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FFA Top 200 Horror Movies of All Time: #1 - Alien (4 Viewers)

Proceed with the bitching.
It’s a fantastic movie but I was really struggling to rank it in the hallowed halls of top tier Horror vs top tier Suspense thriller hence my low ranking.

I have no issues with this ranking. It is such a great movie and has plenty of horror elements.
Proceed with the bitching.
It’s a fantastic movie but I was really struggling to rank it in the hallowed halls of top tier Horror vs top tier Suspense thriller hence my low ranking.

I have no issues with this ranking. It is such a great movie and has plenty of horror elements.

That's why I didnt include it. I have no problem categorizing it as horror, its just a personal decision.
Proceed with the bitching.
It’s a fantastic movie but I was really struggling to rank it in the hallowed halls of top tier Horror vs top tier Suspense thriller hence my low ranking.

I have no issues with this ranking. It is such a great movie and has plenty of horror elements.
It's a great movie. It's a horror movie. But it's not a great horror movie IMO, if that makes any sense.
Proceed with the bitching.
It’s a fantastic movie but I was really struggling to rank it in the hallowed halls of top tier Horror vs top tier Suspense thriller hence my low ranking.

I have no issues with this ranking. It is such a great movie and has plenty of horror elements.
It's a great movie. It's a horror movie. But it's not a great horror movie IMO, if that makes any sense.
Yeah I think it is perfect suspense thriller. But not a top tier “horror” movie.
Like, think of a Cartesian plane with "quality" on the X-axis and "horror-ness" on the Y axis. Really top-notch horror films (e.g. Night of the Living Dead) are way up in the NE on a 45-degree line. Silence of the Lambs is way out there on the X-axis, or just barely above the axis. High quality, low horror-ness.

I wonder if we have any more movies like this on deck . . .
Proceed with the bitching.
It’s a fantastic movie but I was really struggling to rank it in the hallowed halls of top tier Horror vs top tier Suspense thriller hence my low ranking.

I have no issues with this ranking. It is such a great movie and has plenty of horror elements.
It's a great movie. It's a horror movie. But it's not a great horror movie IMO, if that makes any sense.
Hmm. Could you unpack that a bit?
Proceed with the bitching.
It’s a fantastic movie but I was really struggling to rank it in the hallowed halls of top tier Horror vs top tier Suspense thriller hence my low ranking.

I have no issues with this ranking. It is such a great movie and has plenty of horror elements.
It's a great movie. It's a horror movie. But it's not a great horror movie IMO, if that makes any sense.
Hmm. Could you unpack that a bit?
I think it's a horror movie, but just barely. If I'm going to rate a movie highly in a "horror movie" rating exercise, I want it to be both a good movie and also representative of the genre. I think SoTL nails the first but doesn't fit the genre as well as some of the other heavy-hitters who are coming in up top.

For example, say we were doing a "best comedy" rating. American Psycho would qualify as a (very) dark comedy, but I wouldn't rate it ahead of The Jerk or anything. Does that make sense?

(Sorry if this comes across as nitpicking. I have no beef with people who rated this much higher than me, or with people who left it off. I get it. This type of film is hard to rank).
Like, think of a Cartesian plane with "quality" on the X-axis and "horror-ness" on the Y axis. Really top-notch horror films (e.g. Night of the Living Dead) are way up in the NE on a 45-degree line. Silence of the Lambs is way out there on the X-axis, or just barely above the axis. High quality, low horror-ness.

I wonder if we have any more movies like this on deck . . .
I was told there would be no math.
Proceed with the bitching.
It’s a fantastic movie but I was really struggling to rank it in the hallowed halls of top tier Horror vs top tier Suspense thriller hence my low ranking.

I have no issues with this ranking. It is such a great movie and has plenty of horror elements.
I did the same, though I must have dinged it more than you did, as it fell into my last 5 out. Outstanding film, regardless of designation.
Like, think of a Cartesian plane with "quality" on the X-axis and "horror-ness" on the Y axis. Really top-notch horror films (e.g. Night of the Living Dead) are way up in the NE on a 45-degree line. Silence of the Lambs is way out there on the X-axis, or just barely above the axis. High quality, low horror-ness.

I wonder if we have any more movies like this on deck . . .
I read that in a Robin Williams voice in my head.
The kid in the cellar eats her dad and kills her mom. I know this sort of thing is now a cliche a zombie movies, but it was pretty freaking groundbreaking in 1968.

