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Peyton Manning’s image built on lies (1 Viewer)

A college kid being a goof and doing something inappropriate is not exactly a candidate for America's Most Wanted. Hell, I've done worse.

I've just read the article and FWIW, the opinion of this non-NE fan, formerly Peyton-respecting football-loving neutral spectator (who happens to be a lawyer) is: Manning is a criminal. And an immense #####. No way those Tennessee athletes, including his former teammates, are testifying under oath counter to Manning's interests unless what they're saying is absolutely true. Her lawyers may be peddling the paperwork, but they could not have manufactured its content. And he kisses Papa John with that mouth? (edit: damn, I now see I was not the first to make the Papa John joke; sum#####!)

NE fans didn't do those reprehensible things to that woman (assualt, destroy her career etc), peyton and his daddy did. NE fans didn't write the newspaper article exposing manning and his daddy for the privileged deebags they really are.

A college kid being a goof and doing something inappropriate is not exactly a candidate for America's Most Wanted. Hell, I've done worse.
Coming from the guy who has spent countless hours on this board vilifying anything Manziel has done for the past 2-3 years.

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"To his father, he concocted far worse lies that were torn apart, one by one, when he and others were forced to testify under oath. He told his father, Archie, "she's kind of trashy," and "had the most vulgar mouth of any girl he'd ever seen" and "was unattractive but had big breasts" and had "been out with a bunch of black guys" and "had a toilet mouth."

"In her remaining time at the university, Naughright testified that Manning, in her presence, on two separate occasions, deliberately reenacted the sexual assault on other student athletes to terrorize her. On another occasion he allegedly called her a "#####" in front of other athletes after snatching a marker used to label drug-test specimens from her hand and throwing it across the room"
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For anyone who cares to look, there's plenty of evidence out there that Peyton Manning (the person) is pretty scummy. I always remember watching him throw his teammates under the bus during the press conference after another playoff washout and thinking "that's an ####### right there". In contrast, Brady took full responsibility for what happened in January.

Guys wanna argue about who was better on the field, fine, there's plenty to say on both sides. But at this point, anyone who tries to say that, off the field, Tom Brady isn't a far more reputable human being than Peyton Manning is just ignorant.

For anyone who cares to look, there's plenty of evidence out there that Peyton Manning (the person) is pretty scummy. I always remember watching him throw his teammates under the bus during the press conference after another playoff washout and thinking "that's an ####### right there". In contrast, Brady took full responsibility for what happened in January.

Guys wanna argue about who was better on the field, fine, there's plenty to say on both sides. But at this point, anyone who tries to say that, off the field, Tom Brady isn't a far more reputable human being than Peyton Manning is just ignorant.
lol. That's hilarious.
This is hilarious.

People want to crucify Brady over deflating balls.

Meanwhile those same people want to ignore Manning's placement of his own on a woman's face.


What a bunch of hypocrites.

Hell, I've done worse.
Worse than sexual assault? Go on.
he scooted forward on an exam table so that his junk was near her face. Stupid. Inappropriate. Juvenile. But hardly sexual assault. Do you think he did it trying to get off? Or just being a clown?
No, he was standing, she was crouched behind him looking at his ankle. He pulled down his shorts and sat on her face. Her statement was that his scrotum, ######, rectum and the area between the rectum and scrotum were on her face and his penis was touching her head.

Her statement:

“It was the gluteus maximus, the rectum, the #### and the area in between the ####. And all that was on my face when I pushed him up. … To get leverage, I took my head out to push him up and off.”
In contrast, Brady took full responsibility for what happened in January.
No you're right, if Brady had settled out of court like the League wanted him to, people would have totally been cool with that thing he didn't do.

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I watched an episode of Making a Murderer the other day.

Obviously, the guy is innocent and should be released.

Hell, I've done worse.
Worse than sexual assault? Go on.
he scooted forward on an exam table so that his junk was near her face. Stupid. Inappropriate. Juvenile. But hardly sexual assault. Do you think he did it trying to get off? Or just being a clown?
Sweet deflection, what have you done worse?
popcorn maneuver.
C'mon junior, tell us about the time you did something worse than sexually assaulting someone..

