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Former Card, Pat Tillman dies in Afghanistan (2 Viewers)

Heard on a local talk radio sports show that the NFL is thinking about making the 40 yard lines on all NFL football fields Red, White and Blue in tribute to Tillman and all military fallen...
That would be a great idea, I hope they do that...
GB Pat Tillman and my heartfelt condolences to his family.I really hope Bidwell does what is right and name the new stadium after him.

It's difficult to add anything to this thread which hasn't already been said, but I'll give it a try. I am deeply affected by this news. I was on the road all day today, and naturally this story was discussed for the majority of the time. I listened to reports of the tragedy and sentiments about Mr. Tillman on local radio, ESPN radio and the Jim Rome show (who, to his credit, spent all 3 hours of his show on this story). Hearing the constant stream of calls and e-mails from current and past members of the military choked me up a great deal, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I shed quite a few tears today.

We often forget what a wonderful privilege it is to live in this great country. Clearly, that fact was never lost on Pat Tillman. I just wanted to say that for the rest of my life, whenever I hear the word "hero", Tillman will come to mind immediately.

I want to share one experience with all of you. I was in a restaurant last year and there was an elderly gentleman sitting at a table, eating by himself. I happened to notice his hat, which he wore with pride. It read "WORLD WAR I", and it also mentioned the name of the battalion with which he served. I approached him and said "Excuse me, sir." He looked up to acknowledge me. I then said "So... you saw action in World War I, huh?" He gave me a stare as if to say Leave me alone... I'm trying to eat, but he simply replied "Yeah."

I extended my hand, shook his hand and said "Thank You." He was visibly taken aback, and I saw his eyes start to well up as I walked away. The funny thing is... I can guarantee you that my expression of gratitude made me feel even better than it made him feel.

RIP, Mr. Tillman. :(

PAT TILLMAN FREEDOM CUPI know it may seem to be a small and insignificant gesture, but our league will be changing the name of our trophy to honor the contributions of our American Hero Pat Tillman.I have always loved this guy. Not just because he was a Sundevil and Cardinal, but because he exlimpified to me what a real man should aspire to be. He is a role model and an inspiration to me. Today's neews has shook me up a bit and I am somewhat consoled by incorporating the memory of his contributions to our country into our league in this small way. My thoughts and prayers are with the Tillman family.With all my heart, Thank You Pat!-FEDERAL

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We often forget what a wonderful privilege it is to live in this great country. Clearly, that fact was never lost on Pat Tillman. I just wanted to say that for the rest of my life, whenever I hear the word "hero", Tillman will come to mind immediately.RIP, Mr. Tillman. :(
May we never forget #40 and what he stood for. There are many more tonite that stand and say the same thing. "NOT ON MY WATCH" From one who stood with you and would today if I was needed, THANK YOU!!
May we never forget #40 and what he stood for. There are many more tonite that stand and say the same thing. "NOT ON MY WATCH" From one who stood with you and would today if I was needed, THANK YOU!!
AMEN.And may God bless all of you.
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God bless Pat Tillman. Our country is deeply divided on many issues, but hopefully this is one thing we can come together on. Pat Tillman was an example of our country at its very best. I want to thank him and his family for reminding us of that. I pray that for one moment we can put our politics aside and stand together to remember a fine, upstanding man who stood apart in everything he strived for in life. This was a man who understood priority and understood honor, and I hope that I personally can be more like him. May god watch over the Tillman family, and the last embrace of his creator welcome him home to that place where its always Sunday night under the lights.

As an active duty AF member I bow my head in thought to a great fallen hero. Like him many have died in the past few years in the war on terrorism and unfortunately many more will also pass. This is the ultimate sacrifice ervery Soldier, Sailor, Marine and Airman makes when we take the oath to defend our country against all enemies foreign and domestic. The fact that his heart was bigger than many and was able to walk away from a fuitiful NFL career and step onto the real battlefield means all that much more. The football world lost a true hero, and for every Mr. Tillman, there are 10 other whiney "I gots to get more money" players out there who don't give a damn about the game only getting paid. It's too bad that we live in a world like this, but yes I will still watch the NFL and sit on the edge of my seat when the overpaid whiners play and root for or against them to see my FFL team prosper. It's the nature of the beast, but only true heros like Mr. Tillman and those who stand up and assume a post are the ones who deserve to be called "Soldiers". God speed to the family of a fallen hero. :cool:

Force USA, my football team will dedicate it's first game in 2005 and forever hold the #40 in memory of Mr. Tillman. See the tribute to him below:Force USA football homepage

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R.I.P. Mr. Tillman - it's heroes like you that have allowed people like myself to sit in my cushy chair and chat about fantasy football. Sometimes we have to stop for a minute and remember that there's a bigger world out there... much bigger than you or I.

I salute Pat Tillman. Condolences to his family. I also want to thank all of our fellow Americans serving our country throughout the world. Here's hoping you all come home safely.Ken EliaMSgt, USAF (Ret)

My thanks to Pat and the rest of our Armed Forces.As a former Army Infantry grunt, & a brother to a Ranger, I realize what Pat has went through to become a Ranger & it's no small feat. For him to give up the NFL life to become a Ranger shows what it truly means to LOVE your country & LOVE what it stands for. Thanks to all of the men & women, past & present, in the Armed Forces, the rest of us get to live pretty good lives because of you.My sympathy goes out to every family that has lost a loved one in the service.

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Incredibly powerful articles and videos. It seems like it was just yesterday when this news broke.

R.I.P. Pat Tillman.

I feel sorry for the shooter/shooters......that has got to f**k with your head every day. When you think you are having a bad day, think about stuff like this. Soldiers play for keeps..they don't get a do over.


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