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00's Mixtape Draft (1 Viewer)

The following mediafire links don't work:




Dr Pill

tyler cracker

Would someone please repost the zips to these mixes if you got them successfully? I know I can't be the only one who would like to listen to them.

I'm getting an "Invalid or deleted file" error when trying to download the drpill and tyler cracker mixes. :sadbanana:
Same thing here. I have everyone else's on the list in the OP up to Marco, whose mix was hosted on mediafire and I was able to d/l yesterday. Today I checked it and it has the same error as pill's and tyler's .Who suggested we use mediafire again? :cry:
listened to prof s and humunas mixes this week

nice to listen to tunes not in my wheelhouse which both had plenty of

stuff i need to get in on pronto: nas, paulo nuttini, common, levon helm, flight of the conchords

turnbull acs was a cool addition unc

disco stu up next

Started listening to "Zillaughts" on the way to work this morning. Made it tough to drive, what with all the face rocking.

i'll try to repost my mix when i get a chance. i was gonna put it on my box but i figured all the cool kids were using mediafire so i would too.

i've also been listening to mixes by abrantes, d_house, jml, postradamus, and valence. reviews to follow (hopefully. where does all my spare time go these days? oh right: my ocd boyfriend and mass effect 1 & 2 :popcorn: ).

ok updated link for my mix:

a few more reviews:


valence is into this dinosaur jr album. i haven't really been able to get into it but this song is pretty good. maybe i'll give them another try.

never listened to ...and you will know us. i kind of like it actually. like some kind of punk/metal/emo?

i don't really care about tv on the radio. "wolf like me" is a fine song but valence overplays it and it's ####### impossible on multiple instruments in rock band so it has sort of worn out its welcome.

man man is pretty great. so weird. i considered engwish bwudd for my mix.

i've had bad experiences with guided by voices (this internet radio station i used to listen to had a playlist where they played some boring REM song followed by some boring GBV song so it sounded like 8 minutes of boring REM). this song doesn't do anything for me. isn't GBV kind of a 90s band anyway?

i tend to prefer more recent new pornographers to their earlier work but "letter from an occupant" is pretty good. one of those irritating yet impossibly catchy choruses.

intrigued by this unicorns song. i'll have to check out more.

that's enough sonic youth.

overall i like this mix quite a lot! quite a few new bands to explore. thanks for making it, abrantes.


this mix was really cool. not a lot of familiar bands. some of this retro soul stuff is pretty groovy. i've only in the last couple years listened to some of the classics (songs in the key of life, what's going on, and not sure how legit it is or anything but the _jackie brown_ soundtrack :lmao: ). good for getting work done.

i like this "no regrets" song. kinda sounds like iggy pop * the beach boys.

not so into this new pornographers song. feels like the bad parts of a pat benatar or cars song.

peter and the pirates are new to me. they remind me of honest bob and the factory-to-dealer incentives, who were on the short list for my mix.

i think i have _gulag orkestar_ somewhere but haven't listened to it. need to fix that.

i find most fleet foxes songs kinda boring but this one is not bad.

i already commented on how much i like super furry animals. "rings" is a nice song that fits well with the tone of your mix. it would be easy to pick an SFA song that didn't mesh at all (sidewalk serfer girl?). did you consider "juxtapozed with u"? too weird?

i appreciate the exposure, d_house! thanks for making it!


this mix is really good. meshes well with my collection and tastes.

i never paid too much attention to "mosquito song", but i found it stuck in my head all week after listening to it. i think part of the problem is that i hate _songs for the deaf_ cuz every ####### track either begins or ends with a dumb skit or other nonsense.

i was surprised more deftones songs didn't go. "passenger" on this album is great and features maynard from tool, but given how few tool/a perfect circle songs went, i guess you guys don't really care.

feist continues to do nothing for me.

need to check out more neon indian.

and then the whole second half of the mix is all this great indietronica stuff i've never heard. the passion pit song is really good.

and nice work sneaking this outkast song in here. i really tried to listen to _speakerboxx_ but i couldn't, thanks in part to the same filler silliness as _songs for the deaf_. "so fresh, so clean" reminded me that these guys still made some good singles.

one of my favorites so far, postradamus. thanks!


