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Let's lose some weight in 2021. Back to the grind... who else is in? (1 Viewer)

241.3 today, 2 pounds last week and 34.7 in total. Had a couple of worse days than normal, power was out for 7 hours and I never tested the generator when I bought my house, so had to have dinner out of the pantry. Went out with some friends on Saturday. Bar had an EH Taylor that I wanted to try before opening my bottle at home. Also, progress has to get slower as the easy weight comes to an end. I also have to get my exercise up. Holding steady with an IF of 20:4, having two meals in that period of 600-800 calories each.
237.4 today, 3.9 pounds last week and 38.6 in total. It's likely due to my body expelling the foodesque substances from Applebee's as quickly as possible, but I'll take it. Last week was a pretty good week for exercise. Plan is to ramp that up as my BMR declines from dropping a few lbs. It's already down more than 175 Kcal from when I started.

Keep doing what you’re doing in the quest to be healthy, all. Had a rough weekend. My Dad died in his 50’s. Way overweight. Smoker. Diabetes. Started having issues with his feet. Toes amputated, then leg below the knee. Lost his will to live. Fast forward and my brother just had his big toe amputated this weekend. Was diabetic, but much healthier now and #’s under control. Except damage had been done. No feeling in his feet. He of course started googling mortality stats and is scared out of his mind  

Diabetes sucks. Hope this thread helps people avoid it. 
Scared the crap outta me.  Luckily I just hit the numbers.  Looking forward to seeing the doctors face when I'm down like forty pounds in eight weeks.  

  Ate two scrambled eggs with spinach for breakfast today.  Had a half of an Activia so I could take an omeprazole.  Been on the tall ladder painting all day, just took a vicodin to keep my back in play.  Had a slice of mozzarella for lunch with that.  Pounding water today, feel great. 

 I'm thinking whitefish and chicken for dinner.  Maybe grilled asparagus.  I dunno.

Scared the crap outta me.  Luckily I just hit the numbers.  Looking forward to seeing the doctors face when I'm down like forty pounds in eight weeks.  

  Ate two scrambled eggs with spinach for breakfast today.  Had a half of an Activia so I could take an omeprazole.  Been on the tall ladder painting all day, just took a vicodin to keep my back in play.  Had a slice of mozzarella for lunch with that.  Pounding water today, feel great. 

 I'm thinking whitefish and chicken for dinner.  Maybe grilled asparagus.  I dunno.


Figured I’d jump in on this. I’ve put on a bunch of weight over this past covid year to the point where I can see it in pictures now. I just look heavier and I’m not liking what I’m seeing. 

Started tracking my calories today so we’ll see how this goes. As of now not following specific weight loss model - just trying to eat healthy, eat in moderation and get more exercise.

Current weight - 202
Target Weight - 170 (or so)

I’ve been reading back the past few pages and it’s been great so thanks in advance for any postings you folks make and good luck in your own journey. 

Looking forward to seeing the doctors face when I'm down like forty pounds in eight weeks.  
(S)he will likely tell you to slow your roll. People who lose 1-2 pounds per week have a better chance to keep it off, and you can actually become malnourished if you lose weight too quickly.

You didn’t gain it overnight, nor should you lose it too fast. While trite, slow and steady wins the race.

  I remembered I had a blood pressure machine, and I checked it tonight. 140/90.  That's the best it's been all year!  After I posted this, I had some hunger for the first time all week.  I think it was from being around people eating and drinking excessively on the holiday. 

  I had a moment of weakness (on purpose though) and ate a chicken sausage with no bun, a small piece of cheddar, and a vanilla yogurt.  I think it's ok though.  I have been doing well and my energy was a bit low today.  

  Back to my routine tomorrow.  At some point I'll introduce some weightlifting and bike riding into all this.  Maybe next week.  Thanks for the words.
I love that you are excited and are having immediate success.  I'll echo the sentiment that you can lose weight too fast, although if I understand correctly, ~3lb per week at your starting weight is about right - about the same 1 percent of your total weight that a 200lb person can safely lose at 2lb per week. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice, though, and I'll reiterate that you should consult your doctor before beginning this or any diet or exercise program. My experience is my own but I started near your weight at 284.6 and I weighed in at 213.1 this morning so I can share what I've learned. 

