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Aging Men: what I do to feel better and younger (comment, critique, question, flame away) (2 Viewers)

Exercise, including weight training, cardio and stretching, is important to feel healthy.   Diet is the main driver of weight since most of us are not able to work out hard enough and long enough to erase the intake of too many calories.   Sleep is most important to me though when it comes to how I feel throughout a day.   
I used to do all of this and then kids destroyed it. I need to figure out a new routine because my 43yr old body is full of tightness these days — and not in a good way. 

For those that know me around here, you know I'm not afraid to express an opinion or put myself out there for ridicule.  So, I'll likely be ridiculed a bit here, but also hopefully give some helpful insights and discussion. 

I went through a breakup over a year ago, and after that I just kind of stripped my life back to it's simplest form (helps when I don't have any kids myself) and wanted to get overall healthier (physically and mentally).    I have disposable income so tried all kinds of stuff and I'll share with you the things that worked FOR ME and I've never felt better.

For context, I'm 46 yrs old, but look and feel in my mid-30's realistically (some guys who know me on here can vouch for that).  Always been relatively healthy and athletic so not a drastic change, but I've learned a lot and have thoughts and reasons of why I do all of the below.   If curious to know more about any one thing, comment, and I'll give more details.  If you disagree with any of it or have advice on better technique, product, etc I'm all ears to that as well.  Always trying to improve.

Also, the list below may seem like a lot (and it probably is) but all of it has helped me feel better in some way.  And I also want to make it clear that I still do drink alcohol, have desserts and don't limit myself from good foods...so I still enjoy those vices, which I feel is part of overall happiness and enjoyment of life. Balance.


- BREAKFAST: I'm not a big breakfast guy and usually not hungry.  I have a white Monster since not a coffee drinker.  The white Monsters have zero sugar and only 10 calories.  I fully realize there are all kinds of bad stuff in those, but I don't care...I enjoy it  (this shows I'm not crazy over the top....I still put crap in my body, I just pick and choose the most enjoyable crap for me)

- LUNCH: Healthy Smoothie full of fruits, veggies, collagen powder, protein powder, etc.   (42 oz and 580 calories)

- DINNER: I have a normal meal and don't overthink the health content and just enjoy it (usually have some sort of a dessert, for example...6 Dark Chocolate Oreos with a glass of milk...a reward at the end of the day)

- Water:  drink lots of it whenever I can.  I don't measure it out or go crazy with pumping a gallon into me a day.  But I have gallons of water in my fridge and just fill up a big mug regularly or just take a 5 gulp pull from it as I walk by the fridge.

- Workout:  religiously Monday thru Friday.   M/W/F = 1 hr cardio + 30 mins weights.   T/Th: 1 hr cardio  (take Sat and Sun off to recover...or if miss one of the weekdays I make it up on one of the weekend free days)

- Full body stretching:  Monday thru Friday I do it as the warmup to my daily workout (about 10 mins).   Sat and Sunday just do on my own in my place.    I really concentrate on my hamstrings and lower back.

- The Flex Belt:  Monday thru Friday, 30 mins each day.  I hate situps and crunches and weak lower back from college football injuries, so this helps me keep feeling tone and tight.  It's an easy copout, but it really does work and I can put it on and just go about normal life for those 30 minutes.

- Testosterone replacement therapy, along with misc. vitamin injections that I was low in per blood tests  (Vitamin D & B12).  Went from 320 testosterone to now at 790. (goal is to be at 800 to feel the best)

- Ipamorelin shot to help with leaning out and increase muscle mass (Monday through Friday)

- Daily Positive Manifestation:  15 mins of reading a self help type of book and thanking the universe for all that is good in my life.    Anybody with good recommendations for future reading?

- Daily Kegel exercises:  I do this while I'm doing my 15 min of positive manifestation above.  I'm dating younger women, so ya' know.

- Teeth whitening:  at home gel from Amazon inside one of my old Invisalign retainers.   30 minutes twice a week  (Monday and Friday).

