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Jerry Sandusky accused of child molestation (2 Viewers)

:shrug: I read it as a guy who's long time friend that started a children's charity in 1977 was just accused of anal rape of a 10 year old. I didn't see it. I'm disgusted and maybe a little disbelieving. So I report the facts to my boss without the color.
so, when you hear your buddy is raping kids in the shower, you tell your boss and hope he just decides to stop?you don't worry about the defenseless child victims at all?
I go to my boss and then I go to my buddy and say what the #### happened? I understand that you say you would immediately call the police. I question that. Maybe you would. But it's certainly easy to say that.
I've worked with child victims of sexual assault.Completely inexcusable for someone in a position of authority to cover up a report like this from a credible witness.

Instead of worrying about how it impacts the university or the football program, people need to worry about the victims a bit here.
That sort of gives you a different perspective I think that most of us would not have.
Jesus christ. Russ f'n Rose probably can tell the AD to ####, and he's the women's volleyball coach. He's JoeF'nPa. He's not a mid-level manager to some nobody AD.
Jesus Christ. You people take one word and go off. Relax. Sorry for the bad analogy, but do you understand my basic point?
I get it. He's a long-time friend.You do tax evasion, maybe you cover it up. You find out the guy has knocked up a freshman, you sweep it under the rug. You find out the guy is raping schoolboys -- and you do nothing to prevent him from continuing to do so? Come on.

At the minimum, you buy him a one-way ticket to France and tell him never to step foot on campus again, if you want to "have your friend's back."
So you're immediately picking up the phone and dialing 911 on Tremblay, Pasquino, or Wood? Or would you tell Dodds and Bryant what you heard and let them decide?
I might go to Dodds and Bryant before the authorities. I might go to my dad first, as did the GA.I respect Joe and David's opinion. We'd talk, but I don't think it would take very long. Obviously you don't just call the police with no evidence -- we interview the GA. But you meet with Sandusky. You figure it out.

But at the end, either the GA or Sandusky is gone. How's this for a brilliant idea -- you go figure out who the child in question is. You go talk to to him and his parents. How's that sound for a plan?
Fair enough and I agree with most everything you said except for that last bolded part. That part's for the investigators/authorities, I'm not getting that involved nor should you have to.
:shrug: I read it as a guy who's long time friend that started a children's charity in 1977 was just accused of anal rape of a 10 year old. I didn't see it. I'm disgusted and maybe a little disbelieving. So I report the facts to my boss without the color.
so, when you hear your buddy is raping kids in the shower, you tell your boss and hope he just decides to stop?you don't worry about the defenseless child victims at all?
I go to my boss and then I go to my buddy and say what the #### happened? I understand that you say you would immediately call the police. I question that. Maybe you would. But it's certainly easy to say that.
You're right. First I'd beat him senseless...THEN I'd call the police. :boxing:
What if youre buddy was James Harrison?
Sneak attack with a baseball bat.
I might go to Dodds and Bryant before the authorities. I might go to my dad first, as did the GA.I respect Joe and David's opinion. We'd talk, but I don't think it would take very long. Obviously you don't just call the police with no evidence -- we interview the GA. But you meet with Sandusky. You figure it out.But at the end, either the GA or Sandusky is gone. How's this for a brilliant idea -- you go figure out who the child in question is. You go talk to to him and his parents. How's that sound for a plan?
The father might kill him 1st chance he gets.
Love how the president of a major university calls gay child rape and sodomy "troublesome". Put these child rapists and cover up artists in jail and let us see how "troublesome" their pathetic lives become.

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'None_More_Black said:
Love how the president of a major university calls gay child rape and sodomy "troublesome". Put these child rapists and cover up artists in jail and let us see how "troublesome" their pathetic lives become.
Agree. Very disappointed in Spanier's statement. Ridiculous to act like it's nothing unless he knows of some hard evidence that exonerates everyone. And I'm betting he doesn't.
I feel sorry for Penn State alumni. Terrible to have your college tarnished with such an absolutely disgusting accusation. I shudder to think what else might come out as the story picks up steam.