sparky and i both like the los campesinos song.

i don't really care for this new pornographers song. they have many better tracks.

still mad you sniped "you are a runner" from me. still not quite sure about the transition into "hardest button to button" but i'll give you some style points.

actually you sort of sniped "hardest button" and "there there" from me too, though the former was my fault and i didn't really expect to get the latter at 01.22. *and* i'm mad about "hysteria". this whole section of your mix has a lot of good songs that piss me off :lol: .

i'm lukewarm on the black keys but i agree with you that "strange times" is really good.

i was surprised more shins didn't get drafted.

i like this cold war kids song. such a sick hook.

i should probably listen to more band of horses. seems this forum is way ahead of me on that.

_boxer_ is one of my favorite albums of the last few years. quiet and understated yet addicting. and, as we've discussed, a good soundtrack for skiing. "fake empire" is a great track. i really like the part where the drums start up, building slowly into the snare fill that continues through the second verse, punctuating the piano riff. super cool song.

really surprised at so little love for ben folds. this song is so poignant and it has john mccrea! the part where they harmonize "he turns off the slides and it doesn't look right / and all of these bastards have taken his place / he's forgotten but not yet gone" is really sublime.

counting crows: bluh.

nice mix, val. thanks for a decade of good musical suggestions and here's to many more.

ok and as long as i'm up, i realized that i didn't do a good job of selling this mix while i was making it (mostly due to time constraints) so i wanted to offer a few notes for prospective samplers of my draft:

Arctic Monkeys - Brianstorm

let's get this party started! i really like the fake ending after the lusciously lyrical "can't take our eyes off the t-shirt and ties combination": pause a few seconds, then the song starts back up again, and then it ends. double-faked!

Nada Surf - Hi-Speed Soul

underrated band with great lyrics. i didn't listen to this band in high school but i totally would have if i had been less angry and more mopey. i really love the guitar/drum riff that begins and ends this song.

The Decemberists - O Valencia!

one of the poppier numbers from the amazing album _the crane wife_. the best part of any decemberists song is singing along loudly in your best overwrought colin meloy voice: "ohhhwohhh! valenciaww-aww-aww! withyourbloodstillwarmonthegrowwwwnd..." mine always sounds like homestar runner mixed with a tone-deaf goat but that's half the fun!

The Raconteurs - Steady, As She Goes

while i certainly appreciate the stripped-down punk ethic of the white stripes, it turns out that jack white is still awesome when he has harmonies and bass lines to work with.

A Perfect Circle - Hollow

i've been listening to this album for so long i almost forgot it was released in this decade. heavy and ornate yet accessibly poppy.

Ozomatli - Dos Cosas Ciertas

a bit of a curve ball here i hope. this band's energy and groove are especially awesome live, like a rum commercial at your local concert venue.

Modest Mouse - Ocean Breathes Salty

a pretty little song about mortality. after "float on", this is the song that got me into modest mouse. "for your sake i hope heaven and hell / are really there but i wouldn't hold my breath / you wasted life why wouldn't you waste death?"

LCD Soundsystem - North American Scum

_sound of silver_ is in my top 3 for the decade. not a bad track on here. so much variety. endless goodness. this song offers wry social commentary on a bed of deliciously danceable beats.

Muse - Exo-Politics

a track i have overlooked in my own mixes from an album full of poachable tracks. hooks galore and monstrous riffs everywhere.

Radiohead - Where I End And You Begin (The Sky Is Falling In)

i love how radiohead can be so menacing and yet so beautiful at the same time. thom's voice is so expressive and dynamic. he sounds weary as the song opens, "there's a gap in-between". he becomes wistful as he moves up the register accompanied by intensifying keyboards, "i am up in the clouds". and then, as "you left me alone," the choppy guitar riff kicks in, crescendoing into "X'll mark the place". nobody in the music biz does it better.

Green Day - Holiday

i had a dream that in 2004 green day became popular with teenagers again after releasing a punk-rock opera. and then i woke up and it wasn't a dream! i'm not a huge punk fan but i have a soft spot for these guys and their pop sensibilities, and i appreciate the political swagger. also, tre's drumming really drives this song.