Edit: Well, there were a lot of groundbreaking things in this movie. The over-the-top gore was, I think, sort of unheard of in a major release. We don't even notice it today, but casting a black guy as the main character was a bold decision at the time. And obviously audiences would have reacted to having the black guy survive the night only to be killed by white redneck vigilantes.
Not just casting a black guy as the main character but doing so and not making his race part of the story. He just happens to be black. It makes the ending more effective but Romero has said he never imagined the character as black, Duane Jones just had the best audition.

#10 - Night of the Living Dead​

A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the Northeast of the United States.

George A. Romero
Zombie/Virus, B/W

IMDB: 79
Metacritic: 89
RottenTomatoes: 96





Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 28
dickey moe 20
ilov80s 6
IvanKaramazov 3
jamny 1
Keith R 8
shuke 21
The Gator 28
Tick 4
UncleZen 29
WVU Alum 4
Not only does it make my #1 horror movie but it makes my #1 movie of any kind. Until seeing it, all I knew were the Saturday morning monster movies. My parents let me stay up to watch it and I'm sure my Dad caught hell for allowing it. Not only did I have extremely intense zombie nightmares that night but they actually started all up again the next night...and I loved it! Every week, when the TV Guide came out, I would flip through it hoping to see it was on again. There's no movie I have seen more times. I still enjoy the rare times I have zombie dreams. lol
I'm glad it at least made Top 10
I especially love Ebert’s review of it. He saw it on a weekend matinee, the kind where parents would drop all the kids off for the day to watch cheap movies.

The kids in the audience were stunned. There was almost complete silence. The movie had stopped being delightfully scary about halfway through, and had become unexpectedly terrifying. There was a little girl across the aisle from me, maybe nine years old, who was sitting very still in her seat and crying.

I don't think the younger kids really knew what hit them. They were used to going to movies, sure, and they'd seen some horror movies before, sure, but this was something else. This was ghouls eating people up -- and you could actually see what they were eating. This was little girls killing their mothers. This was being set on fire. Worst of all, even the hero got killed.

It's hard to remember what sort of effect this movie might have had on you when you were six or seven. But try to remember. At that age, kids take the events on the screen seriously, and they identify fiercely with the hero. When the hero is killed, that's not an unhappy ending but a tragic one: Nobody got out alive. It's just over, that's all

#10 - Night of the Living Dead​

A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the Northeast of the United States.

George A. Romero
Zombie/Virus, B/W

IMDB: 79
Metacritic: 89
RottenTomatoes: 96





Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 28
dickey moe 20
ilov80s 6
IvanKaramazov 3
jamny 1
Keith R 8
shuke 21
The Gator 28
Tick 4
UncleZen 29
WVU Alum 4
Not only does it make my #1 horror movie but it makes my #1 movie of any kind. Until seeing it, all I knew were the Saturday morning monster movies. My parents let me stay up to watch it and I'm sure my Dad caught hell for allowing it. Not only did I have extremely intense zombie nightmares that night but they actually started all up again the next night...and I loved it! Every week, when the TV Guide came out, I would flip through it hoping to see it was on again. There's no movie I have seen more times. I still enjoy the rare times I have zombie dreams. lol
I'm glad it at least made Top 10
I especially love Ebert’s review of it. He saw it on a weekend matinee, the kind where parents would drop all the kids off for the day to watch cheap movies.

The kids in the audience were stunned. There was almost complete silence. The movie had stopped being delightfully scary about halfway through, and had become unexpectedly terrifying. There was a little girl across the aisle from me, maybe nine years old, who was sitting very still in her seat and crying.

I don't think the younger kids really knew what hit them. They were used to going to movies, sure, and they'd seen some horror movies before, sure, but this was something else. This was ghouls eating people up -- and you could actually see what they were eating. This was little girls killing their mothers. This was being set on fire. Worst of all, even the hero got killed.

It's hard to remember what sort of effect this movie might have had on you when you were six or seven. But try to remember. At that age, kids take the events on the screen seriously, and they identify fiercely with the hero. When the hero is killed, that's not an unhappy ending but a tragic one: Nobody got out alive. It's just over, that's all
Great description of the experience! I was probably like 8 or 9 when I saw it. My dad made some jokes early on and it was fun. Then as it went on, the jokes stopped, or at least I didn't hear them anymore. Just stunned when it was over, then I had to go to bed. The second night was the really freaky part. The movie was in my head all day. I could just feel it inside me and see it as I closed my eyes, trying to go to sleep and the nightmares started up again. No other movie came close to having that affect on me, obviously because of my age at the time. In fact, I don't remember the last movie that even really scared me, besides jump scares of course.
Proceed with the bitching.
It’s a fantastic movie but I was really struggling to rank it in the hallowed halls of top tier Horror vs top tier Suspense thriller hence my low ranking.

