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Official Great Works Draft (1 Viewer)

Um, guys, there's a problem I completely forgot about. This draft is going to take at least 3 months with 60 rounds. But in June I am going to the mountains for a week and a half (2nd half of the month, don't have the dates yet) I won't have access to a computer most of the time I'm there. I propose that once I have the dates, that we simply suspend the draft for that 10 days or so, since I'm afraid I won't be able to run it or make picks during that time.
Running it without you is not an issue. How about you get a partner to take over a few picks? We're going to average 14-18 picks a day, at most 4 rounds a week. 10 days less 2 or 4 weekend days...so you're looking at 5-6 picks out of 60?I don't want to set the precendent for you; I'm sure many people have vacation plans once finals are over or school lets out. No one person is bigger than the draft. :lmao:
I agree with you BL, but he owns the updates to the first page. I suppose it can be updated somewhere else while he is out.
1) Move US Constitution back to political document.2) Krista and I will split our team, for ease of picks (and knowing who to PM) I am going the odds and Krista will do the even picks. Double the brains, half the picks, we expect to win it all by twice the margin.
Tag team. I likey. :thumbup:
1) Move US Constitution back to political document.2) Krista and I will split our team, for ease of picks (and knowing who to PM) I am going the odds and Krista will do the even picks. Double the brains, half the picks, we expect to win it all by twice the margin.
Tag team. I likey. :unsure:
Which I think is BSWhen he picked, it was as a Wild Card.Now you change the rules in progress, and he gets an extra wild card pick, while owning a trump political doc as well.It is never a good idea, IMO, to change rules in progress :shrug:
Um, guys, there's a problem I completely forgot about. This draft is going to take at least 3 months with 60 rounds. But in June I am going to the mountains for a week and a half (2nd half of the month, don't have the dates yet) I won't have access to a computer most of the time I'm there. I propose that once I have the dates, that we simply suspend the draft for that 10 days or so, since I'm afraid I won't be able to run it or make picks during that time.
Running it without you is not an issue. How about you get a partner to take over a few picks? We're going to average 14-18 picks a day, at most 4 rounds a week. 10 days less 2 or 4 weekend days...so you're looking at 5-6 picks out of 60?I don't want to set the precendent for you; I'm sure many people have vacation plans once finals are over or school lets out. No one person is bigger than the draft. :shrug:
I'm with BL here. In your absence, we can still keep track of the picks and teams using the site Mister CIA developed. I'm taking a trip at the beginning of August that will make it tough for me to check in and will probably need a proxy to draft for me in the interim. I figure it's easier if we all do that than stopping the draft for some of us and not others.
1) Move US Constitution back to political document.2) Krista and I will split our team, for ease of picks (and knowing who to PM) I am going the odds and Krista will do the even picks. Double the brains, half the picks, we expect to win it all by twice the margin.
Tag team. I likey. :unsure:
Which I think is BSWhen he picked, it was as a Wild Card.Now you change the rules in progress, and he gets an extra wild card pick, while owning a trump political doc as well.It is never a good idea, IMO, to change rules in progress :shrug:
Meh. He drafted it thinking it was a political doc. It was most likely a #1 WC, now it's a #1 political doc. Not a big deal IMO.
I don't mind missing the picks. I was just worried about the update. That's fine, if someone else can keep track, and PM me all the picks I missed when I get back. I will just make all my missed picks whenever I get the chance to do so.

