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Mike McCarthy (1 Viewer)


Doesn't McCarthy have more to worry about????


Posted by Mike Florio on November 13, 2009 10:15 AM ET

During the offseason, a game day employee at Lincoln Financial Field lost his job after badmouthing the Eagles on his Facebook page. Despite the fact that Dan Leone had no defense to the reality that he foolishly posted for the world to see a message including the "F" word and calling the team "retarted" for allowing safety Brian Dawkins to sign with a new team, the move created a flood of local sympathy for the fired employee.

More recently, the Packers abruptly fired a 22-year member of the Lambeau Field maintenance crew, but not for using bad language or calling anyone "retarted" or saying anything in any forum that anyone other than coach Mike McCarthy would hear.

According to Don Walker of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wood saw McCarthy at Lambeau Field on the Thursday before the pressure-packed visit from Brett Favre and the Vikings, on November 1.

Wood says that he yelled to McCarthy, "Hey coach, let's get the boys ready to kick some butt this weekend."

The next day, Wood showed up for work. Nothing was said to him.

On the day of the game, Wood learned that he had been fired. He was told that McCarthy heard him say, "Don't lay an egg."

Um, where do we start?

First, if McCarthy was sufficiently worried in the three days before the biggest game at Lambeau Field since the Ice Bowl about some guy telling him not to "lay an egg" that it caused McCarthy to find out who said it and to have the guy fired, then maybe McCarthy wasn't as focused on getting himself and the team ready for the game as he should have been.

Second, the fact that McCarthy would have Wood fired shows that the coach's thick flesh is covered by ridiculously think skin.

Third, at a time when the locals already are clamoring for Jon Gruden or Mike Holmgren or Mike Shanahan or any Mike not named McCarthy to be coaching the team in 2010, this is the kind of thing that can strike a chord with the people who made the Packers what they are.

McCarthy isn't one of them. He's a Pittsburgh guy. A transplant. A carpetbagger. Sure, he spent one season a decade ago in Green Bay as an assistant coach, but he's not a native son.

And here's the most obvious question the native sons and daughters will be asking: Why not meet with the guy and hear his side of the story? Maybe Wood is telling the truth. Maybe McCarthy, his blood pressure likely sky high as his plan to nudge Favre into retirement was about to explode in his face once and for all, didn't accurately hear what Wood said.

Really, why would a 22-year employee be stupid enough to disrespect the head coach of the team to his face? Plenty of folks write stupid things on web sites and blogs. But most of us adopt some semblance of common sense and civility when dealing with other people directly.

So look for the storm clouds to continue to gather around McCarthy.

And look for him to hear things on Sunday at Lambeau Field far more profane and pointed than "don't lay an egg."

..and then from his PC today:

(What's your reaction to the controversy surrounding the firing of Mike Wood?)

I'd like to address it. I was made aware of it this morning on my radio show, or a radio show I do in Milwaukee. I was taken back by it, naturally. I walk through that loading dock every day, and I had a conversation. A comment was made, I commented back, got in the car and had a chance to inquire to Allen about what the man's name was, and that's my involvement.

(He says he didn't make the comment. Are you sure it was him that made that comment?)


(You heard him say, 'Don't lay an egg'?)

I was hoping you guys wouldn't go this far with this. I'm going to be honest with you. He is ... I don't really know the man. He made a comment to me, I made a comment to him. It's not the worst thing ever said. But I would not say that to a fellow employee. That's as far as I'm going to go with it.

(Did you ask anyone for him to be fired or disciplined?)

Absolutely not.

(Do you think the Packers are becoming overly sensitive?)

I don't think so.

(Did you suggest or recommend to Allen Johnson or Ted Eisenreich that he be dismissed?)

It was a one-minute conversation, and that's the last I heard of it. I asked what his name was.

(What exactly did you hear him say?)

Like I said, it's not the worst thing ever said, but I wouldn't say it to a fellow employee.

(Do you think the organization's course of action was correct?)

I'm not involved in that decision, and frankly I had zero intention, zero conversation and zero ... conversation, intention, anything to do with that.

(Wouldn't you say you played a part in that decision?)

It's not my responsibility. No I didn't.

(Hearing his remarks in the paper today, would you like to see him get his job back?)

I've addressed it. Once again, I had one conversation, I inquired about what the man's name was. That's as far as I took the conversation, and now I'm answering questions about it.