Hell, I've done worse.
Worse than sexual assault? Go on.
he scooted forward on an exam table so that his junk was near her face. Stupid. Inappropriate. Juvenile. But hardly sexual assault. Do you think he did it trying to get off? Or just being a clown?
Sweet deflection, what have you done worse?
popcorn maneuver.
C'mon junior, tell us about the time you did something worse than sexually assaulting someone..
I just told you. Pay attention
What's the over-under on number of times Brady is mentioned in this thread, over the next 4 weeks? We are up to 11 unique mentions so far in what...6 hours?

What's the over-under on number of times Brady is mentioned in this thread, over the next 4 weeks? We are up to 11 unique mentions so far in what...6 hours?
So far it looks like its been mentioned like 20:1 by non-pats fans.

The amount of comments about Pats fans is roughly double those of anything else in this thread.

This seems to me to be applying 2016 morality and standards to 1996 actions.
I've been told of the teabagging that still goes on in Alabama high school locker rooms and think what Peyton did was something he'd seen or done many times in locker rooms. Somehow he got it in his head that teabagging is something acceptable even if it's a woman. It's not really about morality but 18 year olds are much more knowledgeable about sexual assault than they were in 1996.

Old story, but shows how common this stuff is:


Oh the mental gymnastics Peyton Manning fans will do to preserve their all american boy. He's a scumbag rapist cheater.
Wait a sec... I read a bunch.....

From what I read, he could be a ##### but, missed the rape part like Ben and the Two Bills

This thread is terrible, I realize FBGs don't care about the forums, but holy #### like any moderation would be great. Same handful of guys that just float from thread to thread trashing Pats fans and derailing.

This thread has absolutely nothing to do with the Pats or their fans, the very first post was about Pats fans and the jackasses who were going to come in here and #### on the thread - doesn't take a Nostradamus to see that was gonna happen, and sure enough it did, but it would be ####### awesome if it wasn't common place.

Pure garbage.

This thread is terrible, I realize FBGs don't care about the forums, but holy #### like any moderation would be great. Same handful of guys that just float from thread to thread trashing Pats fans and derailing.

This thread has absolutely nothing to do with the Pats or their fans, the very first post was about Pats fans and the jackasses who were going to come in here and #### on the thread - doesn't take a Nostradamus to see that was gonna happen, and sure enough it did, but it would be ####### awesome if it wasn't common place.

Pure garbage.
People here are obsessed with the Pats. This thread should have nothing to do with the Pats yet it does.

This thread is terrible, I realize FBGs don't care about the forums, but holy #### like any moderation would be great. Same handful of guys that just float from thread to thread trashing Pats fans and derailing.

This thread has absolutely nothing to do with the Pats or their fans, the very first post was about Pats fans and the jackasses who were going to come in here and #### on the thread - doesn't take a Nostradamus to see that was gonna happen, and sure enough it did, but it would be ####### awesome if it wasn't common place.

Pure garbage.
I have to admit, I laughed after reading your post, then glancing at your icon.

Will be interesting to see if this gets any traction. Unlike Deflategate/Defamegate, people who aren't football nerds might take some interest.

Google "Peyton Manning" right now, and this story is the first thing that pops up.

Will be interesting to see if this gets any traction. Unlike Deflategate/Defamegate, people who aren't football nerds might take some interest.

Google "Peyton Manning" right now, and this story is the first thing that pops up.
Dumb stuff

Yeah, I remember hearing about this in 2001, didn't know it was the team doctor and a very respected individual who brought these charges. Peyton and his family are yokels, always have been, always will be. Hopefully they go back to the fancy trailer park their family descended from.

It was settled, then the Manning family tried to tarnish the woman's image. Peyton deserves all the scorn he is getting and then some for this. Just go away, and never come back.

tone1oc said:
Buffaloes said:
I was more wondering where you got the 'rape' thing from?
Apologies, just a sexual predator, rape requires full penetration..
Wow! Hyperbole is running rampant today. You went from rapist to sexual predator pretty quickly. Care to explain how you reached that conclusion?

I read the story and it sounds more like an act of an immature football player to get a laugh. I agree that it is disgusting but a long, long way from rape and a long way from a sexual predator, unless I am missing something.

