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Tell me more about Ron DeSantis (2 Viewers)

Okay, I'll concede that if they we're lied to then yeah that fits the strict definition.

But their situation isn't dramatically different. They're still in the U.S. which I'm assuming was the goal to begin with. Was the objective really "Texas/Florida or bust"? I doubt it.
Depending on where they may have friends or family or contacts on places to live or work or whatever...yeah, seems quite a bit of a different situation.
Hard to say without knowing each individual. But given the population make up of Texas and Florida...probably more likely in those states to be more comfortable with a situation and ability to find work or others who have gone through similar situations rather than Mass. In addition, if they do have court dates they are waiting on...where are the courts, where would the immigration attorneys be more likely to be. Going to guess that answer isn't Mass either.
The discussion is drifting a bit now, but yes these would be specific, mitigating circumstances.

But, in general, making things "less easy" is not "cruel".
Shipping 50 people to Martha’s Vineyard doesn’t solve any of Florida’s problems. But it will piss off the left. It’s equivalent to a “Let’s Go Brandon!” sign, except for the real people involved. And the same folks who love the sign get a kick out of this.

“Screw you, liberals!” has become the main platform of today’s conservative movement

That is such a lazy and partisan way of thinking…what is happening is hypocrisy is being exposed as well as shining a light onto just how bad this problem is…it is so easy for these democrat politicians in sanctuary cities to talk but do nothing…well, welcome to the real world that those foolish red state rubes in Texas have been dealing with for decades…this issue has had the can kicked down the road for about 50 years as spineless politicians on both sides have ignored it…looks like the check is finally becoming due…this isn’t performance art, it is the real world.
Okay, I'll concede that if they we're lied to then yeah that fits the strict definition.

But their situation isn't dramatically different. They're still in the U.S. which I'm assuming was the goal to begin with. Was the objective really "Texas/Florida or bust"? I doubt it.
Depending on where they may have friends or family or contacts on places to live or work or whatever...yeah, seems quite a bit of a different situation.
Hard to say without knowing each individual. But given the population make up of Texas and Florida...probably more likely in those states to be more comfortable with a situation and ability to find work or others who have gone through similar situations rather than Mass. In addition, if they do have court dates they are waiting on...where are the courts, where would the immigration attorneys be more likely to be. Going to guess that answer isn't Mass either.
The discussion is drifting a bit now, but yes these would be specific, mitigating circumstances.

But, in general, making things "less easy" is not "cruel".
That isn't necessarily the part that is cruel. Misleading them to what is going to happen, not coordinating anything on the receiving end and shipping them there as political pawns in a stunt like this...yeah, pretty cruel.
Do you believe they are just being left to wander around Martha's Vineyard?
Are you under the impression the DeSantis people made any arrangements for them after they arrived?

They were EXACTLY left to wander. You should maybe read up on this.
DeSantis has been saying since April that Martha's Vineyard was a planned destination for sending illegals. He even included $12 million in his budget to do so. There were 2 white vans from Martha's Vineyard Community Services at the airport that took them to a local high school for shelter.
You should maybe read up on this.
People crack me up. First they want everyone and anyone to come here to live ,no questions asked. Then they complain and cry about where we are sending them to live after bypassing all normal citizenship protocols . They are lucky they made it here to begin with , im guessing they arent complaining where they go . They have the libs to do that for them. Typical , they always know whats best for everyone else , like when they destroy black neighborhoods during riots in the name of social justice ,even after black people tell them to stop . Mind your own business , its not that difficult.
Math isn't a strong suite for some of you huh? MILLIONS ARE FLOWING OVER THE BORDERS!@!@!@!@!@!!!!!!!!!"....Ron send only 50 of those millions away? What gives? More political theater for Ron and the minions...nothing more.

I see liberals/left far far more interested in this that the right/conservatives

like .. they're in an absolute uproar .... and why ?

btw Texas has sent 10,000
It’s not cruel when they’re in Texas, but it is cruel when they’re in Martha’s Vineyard?
Seems like an odd mischaracterization of anyone's argument.
No, that characterization is actually spot on.

