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WR Antonio Brown, FA (3 Viewers)

I have a question and I apologize if it has already been addressed, I did skip a few pages of this thread, but she alleges she discussed some of this with Brown's chef.  would that be the same Chef who is suing Brown for non-payment of services, or a different one?

Yeah, that article doesn't say what tim seems to think it says.

Also, this is not just some random rape accusation.  This is an accusation made against a celebrity with very deep pockets.  And it's a celebrity who probably associates with the kind of people who would make extortion attempts.  Conditional on those known facts, the probability of this accusation being false is much higher than it would be otherwise.  (That's not to say that this accusation is false -- I have no way of knowing that one way or the other).
This Victim does not appear to be a gold digger who trapped him after a night of intoxicated clubbing.  This is a quiet, religious young woman who he pursued and whose sympathies and religious willingness to forgive he played upon.  .

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Just got an alert that the league is looking into it and may put him on the exempt list.

Tyreek and AB, my stud WRs.

Was a really fun fantasy season while it lasted!


I guess she wanted to be sure he secured a guaranteed contract before filing this?  The timing is very suspect.
Not saying this is a false accusation ...

but if it were, I would say the timing of this is more about AB being in the headlines and center of attention the last few days.

Supposedly they met in Bible Study and the first incident took place as they read scriptures, prayed and watched services together during a training visit.  

Seems a bit over-the-top if you ask me.   Plus it is hard to believe Mr Big Chest praying to anyone other than himself.

Supposedly they met in Bible Study and the first incident took place as they read scriptures, prayed and watched services together during a training visit.  

Seems a bit over-the-top if you ask me.   Plus it is hard to believe Mr Big Chest praying to anyone other than himself.
Religion is a funny thing. "Plus it is hard to believe Mr Big Chest praying FOR anyone other than himself."  Fixed. 

To be a fly on the wall in the meeting this morning between AB and BB. 

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This Victim does not appear to be a gold digger who trapped him after a night of intoxicated clubbing.  This is a quiet, religious young woman who he pursued and whose sympathies and religious willingness to forgive he played upon.  .
Neither of us really knows whether that is the case or not.  Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.  

Supposedly they met in Bible Study and the first incident took place as they read scriptures, prayed and watched services together during a training visit.  

Seems a bit over-the-top if you ask me.   Plus it is hard to believe Mr Big Chest praying to anyone other than himself.
Yeah 1st I was thinking ya know maybe he was just dumb enough to think it be funny if he tossed a little something on her back just to see a reaction and maybe played it off more because she was acting upset  Then I was like ya know maybe some fantasizing or something  I dunno it does sound like an off time to say the least   But stuff happens

This Victim does not appear to be a gold digger who trapped him after a night of intoxicated clubbing.  This is a quiet, religious young woman who he pursued and whose sympathies and religious willingness to forgive he played upon.  .
I've known tons of quiet, religious young women who were very forgiving.  None of them would have kept coming around somebody that had ejactulated on their back while they were watching something religious on their ipad.

Supposedly they met in Bible Study and the first incident took place as they read scriptures, prayed and watched services together during a training visit.  

Seems a bit over-the-top if you ask me.   Plus it is hard to believe Mr Big Chest praying to anyone other than himself.
I think it’s unlikely she made up the fact that they were both members of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. 

I've known tons of quiet, religious young women who were very forgiving.  None of them would have kept coming around somebody that had ejactulated on their back while they were watching something religious on their ipad.
You don’t actually know that.  Truly.  It’s very easy to say that in a vacuum, and we don’t know whether this is true or not, but we’re talking about someone she’s known for a decade whom she likely believes is on the wrong path compared to what they intended while involved in sports and religion in college.  

It’s a strange situation to be sure, whether or not her recitation is accurate. 

You don’t actually know that.  Truly.  It’s very easy to say that in a vacuum, and we don’t know whether this is true or not, but we’re talking about someone she’s known for a decade whom she likely believes is on the wrong path compared to what they intended while involved in sports and religion in college.  

It’s a strange situation to be sure, whether or not her recitation is accurate. 
I don't KNOW that the sun is going to come up tomorrow. 

But most women are going to avoid someone who ejaculates on their back unannounced. 

I don't KNOW that the sun is going to come up tomorrow. 

But most women are going to avoid someone who ejaculates on their back unannounced. 
This is similar to the thinking that most women will not go back to a man who has hit them.  Or most people would not go back to a priest who has groped them.  Or an employer who sexually harassed them. 

There are societal, religious, and interpersonal factors at play in these kinds of things that simply don't lend themselves to rational consideration of limited facts.