I feel sorry for Penn State alumni. Terrible to have your college tarnished with such an absolutely disgusting accusation. I shudder to think what else might come out as the story picks up steam.
... you feel sorry for adults who were not complicit here? Interesting ... see, I only feel sorry for the kid(s) who were so despicably abused.Such a disgusting act, and one that was probably not an "isolated" incident. Everyone named here who had knowledge of this #### should be dealt with as severely as possible. Sickening.ETA: Not inferring that you personally don't feel sorry for the victim here ... but, honestly, who gives a flying fiddler's fudge about alumni in the face of this shytestorm ...
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This is vile and everyone who knew anything and didnt report it to the cops is a despicable piece of crap who should be prosecuted. Same for the Catholic Church. Child rape is not acceptable nor is it a workplace HR issue.

I feel sorry for Penn State alumni. Terrible to have your college tarnished with such an absolutely disgusting accusation. I shudder to think what else might come out as the story picks up steam.
... you feel sorry for adults who were not complicit here? Interesting ... see, I only feel sorry for the kid(s) who were so despicably abused.Such a disgusting act, and one that was probably not an "isolated" incident. Everyone named here who had knowledge of this #### should be dealt with as severely as possible. Sickening.
Of course I feel sorry for the victims. I apologize for leaving you with the impression I have no sympathy for minors who were raped and molested by adults. I think every well adjusted adult will be disgusted by these actions and have pity for what the abused children went through. Didn't feel a need to state what I thought was obvious. People take a lot of pride from their school and for most folks they're proud to say they're from their college. It must suck to have the college you graduated from - a college which prides itself on seemingly high morals - to be hit with such a revolting scandal. That's all I meant.
'ConstruxBoy said:
My strong recollection, which I understand looks bad right now, was that the "talk" was that it wasn't Paterno who decided to tell Sandusky that he would never be the head coach. It was the Administration telling Joe to tell Sandusky that. And I remember people thinking that was weird. Why confront Sandusky with that in 1999? He wasn't that old. His coaching skills were fine. So to me, one big question is whether the administration back in 1999 knew of the 1998 incident that the janitor reported and made up a reason to tell Joe why Sandusky couldn't replace him and he (Sandusky) needed to know that. Maybe they told Joe that Sandusky was asking for a big raise (yes, yes, laugh at the pun) since he thought he was the next head coach? But I do know there was some talk about the weirdness of it at the time.
I dunno, CB. Given Paterno's power at that school, I think he'd have to know the real reason the Admin didn't want Sandusky to be the next HC. If they told JoePa something like "we just don't think he'd make a good head coach", Joe would tell them to go screw themselves. Just doesn't pass the smell test.I'm not trying to convict before JoePa has his say, but my gut tells me that the reason that the reason his best friend and conifdante was passed over would have to be something non-football related given how long it was assumed that Sandusky was next in line. And would have to be pretty bad for Joe not to overrride the U's wishes.Maybe Paterno confronted him and Sandusky said he'd get help. No one wants to believe the worst of their loved ones, so I could see an admission and a promise to get help as being enough for Joe to put the unfortunate incident behind him.
I feel sorry for Penn State alumni. Terrible to have your college tarnished with such an absolutely disgusting accusation. I shudder to think what else might come out as the story picks up steam.
Is there something more vile and disgusting than ###-raping junior high boys?
First, some background: Sandusky retired as defensive coordinator in 1999 but was given "emeritus" status within the school, Attorney General Linda Kelly said.

According to the presentment, Sandusky had unfettered access to campus and an office at the Lasch Football Building, even though, as Schultz testified to the grand jury, he had been the subject of a 1998 university police investigation. The investigation included allegations of sexually inappropriate behavior involving Sandusky and young boys in the football building showers.

Sandusky's activities again drew attention in March 2002 when, Kelly said, a graduate assistant football coach "reportedly observed Sandusky sexually assaulting a naked boy who appeared to be about 10 years old."

