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How Can The Forum Be Better? Your Thoughts? (1 Viewer)

For threads that I've posted in and there is a new message, I can simply click on the thread and it it will take me to the last post I saw, which is awesome. However this doesn't work if a thread has been bumped after some time of inactivity, it always takes me to the first post. What's up with that?
Hit the "Jump to new" button if that happens.

Where's that?

At the top of a thread there is the title and then a 1, 2, 3, 4 etc horizontally to designate the number of pages the thread includes (assuming it's more than 1 page). And to the right of the numbers is the "Jump to new" button.
Pictures would be interesting just because that would be new for us - I think we may have had them briefly for a while a long time ago, but I barely remember. It would be fun to see what sort of shtick naturally emerges with the arrival of a new medium.

But I'd expect it to implode from a moderation standpoint. No way that works and stays PG and non political.
I don't think it will "improve" the site but sometimes I see threads that I think belong in another category (i'm also gulity of this so sorry )

Thanks. If you see those, please click the "report" button and let us know and we can see about moving.
I think it's about perfect for me.

It would be great to have a civil politics forum but in today's climate I don't think its achievable unless you have a super strict rule set that is enforced but that's probably not the business footballguys wants to be in.

The tool factor in the shark pool is annoying and makes me want to go there less, but I think the mods do their best...maybe some more severe time outs for the obvious violators there.

Really appreciate everything these boards have provided me over the years.

This. It seems more and more often lately, I find myself saying to my wife and/or kids, "This is why we can't have nice things." In all kinds of situations, some people just can't help themselves but to do something stupid and ruin it for everyone else as the powers that be decide that it's just not worth it.

This place (especially the FFA) is a nice thing, and I really appreciate that Joe adjusts it to make it work for him (while keeping core) rather than just pulling the cord on it all.
This will be unpopular and I already know it’s not going to happen but since you asked…I think you should bring the political forum back.

I know all the reasons why not already. Here are the reasons why: because we’re currently in the most tumultuous political era since the Civil War with an election coming up.
We are more divided in this nation than at any point in our lifetimes. Despite all its problems and acrimony, your political forum was one of the rare places in our society where people on all sides could, at times, engage in civilized discussion and debate. And that’s a rare thing. Since you’ve shut it down I’ve looked for a replacement. I didn’t want a forum filled with people who agreed with me because what is the point? But I also didn’t want a forum filled with those who always disagreed with me. I wanted somewhere where both sides are reasonably heard. I have been unable to find such a place. Believe me I’ve tried. Also, every forum I’ve found has been far far uglier than here in terms of how people are treated, and the names they call each other. I don’t want that either.

Anyhow I think that at its best your political forum provided an important service. And I miss it. I fully get that it was too much moderation for you, too much work, too many complaints, bad for business. I can’t blame you at all for shutting it down. Perhaps an alternative might be to return it but charge a monthly fee? I’d pay it. I think others might though I don’t know. Just an idea. Anyway, you did ask so I thought I would offer my opinion on this subject one last time. And now I’m done.

The election coming up is not only the most important one of our lifetimes, but arguably the most important in the history of this Republic, but you would never know it if you got most of your non-football news from this forum. And I am not being hyperbolic about the threat posed to our experiment in Democracy.

I have expressed my feelings before about this decision to exclude all political discussion here, so I won't revisit it again. Nor will I give my thoughts on how this forum can be better as I doubt it would change anything.

Cheers! 🍸
From the Shark Pool forum where I posted this same question: https://forums.footballguys.com/thr...-be-better-your-thoughts.812249/post-24897780

This will be unpopular. You should sell ads on the forums. Lots of eyeballs on here, I have to imagine it would generate a pretty good revenue stream. Use the money to keep subscription prices low or give your staff a raise. It wouldn't be THAT annoying to see ads, seems like a missed opportunity. Flame away.
I wouldn't mind this if a subscription gave us ad-free forums. Seems reasonable to me.
Someone said we don't listen. I was reminded on this of a discussion we had a couple of years ago in the Shark Pool about how we organize topics. https://forums.footballguys.com/thr...hreads-on-specific-topics-please-help.798813/.