Massachusetts Dems react after DeSantis transports migrants into ritzy Martha's Vineyard: 'Evil and inhumane'

Well...you are the one claiming they are not seeking asylum...so it seems its up to you to prove your assertion.

good gawd

you really believe hundreds of thousands every few months are being politically targeted and that's why they're coming here ?

I have some ocean front in AZ to sell you
It’s not cruel when they’re in Texas, but it is cruel when they’re in Martha’s Vineyard?
You're missing the point. These immigrants are being treated very well in Martha's Vinyard. The cruelty is using them as political pawns and making them believe they would get immigration help, as a ruse to board the plane. At least in Texas, under Abbott, relocation is voluntary.
Math isn't a strong suite for some of you huh? MILLIONS ARE FLOWING OVER THE BORDERS!@!@!@!@!@!!!!!!!!!"....Ron send only 50 of those millions away? What gives? More political theater for Ron and the minions...nothing more.

I see liberals/left far far more interested in this that the right/conservatives

like .. they're in an absolute uproar .... and why ?

btw Texas has sent 10,000
So what are they doing with the MILLIONS left in their states?
It's illegal to transport people who aren't citizens throughout the country. Does being governor absolve him of this crime?
Please expand upon this. Because Biden has been doing it as well, except he does it under cover of night without telling anyone. It's funny how it's a problem when a governor does it but not when Biden does. Just another example of lib hypocrisy.

I saw this story a few months ago which is why I was asking.


Of course it's comparing Biden to a governor isn't apples to apples. Bill Barr said that the POTUS can't break laws. ;)

It’s not cruel when they’re in Texas, but it is cruel when they’re in Martha’s Vineyard?
Seems like an odd mischaracterization of anyone's argument.
No, that characterization is actually spot on.

Massachusetts Dems react after DeSantis transports migrants into ritzy Martha's Vineyard: 'Evil and inhumane'

Are they in Texas by choice/voluntarily (though, we were also talking about Desantis' actions and Florida and not Texas with the Martha's Vineyard situation)?

Are they in Martha's Vineyard by choice/voluntarily and not being lied to?

I think people are saying different parts of it are cruel...not that they are in Martha's Vineyard...that is why its a pretty bad mischaracterization of what people are actually saying.
Lets not forget that Trump had a $25 billion deal on the table that would have fully funded the wall if not for Stephen Miller.
Well...you are the one claiming they are not seeking asylum...so it seems its up to you to prove your assertion.

good gawd

you really believe hundreds of thousands every few months are being politically targeted and that's why they're coming here ?

I have some ocean front in AZ to sell you
So...you are just going to make your claims...despite me talking specifically about those shipped to Martha's Vineyard?
Not shocking.
Okay, I'll concede that if they we're lied to then yeah that fits the strict definition.

But their situation isn't dramatically different. They're still in the U.S. which I'm assuming was the goal to begin with. Was the objective really "Texas/Florida or bust"? I doubt it.
Depending on where they may have friends or family or contacts on places to live or work or whatever...yeah, seems quite a bit of a different situation.
Hard to say without knowing each individual. But given the population make up of Texas and Florida...probably more likely in those states to be more comfortable with a situation and ability to find work or others who have gone through similar situations rather than Mass. In addition, if they do have court dates they are waiting on...where are the courts, where would the immigration attorneys be more likely to be. Going to guess that answer isn't Mass either.
The discussion is drifting a bit now, but yes these would be specific, mitigating circumstances.

But, in general, making things "less easy" is not "cruel".
That isn't necessarily the part that is cruel. Misleading them to what is going to happen, not coordinating anything on the receiving end and shipping them there as political pawns in a stunt like this...yeah, pretty cruel.

That isn't necessarily the part that is cruel. Misleading them to what is going to happen, not coordinating anything on the receiving end and shipping them there as political pawns in a stunt like this...yeah, pretty cruel.

