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DNC - where do you go from here? (2 Viewers)

Look, one of the things the Republicans, or at least Trump, do way better than Dems is get a simple idea, no matter how lamebrained, across to their monosyllabic voters. "Kill Obamacare," "Build the Wall," ""let's win back our freedom to say 'Merry Christmas' again," "the Demoncrats are baby murderers," -- they pound home simple themes that red, white and blue high school graduates can understand.

The lefties as a group are pretty disjointed in their political and social beliefs but I still believe that they can be motivated by a few simple, clearly stated goals. Maybe it's lower the age of Medicare as a first step towards health care nationalization, maybe it's college debt relief, maybe it's something even as simple as legalizing weed. But fer chissakes, have a goal that people can get behind. At least they'll know that you (the Dems) actually want to accomplish something.
Lock him up?

Only able to listen to one Perez interview today and it was on NPR.  He's really not good at this.  Tough time explaining how a candidate who went out of their way to distance themselves from Pelosi and the "old guard" was good for the establishment guys within the party.  Asked if this was evidence of a split and got 2-3 minutes of babbling.  :mellow:  

Only able to listen to one Perez interview today and it was on NPR.  He's really not good at this.  Tough time explaining how a candidate who went out of their way to distance themselves from Pelosi and the "old guard" was good for the establishment guys within the party.  Asked if this was evidence of a split and got 2-3 minutes of babbling.  :mellow:  
One the one hand, he distanced himself from Pelosi. But on the other hand, he campaigned as a centrist with views much closer to Pelosi and Hillary Clinton than to Bernie Sanders or Warren. 

Only able to listen to one Perez interview today and it was on NPR.  He's really not good at this.  Tough time explaining how a candidate who went out of their way to distance themselves from Pelosi and the "old guard" was good for the establishment guys within the party.  Asked if this was evidence of a split and got 2-3 minutes of babbling.  :mellow:  
It's a difficult question since the guy didn't run as a progressive either. Policy-wise he's certainly closer to the "establishment" than the progressive wing, to the extent that the establishment is a real thing.  He just recognized, correctly, that the actual people who've come to symbolize Dem leadership are old and unpopular and it's best to create distance.

Everyone is trying to play up the simplistic Clinton wing vs Bernie wing division but the truth is much more complicated than that. 

Meanwhile, Perez seems on message this morning when it comes to standing with activists.

It's a difficult question since the guy didn't run as a progressive either. Policy-wise he's certainly closer to the "establishment" than the progressive wing, to the extent that the establishment is a real thing.  He just recognized, correctly, that the actual people who've come to symbolize Dem leadership are old and unpopular and it's best to create distance.

Everyone is trying to play up the simplistic Clinton wing vs Bernie wing division but the truth is much more complicated than that. 

Meanwhile, Perez seems on message this morning when it comes to standing with activists.
This is a good point.  Establishment really just means old and white

Cory Booker is about as establishment as it comes but will be seen as uber progressive

It's a difficult question since the guy didn't run as a progressive either. Policy-wise he's certainly closer to the "establishment" than the progressive wing, to the extent that the establishment is a real thing.  He just recognized, correctly, that the actual people who've come to symbolize Dem leadership are old and unpopular and it's best to create distance.

Everyone is trying to play up the simplistic Clinton wing vs Bernie wing division but the truth is much more complicated than that. 

Meanwhile, Perez seems on message this morning when it comes to standing with activists.
There's no question he didn't run as a progressive and I have always agreed that it's complicated but I think his positions were more than just "creating distance".  The refreshing part was he seemed to be very specific in his ideas and priorities.  He didn't go the Hillary route and promise everything to everyone and change message depending on the crowd.  He didn't hide himself (avid gun owner) and seemed to absolutely crush it with his "I want what America is telling Washington they want" (significant gun law changes) approach to said guns.  He didn't :grad:  all over the place with banning talk either.  I think he did very well avoiding all they typical, antiquated "old guard" positions and made it about him and those he represents.  I don't normally follow races like this, but he's going to be my aunt's representative.  She's old school GOP and feels like her home has been blown up politically.  The last year has caused her to revolt.  She actually worked on the guy's campaign so she sent me emails throughout the process. It was fascinating to watch and fill in with her emails.  She's never voted for one of those "nasty Democrats" in her life much less worked on a campaign.  THAT'S the power of Trump :mellow:  

