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*** OFFICIAL *** COVID-19 CoronaVirus Thread. Fresh epidemic fears as child pneumonia cases surge in Europe after China outbreak. NOW in USA (7 Viewers)

I say this with just the logic from where I am positioned in Florida...they were testing 1:3 positive in Dade one day...every 3 tests one positive and so I ask this question...at that rate I can't figure out how ANYONE in Miami would be able to avoid catching this virus, in fact in a week or two it should be a shock if someone tested negative. Does that make any sense? 

I'm for herd immunity if you can even achieve it and eventually we are going to back into that IMHO or a lot of folks will have had this. 

I never thought of long term impact because I never think about it with any other cold or flu but perhaps if people thought they were going to chop a few years off their lives or decades, maybe they could take it more seriously. Until you have a family member in the hospital or have seen a couple of these patients first hand/up close, it's just not real to you. I'm not saying you don't believe but it gets a little more intense when you are in an impact area or know someone who has it and is showing symptoms. 
or you're bagging a 30 year old mother of three 😥

I'm an ICU nurse. Some tough Ls lately...and I've been pulling my hair out trying to get idiots to wear a mask, including family members
I'm so sorry.  I haven't kept on this thread enough.  Thank you for what you're doing.  I can't imagine how hard it must be.

I'm an ICU nurse. Some tough Ls lately...and I've been pulling my hair out trying to get idiots to wear a mask, including family members
I'm so sorry Rene, I really didn't know you were an ICU nurse, my goodness. They have been full to the brim here for days(Florida), maybe almost a week in some spots. 

And we haven't yet. I hate to say this but it's too late. You cannot stop the spread of this at this point IMHO. The airports have made it very easy for this to pop up in almost all major cities. And that's NOT an endorsement to shut things down, anyone who knows me knows I'm a cutthroat capitalist at my core, I fired up a re-opening thread in April 🤷‍♂️   and remember that Fauci and Birk were on the TV everyday back then, I was thinking we were going to be fully open by Memorial Day, what a farce. I didn't know any better, things were pretty quiet here in Florida back in April, why wouldn't we open back up? 

That's the reality of what many were led to believe. 
Who led you to believe we would be fully open by Memorial Day?

Certainly not any infectious disease or public health official, nor any of the disease models.

so...there are a growing number of people seizing on the poorly labeled covid case deaths to push a narrative that we've been lied to about the numbers and how deadly this is. It's unfortunate that some systems have labeled deaths as from COVID that were clearly driven from other factors, but from what I can tell those aren't common.

(Such as the long term cancer pt. dying from cancer who just happens to test positive for covid without having the issues COVID deaths typically expire from, such as ARDS)

The most frightening aspect of this is that some people in health care (mostly peripheral people but still in health care) are helping to push this narrative
I don’t think healthcare providers in direct contact with COVID patients are pushing that narrative. By and large, it’s people who have financial incentive to get the healthcare system back to normal ASAP - proceduralists, hospital admin, outpatient specialists, drug/device reps, etc.

One notable exception, at least anecdotally: respiratory therapists. Makes no sense, but then again it also seems RT are more likely to smoke than other hospital personnel.

Just got home from workin' the ER -Vegas- I'd be be shocked if the death numbers aren't crazy in about 7 days.  Seeing twice as much covid as I was even in  April.   My first six people I saw tonight all had covid. Admitted 6 tonight,. Intubated a couple.  It's strange though, back in April I was seeing 30% of the total volume I am now, people waited until they were half dead to come in for anything, almost all >50 years old, and almost everyone completely grateful and thanking you for being there for them.

Now it's back to everyone coming in for everything, tons of psych, lots of young people coming with covid, some just coming in for a test (totally inappropriate obviously), the usual chronic drug seekers, and people are back to screaming at the nurses and complaining about nonsense.   The hospitals  are overrun and full of covid.  Meanwhile Sisolak just closed the bars but there is so many loopholes it's useless (turning into "restaurants" with pretzels), and there are groups doing demonstrations about having to wear a mask.  

I must say I was super pissed and frustrated a few weeks ago and felt america was giving up and anxious that maybe we could still turn it around.   A bunch of my colleagues have gotten sick, in fact i had to cover july 4th/5th for one of them.   I've now accepted the fact that we have indeed given up, that I'm going to inevitably get infected at work no matter what I do, and just hope I'm not unlucky with it.  