(You said something back to him. What did you say?)

Once again, he made a comment, I commented back to him, I walked to my car, another comment was made, and that was it.

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McCarthy failed to mention what he commented back to , but I would wager it was:

"Bawk! Bawk bawk bawk, bawk! Bawk," before waving his arms like wings and pecking at the ground for feed.

When McCarthy is eventually fired, this is the story I'll remember. It reads like the first sign of a career's apocalypse. I love how the interviewer kept the pressure on like he was David Frost grilling Nixon on Watergate.

"Second, the fact that McCarthy would have Wood fired shows that the coach's thick flesh is covered by ridiculously thin skin" is a classic line.

And here's the most obvious question the native sons and daughters will be asking: Why not meet with the guy and hear his side of the story? Maybe Wood is telling the truth. Maybe McCarthy, his blood pressure likely sky high as his plan to nudge Favre into retirement was about to explode in his face once and for all, didn't accurately hear what Wood said.
This comment from Florio is nonsense - why would McCarthy meet with the guy to "hear his side of the story" when McCarthy was there when it happened? Then he completely discounts McCarthy's own side of the story, while seemingly accepting the totally absurd explanation that Woody was fired for saying, "Hey coach, let's get the boys ready to kick some butt this weekend." It is amazing people read this and actually buy the angle this hack is pushing.
And here's the most obvious question the native sons and daughters will be asking: Why not meet with the guy and hear his side of the story? Maybe Wood is telling the truth. Maybe McCarthy, his blood pressure likely sky high as his plan to nudge Favre into retirement was about to explode in his face once and for all, didn't accurately hear what Wood said.
This comment from Florio is nonsense - why would McCarthy meet with the guy to "hear his side of the story" when McCarthy was there when it happened? Then he completely discounts McCarthy's own side of the story, while seemingly accepting the totally absurd explanation that Woody was fired for saying, "Hey coach, let's get the boys ready to kick some butt this weekend." It is amazing people read this and actually buy the angle this hack is pushing.
C'mon you can white knight McCarthy better than that
And here's the most obvious question the native sons and daughters will be asking: Why not meet with the guy and hear his side of the story? Maybe Wood is telling the truth. Maybe McCarthy, his blood pressure likely sky high as his plan to nudge Favre into retirement was about to explode in his face once and for all, didn't accurately hear what Wood said.
This comment from Florio is nonsense - why would McCarthy meet with the guy to "hear his side of the story" when McCarthy was there when it happened? Then he completely discounts McCarthy's own side of the story, while seemingly accepting the totally absurd explanation that Woody was fired for saying, "Hey coach, let's get the boys ready to kick some butt this weekend." It is amazing people read this and actually buy the angle this hack is pushing.
It's amazing that people actually are so quick to defend McCarthy in all of this too. Even if the guy said something that McCarthy didn't like.....so McCarthy had to go a cry like a school girl to someone that his feelings were hurt.
And here's the most obvious question the native sons and daughters will be asking: Why not meet with the guy and hear his side of the story? Maybe Wood is telling the truth. Maybe McCarthy, his blood pressure likely sky high as his plan to nudge Favre into retirement was about to explode in his face once and for all, didn't accurately hear what Wood said.
This comment from Florio is nonsense - why would McCarthy meet with the guy to "hear his side of the story" when McCarthy was there when it happened? Then he completely discounts McCarthy's own side of the story, while seemingly accepting the totally absurd explanation that Woody was fired for saying, "Hey coach, let's get the boys ready to kick some butt this weekend." It is amazing people read this and actually buy the angle this hack is pushing.
So it sounds like you believe the man said "don't lay an egg" to McCarthy... if so, do you think it was a good decision to fire him, particularly given he was an employee for 22 years? Is that what you want in your coach, a guy who will be bothered enough by that type of comment to get the guy fired? I mean, really, why would he even register that comment or think twice about it? Doesn't he have more important things to worry about?
And here's the most obvious question the native sons and daughters will be asking: Why not meet with the guy and hear his side of the story? Maybe Wood is telling the truth. Maybe McCarthy, his blood pressure likely sky high as his plan to nudge Favre into retirement was about to explode in his face once and for all, didn't accurately hear what Wood said.
This comment from Florio is nonsense - why would McCarthy meet with the guy to "hear his side of the story" when McCarthy was there when it happened? Then he completely discounts McCarthy's own side of the story, while seemingly accepting the totally absurd explanation that Woody was fired for saying, "Hey coach, let's get the boys ready to kick some butt this weekend." It is amazing people read this and actually buy the angle this hack is pushing.
So it sounds like you believe the man said "don't lay an egg" to McCarthy... if so, do you think it was a good decision to fire him, particularly given he was an employee for 22 years? Is that what you want in your coach, a guy who will be bothered enough by that type of comment to get the guy fired? I mean, really, why would he even register that comment or think twice about it? Doesn't he have more important things to worry about?
Not to mention the fact that McCarthy had the nerve to go out and actually lay two eggs in a row. I mean, the guy deserves his job back for that alone.
McCarthy is a bum, cant wait till he's out of there. I remembered when Payton went to the Saints I was disappointed and even moreso when pudgy Mike got the job. I'm ready for him to go, I just hope they keep with the 3-4.