The graduate assistant told his father, and the two informed Paterno the next day, the presentment stated. Paterno testified to the grand jury that he reported the allegation to Curley, who then handled -- or perhaps mishandled -- the matter in conjunction with Schultz.
There was a university police investigation in 1998 and Sandusky "retired" in 1999 at the age of 55. Does anyone besides Penn State fans believe Paterno didn't know why his DC - two-time NCAA assistant coach of the year and heir apparent - was forced out at a young age? Come on, man.
I feel sorry for Penn State alumni. Terrible to have your college tarnished with such an absolutely disgusting accusation. I shudder to think what else might come out as the story picks up steam.
I would think the grand jury would have been pretty thorough. Not sure how much more steam there would be, thankfully...hopefully. And PSU alum can come out looking just fine. Pressure the university to replace everyone involved and set up a fund to assist the victims with whatever issues they are still dealing with.
I feel sorry for Penn State alumni. Terrible to have your college tarnished with such an absolutely disgusting accusation. I shudder to think what else might come out as the story picks up steam.
Is there something more vile and disgusting than ###-raping junior high boys?
More ###-raping of junior high boys. Or younger.Though CrossEyed makes a good point. The grand jury likely was quite thorough. I still wouldn't be surprised if other victims start stepping forward as this story gets more attention.

I feel sorry for Penn State alumni. Terrible to have your college tarnished with such an absolutely disgusting accusation. I shudder to think what else might come out as the story picks up steam.
... you feel sorry for adults who were not complicit here? Interesting ... see, I only feel sorry for the kid(s) who were so despicably abused.Such a disgusting act, and one that was probably not an "isolated" incident. Everyone named here who had knowledge of this #### should be dealt with as severely as possible. Sickening.
Of course I feel sorry for the victims. I apologize for leaving you with the impression I have no sympathy for minors who were raped and molested by adults. I think every well adjusted adult will be disgusted by these actions and have pity for what the abused children went through. Didn't feel a need to state what I thought was obvious. People take a lot of pride from their school and for most folks they're proud to say they're from their college. It must suck to have the college you graduated from - a college which prides itself on seemingly high morals - to be hit with such a revolting scandal. That's all I meant.
Good Dr., apparently you missed my edit, which I posted 10 minutes prior to your response here regarding my initial post.As far as the alumni go, they can be proud if they stand up and say "prosecute/terminate every muthafudger who was involved/complicit here! I will not stand idly by in the face of these heinous charges!" ...If they choose to give free passes to ANYONE, because of the storied football program, then they are dooshbags of the highest order, and not worth anyone's friggin' time ... and they can go to hell, as far as I'm concerned.
'ConstruxBoy said:
My strong recollection, which I understand looks bad right now, was that the "talk" was that it wasn't Paterno who decided to tell Sandusky that he would never be the head coach. It was the Administration telling Joe to tell Sandusky that. And I remember people thinking that was weird. Why confront Sandusky with that in 1999? He wasn't that old. His coaching skills were fine. So to me, one big question is whether the administration back in 1999 knew of the 1998 incident that the janitor reported and made up a reason to tell Joe why Sandusky couldn't replace him and he (Sandusky) needed to know that. Maybe they told Joe that Sandusky was asking for a big raise (yes, yes, laugh at the pun) since he thought he was the next head coach? But I do know there was some talk about the weirdness of it at the time.
I dunno, CB. Given Paterno's power at that school, I think he'd have to know the real reason the Admin didn't want Sandusky to be the next HC. If they told JoePa something like "we just don't think he'd make a good head coach", Joe would tell them to go screw themselves. Just doesn't pass the smell test.I'm not trying to convict before JoePa has his say, but my gut tells me that the reason that the reason his best friend and conifdante was passed over would have to be something non-football related given how long it was assumed that Sandusky was next in line. And would have to be pretty bad for Joe not to overrride the U's wishes.Maybe Paterno confronted him and Sandusky said he'd get help. No one wants to believe the worst of their loved ones, so I could see an admission and a promise to get help as being enough for Joe to put the unfortunate incident behind him.