- Facial smoothing:  use both Gua Sha stone and Facia Blaster techniques  (about 10 mins total daily)

- Derma Roller face with special moisturizing serums after:  do once every 2 weeks (every other Sunday)

- Microdermabrasion facials:   every 4 weeks

- Daily facial care:  MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE....and use quality products.   I have a morning moisturizer that has spf 30 in it and doesn't leave the white clown look after.  Also have a night moisturizer with no spf but goes on smooth and cooling.

- Blemishes: Colloidal Silver on a Qtip until the blemish clears up

- Daily morning Vitamins:  Vitamin C (for clearer whites of my eyes),  Silymarin Milk Thistle extract (Liver health), Biotin (hair, nails, skin health)

- Before Bed routine:  brush teeth (duh), swish mouth with Listerine Total Care with alcohol...really helps gum health, night repair eye cream to help with under eye bags and eye wrinkles.

- Massage:  once per month, 90 minutes (firm pressure...not deep tissue, but not total relaxation either)

- No smoking or recreational drugs.  I stick to alcohol a couple nights a week (out on dates or with friends)

Patrick Bateman? (not the poster)

What kind of excites me, @offdee, is that after gathering reactions and input on what constitutes good health and wellbeing, I anticipate you might create a new measure to assess our guy status:

Offdee Male ScaleTM.  

Thanks GB!  What is it that you like so much about it?   Just goes on and into the skin well?  Smells good?

I don't believe it has spf so just extra moisturizing, correct?
Ok, going a little deeper here. I love using it mostly in summer, mostly after some time in the sun, whether working in the yard or at a kid's sporting event. It smells great and a little goes a long way. I have pretty normal skin. Not oily, not dry, but I am showing signs of aging. I will very, very soon be turning 50. I'm not vain at all. I accept getting  older, no problem. But I swear, when I put this stuff on, all signs of aging in my face are lessened. Wrinkles, especially around my eyes, discoloration, skins feels softer. It also feels great after shaving. 

Now you got me thinking of using it every day after a shave. Wonder what that'd be like after a month. Stuff is pricey though. Not sure I want to get hooked to it!

What kind of excites me, @offdee, is that after gathering reactions and input on what constitutes good health and wellbeing, I anticipate you might create a new measure to assess our guy status:

Offdee Male ScaleTM.  
8: one of the higher testosterone levels in the area. Clearly has spf on his face. Upper tier of kegel muscles locally. 

Ok, going a little deeper here. I love using it mostly in summer, mostly after some time in the sun, whether working in the yard or at a kid's sporting event. It smells great and a little goes a long way. I have pretty normal skin. Not oily, not dry, but I am showing signs of aging. I will very, very soon be turning 50. I'm not vain at all. I accept getting  older, no problem. But I swear, when I put this stuff on, all signs of aging in my face are lessened. Wrinkles, especially around my eyes, discoloration, skins feels softer. It also feels great after shaving. 

Now you got me thinking of using it every day after a shave. Wonder what that'd be like after a month. Stuff is pricey though. Not sure I want to get hooked to it!
Nice. You got me intrigued with that review. Will have to give it a try. 

Thanks.  @Terminalxylem what's your opinion on this with normal 40 - 50 year old men supplementing testosterone with "specialist" medical people? 
Extremely skeptical. In general, I’d steer clear of dedicated men’s health and aesthetic medicine clinics. As a rule, they operate outside evidence-based therapeutic guidelines, with no oversight by professional societies or insurers (clients pay out-of-pocket). Consequently, they attract practitioners who promise the world (who doesn’t want a fountain of youth?) to maximize profit over health. But patients love it, as they immediately see/feel a difference, no matter what their testosterone level. The problem is, the chronic effects of supraphysiologic testosterone are unclear, and there are known short-term risks, if it isn’t monitored closely.

If you’re really concerned you have hypogonadism (low testosterone), see a board certified endocrinologist. They are medical experts in hormones. Primary care physicians and urologists also can provide testosterone replacement therapy, though they are more likely to unnecessarily prescribe it as a source of revenue IMO.