I get nervous when I see people doing rapid weight loss because they can burn off muscle instead of fat. There's a temptation early on to want to go as fast as possible but you can only speed things up so much by eating less and exercising more.  There isn't much you can do by working extra hard for one day- at most you might lose half a pound instead of gaining half a pound. But if you start learning more about your body and your diet and making changes that are healthy and sustainable for you , you can make permanent gains.

It sounds like you've made some awesome improvements to your diet, but you may find you're having a hard time pooping because you aren't getting enough fiber and your body isn't used to not having as much yuck in your digestive system,  so it just kind of builds up until there's enough pressure.   Gross.  But it's important because constipation sucks and hemorrhoids are even worse. You'll also notice that your weight seems to plateau while you're waiting to poop, then you'll drop a couple pounds after a big poop day. 

Are there any high fiber foods that you actually like to eat?  Salad can be a good start - lettuce has a little and vegetables in general are pretty good.  Raspberries, blackberries, broccoli and cauliflower are all really good. Mission makes a "carb balance" tortilla that's got about 15g fiber and Thomas's makes a light multi grain english muffin thats got 8g i think - it's not as good for you as vegetables, but it's a good replacement for plain bread. Fiber is super filling so finding a few high fiber foods can help with the hunger too.  I start almost every day with a big bowl of berries and end most days with a big bowl of broccoli cauliflower and carrots and I really never feel hungry. 

There are other things to consider for long term weight loss that I can talk about with you too if you want.  But for now keep up the good work and keep posting about your progress.  

Figured I’d jump in on this. I’ve put on a bunch of weight over this past covid year to the point where I can see it in pictures now. I just look heavier and I’m not liking what I’m seeing. 

Started tracking my calories today so we’ll see how this goes. As of now not following specific weight loss model - just trying to eat healthy, eat in moderation and get more exercise.

Current weight - 202
Target Weight - 170 (or so)

I’ve been reading back the past few pages and it’s been great so thanks in advance for any postings you folks make and good luck in your own journey. 
Nice.  Are you using myfitnesspal or a similar app?  They can help with "CICO" (calories in vs calories out) by giving you a goal for the day and telling you how many calories you have left after each meal/snack/workout.  Myfitnesspal is free although I pay for the premium to support them and to get nutrient tracking.  Loseit(free) and noom(paid) are both pretty popular too. 

I didn't have the best long weekend - went over calories two days and under two, probably was over my total calorie goal for the 4 days by a fraction of a pound but not enough to derail anything and I did get a long run in.  Weighed in today at 213.1, so I'm almost back to the low water mark weight I was at on Easter, on track for Onederland in August, and just 28.5 away from my longer term goal of 184.6 by the end of October.  

Nice.  Are you using myfitnesspal or a similar app?  They can help with "CICO" (calories in vs calories out) by giving you a goal for the day and telling you how many calories you have left after each meal/snack/workout.  Myfitnesspal is free although I pay for the premium to support them and to get nutrient tracking.  Loseit(free) and noom(paid) are both pretty popular too. 
Thanks - using MyFitnessPal currently (the free version). I’ve used it before and enjoy (maybe enjoy isn’t the right word) the tracking of the food/drink I’m consuming each day. 

As I’m sure someone has mentioned before, it’s a marathon not a sprint. One day at a time. 

I didn't have the best long weekend - went over calories two days and under two, probably was over my total calorie goal for the 4 days by a fraction of a pound but not enough to derail anything and I did get a long run in. 
Yep - I somewhat intentionally allowed myself to indulge some this weekend - nothing too crazy but had some sweets and cocktails.  Up a couple of pounds but nothing too bad.  On vacation this week so plan to have some more cocktails and Chinese food today.  Tomorrow is fast day and then I leave for four days of primitive camping so won’t be eating good or bad per se - I’m sure we’ll be drinking but also lots of hiking. Would love to come back around 185 and then have a push to the 170s.