I agree with you BL, but he owns the updates to the first page. I suppose it can be updated somewhere else while he is out.
Quote/copy/paste/update. Not really a complicated solution.How many people didn't even notice DC Thunder missed about half the W.G.D.? He just sent a big cheat sheet to Misfitblondes. Mad Sweeney missed a ton of picks, and Flysack filled in just fine. timschochet can appoint someone, or just make up the picks when he comes back. We've had one drop out of 40 drafters in the G.A.D. and W.G.D. Folks in these groups have stick-to-it-tiveness (Krista4 - bust out the thesaurus please).As far as running the draft, pretty sure people will step up and keep the ball rolling. O.C. has compiled the point totals the last two drafts in Excel. I run the clock, but when I'm in the E.U. or unavailable Doug B or Yankee take over without being asked.It's not like any of the drafts have been totally dependent upon timschochet or especially burdensome to him alone; it's a collective effort from the whole group. They've been successful precisely because they don't depend on any single individual.
It's not like any of the drafts have been totally dependent upon timschochet or especially burdensome to him alone; it's a collective effort from the whole group. They've been successful precisely because they don't depend on any single individual.
This is exactly right.
1) Move US Constitution back to political document.2) Krista and I will split our team, for ease of picks (and knowing who to PM) I am going the odds and Krista will do the even picks. Double the brains, half the picks, we expect to win it all by twice the margin.
Tag team. I likey. :P
Which I think is BSWhen he picked, it was as a Wild Card.Now you change the rules in progress, and he gets an extra wild card pick, while owning a trump political doc as well.It is never a good idea, IMO, to change rules in progress :goodposting:
Meh. He drafted it thinking it was a political doc. It was most likely a #1 WC, now it's a #1 political doc. Not a big deal IMO.
It is a non-issue. As you said, the original intent was as a political doc, and it was followed by three artistic pieces, so it had zero effect in the interim.I guess you can argue we changed the rules - if you are really intent on picking a fight - but in point of fact timschochet unilaterally revised the category. After much support to re-institute the political docs, he wisely listened to the feedback he was getting.BTW Tides - this is ancillary to your point, but please be aware we do allow re-categorization. Lots of times you decide to fill a category with something else, so you move the original to WC (or vice-versa). That is allowed up until pick 1200.Wow.Twelve-friggin-hundred.
Over/under on 500 pages?
OverWGD went to 200+ right? We have 60 picks per as opposed to 23 picks per. Probably pretty easily over.
But Larry Boy 44 was in that draft...
Fair point. Maybe we'll be under then.
I think under. Somehow I don't think Fennis will still be arguing in Round 48 that the Constitution was the SOD.
:wub: :unsure:Forgot about this as well.
I've never understood what makes the Mona Lisa the most famous painting ever. Perhaps an expert can answer this: what distinguishes it from so many other portraits from the same era?

Over/under on 500 pages?
OverWGD went to 200+ right? We have 60 picks per as opposed to 23 picks per. Probably pretty easily over.
But Larry Boy 44 was in that draft...
Fair point. Maybe we'll be under then.
I think under. Somehow I don't think Fennis will still be arguing in Round 48 that the Constitution was the SOD.
But I was ready to argue it should have been a political document in round 48.
I've never understood what makes the Mona Lisa the most famous painting ever. Perhaps an expert can answer this: what distinguishes it from so many other portraits from the same era?
I have come to loathe Wiki for its consensus stance in so many articles, but this one is truly outstanding. Can't believe it hasn't made featured article status yet. Great writeup on the historiography, popularity, the 1911-13 theft and disappearance (you won't believe who got called in for questioning by the police :thumbdown: ). What I really enjoy, though, is the analysis of the details and the aesthetic appeal.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mona_Lisa

I will be out most of the day so on the off chance that it makes it to me today I'll probably be back around 6ish.

