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Terrell Owens to Skip HOF Induction Ceremony (1 Viewer)

I think it was less about making or not making the HOF and him pointing out the issue. What happened to Cris Carter (and TO) flies directly in the face of the mission statement of the HOF and I applaud Owens for having the courage to stand up for what he believes in. It took a lot more guts for Owens to call the writers out on this matter, while doing his acceptance speech from his college, than it would to just go, "Yeah, what they did was wrong and should be called out but I'll go through the motions and let it happen to somebody else down the road again."
You honestly think Owens gives a damn about these other players who had to wait? Of course he doesn't.  Owens is all about himself, no one else.  

And last night he reportedly said, "There's been a lot of speculation and false reports as to why I chose not to be there. I would like to set the record straight. It's not because [of] how many times it took me [to be] voted [into] the Hall; it's because the sportswriters are not in alignment with the mission and core values of the Hall of Fame."  That completely contradicts Eric Dickerson and Shannon Sharpe, both of whom said they spoke to Owens personally directly and asked him, "Would you have gone if you had been voted in the first year?"  He told them both yes.  So, now he is saying that is not true, which means he is basically calling two guys who have had his back liars.  Classic T.O. 

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Just saw part of his speech. Same selfish POS he's always been. Shoulda left him waiting another 30 years. The HOF isn't about JUST the numbers.

While I agree with you, to play devil's advocate, he got dumped by multiple teams, was a me first diva and three ring circus, and never won anything. Five teams were thrilled to see him go, another had a trade reversed (BAL), and yet another cut him before he ever played (SEA). He was universally not liked by many people anywhere and some will say he was a stain to the shield. One of the greats to suit up at receiver on the field, but a walking PR disaster off of it. That all played into him having to wait a couple of years, justified or not.
Anarchy had it right way back here. You can't be an all time great player if you aren't at LEAST an AVERAGE team-mate, and T.O. was never close to an average team-mate.

Dude was made part of an elite fraternity and he told his brothers he doesn’t want to share it with them and put himself above it. 

Double yawn. I’m so done with that dude and glad Hall of Fame weekend is over so we can forget about him now. 

Just saw part of his speech. Same selfish POS he's always been. Shoulda left him waiting another 30 years. The HOF isn't about JUST the numbers.
Well, to be honest... it is just about the numbers, isn't that the reason you play fantasy football?

Or do you draft your guys based on the character of a player? No Ezekiel or Beckham for me, they are just too.... 

Well, to be honest... it is just about the numbers, isn't that the reason you play fantasy football?

Or do you draft your guys based on the character of a player? No Ezekiel or Beckham for me, they are just too.... 
The Hall of Fame makes NO STIPULATIONS as to actual selection criteria. NONE. Therefore, T.O. has no basis upon which to protest. Reasonable minds can disagree as to whether factors other then on-the field statistics should enter into play, and if they DO FACTOR, to what degree they should factor.

I don't think it's an unreasonable position whatsoever to say that a player should be able to get along with his fellow team-mates, his organization, his fans, and/or the media to at least SOME minimal degree to be honored. That a player must be a positive role model (or at least, NOT a negative one.)To be fair, it's not unreasonable to suggest that only on-field performance should count, but the HOF selection criteria make no such stipulations.

More then a few people have dumped on Ray Lewis. Not sure what to say about that other then he was found not guilty, and has been a generally good role model and terrific team-mate ever since. As far as any of us can tell, he's a good man NOW.         T.O.........isn't. :shrug:

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Well, to be honest... it is just about the numbers, isn't that the reason you play fantasy football?

Or do you draft your guys based on the character of a player? No Ezekiel or Beckham for me, they are just too.... 
I didn't realize it was the pro fantasy football hall of fame.

His Junior High School histrionics bore me.  He is a one note singer.  Those that knew him best as a football player were happy to move on without him.  Seems his skill did not compensate for his distractions.  He wanted to be an individual star in a team sport, and wanted that above the good of his team.  Sure, he said otherwise, but I watch what folks do, not what they say.

