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***OFFICIAL Trump vs. DeSantis Thread*** (2 Viewers)

Pretty much what the committee hearings are doing.  
Sort of.  I am speaking of more "social" messaging.  Let's face it, we know the Klepper clip above is the rule, not the exception in terms of the people I am talking about reaching.  Committee  is going to do that at all.

The New Hampshire poll is interesting, but it’s contradicted by the most recent national poll of Republicans that has Trump leading by 30 points. 
One thing is pretty clear at this point: it’s one of these two. Other potential candidates- Pence, Haley, etc.- don’t have a shot. Since 2015, Republicans have become defiant, angry and nativist, and DeSantis like Trump captures that attitude. 
There's so much time between now and the election that I don't think we can say Haley has no shot.  The DNC/media has been loading up getting ready to destroy DeSantis for a while now.  In two years, he'll be labelled as the most racist, sexist, xenophobic dog killing human that ever lived.  I think Haley actually has the ability to cool things down in the country, so I very much hope she shows well in the primaries.

Feels like each new hearing is another nail in Trump's 2024 bid.  I much prefer Desantis to Trump as the GOP nominee but the GOP better be careful - a 3rd party bid by Trump would be devastating for Desantis.

There's so much time between now and the election that I don't think we can say Haley has no shot.  The DNC/media has been loading up getting ready to destroy DeSantis for a while now.  In two years, he'll be labelled as the most racist, sexist, xenophobic dog killing human that ever lived.  I think Haley actually has the ability to cool things down in the country, so I very much hope she shows well in the primaries.

2nd most.

Feels like each new hearing is another nail in Trump's 2024 bid.  I much prefer Desantis to Trump as the GOP nominee but the GOP better be careful - a 3rd party bid by Trump would be devastating for Desantis.

He's not going to risk losing again - which he will do as an independent.
More likely he tells his supporters to stay home and not vote

He's not going to risk losing again - which he will do as an independent.
More likely he tells his supporters to stay home and not vote
More likely he "endorses" DeSantis in a speech that's all about him and then spends the entire general election sniping from the sidelines.

The Dude said:
He's not going to risk losing again - which he will do as an independent.
More likely he tells his supporters to stay home and not vote

I think his desire to make money may outweigh him "losing".  And I put losing in quotes because he will just say it was stolen - no matter how bad he does.  If the GOP doesn't play it right and pisses him off I could easily see him running 3rd party - because god knows he doesn't give a #### about the GOP.

What Happens if the GOP Tries to Leave Trump Behind

It’s not exactly a thunderous roar, more like a stage whisper, running through the ranks of what we used to think of as mainstream Republicans: “Maybe he doesn’t have to be our nominee in 2024.”

They grasp, if not at straws, then at green shoots springing up in one place after another. In Georgia, virtually all of Donald Trump’s favorites lost their nomination fights. A new poll out of New Hampshire shows Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis running a couple of points ahead of Trump among GOP voters; last October, by comparison, Trump had a 25-point margin. The revelations from the Jan. 6 Committee, while apparently changing few Republican minds, has painted a picture of presidential misconduct so blatant that nearly six in 10 Americans believe he should be charged with criminal conduct. (Pro Tip: A presidential candidate under criminal indictment is in a suboptimal situation). More and more Republicans, while not confronting Trump directly, speak in Aesopian terms about not fighting past battles, about looking to the future, about nominating someone with vaguely humanoid hair (OK, not that last one just yet).

But if Republicans are thinking optimistically about a 2024 campaign without Trump as their nominee, they are also in the grip of an illusion — one which demonstrates a striking lack of understanding about who Trump is.

Here’s the illusion: Trump runs again, but GOP voters are persuaded it is time to turn the page; then, after a series of losses in states ranging from New Hampshire to Georgia to Florida, Trump realizes that there is no mathematical way for him to win the nomination, and throws his support to the apparent nominee, pledging to do all he can to ensure a Republican victory.