I have no issues with this ranking. It is such a great movie and has plenty of horror elements.
It's a great movie. It's a horror movie. But it's not a great horror movie IMO, if that makes any sense.
Hmm. Could you unpack that a bit?
I think it's a horror movie, but just barely. If I'm going to rate a movie highly in a "horror movie" rating exercise, I want it to be both a good movie and also representative of the genre. I think SoTL nails the first but doesn't fit the genre as well as some of the other heavy-hitters who are coming in up top.

For example, say we were doing a "best comedy" rating. American Psycho would qualify as a (very) dark comedy, but I wouldn't rate it ahead of The Jerk or anything. Does that make sense?

(Sorry if this comes across as nitpicking. I have no beef with people who rated this much higher than me, or with people who left it off. I get it. This type of film is hard to rank).
I get what you are saying, and that very well puts to words what I was struggling with movies that weren't on my list like Se7en, SotL, and two that I imagine coming up, despite a few of those are in my all time favorite movies, one as high as top 5.

#10 - Night of the Living Dead​

A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the Northeast of the United States.

George A. Romero
Zombie/Virus, B/W

IMDB: 79
Metacritic: 89
RottenTomatoes: 96





Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 28
dickey moe 20
ilov80s 6
IvanKaramazov 3
jamny 1
Keith R 8
shuke 21
The Gator 28
Tick 4
UncleZen 29
WVU Alum 4
Not only does it make my #1 horror movie but it makes my #1 movie of any kind. Until seeing it, all I knew were the Saturday morning monster movies. My parents let me stay up to watch it and I'm sure my Dad caught hell for allowing it. Not only did I have extremely intense zombie nightmares that night but they actually started all up again the next night...and I loved it! Every week, when the TV Guide came out, I would flip through it hoping to see it was on again. There's no movie I have seen more times. I still enjoy the rare times I have zombie dreams. lol
I'm glad it at least made Top 10
I especially love Ebert’s review of it. He saw it on a weekend matinee, the kind where parents would drop all the kids off for the day to watch cheap movies.

The kids in the audience were stunned. There was almost complete silence. The movie had stopped being delightfully scary about halfway through, and had become unexpectedly terrifying. There was a little girl across the aisle from me, maybe nine years old, who was sitting very still in her seat and crying.

I don't think the younger kids really knew what hit them. They were used to going to movies, sure, and they'd seen some horror movies before, sure, but this was something else. This was ghouls eating people up -- and you could actually see what they were eating. This was little girls killing their mothers. This was being set on fire. Worst of all, even the hero got killed.

It's hard to remember what sort of effect this movie might have had on you when you were six or seven. But try to remember. At that age, kids take the events on the screen seriously, and they identify fiercely with the hero. When the hero is killed, that's not an unhappy ending but a tragic one: Nobody got out alive. It's just over, that's all
Great description of the experience! I was probably like 8 or 9 when I saw it. My dad made some jokes early on and it was fun. Then as it went on, the jokes stopped, or at least I didn't hear them anymore. Just stunned when it was over, then I had to go to bed. The second night was the really freaky part. The movie was in my head all day. I could just feel it inside me and see it as I closed my eyes, trying to go to sleep and the nightmares started up again. No other movie came close to having that affect on me, obviously because of my age at the time. In fact, I don't remember the last movie that even really scared me, besides jump scares of course.
Just imagine if a girl that age had watched it then... and her name was Barbara

#10 - Night of the Living Dead​

A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the Northeast of the United States.