At the time, I felt like we should change some of the structure and not have the giant threads where each player gets his own thread and all the news stays there instead of creating new threads to talk topics. I don't like it when a story breaks that includes several players and it's difficult to know where to discuss. And I think lots of discussion happens around current events or breaking news that often isn't clear when the forum just lists all the players with no mention of the event.

We discussed it back and forth for several pages and in the end, I listened to lots of different points and we decided to not do what I was proposing and keep the forum mostly organized by player threads. And I think that's worked well. And a good example I think of all sides listening and discussing.
Pictures would be interesting just because that would be new for us - I think we may have had them briefly for a while a long time ago, but I barely remember. It would be fun to see what sort of shtick naturally emerges with the arrival of a new medium.

But I'd expect it to implode from a moderation standpoint. No way that works and stays PG and non political.
I'm pretty sure when the board migrated from Old Yeller we had embedded pics for a brief few days, maybe a week. It devolved exactly as you described above, took longer than I thought it would.
Just curious, partly due to those asking about the political forum; what happened to that knockoff forum? I think it was invitation only. I was on for a bit but lost interest. It seems that would be the best way to start a new PSF.
I think the bold answers your question. The same happened to me. I got the invite, spent a little time over there, but honestly I've just been coming here exclusively for the last 17 or so years or whatever it's been that when I have some time to kill it's just a reflexive click for me. And, frankly, I just forgot about the offshoot forum whereas I have a FBG routine that include the politics sub-forum when it was around.
The problem with the other place is that it's discord, a chat room. Not a message board. They do two different things. The FFA discord is great for what it is, but it's no real replacement for ongoing discussion like you get here.
Pictures would be interesting just because that would be new for us - I think we may have had them briefly for a while a long time ago, but I barely remember. It would be fun to see what sort of shtick naturally emerges with the arrival of a new medium.

But I'd expect it to implode from a moderation standpoint. No way that works and stays PG and non political.
I'm pretty sure when the board migrated from Old Yeller we had embedded pics for a brief few days, maybe a week. It devolved exactly as you described above, took longer than I thought it would.
The last two software upgrades also allowed this for a few days iirc.
And for those who dont like pictures, most message boards have account options to hide posted pictures. I assume this one would as well.
Pictures would be interesting just because that would be new for us - I think we may have had them briefly for a while a long time ago, but I barely remember. It would be fun to see what sort of shtick naturally emerges with the arrival of a new medium.

But I'd expect it to implode from a moderation standpoint. No way that works and stays PG and non political.
I'm pretty sure when the board migrated from Old Yeller we had embedded pics for a brief few days, maybe a week. It devolved exactly as you described above, took longer than I thought it would.
The last two software upgrades also allowed this for a few days iirc.
And it went about as well as expected each time :lol:
Just curious, partly due to those asking about the political forum; what happened to that knockoff forum? I think it was invitation only. I was on for a bit but lost interest. It seems that would be the best way to start a new PSF.
I think the bold answers your question. The same happened to me. I got the invite, spent a little time over there, but honestly I've just been coming here exclusively for the last 17 or so years or whatever it's been that when I have some time to kill it's just a reflexive click for me. And, frankly, I just forgot about the offshoot forum whereas I have a FBG routine that include the politics sub-forum when it was around.
The problem with the other place is that it's discord, a chat room. Not a message board. They do two different things. The FFA discord is great for what it is, but it's no real replacement for ongoing discussion like you get here.
It’s been a long time since I went there but I thought the one I’m thinking of was a forum. (Could definitely be misremembering)
In particular, I think the social media / smart phone thread has been really smart discussion
I find it funny that you highlight what is by any reasonable definition a political discussion.

Interesting. I didn't find it to too political. I see it as more sociological. I guess anything that has potential laws involved could be political but the discussion seemed to be way more about society. And certainly, it didn't feel partisan.

Regardless, I thought it was a good smart discussion.
How good the forum is or can become is really a product of the community as a whole. The posts make up the entirety of the forum, so worthwhile, thought provoking posts will add substantially to the value of the forum. I don’t have the answer as to how to enhance the posts, but I will say that a lot of the FFA has become stale. This staleness is really just a natural by-product of the vast majority of the prolific posters having been here 10, 15, 20+ years. This is not necessarily a shot at anyone in particular, but there is just no evolution.