Oh true, it would be a bit of a stretch for Paterno not to know the reason. However, I think it's possible. It might not be that hard to tell him that Sandusky was going to the Administration behind Paterno's back demanding more money or demanding that he become the coach soon. Paterno has a healthy ego like any great competitor and could have bought that story and told Sandusky to screw off. We'll just have to see and I do agree that according to the Grand Jury statement, the 1998 incident was the first one witnessed by anyone else and there is no mention of Paterno at all. So maybe he was told that there were some off the field things that Sandusky was going to take care of and that made him ineligible to be the next coach. Heck, maybe the Administration convinced Sandusky to have him tell Paterno that he didn't want to be the next coach anyway. All this is speculation. We'll just have to see how it shakes out. My main point in this thread is that reading the Grand Jury statement and all the articles on it make it sound like Paterno was very limited in his involvement and that he legally did the right thing. Before we accuse him of ethical or moral failure, we need to hear more of the story.
I feel sorry for Penn State alumni. Terrible to have your college tarnished with such an absolutely disgusting accusation. I shudder to think what else might come out as the story picks up steam.
... you feel sorry for adults who were not complicit here? Interesting ... see, I only feel sorry for the kid(s) who were so despicably abused.Such a disgusting act, and one that was probably not an "isolated" incident. Everyone named here who had knowledge of this #### should be dealt with as severely as possible. Sickening.
Of course I feel sorry for the victims. I apologize for leaving you with the impression I have no sympathy for minors who were raped and molested by adults. I think every well adjusted adult will be disgusted by these actions and have pity for what the abused children went through. Didn't feel a need to state what I thought was obvious. People take a lot of pride from their school and for most folks they're proud to say they're from their college. It must suck to have the college you graduated from - a college which prides itself on seemingly high morals - to be hit with such a revolting scandal. That's all I meant.
Good Dr., apparently you missed my edit, which I posted 10 minutes prior to your response here regarding my initial post.As far as the alumni go, they can be proud if they stand up and say "prosecute/terminate every muthafudger who was involved/complicit here! I will not stand idly by in the face of these heinous charges!" ...If they choose to give free passes to ANYONE, because of the storied football program, then they are dooshbags of the highest order, and not worth anyone's friggin' time ... and they can go to hell, as far as I'm concerned.
Sometimes I start a response and wander off before finishing it. So yes, I missed the edit.Anyhow, I can't believe my comment on feeling sorry for Penn State alumni has drawn so much attention. I didn't mean to hijack this and thought it was a simple thought/comment. I'll bow out now.
'ConstruxBoy said:
But please, if you care about being rational, ignore the Pitt and OSU fans. They hate Paterno and are glad to see him in trouble.
Sorry, I've always liked JoePa and seeing what he did here makes me sad. The only thing I get a kick out of is seeing a smug group of people get chopped down a bit. I really wish it was something that didn't involve young innocent victims though. Just a terrible situation and the coverup by people that have been championed for so long for playing by the rules makes it even worse.
'Tiger Fan said:
'Ramblin Wreck said:
'CrossEyed said:
Started reading the Grand Jury report. Had to stop, I was so disgusted. And apparently at least two other university officials were aware of at least one incident that occurred in the stadium shower with a 10-year old boy.Throw them all in jail and throw away the key.
Paterno gonna get a free pass? Hard to imagine the AD and a VP knew stuff but JoePa didn't? Lots of heads gonna roll over this.
according to the article JoePa reported it to the AD and he kept it quiet
That doesn't absolve him of anything.
Disgusting and reprehensible - and all too common on college campuses - except this time instead of a football player, it was a coach, and instead of a female student, it was a young boy.

