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Tunsil (1 Viewer)


Sorry if being discussed in another thread, but I think this is worth it's own.  It's NFL news now, though more NCAA (so maybe a move to the FFA will be required).

Anyway, his statement that the video is "5 years old" doesn't jive for at least two reasons -

1) there is an Ole Miss "Rebel flag" over his right shoulder in the video.  If the video was from 2011, why would he have the flag of a school he won't commit to for 2 more years on his wall.  At that time, I don't think he had any ties to Ole Miss, as he's from Florida.

2) his ears are pierced in the video.  On his ESPN recruit page (from 2013 I would think, maybe even 2012) his ears don't appear to be pierced (at least he doesn't have any earrings in).  Here's a pic from 2013 (or at least when he's at Ole Miss) which shows the same, as does his Ole Miss bio page.

The bigger issue IMO is the nuclear bomb he dropped on the Ole Miss program when he admitted to taking money from coaches.

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He didn't test positive at the combine, that's all that really matters.  He won't enter the drug program for this and if he's already done his random test for the year he can't be tested again until next April 20th.

Whoever hacked his account may have ruined his career. But that person is also likely too stupid to realize they probably also ruined their own life, as they will likely be caught and will pay a big price for doing it.

The bigger issue IMO is the nuclear bomb he dropped on the Ole Miss program when he admitted to taking money from coaches.
Oh, very, very true.  But with this in the Shark Pool (NFL) I was looking at the NFL side of it.  Any chance he gets additional "surprise" drug tests.  Can he immediately be placed in stage 1 like I believe Gordon was going into the NFL?

Or is that the case only if you fail a drug test in college, which this guy didn't?

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Whoever hacked his account may have ruined his career. But that person is also likely too stupid to realize they probably also ruined their own life, as they will likely be caught and will pay a big price for doing it.
Ruined his career? Come on now, lets not get carried away. The dude still went at #13 in the first round of the NFL draft. 

The bigger issue IMO is the nuclear bomb he dropped on the Ole Miss program when he admitted to taking money from coaches.
Yep, like Reggie Bush and USC, never hurt him at all since he's already gone into the NFL. The program is still there and will take a whack if all true.

I am shocked to learn that Ole Miss used financial incentives to take their recruiting from SEC also-ran to #1 recruiting class in the country in about the space of a single month in 2013.  Shocked I tell you!!


He's probably going to be fine in Miami, he seemed mature enough in the draft interview.

The mess left behind at Miss is going to linger though. It's been cool seeing them and Miss State making runs at the Top-10 and competing for division titles but for Ole Miss at least it might have been cutting corners. There will be more to be said on that.

How any 20 year old would think he should be paid for playing a violent sport at a high level that very few could do is beyond me..  Definite character red flags for me. 

Because of this video, team's draft lists could have had Tunsil removed.
Anyone who did so was completely moronic. They go through thorough background investigations for prospective picks, they interview them, talk to coaches, etc. If your results of all that were good enough to have him on your board a half hour before the draft, pulling him because you got confirmation that a college kid smoked weed is just amazingly dumb and short-sighted. 

Good for tha coaches of the 305 dollars to keep his moms power on is true. The NCAA is going to look awful if they punish for this. Need to have an emergency fund at the least.

Could there be a more "college" thing ever than a bong gas mask?  I guess if he would have followed it up by funneling a beer.  This would be just as  big of a deal if it was a video of him hitting a blunt, bowl, etc.  But hilariously it's a gas mask.  You can't make this up folks.  In other news, bong gas mask sales have instantly sky rocketed.

Who didn't smoke weed in college?

By the time his first contract is up it will be legal anyway
The smoking has nothing to do with it. It's simply a confirmation of his stupidity and bad judgment, which shows that he's much more likely to do something stupid in the future.

The bigger issue IMO is the nuclear bomb he dropped on the Ole Miss program when he admitted to taking money from coaches.
I don't know whether it is bigger or not but he sure did put Ole' Miss in a position that they will need to do a lotta 'splaining. Should end up getting hit hard with some sanctions in the near future.

