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I am worried about Herschel Walker’s candidacy for the senate; I don’t think he’s up to the job. (1 Viewer)

Trump doesn't hold the power you think he does. And his "labelling" of people has been hit and miss.

Listen, I know it's your opinion. I just disagree with you about his history and how effective he really is. I'm okay with that. I just don't see all this history you say you see. And successful history at that.
The fact he holds any power at all is mind blowing. We’ll soon see who correct on how much that is.

All I know though is the active leading voices of the party
, Jim
, Crenshaw, etc etc etc all bend the knee. I know you don’t wanna see this, and quite frankly you know I’m hoping you‘re right about his nom, but it’s basically undeniable he’s still the center the party spins around.

I think over the last few years his power has been waning at a pretty good clip. While I agree there are those that still bend the knee to him, I don't think a majority of us conservatives do. I certainly deny he's the center of the party as of today. I think that's the boogeyman the left wants everyone to believe. in fact, they NEED to convince people of that as that it's not looking good for them this year and in 2024. So start the fear-mongering.

Of course, we'll see in 2 years but that will be 2 MORE YEARS for any pull he has to wane even more.
I've been thinking about this debate, and I think it's less about disagreements or people being unreasonable as it is about points of emphasis.

Let's start with the proviso that people across the political spectrum have been making incorrect predictions about Trump non-stop for the past seven years. Anyone who says they know for sure what will happen in '24 is just setting themselves up as a fool.

We should also stipulate that saying people got predictions "wrong" is a case of putting results over process. Trump probably would have lost in 2016 without the Comey letter, and he probably would have won in 2020 without the pandemic. So a little humility is in order for all of us.

The totally reasonable argument that folks like @BladeRunner are making is that Trump has done a bunch of stuff that should disqualify him for both moral and political reasons. Hell, just the fact that he lost the presidential election should be enough. Nobody in 1982/1994 was talking about Carter or HW Bush as viable presidential candidates, because they were universally viewed, even within their own parties, as losers. Throw in all the other stuff Trump has done and one can certainly imagine the scenario where, even if he tries to run again, the party decisively rejects him.

The counterargument, which I also think is perfectly reasonable, is that Trump has continually defied the odds on losses and scandals that would have taken out other politicians, plus the fact that he still maintains a very strong relationship with the MAGA base.

Like I said, I'm not going to make any predictions as to how it will turn out. We'll know soon enough. But I will make one provisional prediction: If Trump runs, the ONLY way he will lose the primary is if DeSantis or another plausible challenger (but mostly DeSantis) takes him on directly. None of this Cruz/Rubio stuff from 2016 where they treat him with kid gloves because they don't want him to turn his fire on them, and hope that they'll survive long enough to pick up the pieces when he implodes. If that's the strategy they adopt, he'll cruise to the nomination.

If it's DeSantis, he would probably need to attack him from the right (Covid restrictions and such). Also, while he couldn't come out directly and say Trump lost the '20 election, there would probably be a theme of "You had your chance and now it's time for someone else."

It'll be pretty difficult to pull off given Trump's connection with the base, even for a skilled pol like DeSantis. But the only way out is through
It'll be pretty difficult to pull off given Trump's connection with the base, even for a skilled pol like DeSantis. But the only way out is through
Or the other path, which if I were betting would be the one I’d bet on, is DeSantis waits 2024 out because he’s young let’s Trump shoot his last shot and make a run at ‘28. Why take Trump and his base head on when you don’t have to?
It'll be pretty difficult to pull off given Trump's connection with the base, even for a skilled pol like DeSantis. But the only way out is through
Or the other path, which if I were betting would be the one I’d bet on, is DeSantis waits 2024 out because he’s young let’s Trump shoot his last shot and make a run at ‘28. Why take Trump and his base head on when you don’t have to?
That may be what he decides to do, but if so it would be a huge mistake, IMO. For one thing, presidential windows are smaller than everyone thinks. (I've actually seen a couple reports that DeSantis has talked about this, and not missing his chance the way Christie did in 2012, or Obama didn't in 2008). But I also think for DeSantis in particular it would be bad for his "brand", which has been doing things when people are telling him not to. He wasn't supposed to run against the Establishment GOP candidate in 2018, he wasn't supposed to resist Covid lockdowns in 2020. He's a "fighter". So if he runs from a fight I don't think it will reflect well on him.