One other thing to consider: fat produces estrogen, altering the balance between your natural “male” and “female” hormones. Attaining a healthy weight and body fat% goes a long way to ameliorating many of the symptoms associated with “low T”.

I've posted this Smoothie recipe in the official Smoothie thread, but if anybody curious.   I literally look forward to having this everyday...tastes so good to me.  And so much goodness packed into it.    It's about $150 investment to get all of the powders off of Amazon but they will last you probably 3 months.   That price is comparable to ten trips to Panera for lunch so ultimately a good investment both money and health.

It makes 42 oz and I have it all for lunch, but you breakfast guys can drink 21 oz for breakfast, put remaining in the fridge and have the other 21 oz for lunch.  

offdee's Fruit Smoothie  (makes 42 oz, 580 calories total)

-          1 cup water

-          1/2 cup Cran-Apple juice

-          1 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar w/mother

-          1.5 tbsp whole grain rolled oats

-          1 tbsp ground flaxseed (REFRIGERATE)

-          1.25 TEASPOON Sacred 7 mushroom powder

-          1 scoop Amazing Grass antioxidant (Sweet Berry)

-          1 scoop Vital Proteins collagen & peptides powder (unflavored)

-          1 scoop Isopure protein powder (Vanilla)  

-          One handful of spinach

-          Half large avocado

-          1 red apple (Fuji)

-          1 cup frozen berry mix (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries)

-          One large handful of ice cubes for coldness

Try fresh ginger in your shakes. 

What are the benefits of ginger?  I assume it’s a pretty strong taste that will alter the taste profile? 

Ginger proven health benefits.

It is strong on it`s own, in a shake with other ingredients not so much.

I love ginger so I never notice.  I put fresh chopped ginger in my oatmeal.

My recipe is oatmeal, ground chia seeds, ground hemp seeds, fresh chopped ginger, a scoop of collagen, blueberries.

Why take ipa and trt?  Why not do a sarm and trt instead if already going the trt route and don't mind shooting up. 

Why take ipa and trt?  Why not do a sarm and trt instead if already going the trt route and don't mind shooting up. 
no idea what any of those letters mean.   I'm just doing what the doctor I'm working with recommends.

no idea what any of those letters mean.   I'm just doing what the doctor I'm working with recommends.

TRT is the test (testosterone replacement therapy).  Ipa is the Growth Hormone thing your taking.  I forget what it stands for but SARMS are basically legal steroid alternatives, experimental androgens or something along those lines.  

So I am 52 and feel 72. With my life the way it is, there is no way I can do half of what you do. What I really want is a simple (I mean basic) stretching routine to start. I just real feel my flexibility is shot.
I need to lose 25 pounds (beer gut) but I need to start with getting moving. Any thoughts? 

It's more about diet than exercise...you need to have the discipline to 

1) cut out sugar/carbs

2) eat less

3) no alcohol

the weight will come off immediately

Zero interest in testosterone stuff...but realize every body type is different.  Just feels unnatural to me and I don't want to mess with mother nature.   

Sorry to be dumb, but "shooting up". This is syringe and needle stuff? 

Do people do this themselves?
They can, although clinics can also perform intramuscular injections (for a fee, of course). It sounds like he's injecting testosterone, a growth hormone stimulant (not FDA approved for the treatment of anything), and a couple vitamins. The first two are effectively PEDs, and he could probably get the vitamins from diet + sun exposure.

They can, although clinics can also perform intramuscular injections (for a fee, of course). It sounds like he's injecting testosterone, a growth hormone stimulant (not FDA approved for the treatment of anything), and a couple vitamins. The first two are effectively PEDs, and he could probably get the vitamins from diet + sun exposure.

Thanks. On the worry scale of 1 (Meh, it's nothing) to 10 (No way I'd ever do that), where would you rate something like this?

Are these real medical doctors that prescribe and do this? 

