PPE shortages) really set us up for failure.  
If you ask me, the masks don't (no do) help came about when it became clear that even without lockdowns there was a hesitancy to spend money.  Having masks up for places like Target gave a semblance of safety and brought people out of hiding to spend $$$.  Over time we will look back and say masks made nearly no impact except for some really funky corner cases where there was nearly no ventilation (i.e restaurants and to some extent schools)

Also odd choice serving in the military to protect the very government that you think is oppressing the people. 
I joined the military when I was 18 years old.  I'm now 47.  Do you have the same understanding of the world now as you did when you were 18?  Your post lacks deep thought and understanding of maturity and mental growth.

GAME -  a song written by the artist Pocock

When I was younger, I never was sold

That regular people should just do what we're told

By the hand that protects us until we get old

Now the people are servants and that's what is wrong

Looking back on my hunches from so long ago

It was clear and concise before my mind became grown

We can see this game

This suicidal path we've paved

This complex web of untamed rage

Yes, we can see this game

Bankers guide us by commerce, they created the mold

The rules we all follow as our freedom's been sold

Meanwhile all of the armies are trained to be cold

They're mission is simple: just do what you're told

You don't serve the people, you don't serve the whole

Just follow our lead, that's why you're 18 years old

We can see this game

This suicidal path we've paved

This complex web of untamed rage

Yes, we can see this game

As a species we've steepled, hung up on the call

We only profit in trinkets, pissed our souls down the stall

Just breathe to keep working for a limited cause

A negative harvest is a LOCK to be ours

I don't claim to know Jesus, John, Peter or Paul

But let our spirits unite and be awake for the call

So we can win this Mother F'ing Game

This suicidal path we've paved

This complex web of untamed rage


Jokes are supposed to be funny.  This thread is not a funny thread.  I don't think you were joking. I think you were being a smart butt and got called out and now you have nothing to say.  Just say sorry. It's ok to be wrong.
The whole thread is a joke. I think you are the one who isn’t getting it. You came out guns blazing rude and confrontational. Then people mostly began mocking you for it. 

The whole thread is a joke. I think you are the one who isn’t getting it. You came out guns blazing rude and confrontational. Then people mostly began mocking you for it. 
People mocking... what else is new.  Sorry for being passionate. I'm not a politician or public speaker, I speak my own truth with passion and conviction.  Sorry I don't have a team of writers and a teleprompter so I can talk like a robot.  People need to wake up.  Do you really not see the insanity surrounding COVID?  Apparently you don't but keep on mocking people who CARE and are trying to change the world for the better. You're picking on the wrong person but I'm not surprised.  Indoctrination is real. You probably think that's a conspiracy theory too.

I would encourage all you silent voices who see this thing for what it is to SPEAK UP and SPEAK OUT. I know you're out there but you've been shamed into silence.  Do it for you children.  It won't end until we all STOP COMPLYING and SPEAK OUT.

'Security', 'Safety' and 'the greater good' are the go-to strategy for every authoritarian.  These nice sounding words hypnotize people into their own bondage.

"People willing to trade their freedom for security deserve neither and will lose both" - Benjamin Franklin

People mocking... what else is new.  Sorry for being passionate. I'm not a politician or public speaker, I speak my own truth with passion and conviction.  Sorry I don't have a team of writers and a teleprompter so I can talk like a robot.  People need to wake up.  Do you really not see the insanity surrounding COVID?  Apparently you don't but keep on mocking people who CARE and are trying to change the world for the better. You're picking on the wrong person but I'm not surprised.  Indoctrination is real. You probably think that's a conspiracy theory too.
Was some of it over the top? Yes it’s silly to wear masks when walking into a restaurant but not when seated or the performative disinfecting of surfaces constantly. But no I don’t think this was some massive conspiracy to take our rights. I feel like my life is basically the same now as it was and I was fine with making some sacrifices the last year to save lives and try to stop the spread of a virus. There’s far far far far better places to focus your energy to make the world a better place.  

I would encourage all you silent voices who see this thing for what it is to SPEAK UP and SPEAK OUT. I know you're out there but you've been shamed into silence.  Do it for you children.  It won't end until we all STOP COMPLYING and SPEAK OUT.

'Security', 'Safety' and 'the greater good' are the go-to strategy for every authoritarian.  These nice sounding words hypnotize people into their own bondage.

"People willing to trade their freedom for security deserve neither and will lose both" - Benjamin Franklin
Authoritarian what? My life is literally the same as before except occasionally now I have to put a mask on for a few a little bit. 

I would encourage all you silent voices who see this thing for what it is to SPEAK UP and SPEAK OUT. I know you're out there but you've been shamed into silence.  Do it for you children.  It won't end until we all STOP COMPLYING and SPEAK OUT.
I agree with the approach that has been taken. I do, in fact, comply for the sake of my children and grandchildren. There's absolutely no shame involved. And if I were to speak out, it would much more likely be about people like you that allow this thing to continue to spread, allow new variants to develop, etc. rather than people like infectious disease experts that actually do know what they are talking about. That's not a knock against you personally. I just think you are way off in your beliefs and viewpoints.