But more importantly from a macro perspective, that would be exactly what the GOP has been doing for the last seven years, and I don't think it's helped them very much. I guess you could argue that deferring to Trump allowed them to lock up the Supreme Court for a generation, but in all other respects Trump has been as much of a disaster for the GOP as he was for all those business ventures he launched. They became the first party in forever to lose a governing trifecta in just four years. But even more importantly, they can't seem to get rid of Trump. They keep waiting for someone else to take him out: the voters, the Jan. 6 committee, the DOJ. But none of those seem to have worked.

Like I said, the only way out is through. If the GOP can't take on Trump, they may never get rid of him. And they certainly won't deserve to.
So what do the Walker haters think about Raphael Warnock trying to evict people over $28 during the pandemic?
Please provide links to stuff like this. I imagine most of us have no idea what you are talkign about

I assume this is the story he is talking about.
So what do the Walker haters think about Raphael Warnock trying to evict people over $28 during the pandemic?
Please provide links to stuff like this. I imagine most of us have no idea what you are talkign about

I assume this is the story he is talking about.

You have never seen me use a Fox News link on this site. I can't vouch for that article but the headline sounds about right. I would recommend people find the information from a source they're comfortable with and, if that source isn't covering this story, they might want to reevaluate their sources.
So what do the Walker haters think about Raphael Warnock trying to evict people over $28 during the pandemic?
Please provide links to stuff like this. I imagine most of us have no idea what you are talkign about

I assume this is the story he is talking about.

You have never seen me use a Fox News link on this site. I can't vouch for that article but the headline sounds about right. I would recommend people find the information from a source they're comfortable with and, if that source isn't covering this story, they might want to reevaluate their sources.
I don't care, I was just linking to an article that seemed to fit the story. I'm not a "source cop".
Don't know how much Warnock is involved in the day to day business activities of his church as its senior pastor. Sounds like they own the apartment building as an investment and it's run by a professional management company that evicts tenants when they don't pay their rent.

In any case, Warnock should be involved and should be accountable for this. He should probably resign as senior pastor. But he won't.

I've never known of a church or a politician that didn't put money first and people second. It's too bad that we can't have better options for candidates. Neither Warnock nor Walker should hold any office of any significance.
I've never known of a church or a politician that didn't put money first and people second. It's too bad that we can't have better options for candidates. Neither Warnock nor Walker should hold any office of any significance.

Wow. What a terrible thing that that's been your experience.

I have known a ton of churches that put people before money. But that's me.

The fact you have the opinion you do says the church has done a pretty awful job.
I've never known of a church or a politician that didn't put money first and people second. It's too bad that we can't have better options for candidates. Neither Warnock nor Walker should hold any office of any significance.

Wow. What a terrible thing that that's been your experience.

I have known a ton of churches that put people before money. But that's me.

The fact you have the opinion you do says the church has done a pretty awful job.
I have regularly attended several different churches over the course of my life. Every one was focused on money. Every pastor was wealthy--far more so than their average parishioner. Some did contribute to the community, but all were about money, expansion and investment first.

The largest church in my town is a Presbyterian church that I went to for a few years when I first moved here. Every single sermon/message included a portion on the importance of tithing and giving money to the church. It was absolutely clear what the most important thing to the church was. It wasn't subtle.

The head pastor of the next church I attended built a massive custom-built home on multiple acres, just off the water. He wasn't rich before he co-founded his own church.

Until the US ends the ridiculous tax exemption for churches, we will continue to encourage religion as a for-profit business disguised as a non-profit charity.

Once my daughter reached the age where she decided that she no longer wanted to attend church, I left and never went back.
So what do the Walker haters think about Raphael Warnock trying to evict people over $28 during the pandemic?
Please provide links to stuff like this. I imagine most of us have no idea what you are talkign about
Why? Assuming what I wrote is true, what do you think about it?
Why? Because you wrote one sentence about what is very likely a bigger story. But I'll bite, if he evicted people for owing 28 dollars that's terrible and he probably shouldn't be a landlord.

Now, you got a link for us?
So what do the Walker haters think about Raphael Warnock trying to evict people over $28 during the pandemic?
Please provide links to stuff like this. I imagine most of us have no idea what you are talkign about
Why? Assuming what I wrote is true, what do you think about it?
Why? Because you wrote one sentence about what is very likely a bigger story. But I'll bite, if he evicted people for owing 28 dollars that's terrible and he probably shouldn't be a landlord.