Assuming this is the kind of stuff that's not legal for NFL and bodybuilding, right?

What's the legal status for the general public?

Thanks. On the worry scale of 1 (Meh, it's nothing) to 10 (No way I'd ever do that), where would you rate something like this?

Are these real medical doctors that prescribe and do this? 
Absent a legitimate diagnosis of hypogonadism, I'd never take supplemental testosterone. If I needed it, I wouldn't push levels to the high end of the "normal" range either, for fear of sequelae (mostly vascular (heart attack, stroke, clots) + prostate cancer risk). To be fair, the long term safety data for testosterone is inconclusive. But we've seen the potential for badness in women's hormone replacement, where standards of care changed 180 degrees, after we learned about chronic issues with exogenous hormones. So maybe a worry scale of 3 or 4.

I'd definitely not get involved with growth hormone analogues, which also may promote cancer, plus high blood pressure and diabetes. After all the fuss about FDA approval of covid vaccines, it blows my mind people use these non-FDA-approved PEDs, based on little more than bro-science in the weightlifting/longevity community. Worry scale closer to 8.

The vitamin injections are probably unnecessary, but pose little risk. Worry scale 1, though I wouldn't waste my money on them.

And to be clear, most people who use these supplements probably will do fine, both in the short and long term. But I believe there are much safer and better ways to attain health (mainly through diet and exercise). The vanity of being "cut", having a "six pack", "beach body", etc. just isn't worth it IMO. I also don't believe there are any shortcuts to recapturing/prolonging one's youth.

But all this stuff preys on people's fear and insecurity, and our culture of instant gratification, so there is a huge market for it. And yes, even legitimate doctors sometimes succumb to the hype, or greed in delving into stuff outside mainstream medicine.

What are the benefits of ginger?  I assume it’s a pretty strong taste that will alter the taste profile? 
It’s a bit overpowering if, for example, you mix it in with your smoothie. My fiancée eats it raw. Like I’ll chop it - mince it - and then have a little curved tool that’s sort of a pseudo garlic press. I put about a tablespoon on her breakfast plate with her eggs.

It’s nasty af raw. I love to cook with ginger. I can’t do what she does, but I know there are a lot of health benefits.


Ginger is loaded with antioxidants, compounds that prevent stress and damage to your body's DNA. They may help your body fight off chronic diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diseases of the lungs, plus promote healthy aging.

It’s a bit overpowering if, for example, you mix it in with your smoothie. My fiancée eats it raw. Like I’ll chop it - mince it - and then have a little curved tool that’s sort of a pseudo garlic press. I put about a tablespoon on her breakfast plate with her eggs.

It’s nasty af raw. I love to cook with ginger. I can’t do what she does, but I know there are a lot of health benefits.


Ginger is loaded with antioxidants, compounds that prevent stress and damage to your body's DNA. They may help your body fight off chronic diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diseases of the lungs, plus promote healthy aging.

I take a ginger-turmeric supplement for inflammation.  Was having certain abdominal pain that nobody was ever able to diagnose or otherwise treat -- and it went away after I started taking these every morning.  

I take a ginger-turmeric supplement for inflammation.  Was having certain abdominal pain that nobody was ever able to diagnose or otherwise treat -- and it went away after I started taking these every morning.  
I’m thinking this might be something I try versus adding it to the smoothie. Don’t want to mess with the taste of my batch 

Good lord... I'm guessing most women I know don't follow that elaborate of a routine.  :unsure:

Whatever works for you GB.  :D

I use a $3 jug of body wash. A $6 jug of shampoo.
Only lotion I use is foot balm for feet. Enjoy periodic pedicures. 
Daily multivitamin and fish oil. 
####loads of water. 
Used to lift 4x a week.. been 6 months. Need to get back to it. 
Never had my T tested. At 45 maybe it's time. 

Yeah, see this is an example of advice that does nothing for me (I genuinely mean no offense here). I know this may work for some but something like "make your own path" doesn't actually mean ####. 
I started to say much more but, in this day, and age people 'tend' to get offended by anything that 'could possibly' trigger them so I used a platitude.