I loved the gas mask though.  Definitely hilarious.  He just needs to own up to that and stop calling that a mistake.  That was no mistake, that was genius.  There is your first endoresment dog.

Warrior said:
The smoking has nothing to do with it. It's simply a confirmation of his stupidity and bad judgment, which shows that he's much more likely to do something stupid in the future.
I'd agree if he posted this himself for some reason last night because he thought it was funny. But even a few years ago not many 18 year olds were avoiding doing dumb #### on camera with their friends. 

He also needs to stop saying that his twitter was hacked.  Yeah it was but thats still you in the video, it's not like someone put your face on someone else's body doing this.
Well, he kind of needs to if it was.  It would be 100x dumber to post that video than to be doing what he was doing in the video.

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Well, he kind of needs to if it was.  It would be 100x dumber to post that video than to be doing what he was doing in the video.
Oh yeah of course, and he was stuck in the green room when this went down, so really he couldn't be out there telling anyone until he got up on stage.

Maybe a Dolphins fan leaked this.....

=Smackdown= said:
Who didn't smoke weed in college?

By the time his first contract is up it will be legal anyway
There's a very long list of legal supplements and drugs that are still on the banned substance list.

I just want to say this about what I saw the NFL talking heads do in regards to Tunsil.

Now bear in mind that this news about the gas mask has been known for a long time. I saw those pictures back in February when it was being talked about then.

They act like this was something leaked just recently and that is total  :bs:

Colleen whatever pumps the scandal story acting like it breaking news just before they go to commercial.

When they come back from commercial and talk about this again, they are kind of like of ooops my bad I guess this story and pictures are from five years ago. Going back in the other direction of their fabrication.

It is all scripted and has nothing to do with the truth. Just like wrestling, it is all about the drama.

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Tunsil was supposed to have press conference right now (on NFL Network). Some dude from the FO just said he had an allergic reaction and is with their training staff and won't be available for the press conference. What kind of BS story is that?

ETA: Someone finally asked what the allergic reaction was and how it happened. They just said he's with the medical staff and they'll let them know once they find out. Just really weird. The reporters are kind of questioning it.

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That's an interesting point. Did the NFL turn the draft into reality TV (the schlocky kind) at Tunsil's expense just for ratings? :tinfoilhat:

I loved the gas mask though.  Definitely hilarious.  He just needs to own up to that and stop calling that a mistake.  That was no mistake, that was genius.  There is your first endoresment dog.
Best was his agent's spin.  The mask was to protect others around him.

That's an interesting point. Did the NFL turn the draft into reality TV (the schlocky kind) at Tunsil's expense just for ratings? :tinfoilhat:
That doesn't make sense. Would teams really fall for the NFL Network coverage? It wouldn't surprise me if they tell teams to wait out the clock as much as possible to extend it at least 3 hours. I can't imagine if this was well known that the TV coverage would have convinced someone to pass on him. 


Tunsil was supposed to have press conference right now (on NFL Network). Some dude from the FO just said he had an allergic reaction and is with their training staff and won't be available for the press conference. What kind of BS story is that?

ETA: Someone finally asked what the allergic reaction was and how it happened. They just said he's with the medical staff and they'll let them know once they find out. Just really weird. The reporters are kind of questioning it.
Why not just be honest and tell the media they are still trying to shift through some things with him and he is not ready to go in front of them yet.  No harm in that all things considered.  But outright lying just makes the matter worse.  

I just want to say this about what I saw the NFL talking heads do in regards to Tunsil.

Now bear in mind that this news about the gas mask has been known for a long time. I saw those pictures back in February when it was being talked about then.

They act like this was something leaked just recently and that is total  :bs:

Colleen whatever pumps the scandal story acting like it breaking news just before they go to commercial.

When they come back from commercial and talk about this again, they are kind of like of ooops my bad I guess this story and pictures are from five years ago. Going back in the other direction of their fabrication.

