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Recently viewed movie thread - Rental Edition (1 Viewer)

How To Train Your Dragon 2:

Damn good movie. Not quite to the level of the first - I think they missed slightly on some of the things the first one did so well, mainly the final battle and explaining how the dragons work (ie, how was the baddie able to control the dragons, etc..). Small beef though because this one expands the world in great ways, improved the animation, and upped the stakes nicely. Probably still one of the better animated movies to come out in the last few years. 8/10


Got behind doing other stuff the other day, so didn't get to Nightcrawler on time. Instead, that night I revisited this one for a Jake fix. The more I watch this movie the more I love it. I think this has to be one of Fincher's best movies - gun to my head, I would put it #2 of his behind Fight Club. 9/10
Yes to all of this.

How good of a movie is

A Most Wanted Man

thinking about renting this tonight..

Did you like Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy? I didn't care for either myself. Hate to play the 'too slow' card but felt they were too slow for stories that weren't that interesting.

How good of a movie is

A Most Wanted Man

thinking about renting this tonight..

Did you like Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy? I didn't care for either myself. Hate to play the 'too slow' card but felt they were too slow for stories that weren't that interesting.
Didn't see it - Thanks for the quick reply - May pick something else out instead..

Saw Nightcrawler yesterday.

Still don't know what to make of it. The acting is amazing and the filming is spectacular. Just really strange still to watch it because it really lacks a clear protagonist and antagonist. I also found the underlying "point" of the movie to be unclear. Wonderful movie, somewhat weird story.

How good of a movie is

A Most Wanted Man

thinking about renting this tonight..

Did you like Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy? I didn't care for either myself. Hate to play the 'too slow' card but felt they were too slow for stories that weren't that interesting.
Every LeCarre adaptation is like that. I can't think of one that wasn't painfully slow.

Saw Nightcrawler yesterday.

Still don't know what to make of it. The acting is amazing and the filming is spectacular. Just really strange still to watch it because it really lacks a clear protagonist and antagonist. I also found the underlying "point" of the movie to be unclear. Wonderful movie, somewhat weird story.
This mov...film was like a piece of abstract art to me. I know it's well made, well acted and quite possibly important. I just couldn't articulate one possible reason for any of it. Jake G was very, very good.

Caught up on a bunch of stuff this weekend.

Team America: World Police - Meh, I was expecting more. Didn't laugh nearly as much as I thought I would. Maybe it's because so much of it is recycled from South Park (I'm pretty sure the montage song wasn't even re-recorded) and an asian buddy has been doing that Kim Jong-il voice for the last 5 years anyway.

Django Unchained - Loved it. I have no idea if I would have even liked it if someone else were playing the role that Christoph Waltz was, but it doesn't matter because no one else was and he freaking nailed it. Neck and neck with Reservoir Dogs for my favorite Tarantino flick.

Edge of Tomorrow - Honestly, kind of disappointed after all the good reviews. I'm sure I was just being too uptight, as there are always plot holes with time travel stuff, but some of it just bothered me too much to really sit back and enjoy it like I should have (not even counting the ending, which I was OK with). For instance....

1) Seemed like just talking to the general to let them attack the Omega was the way to go. They tried to BS their way out of it with Rita saying she tried it, but sure enough later in the movie they go talk to him and it (basically) works.

2) They spent like 200 days trying to get off the beach to get to the dam where they thought the Omega was, even lamenting several times how difficult it was to get off the beach. Why did they have to go to the beach? Why not just steal a chopper from the base and fly it over there? I'm sure it would only take a couple of resets to figure out how to steal a chopper from the base.

3) This was my biggest pet peeve. Cage and Rita find out that the Omega is in the Louvre while trying to escape the embassy. At that point, they have the intel they came to the embassy for, they're in a compromising position where someone is trying to capture them but not kill them (which could ruin Cage's ability), and they need extra time (to get to Paris). Why wouldn't Rita just shoot Cage in the face to reset the day right then? It was totally out of character for her not to do that. Throughout the whole move she popped him every time he broke a fingernail or someone gave them a funny look, but here when they have everything to lose and literally nothing to gain by staying in the current day, she doesn't? I hate it when movies/shows make someone act completely out of their character just to advance the plot, and that's all this was.
jdoggydogg said:
Django Unchained

I can't count how many times I tried to get through this movie. Every time I'd grab it from Redbox (twice) I would get 10 minutes into it and fall asleep.