I agree with the approach that has been taken. I do, in fact, comply for the sake of my children and grandchildren. There's absolutely no shame involved. And if I were to speak out, it would much more likely be about people like you that allow this thing to continue to spread, allow new variants to develop, etc. rather than people like infectious disease experts that actually do know what they are talking about. That's not a knock against you personally. I just think you are way off in your beliefs and viewpoints.
This thread, which I completely missed, really shows the affect on people's mental health over the past 15 months and I'm in your corner. Stuff like this really makes me worried about getting back to normal and letting the inmates loose again. Sure seems like a lot of pent up anger that turns into the next movie theater, post office or school shooting. I'm not off base thinking someone like this guy (don't want to accuse him personally) will see someone wearing a mask and "take action."

Personally, I'm glad my last kid just had his second shot (14 and no adverse reactions at all) so we can move freely while also doing our part to stop the spread completely.

:popcorn: for this thread. 

Can someone work up a bingo card with all the FlatCOVIDer buzzwords? I think we might already have a winner. 

I'm not reading the whole thread because I'm trying to salvage what brain cells I have left.. but I'm guessing these need to be said:

1) HIPPA applies to healthcare industry only. Schools, Employers, and Event Organizers 100% have the right do request proof of vaccination to gain entry/employment. 

2) Employees 100% have the right to require you to wear masks in their businesses.  You 100% have the right to not support those that do. 

3) I have the upmost respect and appreciation for those that served our country... expect for those who hold it over everyone else's head as a means to imply leverage or superiority. Those folks can bite me. I've got a LOT of friends who are currently serving and without exception they all mock the "YOU NEED TO THANK ME FOR MUH SERVICE" types. 

4) You're allowed to have your opinions. However when you have "opinions" that fly in the face of proven fact/science...  people are allowed to point out that you're wrong. If you're leveraging those "opinions" in such a manner to inhibit the greater good's agility to get past this pandemic, folks are within their rights to impede any damage you may be causing. 

5) I'm as "Small Government / Anti-Authoritarian" as you can get, and I think our Government was too SLOW and didn't do ENOUGH quickly enough on this. Thankfully now we have enough folks getting vaccinated to slow this down.

6) Unfortunately we have ~30% or so lesser educated Americans who refuse to get vaccinated because they still somehow have their heads in the sand about this. They, ironically, will be largely to blame when we have to shut things back down this fall when Delta/Kappa variants surge due to not having sufficient vaccination rate. 

But hey.... please carry on. Always nice to see how the other half lives. 

6) Unfortunately we have ~30% or so lesser educated Americans who refuse to get vaccinated because they still somehow have their heads in the sand about this. They, ironically, will be largely to blame when we have to shut things back down this fall when Delta/Kappa variants surge due to not having sufficient vaccination rate.
You've known what you're talking about from the jump, so I'll ask you, if I might: What are the chances the booster shots cover these variants in the fall?

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You've known what you're talking about from the jump, so I'll ask you, if I might: What are the chances the booster shots cover these variants in the fall?
The current variants are covered by the current vaccines (in the U.S., anyway) very well. Now the same may not be said for new variants that could (and likely will) crop up due to the large number of unvaccinated vectors. 

The current variants are covered by the current vaccines (in the U.S., anyway) very well. Now the same may not be said for new variants that could (and likely will) crop up due to the large number of unvaccinated vectors. 
What he said. 

Pfizer (and likely moderna) are supposedly ~88% effective vs Delta, vs ~96% on Alpha. We're likely in pretty good shape. 

Reportedly the Kappa variant has a high escape probability for both vaccinated and previously infected folks. Not confirmed, and hadn't read on its prevalence or Infectivity yet. 

Booster shots would presumably cover all known variants at the time, and possibly some future ones.  

IF we end up with a variant by fall that escapes, we'll likely need to re-impose some types of restrictions until we could get vaccination booster levels up. Could be months. 

Based on your take, you must also support any business who is racist. After all, it's that private business owner's RIGHT to serve and not serve whomever they choose, according to you.

This thread was created to discuss the other narratives around COVID-19, not your view on allowing racist business owners the RIGHT to serve whoever they want.  Please stay on topic.
This is a good question.

Business owners can refuse service to anyone they want -- including someone who's black or female or whatever.  What they can't do, under federal law, is deny service to blacks or females or whatever as a class.  Because of past (and ongoing in many cases) discrimination against them, the law protects some people.

Mask refusers are not a protected class.

So that's the answer to your question.  It's illegal to deny service on the basis of race, but it's not illegal to deny service to someone who doesn't believe in wearing masks.

The current variants are covered by the current vaccines (in the U.S., anyway) very well. Now the same may not be said for new variants that could (and likely will) crop up due to the large number of unvaccinated vectors. 
While it’s impossible to predict when mutations of functional significance will arise, it took the U.K. (alpha) variant roughly 6-7 months to evolve after the pandemic took hold. But as cases spiked in late fall/winter, the Indian (delta) variant was described only 3 months later. Fortunately, we’re on a downslope of new cases, approximating what we saw in the summer, and vaccinations in the developing world should be gaining steam, so hopefully we’ll go another half year before another significant mutant rears it ugly head.