HOF considering all future finalists to sign that they will attend induction ceremony before making final votes. 

The HOF looks pretty lame there.  I’m no fan of TO, but entry to the HOF should be based on what they did on the field.  Turning it into “You don’t want to join our club?  Well, we don’t want you anyway” is pretty petty and childish.  

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Did anyone else hope that Ray Lewis was going to give his HOF speech in the “white suit”?  TO is bitter and I don’t care.  His numbers are why he was inducted IMO.  Imagine if he actually made it in on the first ballot (Apollo Creed in Rocky IV pre-fight celebration comes to mind).

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The idea that TO put himself above his teams is a false narrative. Nobody practiced harder, nobody played harder and nobody left more on the field than him. He was, without question, a limelight loving prima donna. But nobody questions how much he gave to his teams.

Ray Lewis pleaded guilty to obstruction of Justice and, to this day is protecting the identity of a murderer, assuming it wasn't him (a big assumption).

The families of Richard Lollar and Jacinth Baker are reminded of that every time Ray spews another incoherent rambling word salad into a microphone.

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Ray Lewis pleaded guilty to obstruction of Justice and, to this day is protecting the identity of the murderer, assuming it wasn't him (a big assumption).

The families of Richard Lollar and Jacinth Baker are reminded if that every time Ray spews another incoherent rambling word salad into a microphone.

The HOF looks pretty lame there.  I’m no fan of TO, but entry to the HOF should be based on what they did on the field.  Turning it into “You don’t want to join our club?  Well, we don’t want you anyway” is pretty petty and childish.  

Actually, he doesn't. 

He made the Hall of Fame.  He wanted in, and now he is in. 

This is not the first time a player with character issues had to wait a few years.  Cris Carter, who was 2nd all-time in TD catches and I believe top 5 in receiving yards at the time he retired, had to wait six years (TWICE as long as Owens).  Yeah, he was pissed about it, but when he finally made it, he did the right thing and went to Canton to get inducted with his fellow inductees (which makes me sick to say since I cannot stand Carter). 

Moss getting in on the first ballot didn't make sense, after not putting in Owens in right away (since their careers were neck and neck), I agree.  I honestly would have put Owens in before Moss (being a ##### off the field isn't as bad as quitting on multiple teams). 
Yeah but Cris Carter has a job as an NFL analyst.  He was not in position to make a stand without jeopardizing his employment.  I'm guessing deep down he's fine with what TO did.

T.O. Would have shattered records with Manning throwing to him.  Harrison was great but he had a too 5 all-time QB his entire career. 

T.O. Made Jeff Garcia an all-star. 

Having said that Harrison should have been 1st ballot too.  Maybe pulling a piece on someone and not shelling for the league on NFL network cost him a year.  
TO may have been sent packing by Manning because of his attitude. Yeah he's the better player physically but Harrison was a route running machine that Manning thrived with. I doubt he would have done much more with Manning vs his numbers with Steve Young. Check that, Garcia.

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The idea that TO put himself above his teams is a false narrative. Nobody practiced harder, nobody played harder and nobody left more on the field than him. He was, without question, a limelight loving prima donna. But nobody questions how much he gave to his teams.

Which would explain why so many teams were so happy to be rid of him, I guess.  He was exactly what you said, but what you forgot to add his horrendous behavior in the huddle and on the sidelines - not to mention the distractions offfield - that had teams sending him packing when they got to see what a team wrecker that he was.  

He wasn’t me-first.  He was me-and-only-me.  Apparently you’re just willing to overlook that.  That’s fine, it’s your opinion.  But it’s why it took multiple votes to get him into the HoF.  Football is the ultimate team sport, and as great as he was as a player, Owens didn’t care about the concept of team and never had any intention if buying into that - right through to his speech last weekend.