George A. Romero
Zombie/Virus, B/W

IMDB: 79
Metacritic: 89
RottenTomatoes: 96





Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 28
dickey moe 20
ilov80s 6
IvanKaramazov 3
jamny 1
Keith R 8
shuke 21
The Gator 28
Tick 4
UncleZen 29
WVU Alum 4
Not only does it make my #1 horror movie but it makes my #1 movie of any kind. Until seeing it, all I knew were the Saturday morning monster movies. My parents let me stay up to watch it and I'm sure my Dad caught hell for allowing it. Not only did I have extremely intense zombie nightmares that night but they actually started all up again the next night...and I loved it! Every week, when the TV Guide came out, I would flip through it hoping to see it was on again. There's no movie I have seen more times. I still enjoy the rare times I have zombie dreams. lol
I'm glad it at least made Top 10
I must have first seen this at 6 or 7 when staying at my dads. His place was on 85 acres, no neighbors in sight and the rumor of long buried homesteaders from the early 1900s on the property. Like the stories above, holy Christ did it hit hard. This wasn’t the black cauldron or even Gremlins. It was visceral. Of course, as my dad put me to bed he told me (who still believed the NORAD updates on Santa) they had picked up something unidentified in space that seemed to have come from Venus. I told my kids that’s the movie they have to brave with me before they can wade into PG-13 fate with their friends. So far, no takers.
One interesting measure for horror is, do people dress up for Halloween as the character with the intention of being scary? Lector definitely is a somewhat common and recognizable scary costume.

#8 - Psycho​

When larcenous real estate clerk Marion Crane goes on the lam with a wad of cash and hopes of starting a new life, she ends up at the notorious Bates Motel, where manager Norman Bates cares for his housebound mother.

Alfred Hitchcock
Slasher, B/W

IMDB: 85
Metacritic: 97
RottenTomatoes: 96




Voter Ranks

BroncoFreak_2k3 10
Brunell4MVP 23
dickey moe 10
Frostillicus 13
ilov80s 15
IvanKaramazov 19
jamny 22
Keith R 5
Scoresman 72
shuke 2
The Gator 24
Todem 10
UncleZen 4
WVU Alum 61

#8 - Psycho​

When larcenous real estate clerk Marion Crane goes on the lam with a wad of cash and hopes of starting a new life, she ends up at the notorious Bates Motel, where manager Norman Bates cares for his housebound mother.

Alfred Hitchcock
Slasher, B/W

IMDB: 85
Metacritic: 97
RottenTomatoes: 96




Voter Ranks

BroncoFreak_2k3 10
Brunell4MVP 23
dickey moe 10
Frostillicus 13
ilov80s 15
IvanKaramazov 19
jamny 22
Keith R 5
Scoresman 72
shuke 2
The Gator 24
Todem 10
UncleZen 4
WVU Alum 61
Wow, I figured I would be the high ranker on this one but @shuke got me. Simply one of the best of all time. There is a whole show out there dedicated just to the shower scene which shows just how cutting edge this was at the time.

#10 - Night of the Living Dead​

A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the Northeast of the United States.

George A. Romero
Zombie/Virus, B/W

IMDB: 79
Metacritic: 89
RottenTomatoes: 96





Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 28
dickey moe 20
ilov80s 6
IvanKaramazov 3
jamny 1
Keith R 8
shuke 21
The Gator 28
Tick 4
UncleZen 29
WVU Alum 4
Not only does it make my #1 horror movie but it makes my #1 movie of any kind. Until seeing it, all I knew were the Saturday morning monster movies. My parents let me stay up to watch it and I'm sure my Dad caught hell for allowing it. Not only did I have extremely intense zombie nightmares that night but they actually started all up again the next night...and I loved it! Every week, when the TV Guide came out, I would flip through it hoping to see it was on again. There's no movie I have seen more times. I still enjoy the rare times I have zombie dreams. lol
I'm glad it at least made Top 10
I must have first seen this at 6 or 7 when staying at my dads. His place was on 85 acres, no neighbors in sight and the rumor of long buried homesteaders from the early 1900s on the property. Like the stories above, holy Christ did it hit hard. This wasn’t the black cauldron or even Gremlins. It was visceral. Of course, as my dad put me to bed he told me (who still believed the NORAD updates on Santa) they had picked up something unidentified in space that seemed to have come from Venus. I told my kids that’s the movie they have to brave with me before they can wade into PG-13 fate with their friends. So far, no takers.
I grew up in the middle of nowhere. I saw this movie for the first time at a ten year old birthday sleepover. Watched the movie late at night then we were all ushered outside to sleep in our tents. 5 kids too afraid to sleep but also too afraid of being made fun of to cave first and go inside. My memory is one kid sobbed, but that could be my muddled mind superimposing the first night in jail from Shawshank Redemption.

#10 - Night of the Living Dead​

A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the Northeast of the United States.