The current variants are covered by the current vaccines (in the U.S., anyway) very well. Now the same may not be said for new variants that could (and likely will) crop up due to the large number of unvaccinated vectors. 
So starting vaccinations during a pandemic didn't lead to the variants?  Wow, ok.  

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So starting vaccinations during a pandemic didn't lead to the variants?  Wow, ok.  
I'm not sure what your point is there, GB? Are you implying the vaccines CAUSED the variants? If so, I'd object to that. Viruses mutate all the time. Usually to the virus' detriment. But every once in a while nature "gets it right" and a bigger/badder variant takes hold. (this is a good link someone posted in the COVID thread... there's a graphic towards the end of it that shows a mapping off all the variants...tl;dr: there are a BUNCH). And to that point...

The vaccines were designed in a way that is, at least currently, catching the variants. Without getting too sciency... Based on my understanding (which could certainly be incomplete), I think it's because of the spike proteins and the way they attach to the cells, and because all of the current known variants basically attach themselves in the same manner as the original virus strain, they are covered by the techniques that the current vaccines use to fight them. 

I'm not sure what your point is there, GB? Are you implying the vaccines CAUSED the variants? If so, I'd object to that. Viruses mutate all the time. Usually to the virus' detriment. But every once in a while nature "gets it right" and a bigger/badder variant takes hold. (this is a good link someone posted in the COVID thread... there's a graphic towards the end of it that shows a mapping off all the variants...tl;dr: there are a BUNCH). And to that point...

The vaccines were designed in a way that is, at least currently, catching the variants. Without getting too sciency... Based on my understanding (which could certainly be incomplete), I think it's because of the spike proteins and the way they attach to the cells, and because all of the current known variants basically attach themselves in the same manner as the original virus strain, they are covered by the techniques that the current vaccines use to fight them. 
Pretty sure I'm right here.  Just the downside of vaccinations during a pandemic.  Pretty sure if the vax was locked and loaded before it was wide spread the mutations would not be there.  But you got to do what you got to do.

Pretty sure I'm right here.  Just the downside of vaccinations during a pandemic.  Pretty sure if the vax was locked and loaded before it was wide spread the mutations would not be there.  But you got to do what you got to do.
Pretty sure you're right based on...what? If you have some evidence for this, would like to read it 

Pretty sure I'm right here.  Just the downside of vaccinations during a pandemic.  Pretty sure if the vax was locked and loaded before it was wide spread the mutations would not be there.  But you got to do what you got to do.
GB your messages aren't very clear. 

Are you saying: 

1) If we had an available vaccine at the start of covid we wouldn't have seen mutations because it would have nipped it in the bud and not had time to mutate.


2) By rolling out a vaccine in the middle of a pandemic, we caused the virus to mutate

I agree with 1. I strongly disagree with 2. 


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Pretty sure I'm right here.  Just the downside of vaccinations during a pandemic.  Pretty sure if the vax was locked and loaded before it was wide spread the mutations would not be there.  But you got to do what you got to do.
Not sure what you’re getting at.

More virus = more mutations. 

Pandemic —> a lot of virus.

Vaccine —> less virus.

So widespread vaccination decreases the likelihood a significant mutation will evolve. Does it introduce selective pressure if a mutation conferring vaccine resistance spontaneously arises? Sure. But the vaccine doesn’t cause mutations; sloppy viral replication does.

Since we didn’t have a vaccine prepared for this novel virus before it was widespread, the was no option to vaccinate earlier. Given the circumstances, what alternative strategy would you advocate?

alternatively, @IC FBGCav if this is what you were implying (and I believe I recall you stating at some point, perhaps in another thread)... about vaccines dampening your immune system, check this post out from Dear Pandemic (a team of docs and epidemiologists, among other things)

tl;dr = COVID-19 vaccines do not reduce your immune response to previous vaccinations or to new viral infections.

TL;DR: Our immune system is designed for IMMENSE flexibility to be able to respond to thousands of pathogens that we might encounter throughout our lives! COVID-19 vaccines induce an immune response to the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. A small fraction of immune cells will develop a response to the vaccine. Other immune cells that recognize other viruses, either from previous infections or vaccinations are not affected by COVID-19 vaccines and will continue to protect us against a variety of viruses that we have previously encountered or been vaccinated against. We also continue to have immune cells that have not committed to responding to a specific vaccine and are able to respond to new vaccines or infections. Depending on the infections we encounter, the specific pool of immune cells that can respond to the infection expands rapidly, deals with the infection and contracts back into a smaller pool of ‘memory’ immune cells.

GB your messages aren't very clear. 

Are you saying: 

1) If we had an available vaccine at the start of covid we wouldn't have seen mutations because it would have nipped it in the bud and not had time to mutate.


2) By rolling out a vaccine in the middle of a pandemic, we caused the virus to mutate

I agree with 1. I strongly disagree with 2. 

Understand your points and they may both be true.  Maybe there is no impact of vaxing during a pandemic but it seems highly unlikely.

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