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Otis fad diet thread — yoga, fasting, and kevzilla walking on🚶‍♂️ (2 Viewers)

Nearly finished with my before pic; weight = 220.  I'm nearing Otis territoryprobably, very near 30% body fat. BUT, I spent a big chunk of change last week on my new phone, watch and earbuds. I feel like the Spicoli's Dad of fitness gear and I've got a nine days to figure out how all this technology works.  

Goal is the same as the previous x years, drop 55 pounds of body fat and add a lean 10 pounds of muscle; goal = 175# carrying 8.5% bodyfat.  Additionally, according to bank records, I'm seven months removed from my last haircut.  I'm going for the Jesus bod in 2020.  I also welcome any hair care tips along the way.

Once again, I'll crank up the water fast effort.  I'm going to begin immediately after a huge Christmas day feast, and hope that I can last until New Year's day.  Nothing but water, black coffee and Himalayan pink salt.

I'm pretty sure I have the diet figured out.  Meats, legumes, nuts, and fruit in moderation while allowing myself unlimited access to fresh vegetables and olive oil.  A little bit of rice along the way, and even less bread.
8.5% body fat a for serious goal? Or shtick? Good golly. I’ll be glad to find my way to 15%. 

December 22 Row: 5k

Total distance so far: 80,630m 

It was fine. Just fine. But I almost didn’t bother today, so it’s something. I’ll have no problem knocking out 20k in the next 9 days. May try and do a few 10ks in that period. I’m taking time from work and it’s the holidays and hard to have a solid routine in those circumstances, but no problem. And come January 2 I’m back to hitting the regular routine, which will feel nice after all this eating and drinking. 
Tick tock

The New England Journal of Medicine just published a review of intermittent fasting. The authors are advocating 18 hour daily fasting or 5:2 fed:fasting days.

While I think they took some liberties in their praise of fasting, this is the first time I’ve seen a major clinical journal advocate IF. Something to validate @AAAABatteries and others who’ve taken the plunge.
Thanks for this, Tx. Downloaded, PDF'd, printed for consumption.

I was able to sign up for three NEJM articles per month for free, one of which I used. Thx again.
Nice. I didn’t realize that was an option. Although it may be difficult to wade through the medical jargon, NEJM is arguably the most well respected clinical journal in publication. In addition to great review articles, the have really good editorial commentary on healthcare reform, if that interests you at all.

Up 7 pounds!!!!!

Now the real work begins
I managed to get to today only up about 4-5 but we still have a crap load of candy and alcohol in the house.  I’ve been trying to follow the Mac plan and eat a lot and run a lot.  The eating and drinking is winning that war right now.

December 27 Row: 10,021

Total distance so far: 90,651m 

Did a 10k, first row in bunch of days.  Good lord have I let go in the past 1-2 weeks.  I have eaten all the candy and chocolate and donuts and bagels and cookies in the land, and I've consumed all, all, all of the alcohol.  I'm not going near a scale.  On the bright side, I'm feeling ok.  Looks like I should make good on my 100k December rowing challenge, that's a nice little success to take into January.  And I've discovered the rowing is a good way to work on my fitness and burn some calories with no impact on the bum knee -- it isn't sore at all.  I have an appointment with the knee specialist in mid January, so I'm going to have that looked at, as I'd love to get out and start running again.  I haven't been to my gym to lift since November 25 -- over a month now.  I miss it to some degree, and I don't want the little bit of muscle I've built up to completely wither away.  

I'm thinking come January I'll alternate rowing and lifting, 3 days of rowing with 2-3 days of upper body lifting woven in, and combine that all with some kind of sensible diet (probably just calorie tracking and/or carb limiting).  Who knows, maybe 2020 will be the year it all lines up.

December 27 Row: 10,021

Total distance so far: 90,651m 

Did a 10k, first row in bunch of days.  Good lord have I let go in the past 1-2 weeks.  I have eaten all the candy and chocolate and donuts and bagels and cookies in the land, and I've consumed all, all, all of the alcohol.  I'm not going near a scale.  On the bright side, I'm feeling ok.  Looks like I should make good on my 100k December rowing challenge, that's a nice little success to take into January.  And I've discovered the rowing is a good way to work on my fitness and burn some calories with no impact on the bum knee -- it isn't sore at all.  I have an appointment with the knee specialist in mid January, so I'm going to have that looked at, as I'd love to get out and start running again.  I haven't been to my gym to lift since November 25 -- over a month now.  I miss it to some degree, and I don't want the little bit of muscle I've built up to completely wither away.  