Now, you got a link for us?

tymarsas was apparently able to find it. He even posted a link, although I can't speak to the accuracy of that link. You should be able to find it on your own though if you have any interest in being informed.
So what do the Walker haters think about Raphael Warnock trying to evict people over $28 during the pandemic?
Please provide links to stuff like this. I imagine most of us have no idea what you are talkign about
Why? Assuming what I wrote is true, what do you think about it?
Why? Because you wrote one sentence about what is very likely a bigger story. But I'll bite, if he evicted people for owing 28 dollars that's terrible and he probably shouldn't be a landlord.

Now, you got a link for us?

tymarsas was apparently able to find it. He even posted a link, although I can't speak to the accuracy of that link. You should be able to find it on your own though if you have any interest in being informed.

You drop in here with one line with no context and no link and ask me to do my own research. Solid way to start a productive conversation.
So what do the Walker haters think about Raphael Warnock trying to evict people over $28 during the pandemic?
Please provide links to stuff like this. I imagine most of us have no idea what you are talkign about
Why? Assuming what I wrote is true, what do you think about it?
Why? Because you wrote one sentence about what is very likely a bigger story. But I'll bite, if he evicted people for owing 28 dollars that's terrible and he probably shouldn't be a landlord.

Now, you got a link for us?

tymarsas was apparently able to find it. He even posted a link, although I can't speak to the accuracy of that link. You should be able to find it on your own though if you have any interest in being informed.

You drop in here with one line with no context and no link and ask me to do my own research. Solid way to start a productive conversation.
It's not exactly hard to find. As soon as the story came out, Walker and the GOP jumped on it.

It isn't clear what Warnock knew, or what his personal involvement is with the apartments. His church owns the apartment building and they have a business partner that runs it. Apparently they've been very aggressive with collections. It's a bad look for Warnock because during the height of the pandemic he took a vocal position against evictions.

News flash: politician/religious leader is a hypocrite. Who could have predicted that?
So what do the Walker haters think about Raphael Warnock trying to evict people over $28 during the pandemic?
Please provide links to stuff like this. I imagine most of us have no idea what you are talkign about

I assume this is the story he is talking about.
I'll take Warnock's side a bit here, I kind of doubt the Sheriff there doesn't have more pressing needs than to evict people for $25, or who are one month late. I have a Sheriff who works with me when people get behind and I wouldn't dare call his office over something like that. Now it is quite possible they sent delinquent letters that threaten all kinds of things. Whether they should do that over those type of amounts or not is up to the individual to decide. I just find it hard to believe the Sheriff is going to go out and post people or take eviction actions in such a case. I'm no Warnock fan but business is business, I won't crap on him for it.
So what do the Walker haters think about Raphael Warnock trying to evict people over $28 during the pandemic?
Please provide links to stuff like this. I imagine most of us have no idea what you are talkign about

I assume this is the story he is talking about.

You have never seen me use a Fox News link on this site. I can't vouch for that article but the headline sounds about right. I would recommend people find the information from a source they're comfortable with and, if that source isn't covering this story, they might want to reevaluate their sources.
Cool to see you become a tenant rights advocate
So what do the Walker haters think about Raphael Warnock trying to evict people over $28 during the pandemic?
Please provide links to stuff like this. I imagine most of us have no idea what you are talkign about

I assume this is the story he is talking about.
Are they polyamorous though?
I've never known of a church or a politician that didn't put money first and people second. It's too bad that we can't have better options for candidates. Neither Warnock nor Walker should hold any office of any significance.

Wow. What a terrible thing that that's been your experience.

I have known a ton of churches that put people before money. But that's me.

The fact you have the opinion you do says the church has done a pretty awful job.
I have regularly attended several different churches over the course of my life. Every one was focused on money. Every pastor was wealthy--far more so than their average parishioner. Some did contribute to the community, but all were about money, expansion and investment first.

The largest church in my town is a Presbyterian church that I went to for a few years when I first moved here. Every single sermon/message included a portion on the importance of tithing and giving money to the church. It was absolutely clear what the most important thing to the church was. It wasn't subtle.

The head pastor of the next church I attended built a massive custom-built home on multiple acres, just off the water. He wasn't rich before he co-founded his own church.

Until the US ends the ridiculous tax exemption for churches, we will continue to encourage religion as a for-profit business disguised as a non-profit charity.

Once my daughter reached the age where she decided that she no longer wanted to attend church, I left and never went back.

I'm sorry that's been your experience.

That's not been mine at all but each person's experience is what matters to them.