Then it came out on Netflix and I figured I'd get through it. It took almost an entire week - of watching it 30 minutes at a time. And it wasn't an awful movie, it just, i don't know....paced poorly? Or maybe just because it was like what? A five hour movie?

Christopher Waltz is spectacular. I'd watch him stand still and think he's a genius.

Jamie Foxx was really good.

Sam Jackson - IMHO was great!

Not a fan of Leo in this - but meh....whatever.

I don't have a specific dislike for QT, there are somethings he does in his movies I absolutely love, (the music in his movies is cool) - what I didn't like in this movie was the blood "splashes" in the second to last final gun battle. I'm not someone who has an issue with too much blood or gore in a movie. But that scene - with the literal splashes of blood was so over the top and unnecessary, it almost ruined the entire movie for me.

Overall....I liked it. I would have loved it 30 minutes shorter and less of the ridiculous blood.

7 / 10
I didn't like the brutality, but I loved the humor and the writing.
So did I ... when it was titled Inglorious Basterds. Felt like he was rehashing a bit with Django to me, and it didn't have the performances or anything near as great as the beginning of IB or the basement bar scene.

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jdoggydogg said:
Django Unchained

I can't count how many times I tried to get through this movie. Every time I'd grab it from Redbox (twice) I would get 10 minutes into it and fall asleep.

Then it came out on Netflix and I figured I'd get through it. It took almost an entire week - of watching it 30 minutes at a time. And it wasn't an awful movie, it just, i don't know....paced poorly? Or maybe just because it was like what? A five hour movie?

Christopher Waltz is spectacular. I'd watch him stand still and think he's a genius.

Jamie Foxx was really good.

Sam Jackson - IMHO was great!

Not a fan of Leo in this - but meh....whatever.

I don't have a specific dislike for QT, there are somethings he does in his movies I absolutely love, (the music in his movies is cool) - what I didn't like in this movie was the blood "splashes" in the second to last final gun battle. I'm not someone who has an issue with too much blood or gore in a movie. But that scene - with the literal splashes of blood was so over the top and unnecessary, it almost ruined the entire movie for me.

Overall....I liked it. I would have loved it 30 minutes shorter and less of the ridiculous blood.

7 / 10
I didn't like the brutality, but I loved the humor and the writing.
So did I ... when it was title Inglorious Basterds. Felt like he was rehashing a bit with Django to me, and it didn't have the performances or anything near as great as the beginning of IB or the basement bar scene.
Agree on all accounts. Django borrowed a lot from Inglorious Basterds but brought nothing to the table itself.

O Brother, Where Art Thou

Alright, but pretty dumb really. Think I remember this film being highly acclaimed, don't see why.

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jdoggydogg said:
Django Unchained

I can't count how many times I tried to get through this movie. Every time I'd grab it from Redbox (twice) I would get 10 minutes into it and fall asleep.

Then it came out on Netflix and I figured I'd get through it. It took almost an entire week - of watching it 30 minutes at a time. And it wasn't an awful movie, it just, i don't know....paced poorly? Or maybe just because it was like what? A five hour movie?

Christopher Waltz is spectacular. I'd watch him stand still and think he's a genius.

Jamie Foxx was really good.

Sam Jackson - IMHO was great!

Not a fan of Leo in this - but meh....whatever.

I don't have a specific dislike for QT, there are somethings he does in his movies I absolutely love, (the music in his movies is cool) - what I didn't like in this movie was the blood "splashes" in the second to last final gun battle. I'm not someone who has an issue with too much blood or gore in a movie. But that scene - with the literal splashes of blood was so over the top and unnecessary, it almost ruined the entire movie for me.

Overall....I liked it. I would have loved it 30 minutes shorter and less of the ridiculous blood.

7 / 10
I didn't like the brutality, but I loved the humor and the writing.
So did I ... when it was title Inglorious Basterds. Felt like he was rehashing a bit with Django to me, and it didn't have the performances or anything near as great as the beginning of IB or the basement bar scene.
Agree on all accounts. Django borrowed a lot from Inglorious Basterds but brought nothing to the table itself.
Gonna go out on a limb and say that The Hateful Eight will probably be more of the same, but set just a little farther back in time and a little farther west.