I'm thinking come January I'll alternate rowing and lifting, 3 days of rowing with 2-3 days of upper body lifting woven in, and combine that all with some kind of sensible diet (probably just calorie tracking and/or carb limiting).  Who knows, maybe 2020 will be the year it all lines up.
Why wait until January? Something wrong with today?

Why wait until January? Something wrong with today?
Yes, good point.  Actually planning on eating sensibly today and avoiding all the carb treats.  They're my Achilles heel.  I feel run down from eating so much junk, I'm actually desperately hungry today for real, fresh food, a big salad, etc.  Last night I was nibbling on a chocolate pretzel and I got so fed up I had to order in some falafel and a greek salad from a Mediterranean place.    So yeah, I'm ready.  And yeah, today and over the days leading up to January 1, I'm going to try and fly straight.  

Yes, good point.  Actually planning on eating sensibly today and avoiding all the carb treats.  They're my Achilles heel.  I feel run down from eating so much junk, I'm actually desperately hungry today for real, fresh food, a big salad, etc.  Last night I was nibbling on a chocolate pretzel and I got so fed up I had to order in some falafel and a greek salad from a Mediterranean place.    So yeah, I'm ready.  And yeah, today and over the days leading up to January 1, I'm going to try and fly straight.  
Losing weight this time of year is an unreal goal for me.   There is too much good food around.   I have been working out and staying more active than usual but also eating everything.    The 5 pounds that I loss heading into Thanksgiving has been found.   I'm not beating myself up over it.  

Losing weight this time of year is an unreal goal for me.   There is too much good food around.   I have been working out and staying more active than usual but also eating everything.    The 5 pounds that I loss heading into Thanksgiving has been found.   I'm not beating myself up over it.  
Exactly I’m not sweating it. It’s been the holidays and I’ve enjoyed it. The two weeks over the holidays won’t kill me; it’s the other 50 during the year that will matter. 

@eaganwildcats, how about another challenge for January?  We could make it a total distance challenge.  Or we could make it a 5k time challenge (which you’ll promptly crush me on). Let’s think on it. 

@eaganwildcats, how about another challenge for January?  We could make it a total distance challenge.  Or we could make it a 5k time challenge (which you’ll promptly crush me on). Let’s think on it. 
Name your terms. 

I promptly undid my workout by eating a zillion calories tonight. One must cultivate before they can harvest. 

I'm going to make my goal -- no question I'll get in 10k over the next few days -- but made a donation to Chance for Hope anyway.  (Usually do that each year, but at least I can credit this challenge for reminding me to do it this year).

63 hours down - nothing but four cups of black coffee, three cups of hot tea, a lot of water, and Himalayan pink salt. The only downsides have been minor headaches which have been mitigated by salt and water, and restless sleep. I don't know where I'll jump off this wagon, but I'm feeling pretty good that I got past my usual 50 hour sticking point. 

I have a few days off now and I'm going to figure out how best to geek out on my blossoming fitness commitment.  I have a rough draft of my workout routine that needs to be refined, and then I have to figure out how my new watch works. Might wrap up with some meal planning, which will probably break the fast. 

December 28 Row: 5,021 

Total distance so far: 95,672

Did a 5k in 21:47. My best time so far I think by a long shot. So that was nice. Didn’t do the heart rate below the limit thing because in my last few rows my heart rate has been wacky — I am rowing hard, and sweating, and breathing heavy, but even still my heart rate can’t get up past 120 till like 15 or 20 minutes in. And then it spikes to 155.  Maybe my Garmin is messed up, I dunno, but this never happened before. Used to be that my heart rate would get up pretty quickly but gradually as I increased effort.  Could it be that the training is conditioning it to stay lower longer? (Though I would think the heavy breathing and sweating should be signs of an elevated HR much earlier in the workout??). 

Anyway, 5k to go, some time over the next few days. Shouldn’t be a problem.  