And here's the most obvious question the native sons and daughters will be asking: Why not meet with the guy and hear his side of the story? Maybe Wood is telling the truth. Maybe McCarthy, his blood pressure likely sky high as his plan to nudge Favre into retirement was about to explode in his face once and for all, didn't accurately hear what Wood said.
This comment from Florio is nonsense - why would McCarthy meet with the guy to "hear his side of the story" when McCarthy was there when it happened? Then he completely discounts McCarthy's own side of the story, while seemingly accepting the totally absurd explanation that Woody was fired for saying, "Hey coach, let's get the boys ready to kick some butt this weekend." It is amazing people read this and actually buy the angle this hack is pushing.
So it sounds like you believe the man said "don't lay an egg" to McCarthy... if so, do you think it was a good decision to fire him, particularly given he was an employee for 22 years? Is that what you want in your coach, a guy who will be bothered enough by that type of comment to get the guy fired? I mean, really, why would he even register that comment or think twice about it? Doesn't he have more important things to worry about?
I have no idea what the guy said and neither does Florio - that's the point. Yet he thinks its appropriate to extrapolate a list of four conclusions from thin air. I don't have an opinion of Mike McCarthy as a person, but I can't believe the Packers fired this guy for telling McCarthy not to "lay an egg" - that doesn't make sense. If it turns out to be true, I would agree its a strange story, potentially somewhat disturbing.
i dont disagree that mccarthy is not a high quality coach, but watching all of the press conferences throughout the season, i dont think he had anything to with the firing. he seems like a good guy, and im guessing he may have made an offhand remark to one of the higher ups, and they took the situation into their own hands. i dont think this is a reflection on mccarthys personality by any means. doesnt change the fact that i want him fired :thumbup:

I would agree. While I don't think McCarthy is the world's greatest coach by any stretch of the imagination I don't see him having anything to do with this firing. I would also bet that there is a lot more to this firing than just this comment. I read the original article in the Journal Sentinel that Mike Florio uses as the basis of his story and it was incredibly one-sided. It interviewed the guy that got fired with no attempt to get the other side of the story. There's more to this guy's firing then he his telling.