OK, now let’s return to planet Earth.
I honestly have no idea whether Trump v. DeSantis will happen, or how it will play out if it does. But anyone who's ready to consign Trump to the dustbin of history has to actually grapple with the scenario discussed above. I've seen far too many people yada-yadaing that part

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What Happens if the GOP Tries to Leave Trump Behind

I honestly have no idea whether Trump v. DeSantis will happen, or how it will play out if it does. But anyone who's ready to consign Trump to the dustbin of history has to actually grapple with the scenario discussed above. I've seen far too many people yada-yadaing that part of the scenario.

Trump is already left behind.  We don't need to grapple with anything except moving forward.

I stand by BladeRunner's Official 2024 GOP PredictionTM: Trump will not run, but if he does he won't win the nom.  He's already lost support and is losing more day by day.  The trend is downward as far as his support is concerned and it will continue to go even further down.

The only people propping Trump up are those that are focused on him 24/7 insisting on making him a martyr.   Conservatives like me have moved on to DeSantis at the moment, but someone else may pop up by 2024 too.

What Happens if the GOP Tries to Leave Trump Behind

I honestly have no idea whether Trump v. DeSantis will happen, or how it will play out if it does. But anyone who's ready to consign Trump to the dustbin of history has to actually grapple with the scenario discussed above. I've seen far too many people yada-yadaing that part
"When he lost the Iowa caucuses to Ted Cruz, he tweeted: “Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified.” He claimed he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton in 2016 because of the “millions” of aliens who voted illegally."


Sounds like a smoooooth transition 

Trump is already left behind.  We don't need to grapple with anything except moving forward.

I stand by BladeRunner's Official 2024 GOP PredictionTM: Trump will not run, but if he does he won't win the nom.  He's already lost support and is losing more day by day.  The trend is downward as far as his support is concerned and it will continue to go even further down.

The only people propping Trump up are those that are focused on him 24/7 insisting on making him a martyr.   Conservatives like me have moved on to DeSantis at the moment, but someone else may pop up by 2024 too.
That's certainly a plausible prediction, but exactly as I said, you yada-yada'd the part my post was about: What does Trump do after he runs for the nomination and loses?

That's certainly a plausible prediction, but exactly as I said, you yada-yada'd the part my post was about: What does Trump do after he runs for the nomination and loses?

He goes away to the dust bin of history.  TBH, I don't really care. 

Trump, don't go away mad.  Trump, just go away.

That's certainly a plausible prediction, but exactly as I said, you yada-yada'd the part my post was about: What does Trump do after he runs for the nomination and loses?
Rile up some yahoos to ruin their life,  endanger some people, and try and thumb wrestle a trained bodyguard 40 years his junior? 

He goes away to the dust bin of history.  TBH, I don't really care. 

Trump, don't go away mad.  Trump, just go away.
As I've said many times, I would like nothing better than for you to be correct. Then again, there's that small matter of the 76-year sample size indicating otherwise

ETA: I grew up in the tri-state area, so I've literally been waiting my entire life for him to go away

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Trump can't win the presidency. He will make it all about how he really won in 2020. That's a losing issue.

Desantis could skip WI and actually win. 

Please let it be Desantis. 

What are the odds the Donald freaks out as people abandon him and burns it all down? I’ll say 20%.
It's probably greater than that if he runs and loses, if you are referring to the overall odds as of today regardless of outcomes probably about right.  I still think he's the favorite if he runs, assuming he stays fast on his feet with the speech and debate style.  People don't like him, I get it.  But he's pretty fast with the quips and he's good at speaking on the fly when they get on stage.  He made fools out of most of the field last time.  For God's sakes he had Marco Rubio talking about genitalia size.  But he is getting older, and there is still some time to go.  However, if he does run and loses, there's a good chance of the R's faltering in 2024 by people simply staying home.