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December 28 Row: 5,021 

Total distance so far: 95,672

Did a 5k in 21:47. My best time so far I think by a long shot. So that was nice. Didn’t do the heart rate below the limit thing because in my last few rows my heart rate has been wacky — I am rowing hard, and sweating, and breathing heavy, but even still my heart rate can’t get up past 120 till like 15 or 20 minutes in. And then it spikes to 155.  Maybe my Garmin is messed up, I dunno, but this never happened before. Used to be that my heart rate would get up pretty quickly but gradually as I increased effort.  Could it be that the training is conditioning it to stay lower longer? (Though I would think the heavy breathing and sweating should be signs of an elevated HR much earlier in the workout??). 

Anyway, 5k to go, some time over the next few days. Shouldn’t be a problem.  
I am no expert but that doesn’t seem right. Is it a watch or chest strap? I’ve been doing my longer rows around 150 bpm mostly because that way when I am done it doesn’t take so long for my core body temperature to decrease making it easier to shower and proceed with life. I will admit I have not read to see if I believe it’s the training end all be all. 

December 28 Row: 5,021 

Total distance so far: 95,672

Did a 5k in 21:47. My best time so far I think by a long shot. So that was nice. Didn’t do the heart rate below the limit thing because in my last few rows my heart rate has been wacky — I am rowing hard, and sweating, and breathing heavy, but even still my heart rate can’t get up past 120 till like 15 or 20 minutes in. And then it spikes to 155.  Maybe my Garmin is messed up, I dunno, but this never happened before. Used to be that my heart rate would get up pretty quickly but gradually as I increased effort.  Could it be that the training is conditioning it to stay lower longer? (Though I would think the heavy breathing and sweating should be signs of an elevated HR much earlier in the workout??). 

Anyway, 5k to go, some time over the next few days. Shouldn’t be a problem.  
It's not picking up at first. Do you wipe the sensor on your watch when done (or when starting)? If not, you probably need to.

Annnnnnd cut. 68 hours.

I just murdered a bowl of full fat plain Greek yogurt, fresh blueberries, and roasted pistachios.  That was heaven.

Once my GI track is adjusted, I'll come up with something more grand.

It's not picking up at first. Do you wipe the sensor on your watch when done (or when starting)? If not, you probably need to.
Ok I will try that. Never used to need anything, but I’ve been wearing it daily for a while now and showering with it, maybe that’ll help. But yeah, seems like it’s not registering well initially for whatever reason. 

Exercise is great and activity of some sort each day is huge for long term health...BUT, diet is far far more important and it really isn’t difficult for the vast majority of people: eat less sugar and less processed carbs and reduce portion sizes to calorie levels that make sense. It takes some self discipline and a decision to permanently change eating habits and essentially view sugar as poison, but if you want long term results, the only true solution is to change what you eat. 

Exercise is great and activity of some sort each day is huge for long term health...BUT, diet is far far more important and it really isn’t difficult for the vast majority of people: eat less sugar and less processed carbs and reduce portion sizes to calorie levels that make sense. It takes some self discipline and a decision to permanently change eating habits and essentially view sugar as poison, but if you want long term results, the only true solution is to change what you eat. 
I think the bolded nails it for me.  I'm not overweight because I eat to much turkey.  Or Broccoli.  Or cheese.  I'm overweight because of the heavy carbs and ice cream and cookies and chocolate etc.  If I made this singular change, just giving up sugar, and continue otherwise doing my thing, I bet I'd get fit fast.  


I think the bolded nails it for me.  I'm not overweight because I eat to much turkey.  Or Broccoli.  Or cheese.  I'm overweight because of the heavy carbs and ice cream and cookies and chocolate etc.  If I made this singular change, just giving up sugar, and continue otherwise doing my thing, I bet I'd get fit fast.  

Hire a chef. 

I think the bolded nails it for me.  I'm not overweight because I eat to much turkey.  Or Broccoli.  Or cheese.  I'm overweight because of the heavy carbs and ice cream and cookies and chocolate etc.  If I made this singular change, just giving up sugar, and continue otherwise doing my thing, I bet I'd get fit fast.  


I think the bolded nails it for me.  I'm not overweight because I eat to much turkey.  Or Broccoli.  Or cheese.  I'm overweight because of the heavy carbs and ice cream and cookies and chocolate etc.  If I made this singular change, just giving up sugar, and continue otherwise doing my thing, I bet I'd get fit fast.  