And here's the most obvious question the native sons and daughters will be asking: Why not meet with the guy and hear his side of the story? Maybe Wood is telling the truth. Maybe McCarthy, his blood pressure likely sky high as his plan to nudge Favre into retirement was about to explode in his face once and for all, didn't accurately hear what Wood said.
This comment from Florio is nonsense - why would McCarthy meet with the guy to "hear his side of the story" when McCarthy was there when it happened? Then he completely discounts McCarthy's own side of the story, while seemingly accepting the totally absurd explanation that Woody was fired for saying, "Hey coach, let's get the boys ready to kick some butt this weekend." It is amazing people read this and actually buy the angle this hack is pushing.
So it sounds like you believe the man said "don't lay an egg" to McCarthy... if so, do you think it was a good decision to fire him, particularly given he was an employee for 22 years? Is that what you want in your coach, a guy who will be bothered enough by that type of comment to get the guy fired? I mean, really, why would he even register that comment or think twice about it? Doesn't he have more important things to worry about?
I have no idea what the guy said and neither does Florio - that's the point. Yet he thinks its appropriate to extrapolate a list of four conclusions from thin air. I don't have an opinion of Mike McCarthy as a person, but I can't believe the Packers fired this guy for telling McCarthy not to "lay an egg" - that doesn't make sense. If it turns out to be true, I would agree its a strange story, potentially somewhat disturbing.
Well, I also find it hard to believe that a guy who has worked in this position for 22 years wouldn't know enough to not say something stupid. Good grief. I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to the guy that was there long before McCarthy. And if this is going to come out in the press, then it'd be great to know how many discipline problems this employee has had in the past.
And here's the most obvious question the native sons and daughters will be asking: Why not meet with the guy and hear his side of the story? Maybe Wood is telling the truth. Maybe McCarthy, his blood pressure likely sky high as his plan to nudge Favre into retirement was about to explode in his face once and for all, didn't accurately hear what Wood said.
This comment from Florio is nonsense - why would McCarthy meet with the guy to "hear his side of the story" when McCarthy was there when it happened? Then he completely discounts McCarthy's own side of the story, while seemingly accepting the totally absurd explanation that Woody was fired for saying, "Hey coach, let's get the boys ready to kick some butt this weekend." It is amazing people read this and actually buy the angle this hack is pushing.
So it sounds like you believe the man said "don't lay an egg" to McCarthy... if so, do you think it was a good decision to fire him, particularly given he was an employee for 22 years? Is that what you want in your coach, a guy who will be bothered enough by that type of comment to get the guy fired? I mean, really, why would he even register that comment or think twice about it? Doesn't he have more important things to worry about?
I have no idea what the guy said and neither does Florio - that's the point. Yet he thinks its appropriate to extrapolate a list of four conclusions from thin air. I don't have an opinion of Mike McCarthy as a person, but I can't believe the Packers fired this guy for telling McCarthy not to "lay an egg" - that doesn't make sense. If it turns out to be true, I would agree its a strange story, potentially somewhat disturbing.
Well, I also find it hard to believe that a guy who has worked in this position for 22 years wouldn't know enough to not say something stupid. Good grief. I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to the guy that was there long before McCarthy. And if this is going to come out in the press, then it'd be great to know how many discipline problems this employee has had in the past.
We're all free to draw whatever conclusions and make whatever assumptions we want to make, including a rumor-monger like Mike Florio, but I'm just pointing out that none of it is based on any actual knowledge of what happened, what was said between the two, what McCarthy said to the staff or why this guy was fired. Obviously, people tend to make assumptions based on their own pre-conceived notions about McCarthy that have absolutely nothing to do with whatever happened with this employee. I'm not a McCarthy fan these days as far as his football coaching, but this entire story is truly ridiculous.edit - I would think it should go without saying that there is no chance the Packers will go to the press with this employee's past "discipline problems."
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If he really did say don't lay an egg, McCarthy has a right to be upset. You should command some respect within your own franchise. He's still the head coach. how would it look for players to see employees needling the coach? He's supposed to be a leader.

Then again, a leader would have stepped in and told the team to reinstate the guy. He should have received a lecture about showing respect for the team's coaches and advice that if you can't be supportive, don't add to the stress. Just be quiet. He's not an objective fan. He's an employee. you should expect support from within the confines of your club.

McCarthy looks very weak by implying he had a brief conversation and had nothing to do with the guy's firing. Obviously, his displeasure was noted and something drastic had to be done-- and he didn't stop such a severe reaction. Now he looks even worse.

The team is imploding. Not only has Favre shown them up TWICE but they "rebounded" by losing to a winless team with a rookie making his first start. Favre beating the Packers doesn't even look like a big accomplishment anymore.


With the season's most-hyped game only three days away, Wood said he yelled to McCarthy, "Hey coach, let's get the boys ready to kick some butt this weekend." Wood says that's all he said.

The next day, a Friday, Wood came back to Lambeau Field to work. "Nothing was said," he said. But on Sunday, Wood arrived at the stadium about 11:30 a.m. and immediately began his regular routine. There were nets to hang, and the field had to be cleared of debris, he said.

Wood said Allen Johnson, the team's fields manager, approached him. "What did you say to McCarthy?" he asked. Wood said he repeated what he had told McCarthy. Wood said he was told that McCarthy thought he heard him make a comment along the lines of "don't lay an egg" in the game. "I'm telling you, I had no knowledge of that," Wood said he told Johnson.

Moments later, Wood said Ted Eisenreich, the team's director of facility operations, approached him. "If you didn't say it, who did?" Eisenreich asked Wood. "I said I didn't know," Wood answered.