Other reporters seem to be seconding Schefter's Commish Exempt List theory and piggybacking. 

Ruh oh
Basically I don't disagree with the league in putting Ab on a time out until this get's sorted out If they choose to do so). We have a season to focus on....this has become an utter sideshow and I think we all want it to go away so we can all enjoy NFL football without this crap in the news....every single waking moment. 

Once it get's resolved he will be back playing. Or not if this indeed is proven to be true (I am personally doubtful this is legit at all but we will find out soon enough).

I've known tons of quiet, religious young women who were very forgiving.  None of them would have kept coming around somebody that had ejactulated on their back while they were watching something religious on their ipad.
Not for nothing, but have any of these quiet, religious, forgiving young women told you that this is the case?

I have no idea if they did or didn't.  You think AB or Rosenhaus would have volunteered this kind of information while negotiating a contract.  AB has multiple lawsuits filed against him, it is tough to keep up with them all.
It appears neither the NFL nor the Pats were aware of these allegations prior to the reports last night. AB’s lawyer sure had that letter ready to go though ....

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The league being the league, who knows what they will do with this. All we know for a fact is they have been very consistent in their inconsistency. I still think that if they just put Brown on the exempt list, they will be opening up a can of worms for any potential incidents. As an example, let's just day for argument's sake they put Brown on the exempt list and he can't play but still gets paid. Now the threshold and precedent would be set on how the league reacts to these situations . . . accusations in a civil suit without any involvement by the police (at least there doesn't appear to be) can get players taken off the field.

Let's go off the board and say Peyton Manning was still playing on DEN and his team made the post season. Say the Broncos had to play the Titans in the playoffs. Now let's say Peyton's trainer from Tennessee that week filed a civil suit alleging Peyton assaulted her. (Remember, I am not making up an alleged incident with a trainer here.) Under previous precedent, wouldn't the league then have to put Peyton on the exempt list? Or change Peyton to Jameis Winston. and let's say another woman says he groped her, assaulted her, fondled her, etc. Does he get yanked off the field just because she accuses him?

The other issue I have with the exempt list is that it's usually way worse than being suspended. A first time DV or assault suspension is supposed to carry a 6 game suspension. I heard some legal talking heads interviewed lst night that said civil cases if played out fully in court could go on for 18 months to 36 months. I don't see how it would be appropriate to just tell someone he couldn't play pending the resolution of a civil case that took 3 years. IMO, the most anyone should have to serve on the exempt list would be the same 6 games that he would serve had he just been suspended. On top of that, the other problem is a guy could spend months on the exempt list and THEN be suspended. I would add a 6 weeks max rule for cases like this and then let him play even if the case was still on going. If it turns out there were grounds for an unpaid suspension, fine him / dock the money after he already sat the 6 games. It would work out the same as if he had a regular suspension (ie missed 6 games, lost 6 game checks).

He had a guaranteed contract in Oakland and was already paid $1 million up front and has millions in the bank.  The timing isn't an issue as far as money is concerned but it is in terms of why and how the national media ran with this story because it assures more clicks but they don't run these stories unless it is safe so I wonder if ABs tweets where he admits explicit details were enough for them to run with it because those details are on public record.  

I really don't know what to make of this but to question the timing of the accuser just because he got another guaranteed contract does not make sense unless she is angling to get paid for her story and drops the case if starts doing interviews for money.  
The Raiders did not pay him and were not locked into the guarantees until he actually played.  That obviously never happened.  Most likely waited to file to see how the situation in Oakland played out, if he'd be cut (and no guarantees) and/or blackballed for his actions.  Sure, he already has money but easier to make this go away when the guy has an extra 30M in his pocket.

I read some of the details and it does look like a money grab.  Probably decided to pursue especially after the crazy behavior by AB - more believable now than before.

It appears neither the NFL nor the Pats were aware of these allegations prior to the reports last night. AB’s lawyer sure had that letter ready to go though ....
How could the Pats have had time to look into all of Browns issues?   They didn't know that he was going to be released and had to act quickly in order to get this minor deal done.     :whistle:

The other thing I am not a huge fan of is when the league starts investigating individual people and their interactions and communications. I wasn't a huge fan of the recording in the Hill case and now the texts or emails in the AB court filing. Now that stuff is out for the world to see and plenty of people will draw conclusions when who knows what other components or conversations there were between these people.