BTW, Manning wouldn’t have kept TO on any team he was QBing.  He expected perfection in individual AND team play.  He would have had zero tolerance for a tool like Owens.


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Which would explain why so many teams were so happy to be rid of him, I guess.  He was exactly what you said, but what you forgot to add his horrendous behavior in the huddle and on the sidelines - not to mention the distractions offfield - that had teams sending him packing when they got to see what a team wrecker that he was.  

He wasn’t me-first.  He was me-and-only-me.  Apparently you’re just willing to overlook that.  That’s fine, it’s your opinion.  But it’s why it took multiple votes to get him into the HoF.  Football is the ultimate team sport, and as great as he was as a player, Owens didn’t care about the concept of team and never had any intention if buying into that - right through to his speech last weekend.

BTW, Manning wouldn’t have kept TO on any team he was QBing.  He expected perfection in individual AND team play.  He would have had zero tolerance for a tool like Owens.
That simply is not true. How is playing in the Super Bowl six weeks after breaking a leg anything other than team first?  And that is just one example, he was fearless over the middle of the field.   Me first guys don't expose themselves to that.

I know the whole Garcia thing, which was pretty darn horrible by TO but what teammates ever said they didn't want to play with him? I honestly don't know if it happened but I have no recollection of teammates calling him mouth.

Ownership didn't like him because he wanted to get paid. Until ownership starts offering fully guaranteed contracts pegged to the salary cap I won't begrudge any player who fights for fair compensation.

Manning would have loved playing with TO.  TO worked exceedingly hard at his craft, he practiced at 100% and played at 100%.  Manning would have loved that ####.

TO gets a bad rap for being a showboat, a loudmouth and, at times, a boor (btw all things I didn't like about him). 

Randy Moss literally admitted to quitting on his team.  He bounced around to five teams and he gets a pass.

Ray Lewis is literally protecting the identity of a murderer (possibly himself) and he gets a pass.

TO was the hardest working man on every team he played for (some may have worked as hard as but none worked harder) but because he was loud he doesn't get a pass.

Which would explain why so many teams were so happy to be rid of him, I guess.  He was exactly what you said, but what you forgot to add his horrendous behavior in the huddle and on the sidelines - not to mention the distractions offfield - that had teams sending him packing when they got to see what a team wrecker that he was. 

And some people have tried to blame writers have a grudge but part of the HOF induction process is testimony from coaches. He apparently got shredded by some of his coaches. His being a bad teammate is not just some media narrative.

That simply is not true. How is playing in the Super Bowl six weeks after breaking a leg anything other than team first?  And that is just one example, he was fearless over the middle of the field.   Me first guys don't expose themselves to that.
What is simply not true is this tired notion that him playing in the SB was a huge act of selflessness.

If a few dozen FBGs can't agree about this topic in a message board thread, why is it such a shock that a few dozen writers disagreed about him being put into the HOF?  I'm sure they're were having exactly the same conversations we are in this thread. It's not a mystery to me at all that he didn't get in on the first try. He's a controversial and polarizing figure. Of course he polarized the voting members. Why would they be above exactly this kind of back and forth for the reasons he should or shouldn't be in the HOF?

Either way, he's in now and we can be done with this and move on to real preseason games and start honing in our draft strategies!

What is simply not true is this tired notion that him playing in the SB was a huge act of selflessness.
I didn't say it was selfless, it was an example of fighting for his team, for being there when they needed him most. And not only did he come back he played it at an exceedingly high level. He would have deservedly been the game MVP.

I didn't say it was selfless, it was an example of fighting for his team, for being there when they needed him most. And not only did he come back he played it at an exceedingly high level. He would have deservedly been the game MVP.
Playing in the SB is a massive INDIVIDUAL honor.