Dondante said:
Zow said:
Saw Nightcrawler yesterday.

Still don't know what to make of it. The acting is amazing and the filming is spectacular. Just really strange still to watch it because it really lacks a clear protagonist and antagonist. I also found the underlying "point" of the movie to be unclear. Wonderful movie, somewhat weird story.
This mov...film was like a piece of abstract art to me. I know it's well made, well acted and quite possibly important. I just couldn't articulate one possible reason for any of it. Jake G was very, very good.
What I loved about it - and why it's currently ranked as my #1 movie of the year - is the ambiguity. There's not a single issue I had with it, which is extremely rare.

Big Hero 6 - Just a great feel good movie.

If they made a movie with BayMax and Groot, it would make 50 trillion gajillion dollars

Just watched Phenomenon with John Travolta for the first time since it was out almost 20 years ago. Not a bad flick. A little cheesy, but enough heart to overcome it.

jdoggydogg said:
Django Unchained

I can't count how many times I tried to get through this movie. Every time I'd grab it from Redbox (twice) I would get 10 minutes into it and fall asleep.

Then it came out on Netflix and I figured I'd get through it. It took almost an entire week - of watching it 30 minutes at a time. And it wasn't an awful movie, it just, i don't know....paced poorly? Or maybe just because it was like what? A five hour movie?

Christopher Waltz is spectacular. I'd watch him stand still and think he's a genius.

Jamie Foxx was really good.

Sam Jackson - IMHO was great!

Not a fan of Leo in this - but meh....whatever.

I don't have a specific dislike for QT, there are somethings he does in his movies I absolutely love, (the music in his movies is cool) - what I didn't like in this movie was the blood "splashes" in the second to last final gun battle. I'm not someone who has an issue with too much blood or gore in a movie. But that scene - with the literal splashes of blood was so over the top and unnecessary, it almost ruined the entire movie for me.

Overall....I liked it. I would have loved it 30 minutes shorter and less of the ridiculous blood.

7 / 10
I didn't like the brutality, but I loved the humor and the writing.
So did I ... when it was title Inglorious Basterds. Felt like he was rehashing a bit with Django to me, and it didn't have the performances or anything near as great as the beginning of IB or the basement bar scene.
Agree on all accounts. Django borrowed a lot from Inglorious Basterds but brought nothing to the table itself.
Gonna go out on a limb and say that The Hateful Eight will probably be more of the same, but set just a little farther back in time and a little farther west.
He's loyal to his favorite actors if nothing else.

Finally watched American Hustle.

The performances are great from everyone. Really tremendous. They nailed the time period, and the music was great. However the overall story was...ok. The scam was great in the end, but it took too long getting there. If they cut the movie down 30 minutes it would have been much better.

7/10 though overall.

O Brother, Where Art Thou

Alright, but pretty dumb really. Think I remember this film being highly acclaimed, don't see why.
I don't get the love for this movie either. :scared:
O Brother, Where Art Thou

Alright, but pretty dumb really. Think I remember this film being highly acclaimed, don't see why.
I don't get the love for this movie either. :scared:
I didn't like it either. And I got sick of that lousy music pretty quickly.

Finally watched American Hustle.

The performances are great from everyone. Really tremendous. They nailed the time period, and the music was great. However the overall story was...ok. The scam was great in the end, but it took too long getting there. If they cut the movie down 30 minutes it would have been much better.

7/10 though overall.
Pretty much agree with all of your comments.

Django Unchained

I can't count how many times I tried to get through this movie. Every time I'd grab it from Redbox (twice) I would get 10 minutes into it and fall asleep.

Then it came out on Netflix and I figured I'd get through it. It took almost an entire week - of watching it 30 minutes at a time. And it wasn't an awful movie, it just, i don't know....paced poorly? Or maybe just because it was like what? A five hour movie?

Christopher Waltz is spectacular. I'd watch him stand still and think he's a genius.

Jamie Foxx was really good.

Sam Jackson - IMHO was great!

Not a fan of Leo in this - but meh....whatever.