It is all scripted and has nothing to do with the truth. Just like wrestling, it is all about the drama.
I'm going to need some sort of proof here that all of this came out back in February. You're literally the only person I've seen say this anywhere.

I'm going to need some sort of proof here that all of this came out back in February. You're literally the only person I've seen say this anywhere.
Well I am not going to waste time digging for it.

There is likely a link to it in the draft thread or somewhere where I originally saw the story some time back.

I think Winston nails it here. The NFL should have protected him from some of this. 

NFLPA president warns players of NFL: “They are not your family”

Posted by Darin Gantt on April 29, 2016, 5:34 PM EDT

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell might have found Laremy Tunsil’s fall “exciting,” but the president of the players union found it offensive, and hopes generations of young players learn from what happened to the new Dolphins tackle.

NFLPA president and Bengals tackle Eric Winston took the league to task for the mixed messages they were sending players at the draft this weekend, as Goodell exulted in how the drama surrounding Tunsil’s being hacked, shamed and losing millions of dollars was good for (his) business.

In a series of messages on Twitter that threatened to turn into a Jerry McGuire-style mission statement, Winston made it clear the difference between the union’s feelings and the league’s.

I have been stewing over what happened last night and what was said earlier today. This is what I think:,” he wrote. “Last night everyone saw a young man’s dream turn into a nightmare. The mistakes he made in the past were released out there to millions with an intent to harm him. What did the NFL do? Nothing. In fact, if Roger is to be believed, they loved it because it made the draft “so exciting.”

“The NFL invested big on this marketing campaign of ‘family.’ It was all over Chicago on every billboard.
Let me dish out some free advice to the young men coming into this league this weekend: they are not your family. This is a business.”

“I hope that what Laremy said is true and that he learned from his mistake. I wish him good luck and hope every drafted player is wise to what it takes to make it in the NFL and who really has your back.”

Between Winston’s admonition and executive director DeMaurice Smith’s “SMH” to Goodell for other comments, it’s clear the gulf between the players and the league isn’t getting any smaller.
Dolphins first-round OT Laremy Tunsil's attorneys are investigating Tunsil's ex-business manager/financial adviser for leaking the draft-day bong video.

The ex-adviser is believed to have potentially accessed Tunsil's Twitter and Instagram accounts off Tunsil's old phone after the adviser bought Tunsil a new one within the past six months. Tunsil hired this man back in October, but later let him go after learning he wasn't registered with the NFLPA. The adviser could face up to 10 years in prison, along with more than $7 million in liability.

Source: ESPN.com

Dolphins first-round OT Laremy Tunsil's attorneys are investigating Tunsil's ex-business manager/financial adviser for leaking the draft-day bong video.

The ex-adviser is believed to have potentially accessed Tunsil's Twitter and Instagram accounts off Tunsil's old phone after the adviser bought Tunsil a new one within the past six months. Tunsil hired this man back in October, but later let him go after learning he wasn't registered with the NFLPA. The adviser could face up to 10 years in prison, along with more than $7 million in liability.

Source: ESPN.com
Ask the lawyers here, but I don't think Tunsil has a case even if true.

that's interesting. It's not that he did it, it's that the photos were leaked. Lacks accountability if ya ask me but I don't understand our lawsuit heavy world

 Lacks accountability if ya ask me 
I don't really understand this, and I've heard it other places that here.

At least on the radio coverage he said yes, it was me from 2-3 years ago. That was minutes after being selected. Maybe he came off worse on TV I didn't see the televised coverage of that pick. I don't know what else people really want him to say. Based on the photo/vid it looks like he could have easily denied it.

I will admit nobody cares if his Twitter account got hacked. He needs to stop repeating that as if it in some way absolves him of anything, but that's different than not holding yourself accountable. If you are politician or athlete I don't really understand the upside of social media. Seems like 99% downside to me.

It's a shame that Ozzy passed on him because of this, but Stanley sounds almost as good.

As always, Goodell comes across as the real creep in all of this. Somebody should walk up and kick him in the nuts. I think that sounds "exciting" to plenty of NFL fans.


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