Last year before Christmas I was hitting the sweets hard. At some point I realized that within 15-20 minutes of binging on that stuff I was out like a light and it scared me thinking pre-diabetes was a possibility.

I cut out all desserts, sodas, and other sugary stuff and within 3 months I lost 30 pounds and was down to my target weight. I felt much better and had way more energy.

Now when I am eating way too much fast food or too much food in general I do notice I feel more sluggish and put on a bit of weight, but if I’m eating sweeter stuff (still no soda or desserts) my weight goes up much faster and my energy levels plummet.

I’m not saying that it’s everyone’s problem or it will be everyone’s solution, but the amount of sugar we eat is insane. When you try to limit yourself to the ~30-35 grams of sugar we should be eating a day max and you start reading labels to hit that target, you realize just how MUCH sugar is put in everything. Buy a loaf of regular bread at the store and just look at how much sugar is in one piece of bread. It’s crazy. Our bodies aren’t built to process that much sugar. Anything in quantities that are way too much is poison for your body, even water. And sugar in the amounts most of us consume is levels that are poison. 

Last year before Christmas I was hitting the sweets hard. At some point I realized that within 15-20 minutes of binging on that stuff I was out like a light and it scared me thinking pre-diabetes was a possibility.

I cut out all desserts, sodas, and other sugary stuff and within 3 months I lost 30 pounds and was down to my target weight. I felt much better and had way more energy.

Now when I am eating way too much fast food or too much food in general I do notice I feel more sluggish and put on a bit of weight, but if I’m eating sweeter stuff (still no soda or desserts) my weight goes up much faster and my energy levels plummet.

I’m not saying that it’s everyone’s problem or it will be everyone’s solution, but the amount of sugar we eat is insane. When you try to limit yourself to the ~30-35 grams of sugar we should be eating a day max and you start reading labels to hit that target, you realize just how MUCH sugar is put in everything. Buy a loaf of regular bread at the store and just look at how much sugar is in one piece of bread. It’s crazy. Our bodies aren’t built to process that much sugar. Anything in quantities that are way too much is poison for your body, even water. And sugar in the amounts most of us consume is levels that are poison. 
This makes so much sense to me.

Tonight I resurrected one of my favorite snacks from many years ago.  Take two rice cakes.  Put either a slice of ham or a slice of turkey breast on each.  Enjoy and be handsome.

Tonight I resurrected one of my favorite snacks from many years ago.  Take two rice cakes.  Put either a slice of ham or a slice of turkey breast on each.  Enjoy and be handsome.
How do you get the rice cakes to stop sticking to the roof of your mouth? 

Asking for a friend.

PS Rice cakes are an abomination before the almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster. BEGONE FOUL SNACK. BEGONE!

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How do you get the rice cakes to stop sticking to the roof of your mouth? 

Asking for a friend.

PS Rice cakes are an abomination before the almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster. BEGONE FOUL SNACK. BEGONE!
Srsly try it, it’s delicious. I prefer the lightly salted rice cakes. None of the wacky flavors. 

Last year before Christmas I was hitting the sweets hard. At some point I realized that within 15-20 minutes of binging on that stuff I was out like a light and it scared me thinking pre-diabetes was a possibility.

I cut out all desserts, sodas, and other sugary stuff and within 3 months I lost 30 pounds and was down to my target weight. I felt much better and had way more energy.

Now when I am eating way too much fast food or too much food in general I do notice I feel more sluggish and put on a bit of weight, but if I’m eating sweeter stuff (still no soda or desserts) my weight goes up much faster and my energy levels plummet.

I’m not saying that it’s everyone’s problem or it will be everyone’s solution, but the amount of sugar we eat is insane. When you try to limit yourself to the ~30-35 grams of sugar we should be eating a day max and you start reading labels to hit that target, you realize just how MUCH sugar is put in everything. Buy a loaf of regular bread at the store and just look at how much sugar is in one piece of bread. It’s crazy. Our bodies aren’t built to process that much sugar. Anything in quantities that are way too much is poison for your body, even water. And sugar in the amounts most of us consume is levels that are poison. 
Great post.   Sugar is my issue as well.   It's an addiction and it kicks my butt this time of year.  


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