The next thing Wood knew he was being escorted from Lambeau Field and told he was out of a job. "Allen said to me, 'Woody, we can't have that stuff. We have to let you go.' " Wood said he shook Johnson's hand and left.
Even if the guy said it, that's a pitiful reason for a firing.
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We all work within organizations...people say stupid things sometimes, usually they are not fired because the people up front are very often not meglomaniacs.

The Packers made a big mistake here though, because most organizational bullys are not under the constant microscope of the media.

My guess is that starting Sunday, McCarthy is going hear "Don't Lay an Egg" screamed at him about 1000 times per game home and away. Nice job genius. They should put it on a billboard and hang it in the lockerroom as the players walk out.


With the season's most-hyped game only three days away, Wood said he yelled to McCarthy, "Hey coach, let's get the boys ready to kick some butt this weekend." Wood says that's all he said.

The next day, a Friday, Wood came back to Lambeau Field to work. "Nothing was said," he said. But on Sunday, Wood arrived at the stadium about 11:30 a.m. and immediately began his regular routine. There were nets to hang, and the field had to be cleared of debris, he said.

Wood said Allen Johnson, the team's fields manager, approached him. "What did you say to McCarthy?" he asked. Wood said he repeated what he had told McCarthy. Wood said he was told that McCarthy thought he heard him make a comment along the lines of "don't lay an egg" in the game. "I'm telling you, I had no knowledge of that," Wood said he told Johnson.

Moments later, Wood said Ted Eisenreich, the team's director of facility operations, approached him. "If you didn't say it, who did?" Eisenreich asked Wood. "I said I didn't know," Wood answered.

The next thing Wood knew he was being escorted from Lambeau Field and told he was out of a job. "Allen said to me, 'Woody, we can't have that stuff. We have to let you go.' " Wood said he shook Johnson's hand and left.
Even if the guy said it, that's a pitiful reason for a firing.
Agreed-should not have been fired. It would be a warning in any major company. How does him saying what he said affect how he rolls up tarps and cuts the grass. The dude is a grounds keeper. OH...and if Mike didn't do anything afterwards (like he says) then why was he compelled to ask for the guys name?
If I walk up to my managing director tomorrow, before he has a big meeting with say the CEO of McDonald's and I say "don't lay an egg on Monday".....if the managing director knows who I am, there is a good chance I get fired. Sorry, but you don't say stupid **** to the big guy, just to be an ***.

Does that make it right, that this moron got fired? Not really. But he shouldn't be surprised.

[note: this assumes he said "don't lay an egg"]

And here's the most obvious question the native sons and daughters will be asking: Why not meet with the guy and hear his side of the story? Maybe Wood is telling the truth. Maybe McCarthy, his blood pressure likely sky high as his plan to nudge Favre into retirement was about to explode in his face once and for all, didn't accurately hear what Wood said.
This comment from Florio is nonsense - why would McCarthy meet with the guy to "hear his side of the story" when McCarthy was there when it happened? Then he completely discounts McCarthy's own side of the story, while seemingly accepting the totally absurd explanation that Woody was fired for saying, "Hey coach, let's get the boys ready to kick some butt this weekend." It is amazing people read this and actually buy the angle this hack is pushing.
So it sounds like you believe the man said "don't lay an egg" to McCarthy... if so, do you think it was a good decision to fire him, particularly given he was an employee for 22 years? Is that what you want in your coach, a guy who will be bothered enough by that type of comment to get the guy fired? I mean, really, why would he even register that comment or think twice about it? Doesn't he have more important things to worry about?
Not to mention the fact that McCarthy had the nerve to go out and actually lay two eggs in a row. I mean, the guy deserves his job back for that alone.
Well put.

With the season's most-hyped game only three days away, Wood said he yelled to McCarthy, "Hey coach, let's get the boys ready to kick some butt this weekend." Wood says that's all he said.

The next day, a Friday, Wood came back to Lambeau Field to work. "Nothing was said," he said. But on Sunday, Wood arrived at the stadium about 11:30 a.m. and immediately began his regular routine. There were nets to hang, and the field had to be cleared of debris, he said.

Wood said Allen Johnson, the team's fields manager, approached him. "What did you say to McCarthy?" he asked. Wood said he repeated what he had told McCarthy. Wood said he was told that McCarthy thought he heard him make a comment along the lines of "don't lay an egg" in the game. "I'm telling you, I had no knowledge of that," Wood said he told Johnson.

