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*** Official X-Men Thread: Dark Phoenix is up next (1 Viewer)

The only thing which bothered me about DOFP is the continuity, especially considering the Origins movie, regarding Stryker. He's somehow younger and doesn't know the Wolverine in DOFP after basically leading Wolverine for several years after meeting him in Vietnam.
Maybe I am misunderstanding you here but DOFP was set in 1973.

The part in Wolverine Origins where Stryker and Logan are in Vietnam is in 1975.

Stryker would not have known Logan in 1973 yet unless I have something mixed up.

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The only thing which bothered me about DOFP is the continuity, especially considering the Origins movie, regarding Stryker. He's somehow younger and doesn't know the Wolverine in DOFP after basically leading Wolverine for several years after meeting him in Vietnam.
Maybe I am misunderstanding you here but DOFP was set in 1973.

The part in Wolverine Origins where Stryker and Logan are in Vietnam is in 1975.

Stryker would not have known Logan in 1973 yet unless I have something mixed up.
Ah, maybe you're right. I was following an online timeline which had suggested Stryker's weapon team began in 1971 or something.

Frankly, I want you to be right so I feel much better and just have to live with Stryker aging really quickly in two years.

The only thing which bothered me about DOFP is the continuity, especially considering the Origins movie, regarding Stryker. He's somehow younger and doesn't know the Wolverine in DOFP after basically leading Wolverine for several years after meeting him in Vietnam.
Maybe I am misunderstanding you here but DOFP was set in 1973.

The part in Wolverine Origins where Stryker and Logan are in Vietnam is in 1975.

Stryker would not have known Logan in 1973 yet unless I have something mixed up.
Ah, maybe you're right. I was following an online timeline which had suggested Stryker's weapon team began in 1971 or something.

Frankly, I want you to be right so I feel much better and just have to live with Stryker aging really quickly in two years.
I might have my dates mixed up too.

There is so much wrong with the time line it is best to try and ignore it at this point.

Took off the afternoon from work and did lunch and this movie with the wife. :excited: Freaking excellent movie. So well done. Going back next week with some guys, will have to see it in 3D for Quick Silver. Holy crap :lmao: at that scene.

Have we covered the most blatant question of all that stuck with me through the entire movie?

I guess it is more romantic the way it went down, but while we are time travelling why not go back to '72, or '70, or to before Trask existed, or .....

Have we covered the most blatant question of all that stuck with me through the entire movie?

I guess it is more romantic the way it went down, but while we are time travelling why not go back to '72, or '70, or to before Trask existed, or .....
That is not how time travel and changing the future works. Go watch Back to the Future again. Amateur.

Have we covered the most blatant question of all that stuck with me through the entire movie?

I guess it is more romantic the way it went down, but while we are time travelling why not go back to '72, or '70, or to before Trask existed, or .....
If Magneto was in charge, he'd have sent Logan back to 1963 or so and have him kill little Raven. But Charles was in charge. He didn't want to destroy his precious little memories with young Raven. So he sends Logan back to change the past at the last second.

Really at the end of the day.. what bugged me was how much money Ian McKellen and Halle Berry probably made for what amounted to very little screen time and very few actual lines.
I chuckled that Anna Paquin got higher billing than most of the X-Men that were in the movie and she barely had 3 seconds of screen time.
For those that saw the scene at the end of the credits: I'm interested to see where they take Apocalypse in movie form.
They cut her scene entirely at one point but then put it back in after a stink was raised.
I actually legitimately wonder how much someone like Famke Jansen, the guy who plays Cyclops, Anna Paquin, etc. make for pure cameo appearances like that.
Ving Rhames apparently claims he made $7.7 million for his cameo in MI4.


If they are getting residuals, they can make money forever. Jim Rome cashed a check for $6.38 as residuals for his cameo in Space Jam.


Charlie Sheen made $250k for a one day shoot on Scary Move 5.


Michael Biehn apparently made 6 figures for simply allowing a low res image of him to be used in Alien 3.


Sean Connery made $250k for his cameo in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.