Ben Folds - Zak And Sara

in a mix where i'm not allowed to edit tracks, i must confess that i enjoy the transition from "holiday" to this track quite a bit. this track exemplifies the kind of goofy yet heartbreaking story songs that make ben folds so great: "zak called his dad about layaway plans / while sara told the friendly salesman that / you'll all die in your cars / and why's it gotta be dark / and you're all working in a submariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine / #######".

Death Cab For Cutie - Crooked Teeth

ben gibbard is another songwriter whose quirky characters seem much more fleshed out than you would think possible in a three-and-a-half-minute indie pop song. but somehow, when i hear this line, i feel like i've met the girl he's singing to: "you're so cute when you're slurring your speech / but they're closing the bar and they want us to leave"

Of Montreal - Gronlandic Edit

damn this song is groovy. and i've already commented how great the waterfall part in the chorus is.

Girl Talk - Warm It Up

if the avalanches bumped uglies with dj shadow, their love child might have made this album. every track is like a music quiz and an elaborate hipster joke all at once. and the part where "carry on my wayward son" breaks into "motownphilly" is just nasty.

Gorillaz - Dare

i panicked and way overreached to get this track in the second round, but it ended up helping me transition from girl talk so it all worked out. _demon days_ is definitely one of my most-listened albums of the 2000s.

Postal Service - Clark Gable

ben gibbard again -- i couldn't resist. it's hard not to feel for his impassioned cry: "i want so badly to believe that there is truth and love is real."

We Are Scientists - The Great Escape

there's no particular reason to like this band, and yet they seem to do it better than their peers. catchy but with a little substance -- listen to that rhythm section.

The Streets - Fit But You Know It

the streets: part world-class storyteller, part _british slang for dummies_ instructional tape. as crazy as it was that green day actually succeeded at making a punk concept album, it came a year after the streets managed to record a brit-hop concept album that absolutely blew my mind.

Bloc Party - Helicopter

this song is so cool. jangly guitars fight each other while the drummer goes nuts. but then sometimes the song just stops dead in its tracks -- and then off it goes again.

Kinky - Ejercicio 16

a weird little tejano/norteno/salsa/rock band from monterrey, mexico. valence and i saw them on the ultimate sunshine tour opening for cake and the flaming lips and modest mouse and i fell in love immediately (their bassist is super hot, which doesn't hurt). most of their songs aren't really like this one, but i couldn't resist this spanish exercise recording gone disco. ?listo? !empezar!

Shiny Toy Guns - Le Disko

i have no idea what's going on in this song ("we're gonna ride the racecars?" uh, ok.) but it makes my booty shake.

Mike Doughty - Ossining

i really have no idea what's going on in this song, but doughty's voice is so weird and yet so rich and melodic. i prefer his work with the more instrument-driven soul coughing to his solo singer-songwriter stuff (which tends toward the folkier side, which i often find slow) but this song has a lot of kick for just an acoustic guitar and a crappy drum machine.

Cake - Love You Madly

only in a cake song is the line "i don't want to sit across the table from you wishing i could run" a sweet and romantic notion.

Franz Ferdinand - 40'

a song about cliff diving that somehow feels a little dirty.

System Of A Down - Toxicity

i learned about soad back in '97 when some guy on the internet read a review i wrote on a tool website and offered to snail mail me their demo tape. god, remember when we used to snail mail things to each other? anyway, i listened to it and liked it, though i thought it was weird. i bought their debut when it came out a few months later and liked it too. then i forgot about them for several years until all of a sudden they were on the radio. it still surprises me that their unusual sound crossed over into the mainstream.

Richard Cheese - Disturbed - Down With The Sickness

richard cheese and lounge against the machine are touring again! if you get the chance you should see them! super fun show. this is a *slightly* out-of-genre cover of the classic by disturbed. do you feel that? oooh ####.

that was longer than i intended. i should really go to bed.

Just got done another 40 hours of flying this week. For simplicity, I lumped all new songs into a playlist and here are the new to me songs that I really dug:

I don't want what you got - Ike Reilly Assassination

Rainfall - Sky Cries Mary

Transdermal Celebration - Ween

Little Bird - White Stripes

Frontier Pyschiatrist - Avalanches

Back to Black - Amy Winehouse

Fans - Kings of Leon

The Other Side of Mt. Heart Attack - Liars

Modern Leper - Frightened Rabbit

Right Hand on My Heart - Whigs

Me and Mia - Ted Leo...

