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Antifa: Left Wing Militants on the Rise (4 Viewers)

There are videos of protestors on both sides engaging in violence.  As to who they are and who they are affiliated with that will take time for the police to sort out.

I believe the only person identified so far was the driver.
Several of the guys beating that black guy in the parking garage with sticks were also identified.

In addition to being illegal, obviously, violent protest is also stupid and ineffective for the most part. Rioting changes the narrative from opposition to the ideas / groups being protested to the actions of the protesters themselves, and also automatically cedes the moral high ground in the situation to who or whatever the group is opposing in the first place.

That's good.  Do you have a link?  Maybe they have already started making arrests.
Shaun King has been covering them on Twitter, mostly. They haven't been identified by the police, they've been identified by their neighbors and classmates posting their facebook pages with identifying marks and photos.

Dan Borden and Michael Ramos have been identified.  More no doubt on the way.  They've since deleted their social media accounts.

The victim was Deandre Harris.

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I’m kind of surprised so many here haven’t heard of the violence antifa brings to every speaking event and rally they deem “fascist”. This is the best narrative of how Charlottesville went down, according to the ACLU, ACLU response. BTW I’m not supporting what the KKK and national socialists in any way, I find them reprehensible like most of my fellow conservatives but they did things by the book and the outcome was completely predictable if not encouraged.

I’m not going to go through the events leading up to the violence, you can read for yourselves, but basically the local police force forced the KKK to walk through the counter protest to get to where they were supposed to be. Predictably they were at arm’s reach with counter protesters and both sided attacked each other with melee weapons, mace and anything else they could throw at each other. The police did nothing to stop it.

Why would the police force two armed groups (they let them all carry weapons) into each other?  Then when it turns violent, they call it an unlawful protest and shut it down? Doesn’t make any sense unless that was the intended outcome.

So easy to avoid. Now the people in charge have a death on their hands and are directly responsible for allowing the violence of both parties. They will lose in court and pay a massive lawsuit that won’t get any play with any network, just like antifa violence.

Who do they hate exactly?? Fascists and nazis???
Based on where they bring their violence just about anyone that's far right.  There are more than a handful here that would consider anyone that voted for Trump far right (certainly anyone that supports Trump now).  That's a lot of people and it's not made up of just Nazis and fascists.

They hate people who have made a choice to want to hate and bring harm to other groups.  Nazis and white supremacists hate people based on attributes that aren't a choice (e.g. Skin color, race, ethnicity).   There is no comparison.  
Eh, IMO it's not a perfect comparison, but it's valid on some levels. The means that both groups use to forward their agendas have been very similar at times, and antifa groups (there is really no organized antifa movement, per se) have extended their hatred to target generic Republicans as well as the government and capitalism itself. Obviously, the vast majority of us will fully get on board with anti-fascist or anti-racist sentiments, but much more than those ideas fall under the general "antifa" movements. And regardless of intentions, violence and rioting is wrong and counter-productive.

Patriot Prayer "Free Speech Rally" scheduled for Aug. 26 at Crissy Field in San Francisco.


- Patriot Prayer people will show up with shields, sticks, baseball bats, mace, etc.
- AntiFa people will show up with shields, sticks, baseball bats, mace, etc.
- SFPD will be "hamstrung" to intervene since Crissy Field is on Federal Land
- there will be violence
- after the violence, Smart People will talk about who started it, who's worse, why was this allowed to happen at all

I don't know anything about the "Patriot Prayer" group, but that article was about to pull a muscle stretching to label them a white supremacy group. If they are a white supremacy group, well #### them. 

Based on where they bring their violence just about anyone that's far right.  There are more than a handful here that would consider anyone that voted for Trump far right (certainly anyone that supports Trump now).  That's a lot of people and it's not made up of just Nazis and fascists.
Elections.have consequences 

Tiki torches...right..
Come on, every one hates tiki torches. Damn things are practically useless unless you live in a sand box.

One thing I was considering with respect of the choice of tiki torches for the march. How hard is it to break one e.g. on an antifa protester? Because human torches are a pretty nasty thing to try to create...

Apparently they hate free speech, khaki pants, tiki torches, businesses located in areas of protest, jaywalking laws, permits, rights of peaceful assembly, and not hiding behind masks.  
Really?  The fact that you can't call the KKK for what they are and just see them as dudes in khakis carrying tiki torches says all I need to know about you.  Why are a number of you more concerned about Antifa and BLM when we just had Nazis and the KKK marching through the streets and committing a terrorist act that fortunately only killed one person?

Really?  The fact that you can't call the KKK for what they are and just see them as dudes in khakis carrying tiki torches says all I need to know about you.  Why are a number of you more concerned about Antifa and BLM when we just had Nazis and the KKK marching through the streets and committing a terrorist act that fortunately only killed one person?
What are you talking about?  None of that is referencing the KKK.