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How does one decide that they are done losing weight... do they just start with a target?

I am down 20lbs and not sure how much more I want to go... I did not start with a goal other than to not weigh as much as I did.  I want to get to a point and then work on maintaining it, but no clue what my bogey is. I may just see what it looks like to not be BMI overweight.  My guess is cancer patient skinny tho, so I dunno. Maybe I will just go to the next even number?

How does one decide that they are done losing weight... do they just start with a target?

I am down 20lbs and not sure how much more I want to go... I did not start with a goal other than to not weigh as much as I did.  I want to get to a point and then work on maintaining it, but no clue what my bogey is. I may just see what it looks like to not be BMI overweight.  My guess is cancer patient skinny tho, so I dunno. Maybe I will just go to the next even number?
30-32" waist

(S)he will likely tell you to slow your roll. People who lose 1-2 pounds per week have a better chance to keep it off, and you can actually become malnourished if you lose weight too quickly.

You didn’t gain it overnight, nor should you lose it too fast. While trite, slow and steady wins the race.
I'm not doing anything crazy.  I just cut carbs and don't cheat.  I have hit a little plateau the last few days anyway.  Been stuck at 296 basically.  So tomorrow is just about two weeks, and I'm still down 22 pounds.  

Went black coffee, eggs with spinach for late breakfast (11am) and three slices of mozzarella for lunch.  Looking at grilled chicken and brussel sprouts for dinner today.

For stats, I'm 45, 42 inch waist, and just under 6'2. 

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How does one decide that they are done losing weight... do they just start with a target?

I am down 20lbs and not sure how much more I want to go... I did not start with a goal other than to not weigh as much as I did.  I want to get to a point and then work on maintaining it, but no clue what my bogey is. I may just see what it looks like to not be BMI overweight.  My guess is cancer patient skinny tho, so I dunno. Maybe I will just go to the next even number?
I have the same question. For me, I'm aiming for two things - first, 184.6 because my peak weight was 284.6 two years ago and one hundred is a nice goal, and second I'm planning to go for a run outside with my shirt off some day.  That day is... not today. But I'm going to do it.  

After that I'd like to be within a healthy ten pound range - say 180 to 190 - for as long as possible, so I'll shoot for 180, then stop losing and when my weight creeps up to 190 again I'll just need to lose that ten back. 

I miss doing this stuff.  My kid is getting interested in boy scouts, I'd love it if he got into hiking and camping too

Are you going on tour with Phish or what?
My kids are a lot older.  My oldest will be 20 in a few weeks and he’s going with me and my buddy that I go backpacking with - lots of fun.

Pik - we’ll do hobo showers but no actual showers.  I’m used to it from backpacking and will be a lot easier with not carrying 30+ pounds on my back.

How does one decide that they are done losing weight... do they just start with a target?

I am down 20lbs and not sure how much more I want to go... I did not start with a goal other than to not weigh as much as I did.  I want to get to a point and then work on maintaining it, but no clue what my bogey is. I may just see what it looks like to not be BMI overweight.  My guess is cancer patient skinny tho, so I dunno. Maybe I will just go to the next even number?
Ugh. Nobody with a healthy BMI looks cancer-skinny. Societal standards have just changed to expect people to be plump. For historical context, ever seen a painting by Rubens? But more importantly, what looks too fat or thin isn’t important - being healthy is.

Maintaining 10% weight loss over two years will significantly reduce your risk of diabetes and vascular disease, as well as a host of other problems. Nutrition studies consider that a successful diet.

While the closer you can get to ideal BMI/weight the better, that’s not a realistic goal for the vast majority of dieters. Remember, most people gain back all the weight they lost within a couple years, so any sustained weight loss puts you ahead of the game.

I'm not doing anything crazy.  I just cut carbs and don't cheat.  I have hit a little plateau the last few days anyway.  Been stuck at 296 basically.  So tomorrow is just about two weeks, and I'm still down 22 pounds.  