Who led you to believe we would be fully open by Memorial Day?

Certainly not any infectious disease or public health official, nor any of the disease models.
I'm trying to be respectful of our house rules, I'm talking about elected officials, some said we would be open by Easter if you remember. I don't blame the average citizen for not seeing all of this coming a mile away. Many were told it would disappear eventually...when is eventually?

I don’t think healthcare providers in direct contact with COVID patients are pushing that narrative. By and large, it’s people who have financial incentive to get the healthcare system back to normal ASAP - proceduralists, hospital admin, outpatient specialists, drug/device reps, etc.

One notable exception, at least anecdotally: respiratory therapists. Makes no sense, but then again it also seems RT are more likely to smoke than other hospital personnel.
A couple of RTs and my unit secretary 😡 The RTs are the more disturbing/confusing.  A lot of very conservative nurses are actually pissed at Trump which I find hilarious

Just got home from workin' the ER -Vegas- I'd be be shocked if the death numbers aren't crazy in about 7 days.  Seeing twice as much covid as I was even in  April.   My first six people I saw tonight all had covid. Admitted 6 tonight,. Intubated a couple.  It's strange though, back in April I was seeing 30% of the total volume I am now, people waited until they were half dead to come in for anything, almost all >50 years old, and almost everyone completely grateful and thanking you for being there for them.

Now it's back to everyone coming in for everything, tons of psych, lots of young people coming with covid, some just coming in for a test (totally inappropriate obviously), the usual chronic drug seekers, and people are back to screaming at the nurses and complaining about nonsense.   The hospitals  are overrun and full of covid.  Meanwhile Sisolak just closed the bars but there is so many loopholes it's useless (turning into "restaurants" with pretzels), and there are groups doing demonstrations about having to wear a mask.  

I must say I was super pissed and frustrated a few weeks ago and felt america was giving up and anxious that maybe we could still turn it around.   A bunch of my colleagues have gotten sick, in fact i had to cover july 4th/5th for one of them.   I've now accepted the fact that we have indeed given up, that I'm going to inevitably get infected at work no matter what I do, and just hope I'm not unlucky with it.  
We're not nearly as bad a shape in Virginia, but our ER and hospital are back to all the normal stuff PLUS the COVIDs too. So it feels more like January than July (and is reflected in high census), but not over-run at least. 

I'm trying to be respectful of our house rules, I'm talking about elected officials, some said we would be open by Easter if you remember. I don't blame the average citizen for not seeing all of this coming a mile away. Many were told it would disappear eventually...when is eventually?
I’m well aware of that individual and his ill-advised proclamations, which continue to this day.

I don’t blame the average citizen for not anticipating the full ramifications of the pandemic, but it is inexcusable that some value the opinions of politicians and businesspeople over medical and public health officials. While the latter certainly aren’t infallible, they’ve never given the impression Covid-19 would run its course quickly, nor that collective sacrifice wouldn’t be necessary to mitigate its impact.

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A couple of RTs and my unit secretary 😡 The RTs are the more disturbing/confusing.  A lot of very conservative nurses are actually pissed at Trump which I find hilarious
Yeah, I don’t know if RTs who smoke are just more memorable, or tobacco use inspires their career decision, but I swear there’s always a few shamelessly lighting up just off hospital property.

We're not nearly as bad a shape in Virginia, but our ER and hospital are back to all the normal stuff PLUS the COVIDs too. So it feels more like January than July (and is reflected in high census), but not over-run at least. 
Winter is going to be brutal, and I’m sure hospital admin will be lamenting finances instead of proactively hiring extra staff before the SHTF.

Winter is going to be brutal, and I’m sure hospital admin will be lamenting finances instead of proactively hiring extra staff before the SHTF.
WTH are they going to find extra staff?

I mean, I've always argued that they dont have enough open positions...but if there are always open positions, it might not matter

WTH are they going to find extra staff?

I mean, I've always argued that they dont have enough open positions...but if there are always open positions, it might not matter
Not sure, but perhaps outpatient personnel can be heavily incentivized to help out the hospitals?

