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CFL in 4K, is the nFL? (1 Viewer)


Another thing I like they started this year is you can challenge any part of a passing play.

Hello Falcons VS Seahawks. In challenges they have to be specific on what they are challenging but plays like this are devastating.

Who knows the winner of the game if play was called but come on NFL> Open up challenges.

Yeah let's slow the game down more.
Challenges are WAY faster in the CFL than NFL because they use a central command system.  So immediately after a questionable play/flag happens the command centre is reviewing it.  Then they let the ref know whether to change the call.  MUCH faster than the NFL all around - even with more challengeable plays. 

There are many things the CFL does the NFL should do to make the game more exciting.  Shorter play clock! Wider fields!  Fewer DPI calls!  Hell, throw in motion.

Oh I know that the CFL does it like that but the NFL doesn't so unless they change to a central command like CFL and NHL then having the ability to challenge more things would slow the game down.

I'm a big fan of seeing 4 WR's running in motion towards the line of scrimmage to time it with the snap.

Another thing I like they started this year is you can challenge any part of a passing play.

Hello Falcons VS Seahawks. In challenges they have to be specific on what they are challenging but plays like this are devastating.

Who knows the winner of the game if play was called but come on NFL> Open up challenges.

Yeah let's slow the game down more.
First of all if it helps the falcs I'm against. j/k.

Secondly, I was at the Saints/Panthers game Sunday and there must have been maybe 3-4 very callable PI plays by the Saints which were not called and maybe 1-2 totally non-PI calls for the Panthers which were near perfect coverage by the DBs. Totally senseless. But aside from that, the very idea of having to sit through as many as 6 booth reviews to gett through this stuff is just ridiculous, impossible, it's bad enough as it is.

Hey NFL here's an idea: make the rules simpler and get the refs to call the penalties correctly.

Adding movement before snap in the NFL like they do in the CFL would simply tip the favor so much towards WRs that I don't think it would be a good idea. Love CFL, but the chasm of caliber of player between the two leagues is Grand Canyon-esque. NFL WRs are already the fastest athletes in pro sports, and have so much off-the-line straight-line speed that giving them a head of steam early start with pre-snap motion would leave CBs in the dust.

I do wonder what adding another 25 inches between O and D lines would do to the NFL game (in the CFL, LOS is a yard; in NFL, typically it's 11 inches, the length of the ball). May give D-line more advantage given the nimbleness of the NFL edge rushers, and even those with great moves in the interior.

Adding movement before snap in the NFL like they do in the CFL would simply tip the favor so much towards WRs that I don't think it would be a good idea. Love CFL, but the chasm of caliber of player between the two leagues is Grand Canyon-esque. NFL WRs are already the fastest athletes in pro sports, and have so much off-the-line straight-line speed that giving them a head of steam early start with pre-snap motion would leave CBs in the dust.

I do wonder what adding another 25 inches between O and D lines would do to the NFL game (in the CFL, LOS is a yard; in NFL, typically it's 11 inches, the length of the ball). May give D-line more advantage given the nimbleness of the NFL edge rushers, and even those with great moves in the interior.
Clearly there is a sizable difference in talent level between the CFL and NFL - non-star CFL players (and some star players) have "day" jobs as well.  Kinda cool in some ways.

But I don't think the talent level is a "chasm".  The games are very different.  Because of the play clock, width of the field, and motion the game is faster and also allows smaller bodies.  There are many top-notch NFL players that just couldn't play in the NFL because they're too big.  Because of the width of the field and motion its also more forgiving on QBs requiring more mobility and less accuracy.  Although 3 downs requires a more aggressive attack which can be challenging.  Julio Jones would have a field day but Vince Wilfork couldn't play.  Players like Andrew Hawkins are a great example: with their speed and shiftiness they're built for the CFL game but struggle with size in the NFL. 

On motion: The difference is that the CFL allows more contact - you have to play motion WRs different than stationary ones.  So "halfbacks" (the CFL's version of nickel corners) are much more aggressive in getting contact particularly at the top of the route.  And I don't think there is much speed difference CFL/NFL at the WR position, but there's definitely a talent difference.

It would allow DBs to be more physical and thus get rid of all those dumb, ticky-tacky PI calls while still having an offensive game.  Another option would be to restrict the run-up (say to 5 yards).  

The 1 Yard Rule: Moving the D-line back would be interesting. Other than making 3rd-and-1 easier in the CFL I've never had a great feeling about how it changes the CFL/NFL line play.  Makes it easier for the OTs though.

Wider field: To me, the most obvious thing the NFL should do is widen the field (even by a few yards).  A wider field means more offence.  This will result in fewer penalties (don't need penalties to make it easier for the offense), will allow more diverse body types (think more Darren Sproles-es) increasing the talent pool, and will reduce concussions (open field tackles are much safer).  It's so simple, which is why the NFL will never do it. 