From Ahmed Baba of Rantt Media who says it better than I could:

"This Martha’s Vineyard move by DeSantis is so depraved. These are real people with lives and aspirations. The GOP uses them as props in their culture wars. It takes a unique level of inhumanity to treat human beings with such disregard. This mentality is pervasive in the GOP.

They’re using vulnerable human beings, including women and children, as political tools. Disgusting."
So again...you are celebrating using people seeking asylum for some political stunt...shipping them off where they don't know where they are going and not alerting people they are coming?
That is something good from an elected official?

why don't you support it sho nuff ?

these are the people who have talked long about taking care of illegals ... now, Desantis is allowing them to do it

its not a stunt - its very real
Why don’t I support it? Because it seems the point is to be cruel to score political points with a base of voters. It certainly isn’t about the immigration process or fixing anything…its just being cruel to people awaiting court dates to try and mess them up and laugh at liberals for sport.
It is very much a stunt.
Serious question....Why? Why is it cruel to be in Massachusetts or Illinois versus Texas or Florida? Either way, they're thousands of miles away from where they started.
From several of the reports...these people were misled as to what was going to happen.
How is it not cruel to ship them where they don't know where they are going...and then to have them dropped off trying to figure out where they need to be/go?
Do you think these people know where they are going in Texas?

Some yes...but they are also doing that voluntarily knowing there are some unknowns.
Not given a court date...promised something...and sent on somewhere else where they don't know what is going on (which appears to be the case here...and that is what you and a few others are applauding).
Are they set up for jobs in Texas? You dont think sanctuary cities are better equipped to handle them? Seems like thats the opposite of cruel sending them to a place more well equipped to handle them.
It’s not cruel when they’re in Texas, but it is cruel when they’re in Martha’s Vineyard?
You're missing the point. These immigrants are being treated very well in Martha's Vinyard. The cruelty is using them as political pawns and making them believe they would get immigration help, as a ruse to board the plane. At least in Texas, under Abbott, relocation is voluntary.
So youre telling me they will get MORE immigration help in a non-sanctuary state like Texas than in a sanctuary state like Mass?
Are they set up for jobs in Texas? You dont think sanctuary cities are better equipped to handle them? Seems like thats the opposite of cruel sending them to a place more well equipped to handle them.

They may have contacts in Texas (though, again, we are talking about people being shipped from Florida by Desantis...why are we talking about Texas).
Job wise...some places may be equipped if prepared and coordinated with.
Legally as far as immigration courts are concerned...Id guess there are more resources in Florida and Texas than Martha's Vineyard.
It’s not cruel when they’re in Texas, but it is cruel when they’re in Martha’s Vineyard?
You're missing the point. These immigrants are being treated very well in Martha's Vinyard. The cruelty is using them as political pawns and making them believe they would get immigration help, as a ruse to board the plane. At least in Texas, under Abbott, relocation is voluntary.
So youre telling me they will get MORE immigration help in a non-sanctuary state like Texas than in a sanctuary state like Mass?
I'm pretty sure there are many people living on the streets in texas right now. In MV, they get a roof over their head and much better food!
Are they set up for jobs in Texas? You dont think sanctuary cities are better equipped to handle them? Seems like thats the opposite of cruel sending them to a place more well equipped to handle them.

They may have contacts in Texas (though, again, we are talking about people being shipped from Florida by Desantis...why are we talking about Texas).
Job wise...some places may be equipped if prepared and coordinated with.
Legally as far as immigration courts are concerned...Id guess there are more resources in Florida and Texas than Martha's Vineyard.
If they have contacts in Texas why would they get on a plane to Martha's Vineyard? You're not being logical.
I think it would be hilarious if they were sent back. :lol:
I guess I have to explain what I meant. I would never want to send the immigrants back because it would be cruel. But I would love to see the reaction of scumbags like Desantis and Abbott if they were.