Seems we have a bunch of nurses visiting this thread. 
Yes, there seem to be quite a few. Thank you all for continuing to work through this. 

I’m well aware of that individual and his ill-advised proclamations, which continue to this day.

While I don’t blame the average citizen for not anticipating the full ramifications of the pandemic, it is inexcusable that some value the opinions of politicians and businesspeople over medical and public health officials. While the latter certainly aren’t infallible, they’ve never given the impression Covid-19 would run its course quickly, nor that collective sacrifice wouldn’t be necessary to mitigate its impact.
Agree 100%. It's sad that the med/science information from abroad and then stateside was dismissed in favor of rhetoric. Even more horrific that this continues to be the case, at the expense of lives.

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Yes, it there seem to be quite a few. Thanks you all for continuing to work through this. 

Agree 100%. It's sad that the med/science information from abroad and then stateside was dismissed in favor of rhetoric. Even more horrific that this continues to be the case, at the expense of lives.
Arrogance and ignorance are a bad combo.

Arrogance and ignorance are a bad combo.
I think our next big step in this evolution is colleges opening up in the next month. Just in my backyard (and personal since my kid goes there) the University of SC is getting set to drop 35,000 students on Columbia, SC which is becoming a hotspot for the state now. I don’t see how this is any resemblance of a good idea.

I think our next big step in this evolution is colleges opening up in the next month. Just in my backyard (and personal since my kid goes there) the University of SC is getting set to drop 35,000 students on Columbia, SC which is becoming a hotspot for the state now. I don’t see how this is any resemblance of a good idea.
I don’t see a way school at any level is going to work. Hopefully I’m wrong.

Not sure how accurate it was but I heard one study that was tracking folks with antibodies found that they only lasted 30-60 days
What I have read on this (and I'll let our medical folks jump in if this is bumpkus) is that, even if the anti-bodies aren't present, the body may retain the ability to "recognize" the virus if it recurs and quickly start producing the anti-bodies again. I'm not sure if that was theory, hope, or if that is how human bodies react to other viruses.

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Sigh. A family member and her family live in NC near Charlotte. Her daughter is apparently at Yellowstone right now on vacation according to the picture on social media of her on the boardwalk at Grand Prismatic with no face covering on. Having been in those boardwalks last year, maintaining 6’ of spacing is pretty tough. And traveling from one of the biggest hot spot states in the country right now to do it...well, that’s why we’re where we are at I guess.

What I have read on this (and I'll let our medical folks jump in if this is bumpkus) is that, even if the anti-bodies aren't present, the body may retain the ability to "recognize" the virus if it recurs and quickly start producing the anti-bodies again. I'm not sure if that was theory, hope, or if that is how human bodies react to other viruses.
I think you are correct. People may be thinking of the flu, but there are different strains every year. It might not last forever but we sure haven’t seen signs that it keeps going around and around. 

Why is it so hard to understand people are demanding masks because we aren't doing the other things we could be not because the belief is masks are the only way?  This false narrative is absurd. No one is saying masks are a silver bullet... well maybe someone somewhere is,  but not most. 

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Forgot to post last night

Deaths in the 21 "Outbreak States"

(CA, TX, FL, AZ, GA, NC, LA, OH, TN, SC, AL, WA, WI, MS, UT, MO, AK, NV, OK, KS, NM)

July 11: 506 deaths

Last two Saturdays: (261,134,506)

7-day average in deaths

6/28: 278

6/29: 304

6/30: 310

7/1: 305

7/2: 316

7/3: 321

7/4: 302

7/5: 304

7/6: 317

7/7: 340

7/8: 361

7/9: 391

7/10: 421

7/11: 474

What happened?
Well,  i made the mistake of leaving my TV on after "cbs this morning" was over and one of those morning political shows came on. 

The good news is he was on there in full on mask and he's now saying everyone needs to be masked up when in public. The bad news is,  his reasons for changing his tune (i didn't know he was actively telling people not to wear masks originally) have been true for a couple months now,  but he's only now changing his tune. 

I couldn't believe how many clips they had of him saying masks were useless,  unnecessary,  pointless etc. 

I’m well aware of that individual and his ill-advised proclamations, which continue to this day.