Here's a for instance. Over the weekend, I was doing some stuff in our yard and ended up with a tarp and a shovel in my vehicle. There already was some rope in there as well that I needed to tie down something. My wife and I had just watched a movie about a serial killer that had the same items in his car. She texted me asking if she needed to be concerned for her life since I had a shovel , a tarp, and rope and we were going for a ride. She also asked if she should alert her friends that if anything happened to her that I probably did it. The whole thing was whimsical and a joke.

If she ended up disappearing and she took a screen shot of that 10 second conversation, I would be in jail in a heartbeat. That's the problem when people start digging into private lives . . . it is hard to gain context and intent. That text would be plastered all over the internet and I would be guilty in the eyes of almost everyone.

How could the Pats have had time to look into all of Browns issues?   They didn't know that he was going to be released and had to act quickly in order to get this minor deal done.     :whistle:
NE has been looking at Brown for awhile.  I'm sure they have a file on his over at Gillette.

The other thing I am not a huge fan of is when the league starts investigating individual people and their interactions and communications. I wasn't a huge fan of the recording in the Hill case and now the texts or emails in the AB court filing. Now that stuff is out for the world to see and plenty of people will draw conclusions when who knows what other components or conversations there were between these people.

Here's a for instance. Over the weekend, I was doing some stuff in our yard and ended up with a tarp and a shovel in my vehicle. There already was some rope in there as well that I needed to tie down something. My wife and I had just watched a movie about a serial killer that had the same items in his car. She texted me asking if she needed to be concerned for her life since I had a shovel , a tarp, and rope and we were going for a ride. She also asked if she should alert her friends that if anything happened to her that I probably did it. The whole thing was whimsical and a joke.

If she ended up disappearing and she took a screen shot of that 10 second conversation, I would be in jail in a heartbeat. That's the problem when people start digging into private lives . . . it is hard to gain context and intent. That text would be plastered all over the internet and I would be guilty in the eyes of almost everyone.
Can Mrs. Anarchy99 please log on and post...just to be sure?  Ha

You don’t actually know that.  Truly.  It’s very easy to say that in a vacuum, and we don’t know whether this is true or not, but we’re talking about someone she’s known for a decade whom she likely believes is on the wrong path compared to what they intended while involved in sports and religion in college.  

It’s a strange situation to be sure, whether or not her recitation is accurate. 
Where did the part in red come from? If you're following any New Orleans-area news about the Antonio Brown flap, you'll know immediately why I'm asking.

Conspiracy time:

Steelers kept on lid on their trainer accusation while he was there and then traded to Oak.  Bellichek orchestrated AB's release from Oak.  Steelers got pissed about 
AB going to the Pat's and took the lid off the rape accusation.

AB's antics all a show to get what he wanted.

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I would think by now that the suggestion that a female gymnast would never have continued contact with someone for any reason who was sexually violent with her would be debunked, but perhaps not everyone reads the news.
Yes, just watch that Nassar documentary. Abusers continue being able to abuse people because they are master manipulators and know which buttons to push. I am not saying this is true of AB but I certainly don't dismiss what she said happened because "most woman wouldn't go back to someone who ejaculated on her back"

Where did the part in red come from? If you're following any New Orleans-area news about the Antonio Brown flap, you'll know immediately why I'm asking.
They met at Central Michigan.  She was there from 2009-2011 before going to LSU and they were both allegedly members of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. And no, I don’t know what you’re referring to. 

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Conspiracy time:

Steelers kept on lid on their trainer accusation while he was there and then traded to Oak.  Bellichek orchestrated AB's release from Oak.  Steelers got pissed about 
AB going to the Pat's and took the lid off the rape accusation.

AB's antics all a show to get what he wanted.
I don't discount other teams being pissed about NE adding Brown and trying everything they can to see if Brown gets suspended or exempted. 

The Raiders did not pay him and were not locked into the guarantees until he actually played.  That obviously never happened.  Most likely waited to file to see how the situation in Oakland played out, if he'd be cut (and no guarantees) and/or blackballed for his actions.  Sure, he already has money but easier to make this go away when the guy has an extra 30M in his pocket.

I read some of the details and it does look like a money grab.  Probably decided to pursue especially after the crazy behavior by AB - more believable now than before.
Do you know for a fact he's been paid by the Patriots?  Do you know for a fact the money is in his pocket?  

He has had money, he has money.  The argument does not hold up just on that alone even before trying to say she was waiting for extra money before acting.  That she waited years and then waited until after he got released from Oakland.  How would she know the league would not suspend him or that any team would sign him if she was only after money she would have acted long before this.