In the very next post after yours, Wikid quoted David Foster Wallace.  You may not be familiar with him but I can suggest a fantastic movie that was made about him called The End of the Tour.

The quote dove much deeper into what I 'hinted'.

When I said 'Make your own path' I wanted to try and scratch the surfacce of DFW but couldn't compare to David Foster Wallace who said it much better.


...If you worship money and things, if they are where you tap real meaning in life, then you will never have enough, never feel you have enough. 

Worship your body and beauty and sexual allure and you will always feel ugly. And when time and age start showing, you will die a million deaths before they finally grieve you.

On one level, we all know this stuff already. It’s been codified as myths, proverbs, clichés, epigrams, parables; the skeleton of every great story. The whole trick is keeping the truth up front in daily consciousness.

Worship power, you will end up feeling weak and afraid, and you will need ever more power over others to numb you to your own fear. Worship your intellect, being seen as smart, you will end up feeling stupid, a fraud, always on the verge of being found out. But the insidious thing about these forms of worship is not that they’re evil or sinful, it’s that they’re unconscious. They are default settings.

They’re the kind of worship you just gradually slip into, day after day, getting more and more selective about what you see and how you measure value without ever being fully aware that that’s what you’re doing.

And the so-called real world will not discourage you from operating on your default settings, because the so-called real world of men and money and power hums merrily along in a pool of fear and anger and frustration and craving and worship of self. Our own present culture has harnessed these forces in ways that have yielded extraordinary wealth and comfort and personal freedom.

The freedom all to be lords of our tiny skull-sized kingdoms, alone at the centre of all creation. This kind of freedom has much to recommend it. But of course there are all different kinds of freedom, and the kind that is most precious you will not hear much talk about much in the great outside world of wanting and achieving…. The really important kind of freedom involves attention and awareness and discipline, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them over and over in myriad petty, unsexy ways every day.

That is real freedom. That is being educated, and understanding how to think. The alternative is unconsciousness, the default setting, the rat race, the constant gnawing sense of having had, and lost, some infinite thing.

I started to say much more but, in this day, and age people 'tend' to get offended by anything that 'could possibly' trigger them so I used a platitude.

In the very next post after yours, Wikid quoted David Foster Wallace.  You may not be familiar with him but I can suggest a fantastic movie that was made about him called The End of the Tour.

The quote dove much deeper into what I 'hinted'.

When I said 'Make your own path' I wanted to try and scratch the surfacce of DFW but couldn't compare to David Foster Wallace who said it much better.


...If you worship money and things, if they are where you tap real meaning in life, then you will never have enough, never feel you have enough. 

Worship your body and beauty and sexual allure and you will always feel ugly. And when time and age start showing, you will die a million deaths before they finally grieve you.

On one level, we all know this stuff already. It’s been codified as myths, proverbs, clichés, epigrams, parables; the skeleton of every great story. The whole trick is keeping the truth up front in daily consciousness.

Worship power, you will end up feeling weak and afraid, and you will need ever more power over others to numb you to your own fear. Worship your intellect, being seen as smart, you will end up feeling stupid, a fraud, always on the verge of being found out. But the insidious thing about these forms of worship is not that they’re evil or sinful, it’s that they’re unconscious. They are default settings.

They’re the kind of worship you just gradually slip into, day after day, getting more and more selective about what you see and how you measure value without ever being fully aware that that’s what you’re doing.

And the so-called real world will not discourage you from operating on your default settings, because the so-called real world of men and money and power hums merrily along in a pool of fear and anger and frustration and craving and worship of self. Our own present culture has harnessed these forces in ways that have yielded extraordinary wealth and comfort and personal freedom.

The freedom all to be lords of our tiny skull-sized kingdoms, alone at the centre of all creation. This kind of freedom has much to recommend it. But of course there are all different kinds of freedom, and the kind that is most precious you will not hear much talk about much in the great outside world of wanting and achieving…. The really important kind of freedom involves attention and awareness and discipline, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them over and over in myriad petty, unsexy ways every day.

