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WR Antonio Brown, FA (2 Viewers)

Guy is going to the Latrell Sprewell course of money management.  He will be living under an underpass in less than 5 years.
Sprewell actually had a connection with the haute rims stores that catered to celebrities and rappers. To own Sprewell spinners was a big thing back when.

He still went staggerigly broke.

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Here’s more video of him screaming at the cops:

I have so much more respect for Mike Tomlin now.  This is what he dealt with for years and kept it somewhat under control until the end. 

Brown is spiraling out of control and will end up in jail or dead. Right now the real concern is he mentally stable?  It does not appear that way.  The bizarre thing is that Brown posted this himself.   In a day or two Brown will come out with an apology video.

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Pretty sure I heard him call a white police officer a “cracker”.  His disrespect to the officers was terrible. 
But that doesn’t compare to how sad and sickening it was to see him act like that in front of his children.  Especially towards his children’s mother.  Poor kids. 

Sean Payton would be happy to have AB on board IF the league cleared him and the team knew he could play from Day 1. While AB is in limbo, though, the Saints won't approach him.
I remember him being really sour on the whole Adrian Peterson thing.  Payton doesn't seem to co-exist well with "big personalities".

That said, this last loss to MIN has to be sitting deep in his craw and he knows they'd be a much better playoff team with AB in black and gold.

It stinks, because NO would be the absolute perfect fit for a one year "show me" redemption type contract where he plays the good citizen and helps 'our guys' win a ring.  That would definitely pump up Brees for another year, would free up MT from so many doubles, erase the need from the 2020 draft board.....arrrrrgggghhh but it would always be like that feeling where you're leaning back in a chair and you almost fall backward but catch yourself (until you don't) because I don't think AB has it in him to just shut up and play.

Edit: Folks from NO will get this, but the people there (and state-wide for that matter) are a REALLY forgiving bunch.  That is the land of second chances.  They might look at him a little sideways, but they'll give him a chance to show he's cleaned up his act.

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Edit: Folks from NO will get this, but the people there (and state-wide for that matter) are a REALLY forgiving bunch.  That is the land of second chances.  They might look at him a little sideways, but they'll give him a chance to show he's cleaned up his act.
Don't you need to clean up your act first?

I have so much more respect for Mike Tomlin now.  This is what he dealt with for years and kept it somewhat under control until the end. 

Brown is spiraling out of control and will end up in jail or dead. Right now the real concern is he mentally stable?  It does not appear that way.  The bizarre thing is that Brown posted this himself.   In a day or two Brown will come out with an apology video.
Didn't it come out that he's bipolar? Or was that unsubstantiated?

Pretty sure I heard him call a white police officer a “cracker”.  His disrespect to the officers was terrible. 
But that doesn’t compare to how sad and sickening it was to see him act like that in front of his children.  Especially towards his children’s mother.  Poor kids. 
AB called his baby momma a "fish head" that is an Asian slur, called the white cop a cracker, the black cop the N word, and then right in the middle of his rant out of the blue he says "Eff the NFL"

Right now the real concern is he mentally stable?  It does not appear that way.  The bizarre thing is that Brown posted this himself.   In a day or two Brown will come out with an apology video.
I always say, these "NFL player spiraling out of control" stories have three phases. First, it's funny because the guy is acting like a complete doosh. Then we get angry at him for throwing away a promising career. And then we get sad when we realize there's something seriously wrong with him. As a Lions fan, I still remember being angry at Titus Young for being such a knucklehead and deliberately running the wrong routes in games. Then it turned out he had some major mental illness issues, and the whole thing was just sad.

Not everyone goes through all three phases, and it's not always linear. Brown himself has bounced around to all three over the past year. Obviously, the rape and intimidation allegations are very serious, and I wouldn't blame anyone who got permanently stuck on anger (then again, I also wouldn't blame anyone who, whatever their other feelings, got a laugh out of the bag of d##ks).

But yeah, it's becoming increasingly clear that there's something really wrong with him. It obviously doesn't absolve him of his behavior, for which he alone is fully responsible, but it does lend a note of sadness to the whole story.

didn't AB tweet a taunt after the 4 teams who showed "interest" in him were out of the playoffs? (Buff, Oak, NO,....I forget who else).