George A. Romero
Zombie/Virus, B/W

IMDB: 79
Metacritic: 89
RottenTomatoes: 96





Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 28
dickey moe 20
ilov80s 6
IvanKaramazov 3
jamny 1
Keith R 8
shuke 21
The Gator 28
Tick 4
UncleZen 29
WVU Alum 4
Not only does it make my #1 horror movie but it makes my #1 movie of any kind. Until seeing it, all I knew were the Saturday morning monster movies. My parents let me stay up to watch it and I'm sure my Dad caught hell for allowing it. Not only did I have extremely intense zombie nightmares that night but they actually started all up again the next night...and I loved it! Every week, when the TV Guide came out, I would flip through it hoping to see it was on again. There's no movie I have seen more times. I still enjoy the rare times I have zombie dreams. lol
I'm glad it at least made Top 10
I must have first seen this at 6 or 7 when staying at my dads. His place was on 85 acres, no neighbors in sight and the rumor of long buried homesteaders from the early 1900s on the property. Like the stories above, holy Christ did it hit hard. This wasn’t the black cauldron or even Gremlins. It was visceral. Of course, as my dad put me to bed he told me (who still believed the NORAD updates on Santa) they had picked up something unidentified in space that seemed to have come from Venus. I told my kids that’s the movie they have to brave with me before they can wade into PG-13 fate with their friends. So far, no takers.
I grew up in the middle of nowhere. I saw this movie for the first time at a ten year old birthday sleepover. Watched the movie late at night then we were all ushered outside to sleep in our tents. 5 kids too afraid to sleep but also too afraid of being made fun of to cave first and go inside. My memory is one kid sobbed, but that could be my muddled mind superimposing the first night in jail from Shawshank Redemption.
Insane that adults would let you guys go through all that

#10 - Night of the Living Dead​

A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the Northeast of the United States.

George A. Romero
Zombie/Virus, B/W

IMDB: 79
Metacritic: 89
RottenTomatoes: 96





Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 28
dickey moe 20
ilov80s 6
IvanKaramazov 3
jamny 1
Keith R 8
shuke 21
The Gator 28
Tick 4
UncleZen 29
WVU Alum 4
Not only does it make my #1 horror movie but it makes my #1 movie of any kind. Until seeing it, all I knew were the Saturday morning monster movies. My parents let me stay up to watch it and I'm sure my Dad caught hell for allowing it. Not only did I have extremely intense zombie nightmares that night but they actually started all up again the next night...and I loved it! Every week, when the TV Guide came out, I would flip through it hoping to see it was on again. There's no movie I have seen more times. I still enjoy the rare times I have zombie dreams. lol
I'm glad it at least made Top 10
I must have first seen this at 6 or 7 when staying at my dads. His place was on 85 acres, no neighbors in sight and the rumor of long buried homesteaders from the early 1900s on the property. Like the stories above, holy Christ did it hit hard. This wasn’t the black cauldron or even Gremlins. It was visceral. Of course, as my dad put me to bed he told me (who still believed the NORAD updates on Santa) they had picked up something unidentified in space that seemed to have come from Venus. I told my kids that’s the movie they have to brave with me before they can wade into PG-13 fate with their friends. So far, no takers.
I grew up in the middle of nowhere. I saw this movie for the first time at a ten year old birthday sleepover. Watched the movie late at night then we were all ushered outside to sleep in our tents. 5 kids too afraid to sleep but also too afraid of being made fun of to cave first and go inside. My memory is one kid sobbed, but that could be my muddled mind superimposing the first night in jail from Shawshank Redemption.
Insane that adults would let you guys go through all that
It was the 80s. We were all latch-key, raised by television. I left the house in the morning and came home after dark. I guess our former hippie parents thought freedom was the way to raise kids.
I’m not complaining. My childhood was fantastic.
Night of the Living Dead is going to wind up the most glaring omission in my viewing history.

I know it’s a good movie. I just need to watch it!

#10 - Night of the Living Dead​

A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the Northeast of the United States.

