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Ask Your Resident Right-Winger Why He Doesn't Support Trump (1 Viewer)

Hillary should have at least waited for the body to get cold before politicizing it.  And probably should have waited until after Memorial Day to point out whether or nor Trump addressed something on Memorial Day.  
That's fair, but what then is the point of Rove's post? Is there anything particularly conservative or Republican about the White House's tweet if his liberal counterpart tweeted about it 48 hours earlier?

This is the time stamp on when Hillary tweeted on this:

48 hours earlier.

Note: this is basically about what a Republican or conservative would do. Trump doesn't even mention the sacrifice of the veteran on memorial day.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump·6h


Today we remember the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in serving. Thank you, God bless your families & God bless the USA!

Whether I agree or disagree how is that in any way representative of some sort of anti-life stance on my part?
My opinion is that you are lucky Jesus doesn't exist, because if he does, he'd be SUPER pissed at you for voting for Trump.  Just sayin.  I really don't know how any person holding decent religious principles would vote for that guy.

No, you're cast as a Trump lover because you spend the overwhelming amount of your electronic ink defending him and attacking his critics. 
Pure BS.  There are at least 30 people who post more in Trump threads.  I have criticized 90 percent of what he does and only attack critics when they engage in over the top rhetoric.  

I'll be honest, I often myself thinking Jon is wildly wrong on things but he has never struck me as a Trump supporter, a troll or mean spirited. We just will disagree and usually in reasonable ways. 

A form of governance happily exploited by Obama and cheered by the left. Reminder "I've got a pen and a phone"
See I don't get this response. You're against executive orders. You're against the phone & pen approach. So you're against it. Seems simple, oppose Trump when he uses that approach.

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See I don't get this response. You're against executive orders. You're against the phone & pen approach. So you're against it. Seems simple, oppose Trump when he uses that approach.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Like the Harry Reid nuclear option

My opinion is that you are lucky Jesus doesn't exist, because if he does, he'd be SUPER pissed at you for voting for Trump.  Just sayin.  I really don't know how any person holding decent religious principles would vote for that guy.
Funny considering most people agree that he overwhelmingly won the Evangelical Christian bloc (of which I am not one).  There seems to be a disconnect between what you, a self-implied atheist, thinks Christians should think and what they actually may think.  This might make you reconsider the way you think about things.  Maybe not.

So your principle would be that Democrats and Republicans should operate under two different sets of rules that favors the Democrats
I'm in favor of the Constitution and adhering to it. I'd say it would be to the Republicans' benefit if they stuck to their principles, it would be better for the country, and the way it has worked out Trump hasn't been very effectual using this tack anyway. The GOP could have restored constitutionalism and possibly gotten their way with a better leader. The way it's worked out when they rightly call out for respect for the Constitution next time the charge of hypocrisy will be thrown back at them. They were right the first time. 

Funny considering most people agree that he overwhelmingly won the Evangelical Christian bloc (of which I am not one).  There seems to be a disconnect between what you, a self-implied atheist, thinks Christians should think and what they actually may think.  This might make you reconsider the way you think about things.  Maybe not.
Maybe I was a little aggressive.  I'm definitely aware Evangelicals voted Trump.  We don't need to talk about them since you aren't one.  Maybe you can tell me how a person like you decides to for Trump.  What were the voting convictions that made you vote for Donald Trump and still support him?

Witnesses said Christian stabbed three people who tried to calm him down after he was directing hate speech at two women on the train who are believed to be Muslim.

Christian recently gained local notoriety at an April “Free Speech” march in Northeast Portland. He was draped with the American flag and reportedly chanting “” throughout the march.

Christian was rejected by conservatives, liberals and anarchists at the march after spewing hate speech and was escorted away from the march by police.

His Facebook page is full of disturbing posts supporting white supremacy, attacking women, mocking transgender people, and shows a man obsessed with fascism.