I don't have a specific dislike for QT, there are somethings he does in his movies I absolutely love, (the music in his movies is cool) - what I didn't like in this movie was the blood "splashes" in the second to last final gun battle. I'm not someone who has an issue with too much blood or gore in a movie. But that scene - with the literal splashes of blood was so over the top and unnecessary, it almost ruined the entire movie for me.

Overall....I liked it. I would have loved it 30 minutes shorter and less of the ridiculous blood.

7 / 10
I didn't like the brutality, but I loved the humor and the writing.
So did I ... when it was titled Inglorious Basterds. Felt like he was rehashing a bit with Django to me, and it didn't have the performances or anything near as great as the beginning of IB or the basement bar scene.
[puts on Tarantino fanboy hat]

I think Inglourious is one of Tarantino's best movies. So while I don't think Django is on par, I do think there are some very entertaining scenes that are well worth seeing.

Who wants to see Blade Runner on the big screen with me?

This article only mentions UK screenings, so hopefully it'll play in America as well.

Blade Runner: The Final Cut
Ridley Scott's Blade Runner: The Final Cut, which stars Harrison Ford, is a masterpiece of dystopian science fiction on film and will be back in cinemas in 2015.
Django Unchained

I can't count how many times I tried to get through this movie. Every time I'd grab it from Redbox (twice) I would get 10 minutes into it and fall asleep.

Then it came out on Netflix and I figured I'd get through it. It took almost an entire week - of watching it 30 minutes at a time. And it wasn't an awful movie, it just, i don't know....paced poorly? Or maybe just because it was like what? A five hour movie?

Christopher Waltz is spectacular. I'd watch him stand still and think he's a genius.

Jamie Foxx was really good.

Sam Jackson - IMHO was great!

Not a fan of Leo in this - but meh....whatever.

I don't have a specific dislike for QT, there are somethings he does in his movies I absolutely love, (the music in his movies is cool) - what I didn't like in this movie was the blood "splashes" in the second to last final gun battle. I'm not someone who has an issue with too much blood or gore in a movie. But that scene - with the literal splashes of blood was so over the top and unnecessary, it almost ruined the entire movie for me.

Overall....I liked it. I would have loved it 30 minutes shorter and less of the ridiculous blood.

7 / 10
I didn't like the brutality, but I loved the humor and the writing.
So did I ... when it was titled Inglorious Basterds. Felt like he was rehashing a bit with Django to me, and it didn't have the performances or anything near as great as the beginning of IB or the basement bar scene.
[puts on Tarantino fanboy hat]

I think Inglourious is one of Tarantino's best movies. So while I don't think Django is on par, I do think there are some very entertaining scenes that are well worth seeing.
Agree 100% on Inglorious/Django, but Waltz is the key to both movies - not to take anything whatsoever away from QT, either. I honestly believe Waltz is the best actor working today. Quirky? Sure. But I'd watch him play Molly Ringwald playing Tiffany in a lifetime movie with 30 minute commercial breaks if I had to.

Who wants to see Blade Runner on the big screen with me?

This article only mentions UK screenings, so hopefully it'll play in America as well.

Blade Runner: The Final Cut
Ridley Scott's Blade Runner: The Final Cut, which stars Harrison Ford, is a masterpiece of dystopian science fiction on film and will be back in cinemas in 2015.
:hey: Sure I will. Actually haven't seen it all the way through
Go! Now! Watch!

Django Unchained

I can't count how many times I tried to get through this movie. Every time I'd grab it from Redbox (twice) I would get 10 minutes into it and fall asleep.

Then it came out on Netflix and I figured I'd get through it. It took almost an entire week - of watching it 30 minutes at a time. And it wasn't an awful movie, it just, i don't know....paced poorly? Or maybe just because it was like what? A five hour movie?

Christopher Waltz is spectacular. I'd watch him stand still and think he's a genius.

Jamie Foxx was really good.

Sam Jackson - IMHO was great!

Not a fan of Leo in this - but meh....whatever.

I don't have a specific dislike for QT, there are somethings he does in his movies I absolutely love, (the music in his movies is cool) - what I didn't like in this movie was the blood "splashes" in the second to last final gun battle. I'm not someone who has an issue with too much blood or gore in a movie. But that scene - with the literal splashes of blood was so over the top and unnecessary, it almost ruined the entire movie for me.