Julia Roberts got paid $6 million for a 6-minute cameo in 2010's Valentine's Day.


Benicio del Toro got paid $5 million for not appearing in American Gangster because he had a pay-or-play contract. The director got fired and his role was recast.


Just saw it today :thumbup:

Quicksilver had to be my favorite part of the movie. The scene in the kitchen was :moneybag:

And I loved the Jean/Scott cameo at the end.

Looking forward to the next one

Really at the end of the day.. what bugged me was how much money Ian McKellen and Halle Berry probably made for what amounted to very little screen time and very few actual lines.
I chuckled that Anna Paquin got higher billing than most of the X-Men that were in the movie and she barely had 3 seconds of screen time.
For those that saw the scene at the end of the credits: I'm interested to see where they take Apocalypse in movie form.
They cut her scene entirely at one point but then put it back in after a stink was raised.
I actually legitimately wonder how much someone like Famke Jansen, the guy who plays Cyclops, Anna Paquin, etc. make for pure cameo appearances like that.
Ving Rhames apparently claims he made $7.7 million for his cameo in MI4.


If they are getting residuals, they can make money forever. Jim Rome cashed a check for $6.38 as residuals for his cameo in Space Jam.


Charlie Sheen made $250k for a one day shoot on Scary Move 5.


Michael Biehn apparently made 6 figures for simply allowing a low res image of him to be used in Alien 3.


Sean Connery made $250k for his cameo in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.


Julia Roberts got paid $6 million for a 6-minute cameo in 2010's Valentine's Day.


Benicio del Toro got paid $5 million for not appearing in American Gangster because he had a pay-or-play contract. The director got fired and his role was recast.

Marlon Brandon (in 1978) got 3 million and points on the profits of Superman for about 15 minutes of screen time. Adjusted for inflation it is around 55 million.


It was good, but not great. I've liked all the X-Men movies, but this was one of my least liked one. When time travel is done in movies, it's usually pretty lame and I thought that about this movie. Also, the centinals on stage totally reminded me of Iron Man....they couldn't present them in a different way?

The acting is always solid. Jackman, McAvoy, Fassbender, etc. all do excellent jobs.

Just a terrible movie overall.

The time travel aspect was bordering on "Time Cop" terrible.

The "sentinels" look like they reused the same animated generic a$$ robots from the last transformers movie.

The cheap looking makeup work continues - the "costume"/ makeup job on Beast looks like some cheap early 80's film makeup. WTF did all of the money in the budget go to?

And some of the "acting".... :wall: :lmao: :lmao:

The only marginally redeeming factor was the Quicksilver scene.

I really enjoyed it. Felt like there was more story and less action then the other comic book movies which I thought was a plus. Some good humor with logan in the 70s (no adamantium yet).

Yes the sentinels felt a little like Thor replicas and some aspects of Iron Man 2 but didnt ruin it for me.

Quicksilver was great, wanted more of him.

Seemed to accomplish what it needed to as far as fitting in with X2 and erasing some of the missteps of X3

Overall I thought it was a good movie and worth seeing.

Just a terrible movie overall.

The time travel aspect was bordering on "Time Cop" terrible.

The "sentinels" look like they reused the same animated generic ### robots from the last transformers movie.

The cheap looking makeup work continues - the "costume"/ makeup job on Beast looks like some cheap early 80's film makeup. WTF did all of the money in the budget go to?

And some of the "acting".... :wall: :lmao: :lmao:

The only marginally redeeming factor was the Quicksilver scene.
sooooo......what do you consider a great movie?

Good movie.

Needed more Magneto being Magneto.

Jennifer Lawrence...rules. :thumbup:

The future version sentinels were menacing as heck.

I thought the opening battle was one of the better "grab your attention" fight scenes I've ever seen in a movie of this type. Very exciting.

Good movie.

Needed more Magneto being Magneto.

Jennifer Lawrence...rules. :thumbup:

The future version sentinels were menacing as heck.