Why are a number of you more concerned about Antifa and BLM when we just had Nazis and the KKK marching through the streets and committing a terrorist act that fortunately only killed one person?

 Like this
Some of us view the militant side of BLM and Anfifa the same as we view the KKK and white supremacists. Neither should get a pass for violence

Apparently they hate free speech, khaki pants, tiki torches, businesses located in areas of protest, jaywalking laws, permits, rights of peaceful assembly, and not hiding behind masks.  
Can we stop acting like this is a free speech issue?

When the entire reason you are assembling is to let other groups of people know that you feel like they are a lesser form of life, how isnt that a threatening thing? gtfoh with that ish

Can we stop acting like this is a free speech issue?

When the entire reason you are assembling is to let other groups of people know that you feel like they are a lesser form of life, how isnt that a threatening thing? gtfoh with that ish
"Stupid, outdated constitution should only protect those views that I don't find offensive."

I don't know anything about the "Patriot Prayer" group, but that article was about to pull a muscle stretching to label them a white supremacy group. If they are a white supremacy group, well #### them. 
It takes about 5 minutes of reading to see that this group has nothing to do with white supremacy.

That being said, the rally will likely have white supremacists and Antifa in attendance.

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Some of us view the militant side of BLM and Anfifa the same as we view the KKK and white supremacists. Neither should get a pass for violence
If you visit their website, BLM does not condone or encourage violence and has condemned any violence done in their name by a lunatic fringe that has attended some of their rallies. Antifa, on the other hand, has been pretty open and unapologetic about their violent intentions and violence done by their members. BLM should not be talked about in the same breath as Antifa/KKK/white supremacists.

If you visit their website, BLM does not condone or encourage violence and has condemned any violence done in their name by a lunatic fringe that has attended some of their rallies. Antifa, on the other hand, has been pretty open and unapologetic about their violent intentions and violence done by their members. BLM should not be talked about in the same breath as Antifa/KKK/white supremacists.
But black people are scary!

If you visit their website, BLM does not condone or encourage violence and has condemned any violence done in their name by a lunatic fringe
Yet simply being conservative gets you lumped in with the lunatic alt-right fringe. There are many examples of BLM members calling for violence against police and white people but they get a pass because it’s just “fringe” members? I don’t get it….

Some of us view the militant side of BLM and Anfifa the same as we view the KKK and white supremacists. Neither should get a pass for violence
Which is fine I suppose, but it seems like odd timing.  If you listen to conservative radio they are now talking about BLM and Antifa much more than they were before Charlottesville.  Any mention of white supremacists is downplayed by blaming it on BLM or Antifa.  Nazis were marching in the streets by the hundreds, if not thousands. 

If you visit their website, BLM does not condone or encourage violence and has condemned any violence done in their name by a lunatic fringe that has attended some of their rallies. Antifa, on the other hand, has been pretty open and unapologetic about their violent intentions and violence done by their members. BLM should not be talked about in the same breath as Antifa/KKK/white supremacists.
Let's just gloss over the Dallas sniper incident.    

Which is fine I suppose, but it seems like odd timing.  If you listen to conservative radio they are now talking about BLM and Antifa much more than they were before Charlottesville.  Any mention of white supremacists is downplayed by blaming it on BLM or Antifa.  Nazis were marching in the streets by the hundreds, if not thousands. 
Conservative talk radio isn't mainstream anything. Nazis had the permits to protest and did so in accordance with the law. That's a constitutional right in America. Either we apply the constitution evenly for everyone or we alienate and marginalize people.

Which is fine I suppose, but it seems like odd timing.  If you listen to conservative radio they are now talking about BLM and Antifa much more than they were before Charlottesville.  Any mention of white supremacists is downplayed by blaming it on BLM or Antifa.  Nazis were marching in the streets by the hundreds, if not thousands. 
It's not strange at all.  Groups like Antifa and By Any Means Neccesary are a distinct part of the violence at these rallies.  Charlottesville was unique because of the death, but this has been playing out for a while.

Conservative talk radio isn't mainstream anything. Nazis had the permits to protest and did so in accordance with the law. That's a constitutional right in America. Either we apply the constitution evenly for everyone or we alienate and marginalize people.
Yep and people have the right to counter protest right in their face too.....maybe the Nazi snowflakes need a safe space??

Let's just gloss over the Dallas sniper incident.    
BLM's had worked with Dallas police to coordinate a peaceful march. There had been no violence before that lone nut case started shooting police. And they immediately denounced the sniper who was not associated with the group.



The sniper’s attacks were deliberate and his actions despicable, but they are in no way reflective of or represented by the Black Lives Matter movement. BLM sent a tweet on Thursday night that reinforced this message:

Black Lives Matter @Blklivesmatter

#BlackLivesMatter advocates dignity, justice and freedom. Not murder.