'ConstruxBoy said:
But please, if you care about being rational, ignore the Pitt and OSU fans. They hate Paterno and are glad to see him in trouble.
Sorry, I've always liked JoePa and seeing what he did here makes me sad. The only thing I get a kick out of is seeing a smug group of people get chopped down a bit. I really wish it was something that didn't involve young innocent victims though. Just a terrible situation and the coverup by people that have been championed for so long for playing by the rules makes it even worse.
I guess I don't think of PSU fans as being that smug compared to some other fan bases, including yours. But let's not derail the thread on that point.
If this is true Graham Spanier and JoePa need to be fired as well. Not allowed to resign, fired.

And why isn't Rape being charged?

BTW - They just announced that the Grad Assistant who witnessed it in 2002 was current Asst Coach Mike McQueary. So forget what I said about Paterno not knowing him.

BTW - They just announced that the Grad Assistant who witnessed it in 2002 was current Asst Coach Mike McQueary. So forget what I said about Paterno not knowing him.
So this guy knew what happened, knew that it had never been properly dealt with, yet he stayed on as an assistant coach there? Throw him in jail too, as far as I'm concerned.
'ConstruxBoy said:
But please, if you care about being rational, ignore the Pitt and OSU fans. They hate Paterno and are glad to see him in trouble.
Sorry, I've always liked JoePa and seeing what he did here makes me sad. The only thing I get a kick out of is seeing a smug group of people get chopped down a bit. I really wish it was something that didn't involve young innocent victims though. Just a terrible situation and the coverup by people that have been championed for so long for playing by the rules makes it even worse.
I guess I don't think of PSU fans as being that smug compared to some other fan bases, including yours. But let's not derail the thread on that point.
They are and they've had some good reason to be until this.Look - I went through the Len Bias diaster with MD hoops, so I know what it's like to be a fan that doesn't want to see the other shoe(s) drop. And props to you for recognizing you may not be the most objective observer here. I do think you're being willfully naive here, but that's natural.

Given their relationship, I just can not believe in any way that the adminstration sold Paterno a false bill of goods on Sandusky and JoePa bought it.

BTW, Sandusky has 6 adopted children and had fostered numerous children as well. One can only hope that he wasn't using that the same way he was using his charity, as a feeder system for his victims.

'ConstruxBoy said:
But please, if you care about being rational, ignore the Pitt and OSU fans. They hate Paterno and are glad to see him in trouble.
Sorry, I've always liked JoePa and seeing what he did here makes me sad. The only thing I get a kick out of is seeing a smug group of people get chopped down a bit. I really wish it was something that didn't involve young innocent victims though. Just a terrible situation and the coverup by people that have been championed for so long for playing by the rules makes it even worse.
I guess I don't think of PSU fans as being that smug compared to some other fan bases, including yours. But let's not derail the thread on that point.
We aren't smug, we are obnoxious #######s. ;)Buttholes.
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I feel sorry for Penn State alumni. Terrible to have your college tarnished with such an absolutely disgusting accusation. I shudder to think what else might come out as the story picks up steam.
Is there something more vile and disgusting than ###-raping junior high boys?
Dude, junior high? More like elementary school. 10 years old is the 3rd or 4th grade... :mellow: Makes it even worse....
BTW - They just announced that the Grad Assistant who witnessed it in 2002 was current Asst Coach Mike McQueary. So forget what I said about Paterno not knowing him.
Oh boy. This is going to get a whole lot worse. I feel really terrible for the young men who suffered at the hands of this scumbag. They are now going to have to relive these horrific events all over again and publicly. So not only Paterno's responsibility being held in question here, how come McQueary isn't being held at the same level for not going directly to authorities? He's the one who witnessed it, how come no one is questioning him or his integrity for not going to police instead of just his superiors? It all stinks, and a house cleaning should probably be in order, and soon.
BTW - They just announced that the Grad Assistant who witnessed it in 2002 was current Asst Coach Mike McQueary. So forget what I said about Paterno not knowing him.
Oh boy. This is going to get a whole lot worse. I feel really terrible for the young men who suffered at the hands of this scumbag. They are now going to have to relive these horrific events all over again and publicly. So not only Paterno's responsibility being held in question here, how come McQueary isn't being held at the same level for not going directly to authorities? He's the one who witnessed it, how come no one is questioning him or his integrity for not going to police instead of just his superiors? It all stinks, and a house cleaning should probably be in order, and soon.
I can understand McQueary being reluctant to make a move without discussing it with Paterno first. McQueary is a relative nobody. He fits the middle management analogy that was used earlier.
BTW - They just announced that the Grad Assistant who witnessed it in 2002 was current Asst Coach Mike McQueary. So forget what I said about Paterno not knowing him.
Oh boy. This is going to get a whole lot worse. I feel really terrible for the young men who suffered at the hands of this scumbag. They are now going to have to relive these horrific events all over again and publicly. So not only Paterno's responsibility being held in question here, how come McQueary isn't being held at the same level for not going directly to authorities? He's the one who witnessed it, how come no one is questioning him or his integrity for not going to police instead of just his superiors? It all stinks, and a house cleaning should probably be in order, and soon.
I can understand McQueary being reluctant to make a move without discussing it with Paterno first. McQueary is a relative nobody. He fits the middle management analogy that was used earlier.
Agree but unless there is some pretty amazing back story that they were both given that made them think this was adequately dealt with, then I think they are implicitly guilty of the cover up even if they aren't legally or explicitly guilty. Horrible.
BTW - They just announced that the Grad Assistant who witnessed it in 2002 was current Asst Coach Mike McQueary. So forget what I said about Paterno not knowing him.
Oh boy. This is going to get a whole lot worse. I feel really terrible for the young men who suffered at the hands of this scumbag. They are now going to have to relive these horrific events all over again and publicly.