I thought the opening battle was one of the better "grab your attention" fight scenes I've ever seen in a movie of this type. Very exciting.
I kind of like Magneto being friendly. The Xavier/Eric relationship is one of the better subplots in the Marvel Universe.

Yes to the rest.

Is there any significance to Stark Industries from Ironman and Trask or whatever it's called in this movie? Just seemed odd that it was so close. And the Centinels also reminded me of Ironman as well.
Its a great point. If they have sentinels when Nixon is in office, why are they impressed by iron man 40 years later? Use suspension of disbelief and just enjoy the show.
Someone probably already said it but while the comics did crossovers, the XMen universe and the Marvel Main universe are different. The storylines of XMen usually center around prejudice and hatred of mankind on mutants. In Marvel main, the special people are seen as heroes.

Saw it last night finally.

Fantastic. Continuity be damned. It erased a lot of the bad parts from X3 which is always a plus. Cant wait for Age of Apocolypse.

Just a terrible movie overall.

The time travel aspect was bordering on "Time Cop" terrible.

The "sentinels" look like they reused the same animated generic ### robots from the last transformers movie.

The cheap looking makeup work continues - the "costume"/ makeup job on Beast looks like some cheap early 80's film makeup. WTF did all of the money in the budget go to?

And some of the "acting".... :wall: :lmao: :lmao:

The only marginally redeeming factor was the Quicksilver scene.
sooooo......what do you consider a great movie?
Of the current crop of comic book movies?

Avengers, latest Thor, Winter Soldier.

Just a terrible movie overall.

The time travel aspect was bordering on "Time Cop" terrible.

The "sentinels" look like they reused the same animated generic ### robots from the last transformers movie.

The cheap looking makeup work continues - the "costume"/ makeup job on Beast looks like some cheap early 80's film makeup. WTF did all of the money in the budget go to?

And some of the "acting".... :wall: :lmao: :lmao:

The only marginally redeeming factor was the Quicksilver scene.
sooooo......what do you consider a great movie?
Of the current crop of comic book movies?

Avengers, latest Thor, Winter Soldier.
all very good movies

An update on the next X movie.


It's official: Bryan Singer is back on board to direct X-Men: Apocalypse. And his name is not the only familiar one in the mix.

Although Singer has been talking for a while as though he were already going to do the film, there was always the chance that he could not come to terms on his deal to do so. The sexual assault allegations against him, which have since been dismissed, didn't help, either, for a while.

According to Deadline, however, an agreement has been reached and Singer has been signed by Fox to get back behind the camera for his fourth X-Men feature. It probably didn't hurt that his return to the franchise, this summer's X-Men: Days of Future Past, was the highest-grossing of the series ($746 million worldwide) and the most critically acclaimed since the first two (which he also directed).

As for the story, we know that Singer and screenwriter Simon Kinberg have settled on the ancient mutant Apocalypse as the villain, and we also know that the First Class versions of Charles Xavier (James McAvoy), Magneto (Michael Fassbender), Beast (Nicholas Hoult) and Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) will come back for a third time at bat in a story set 10 years after Days of Future Past.

But Singer and Kinberg definitely plan to introduce young versions of Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm and others into the story as well, so expect to see casting announcements for those roles soon. Will Channing Tatum make his debut as Gambit in this one? Unknown, but possible. And how will Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) fit into the story this time? No idea, but you know they won't make it without him.

Production starts next spring with the film due to be released on May 27, 2016. What are your hopes and dreams for X-Men: Apocalypse, its cast and its storyline?

It's time for gambit to have a real presence in one if these movies. Considering the "fan base" love if the character I'm suprised he hasn't had more screen time. Night crawler as well for that matter.

Finally got around to seeing this last night and really enjoyed it. Like others, I have no idea what the XMen timeline is anymore or how Charles got his body back but rather than stressing out over those (albeit rather important) details I'll just enjoy the show.

I agree with the poster who said a Wolverine/Iron Man crossover would be amazing. Jackman and Downey together. It's crazy to think how much money a film with them in it would make.