They were EXACTLY left to wander. You should maybe read up on this.
DeSantis has been saying since April that Martha's Vineyard was a planned destination for sending illegals. He even included $12 million in his budget to do so. There were 2 white vans from Martha's Vineyard Community Services at the airport that took them to a local high school for shelter.
You should maybe read up on this.
Here's the links I have that tell me your statement is false:

BOSTON - Emergency shelters have been set up on Martha's Vineyard after 50 migrants landed on the island unexpectedly Wednesday afternoon. The men, women and children did not know where they were, but were told they would be given housing and jobs.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said his office organized the migrants' journey to Massachusetts on two planes as part of his state's relocation program.

The group wandered some three-and-a-half miles from the airport to Edgartown.

"Martha's Vineyard Community Services had 50 people sort of literally walk up to their front door," said Barbara Rush, of St. Andrews Church.


They were EXACTLY left to wander. You should maybe read up on this.
DeSantis has been saying since April that Martha's Vineyard was a planned destination for sending illegals. He even included $12 million in his budget to do so. There were 2 white vans from Martha's Vineyard Community Services at the airport that took them to a local high school for shelter.
You should maybe read up on this.
Here's the links I have that tell me your statement is false:

BOSTON - Emergency shelters have been set up on Martha's Vineyard after 50 migrants landed on the island unexpectedly Wednesday afternoon. The men, women and children did not know where they were, but were told they would be given housing and jobs.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said his office organized the migrants' journey to Massachusetts on two planes as part of his state's relocation program.

The group wandered some three-and-a-half miles from the airport to Edgartown.

"Martha's Vineyard Community Services had 50 people sort of literally walk up to their front door," said Barbara Rush, of St. Andrews Church.

So you don't think that since DeSantis has been saying he was going to do this since April and allocated $12 million to do so was any indication that this would be happening? All the huffing and puffing from those on MV have been preplanned for months for when this would happen. Manufactured outrage. If they didn't have contingency plans for this eventuality, that's on them but it sure seems like they did. They were given notice that this would be happening. It wasn't done "unexpectedly"
Are they set up for jobs in Texas? You dont think sanctuary cities are better equipped to handle them? Seems like thats the opposite of cruel sending them to a place more well equipped to handle them.

They may have contacts in Texas (though, again, we are talking about people being shipped from Florida by Desantis...why are we talking about Texas).
Job wise...some places may be equipped if prepared and coordinated with.
Legally as far as immigration courts are concerned...Id guess there are more resources in Florida and Texas than Martha's Vineyard.
If they have contacts in Texas why would they get on a plane to Martha's Vineyard? You're not being logical.

Again...first off we are talking about Desantis and not Texas...correct?
Second of all...what we were discussing was the reports that these people weren't actually given all the information or necessarily volunteering to go to Martha's Vineyard...if you have information refuting that part...please provide it.
Though yes...if I were talking about people who volunteered to go from Texas to Martha's Vineyard...you would be right, it would not be logical. Nowhere in anything I have posted did I assert that though.

I saw this story a few months ago which is why I was asking.
You're comparing Ron Desantis to illegal immigrant smugglers? You don't see the difference? I guess we're done here. :doh:
Breaking the law is breaking the law. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, should be above it.

Do you have a link to the support your claim of " Because Biden has been doing it as well, except he does it under cover of night without telling anyone"?

I've asked kindly, twice, for a link backing up your post about Biden. I guess, unfortunately, as you posted, we are done here.
So you don't think that since DeSantis has been saying he was going to do this since April and allocated $12 million to do so was any indication that this would be happening?
Holy weak sauce.

How did we get from your lie that vans were waiting to them, to me not taking DeSantis at his word?
It's illegal to transport people who aren't citizens throughout the country. Does being governor absolve him of this crime?
Please expand upon this. Because Biden has been doing it as well, except he does it under cover of night without telling anyone. It's funny how it's a problem when a governor does it but not when Biden does. Just another example of lib hypocrisy.