In a post three days after the inauguration of Donald Trump, Christian posted:

“If Donald Trump is the Next Hitler then I am joining his SS to put an end to Monotheist Question. All Zionist Jews, All Christians who do not follow Christ's teaching of Love, Charity, and Forgiveness And All Jihadi Muslims are going to Madagascar or the Ovens/FEMA Camps!!! Does this make me a fascist!!! #MonotheistHolocaust FinalSolutionToTheMonotheistQuestion”
On that same day Christian, who shows support for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders on his Facebook page, posted a death threat about Hillary Clinton.

“Death to Hillary Rodham Clinton and all her supporters!!! To be carried out by Bernie Supporters who didn't turn traitor and vote Hillary....”

In an April post, Christian called Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh a “TRUE PATRIOT!!!”

Maybe I was a little aggressive.  I'm definitely aware Evangelicals voted Trump.  We don't need to talk about them since you aren't one.  Maybe you can tell me how a person like you decides to for Trump.  What were the voting convictions that made you vote for Donald Trump and still support him?
Didn't everyonevote for the one they hated least?

I'm in favor of the Constitution and adhering to it. I'd say it would be to the Republicans' benefit if they stuck to their principles, it would be better for the country, and the way it has worked out Trump hasn't been very effectual using this tack anyway. The GOP could have restored constitutionalism and possibly gotten their way with a better leader. The way it's worked out when they rightly call out for respect for the Constitution next time the charge of hypocrisy will be thrown back at them. They were right the first time. 
You seem to be under some illusion that Trump is a conservative Republican. He's been a Democrat most of his life

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According to his posts, he was a passionate Bernie Sanders supporter who later supported, but did not vote for, President Trump. He frequently posted violent threats against Hillary Clinton and her supporters.

Also, why did you leave this out?

His Facebook page is full of disturbing posts supporting white supremacy, attacking women, mocking transgender people, and shows a man obsessed with fascism.

In a post three days after the inauguration of Donald Trump, Christian posted:

“If Donald Trump is the Next Hitler then I am joining his SS to put an end to Monotheist Question. All Zionist Jews, All Christians who do not follow Christ's teaching of Love, Charity, and Forgiveness And All Jihadi Muslims are going to Madagascar or the Ovens/FEMA Camps!!! Does this make me a fascist!!! #MonotheistHolocaust FinalSolutionToTheMonotheistQuestion

Did not know it was possible to vote for both Jill Stein AND Bernie Sanders.  Interesting.
He could have voted for Bernie in the primaries and Jill in the general.  Not sure the point of any of this.  The guy was insane with a bizarre ideology all over the map.  Confused and disturbed.  

Maybe I was a little aggressive.  I'm definitely aware Evangelicals voted Trump.  We don't need to talk about them since you aren't one.  Maybe you can tell me how a person like you decides to for Trump.  What were the voting convictions that made you vote for Donald Trump and still support him?
No problem. Let me see if I can explain. 

I was not a Trump supporter in the primary.  I think it's shameful, what the Republicans did and it's pathetic that he was their nominee.  We deserve better than Trump. But their nominees have been week for years imo. 

Ultimately though, I was very concerned about right to life issues and religious  liberty, and the progress he has made on these items has been extremely solid. 

On immigration, he said he'd build a wall and I bet he does.  But even if not I agree one hundred per cent that we need to secure our borders.  Border security has been a joke for a long time.  I remember the Reagan amnesty deal and our border was supposed to be secured after that.  I am not afraid of immigrants - they represent a core strength of our country.  But immigration must be limited by necessity and therefore should be controlled.

I think Washington has been too corrupt,  and too complacent about many issues for far too long, and both sides are to blame.  I don't think the president can single handedly sink or prop up the economy but there's no reason for the debt and deficits of government has been supporting for years.  That needs to change.  Trump is a great warning shot to politicians of both stripes.  I expect him to be far from perfect but if he breaks a lot of DC china in his struggles to get things done then I'm on board with the mistakes as well.