1.05 Doug B - Next Selection, clock is off

(until 10 a.m. Thursday)

1.06 Abrantes - On Deck

(PMs sent to both)

1.07 BobbyLayne - In The Hole

I've never understood what makes the Mona Lisa the most famous painting ever. Perhaps an expert can answer this: what distinguishes it from so many other portraits from the same era?
I have come to loathe Wiki for its consensus stance in so many articles, but this one is truly outstanding. Can't believe it hasn't made featured article status yet. Great writeup on the historiography, popularity, the 1911-13 theft and disappearance (you won't believe who got called in for questioning by the police :goodposting: ). What I really enjoy, though, is the analysis of the details and the aesthetic appeal.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mona_Lisa
There's a new book out about the theft of the Mona Lisa in 1912. I've read an excerpt in Vanity Fair and several reviews and it sounds like an interesting read. It's hard to believe how little security there was on the painting back in 1912 and how easy it was to steal. Then it took almost 2 years to find and recover. Less than six months later, WWI started and everybody sort of forgot about the theft.
Apparently the notoreity of the theft contributed greatly to its popularity. The thief got off pretty light, was even hailed as a hero back in Italy (and it was exhibited there before it was returned! hard to imagine).

Interesting how they moved it to several different locations during the war.

Apparently the notoreity of the theft contributed greatly to its popularity. The thief got off pretty light, was even hailed as a hero back in Italy (and it was exhibited there before it was returned! hard to imagine).

Interesting how they moved it to several different locations during the war.
It's also interesting how an Italian painting has become a national treasure of France. La Jaconda was sort of "stolen" by some king or other and taken back to France and it's been French ever since.
Famous art heists throughout history:


ETA: it was 1911 comrade - don't 'correct me' with misinformation!

I would be careful about angering DC Thunder if I were you, comrade. He has but to give me the order, and you will be purged from this draft. All mention of your name will be immediately and forever removed. It will be as if you never existed. Long live DC Thunder!
Death to the hoarders, wreckers and running dogs of imperialism!
It is not because the truth is too difficult to see that we make mistakes... we make mistakes because the easiest and most comfortable course for us is to seek insight where it accords with our emotions - especially selfish ones.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
I vote in favor.
All right, political documents returns. Now the only question is, should I remove a slot from wildcard? I could also remove a slot from novels, giving us 4 instead of 5. Or non-fiction books. What do you guys think?
Take it off of plays.Five plays? Really?
For the vast majority of human existence, the play has been the primary means of entertainment. Choosing the 100 greatest plays of all time should be a worth endeavor, IMO.
My fifth selection under buildings/structures/sculptures will be infinitely more interesting than the fifth play I select.
I vote in favor.
All right, political documents returns. Now the only question is, should I remove a slot from wildcard? I could also remove a slot from novels, giving us 4 instead of 5. Or non-fiction books. What do you guys think?
Take it off of plays.Five plays? Really?
For the vast majority of human existence, the play has been the primary means of entertainment. Choosing the 100 greatest plays of all time should be a worth endeavor, IMO.
My fifth selection under buildings/structures/sculptures will be infinitely more interesting than the fifth play I select.
I've never understood what makes the Mona Lisa the most famous painting ever. Perhaps an expert can answer this: what distinguishes it from so many other portraits from the same era?
I have come to loathe Wiki for its consensus stance in so many articles, but this one is truly outstanding. Can't believe it hasn't made featured article status yet. Great writeup on the historiography, popularity, the 1911-13 theft and disappearance (you won't believe who got called in for questioning by the police :( ). What I really enjoy, though, is the analysis of the details and the aesthetic appeal.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mona_Lisa
If I am not mistaken (and I could be!) it was the first great piece of art that traveled and the "people" were allowed/encouraged to view. Prior to this great art was not accessible to the average person. For many this was the first (and only) great art they ever viewed.
Doug B is stumbling through cyberspace trying to find the Official thread; the OGWD thread had him thinking this wasn't going to get airborne.

Should see him falling through the front door any moment now...