We Christians have done a really poor job there if that's the result we've left you with.
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I'll take Warnock's side a bit here, I kind of doubt the Sheriff there doesn't have more pressing needs than to evict people for $25, or who are one month late. I have a Sheriff who works with me when people get behind and I wouldn't dare call his office over something like that. Now it is quite possible they sent delinquent letters that threaten all kinds of things. Whether they should do that over those type of amounts or not is up to the individual to decide. I just find it hard to believe the Sheriff is going to go out and post people or take eviction actions in such a case. I'm no Warnock fan but business is business, I won't crap on him for it.
Did you read the article linked? I am asking because my uninformed reading of it suggested that the issue wasn't the back rent of say $25, but the fines assessed for owing the $25. My question is how do such fines work? And how much could someone that owed $25 run up in fines? I am asking hoping you (or someone else) can make sense of this aspect for me. My only points of reference are the Dirty Money episode in communities near where I spent much of my life and a little bit on how our criminal justice systems fees poor people into "debtor's prison"*.

*I am hoping "debtor's prison" was a bit of hyperbole.
I'll take Warnock's side a bit here, I kind of doubt the Sheriff there doesn't have more pressing needs than to evict people for $25, or who are one month late. I have a Sheriff who works with me when people get behind and I wouldn't dare call his office over something like that. Now it is quite possible they sent delinquent letters that threaten all kinds of things. Whether they should do that over those type of amounts or not is up to the individual to decide. I just find it hard to believe the Sheriff is going to go out and post people or take eviction actions in such a case. I'm no Warnock fan but business is business, I won't crap on him for it.
Did you read the article linked? I am asking because my uninformed reading of it suggested that the issue wasn't the back rent of say $25, but the fines assessed for owing the $25. My question is how do such fines work? And how much could someone that owed $25 run up in fines? I am asking hoping you (or someone else) can make sense of this aspect for me. My only points of reference are the Dirty Money episode in communities near where I spent much of my life and a little bit on how our criminal justice systems fees poor people into "debtor's prison"*.

*I am hoping "debtor's prison" was a bit of hyperbole.
In many rental contracts there is a penalty for being late on your rent. Late means you didn't pay your rent in full and on time (usually with a short grace period). So if you only owe $25 but you paid the rest, you still get the same penalty. Based on the linked story, it seems like the penalty was $300, so the guy that only owed $25 had to pay $325 to avoid eviction.

It looks to me like there was a property management company in place that immediately filed papers for eviction when someone's rent was late. That's a bit harsh, but legal in a normal environment (many places stopped evictions like this during the height of the pandemic; most of those prohibitions have been lifted). Like I said above, it's just a bad look for Warnock since he was an outspoken advocate of eviction prohibitions.
In many rental contracts there is a penalty for being late on your rent. Late means you didn't pay your rent in full and on time (usually with a short grace period). So if you only owe $25 but you paid the rest, you still get the same penalty. Based on the linked story, it seems like the penalty was $300, so the guy that only owed $25 had to pay $325 to avoid eviction.
Thanks. I'm guessing that some people end up paying (or at least owing) much more in fines than they do rent in these cases.
It looks to me like there was a property management company in place that immediately filed papers for eviction when someone's rent was late. That's a bit harsh, but legal in a normal environment (many places stopped evictions like this during the height of the pandemic; most of those prohibitions have been lifted). Like I said above, it's just a bad look for Warnock since he was an outspoken advocate of eviction prohibitions.
I've never known of a church or a politician that didn't put money first and people second. It's too bad that we can't have better options for candidates. Neither Warnock nor Walker should hold any office of any significance.

Wow. What a terrible thing that that's been your experience.

I have known a ton of churches that put people before money. But that's me.

The fact you have the opinion you do says the church has done a pretty awful job.
I'm not going to put all churches in that bucket but certainly some do. My first step towards my eventual atheism was from a similar example. Short version: I was an alter boy and also occasionally volunteered to work the phones in the rectory. The church was, at that time, fund raising to build a $750K bell tower addition. Homeless and hungry guy came to rectory looking for food, I got the monsignor, he turned him away. That fact that they were saving up tons of money for bells and not feeding a hungry and homeless dude made me start asking the questions that led to my eventual rejection of organized religion.