Went black coffee, eggs with spinach for late breakfast (11am) and three slices of mozzarella for lunch.  Looking at grilled chicken and brussel sprouts for dinner today.

For stats, I'm 45, 42 inch waist, and just under 6'2. 
I'm not trying to deter you, just realize your body will adapt to fight weight loss tooth and nail. Losing the weight more slowly, with incremental vs. drastic changes improves your chances to keep it off.

We're all on the same team here, just our coaching styles may differ a bit. But any sustained weight loss is a W in my game-plan.

Terminalxylem said:
I'm not trying to deter you, just realize your body will adapt to fight weight loss tooth and nail. Losing the weight more slowly, with incremental vs. drastic changes improves your chances to keep it off.

We're all on the same team here, just our coaching styles may differ a bit. But any sustained weight loss is a W in my game-plan.
I am not following any known plan or diet I guess.  I never really wanted/needed carbs, so for me this is pretty easy. I have no cravings, more energy, and I'm piling up the dots.  I'm just being disciplined with not eating crap I never really wanted anyway.  The hardest part is shopping/cooking my meals.  I would love to eat a big salad right now.  I'm just too lazy to make it, lol.

  I'm sorry if none of this makes sense.  It seems to be working though. 

  This 12-14 hour fast every day has go be helping though.  

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85g protein

54g fiber

5158mg sodium oof

I was exhausted all day today and just did not eat deliberately.  I got my fruits and vegetables and went for a short run, which was good, but I picked at things I usually wouldn't and didn't get to do the long run I thought would pay for it all.  I ended up 500 calories over my goal... but that's still 500 under maintenance.  And after an off weekend, I'm going to chalk that up as the cost of doing business, get some sleep tonight and just try to be good tomorrow.  

For the folks who are just getting started, I'll add that maybe the most important thing for diet success is sleep.  Man do I have a hard time sticking to it when I didn't sleep well the night before.  

For the folks who are just getting started, I'll add that maybe the most important thing for diet success is sleep.  Man do I have a hard time sticking to it when I didn't sleep well the night before.  
I hear that. Wife woke me up at 3:45 this morning because the youngest had a fever. Today was also the first time in a long time I broke 20:4. Had to come home from work to watch the other two so she could take him to the dr. While home pounded a 300 calorie burrito, about 100 calories of beef jerky and an apple for a 500 calorie lunch. Dinner was good, steamed chicken, veggies and rice with steamed carrots and some dill pickles. Stayed right at 1200 for the day, but another bad sleep night and I could slip mighty easy.

Good Morning, does anyone got any good ideas on meats or whatever that are low in carbs and good for you?   I keep eating chicken and fish, but wouldn't mind something else.  I may do cheeseburgers with mustard today, no bun.  Thx

Also veggies.  I keep eating asparagus, brussel sprouts, and romaine lettuce.  What's the deal with falafel's?  Thx

Good Morning, does anyone got any good ideas on meats or whatever that are low in carbs and good for you?   I keep eating chicken and fish, but wouldn't mind something else.  I may do cheeseburgers with mustard today, no bun.  Thx

Also veggies.  I keep eating asparagus, brussel sprouts, and romaine lettuce.  What's the deal with falafel's?  Thx
Lightlife vegan ground has the best taste of all the vegan grounds IMO.  It's BOGO at Publix this week. I usually sautee onions, zucchini, peppers, garlic, mushrooms and then add the ground and a few cherry tomatoes. Sometimes I also use tender okra from the Indian store and eggplant. After cooking, then I add some green olives. You can also add your favorite hot sauce. @Hot Sauce Guyhas some good ones.

Here's the lowdown on Lightlife:

250 cal per serving, 5g net carbs, 20g protein, 17% sodium, 17g fat (5g saturated). 