12:07 AM - Jul 8, 2016

Prior to the shooting, the protest on the streets of Dallas was peaceful and controlled. It was led by protesters who spoke out against the police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. The deaths of these black men, which happened on consecutive days, catalyzed outrage and prompted protests in cities across the country. However, just because the movement aims to end police violence against black lives does NOT mean it encourages violence against police by black people. Black Lives Matter has never, ever insinuated that other lives don’t. And dismissing the movement’s real agenda ignores the torment and terror protesters faced Thursday night, too.

The snipers’ motivations were evidently fueled by hate and their actions are certainly condemned by the movement. Black Lives Matter is a nationwide organization that aims to affirm “black folks’ contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.” It promotes engagement and empathy through peaceful demonstrations and other powerful tactics that make clear that violence is in no way tolerated.

This message of condemnation against cop killings has been repeated countless times, especially during past isolated shootings of police officers by black civilians. In December 2014, when Ismaaiyl Abdulah Brinsley ― a black man from Maryland ― fatally shot NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos as revenge for Michael Brown and Eric Garner’s deaths, the founders of the Black Lives Matter movement immediately issued a statement that disparaged Brinsley’s actions. They told HuffPost that “an eye for an eye is not our vision of justice.”


BLM's had worked with Dallas police to coordinate a peaceful march. There had been no violence before that lone nut case started shooting police. And they immediately denounced the sniper who was not associated with the group.



The sniper’s attacks were deliberate and his actions despicable, but they are in no way reflective of or represented by the Black Lives Matter movement. BLM sent a tweet on Thursday night that reinforced this message:

Black Lives Matter @Blklivesmatter

#BlackLivesMatter advocates dignity, justice and freedom. Not murder.

12:07 AM - Jul 8, 2016

Prior to the shooting, the protest on the streets of Dallas was peaceful and controlled. It was led by protesters who spoke out against the police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. The deaths of these black men, which happened on consecutive days, catalyzed outrage and prompted protests in cities across the country. However, just because the movement aims to end police violence against black lives does NOT mean it encourages violence against police by black people. Black Lives Matter has never, ever insinuated that other lives don’t. And dismissing the movement’s real agenda ignores the torment and terror protesters faced Thursday night, too.

The snipers’ motivations were evidently fueled by hate and their actions are certainly condemned by the movement. Black Lives Matter is a nationwide organization that aims to affirm “black folks’ contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.” It promotes engagement and empathy through peaceful demonstrations and other powerful tactics that make clear that violence is in no way tolerated.

This message of condemnation against cop killings has been repeated countless times, especially during past isolated shootings of police officers by black civilians. In December 2014, when Ismaaiyl Abdulah Brinsley ― a black man from Maryland ― fatally shot NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos as revenge for Michael Brown and Eric Garner’s deaths, the founders of the Black Lives Matter movement immediately issued a statement that disparaged Brinsley’s actions. They told HuffPost that “an eye for an eye is not our vision of justice.”

And yet it happened during their protest.....

My point isn't that Antifa is good or bad.

My point is the only reason we're even talking about Antifa is because the right needs a false equivalency for what happened this weekend. They are rightly embarrassed that they are lumped in with the KKK and Neo-Nazis, so pointing out a violent leftist group makes them feel better.

Again, so transparent.
Antifa and neo-Nazis are actually a true equivalency, in the sense that both are violent fringe groups that are unrepresentative of their respective sides on the ideological spectrum.  I agree with you though that we shouldn't be using Antifa as an excuse not to denounce Nazis.  

I'll wait for the arrests.  People, even well-meaning ones, make mistakes and jump to conclusions.  If the evidence is there for an arrest I'm sure it will be made.
We need your help.
This weekend, 20 year old Deandre Harris was brutally assaulted by a group of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia – leaving him with critical injuries from the assault.
At least five men participated in this assault – which was a felony. Many of them used deadly weapons. Others were overheard using racial slurs – making it a federal hate crime. What these men did was not just wrong - it was a crime.
The police there expressed very little concern about any of it – frequently seeing violence and crimes and literally looking away. In fact, Deandre was assaulted in the parking lot of the local police precinct. The white supremacists had already learned that they could pretty much do whatever they want and get away with it.
We are going to identify the men who did this to Deandre. In fact, over the past 24 hours, we’ve already positively identified two of the men involved – Daniel “Dan” Borden and Michael Alex Ramos.
Now, we have two action items for you.

1. We need you to contact law enforcement to inform them that two of the men who assaulted Deandre have been located. 

a. Contact the Charlottesville Police Department by phone @: (434) 970-3280 & Call City Hall @ (434) 970-3333

b. Email the City Manager @: cityman@charlottesville.org to inform them that Dan Borden and Michael Ramos have been identified but not arrested. Feel free to forward them this email. 

c. Dan Borden is from Mason, Ohio. Contact the police department there now @ (513) 229-8560. Email them @: police@masonoh.org.

d. Contact their City Council @: council@masonoh.org


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