George A. Romero
Zombie/Virus, B/W

IMDB: 79
Metacritic: 89
RottenTomatoes: 96





Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 28
dickey moe 20
ilov80s 6
IvanKaramazov 3
jamny 1
Keith R 8
shuke 21
The Gator 28
Tick 4
UncleZen 29
WVU Alum 4
Not only does it make my #1 horror movie but it makes my #1 movie of any kind. Until seeing it, all I knew were the Saturday morning monster movies. My parents let me stay up to watch it and I'm sure my Dad caught hell for allowing it. Not only did I have extremely intense zombie nightmares that night but they actually started all up again the next night...and I loved it! Every week, when the TV Guide came out, I would flip through it hoping to see it was on again. There's no movie I have seen more times. I still enjoy the rare times I have zombie dreams. lol
I'm glad it at least made Top 10
I must have first seen this at 6 or 7 when staying at my dads. His place was on 85 acres, no neighbors in sight and the rumor of long buried homesteaders from the early 1900s on the property. Like the stories above, holy Christ did it hit hard. This wasn’t the black cauldron or even Gremlins. It was visceral. Of course, as my dad put me to bed he told me (who still believed the NORAD updates on Santa) they had picked up something unidentified in space that seemed to have come from Venus. I told my kids that’s the movie they have to brave with me before they can wade into PG-13 fate with their friends. So far, no takers.
I grew up in the middle of nowhere. I saw this movie for the first time at a ten year old birthday sleepover. Watched the movie late at night then we were all ushered outside to sleep in our tents. 5 kids too afraid to sleep but also too afraid of being made fun of to cave first and go inside. My memory is one kid sobbed, but that could be my muddled mind superimposing the first night in jail from Shawshank Redemption.
Insane that adults would let you guys go through all that
Keep in mind that none of us grew up in cars with seatbelts.

#10 - Night of the Living Dead​

A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the Northeast of the United States.

George A. Romero
Zombie/Virus, B/W

IMDB: 79
Metacritic: 89
RottenTomatoes: 96





Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 28
dickey moe 20
ilov80s 6
IvanKaramazov 3
jamny 1
Keith R 8
shuke 21
The Gator 28
Tick 4
UncleZen 29
WVU Alum 4
Not only does it make my #1 horror movie but it makes my #1 movie of any kind. Until seeing it, all I knew were the Saturday morning monster movies. My parents let me stay up to watch it and I'm sure my Dad caught hell for allowing it. Not only did I have extremely intense zombie nightmares that night but they actually started all up again the next night...and I loved it! Every week, when the TV Guide came out, I would flip through it hoping to see it was on again. There's no movie I have seen more times. I still enjoy the rare times I have zombie dreams. lol
I'm glad it at least made Top 10
I must have first seen this at 6 or 7 when staying at my dads. His place was on 85 acres, no neighbors in sight and the rumor of long buried homesteaders from the early 1900s on the property. Like the stories above, holy Christ did it hit hard. This wasn’t the black cauldron or even Gremlins. It was visceral. Of course, as my dad put me to bed he told me (who still believed the NORAD updates on Santa) they had picked up something unidentified in space that seemed to have come from Venus. I told my kids that’s the movie they have to brave with me before they can wade into PG-13 fate with their friends. So far, no takers.
I grew up in the middle of nowhere. I saw this movie for the first time at a ten year old birthday sleepover. Watched the movie late at night then we were all ushered outside to sleep in our tents. 5 kids too afraid to sleep but also too afraid of being made fun of to cave first and go inside. My memory is one kid sobbed, but that could be my muddled mind superimposing the first night in jail from Shawshank Redemption.
Insane that adults would let you guys go through all that
Keep in mind that none of us grew up in cars with seatbelts.
I rode around in the rear window ledge of my mom’s car until I was too big to do so. We rode to town in the bed of a pickup truck. All the **** that we would never let our kids do now. Poor bastards are missing out.
We rode in the back of our station wagon with the rear window open. My dad was a house painter, so between the paint smell and their cigarettes, I was glad to have some fresh air. I could not get into the car on hot summer days until the door was opened for a little while. They learned that the hard way.
We rode in the back of our station wagon with the rear window open. My dad was a house painter, so between the paint smell and their cigarettes, I was glad to have some fresh air. I could not get into the car on hot summer days until the door was opened for a little while. They learned that the hard way.
This is what I remember of summer vacations. As much luggage as possible in the back seats so the kids could play in the back.

#10 - Night of the Living Dead​

A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the Northeast of the United States.