That is real freedom. That is being educated, and understanding how to think. The alternative is unconsciousness, the default setting, the rat race, the constant gnawing sense of having had, and lost, some infinite thing.
All I read here are a bunch of flowery, charged words that don't add up to actually saying anything/providing concrete advice. 

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I take a ginger-turmeric supplement for inflammation.  Was having certain abdominal pain that nobody was ever able to diagnose or otherwise treat -- and it went away after I started taking these every morning.  
I just purchased a ginger/turmeric supplement on Amazon that also has Apple Cider Vinegar in it.   I put ACV in my smoothie and notice it really helps with appetite suppression for me.....but, I hate the taste of it, it's pretty nasty.    Gonna keep the low amount in my smoothie but the addition of it in this supplement is perfect.  Thanks for the recommendation.

All I read here are a bunch of flowery, charged words that don't add up to actually saying anything/providing concrete advice. 
Don't like flowery.  You want it with the bark off.

Then simply do the opposite of what David Foster Wallace says.

  • Power
  • Money
  • Your body
  • Sex
Don't care about others, live in your own mind where no one can contradict or challenge your beliefs.  

Don't like flowery.  You want it with the bark off.

Then simply do the opposite of what David Foster Wallace says.

  • Power
  • Money
  • Your body
  • Sex
Don't care about others, live in your own mind where no one can contradict or challenge your beliefs.  
You can enjoy and desire all of those 4 bullet points and still be a good human being to others, empathetic to others and have life goals deeper than materialistic things.  Not caring at all about those 4 bullets and only about flowery notions isn't ideal for happiness either IMO.

Never had my T tested. At 45 maybe it's time. 

Without getting tested what are some of the signs of low T?  I'm still saluting most mornings and my libido is still through the roof.  Still have decent muscle mass.

Is there a good reason to get tested if there's no concerns?

You can enjoy and desire all of those 4 bullet points and still be a good human being to others, empathetic to others and have life goals deeper than materialistic things.  Not caring at all about those 4 bullets and only about flowery notions isn't ideal for happiness either IMO.
Enjoy every good aspect of life.

DFW warned of worshiping to the point of yangism. 

Don't like flowery.  You want it with the bark off.

Then simply do the opposite of what David Foster Wallace says.

  • Power
  • Money
  • Your body
  • Sex
Don't care about others, live in your own mind where no one can contradict or challenge your beliefs.  
I don't worship any of those things. I do think they can to a moderate and reasonable extent promote a good life both for the individual and for society, but I fail to see how one saying "hey you're saying a lot without actually saying anything" denotes the response of "worship this stuff then." 

I want to care about others and do good. I just fail to see how advice like "make your own path" practically and pragmatically promotes this end. I'm seeking more concrete advice. 

I don't worship any of those things. I do think they can to a moderate and reasonable extent promote a good life both for the individual and for society, but I fail to see how one saying "hey you're saying a lot without actually saying anything" denotes the response of "worship this stuff then." 

I want to care about others and do good. I just fail to see how advice like "make your own path" practically and pragmatically promotes this end. I'm seeking more concrete advice. 

I interpret "make your own path" to be - don't follow the conventional wisdom on what will make you happy.  Granted, you have to kind of read in to it and even if that's accurate it doesn't give you concrete advice like you are wanting.  I'm similar to you - give me 5-10 steps or items to do and I'll go do them.

I want to care about others and do good. I just fail to see how advice like "make your own path" practically and pragmatically promotes this end. I'm seeking more concrete advice. 
First, nothing is preventing you from helping others.  

I've tried and failed to explain what I was trying to say so I'll chalk it up to my failure. 

Not a question of laziness but today is the first day of summer and even though I woke early to beat the heat and moved a ton of topsoil and am helping out someone, I've still got a lot to do, and I imagine you do as well so have a great summer.


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