ETA:  I'm interested to hear other interviews Perez did today to see if he got better.  Everyone sees what is going on, but for some reason he and the DNC are doing everything in their power to avoid acknowledging it.  I don't really understand why.  That's what the GOP did initially with the Tea Party and look what happened there.  Things change.  It's ok.  It's better to embrace it so you can control the narrative.  Ryan's already out there shrugging this off as an outlier sort of event because of the guy's positions, but the first thing he brought up was the guy's distancing of himself from the old guard.  

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Anyone just watch Steve Kornacki on Chris Hayes?

He just put up a series graphics about support for the 2 parties. 

If what he just showed holds, it’s simply a matter of time and this could be the last time Republicans control anything for a long, long time. 

+47% among millennial women support Dems. Amazing. 

Anyone just watch Steve Kornacki on Chris Hayes?

He just put up a series graphics about support for the 2 parties. 

If what he just showed holds, it’s simply a matter of time and this could be the last time Republicans control anything for a long, long time. 

+47% among millennial women support Dems. Amazing. 
Polls in FL, PA, OH, VA, NV, WI, and MI are all that matter. National polls don't mean jack####.

Anyone just watch Steve Kornacki on Chris Hayes?

He just put up a series graphics about support for the 2 parties. 

If what he just showed holds, it’s simply a matter of time and this could be the last time Republicans control anything for a long, long time. 

+47% among millennial women support Dems. Amazing. 
We’ve heard this before, specifically 2008-10. Be a good party and win that way.

We’ve heard this before, specifically 2008-10. Be a good party and win that way.
We have but I think more and more folks are waking up to the fact that old school Republicans are more interested in denying science, limiting the rights of minorities and keeping themselves rich and in power than they are for equality and true Conservative values.  The RNC is going to have to pull further left to stay relevant in the long run.

It might be time for us to stop characterizing single payer as some sort of way out there fringe radical idea. The polls I've seen lately show that a small majority of Americans now support some sort of universal, single payer plan. Although, because of an entrenched system and huge political donations by those with most to lose by single payer it's going to take a huge majority of the country to force the necessary change. 65% may be the tipping point for something like weed but it might take 80% support before politicians see the writing on the wall on medicare for all.

If they plan on running with candidates who want Medicare for all, free 4 year college education, talk about confiscating assault rifles they might as well make plans for working with President Trump for 4 more years

If they plan on running with candidates who want Medicare for all, free 4 year college education, talk about confiscating assault rifles they might as well make plans for working with President Trump for 4 more years
You only forgot about reparations, trillion dollar climate plans, guaranteed 15 dollar an hour govt jobs and it's all going to be paid for by the 1% and corporations.  :hifive:

You only forgot about reparations, trillion dollar climate plans, guaranteed 15 dollar an hour govt jobs and it's all going to be paid for by the 1% and corporations.  :hifive:
The Ukraine thing is starting to look like the end of Biden, which his odds of beating were pretty much nil.  If he can get Warren in as the Democrat nominee he’s got a decent shot.

Politics is crazy.

The Ukraine thing is starting to look like the end of Biden, which his odds of beating were pretty much nil.  If he can get Warren in as the Democrat nominee he’s got a decent shot.

Politics is crazy.
You keep repeating this. There's no evidence Biden did anything wrong. I don't think this story affects his chances at all.

You keep repeating this. There's no evidence Biden did anything wrong. I don't think this story affects his chances at all.
I actually don’t know if he did anything wrong.  There would obviously have to be an investigation.  I’m just talking about the optics right now.  I think it looks badly.

I have no doubt you think he’s completely innocent and the video will have no impact.  I get that.  I think we are good here.

If they plan on running with candidates who want Medicare for all, free 4 year college education, talk about confiscating assault rifles they might as well make plans for working with President Trump for 4 more years
Because running a ventrist that is against all of those things worked out so well last time.

They hated Hillary, she was not a likable candidate so many democrats stayed home. I wrote in a candidate because I couldnt vote for either. 

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