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Lightlife vegan ground has the best taste of all the vegan grounds IMO.  It's BOGO at Publix this week. I usually sautee onions, zucchini, peppers, garlic, mushrooms and then add the ground and a few cherry tomatoes. Sometimes I also use tender okra from the Indian store and eggplant. After cooking, then I add some green olives. You can also add your favorite hot sauce. @Hot Sauce Guyhas some good ones.

Here's the lowdown on Lightlife:

250 cal per serving, 5g net carbs, 20g protein, 17% sodium, 17g fat (5g saturated). 
What's the difference between that and like....real meat?  Why is that better?

What's the difference between that and like....real meat?  Why is that better?
Vegan "beef" has a better carbon footprint. Saturated fat is similar in both, but possibly healthier from plant-based products. Also, plant based products have some fiber. For losing weight and improving your lipid profile, it's mostly about caloric intake.

The famous twinkle diet: 27 pounds in 2 months, 20% drop in bad cholesterol and 20% increase in good cholesterol. 


Went bananas last night.  Ate three cheeseburgers, with just mustard and no buns.  Three hot dogs the same way, two chicken drumsticks, and eight blueberries to wash it down.  I also had a scoop of Metamucil an hour later to get things moving. 

After breakfast (Spinach and eggs) today,  I am sitting at my low of 295.  So funny.  Carbs are everything I guess.

Went bananas last night.  Ate three cheeseburgers, with just mustard and no buns.  Three hot dogs the same way, two chicken drumsticks, and eight blueberries to wash it down.  I also had a scoop of Metamucil an hour later to get things moving. 

After breakfast (Spinach and eggs) today,  I am sitting at my low of 295.  So funny.  Carbs are everything I guess.
12 oz hamburger - 600 to 900 calories (fattier meat has more calories)

Three slices American cheese  - 210 to 330 (kraft singles have more than other brands)

Three hot dogs no bun 450 calories

Two chicken drumsticks 300 calories

8 blueberries under 20

If you set myfitnesspal to sedentary, lose 2 lbs per week, it will recommend about 1900 calories for someone your age and weight.  You were right about there, maybe even a little under.  

Low carb diets are often just low calorie diets with the benefit of filling you up on fat and protein, and possibly kicking in ketosis. But you didn't get much in the way of nutrition- meat, cheese, 8 berries and a scoop of Metamucil isn't going to help your body feel great.  

That said- it's awesome that you are seeing immediate results and eating foods you like, and my favorite thing when I'm dieting is when it feels like I'm getting away with something, eating foods that you "aren't supposed to". With the amount of weight you're trying to lose, just getting into the flow and making progress is awesome.  Just keep it in mind that 

12 oz hamburger - 600 to 900 calories (fattier meat has more calories)

Three slices American cheese  - 210 to 330 (kraft singles have more than other brands)

Three hot dogs no bun 450 calories

Two chicken drumsticks 300 calories

8 blueberries under 20

If you set myfitnesspal to sedentary, lose 2 lbs per week, it will recommend about 1900 calories for someone your age and weight.  You were right about there, maybe even a little under.  

Low carb diets are often just low calorie diets with the benefit of filling you up on fat and protein, and possibly kicking in ketosis. But you didn't get much in the way of nutrition- meat, cheese, 8 berries and a scoop of Metamucil isn't going to help your body feel great.  

That said- it's awesome that you are seeing immediate results and eating foods you like, and my favorite thing when I'm dieting is when it feels like I'm getting away with something, eating foods that you "aren't supposed to". With the amount of weight you're trying to lose, just getting into the flow and making progress is awesome.  Just keep it in mind that 
I do feel great.  The doc told me to lose twenty pounds for the diabetes.  Already there!

Thanks - using MyFitnessPal currently (the free version). I’ve used it before and enjoy (maybe enjoy isn’t the right word) the tracking of the food/drink I’m consuming each day. 