So not only Paterno's responsibility being held in question here, how come McQueary isn't being held at the same level for not going directly to authorities? He's the one who witnessed it, how come no one is questioning him or his integrity for not going to police instead of just his superiors? It all stinks, and a house cleaning should probably be in order, and soon.
I can understand McQueary being reluctant to make a move without discussing it with Paterno first. McQueary is a relative nobody. He fits the middle management analogy that was used earlier.
I was the one who made that debatable analogy. But I think it's worse on McQueary since he was the actual eyewitness. It's one thing to be told second hand about something, but to be an eyewitness and not report what you seen is even worse, IMO. I questioned myself for calling authorities on a best friend, but if I were an actual eyewitness then I wouldn't have a choice but to surpass my superiors and go directly to police, especially if nothing was done by the people I reported it too.
BTW - They just announced that the Grad Assistant who witnessed it in 2002 was current Asst Coach Mike McQueary. So forget what I said about Paterno not knowing him.
Oh boy. This is going to get a whole lot worse. I feel really terrible for the young men who suffered at the hands of this scumbag. They are now going to have to relive these horrific events all over again and publicly.

So not only Paterno's responsibility being held in question here, how come McQueary isn't being held at the same level for not going directly to authorities? He's the one who witnessed it, how come no one is questioning him or his integrity for not going to police instead of just his superiors? It all stinks, and a house cleaning should probably be in order, and soon.
I can understand McQueary being reluctant to make a move without discussing it with Paterno first. McQueary is a relative nobody. He fits the middle management analogy that was used earlier.
I was the one who made that debatable analogy. But I think it's worse on McQueary since he was the actual eyewitness. It's one thing to be told second hand about something, but to be an eyewitness and not report what you seen is even worse, IMO. I questioned myself for calling authorities on a best friend, but if I were an actual eyewitness then I wouldn't have a choice but to surpass my superiors and go directly to police, especially if nothing was done by the people I reported it too.
Exactly. This is bad for McQueary given that he stayed on with the program and had to at least know that Sandusky was still hanging around the campus. Of course he may never have seen or heard about him with a young kid again, but still, he had to know that Sandusky wasn't punished and unlike Paterno, he actually saw it with his own eyes. Brutal.
I've always advocated the castration of child molesterers.

Jail time isn't enough for these animals.

PSU football program is going to take the brunt of all of the outrage that was never satisfied when so many members of the Catholic Church got away with similar crimes/conspiracies...

The football program is going to be left in ashes, if the President doesn't change his tune, fire will spread to whole University. Truly, the last thing you want to be associated with in people's minds is child rape.

PSU football program is going to take the brunt of all of the outrage that was never satisfied when so many members of the Catholic Church got away with similar crimes/conspiracies... The football program is going to be left in ashes, if the President doesn't change his tune, fire will spread to whole University. Truly, the last thing you want to be associated with in people's minds is child rape.
Not members, priests.
BTW - They just announced that the Grad Assistant who witnessed it in 2002 was current Asst Coach Mike McQueary. So forget what I said about Paterno not knowing him.
Oh boy. This is going to get a whole lot worse. I feel really terrible for the young men who suffered at the hands of this scumbag. They are now going to have to relive these horrific events all over again and publicly. So not only Paterno's responsibility being held in question here, how come McQueary isn't being held at the same level for not going directly to authorities? He's the one who witnessed it, how come no one is questioning him or his integrity for not going to police instead of just his superiors? It all stinks, and a house cleaning should probably be in order, and soon.
Wonder how much the Assistant Coach gig pays.
BTW - They just announced that the Grad Assistant who witnessed it in 2002 was current Asst Coach Mike McQueary. So forget what I said about Paterno not knowing him.
How long before they announce that the victims received Penn State scholarships as hush money?
How do you not go to the police? Wtf? Throw the book at these guys. And let them experience the joys of being raped in prison.

Wow the program was just beginning to get an idea of life after JoePa but it sounds like is going to burn.

As a fan and a human I am appalled.


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