Moments later, Wood said Ted Eisenreich, the team's director of facility operations, approached him. "If you didn't say it, who did?" Eisenreich asked Wood. "I said I didn't know," Wood answered.

The next thing Wood knew he was being escorted from Lambeau Field and told he was out of a job. "Allen said to me, 'Woody, we can't have that stuff. We have to let you go.' " Wood said he shook Johnson's hand and left.
Even if the guy said it, that's a pitiful reason for a firing.
My sophomore year of High School, I sat down for lunch, and one of my friends was eating an orange. I yelled out "I SMELL ORANGES" because that was what I took for wit in those days. (Still do.) A few minutes later, I was tapped on the shoulder by the lunch monitor and told to go and see the assistant principal. I asked why, and he said it was because I yelled out his first name. The monitor's name was Mr. Caserta*, and his first name was Bruno*. I only know this because it was forbidden to yell out his first name, which had become something of an inside joke for kids who ever had him in class. I never had his class, so I never found it that funny to yell out his name.Mr. Caserta* is certain that I yelled out his name, and even with the testimony of my friends, I am still sentenced to 3 days hard labor, in school suspension. I was devastated. I go back to class (Drama) and tell everyone what happened... and a senior, Jason, tells me that he was the one who yelled out "Bruno!" The pieces begin to fall into place because Jason happens to sit directly behind me in the lunch room. I was framed. I tell him I have to exonerate myself before this I.S.S. goes on my permanent record and I can't get into a great college and wind up homeless. He understands.

I tell the assistant principal. He says it's not good enough. I have to handle it through Mr. Caserta*. I tell Mr. Caserta*. He nods at me. Grunts, maybe.

The next day, I am taken to I.S.S. There was no quarter for me, an innocent boy, even though I had found the culprit and never yelled out his name in the first place. I spent three days with the actual, hardened criminals, kids who had skipped school, fought, or were caught cheating. It was the scariest time of my life.

Now a days, I drive past the graveyard where Mr. Caserta is buried, and I roll down the windows and yell through a bullhorn "BRUNO!"

This guy deserves to yell out Bruno, too. Maybe someday he will get his chance.

*name has been changed to protect the deceased

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With the season's most-hyped game only three days away, Wood said he yelled to McCarthy, "Hey coach, let's get the boys ready to kick some butt this weekend." Wood says that's all he said.

The next day, a Friday, Wood came back to Lambeau Field to work. "Nothing was said," he said. But on Sunday, Wood arrived at the stadium about 11:30 a.m. and immediately began his regular routine. There were nets to hang, and the field had to be cleared of debris, he said.

Wood said Allen Johnson, the team's fields manager, approached him. "What did you say to McCarthy?" he asked. Wood said he repeated what he had told McCarthy. Wood said he was told that McCarthy thought he heard him make a comment along the lines of "don't lay an egg" in the game. "I'm telling you, I had no knowledge of that," Wood said he told Johnson.

Moments later, Wood said Ted Eisenreich, the team's director of facility operations, approached him. "If you didn't say it, who did?" Eisenreich asked Wood. "I said I didn't know," Wood answered.

The next thing Wood knew he was being escorted from Lambeau Field and told he was out of a job. "Allen said to me, 'Woody, we can't have that stuff. We have to let you go.' " Wood said he shook Johnson's hand and left.
Even if the guy said it, that's a pitiful reason for a firing.
My sophomore year of High School, I sat down for lunch, and one of my friends was eating an orange. I yelled out "I SMELL ORANGES" because that was what I took for wit in those days. (Still do.) A few minutes later, I was tapped on the shoulder by the lunch monitor and told to go and see the assistant principal. I asked why, and he said it was because I yelled out his first name. The monitor's name was Mr. Caserta*, and his first name was Bruno*. I only know this because it was forbidden to yell out his first name, which had become something of an inside joke for kids who ever had him in class. I never had his class, so I never found it that funny to yell out his name.Mr. Caserta* is certain that I yelled out his name, and even with the testimony of my friends, I am still sentenced to 3 days hard labor, in school suspension. I was devastated. I go back to class (Drama) and tell everyone what happened... and a senior, Jason, tells me that he was the one who yelled out "Bruno!" The pieces begin to fall into place because Jason happens to sit directly behind me in the lunch room. I was framed. I tell him I have to exonerate myself before this I.S.S. goes on my permanent record and I can't get into a great college and wind up homeless. He understands.