We will never see DeSantis vs Trump.  Not going to happen.  Only way Ron runs is if Donald doesn’t.  

it is not about party to me. I want that traitorous loser to face charges for election fraud and conspiracy to circumvent the will of the American people.  

I don’t care if it helps or hurts either party.
I thought Twitter was the only place people like this posted. Isn't this supposed to be a football board with normal, sensible guys?

Trump/DeSantis in '24

DeSantis/Hawley in '28

National voter ID and that's a slam dunk 12 years of America first. 

Trump/DeSantis in '24

DeSantis/Hawley in '28

National voter ID and that's a slam dunk 12 years of America first. 
So states decide all other things about elections (at least that is the GOP push), but we need a national ID law to combat a statistically non-existent problem?  Are these free IDs?  Free transportation?  Going to make legacy documents available to those who don’t have them?  Ease of access for IDs in all areas?

So states decide all other things about elections (at least that is the GOP push), but we need a national ID law to combat a statistically non-existent problem?  Are these free IDs?  Free transportation?  Going to make legacy documents available to those who don’t have them?  Ease of access for IDs in all areas?
I know you're against it because a fair election is your worst nightmare but it's not a complicated implementation. National voter ID, polls open one day, absentee ballots by request only; only for military, overseas, physically disabled. 

Statistically non existent?  You've got the talking points down my man lol. Tell me you have zero idea about what happened in '20 without telling me. 

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I know you're against it because a fair election is your worst nightmare but it's not a complicated implementation. National voter ID, polls open one day, absentee ballots by request only; only for military, overseas, physically disabled. 

Statistically non existent?  You've got the talking points down my man lol. Tell me you have zero idea about what happened in '20 without telling me. 
We have fair elections.  Im ok with voter IDs if there is easy access for all to get them.  That has not been the case in states that push them. No limiting stations in certain areas or hours making it more difficult for some to obtain them.

Absentee and mail in access to more than just military and disabled…it has been secure manner of voting for some time now.

Its not talking points…it’s the fact that study after study has come away with the same conclusion.  Trump’s own commission dissolved without finding fraud.  2020 was a secure election…every actual recount, study, audit…has shown that.  You have zero real evidence of statistically significant voter fraud.  

Every time I see people just assuming Trump will slink away after a primary defeat I’m reminded of a tweet I saw in November 2020: “Anyone who’s ever broken up with a malignant narcissist knows what the next two months are going to be like.”

Trump showed us in 2020 exactly how he handles rejection. What has he demonstrated in the past two years to make you think he would behave differently if it happened again?

We have fair elections.  Im ok with voter IDs if there is easy access for all to get them.  That has not been the case in states that push them. No limiting stations in certain areas or hours making it more difficult for some to obtain them.

Absentee and mail in access to more than just military and disabled…it has been secure manner of voting for some time now.

Its not talking points…it’s the fact that study after study has come away with the same conclusion.  Trump’s own commission dissolved without finding fraud.  2020 was a secure election…every actual recount, study, audit…has shown that.  You have zero real evidence of statistically significant voter fraud.  
You're 100% wrong. There have been a ton of actual fraud discovered. You have to find it in places you probably would never look because of the obstruction campaign by social media/mainstream media. I'm almost positive you're in a restrictive bubble and will never venture out of it to see ALL the angles. I'm not opposed to watching  hardcore left outlets like CNN or MSNBC or reading Politico etc...  How much time do you spend on Real America's Voice or RSBN?  You roll your eyes at those like we roll our eyes at you and your failed theories about 2K mules. Telling me to go read some other thread on here like it's not just another hardcore anti Trump coddling. I've read people a lot smarter than what I'm seeing here try to debunk it and D'Souza tears it apart. 