Conspiracy time:

Steelers kept on lid on their trainer accusation while he was there and then traded to Oak.  Bellichek orchestrated AB's release from Oak.  Steelers got pissed about 
AB going to the Pat's and took the lid off the rape accusation.

AB's antics all a show to get what he wanted.
With AB, anything is possible I think.....this gal could just be trying to fleece him too.....as squirrelly as he is, and if she's pissed at him, who knows...

Where did the part in red come from? If you're following any New Orleans-area news about the Antonio Brown flap, you'll know immediately why I'm asking.
They met at Central Michigan.  She was there from 2009-2011 before going to LSU. And no, I don’t know what you’re referring to. 
You had info that I didn't have yet, it turns out. You knew her identity and how far back she went with Brown. I didn't know about her early history with Brown ... was thinking she was a college freshman down here circa 2012. Upshot: I didn't have all the info together when I posted.

My HOT TAKE: AB never suits up for the Pats
Your hot take will likely need league intervention. It looks lie the Patriots are not altering their plans. Brown was at team meetings in the morning and is expected to take the practice field in an hour or so. The team's owner had his own legal issues recently. They have a player still playing with felony cocaine charges against him. I would expect that short of a league mandate telling them otherwise that the team will suit up Brown this Sunday.

IMO, there is a slight chance that the league asks NE for a favor and quietly asks the Pats to hold out Brown for a week so they can get a sense of what is going on. BB could just deactivate Brown for this week citing that it was best for the team to have other receivers with a better grasp of the playbook and Brown barely had a chance to learn much in a few days. Then the following week the league decides either they have enough to put him on the exempt list or they don't and either let him play or make him sit.

Bottom line, if AB never suits up for the Pats it won't be the Pats decision, it will be the league's. 

Yes, just watch that Nassar documentary. Abusers continue being able to abuse people because they are master manipulators and know which buttons to push. I am not saying this is true of AB but I certainly don't dismiss what she said happened because "most woman wouldn't go back to someone who ejaculated on her back"
Nassar involved impressionable teens/young women trying to get to the pinnacle of their sport.  This Taylor woman doesn't exactly fit that profile.

I mean, on one occasion, she willingly met Brown and his buddies at a strip club.  Arrived by herself but then ended up back at Brown's place.  Most likely just looking to review some training exercises they were working on.  She knew what she was doing and, most likely, pissed that he never gave her $1.6M for some bogus investment so...here we are.

I'm good with the exempt list for these types of allegations as that is sop for many other professions and allows for employees(players) to still be paid while the investigation continues.

Police involved in shootings are put on paid leave pending.  Teachers accuse of sexual misconduct are put on paid leave pending. Imo, it is prudent for the league to put players on leave with pay pending.

Fair game to link to an good summary article that gives a lot of detail, but also gives the accuser's identity? I've not seen her name in this thread yet, and I'm not sure what flies in a situation like this.

Her public-record statements related to the civil case have been linked in this thread, yes? Is her name in those statements?

The Raiders did not pay him and were not locked into the guarantees until he actually played.  That obviously never happened.  Most likely waited to file to see how the situation in Oakland played out, if he'd be cut (and no guarantees) and/or blackballed for his actions.  Sure, he already has money but easier to make this go away when the guy has an extra 30M in his pocket.

I read some of the details and it does look like a money grab.  Probably decided to pursue especially after the crazy behavior by AB - more believable now than before.
You're looking at this in hindsight.  Before the fiasco last week in Oakland, most people had no idea that his guaranteed money in Oakland wasn't actually guaranteed yet.  Pretending like the timing of this makes it all about money is just trying to blame the alleged victim.  Brown has made over $66M in his NFL career, before his NE contract.  There's absolutely NO logic in arguing that she just filed this suit now because he suddenly came into money.  He had money when he events allegedly occurred, EVERYONE assumed he had a lot of guaranteed money from Oakland (several podcasts last week with former players said that AB didn't even know his guaranteed money wasn't actually guaranteed until last weeks' events), and he has money now.  You're making a non-factual argument.

Do you know for a fact he's been paid by the Patriots?  Do you know for a fact the money is in his pocket?  

He has had money, he has money.  The argument does not hold up just on that alone even before trying to say she was waiting for extra money before acting.  That she waited years and then waited until after he got released from Oakland.  How would she know the league would not suspend him or that any team would sign him if she was only after money she would have acted long before this.
Combination of factors - more money in his bank accounts and perfect opportunity to take advantage of his erractic behavior in Oak.  I mean...c'mon.  2017 an 2018 incidents, but hold off with everything until the first week of the 2019 season?


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