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***Official Donald J. Trump Impeachment (Whistleblower) Thread*** (3 Viewers)

Bolton is not going to happen. He said that even with a subpoena, he won’t go until the judge rules on his and his assistant’s appeal, and the judge in charge of that scheduled a hearing date for December 6, and a ruling who knows how long after that. And then possible appeals. It’s too long which was the whole point. 

They have to go with what they have. I say the public hearings will do the trick. 
I was wondering when the hearing date was. That certainly doesn’t fit into the timeframe they are working with. I’m still hoping that they go aggressively after the cabinet members but it’s not seeming likely.

I was wondering when the hearing date was. That certainly doesn’t fit into the timeframe they are working with. I’m still hoping that they go aggressively after the cabinet members but it’s not seeming likely.
I think they knew going in it wasn’t going to happen. They will make the argument that the White House is hiding stuff. What else can they do? 

Perhaps if there is a Senate trial they could have Bolton testify then. 

With regard to the Bolton matter, it seems to me there is a problem with judicial speed. If Congress issues a subpoena and the White House refuses, a judge should have to rule on the matter within 24 hours. No delays. 

Bolton is not going to happen. He said that even with a subpoena, he won’t go until the judge rules on his and his assistant’s appeal, and the judge in charge of that scheduled a hearing date for December 6, and a ruling who knows how long after that. And then possible appeals. It’s too long which was the whole point. 

They have to go with what they have. I say the public hearings will do the trick. 
I still think we'll see an actual Senate trial and Roberts will make Bolton and others testify.

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Trump: Biden is 100% crooked, that’s why I asked Ukraine about it because I want to deal with corruption. 

Ten seconds later: I never asked Barr about Biden; if Barr wants to investigate that’s up to Barr. 

Trump says of his ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland:

“I hardly know the gentleman.” When he thought Sondland’s testimony would be good for him, he called him a “really good man and great American.”


Trump says he is “thinking about” going to Russia for the May Day parade. He says Putin invited him. He explains, “It’s a very big deal, celebrating the end of the war etc. etc.” That is...not what May Day is about.


How can following the procedures and protocol under the Whistleblower statute be considered treason or even against the law for that matter?
Bizarro World Syllogism:

1. Donald Trump never follows procedures or protocols
2. Donald Trump's conduct is perfect and in the best interests of the United States
3. Any act contrary to Donald Trump's conduct is contrary to the best interests of the United States
4. Any act contrary to the best interests of the United States is treason
5. Ergo, following procedures or protocols is treason

Trump repeats his usual talking point about his poll numbers are “through the roof” because of anti-impeachment anger.

Trump: I’d love to have Mulvaney testify. But it would validate a corrupt investigation. Anyhow that’s not up to me; it’s up to the lawyers. 

Right now the most likely outcome is that not a single Republican in the House or Senate will vote to remove or impeach the President. 

Hopefully the voters will make them pay the price for this. 
Or the Dems make this look like a witch hunt with  no action, and the Dems pay the price in 2020.  Interesting that two Dems in the House are against impeachment.

Or the Dems make this look like a witch hunt with  no action, and the Dems pay the price in 2020.  Interesting that two Dems in the House are against impeachment.
If the public testimony is the same as the depositions (and why wouldn’t it be?) the public will not regard this as a witch hunt. Not a chance. 

Right now the most likely outcome is that not a single Republican in the House or Senate will vote to remove or impeach the President. 

Hopefully the voters will make them pay the price for this. 
Most likely outcome to all this is that Democrats get clobbered when it comes to the voters. This thing fell apart faster than a Robert Mueller public hearing on the Democrats. 

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Victory day parade. In may. 
From Jim Sciutto, CNN Chief National Security Correspondent:

Trump says he’s thinking of attending Russia’s May Day parade. This is a celebration of Russian military power, which Putin is using to undermine US national security interests across the globe. Why attend? What benefit does Trump perceive to the US? To himself?

