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All-time, top 10 favorite literary characters (1 Viewer)


Mine, in alphabetical order (because I really can't rank 'em):

Alex DeLarge - A Clockwork Orange (Anthony Burgess)
Tyler Durden - Fight Club (Chuck Palahniuk)
Huckleberry Finn - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain)
Jackson Lamb - Slough House series (Mick Herron)
Tyrion Lannister - A Song of Fire and Ice series (George R. R. Martin)
Hannibal Lecter - Red Dragon, The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal and Hannibal Rising (Thomas Harris)
Travis McGee - Travis McGee novels (John D. MacDonald)
Randle Patrick McMurphy - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Ken Kesey)
Mike Pemulis - Infinite Jest (David Foster Wallace)
Ignatius J. Reilly - A Confederacy of Dunces (John Kennedy Toole)
Half-cocked Jack Shaftoe - The Baroque Cycle (Neal Stephenson)

Whatcha got?

eta books/series & authors

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I'm a simple man, I like the books that I like...

Jack Reacher
Gabriel Allon
Joe Pickett

Mitch Rapp
Amos Decker
Jonathan Grave
Mickey Haller  (and Harry Bosch)
Atlee Pine
Dewey Andreas
Frank McCourt

Philip Malowe


Eliot Rosewater

Holly Golightly


Narrator, Invisible Man

Emma Bovary

Augustus McCrae

The Frankenstein Creature

Sherlock Holmes

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I don't have a top-10 because I don't think I've read 10 books in the past 25 years combined.

But I will say that Holden Caulfield was the one that came to mind first, and I didn't see him posted here yet.

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Jesus(non fiction literature counts)

Chuck Yeager(first guy to break the sound barrier, and he’s from West Virginia)

Nebuchadnezzar(he was once one of the most powerful people on the planet, that had to be interesting)



Samwise Gamgee(LOTR)

Frodo Baggins(LOTR)

Aslan(Chronicles of Narnia)

Eustace Scrubb(Chronicles of Narnia, he had a pretty epic character development)

Perrin(Wheel of Time)

I’ll say it:

Harry Potter - pretty damn good books.

I’d also go with Gandalf, Dumbledore, Tyrion Lannister and Jack Ryan.


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Great idea and one I hadn’t thought about. 

1. Miss Havisham from Great Expectations

2. Mick from The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

3. Behemoth from The Master and Margarita 

4. Mr. Emerson from A Room with a View

5. Phillip Marlow from The Big Sleep, The Long Goodbye, etc.

6. Milo Minderbinder from Catch 22

7. Sally Jay Gorce from The Dud Avocado 

8. Lord Harry Wotten from The Picture of Dorian Gray

9. Pinkie from Brighton Rock

10. Amory Blaine from This Side of Paradise 

Victor Henry (The Winds of War | Herman Wouk)

Gunga Din (Rudyard Kipling)

Gandalf (Fellowship of the Ring | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien)

Horatio Hornblower (HH Series | CS Forester)

Captain Ahab (Moby **** | Herman Melville)

Hiro Protagonist (Snow Crash | Neil Stephenson

Atticus FInch (To Kill a Mockingbird | Harper Lee)

Reverend Stephen Kumalo (Cry the Beloved Country | Alan Paton)

Buck (The Call of the Wild | John London)

Trashcan Man (The Stand | King)

Shout outs to Sherman McCoy (Bonfire of the Vanities), Henry Fleming (Red Badge of Courage), Winston Smith (1984), Danny (Danny the Champion of the World) and I'm sure so many others.

Without using nonfiction or duplicating authors but not disqualifying short stories...

Michael Corleone - The Godfather (Mario Puzo)
Chili Palmer - Get Shorty (Elmore Leonard)
Santiago - The Old Man and the Sea (Ernest Hemmingway)
**** Holloran - The Shining (Stephen King)
Odysseus - The Odyssey (Homer)
Antonio - The Merchant of Venice (William Shakespeare)
Nick Naylor - Thank You for Smoking (Christopher Buckley)
Henry Jeckyll - The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson)
Tom Ripley - The Talented Mr. Ripley (Patricia Highsmith)
Rudy Baylor - The Rainmaker (John Grisham)

My 10 right now:

Don Quixote (obviously)

Jay Gatsby - The Great Gatsby

Atticus Finch - To Kill a Mockingbird

Charles Kinbote - Nabokov’s Pale Fire

Philip Marlowe - Chandler’s The Big Sleep, etc.

Leopold Bloom - Joyce’s Ulysses

Circe - Homer’s The Odyssey and Madeline Miller’s Circe

Odysseus - see above

Sherlock Holmes

Joseph K - Kafka’s The Trial

The Judge - Blood Meridian/Cormac McCarthy
Lee Harvy Oswald - Libra/Don Delillo 
Roland Deschain - Gunslinger Series/Stephen King
Pretty much anyone Buskowski
Raoul Duke/Dr. Gonzo - Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas/Hunter S. Thompson

Love a lot of the ones already mentioned. 

Gus   Lonesome Dove

Mara   Empire trilogy

Arya    ASOIF

Rodrigo   Lions of Al Rassan

Ruth   Three Pines mysteries

Ignatius   C. of Dunces

1. Augustus McCrae - Lonesome Dove :hifive:

2. Logen Ninefingers - The First Law

3. Bob - The Bobiverse  (yes, this is cheating, but you should read to find out why)

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Bertie Wooster — P.G. Wodehouse’s Jeeves and Wooster stories

George Smiley— LeCarre’s Smiley novels

Arthur Cornish -  Robertson Davies’s What’s Bred in the Bone

Captain Jack Aubrey — Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey/Maturin novels

Lady Brett Ashley— The Sun Also Rises

Sand said:
I ended up having to read this for a book club.  I can't say enough how incredible of a book this is and how much I recommend it
It and All The Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy were on my list to read. I compared page length, got lazy and went Pretty Horses. But as soon as finish Horses I’ll move on to Lonesome.

Kvothe - the king killer chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss 

Enoch Root aka Enoch the Red - various appearances in Neil Stephenson novels 

Kelsier - Mistborn The Final Empire Brandon Sanderson

Paul Atreides - Dune series
Tom Swift - Tom Swift series
Ernie Lundquist- A Child's Garden of Grass
Huckleberry Finn - Adventures of..
Ebenezer Scrooge - A Christmas Carol
Lennie Small, Of Mice and Men
Nancy Drew - Nancy Drew Mysteries
Hafid - The Greatest Salesman in the World
Paul/Saul - The Bible
The Cheshire Cat - Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Just what came to mind early  in the morning. Might be a totally different list on a different day.

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Odysseus (The Odyssey)  (I see I'm not alone on this one  :) )

Johnny Smith (The Dead Zone)

Noah Ackerman (The Young Lions)

Vito Corleone (The Godfather)

Hassan (The Kite Runner)

Athos, Portos, Aramis and D'Artagnan (The Three Musketeers)

Constantin Demiris (The Other Side of Midnight - pretty lame book but loved this character)

Atticus Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird)

Tyrion Lannister (various)

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