I tell the assistant principal. He says it's not good enough. I have to handle it through Mr. Caserta*. I tell Mr. Caserta*. He nods at me. Grunts, maybe.

The next day, I am taken to I.S.S. There was no quarter for me, an innocent boy, even though I had found the culprit and never yelled out his name in the first place. I spent three days with the actual, hardened criminals, kids who had skipped school, fought, or were caught cheating. It was the scariest time of my life.

Now a days, I drive past the graveyard where Mr. Caserta is buried, and I roll down the windows and yell through a bullhorn "BRUNO!"

This guy deserves to yell out Bruno, too. Maybe someday he will get his chance.

*name has been changed to protect the deceased
Awesome. Great post.
My sophomore year of High School, I sat down for lunch, and one of my friends was eating an orange. I yelled out "I SMELL ORANGES" because that was what I took for wit in those days. (Still do.) A few minutes later, I was tapped on the shoulder by the lunch monitor and told to go and see the assistant principal. I asked why, and he said it was because I yelled out his first name. The monitor's name was Mr. Caserta*, and his first name was Bruno*. I only know this because it was forbidden to yell out his first name, which had become something of an inside joke for kids who ever had him in class. I never had his class, so I never found it that funny to yell out his name.

Mr. Caserta* is certain that I yelled out his name, and even with the testimony of my friends, I am still sentenced to 3 days hard labor, in school suspension. I was devastated. I go back to class (Drama) and tell everyone what happened... and a senior, Jason, tells me that he was the one who yelled out "Bruno!" The pieces begin to fall into place because Jason happens to sit directly behind me in the lunch room. I was framed. I tell him I have to exonerate myself before this I.S.S. goes on my permanent record and I can't get into a great college and wind up homeless. He understands.

I tell the assistant principal. He says it's not good enough. I have to handle it through Mr. Caserta*. I tell Mr. Caserta*. He nods at me. Grunts, maybe.

The next day, I am taken to I.S.S. There was no quarter for me, an innocent boy, even though I had found the culprit and never yelled out his name in the first place. I spent three days with the actual, hardened criminals, kids who had skipped school, fought, or were caught cheating. It was the scariest time of my life.

Now a days, I drive past the graveyard where Mr. Caserta is buried, and I roll down the windows and yell through a bullhorn "BRUNO!"

This guy deserves to yell out Bruno, too. Maybe someday he will get his chance.

*name has been changed to protect the deceased
Some turds (like Bruno) are forever. Great post. :goodposting:
hopefully he gets hired back next year when MM is gone. Highly doubt a 22 year employee would yell that to the head coach.

i dont disagree that mccarthy is not a high quality coach, but watching all of the press conferences throughout the season, i dont think he had anything to with the firing. he seems like a good guy, and im guessing he may have made an offhand remark to one of the higher ups, and they took the situation into their own hands. i dont think this is a reflection on mccarthys personality by any means. doesnt change the fact that i want him fired :nerd:
Im not even sure he said anything to the higher ups on the grounds crew.He was talking to members of the grounds crew at the time...pretty sure they heard what was said as well and between that, and anything McCarthy might have said would have likely been reported.Yet people act as if McCarthy cussed the guy out on the spot and had him canned.Look, I heard this best as this amounts to a pimple on the hind end of an elephant in what McCarthy cares about right now...yet people are up in arms about it ready to believe he just had the guy fired.Whether he did or not...who cares? Nobody knows what the guy actually did say...yet tons of conclusions being jumped to.
ScottyFargo said:
McCarthy failed to mention what he commented back to , but I would wager it was:"Bawk! Bawk bawk bawk, bawk! Bawk," before waving his arms like wings and pecking at the ground for feed.
meatwad1 said:
We all work within organizations...people say stupid things sometimes, usually they are not fired because the people up front are very often not meglomaniacs.

The Packers made a big mistake here though, because most organizational bullys are not under the constant microscope of the media.