And Jennifer Lawrence :wub:

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Finally got around to seeing this last night and really enjoyed it. Like others, I have no idea what the XMen timeline is anymore or how Charles got his body back but rather than stressing out over those (albeit rather important) details I'll just enjoy the show.

I agree with the poster who said a Wolverine/Iron Man crossover would be amazing. Jackson and Downey together. It's crazy to think how much money a film with them in it would make.

And Jennifer Lawrence :wub:
have they ever worked together?

just seems like an odd matchup.

Finally got around to seeing this last night and really enjoyed it. Like others, I have no idea what the XMen timeline is anymore or how Charles got his body back but rather than stressing out over those (albeit rather important) details I'll just enjoy the show.

I agree with the poster who said a Wolverine/Iron Man crossover would be amazing. Jackson and Downey together. It's crazy to think how much money a film with them in it would make.

And Jennifer Lawrence :wub:
have they ever worked together?

just seems like an odd matchup.
I'm not a comics guy anymore so I don't know. But how is Marvel not looking at that and seeing all the potential money and trying to figure out a way to get the legal issues resolved. Maybe they are or maybe it's hopeless. I don't know. I just think a Iron Man/Wolverine movie of some sort would bring in barrels and barrels of cash. Who wouldn't wanna see that?

Finally got around to seeing this last night and really enjoyed it. Like others, I have no idea what the XMen timeline is anymore or how Charles got his body back but rather than stressing out over those (albeit rather important) details I'll just enjoy the show.

I agree with the poster who said a Wolverine/Iron Man crossover would be amazing. Jackson and Downey together. It's crazy to think how much money a film with them in it would make.

And Jennifer Lawrence :wub:
have they ever worked together?

just seems like an odd matchup.
I'm not a comics guy anymore so I don't know. But how is Marvel not looking at that and seeing all the potential money and trying to figure out a way to get the legal issues resolved. Maybe they are or maybe it's hopeless. I don't know. I just think a Iron Man/Wolverine movie of some sort would bring in barrels and barrels of cash. Who wouldn't wanna see that?
only if it were really well done. I'm skeptical of the Superman/Batman movie already as it seems like just a money grab.

Finally got around to seeing this last night and really enjoyed it. Like others, I have no idea what the XMen timeline is anymore or how Charles got his body back but rather than stressing out over those (albeit rather important) details I'll just enjoy the show.

I agree with the poster who said a Wolverine/Iron Man crossover would be amazing. Jackson and Downey together. It's crazy to think how much money a film with them in it would make.

And Jennifer Lawrence :wub:
have they ever worked together?

just seems like an odd matchup.
I'm not a comics guy anymore so I don't know. But how is Marvel not looking at that and seeing all the potential money and trying to figure out a way to get the legal issues resolved. Maybe they are or maybe it's hopeless. I don't know. I just think a Iron Man/Wolverine movie of some sort would bring in barrels and barrels of cash. Who wouldn't wanna see that?
only if it were really well done. I'm skeptical of the Superman/Batman movie already as it seems like just a money grab.
Yeah seems like massive potential for failure there. However, big difference here is Downey and Jackman are both well established and well regarded in their roles.

Can't recall if we discussed it or not. During the movie, they mention 4 dead mutants. And at the end there are the 4 horseman. I am betting they are the same people

Finally got around to seeing this last night and really enjoyed it. Like others, I have no idea what the XMen timeline is anymore or how Charles got his body back but rather than stressing out over those (albeit rather important) details I'll just enjoy the show.

I agree with the poster who said a Wolverine/Iron Man crossover would be amazing. Jackson and Downey together. It's crazy to think how much money a film with them in it would make.

And Jennifer Lawrence :wub:
have they ever worked together?

just seems like an odd matchup.
I'm not a comics guy anymore so I don't know. But how is Marvel not looking at that and seeing all the potential money and trying to figure out a way to get the legal issues resolved. Maybe they are or maybe it's hopeless. I don't know. I just think a Iron Man/Wolverine movie of some sort would bring in barrels and barrels of cash. Who wouldn't wanna see that?
only if it were really well done. I'm skeptical of the Superman/Batman movie already as it seems like just a money grab.
Wolverine has had a matchup/teamup with just about every major Marvel hero, so yes it has happened. With Civil War being the next storyline for the Avengers and some of the rumors out there X-Men and Spidey may show up in the storyline in the movies.