Would be great to see a tweet to the effect: # of teams in Conference Championship Games who showed interest in AB = 0

didn't AB tweet a taunt after the 4 teams who showed "interest" in him were out of the playoffs? (Buff, Oak, NO,....I forget who else).

Would be great to see a tweet to the effect: # of teams in Conference Championship Games who showed interest in AB = 0

I have so much more respect for Mike Tomlin now.  This is what he dealt with for years and kept it somewhat under control until the end. 

Brown is spiraling out of control and will end up in jail or dead. Right now the real concern is he mentally stable?  It does not appear that way.  The bizarre thing is that Brown posted this himself.   In a day or two Brown will come out with an apology video.
I think what you are questioning as unstable is unfortunately more normal than I would have ever believed before all these people were handed the platform to show it off.

AB looks like so many countless other examples you see everyday.  :shrug:

I think what you are questioning as unstable is unfortunately more normal than I would have ever believed before all these people were handed the platform to show it off.

AB looks like so many countless other examples you see everyday.  :shrug:
I just talked to my buddy who went to CMU and still live in Mt Pleasant MI and he said Brown had all kinds of problems at CMU that were swept under the rug.

I just talked to my buddy who went to CMU and still live in Mt Pleasant MI and he said Brown had all kinds of problems at CMU that were swept under the rug.
Either I terrible job of saying what I was trying to say, or you did a terrible job of understanding it.  :lol:

I'll lean the former.  I am certainly not claiming Brown is stable.... just not any less so than the idiots that come across my screen all day every day.

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This is a classic text book example of what enabling can lead too.  AB's talent has lead him to be enabled by everyone around him his whole life, including his father.  It's actually far more unexpected when a person like this doesn't turn out like an entitled #######.   Nothing shocking here imo, it's exactly what one would expect.

He's mentally ill and needs professional help. If he isn't seeking it already, then God help him.
To seek help, he would have to first admit he has a problem. As I don't believe he thinks he has any problems whatsoever but is rather a victim in all this, I find it highly unlikely he would be seeking help.

I just talked to my buddy who went to CMU and still live in Mt Pleasant MI and he said Brown had all kinds of problems at CMU that were swept under the rug.
Years ago I was working in the entertainment industry at the time of Tom Cruise's infamous "jumping the couch" meltdown. I once was talking to someone who Knew Things, and asked him what the story was with that. He said it was a confluence of factors. Cruise had always been a little bit of a weirdo, and as he got more into Scientology he gradually got weirder. Meanwhile, his publicist, who was a long-time pro, warned him he might want to rein in the Scientology talk for the sake of his career. He fired her and replaced her with his sister, who was a fellow Scientologist and also had no background in PR. So she wasn't willing/capable of stopping him from going on the Today Show and lecturing Matt Lauer about psychiatry, etc.

Point is, all those different factors fed off of each other, and next thing you know Cruise was universally regarded as a nutjob. It wouldn't surprise me if something similar happened with Brown. Then again, it also wouldn't totally shock me if it turned out he had always been this crazy, and was just so talented he was able to get away for it for far too long

HPD has had enough of AB. They have returned his large donation for their 7 on 7 league and banned him from ever working out on their field again. 


The clown needs help like Brandon Marshall. I'm betting he has the same illness - BPD (borderline personality disorder). He does not have CTE. He's been an idiot long before that hit he took. It was just covered up by Tomlin.


Carey Codd of CBS Miami reports police in Hollywood, Florida have "severed ties" with free agent WR Antonio Brown.

Police were called to Brown's home Monday to investigate a "domestic disturbance." What followed was a vicious tirade from Brown, who blasted law enforcement with an expletive-laden outburst. To make matters worse Brown, who recorded the encounter on social media, launched his verbal attack with his own children present. The former Steelers and Patriots receiver has been advocate of the Police Athletic League, donating both time and money to the organization, but will no longer have any affiliation with that group following Monday's meltdown. "These incidents have caused an irreparable rift between the Police Department and PAL and Mr. Brown," police spokesman Christian Lata wrote in a statement. "We will not take money from a donor that we cannot have our youth be proud of or represent our organization." The seven-time Pro Bowler tried out for the Saints last month but it's hard to envision the mercurial receiver ever playing another NFL down.