Even as an atheist, I still think there is plenty of wisdom in the bible and specifically in Jesus's example. It's unfortunate that far too often we see churches that fail to follow that example. I'm sure some do a decent enough job of it, but plenty don't. I wish people would follow my leave and reject those institutions instead of continuing to support and fund them. You don't have to become an atheist, but maybe find a new church that does a better job caring for our fellow men.
(many places stopped evictions like this during the height of the pandemic; most of those prohibitions have been lifted)
During the pandemic, if you had a govt backed loan, you could not evict someone for not paying their rent. You could only get rid of them when their lease was up. I recall that around 48% of loans at the time were govt backed.

I have a HUD loan on my rentals.
I'm sorry that's been your experience.

That's not been mine at all but each person's experience is what matters to them.

We Christians have done a really poor job there if that's the result we've left you with.
If it makes you feel any better, that has not been my experience.
Me neither. I’ve only attended Orthodox churches which invariably preach a simple, humble lifestyle which the clergy embody. The evolution and rise of some mainstream mega churches doesn’t seem Christian to me at all.

Back on topic, a few pages back, I was asked whether Fetterman’s health was concerning to me and said no. Reading now that he is having trouble hearing and articulating words, I’m now concerned. It will not change my vote, though, as I’m not voting for Oz. But I’m wishing more and more, like others certainly, that the Republican candidate was better.
Me neither. I’ve only attended Orthodox churches which invariably preach a simple, humble lifestyle which the clergy embody. The evolution and rise of some mainstream mega churches doesn’t seem Christian to me at all.
It may not seem Christian, but it makes for an absolutely hilarious HBO series.
@Joe Bryant - Why would you use the crying emoji on this post? Perhaps I should have been more explicit, but have you never heard of The Righteous Gemstones? It's got an all-star cast, great writing, Emmy nominations, and it's hilarious. Does it make fun of the Joel Osteen / Jerry Falwell types? Sure does, but I think you agree they aren't representative of what you think Christianity should be.

That is how bad this candidate is I guess.

For the people supporting Fetterman, which policy do you like?
The health issues have made this a competitive race. Without that he’d be running away with this. Very fair to have these concerns and NBC interview discussed this.

If I lived in Penn I’d definitely be voting for him over Oz. I had seen interviews with him during last presidential cycle and he was very good on calling out the BS during that.

He did good work as the mayor of a small town and is actually from the state, has experience governing and in government, I like his health care position, and his position on the environment is fairly aligned with mine.
If Trump gets the nomination (I'm 99% sure he won't) I'll be voting 3rd party as well.
Holy. ****! Im honestly shocked. If enough conservatives feel this same way there may be hope for the GOP yet.
Listen - what you see on TV is simply the MSM pushing what the left WANTS you to see. Guys like me don't fit the narrative so you're not going to hear a lot about us. There are more of us than there are of the OMG! MAGA DOOMSDAY!! crowd you hear the left screeching about.

74 million people voted for Trump less than 2 years ago. Do you think most or a significant portion of those 74 million would now vote third party (or not vote) if he were once again the GOP nominee? And if so, what do you think is the cause of the massive change of heart? Is it January 6? Or something else that has happened since November 2020?
74 million people voted for Trump because the alternative was worse. Of those voters, only a subset of those are true MAGA types.

Yes, a lot has changed. 1/6, document stealing, and a slew of other issues have more than enough moved the needle.
Another thing about Fetterman that many may not realize--he was a terrible debater in the past. He stumbled over his words, sometimes lost track of time, and generally looked unpolished well before the stroke. Relative to how he looked in the past, he's not that different now, really. But viewed in a vacuum, I could see where voters might get cold feet. It's a shame because, in my opinion, he is one of the very few politicians that I believe is genuine, wants to help make things better and is iconoclastic in a good way. I'm rarely eager to vote for a particular person but really like Fetterman. This just looks not so great especially if you have no sense of how unpolished he was in the past.
He did good work as the mayor of a small town and is actually from the state, has experience governing and in government, I like his health care position, and his position on the environment is fairly aligned with mine.
He's also in favor of legalizing pot on the federal level. Needs to be done and more Dems should run on it.
That is how bad this candidate is I guess.

For the people supporting Fetterman, which policy do you like?
Pretty much everything.
-bringing manufacturing jobs back
-legalize cannabis
-no elected reps trading stocks
He did good work as the mayor of a small town and is actually from the state, has experience governing and in government, I like his health care position, and his position on the environment is fairly aligned with mine.
He's also in favor of legalizing pot on the federal level. Needs to be done and more Dems should run on it.
Yep. Not an issue I overly care about but is the correct one and another issue that I believe he was way out in front on.

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