As I’m sure someone has mentioned before, it’s a marathon not a sprint. One day at a time. 
amen to the bolded. and if it happens in a sprint, most likely some of that weight will be gained back in the following 6 months.

i started like a gang buster the first few weeks too, but have hit a significant plateau for like 2 months. but the marathon is on and will see how a few minor tweaks may get over that plateau hump

Went bananas last night.  Ate three cheeseburgers, with just mustard and no buns.  Three hot dogs the same way, two chicken drumsticks, and eight blueberries to wash it down.  I also had a scoop of Metamucil an hour later to get things moving. 

After breakfast (Spinach and eggs) today,  I am sitting at my low of 295.  So funny.  Carbs are everything I guess.
lol, i did similar over the weekend. think i literally ate 5 hamburgers and 1 hot dog and other crap in like a 6 hour window on Sunday. jumped into a 43 hour fast on Monday and whew boy was that kind of miserable with all of that weight, but will weigh myself at the end of this week to see the impact. 

funny posting after this after i just mentioned i have hit a plateau for the last 2 months. pretty sure consuming all of those calories can contribute to that  :)

I have a sure fire way to lose weight

Have your daughter be on the same softball team for 5 years and then get told suddenly it's not going be around next season. The year before her junior season, the most important season and then have to find tryouts and a place to play where you don't know anyone or what the coaches are like.

I haven't slept or ate for 3 days, I feel like #### and have super anxiety right now.   It sucks all around and I feel so bad for my daughter.

I'm down like 4 pounds in 3 days.

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amen to the bolded. and if it happens in a sprint, most likely some of that weight will be gained back in the following 6 months.

i started like a gang buster the first few weeks too, but have hit a significant plateau for like 2 months. but the marathon is on and will see how a few minor tweaks may get over that plateau hump
Do you exercise?  I don't.

Do you exercise?  I don't.
yeah, but more inconsistently then i would like to. haven't been lifting weights as much since quarantine came through, but try to get some push-ups in and use a rowing machine 45 minutes about 3-4 times a week. using a bike a bit now too. All has become so much more difficult with my 4 year old home all the time now

I had like a bad month and a half. I weighted myself about 2 weeks ago and was at 165 (Rounding off the 10ths) so I had lost 10 LBs since I started. I haven't kept up with myfitpal as I'm eating a lot of stuff I need to guess calories and just too lazy to do all the leg work on it. I think I'll just start a clean slate next week. 

It hasn't been terrible as I'm eating a lot healthier. Pre 4th of July I went to watch the Euros and then same day I went to a friends BBQ as it was more of a birthday celebration that day for me. Ate some Hot dogs and Hamburgers at this party and drank one very small cream soda (I drank mostly water at this BBQ after downing some Peronni's and Aerol Spritzes at the cafe earlier with my brothers). I felt pretty bad after I got home. Nausea and felt like if I went straight to bed I was gonna lose the Milk and Cookies. So I drank some water and just stayed up a bit. Wasn't feeling great the next day. So I will say my diet and change of eating more healthy is working. 4th of July went to the Phillies game had some few unhealthy things and felt fairly bloated after dinner that night. I'm still feeling out what I can still eat and what not too. Eating smaller portions too. 

Figured I’d jump in on this. I’ve put on a bunch of weight over this past covid year to the point where I can see it in pictures now. I just look heavier and I’m not liking what I’m seeing. 

Started tracking my calories today so we’ll see how this goes. As of now not following specific weight loss model - just trying to eat healthy, eat in moderation and get more exercise.

Current weight - 202
Target Weight - 170 (or so)

I’ve been reading back the past few pages and it’s been great so thanks in advance for any postings you folks make and good luck in your own journey. 
My biggest surprise was finally looking at cals a lot of the products have and how much in total you eat compared to what you should eat. I wasnt the healthiest eater to begin with in terms of snacking and what I'd eat at work and such (Working food retail is terrible when you are trying to diet sometimes especially when you got an amazing hot bar at work). 