Guten Tag - Wir Sind Helden

Do you feel me - Anthony Hamilton

I didn't participate in the draft but the mixes were a great boon for my collection - lots o' good music. My tastes are probably most similar to Abrantes, Disco Stu and Northern Voice, but there wasn't a single mix that I didn't like. thanks.

shameless bump of my table scraps mix. at the very least, free music, right?

Next up (chosen at random)

Most intriguing mix so far.Love the fact that there is so much unique and original stuff here.

Some seriously stoney ####.

Might have to dust off Le Bong next time the wife takes the kids to her Peeps and REALLY give it a listen . . . .

5 Favorite Tracks I Hadn't Heard Before

1) "Lightsabre Cocksucking Blues" - McLusky - Still love teh kick ###.

2) "Porcelain" - Yeah Yeah Yeahs - As previously mentioned, totally go for the organic stuff. This is as bar-### nekkid as you get. :lmao:

3) "We Carry On" - Portishead - Is there such a thing as organic industrial? Good mix of man and machine. This one sticks.

4) "A Nervous Tic Motion of the Head to the Left" - Andrew Bird - Great melody with a brilliant arrangement.

5) "I Think I Can" - Animal Collective - What if Brian Wilson could have handled his acid?

Just Missed: "Let's Call it Love", "White Winter Hymnal", "Everybody's Doin' It"

I listened to two more mixes recently:

Dreaded Marco - Solid mix in the pitchfork-friendly vein of a lot of the mixes. Add the National to the Arctic Monkeys and Deerhunter as another band that I will be seeking albums from. The tune here, 'Abel,' is the most aggressive one I've heard from them so far. I also really like the Glands tune, never heard of them before. My favorite from the mix though is the closer, 'When I Was Drinking," by Hem. Thanks marco.

drpill - This heavily electronic mix is not really in the style that I like. I'm a sucker for melody and hooks, so a lot of the more ambient tunes on here didn't really register for me. The Radiohead is the only tune I'd heard before, but I'm more a fan of their guitary songs. I did like the Burial tune, I like the trippy reggae feel. "Four Ton Mantis" by Amon Tobin is my favorite from the mix. Thanks for exposing me to some stuff I never would have heard otherwise, even if the tunes weren't really my thing for the most part.

Next up (chosen at random)

Most intriguing mix so far.Love the fact that there is so much unique and original stuff here.

Some seriously stoney ####.

Might have to dust off Le Bong next time the wife takes the kids to her Peeps and REALLY give it a listen . . . .

5 Favorite Tracks I Hadn't Heard Before

1) "Lightsabre Cocksucking Blues" - McLusky - Still love teh kick ###.

2) "Porcelain" - Yeah Yeah Yeahs - As previously mentioned, totally go for the organic stuff. This is as bar-### nekkid as you get. :thumbup:

3) "We Carry On" - Portishead - Is there such a thing as organic industrial? Good mix of man and machine. This one sticks.

4) "A Nervous Tic Motion of the Head to the Left" - Andrew Bird - Great melody with a brilliant arrangement.

5) "I Think I Can" - Animal Collective - What if Brian Wilson could have handled his acid?

Just Missed: "Let's Call it Love", "White Winter Hymnal", "Everybody's Doin' It"
Wow, Unc. Thanks for the review. I'm really glad you liked it.Just to respond:

1. Thanks go to Marco for that track. Never would've heard it or Mclusky at all without him.

2. First song I danced to at my wedding in December.

3. That whole album is incredible. Get it.

4. Great song.

5. Underrated song. More people need to get past the hype backlash cycle and check it out.

Next up (chosen at random)

Ow %$#!My face!!!!


5 Favorite Tracks I Hadn't Heard Before

1) "The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret" - Queens of the Stone Age - Groovy, heavy, real and original. Plus, best use of bells in a song EVAH!

2) "New Born" - Muse - Nice layered dynamics, and the crunchy crunched hard.