I believe whole heartedly in our system and think the media needs to get back to reporting news as news and stop abusing its position to present op eds as news just to get ratings.  Keep me informed but save the wall to wall coverage for actual news.  I need to hear the word 'suspicion' FAR less and let the system work.  There have been some things that have concerned me but also let's see what's smoke and what is really fire.

Finally, if we do send someone to shake up Washington, I would expect the establishment to fight back hard.  I don't know if Trump is a bad as he's portrayed but I know that situation would surely look an awful lot like this.  Hard to say what scandal really has legs and what is just everything and the kitchen sink, thrown to keep his team off balance.  I'm asking to let the checks and balances do their work before convicting him.  It's what his office deserves. 

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Did not know it was possible to vote for both Jill Stein AND Bernie Sanders.  Interesting.
Some evidence of voter fraud or B.S.  I'm leaning towards B.S.

Saw video last night of one of the girl who was the subject of his vitriol thanking the families of her defenders for the sacrifice of their family member.  Seemed like a nice young woman.  As I said before I find hope in this story in that strangers came to the aid of the women.

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He could have voted for Bernie in the primaries and Jill in the general.  Not sure the point of any of this.  The guy was insane with a bizarre ideology all over the map.  Confused and disturbed.  
No he was a white supremacist emboldened by Trump's America!

Did not know it was possible to vote for both Jill Stein AND Bernie Sanders.  Interesting.
Yeah, I think somebody already commented but it would be easy to support Sanders in the primary and Stein in the general. 

Regardless, this is a horrible tragedy and I'd rather not see blame assigned for a crazy, sad person on public transportation. 

God bless those heroes.  

No he was a white supremacist emboldened by Trump's America!
Just out of curiosity - and this is for the gallery - what does this have to do with whether Trump is a conservative or true Republican?

Jon's point was right on - nuts are nuts and past attempts to hang political labels on maniacs fail, rightly. I guess it could be said that Trump has stirred up anti-immigrant ferver, but there are always Travis Bickles and Lee Oswalds running around who live in their own head and will fantasize about whatever issue they become obsessed with.

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Just out of curiosity - and this is for the gallery - what does this have to do with whether Trump is a conservative or true Republican?

Jon's point was right on - nuts are nuts and past attempts to hang political labels on maniacs fail, rightly. I guess it could be said that Trump has stirred up anti-immigrant ferver, but there are always Travis Bickles and Lee Oswalds running around who live in their own head and will fantasize about whatever issue they become obsessed with.
It's the same with Jared Loughner. Mental insanity is mental insanity. Killing in the name of is something different, and can be left or right and reasoned. 

Alt-Right had a permit to demonstrate on June 4th.  Portland Mayor yanked the permit and has vowed to deny further permits for hate speech.  He's getting lambasted for this and while I think his motive is public safety in a time of great stress and tension, I don't know that this a slope we need to climbing.  I hate what happened Friday.  It breaks my heart.  But the First Amenent is pretty damn important too.  

Sad days in an otherwise sanguine city.

Does this quote seem more attributable to a Trumper, Clinton or Bernie supporter?

"I'm sure most of you don't remember but the American Nazi Party was taking care of a stretch of highway in Oregon about 10 years ago until ODOT took down their sign. Apparently Nazis don't have the freedom to exercise their civic duties in this State. Why? Because we live in a Fascist Police State run By 'Liberal' 'Multicultural' NAZIS!!!"

Alt-Right had a permit to demonstrate on June 4th.  Portland Mayor yanked the permit and has vowed to deny further permits for hate speech.  He's getting lambasted for this and while I think his motive is public safety in a time of great stress and tension, I don't know that this a slope we need to climbing.  I hate what happened Friday.  It breaks my heart.  But the First Amenent is pretty damn important too.  

Sad days in an otherwise sanguine city.
:goodposting:   That is the problem with hate speech, it can become any speech you disagree with. 

jon_mx said:
I haven't supported Trump. I have oppose the toolishness displayed by his opponents, the likes of which are unprecedented.  
Not even close to unprecedented.  Do you forget how Obama, and, to a lesser extent, Bush 43, were treated?


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