Jan 14, 2020, 4:53 PM ET

The clown needs help like Brandon Marshall. I'm betting he has the same illness - BPD (borderline personality disorder). He does not have CTE. He's been an idiot long before that hit he took. It was just covered up by Tomlin.
I agree, I think he has BPD.  It does not make him an idiot or a clown, just a sick individual with no real friends or family to convince him he needs help.  Those of us battling BPD or other mental/personality disorders need support and love. I truly feel for AB at this time. As much as he's being a #####, he doesn't see it and he doesn't understand. Hopefully someone in his circle can step up and help him somehow.

The clown needs help like Brandon Marshall. I'm betting he has the same illness - BPD (borderline personality disorder). He does not have CTE. He's been an idiot long before that hit he took. It was just covered up by Tomlin.
I hope, like Marshall, he gets treated for his BPD (if that is indeed what he has). Marshall is still an ornery dude who wore out his welcome at numerous NFL stops, but he seems to have done a good job of keeping his mental illness in check, and he had himself a solid career that never went off the rails the way Brown's has.

I agree, I think he has BPD.  It does not make him an idiot or a clown, just a sick individual with no real friends or family to convince him he needs help.  Those of us battling BPD or other mental/personality disorders need support and love. I truly feel for AB at this time. As much as he's being a #####, he doesn't see it and he doesn't understand. Hopefully someone in his circle can step up and help him somehow.

It can be hard to express anything resembling "sympathy" for a guy acting the way Brown is right now. And we absolutely shouldn't excuse his conduct. But given the likelihood that he has a mental illness, I'm not willing to write him off as a person. I hope he can get help before things get even worse.

He actually started off fairly normal.   He's got a point, if he showed up in an uber at her place, grabbed her keys and tried taking her Bentley he would be in jail right quick.
I tend to agree that AB may have had a legitimate point in this case but why be such a %$#@ about it?  And there is no excuse for the racial slurs towards the police and screaming expletives at the baby momma in front of the kids.   

 I'm betting he has the same illness - BPD (borderline personality disorder).
I think I've posted this before but this guy is a working NFL scout, he's anonymous on twitter but ex-NFL personnel people like Jeremiah and Jim Nagy know him. He's legit. Below in bold is one of many tweets he states that AB is bi-polar. He also has tweeted out that AB was off a lot of teams draft boards due to character issues, so his problems are not new, just more out of control. 




Sep 7, 2019

Don’t know if anyone has said this but I’ll go ahead and confirm. Antonio Brown is bipolar. It’s documented and all 32 teams had it. That is an issue that I don’t ever want to deal with because sometimes players won’t take their meds. It’s clear he isn’t on his meds now.

Point of clarification that is meant as a general FYI because this stuff gets really confusing: Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder are different things. Based on my limited understanding of the symptoms, it sounds more like he has Borderline Personality, but who knows?

Point of clarification that is meant as a general FYI because this stuff gets really confusing: Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder are different things. Based on my limited understanding of the symptoms, it sounds more like he has Borderline Personality, but who knows?
He's got one of them and until he takes the meds, he's not going to be in the NFL. Brandon Marshall was real close to being toast and his acceptance of his problem saved his career, possibly saved his life and possibly saved him from prison. 

He's got one of them and until he takes the meds, he's not going to be in the NFL.
Possibly not even then. He's napalmed a whole lot of bridges, and while he might get a pass on some of his behavior if it turns out it was a direct result of his mental illness, the rape allegations won't be as easy to wave away.

Point of clarification that is meant as a general FYI because this stuff gets really confusing: Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder are different things. Based on my limited understanding of the symptoms, it sounds more like he has Borderline Personality, but who knows?
Agreed. To me, he seems more BPD than bi-polar. And the two disorders are NOT the same. 

Now being an aashole is a mental disorder? 
Separate things. You can think he's an #####, and judge him for his #####-ishness, while also recognizing that he seems to have a mental disorder. IMO, the strongest evidence in favor of that conclusion is the fact that one of the most talented players in the entire league has, in the course of a calendar year, completely incinerated his career. It's possible he did that because he really is dumb, or really is that much of an #####, but the most likely explanation for that level of self-destructiveness is that he's mentally ill.