A few cases in point would be on the off chance that someone posts a topic in the wrong forum, for instance asking for lineup advice in the FFA, well, you get the same, tired 20-30 posts from the same posters all the time and it’s just HILARIOUS every single time. Let me see your rooster. Where’s Gates, etc… Dude hasn’t played a down in 6 years, but it’ so funny when someone makes a mistake to get the same old jokes told.

You scroll down the threads and there are countless threads about songs from a specific year. It’s fun to discuss music, I love music, but I don’t feel the need to have thread after thread after thread about so and so’s tastes in music. There have been some awesome music threads, don’t get me wrong. But the good music threads had a LOT of thought and work put into them and had a lot of good discussions within.

And then of course you have probably on the order of 80% of the posts in a specific forum made by the same 1-2% of the posters. Of course hearing the same people post over and over and over again is going to get stale.

Personally, I have become a less and less frequent contributor here. And when I do, I stay to specific threads only where I feel a) an interest and b) can make a positive contribution in my post that can hopefully help someone else (arguable, I know). If someone starts a Beyonce thread (oh look another music thread) and someone gets banned, well, I couldn’t tell you who it was, because it doesn’t interest me.

I think having a political forum was great, because frankly, I can’t stand politics, and I could just ignore it altogether. But I totally understand the reasons for not having it back as well. One forum I frequent has an “invisible” political forum where only registered members can post and they must ask for and be granted access to this forum and if they go off the rails in there, they are whacked. It works for that site just fine. All in all, FBG’s have stated what they wanted and have adhered to it, so that’s just fine. I know it’s terrible to look at attractive females, but if that’s their prerogative, they’ve said as much. It’s nice to be excellent to each other. It would be great if people didn’t lose their minds over politics so much so they could have a place to go, but they can’t help themselves I suppose.
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How good the forum is or can become is really a product of the community as a whole. The posts make up the entirety of the forum, so worthwhile, thought provoking posts will add substantially to the value of the forum. I don’t have the answer as to how to enhance the posts, but I will say that a lot of the FFA has become stale. This staleness is really just a natural by-product of the vast majority of the prolific posters having been here 10, 15, 20+ years. This is not necessarily a shot at anyone in particular, but there is just no evolution.

100% agree how good the forum is is how good the posters are. Always has been.

I don't necessarily agree we haven't evolved. I think we have. I also think it's easy to get complacent and even stale if we let it. That's part of why I'm asking here for feedback.

One big thing I think we can add is making the forum more welcoming. Nobody here is rude, but it can be a little tough for a new poster to break in when there are so many inside jokes or old friendships. Not sure the best way to do that but it's something I'd like to see us maybe do more.

Sounds cheesy but maybe some sort of welcome thing? I don't know.
Thank you for the suggestions on the political forum. That one I cannot do. I appreciate and think I understand the desire for it though. Just not here.
I personally hate politics and like that we don't allow it here. However, for those that are asking for it, maybe you could have one (maybe pinned) thread for the 2024 Presidential Election. Since it's a big 4-year event, perhaps it could be an exception and give some posters the avenue for discussion that they are looking for.
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How good the forum is or can become is really a product of the community as a whole. The posts make up the entirety of the forum, so worthwhile, thought provoking posts will add substantially to the value of the forum. I don’t have the answer as to how to enhance the posts, but I will say that a lot of the FFA has become stale. This staleness is really just a natural by-product of the vast majority of the prolific posters having been here 10, 15, 20+ years. This is not necessarily a shot at anyone in particular, but there is just no evolution.

A few cases in point would be on the off chance that someone posts a topic in the wrong forum, for instance asking for advice in the FFA, well, you get the same, tired 20-30 posts from the same posters all the time and it’s just HILARIOUS every single time. Let me see your rooster.
Let people be funny again. Guys like Tanner, McSomething or other, Finless (rip), etc…brought the hahas. Most of them eventually moved on after being banned too many times.