I feel bad for him.  He's never felt comfortable in his life.  He only found out that his dad had lived across the street his whole life because he got in trouble for chatting up his half sister. I don't blame him for having a hard time understanding things sometimes.  This is a mistake but it's a mistake that's going to hurt him too. Leave the guy alone. 
When they were interviewing all the new HoF members on the sidelines during the Hall of Fame game I actually found myself feeling sorry for TO. He was missing a literal once in a lifetime event where guys like Dawkins, Moss etc were on Cloud Nine because he was being bitter and petty. He will regret this big time someday.

I know the whole Garcia thing, which was pretty darn horrible by TO but what teammates ever said they didn't want to play with him? I honestly don't know if it happened but I have no recollection of teammates calling him mouth.
Donovan McNabb and half the Eagles team hated him.

Do you recall the huge brawl he got into in the locker room with former Eagle and coach (consultant?) Hugh Douglass? Supposedly there was a split in the locker room between the McNabb backers and T.O. backers (so to be fair he did have supporters).

His act grew tired quickly - I mean the guys is a Hall of Famer yet played for five NFL teams ( and four in a seven year span).

Donovan McNabb and half the Eagles team hated him.

Do you recall the huge brawl he got into in the locker room with former Eagle and coach (consultant?) Hugh Douglass? Supposedly there was a split in the locker room between the McNabb backers and T.O. backers (so to be fair he did have supporters).

His act grew tired quickly - I mean the guys is a Hall of Famer yet played for five NFL teams ( and four in a seven year span).
Randy Moss? (played for three teams in one season).

Forgot about the Hugh Douglas thing but IIRC didn't he call out TO for his contract issues? Douglas was not a player and was working for management as a "goodwill ambassador" at the time.  Seemed shady at the time but I don't know if we ever got any clarity on the issue.

That season T.O. also put up 47 catches, 762 yards and 6 TDs in seven games before that fight and he was subsequently suspended.

Big plays in Big games Right...  The man played in several Big games!  Six weeks!  A broken bone and torn ligaments 122 yds   Now for comparison Steve Largent was 1st yr having similar stats but also included being shutout in one game  The Goat played in the same game as TO and had only 36 yds  (fwiw) QB Elvis Grbec threw for 125 yds and three picks in that game  “He wore his emotions on his sleeve, and sometimes that was taken in a negative way. But there’s no taking away from the fact that he wanted to win badly and is near the top of every important receiving category in the history of the NFL.’’  Jeff Garcia  www.philly.com/philly/sports/eagles/terrell-owens-hall-of-fame-eagles-snub-20180802.html

They finally did give the nod to Jerry Kramer  LOL, However, the sport owes much of its current success to MNF which was catapulted by Howard Cosell whose still not in the HOF  It may not be a great system but it is kind of nice to see "Any given Sunday" held in check  (imho) The honor is as much for the fan as the person  On the bright side (as noted above) because of TO IF the person is elected you may at least enjoy his (or her) presence 

Epic Problem said:
OJ was found not guilty and a great teammate too. 
True....but unlike Lewis has shown himself to be a horrible human on multiple occasions since as well.

Chaka said:
TO was the hardest working man on every team he played for (some may have worked as hard as but none worked harder) but because he was loud he doesn't get a pass.
Unless you were in all of the training camps and practices, there is no way you can possibly know that. 


Are you questioning his work ethic or just focusing on my hyperbole?
The latter, because it's that kind of over the top hyperbole that has no merit in this kind of discussion.  

Edit: bad choice of words on my part. I just think something that immeasurable does nothing to further the discussion.  That's all. 

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The latter, because it's that kind of over the top hyperbole that has no merit in this kind of discussion.  

Edit: bad choice of words on my part. I just think something that immeasurable does nothing to further the discussion.  That's all. 
Okay.  Do you have any question about TO's work ethic?

Did anyone outside of the Hugh Douglass fiasco ever question his work ethic? The story was that Douglass walked into the locker room and started saying "players" were faking injuries. Were there any rumblings about TO quitting or not leaving it all on the field?  I don't recall any but I can go back to just last week to Andy Reid talking about how hard TO practiced and applied that to his game.