George A. Romero
Zombie/Virus, B/W

IMDB: 79
Metacritic: 89
RottenTomatoes: 96





Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 28
dickey moe 20
ilov80s 6
IvanKaramazov 3
jamny 1
Keith R 8
shuke 21
The Gator 28
Tick 4
UncleZen 29
WVU Alum 4
Not only does it make my #1 horror movie but it makes my #1 movie of any kind. Until seeing it, all I knew were the Saturday morning monster movies. My parents let me stay up to watch it and I'm sure my Dad caught hell for allowing it. Not only did I have extremely intense zombie nightmares that night but they actually started all up again the next night...and I loved it! Every week, when the TV Guide came out, I would flip through it hoping to see it was on again. There's no movie I have seen more times. I still enjoy the rare times I have zombie dreams. lol
I'm glad it at least made Top 10
I must have first seen this at 6 or 7 when staying at my dads. His place was on 85 acres, no neighbors in sight and the rumor of long buried homesteaders from the early 1900s on the property. Like the stories above, holy Christ did it hit hard. This wasn’t the black cauldron or even Gremlins. It was visceral. Of course, as my dad put me to bed he told me (who still believed the NORAD updates on Santa) they had picked up something unidentified in space that seemed to have come from Venus. I told my kids that’s the movie they have to brave with me before they can wade into PG-13 fate with their friends. So far, no takers.
I grew up in the middle of nowhere. I saw this movie for the first time at a ten year old birthday sleepover. Watched the movie late at night then we were all ushered outside to sleep in our tents. 5 kids too afraid to sleep but also too afraid of being made fun of to cave first and go inside. My memory is one kid sobbed, but that could be my muddled mind superimposing the first night in jail from Shawshank Redemption.
I never saw it until I was an adult and I'd love to go back in time and watch it as a 10 year old kid.

#10 - Night of the Living Dead​

A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the Northeast of the United States.

George A. Romero
Zombie/Virus, B/W

IMDB: 79
Metacritic: 89
RottenTomatoes: 96





Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 28
dickey moe 20
ilov80s 6
IvanKaramazov 3
jamny 1
Keith R 8
shuke 21
The Gator 28
Tick 4
UncleZen 29
WVU Alum 4
Not only does it make my #1 horror movie but it makes my #1 movie of any kind.
This is exactly how I feel about Dawn Of The Dead.
(Night is great, too)

#12 - Hereditary​

When Ellen, the matriarch of the Graham family, passes away, her daughter's family begins to unravel cryptic and increasingly terrifying secrets about their ancestry.

Ari Aster
Occult, Possession

IMDB: 73
Metacritic: 87
RottenTomatoes: 89




Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 61
Brunell4MVP 4
dickey moe 14
Frostillicus 25
ilov80s 31
IvanKaramazov 7
Keith R 4
Scoresman 29
shuke 31
The Gator 2
Todem 48
WVU Alum 7

I ranked this highly, but it really messed with me. Almost to the point that I don't really remember a lot. Not sure if I want to watch again.

#10 - Night of the Living Dead​

A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the Northeast of the United States.

George A. Romero
Zombie/Virus, B/W

IMDB: 79
Metacritic: 89
RottenTomatoes: 96





Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 28
dickey moe 20
ilov80s 6
IvanKaramazov 3
jamny 1
Keith R 8
shuke 21
The Gator 28
Tick 4
UncleZen 29
WVU Alum 4
Not only does it make my #1 horror movie but it makes my #1 movie of any kind. Until seeing it, all I knew were the Saturday morning monster movies. My parents let me stay up to watch it and I'm sure my Dad caught hell for allowing it. Not only did I have extremely intense zombie nightmares that night but they actually started all up again the next night...and I loved it! Every week, when the TV Guide came out, I would flip through it hoping to see it was on again. There's no movie I have seen more times. I still enjoy the rare times I have zombie dreams. lol
I'm glad it at least made Top 10
I must have first seen this at 6 or 7 when staying at my dads. His place was on 85 acres, no neighbors in sight and the rumor of long buried homesteaders from the early 1900s on the property. Like the stories above, holy Christ did it hit hard. This wasn’t the black cauldron or even Gremlins. It was visceral. Of course, as my dad put me to bed he told me (who still believed the NORAD updates on Santa) they had picked up something unidentified in space that seemed to have come from Venus. I told my kids that’s the movie they have to brave with me before they can wade into PG-13 fate with their friends. So far, no takers.
I grew up in the middle of nowhere. I saw this movie for the first time at a ten year old birthday sleepover. Watched the movie late at night then we were all ushered outside to sleep in our tents. 5 kids too afraid to sleep but also too afraid of being made fun of to cave first and go inside. My memory is one kid sobbed, but that could be my muddled mind superimposing the first night in jail from Shawshank Redemption.
Insane that adults would let you guys go through all that
Keep in mind that none of us grew up in cars with seatbelts.
We drank from hoses….were outside all day, social networking and chatting was at the arcade and mall and video stores renting movies and hanging out.