Separate things. You can think he's an #####, and judge him for his #####-ishness, while also recognizing that he seems to have a mental disorder. IMO, the strongest evidence in favor of that conclusion is the fact that one of the most talented players in the entire league has, in the course of a calendar year, completely incinerated his career. It's possible he did that because he really is dumb, or really is that much of an #####, but the most likely explanation for that level of self-destructiveness is that he's mentally ill.
As a Raider fan, I hate Brown and hope he never plays in the NFL again.   As a decent human being, I hope he gets help for his mental illness so that he can be a great father and even contribute positively to society eventually.  

As a Raider fan, I hate Brown and hope he never plays in the NFL again.   As a decent human being, I hope he gets help for his mental illness so that he can be a great father and even contribute positively to society eventually.  


I don't want to impute any arguments to clopbeast, so I'll just say that I've often heard the sentiment that to talk about mental illness is to make excuses or let the person off the hook. I think your post perfectly captures the duality of the situation.

Also, you made me ponder the question of which franchise got screwed over the most by him this past year. The irony is that all three could really have used a WR (then again, any team in NFL history could have used Antonio Brown at the top of his game). The Raiders definitely had to put up with the most crap in pre-season, but they rid themselves of Brown early and moved on. Even though they could have used him, I don't get the sense that he was the thing standing in the way of them getting a playoff spot. (Of course, there's also the fact that they basically lit two draft picks on fire for a guy who never played a down for them). 

Pats were the team that had the biggest AB-shaped hole on their roster by the end of the season, but then, it only cost them a little money. Steelers are probably the luckiest in that they moved on from the drama last year, plus they got those draft picks.

Makes me wonder whether someone suffering from either of the two proposed diagnosis above could have their disorder without behaving like an ### towards others.  could such a person be a kind human being to others and have their condition simply effect their mood and self perception but not their outward behavior.  Are there good folks with these ailments because the discussion here seems to want to totally excuse his behavior due to a perceived condition.  As if he is an object being acted upon rather than an actor.  

Makes me wonder whether someone suffering from either of the two proposed diagnosis above could have their disorder without behaving like an ### towards others.  could such a person be a kind human being to others and have their condition simply effect their mood and self perception but not their outward behavior.  Are there good folks with these ailments because the discussion here seems to want to totally excuse his behavior due to a perceived condition.  As if he is an object being acted upon rather than an actor.  
I am the furthest thing from a mental-health professional, so I can't say for sure, but those disorders (and it bears repeating, we do not know for sure that AB has been diagnosed with anything) do seem to be associated with this type of anti-social behavior. Anecdotally, I have also know people first-hand who were normal, functioning adults whose behavior changed sharply once they went off their meds.

But yes, none of this should be to excuse his behavior. And ultimately, none of us knows what's going on inside his head. In fact, the more I think about it, I should stop posting speculatively about Brown's mental health unless we learn more information.

So ... has anyone heard what the hell was up with the bag of d##ks? Like, why would someone have gummy penises just lying around to throw at people? Does he have other body parts as well? I need to know this info

Drew Rosenhaus has terminated his contract with AB until the wide receiver seeks help per Adam Schefter


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Agent Drew Rosenhaus has conditionally terminated his relationship with Antonio Brown.

According to ESPN’s Adam Schefter, Rosenhaus has written a letter to the NFL Players Association saying that he would like to continue working with Brown, but not until he gets help.

This story will be updated.

Agent Drew Rosenhaus has conditionally terminated his relationship with Antonio Brown.

According to ESPN’s Adam Schefter, Rosenhaus has written a letter to the NFL Players Association saying that he would like to continue working with Brown, but not until he gets help.

This story will be updated.
Well there you go.  I would think that Rosenhaus knows AB well enough that he can tell he's going through something serious.  IMO the NFL should contact AB directly and inform him that he will not be permitted to play until he seeks treatment.  Maybe that will get his attention and will spark him to get help.

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Well there you go.  I would think that Rosenhaus knows AB well enough that he can tell he's going through something serious.  IMO the NFL should contact AB directly and inform him that he will not be permitted to play until he seeks treatment.  Maybe that will get his attention and will spark him to get help.
And you know what his response to that will be?  “#### you. I don’t need you.”


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