I saw this story a few months ago which is why I was asking.


Of course it's comparing Biden to a governor isn't apples to apples. Bill Barr said that the POTUS can't break laws. ;)

I sincerely appreciate the response. :)

However, this is one guy with a web page. It isn't evidence of anything. It explains the origin of the allegation though so thank you again. :)

They were EXACTLY left to wander. You should maybe read up on this.
DeSantis has been saying since April that Martha's Vineyard was a planned destination for sending illegals. He even included $12 million in his budget to do so. There were 2 white vans from Martha's Vineyard Community Services at the airport that took them to a local high school for shelter.
You should maybe read up on this.
Here's the links I have that tell me your statement is false:

BOSTON - Emergency shelters have been set up on Martha's Vineyard after 50 migrants landed on the island unexpectedly Wednesday afternoon. The men, women and children did not know where they were, but were told they would be given housing and jobs.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said his office organized the migrants' journey to Massachusetts on two planes as part of his state's relocation program.

The group wandered some three-and-a-half miles from the airport to Edgartown.

"Martha's Vineyard Community Services had 50 people sort of literally walk up to their front door," said Barbara Rush, of St. Andrews Church.


Horrible :(
Are they set up for jobs in Texas? You dont think sanctuary cities are better equipped to handle them? Seems like thats the opposite of cruel sending them to a place more well equipped to handle them.

They may have contacts in Texas (though, again, we are talking about people being shipped from Florida by Desantis...why are we talking about Texas).
Job wise...some places may be equipped if prepared and coordinated with.
Legally as far as immigration courts are concerned...Id guess there are more resources in Florida and Texas than Martha's Vineyard.
If they have contacts in Texas why would they get on a plane to Martha's Vineyard? You're not being logical.

Again...first off we are talking about Desantis and not Texas...correct?
Second of all...what we were discussing was the reports that these people weren't actually given all the information or necessarily volunteering to go to Martha's Vineyard...if you have information refuting that part...please provide it.
Though yes...if I were talking about people who volunteered to go from Texas to Martha's Vineyard...you would be right, it would not be logical. Nowhere in anything I have posted did I assert that though.
I know
It's illegal to transport people who aren't citizens throughout the country. Does being governor absolve him of this crime?
Please expand upon this. Because Biden has been doing it as well, except he does it under cover of night without telling anyone. It's funny how it's a problem when a governor does it but not when Biden does. Just another example of lib hypocrisy.

I saw this story a few months ago which is why I was asking.


Of course it's comparing Biden to a governor isn't apples to apples. Bill Barr said that the POTUS can't break laws. ;)

I sincerely appreciate the response. :)

However, this is one guy with a web page. It isn't evidence of anything. It explains the origin of the allegation though so thank you again. :)

This one is from a Jax television station.

I know this is mostly a move to score points with his base ( which I guess I'm part of ) but he also has a point. If you are a sanctuary state then maybe you should help with the problem and not just talk the talk.
Are we ever going to be able to resolve this issue? Can we at least agree that transporting some of these these people away from the border isn’t doing anything to solve anything?
Are they set up for jobs in Texas? You dont think sanctuary cities are better equipped to handle them? Seems like thats the opposite of cruel sending them to a place more well equipped to handle them.

They may have contacts in Texas (though, again, we are talking about people being shipped from Florida by Desantis...why are we talking about Texas).
Job wise...some places may be equipped if prepared and coordinated with.
Legally as far as immigration courts are concerned...Id guess there are more resources in Florida and Texas than Martha's Vineyard.
If they have contacts in Texas why would they get on a plane to Martha's Vineyard? You're not being logical.