I vote in favor.
All right, political documents returns. Now the only question is, should I remove a slot from wildcard? I could also remove a slot from novels, giving us 4 instead of 5. Or non-fiction books. What do you guys think?
Take it off of plays.Five plays? Really?
For the vast majority of human existence, the play has been the primary means of entertainment. Choosing the 100 greatest plays of all time should be a worth endeavor, IMO.
My fifth selection under buildings/structures/sculptures will be infinitely more interesting than the fifth play I select.
:goodposting: Yeah, architecture is a real life changer. Starts revolutions, calls governments to justify their morality, unites people in a shared experience, and has been passed on from generation to generation down through the ages. Our buildings reflect our society, what we value and cherish, challenges conventional thinking, holds up a mirror of our lives. The impact on literature that comes from structures is so immense it can scarcely be measured.Theatre just entertains us.Brilliant work this morning, gents.
Doug B is stumbling through cyberspace trying to find the Official thread; the OGWD thread had him thinking this wasn't going to get airborne.

Should see him falling through the front door any moment now...
Found it finally.EDIT: I have a lot of catching up to do. I am reading through this entire thread so that I understand what is going on.

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:confused: Yeah, architecture is a real life changer. Starts revolutions, calls governments to justify their morality, unites people in a shared experience, and has been passed on from generation to generation down through the ages. Our buildings reflect our society, what we value and cherish, challenges conventional thinking, holds up a mirror of our lives. The impact on literature that comes from structures is so immense it can scarcely be measured.Theatre just entertains us.Brilliant work this morning, gents.
Architecture paints a narrow view of the category, but I'll be sure to keep score in these early rounds between the two. :popcorn:
There's a reason why no one goes to plays anymore. Rarely am I nervous and bored at the same time. Horrible.

Is there still the "attribution" issue that there was in the previous version of this draft?

What categories need specific persons' names attached to them, and which don't?

I agree with you BL, but he owns the updates to the first page. I suppose it can be updated somewhere else while he is out.
Quote/copy/paste/update. Not really a complicated solution.How many people didn't even notice DC Thunder missed about half the W.G.D.? He just sent a big cheat sheet to Misfitblondes. Mad Sweeney missed a ton of picks, and Flysack filled in just fine. timschochet can appoint someone, or just make up the picks when he comes back. We've had one drop out of 40 drafters in the G.A.D. and W.G.D. Folks in these groups have stick-to-it-tiveness (Krista4 - bust out the thesaurus please).As far as running the draft, pretty sure people will step up and keep the ball rolling. O.C. has compiled the point totals the last two drafts in Excel. I run the clock, but when I'm in the E.U. or unavailable Doug B or Yankee take over without being asked.It's not like any of the drafts have been totally dependent upon timschochet or especially burdensome to him alone; it's a collective effort from the whole group. They've been successful precisely because they don't depend on any single individual.
Doggedness? Perseverance? Tenacity? Persistence?
Doggedness? Perseverance? Tenacity? Persistence?
Your thoughts on the 100th greatest building/structure/sculpture v. 100th greatest play? :hot:
:lol: I'm excited about both. I'm more into architecture and sculpture than painting (as I think we discussed once) so love that category, but I do think those who believe there aren't 100 great plays aren't giving plays a fair shake.Becoming part of Team Fennis has really changed my strategy on this. When it was just me, I intended to make selections early in the categories I knew little about, figuring that once the pickings became slim I wouldn't have enough knowledge to wade in the shallow waters. But now everything is wide open again. :)
i believe the word is properly broken down as stick-to-it-ive-ness. no t after 'it' and one more hyphen. the 100th greatest building won't include that word. the 100th greatest play just might.

Doggedness? Perseverance? Tenacity? Persistence?
Your thoughts on the 100th greatest building/structure/sculpture v. 100th greatest play? :bye:
:lmao: I'm excited about both. I'm more into architecture and sculpture than painting (as I think we discussed once) so love that category, but I do think those who believe there aren't 100 great plays aren't giving plays a fair shake.Becoming part of Team Fennis has really changed my strategy on this. When it was just me, I intended to make selections early in the categories I knew little about, figuring that once the pickings became slim I wouldn't have enough knowledge to wade in the shallow waters. But now everything is wide open again. :)
Fennergy ™

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