Superman/Batman have a very very long history or crossover and there was/is a comic so there is a lot of comic precedent not just a money grab. This is the setup movie for DC's launch of their new franchises, JL, WW, GL, etc...

Finally got around to seeing this last night and really enjoyed it. Like others, I have no idea what the XMen timeline is anymore or how Charles got his body back but rather than stressing out over those (albeit rather important) details I'll just enjoy the show.

I agree with the poster who said a Wolverine/Iron Man crossover would be amazing. Jackson and Downey together. It's crazy to think how much money a film with them in it would make.

And Jennifer Lawrence :wub:
have they ever worked together?

just seems like an odd matchup.
I'm not a comics guy anymore so I don't know. But how is Marvel not looking at that and seeing all the potential money and trying to figure out a way to get the legal issues resolved. Maybe they are or maybe it's hopeless. I don't know. I just think a Iron Man/Wolverine movie of some sort would bring in barrels and barrels of cash. Who wouldn't wanna see that?
only if it were really well done. I'm skeptical of the Superman/Batman movie already as it seems like just a money grab.
Wolverine has had a matchup/teamup with just about every major Marvel hero, so yes it has happened. With Civil War being the next storyline for the Avengers and some of the rumors out there X-Men and Spidey may show up in the storyline in the movies.

Superman/Batman have a very very long history or crossover and there was/is a comic so there is a lot of comic precedent not just a money grab. This is the setup movie for DC's launch of their new franchises, JL, WW, GL, etc...
Even the original combos were done to sell more comics (but then, so is everything).

I've been a Wolverine fan forever, even named my son after him (sort of). Don't remember an Ironman crossover but haven't been following for the last two decades.

I'm all for Spidey teaming up with a few of these guys, and I vaguely recall a Spidey/Wolverine crossover.

Finally got around to seeing this last night and really enjoyed it. Like others, I have no idea what the XMen timeline is anymore or how Charles got his body back but rather than stressing out over those (albeit rather important) details I'll just enjoy the show.

I agree with the poster who said a Wolverine/Iron Man crossover would be amazing. Jackson and Downey together. It's crazy to think how much money a film with them in it would make.

And Jennifer Lawrence :wub:
have they ever worked together?

just seems like an odd matchup.
I'm not a comics guy anymore so I don't know. But how is Marvel not looking at that and seeing all the potential money and trying to figure out a way to get the legal issues resolved. Maybe they are or maybe it's hopeless. I don't know. I just think a Iron Man/Wolverine movie of some sort would bring in barrels and barrels of cash. Who wouldn't wanna see that?
only if it were really well done. I'm skeptical of the Superman/Batman movie already as it seems like just a money grab.
Yeah seems like massive potential for failure there. However, big difference here is Downey and Jackman are both well established and well regarded in their roles.
no argument there, and it likely would be a well done movie. It just seems like IM overkill to me.

I, for one, would not go see a Iron Man/Wolverine movie. Never saw the Wolverine ones either.

If they are going to do a Civil War series... that could be really great but the small pieces have to fit together. Spider Man needs to be in it for one. The X-Men have to be as well. Maybe they could reintroduce The Fantastic Four with the Civil War series and leave the comics to rest after the redo a good Fantastic Four trilogy.

Enough with the Batman and other comic book characters for a while.

Finally got around to seeing this last night and really enjoyed it. Like others, I have no idea what the XMen timeline is anymore or how Charles got his body back but rather than stressing out over those (albeit rather important) details I'll just enjoy the show.

I agree with the poster who said a Wolverine/Iron Man crossover would be amazing. Jackson and Downey together. It's crazy to think how much money a film with them in it would make.