Overall....I liked it. I would have loved it 30 minutes shorter and less of the ridiculous blood.

7 / 10
I didn't like the brutality, but I loved the humor and the writing.
So did I ... when it was titled Inglorious Basterds. Felt like he was rehashing a bit with Django to me, and it didn't have the performances or anything near as great as the beginning of IB or the basement bar scene.
[puts on Tarantino fanboy hat]

I think Inglourious is one of Tarantino's best movies. So while I don't think Django is on par, I do think there are some very entertaining scenes that are well worth seeing.
Agree 100% on Inglorious/Django, but Waltz is the key to both movies - not to take anything whatsoever away from QT, either. I honestly believe Waltz is the best actor working today. Quirky? Sure. But I'd watch him play Molly Ringwald playing Tiffany in a lifetime movie with 30 minute commercial breaks if I had to.
Waltz is amazing. It'll be fun to see him in the new James Bond film.

jdoggydogg said:
Who wants to see Blade Runner on the big screen with me?

This article only mentions UK screenings, so hopefully it'll play in America as well.

Blade Runner: The Final Cut
Ridley Scott's Blade Runner: The Final Cut, which stars Harrison Ford, is a masterpiece of dystopian science fiction on film and will be back in cinemas in 2015.
Ok... it's one of my top 3 or 5 favorite movies- but haven't we done this new version thing a few times already? blood, man.

Big Hero 6 - Just a great feel good movie.

If they made a movie with BayMax and Groot, it would make 50 trillion gajillion dollars
Looks great...I'll be taking my 6 year old daughter on Sunday, she's been very excited about it.
i'm considering taking my almost 5 year old son to it. he's a little skittish when it comes to scary things/characters in movies though. i'm on the fence here...

Big Hero 6 - Just a great feel good movie.

If they made a movie with BayMax and Groot, it would make 50 trillion gajillion dollars
Looks great...I'll be taking my 6 year old daughter on Sunday, she's been very excited about it.
i'm considering taking my almost 5 year old son to it. he's a little skittish when it comes to scary things/characters in movies though. i'm on the fence here...
I talked to another parent whose kid saw it and it doesn't seem that scary. The only scary thing about it is the bad guy chasing them but not a lot of actual violence.

Big Hero 6 - Just a great feel good movie.

If they made a movie with BayMax and Groot, it would make 50 trillion gajillion dollars
Looks great...I'll be taking my 6 year old daughter on Sunday, she's been very excited about it.
i'm considering taking my almost 5 year old son to it. he's a little skittish when it comes to scary things/characters in movies though. i'm on the fence here...
I talked to another parent whose kid saw it and it doesn't seem that scary. The only scary thing about it is the bad guy chasing them but not a lot of actual violence.
This. Very little violence, mostly bad guy in a scary mask

Big Hero 6 - Just a great feel good movie.

If they made a movie with BayMax and Groot, it would make 50 trillion gajillion dollars
Looks great...I'll be taking my 6 year old daughter on Sunday, she's been very excited about it.
i'm considering taking my almost 5 year old son to it. he's a little skittish when it comes to scary things/characters in movies though. i'm on the fence here...
I talked to another parent whose kid saw it and it doesn't seem that scary. The only scary thing about it is the bad guy chasing them but not a lot of actual violence.
This. Very little violence, mostly bad guy in a scary mask
that's pretty much every day on the subways here in NYC.

7yo floppinho will be fine.

Saw Nightcrawler yesterday.

Still don't know what to make of it. The acting is amazing and the filming is spectacular. Just really strange still to watch it because it really lacks a clear protagonist and antagonist. I also found the underlying "point" of the movie to be unclear. Wonderful movie, somewhat weird story.
It was entertaining but I was expecting more due to the great reviews. The filming is great but I'm not as enthused with Gyllenhal's performance. He had some powerful scenes but overall he was more alien then human to me. Didn't buy the character.

I was entertained but a little too one-note.


I could have done without all the music.
Not normally my thing but I loved the music during it. I have to watch it again. Liked it a lot the first time.
I guess I just wasn't feeling the whole thing. This sums of my feelings on the movie:

Chicago Sun-Times Roger Ebert

O Brother contains sequences that are wonderful in themselves--lovely short films--but the movie never really shapes itself into a whole.
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