Feels like a lifetime ago.

We had it made in the shade.
Like, think of a Cartesian plane with "quality" on the X-axis and "horror-ness" on the Y axis. Really top-notch horror films (e.g. Night of the Living Dead) are way up in the NE on a 45-degree line. Silence of the Lambs is way out there on the X-axis, or just barely above the axis. High quality, low horror-ness.

I wonder if we have any more movies like this on deck . . .
Great visual explanation. Thank you.

Would love to see how our top 75 is mapped out this way

#10 - Night of the Living Dead​

A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the Northeast of the United States.

George A. Romero
Zombie/Virus, B/W

IMDB: 79
Metacritic: 89
RottenTomatoes: 96





Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 28
dickey moe 20
ilov80s 6
IvanKaramazov 3
jamny 1
Keith R 8
shuke 21
The Gator 28
Tick 4
UncleZen 29
WVU Alum 4
Not only does it make my #1 horror movie but it makes my #1 movie of any kind. Until seeing it, all I knew were the Saturday morning monster movies. My parents let me stay up to watch it and I'm sure my Dad caught hell for allowing it. Not only did I have extremely intense zombie nightmares that night but they actually started all up again the next night...and I loved it! Every week, when the TV Guide came out, I would flip through it hoping to see it was on again. There's no movie I have seen more times. I still enjoy the rare times I have zombie dreams. lol
I'm glad it at least made Top 10
I must have first seen this at 6 or 7 when staying at my dads. His place was on 85 acres, no neighbors in sight and the rumor of long buried homesteaders from the early 1900s on the property. Like the stories above, holy Christ did it hit hard. This wasn’t the black cauldron or even Gremlins. It was visceral. Of course, as my dad put me to bed he told me (who still believed the NORAD updates on Santa) they had picked up something unidentified in space that seemed to have come from Venus. I told my kids that’s the movie they have to brave with me before they can wade into PG-13 fate with their friends. So far, no takers.
I grew up in the middle of nowhere. I saw this movie for the first time at a ten year old birthday sleepover. Watched the movie late at night then we were all ushered outside to sleep in our tents. 5 kids too afraid to sleep but also too afraid of being made fun of to cave first and go inside. My memory is one kid sobbed, but that could be my muddled mind superimposing the first night in jail from Shawshank Redemption.
Insane that adults would let you guys go through all that
It was the 80s. We were all latch-key, raised by television. I left the house in the morning and came home after dark. I guess our former hippie parents thought freedom was the way to raise kids.
I’m not complaining. My childhood was fantastic.

I remember my dad was kind excited about sharing NOTLD with me because he thought I'd like it. But I'm pretty sure I was about 9. Great memories.

#12 - Hereditary​

When Ellen, the matriarch of the Graham family, passes away, her daughter's family begins to unravel cryptic and increasingly terrifying secrets about their ancestry.

Ari Aster
Occult, Possession

IMDB: 73
Metacritic: 87
RottenTomatoes: 89




Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 61
Brunell4MVP 4
dickey moe 14
Frostillicus 25
ilov80s 31
IvanKaramazov 7
Keith R 4
Scoresman 29
shuke 31
The Gator 2
Todem 48
WVU Alum 7

I ranked this highly, but it really messed with me. Almost to the point that I don't really remember a lot. Not sure if I want to watch again.
I have to talk myself out of watching it and saving for october once a year lol
I started Heriditary today and realized after the first 15 minutes or so I didn't remembrer any of it. I don't know if I blacked it out or possibly never seen the whole movie. As soon as the first "twist" happens in the car, I realized I never watched this whole movie, even though I swear that I had.

So I rectified that. It was awesome and totally deserving of this high ranking.
Like, think of a Cartesian plane with "quality" on the X-axis and "horror-ness" on the Y axis. Really top-notch horror films (e.g. Night of the Living Dead) are way up in the NE on a 45-degree line. Silence of the Lambs is way out there on the X-axis, or just barely above the axis. High quality, low horror-ness.

I wonder if we have any more movies like this on deck . . .
Great visual explanation. Thank you.

Would love to see how our top 75 is mapped out this way
Carrie would be 45degree line, T2 straight horizontal, and Hellraiser straight vertical. Young Frankenstein would be a dot in the lower left corner. :p

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