And Jennifer Lawrence :wub:
have they ever worked together?

just seems like an odd matchup.
I'm not a comics guy anymore so I don't know. But how is Marvel not looking at that and seeing all the potential money and trying to figure out a way to get the legal issues resolved. Maybe they are or maybe it's hopeless. I don't know. I just think a Iron Man/Wolverine movie of some sort would bring in barrels and barrels of cash. Who wouldn't wanna see that?
only if it were really well done. I'm skeptical of the Superman/Batman movie already as it seems like just a money grab.
Wolverine has had a matchup/teamup with just about every major Marvel hero, so yes it has happened. With Civil War being the next storyline for the Avengers and some of the rumors out there X-Men and Spidey may show up in the storyline in the movies.

Superman/Batman have a very very long history or crossover and there was/is a comic so there is a lot of comic precedent not just a money grab. This is the setup movie for DC's launch of their new franchises, JL, WW, GL, etc...
Even the original combos were done to sell more comics (but then, so is everything).

I've been a Wolverine fan forever, even named my son after him (sort of). Don't remember an Ironman crossover but haven't been following for the last two decades.

I'm all for Spidey teaming up with a few of these guys, and I vaguely recall a Spidey/Wolverine crossover.
One of my sons is named Logan....guess who the inspiration for that name was ;) To be honest everything is a money grab, but there is comic precedence for most anything.

I, for one, would not go see a Iron Man/Wolverine movie. Never saw the Wolverine ones either.

If they are going to do a Civil War series... that could be really great but the small pieces have to fit together. Spider Man needs to be in it for one. The X-Men have to be as well. Maybe they could reintroduce The Fantastic Four with the Civil War series and leave the comics to rest after the redo a good Fantastic Four trilogy.

Enough with the Batman and other comic book characters for a while.
You'll always have Batman and Superman. DC is not going to sit idly by while Marvel just owns everything.

Civil War (check the Marvel Cinematic thread) would be awful IMO. Terrible series and without X-Men and Spidey what's the point. FF shouldn't even be mentioned as Marvel is killing their book. No more FF in the Marvel Comics universe....at least that is the rumor. The mthly buys are less than 30k for FF so I am not surprised.

It's time for gambit to have a real presence in one if these movies. Considering the "fan base" love if the character I'm suprised he hasn't had more screen time. Night crawler as well for that matter.
They repeatedly offered the role of Gambit to Josh Holloway but he kept turning them down, so they shelved the character for a while. Holloway was supposed to play Gambit in X Men First Class if he just said yes.

It's time for gambit to have a real presence in one if these movies. Considering the "fan base" love if the character I'm suprised he hasn't had more screen time. Night crawler as well for that matter.
They repeatedly offered the role of Gambit to Josh Holloway but he kept turning them down, so they shelved the character for a while. Holloway was supposed to play Gambit in X Men First Class if he just said yes.
Gambit has/had no business being in First Class. One of my favorite X-Men but tough character to put into of these older storylines since he didn't show up until much later in the timeline.

Can't recall if we discussed it or not. During the movie, they mention 4 dead mutants. And at the end there are the 4 horseman. I am betting they are the same people
They do? Who mentions what and when? We just assume Stryker gets Wolverine anyway even though it is raven who brings him up from the water?

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Leeroy Jenkins said:
Hawks64 said:
Leeroy Jenkins said:
So this movie dismisses wolverine origins?
Which movie? DOFP? Nope it doesn't.
Maybe I am misremembering then. I thought wolverine was in Vietnam with Stryker.
There is plenty of discontinuity in the series no matter how much DOFP did to try and clean things up.

This link is dedicated to the inconsistencies if interested.


There are many such links if you google with plenty of other inconsistencies. It was bound to happen when there was not one owner of this franchise.

Hawks64 said:
Leeroy Jenkins said:
So this movie dismisses wolverine origins?
Which movie? DOFP? Nope it doesn't.
The correct answer is yes. Yes it does. Like it never happened. Same with XMen 3.
Don't follow the comics much eh?
Are you implying Wolverine Origins and Xmen 3 was even close to the comics?
No I am implying that there are serious timeline issues throughout the entire X-Men universe. Always has been.


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