I don’t blame the average citizen for not anticipating the full ramifications of the pandemic, but it is inexcusable that some value the opinions of politicians and businesspeople over medical and public health officials. While the latter certainly aren’t infallible, they’ve never given the impression Covid-19 would run its course quickly, nor that collective sacrifice wouldn’t be necessary to mitigate its impact.
You realize many people haven't the foggiest clue about the CDC? I could walk down the street with a video camera(I really should and post 'em up in here) and i bet I would get many different answers form folks. 

I hope you know we're not arguing, I just am saying that it's taken a long time to get leaders to unite on anything with this, I really feel the average citizen has been put in a very rough spot. Incredibly naive to judge people who could be in the process of losing their livelihoods, it tends to bring out the worst in some folks. 

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RGV is getting military doctors and teams brought in to assist.  

Hearing stuff from my friend mostly and it's not good outside her family.  Sounds like her uncle will make it and release today after 8 days.  Other two with it never needed anything.  The hospital staff are burning out from exhaustion. 

Lots of talk of delayed school opening here.  
What school district leader wants to be on the hook for making students come to class? especially when they can put the burden on the parent to do distance learning even though we know many children never log in, something like 1:3 do not check in...Adults who are working from home not much different. 

So. Flying is the biggest joke of the pandemic. 

Keep your distance, unless you fly American. 

I barely get as close to my wife as I do this lady flapping her arms into me as she belts herself in.

Christ, lady...are you part condor!?

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Why is it so hard to understand people are demanding masks because we aren't doing the other things we could be not because the belief is masks are the only way?  This false narrative is absurd. No one is saying masks are a silver bullet... well maybe someone somewhere is,  but not most. 
Don’t think this was directed at me but what I fear is we opened, seeing spikes and instead of going back phases we are saying, just wear masks.  It has to be masks, distance and in hotspots some level of shutdown to get things down.

And I continue to believe that how it happened in Iran is how it's happening in Florida. Check their path out if you want a preview of what's to come here in Florida

Why is it so hard to understand people are demanding masks because we aren't doing the other things we could be not because the belief is masks are the only way?  This false narrative is absurd. No one is saying masks are a silver bullet... well maybe someone somewhere is,  but not most. 
I was directly accused of trying to get people killed in this thread a couple months ago over this.  That post was liked several times.  :lol:

Have been chased out of the thread repeatedly over the obvious observation that masks are a distant third place to distancing and hand washing.  Do the latter, render masks optional at best.

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Don’t think this was directed at me but what I fear is we opened, seeing spikes and instead of going back phases we are saying, just wear masks.  It has to be masks, distance and in hotspots some level of shutdown to get things down.
Correct.... not sure why the anti maskers don't get that

I don’t blame the average citizen for not anticipating the full ramifications of the pandemic, but it is inexcusable that some value the opinions of politicians and businesspeople over medical and public health officials. While the latter certainly aren’t infallible, they’ve never given the impression Covid-19 would run its course quickly, nor that collective sacrifice wouldn’t be necessary to mitigate its impact.
Bolding mine, but isn't that selling a lot of average citizens short? Even in this thread you can go back to March, April, and May and have plenty of average citizens who I assume are not MDs or epidemiologists correctly predicting exactly what has happened so far. It sort of ties into the second quoted sentence - the fact that so many "average citizens" could foresee exactly what has happened means there is no excuse for anyone in power to pass the buck. 

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I was directly accused of trying to get people killed in this thread a couple months ago over this.  That post was liked several times.  :lol:

Have been chased out of the thread repeatedly over the obvious observation that masks are a distant third place to distancing and hand washing.  Do the latter, render masks optional at best.
Can you help me understand what this response had to do with my question?  I completely understand the ideal. I'm asking about the reality  

Bolding mine, but isn't that selling a lot of average citizens short? Even in this thread you can go back to March, April, and May and have plenty of average citizens who I assume are not MDs or epidemiologists correctly predicting exactly what has happened so far. It sort of ties into the second quoted sentence - the fact that so many "average citizens" could foresee exactly what has happened means there is no excuse for people for anyone in power to pass the buck. 
In March the biggest prediction was a summer drop with an incoming second wave in November.  This led to a lot of bad policy and early re opening of stupid stuff.


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