My guess is that starting Sunday, McCarthy is going hear "Don't Lay an Egg" screamed at him about 1000 times per game home and away. Nice job genius. They should put it on a billboard and hang it in the lockerroom as the players walk out.
A sign that says: "Losers assemble in small groups and tell the coaches to not lay an egg. Winners assemble as a team and find ways to WIN". And it could have the Packer logo in the middle and "TEAM" written across it in lettering that doesn't stand out, including the quotes as if it's quoting something. But no one knows what.
Regardless of what this guy may have said to him, MM just comes across as a major doosh bag, IMO.
What if...and its a big if...but what if McCarthy really had nothing to do with the guy being fired?Yet some of you are so convinced it was him?Look, he is a bad head coach...no doubt about it...does not mean he is responsible for the guy being fired.
Regardless of what this guy may have said to him, MM just comes across as a major doosh bag, IMO.
What if...and its a big if...but what if McCarthy really had nothing to do with the guy being fired?Yet some of you are so convinced it was him?Look, he is a bad head coach...no doubt about it...does not mean he is responsible for the guy being fired.
You really need to wake up if you think that McCarthy wasn't involved in some way with this guy getting fired.
Regardless of what this guy may have said to him, MM just comes across as a major doosh bag, IMO.
What if...and its a big if...but what if McCarthy really had nothing to do with the guy being fired?Yet some of you are so convinced it was him?Look, he is a bad head coach...no doubt about it...does not mean he is responsible for the guy being fired.
What if... and it shouldn't be a big if, but what if the guy yelled out to McCarthy "Don't lay an egg" and McCarthy yelled back "I'm going to do my best not to" and walked away without looking for a reason to be insulted and wasting his time finding out the guys name to compalin about it?
Regardless of what this guy may have said to him, MM just comes across as a major doosh bag, IMO.
What if...and its a big if...but what if McCarthy really had nothing to do with the guy being fired?Yet some of you are so convinced it was him?Look, he is a bad head coach...no doubt about it...does not mean he is responsible for the guy being fired.
You really need to wake up if you think that McCarthy wasn't involved in some way with this guy getting fired.
I think its possible he is involved since it was said to him, and he at least asked the guy's name from his supervisor.But can you admit that its possible he never said to fire the guy? That the supervisors found out what exactly was said and acted on their own?
Regardless of what this guy may have said to him, MM just comes across as a major doosh bag, IMO.
What if...and its a big if...but what if McCarthy really had nothing to do with the guy being fired?Yet some of you are so convinced it was him?Look, he is a bad head coach...no doubt about it...does not mean he is responsible for the guy being fired.
What if... and it shouldn't be a big if, but what if the guy yelled out to McCarthy "Don't lay an egg" and McCarthy yelled back "I'm going to do my best not to" and walked away without looking for a reason to be insulted and wasting his time finding out the guys name to compalin about it?
Well...guess what...he didn't. Thing is...we have no clue exactly what was said.Yet the assumption is that McCarthy had the guy fired.Look, I have said I want McCarthy gone after this year. So its not like Im defending him as a coach.Just a whole lot of conclusions being jumped to by people here over something so trivial.
Regardless of what this guy may have said to him, MM just comes across as a major doosh bag, IMO.
What if...and its a big if...but what if McCarthy really had nothing to do with the guy being fired?Yet some of you are so convinced it was him?Look, he is a bad head coach...no doubt about it...does not mean he is responsible for the guy being fired.
You really need to wake up if you think that McCarthy wasn't involved in some way with this guy getting fired.
I think its possible he is involved since it was said to him, and he at least asked the guy's name from his supervisor.But can you admit that its possible he never said to fire the guy? That the supervisors found out what exactly was said and acted on their own?
Yes it is possible and it is likely the possibility of that is less than 10%.
Regardless of what this guy may have said to him, MM just comes across as a major doosh bag, IMO.
What if...and its a big if...but what if McCarthy really had nothing to do with the guy being fired?Yet some of you are so convinced it was him?Look, he is a bad head coach...no doubt about it...does not mean he is responsible for the guy being fired.
What if... and it shouldn't be a big if, but what if the guy yelled out to McCarthy "Don't lay an egg" and McCarthy yelled back "I'm going to do my best not to" and walked away without looking for a reason to be insulted and wasting his time finding out the guys name to compalin about it?
Just a whole lot of conclusions being jumped to by people here over something so trivial.
and you are doing the same thing
KingPrawn said:
I would agree. While I don't think McCarthy is the world's greatest coach by any stretch of the imagination I don't see him having anything to do with this firing. I would also bet that there is a lot more to this firing than just this comment. I read the original article in the Journal Sentinel that Mike Florio uses as the basis of his story and it was incredibly one-sided. It interviewed the guy that got fired with no attempt to get the other side of the story. There's more to this guy's firing then he his telling.

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