What's new here? Wasn't this incident and settlement brought up years ago? I haven't seen anything in recent coverage that I hadn't seen before.

I don't get why it pops up now, except to capitalize on the Super Bowl publicity to bring down someone a lot of people are singing the praises of at the moment.

If the case was settled to the victim's satisfaction, bringing it back up probably isn't helping her any. If the victim is still in need of justice...where was all the outrage two weeks ago?

What's new here? Wasn't this incident and settlement brought up years ago? I haven't seen anything in recent coverage that I hadn't seen before.

I don't get why it pops up now, except to capitalize on the Super Bowl publicity to bring down someone a lot of people are singing the praises of at the moment.

If the case was settled to the victim's satisfaction, bringing it back up probably isn't helping her any. If the victim is still in need of justice...where was all the outrage two weeks ago?
If you read the article, nothing is new here except someone who was aware of the case located documents from the trial. These documents were of course available prior to this, but to my knowledge hadn't been dug up even the few times in the past decade when this #### got kicked up. A product I'm sure of taking place at a time before social media and also the media in general having no interest in making a big deal of Archie Mannings son or his alleged bull####.

The new details from those documents that I can tell, is how deeply the university and Peyton's guys (Archie and co.) tried to discredit and cover up the incident.

Peyton's teamates, who had no reason to throw him under the bus not only didn't corroborates his version of events, they said he patently lied.

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JuniorNB said:
Run It Up said:
JuniorNB said:
Hell, I've done worse.
Worse than sexual assault? Go on.
he scooted forward on an exam table so that his junk was near her face. Stupid. Inappropriate. Juvenile. But hardly sexual assault. Do you think he did it trying to get off? Or just being a clown?
I don't know that the sexual assault statutes are written in such a way as to require sexual gratification.

Look at it this way: Why did he choose to assault her with those parts of his body?

Think about it. You can't ignore the stigma that is associated with those body parts as intended by the perp in the insult to the victim. The perp has a very specific reason for using those body parts. Domination, degradation and humiliation are big parts of the motivation.

And you might want to keep in mind that rape isn't just about sexual gratification, either.

cstu said:
This seems to me to be applying 2016 morality and standards to 1996 actions.
I've been told of the teabagging that still goes on in Alabama high school locker rooms and think what Peyton did was something he'd seen or done many times in locker rooms. Somehow he got it in his head that teabagging is something acceptable even if it's a woman. It's not really about morality but 18 year olds are much more knowledgeable about sexual assault than they were in 1996.

Old story, but shows how common this stuff is:

I saw my 10 year old pantomiming it one day in the living room. I was like "WTH are you doing?"

He said he heard about it from some friends at school and I think one of his games (COD or something) had that as a taunt.

Maybe I'm a puritan, but I just see no need for crudeness like that, even among friends.

Do I equate it with rape? Not at all. But I think Manning and anyone else who does that to someone does deserve to get their **** slapped for it. I think I'm OK with treating this as more serious than a harmless immature prank.

This thread almost makes me happy the Chargers never win anything. We'd get nothing but complaints about Rivers' bolo ties and 12 kids.

This thread almost makes me happy the Chargers never win anything. We'd get nothing but complaints about Rivers' bolo ties and 12 kids.
Yes, but all of his children are with one woman, who also happens to be his wife.That makes him pretty unique among professional athletes.

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I don't get why it pops up now.
Author had serious issues with people calling out Cam for his pouting, and the only way to deflect it was to tear down the other guy.ETA: oh, and we have to make it about race.

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Court documents from a 2001 lawsuit have been obtained by Shaun King of the New York Daily News and paint an ugly picture of an alleged sexual assault committed by Peyton Manning during his time at the University of Tennessee, accusations of a cover-up, and allegations that both Manning and his father, former NFL quarterback Archie Manning, participated in a smear campaign against the alleged victim.

The incident occurred during the spring of 1996. Manning, then a sophomore, was being examined by a female athletic trainer. That trainer, Dr. Jamie Naughright, is described by King as having gone on to become "a respected scholar, speaker, professor, and trainer of some of the best athletes in the world."