Again...first off we are talking about Desantis and not Texas...correct?
Second of all...what we were discussing was the reports that these people weren't actually given all the information or necessarily volunteering to go to Martha's Vineyard...if you have information refuting that part...please provide it.
Though yes...if I were talking about people who volunteered to go from Texas to Martha's Vineyard...you would be right, it would not be logical. Nowhere in anything I have posted did I assert that though.
I know
It's illegal to transport people who aren't citizens throughout the country. Does being governor absolve him of this crime?
Please expand upon this. Because Biden has been doing it as well, except he does it under cover of night without telling anyone. It's funny how it's a problem when a governor does it but not when Biden does. Just another example of lib hypocrisy.

I saw this story a few months ago which is why I was asking.


Of course it's comparing Biden to a governor isn't apples to apples. Bill Barr said that the POTUS can't break laws. ;)

I sincerely appreciate the response. :)

However, this is one guy with a web page. It isn't evidence of anything. It explains the origin of the allegation though so thank you again. :)

This one is from a Jax television station.

I know this is mostly a move to score points with his base ( which I guess I'm part of ) but he also has a point. If you are a sanctuary state then maybe you should help with the problem and not just talk the talk.
I think every state should be taxed to pay for the costs of the border states, since every state receives benefits from these people being here. How’s that?
Are they set up for jobs in Texas? You dont think sanctuary cities are better equipped to handle them? Seems like thats the opposite of cruel sending them to a place more well equipped to handle them.

They may have contacts in Texas (though, again, we are talking about people being shipped from Florida by Desantis...why are we talking about Texas).
Job wise...some places may be equipped if prepared and coordinated with.
Legally as far as immigration courts are concerned...Id guess there are more resources in Florida and Texas than Martha's Vineyard.
If they have contacts in Texas why would they get on a plane to Martha's Vineyard? You're not being logical.

Again...first off we are talking about Desantis and not Texas...correct?
Second of all...what we were discussing was the reports that these people weren't actually given all the information or necessarily volunteering to go to Martha's Vineyard...if you have information refuting that part...please provide it.
Though yes...if I were talking about people who volunteered to go from Texas to Martha's Vineyard...you would be right, it would not be logical. Nowhere in anything I have posted did I assert that though.
I know
It's illegal to transport people who aren't citizens throughout the country. Does being governor absolve him of this crime?
Please expand upon this. Because Biden has been doing it as well, except he does it under cover of night without telling anyone. It's funny how it's a problem when a governor does it but not when Biden does. Just another example of lib hypocrisy.

I saw this story a few months ago which is why I was asking.


Of course it's comparing Biden to a governor isn't apples to apples. Bill Barr said that the POTUS can't break laws. ;)

I sincerely appreciate the response. :)

However, this is one guy with a web page. It isn't evidence of anything. It explains the origin of the allegation though so thank you again. :)

This one is from a Jax television station.

I know this is mostly a move to score points with his base ( which I guess I'm part of ) but he also has a point. If you are a sanctuary state then maybe you should help with the problem and not just talk the talk.
Thank you again! However, once again, this too is one person, Desantis, making the claim. The same person using humans to score political points.


From the link

"News4Jax pulled the documents of charter planes possibly carrying migrants"
I think every state should be taxed to pay for the costs of the border states, since every state receives benefits from these people being here
Tim you keep stating that so you must have valid reasons to believe we all benefit from this. So I'm going to research this a little. You very well could be right as well as wrong. I'm not a big ask for links guy but if you have any from both sides of the spectrum I would like to read them along with what I find on my own. Thanks.

Of course it will have to wait until I finish Once apon a time in the west. Priorities and all.
So what are they doing with the MILLIONS left in their states?

I imagine they're watching US citizens/Floridians negatively impacted - like the rest of the country does

when the Fed Govt is against you, its hard to do anything but Desantis is trying

me? I hope he buses 400,000 to Washington DC and leaves them on the White House doorstep ... Kamala will know what to do. We trust her, don't we ?
Are we ever going to be able to resolve this issue? Can we at least agree that transporting some of these these people away from the border isn’t doing anything to solve anything?
Dont they want to go to these places? We also can't have people living on top of each other and call that humane.

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