3) "Molly's Chamber" - Kings of Leon - These guys again. Pretty straight-forward, simple song, but something grabs me. Want to hear a whole album. :thumbup:

4) "Souljacker Part I" - Eels - 21st Centry Bo Diddley. They pull it off though. Like the arrangement. Great intro.

5) "Light Grenades" - Incubus - :thumbup: :headbang: :headbang:

Just Missed: "Shallow", "1974", "Electric Worry", "Schism"

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Listened to tyler cracker's mix this AM. Eclectic mix with many tunes and artists I know. Props on the Streets and System of a Down picks, I think I failed to integrate the Streets song effectively into my mix, you did a much better job with yours. I didn't even want to attempt a SOD song in my mix, they have such a different sound from what I normally listen to.

The Mike Doughty tune was my favorite that I hadn't heard before.

This was the last of the drafted mixes for me to listen to. Thanks all for your participation and for sharing your mixes!

i agree that streets songs can be hard to work in. i think you did a reasonable job but even so it's a little awkward because there's just no way to transition from anything to a british alto singing "has it come to this? oooh oh! oh! oh! ORIGINAL PIRATE MATERIAL YOU'RE LISTENING TO THE STREETS!"

soad is a little easier but wouldn't have fit your mix so well. i wanted something a little bombastic at the end to set up my richard cheese track.

thx for the review d_house!

The Wrens - Meadowland is a ####### outstanding album. Thanks to those that drafted tunes from it, I'd never heard of the Wrens before. I DLed a crappy copy but it's worth an actual buy.

Next up (chosen at random)

Interesting, okay mix.Pretty good all around.

Nothing really reached out and grabbed me, except for one:

5 Favorite Tracks I Hadn't Heard Before

1) "No One Knows" - Queens of the Stone Age - 2nd #1 in a row. Must . . . check . . . them . . . out . . .

2) "Hidden Place" - Bjork - Have heard of Bjork forever. 1st song I've ever listened to. Very interesting. Makes me wanna Bjork

3) "In a Little While" - U2 - New (to me) U2. Pretty cool. Never been a rabid fan, but there's a reason these guys generated such a huge backlash, they're pretty good.

4) "Spectacular" - Graham Coxon - Nice straight ahead rocker.

5) "Someday" - The Strokes - Eh. Bonus points for lack of effects.

Just Missed: "Strange Overtones", "Whatever Happened to My Rock 'N Roll [Punk Song]", "Once Around the Block", "1234", "The Bucket"

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Next up (chosen at random)

Interesting, okay mix.Pretty good all around.

Nothing really reached out and grabbed me, except for one:

5 Favorite Tracks I Hadn't Heard Before

1) "No One Knows" - Queens of the Stone Age - 2nd #1 in a row. Must . . . check . . . them . . . out . . .

2) "Hidden Place" - Bjork - Have heard of Bjork forever. 1st song I've ever listened to. Very interesting. Makes me wanna Bjork

3) "In a Little While" - U2 - New (to me) U2. Pretty cool. Never been a rabid fan, but there's a reason these guys generated such a huge backlash, they're pretty good.

4) "Spectacular" - Graham Coxon - Nice straight ahead rocker.

5) "Someday" - The Strokes - Eh. Bonus points for lack of effects.

Just Missed: "Strange Overtones", "Whatever Happened to My Rock 'N Roll [Punk Song]

", "Once Around the Block", "1234", "The Bucket"
Tim's chasing up Keyboard rankings ASAP or at least when you can post them in teh Rck & roll thread
A big thanks to everyone for this thread - iTunes shows 165 songs that I've played 9 times or more from this thread, and I've purchased probaly another 200 based on what I heard here, with more to come.

Also, since it fits with the style of a lot of the stuff in here, I thought I'd post a link to WBER in Rochester - I used to listen to that station when I lived there, and they've got top-100 listener lists for the last many years that are worth checking out...


This thread re-awakened me after 15 years of ignoring music. I came into the thread annoyed at the hipsters who avoided popular music, I came out with a ton of new interests. One of my favorite threads all-time at FBG.

i miss doing these. if another one gets going please PM me! I don't make it to the FFA as much as I used to.

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