From Jim Sciutto, CNN Chief National Security Correspondent:

Trump says he’s thinking of attending Russia’s May Day parade. This is a celebration of Russian military power, which Putin is using to undermine US national security interests across the globe. Why attend? What benefit does Trump perceive to the US? To himself?
Trump loves military parades.

If the public testimony is the same as the depositions (and why wouldn’t it be?) the public will not regard this as a witch hunt. Not a chance. 
It’s really not though. We have just been fed selective hyped up excerpts by the Schiff/Pelosi/media cabal for 2 months. Whatever public testimony you guys hope to hear doesn't have a chance to live up to be manufactured hype.  I’ll go one step further and say some of these people testify they have no idea where some of these stories in the media came from.  

It’s really not though. We have just been fed selective hyped up excerpts by the Schiff/Pelosi/media cabal for 2 months. Whatever public testimony you guys hope to hear doesn't have a chance to live up to be manufactured hype.  I’ll go one step further and say some of these people testify they have no idea where some of these stories in the media came from.  
Not only will it live up to the hype it will exceed it. The public did not start to turn against Nixon and favor his impeachment until after seeing the witnesses at the Watergate hearings. Reading a transcript is not the same as seeing someone testify in real time. 

It’s really not though. We have just been fed selective hyped up excerpts by the Schiff/Pelosi/media cabal for 2 months. Whatever public testimony you guys hope to hear doesn't have a chance to live up to be manufactured hype.  I’ll go one step further and say some of these people testify they have no idea where some of these stories in the media came from.  
Much of the committee testimony is already publicly available. I've read almost all of it. It's not good for Trump. At all.

Most likely outcome to all this is that Democrats get clobbered when it comes to the voters. This thing fell apart faster than a Robert Mueller public hearing on the Democrats. 
It's hard to predict. I think some independents who are tired of the constant investigations will vote against Trump for that very reason.  Trump will continue to push the envelope, like he's done his entire life, witness his "charitable" foundation. 

The Mueller testimony from an aging hero was a dud, but I don't think it swayed voters one way or the other. The current witnesses are vibrant and credible, including Vindman.  They could sway independents in the swing states. And the economy seems to be sliding into Obama territory, with massive deficits to boot. 

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From Jim Sciutto, CNN Chief National Security Correspondent:

Trump says he’s thinking of attending Russia’s May Day parade. This is a celebration of Russian military power, which Putin is using to undermine US national security interests across the globe. Why attend? What benefit does Trump perceive to the US? To himself?
Putin's Russia is the newest ally for the GOP's fight against creeping global socialism. Better Russian than lefty Democrat.

I'm trying to understand this line of thinking. Next November, voters will be presented with a long list of Trump transgressions and violations against basic truth. We may even have a photo of Alpha Don applauding Russian missile launchers with Vladdie in a May Day parade. And the voters are going to punish the Democrats for bringing this stuff to light? Because they're tired of hearing about it?

Custody doesn't have anything to do with the role a parent plays in raising their children.
"Don Jr. opened the door, wearing a Yankee jersey. Without saying a word, his father slapped him across the face, knocking him to the floor in front of all of his classmates," Melker writes on Facebook. "He simply said 'put on a suit and meet me outside,' and closed the door."

Most likely outcome to all this is that Democrats get clobbered when it comes to the voters. 
I know you want to believe this and obviously I want to believe the opposite. The difference between us, for now at least, is that I have consistent polling on my side. I think the polling is on my side, as opposed to yours, because the truth is on my side, and I am confident this will be reflected in the public hearings that President Trump doesn’t want to see happen. 

I think transcripts of 6 of the 14 witnesses have been released.
If there had been any testimony at all which exonerated Trump or made him look good in any way, the Republicans in the House would have touted it nonstop. Instead they spent the entire time there were closed hearings talking about process, complaining that it was done behind closed doors. Why? Because all of the testimony was terrible for Trump. 

If there had been any testimony at all which exonerated Trump or made him look good in any way, the Republicans in the House would have touted it nonstop. Instead they spent the entire time there were closed hearings talking about process, complaining that it was done behind closed doors. Why? Because all of the testimony was terrible for Trump. 
But we don't know all of the testimony.


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