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Adding movement before snap in the NFL like they do in the CFL would simply tip the favor so much towards WRs that I don't think it would be a good idea. Love CFL, but the chasm of caliber of player between the two leagues is Grand Canyon-esque. NFL WRs are already the fastest athletes in pro sports, and have so much off-the-line straight-line speed that giving them a head of steam early start with pre-snap motion would leave CBs in the dust.

I do wonder what adding another 25 inches between O and D lines would do to the NFL game (in the CFL, LOS is a yard; in NFL, typically it's 11 inches, the length of the ball). May give D-line more advantage given the nimbleness of the NFL edge rushers, and even those with great moves in the interior.
Not calling for that, the larger end zone or moving the goalposts as they do, but would like to see replay expanded.

Clearly there is a sizable difference in talent level between the CFL and NFL - non-star CFL players (and some star players) have "day" jobs as well.  Kinda cool in some ways.

But I don't think the talent level is a "chasm".  The games are very different.  Because of the play clock, width of the field, and motion the game is faster and also allows smaller bodies.  There are many top-notch NFL players that just couldn't play in the NFL because they're too big.  Because of the width of the field and motion its also more forgiving on QBs requiring more mobility and less accuracy.  Although 3 downs requires a more aggressive attack which can be challenging.  Julio Jones would have a field day but Vince Wilfork couldn't play.  Players like Andrew Hawkins are a great example: with their speed and shiftiness they're built for the CFL game but struggle with size in the NFL. 

On motion: The difference is that the CFL allows more contact - you have to play motion WRs different than stationary ones.  So "halfbacks" (the CFL's version of nickel corners) are much more aggressive in getting contact particularly at the top of the route.  And I don't think there is much speed difference CFL/NFL at the WR position, but there's definitely a talent difference.

It would allow DBs to be more physical and thus get rid of all those dumb, ticky-tacky PI calls while still having an offensive game.  Another option would be to restrict the run-up (say to 5 yards).  

The 1 Yard Rule: Moving the D-line back would be interesting. Other than making 3rd-and-1 easier in the CFL I've never had a great feeling about how it changes the CFL/NFL line play.  Makes it easier for the OTs though.

Wider field: To me, the most obvious thing the NFL should do is widen the field (even by a few yards).  A wider field means more offence.  This will result in fewer penalties (don't need penalties to make it easier for the offense), will allow more diverse body types (think more Darren Sproles-es) increasing the talent pool, and will reduce concussions (open field tackles are much safer).  It's so simple, which is why the NFL will never do it. 
I think 1 yard is too much but many defenders in the NFL are over the hand of the center and should be moved back a few inches beyond the ball in my opinion. 1 yard gives the offensive too much advantage.

I think it's always good to look at other leagues to see if their rules can improve yours.

I'm Canadian and I watch a lot of CFL. I talk with a lot of people who watch a lot of CFL. If you watch even a few CFL games you will realize that the expanded replay review is absolutely KILLING the game. Go on twitter and follow the hashtags during any game. People are furious about it.

Making pass interference reviewable seems like a good idea until you realize it is a completely subjective call. Nobody ever has any idea what the ref will come back with. The Richard Sherman play on Julio would be 50/50. Even with replay the officials completely blow the call as much as they get it right. It just bogs down the game so... effing... much.

Ask any CFL fan what their #1 complaint about the game is and they will say either the officiating in general, or the review process specifically. The can't change it back soon enough. 

Other than than, the CFL is great. The athletes aren't as amazing, obviously, but they are different. Remember how mediocre Ricky Williams was in the CFL? That's because it is a space game. Darren Sproles is a great example of a guy who is OK in the NFL, but would break records in the CFL. If you can make plays in space, that's the game for you.

While the CFL has been great at bringing in innovative rules (and, I believe has better rules in general, but of course a much less exciting package), the NFL should NOT follow their lead on replay review. 

There are many things the CFL does the NFL should do to make the game more exciting.  Shorter play clock! Wider fields!  Fewer DPI calls!  Hell, throw in motion.
Yeah! And poutine at the food stands! Adding the letter u to words that don't need it!  A general sense of politeness otherwise lacking in American sport and a sociallly democratic healthcare system! Mounties! And finally, Bob & Doug McKenzie! 

The 1 Yard Rule: Moving the D-line back would be interesting. Other than making 3rd-and-1 easier in the CFL I've never had a great feeling about how it changes the CFL/NFL line play.  Makes it easier for the OTs though.
Is there any data on concussions among linemen in the cfl vs nfl?  Just seems to me the extra room to get moving would add to the impact of the big guys on the line.  I have nothing to base the question on other than an initial thought. 

This isn't specifically Canadian, it's the way it is in the English language that's written and spoken throughout the world....except in one country.
Oh I know -the Brits do it to.

the Canadians are more wont to apologise, but that's because they're more polite. :lol:

i was was just having fun, though you can bet your a$$ I'd show up for the poutine! 

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