“He is one of the most coachable guys I’ve ever been around,” Reid told reporters. “You’d ask him to do something and he would do it at 100 miles per hour and live. There is a difference when you are coaching. Some guys will do it on the bags at 100 miles per hour but when they do it live they kind of go back to what they are very comfortable doing. That wasn’t T.O. You give him something and he would do it. There were times we would be coming out of the huddle and he’d wink at me and I’d know we were probably going to have a good play right there.”

I am comfortable with my statement particularly as I also pointed out that others may have worked as hard as he did.

I have no problem being wrong about the guy, I was never really a fan.  If there are examples to dispel my notion please change my mind.  I will gladly thank you.

Okay.  Do you have any question about TO's work ethic?
No, and I didn't say I did, so not sure what the point was of the rest of your post.  T.O. worked hard. Congratulations. So do most NFL players. You don't make it to and survive in the NFL by half-assing it. 

Peak TO was as good as peak Moss and peak Rice with worse QB's. He should have been a first ballot HOFer. He missed out on a great night to stand up for himself. He has to live with that decision. I wouldn't have done it but he has a legit gripe. 

renesauz said:
The Hall of Fame makes NO STIPULATIONS as to actual selection criteria. NONE. Therefore, T.O. has no basis upon which to protest. Reasonable minds can disagree as to whether factors other then on-the field statistics should enter into play, and if they DO FACTOR, to what degree they should factor.

I don't think it's an unreasonable position whatsoever to say that a player should be able to get along with his fellow team-mates, his organization, his fans, and/or the media to at least SOME minimal degree to be honored. That a player must be a positive role model (or at least, NOT a negative one.)To be fair, it's not unreasonable to suggest that only on-field performance should count, but the HOF selection criteria make no such stipulations.

More then a few people have dumped on Ray Lewis. Not sure what to say about that other then he was found not guilty, and has been a generally good role model and terrific team-mate ever since. As far as any of us can tell, he's a good man NOW.         T.O.........isn't. :shrug:
Well they should make stipulations. It should be about the numbers and the game. Yeah, I get it, you want your kids to have good role models, but fu## me if my kids turn out to be a-holes because of some NFL dude is selfloving idiot. No one asks musicians who get honored about being a good role model. There's a president at the moment who don't get  along with media and yes, he was voted to be a president. So again, it's not a character competition. 

Another thing is, T.O. played the game for several years in several teams. 49ers had him long. The guy couldn't keep his mouth shut and said stupid things and it led to fights, but a lot of time he was just a GOOD TEAM-MATE! But like anything, stupid actions lead to people to think that Terrell is stupid all the time, if he would be, he wouldn't have played the game as long as he had. Locker room cancer wouldn't have the numbers he has, he wouldn't have been on any team, no matter how good he would have been. 

Bronco Billy said:
Which would explain why so many teams were so happy to be rid of him, I guess.  He was exactly what you said, but what you forgot to add his horrendous behavior in the huddle and on the sidelines - not to mention the distractions offfield - that had teams sending him packing when they got to see what a team wrecker that he was.  

He wasn’t me-first.  He was me-and-only-me.  Apparently you’re just willing to overlook that.  That’s fine, it’s your opinion.  But it’s why it took multiple votes to get him into the HoF.  Football is the ultimate team sport, and as great as he was as a player, Owens didn’t care about the concept of team and never had any intention if buying into that - right through to his speech last weekend.

BTW, Manning wouldn’t have kept TO on any team he was QBing.  He expected perfection in individual AND team play.  He would have had zero tolerance for a tool like Owens.

Terrell Owens played for 5 teams (SFO, DAL, PHI, BUF, CIN).

Randy Moss played for 5 teams (MIN, NEW, OAK, SFO, TEN).

Seems like both guys made the same amount of stops.  

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