I'm not hardcore like most here but I've found with eating better that I'm feeling better and issues I had before have lessened or aren't there at all anymore 

I love that you are excited and are having immediate success.  I'll echo the sentiment that you can lose weight too fast, although if I understand correctly, ~3lb per week at your starting weight is about right - about the same 1 percent of your total weight that a 200lb person can safely lose at 2lb per week. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice, though, and I'll reiterate that you should consult your doctor before beginning this or any diet or exercise program. My experience is my own but I started near your weight at 284.6 and I weighed in at 213.1 this morning so I can share what I've learned. 

I get nervous when I see people doing rapid weight loss because they can burn off muscle instead of fat. There's a temptation early on to want to go as fast as possible but you can only speed things up so much by eating less and exercising more.  There isn't much you can do by working extra hard for one day- at most you might lose half a pound instead of gaining half a pound. But if you start learning more about your body and your diet and making changes that are healthy and sustainable for you , you can make permanent gains.

It sounds like you've made some awesome improvements to your diet, but you may find you're having a hard time pooping because you aren't getting enough fiber and your body isn't used to not having as much yuck in your digestive system,  so it just kind of builds up until there's enough pressure.   Gross.  But it's important because constipation sucks and hemorrhoids are even worse. You'll also notice that your weight seems to plateau while you're waiting to poop, then you'll drop a couple pounds after a big poop day. 

Are there any high fiber foods that you actually like to eat?  Salad can be a good start - lettuce has a little and vegetables in general are pretty good.  Raspberries, blackberries, broccoli and cauliflower are all really good. Mission makes a "carb balance" tortilla that's got about 15g fiber and Thomas's makes a light multi grain english muffin thats got 8g i think - it's not as good for you as vegetables, but it's a good replacement for plain bread. Fiber is super filling so finding a few high fiber foods can help with the hunger too.  I start almost every day with a big bowl of berries and end most days with a big bowl of broccoli cauliflower and carrots and I really never feel hungry. 

There are other things to consider for long term weight loss that I can talk about with you too if you want.  But for now keep up the good work and keep posting about your progress.  
Hey @bostonfred during my nutrition check I was looking and noticed I wasn't getting a whole lot of fiber intake and Iron. Is there any good easy foods or snacks that are low in Cals and high on these things? I saw Raisin Brain has a good fiber intake but anything else? I like to cook eggs in the morning and maybe if I want a big breakfast and small lunch before a big dinner I might add some granola and yogurt into my breakfast as well. These suggestions above are really good. I don't have much of a choice in my dinner options unless at work or going out for dinner so my food would have to be more Breakfast/Lunch/snack wise. 

Nice.  Are you using myfitnesspal or a similar app?  They can help with "CICO" (calories in vs calories out) by giving you a goal for the day and telling you how many calories you have left after each meal/snack/workout.  Myfitnesspal is free although I pay for the premium to support them and to get nutrient tracking.  Loseit(free) and noom(paid) are both pretty popular too. 
Update I'm paying for th full all for the nutrient tracking and scanning the UPC so I don't have to type everything in 

85g protein

54g fiber

5158mg sodium oof

I was exhausted all day today and just did not eat deliberately.  I got my fruits and vegetables and went for a short run, which was good, but I picked at things I usually wouldn't and didn't get to do the long run I thought would pay for it all.  I ended up 500 calories over my goal... but that's still 500 under maintenance.  And after an off weekend, I'm going to chalk that up as the cost of doing business, get some sleep tonight and just try to be good tomorrow.  

For the folks who are just getting started, I'll add that maybe the most important thing for diet success is sleep.  Man do I have a hard time sticking to it when I didn't sleep well the night before.  
Worst part for me. As most here know I'm autistic and people with autism have sleeping issues. I go to bed real late but sleeping I can be up around 10AM and not sleep in more unless I had a really really bad day before. I use to be able to sleep till noon or 1 on days off so 10AM right now is a good goal. But when you can't sleep or not going to bed until after 3 sometimes 4 in the morning it's worse. Also I'm a perennial night owl to begin with. 

I've checked some suggestions and advice online and will probably talk to my dr about this as well at some point in the next month or 2 (whenever I can get an appointment). However any suggestions I'm all for right now and maybe theres something I hadn't thought about before either. 

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