Maybe have another non-PG FFA forum but with a big disclaimer on top (or that you need to click and accept) acknowledging that posts with that forum are intended for adults.
Let people be funny again. Guys like Tanner, McSomething or other, Finless (rip), etc…brought the hahas. Most of them eventually moved on after being banned too many times.

Maybe have another non-PG FFA forum but with a big disclaimer on top (or that you need to click and accept) acknowledging that posts with that forum are intended for adults.

Let people be funny again. Guys like Tanner, McSomething or other, Finless (rip), etc…brought the hahas. Most of them eventually moved on after being banned too many times.

Maybe have another non-PG FFA forum but with a big disclaimer on top (or that you need to click and accept) acknowledging that posts with that forum are intended for adults.

He was no Bored Stormtrooper
And let people talk about dating and sexy time again. Some of us married folks no longer do that and get a kick out of the stories.
Let offdee be offdee, and I'm not just saying that cause I bought a watch off of him. No politics is cool and no pics is probably smart, but puritanism is too teetotal-y for me. Give me a little edginess.

I realize other opinions may differ, but I don't think a bunch of old guys with anonymous screen names yucking it up about "Riding her like a scooter" is "edgy".

And I don't think asking folks not to do that is "Puritanism."

Again, I understand not everyone feels that way.
And let people talk about dating and sexy time again. Some of us married folks no longer do that and get a kick out of the stories.
Let offdee be offdee, and I'm not just saying that cause I bought a watch off of him. No politics is cool and no pics is probably smart, but puritanism is too teetotal-y for me. Give me a little edginess.

I realize other opinions may differ, but I don't think a bunch of old guys with anonymous screen names yucking it up about "Riding her like a scooter" is "edgy".

And I don't think asking folks not to do that is "Puritanism."

Again, I understand not everyone feels that way.
I agree that that's crossing a line, but there is little tolerance for anything risqué here. That's the puritanism I'm referring to.
After more than a year running the Discord that was prompted by the closure of the PSF, I've come to the conclusion that political discussions that involve both conservative and liberal viewpoints can stay civil for only brief periods of time. We're too hellbent on winning the debate and ignore the need to listen to others with an open mind.

Political debates need to be moderated with the skill of a marriage counselor which is obviously not feasible.
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Let people be funny again. Guys like Tanner, McSomething or other, Finless (rip), etc…brought the hahas. Most of them eventually moved on after being banned too many times.

Maybe have another non-PG FFA forum but with a big disclaimer on top (or that you need to click and accept) acknowledging that posts with that forum are intended for adults.


Also pretty sure @Scoresman and I both thought it was each others alias
The only thing I would wish for to make the boards better is to get new blood in here, but it seems that is impossible and if it weren't impossible we'd just haze the crap out of them anyway until they left, so we're stuck with us.

I also think that this election is the most important of our lifetimes, but I don't think anybody can keep it civil, and that extends into real life. It's not just this message board that bans politics—almost every board does now, which is a shame because there is a ton of stuff out there that absolutely should be discussed before anything else in life.

Yes, in life.

Yes, it's that important.

But to suggest that the board needs politics is inaccurate. It's a real problem everywhere and it's a partisan issue at its core. So how to do it? How can we avoid all this?

We can't. I've been harassed at the voting booth for merely asking about a political party and an open primary vote. So forget having any reasonable discussion either online or in meatspace. Really. Forget it.

It's so sickening I can't even . . .

We're seriously screwed.

Peace, fellas. Best to all of you.
Shutting down the political forum probably the right call from Joe’s perspective as a mod. Probably also better for my personal mental health as not sure how I’d react to someone spouting conspiracy theories over certain recent events (probably close to how I reacted when a former FBG owner started posting Pizzagate stuff and nearly caused me to leave this site completely, but I digress).

There are times that I think suspensions are the right call. And sometimes I think get it wrong (where maybe some innocent joshing that got interpreted wrong), and turns off some good posters who then decide to leave. I can’t say that I envy the mod needing to make that judgment on what’s innocent and what’s got malicious intent, but, since you asked for opinions, that’s my view of things anyway.

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