Business Insider read the documents, in which Naughright described an incident in which she was examining Manning for a possible stress fracture in his foot, when he "intentionally and in order to disrespect Dr. Naughright, placed his '...naked butt and rectum...' on her face."

Here is how Dr. Naughtright described the incident:

Q. Let me be very clear there. It was not just his behind, his rear end, that was on your face, but his genitalia was on your face?

A. That's correct. It was the. gluteous maximus, the rectum, the ####. and the area in between the ####. And all that was on my face when I pushed him up and off. And it was like this and as I pushed him up to get leverage. I took my head out to push him up and off.

Q. And what, if' anything, did Mr. Manning — withdrawn. Did you say anything or scream or as you felt this on the top of your head?

A. I pushed him off of me and I said, "You're an ###."

Q. Did you yell or scream or anything like that?

A. When he turned around and looked at me with the anger in his eyes that I saw, I did not want to get confrontational with him. I could see that anger and when I looked at [another student-athlete, Malcolm] Saxon he was just shocked. He had his mouth wide open and he was in shock. In disbelief.

Q. What did Mr. Manning say, if anything, to you after you told him he was an ###?

A. He had anger and he smirked and he laughed.

Naughright reported the incident to the Sexual Assault Crisis Center in Knoxville "within hours" of the incident.

According to the document, there was a previous incident between the two in 1994, during Manning's freshman year, "which will not only explain the genesis for Peyton Manning's dislike for Dr. Naughright but will be relevant to understanding the 1996 incident."

This previous incident was filed under seal and not included in the documents obtained by the Daily News.

The document also reveals details of the allegations of the coverup by the school.

  • According to the document, Manning initially denied that anything had happened between him and the trainer.
  • Naughright's boss, associate trainer Mike Rollo, claimed that Manning was mooning another athlete, Malcolm Saxon. Rollo later admitted in his deposition that he was the first person to describe the incident as a "mooning."
  • The document notes that after Rollo called the incident a "mooning," Manning started to use this term "with a vengeance" to describe the incident.
  • According to the document, Saxon executed an affidavit which "clearly refutes Peyton Manning's version of the incident."
  • According to Naughright, the school asked her to change her story and claim that the reason she would later leave the school was because an African-American athlete had exposed himself to her and that Manning's alleged assault was not the reason.
  • Naughright even claimed that the school gave her the name of a specific African-American athlete she could blame.
In 1997, Naughright did leave the school as part of a settlement agreement.

Naughright also detailed allegations of intimidation, including two incidents in which she claims that Manning saw her in the locker room and then proceeded to pull his pants down and sit on another athlete's face in what was described by the documents as "reenactments" if the alleged assault.

Later, Naughright received an envelope addressed to "Dr. Vulgar Mouth Whited" (Whited is Naughright's married named). The envelope contained xerox copies of pages from "Manning," a book written by Peyton Manning, Archie Manning, and a ghost writer. Naughright alleged in her lawsuit that depictions of the incident between her and Manning in the book led to her being demoted and eventually let go from her job at the time at Florida Southern College.

According to the document, during a conversation between Archie Manning and the ghostwriter, the elder Manning referred to Naughright as "kinda trashy," "had a vulgar mouth," and spent a lot of time "out with a lot of black guys and up in the dorm." The document states that Archie Manning later admitted during a deposition that his comments were derogatory.

This book also led to the 2001 lawsuit which Naughright alleged that the book broke a confidentiality agreement that she and Manning had signed while at the University of Tennessee.

The suit was settled in 2003. Terms of the suit were not disclosed.

We have reached out to Manning's agent for comment.

If my kid was an 18 year-old blue chip prospect and a trainer tried to turn some immature horseplay into a sexual assault case and ruin his career/reputation, I'm not sure I wouldn't also try to smear her.

If my kid was an 18 year-old blue chip prospect and a trainer tried to turn some immature horseplay into a sexual assault case and ruin his career/reputation, I'm not sure I wouldn't also try to smear her.
Dude get a grip. seriously.

If my kid was an 18 year-old blue chip prospect and a trainer tried to turn some immature horseplay into a sexual assault case and ruin his career/reputation, I'm not sure I wouldn't also try to smear her.
If I had done something like that, my dad would have kicked my ###

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