You're 100% wrong. There have been a ton of actual fraud discovered. You have to find it in places you probably would never look because of the obstruction campaign by social media/mainstream media. I'm almost positive you're in a restrictive bubble and will never venture out of it to see ALL the angles. I'm not opposed to watching  hardcore left outlets like CNN or MSNBC or reading Politico etc...  How much time do you spend on Real America's Voice or RSBN?  You roll your eyes at those like we roll our eyes at you and your failed theories about 2K mules. Telling me to go read some other thread on here like it's not just another hardcore anti Trump coddling. I've read people a lot smarter than what I'm seeing here try to debunk it and D'Souza tears it apart. 
There is definitely no Republican voter fraud :lol:  

You're 100% wrong. There have been a ton of actual fraud discovered. You have to find it in places you probably would never look because of the obstruction campaign by social media/mainstream media. I'm almost positive you're in a restrictive bubble and will never venture out of it to see ALL the angles. I'm not opposed to watching  hardcore left outlets like CNN or MSNBC or reading Politico etc...  How much time do you spend on Real America's Voice or RSBN?  You roll your eyes at those like we roll our eyes at you and your failed theories about 2K mules. Telling me to go read some other thread on here like it's not just another hardcore anti Trump coddling. I've read people a lot smarter than what I'm seeing here try to debunk it and D'Souza tears it apart. 
why would I spend time on sites and apps that push propaganda and lies?

The restrictive bubble you claim…is I don’t go to fringe sites of wither side that are known for just flat out lying to people .

But yes…just proclaim me 100% wrong.  Im very comfortable with the fact that I have the truth and facts on my side.  If you did…it would have played out in our legal system.  Yet no fraud brought forth.  Just brought solely to fringe media who lack any journalistic integrity.

My theories about 2000 mules are well supported in facts (and again there is a thread discussing that). 

why would I spend time on sites and apps that push propaganda and lies?

The restrictive bubble you claim…is I don’t go to fringe sites of wither side that are known for just flat out lying to people .

But yes…just proclaim me 100% wrong.  Im very comfortable with the fact that I have the truth and facts on my side.  If you did…it would have played out in our legal system.  Yet no fraud brought forth.  Just brought solely to fringe media who lack any journalistic integrity.

My theories about 2000 mules are well supported in facts (and again there is a thread discussing that). 
You don't have any facts on your side. Don't refer to judges throwing out suits a month after the election as proof of no widespread fraud. 

If you've ever watched CNN then you've watched the biggest offender of peddling propaganda and lies in the history of our country and it's been proven. You probably still think Trump colluded with Russia, there was no spying hoax, and the dossier is legit. Let me guess, there's a thread on here backing you up?

You don't have any facts on your side. Don't refer to judges throwing out suits a month after the election as proof of no widespread fraud. 

If you've ever watched CNN then you've watched the biggest offender of peddling propaganda and lies in the history of our country and it's been proven. You probably still think Trump colluded with Russia, there was no spying hoax, and the dossier is legit. Let me guess, there's a thread on here backing you up?

Sure I do…the fact that zero actual evidence of wide spread voter fraud has been presented anywhere is a FACT.

I refer to the FACT there wasn’t even fraud alleged in most of those suits and Trump’s own lawyers admitted as much.

And yes…there are threads on plenty of those topics.

Every time I see people just assuming Trump will slink away after a primary defeat I’m reminded of a tweet I saw in November 2020: “Anyone who’s ever broken up with a malignant narcissist knows what the next two months are going to be like.”

Trump showed us in 2020 exactly how he handles rejection. What has he demonstrated in the past two years to make you think he would behave differently if it happened again?
Yeah, the magnanimous step aside and endorsement, I don't see it.

There's no money in it. He raised 250 mill conning dumb people into thinking he's fighting voter fraud. Then using that money to pay legal bills. Well, he still has legal bills. 

He lost the revenue stream of putting his name on things, because no one who stays in hotels regularly wants to stay in a hotel with his name on it. So......what's he doing for a living? 

Fund-raising as a politician. I don't see how handing off the baton to Ronny Florida, a guy Donald possibly sees as a watered-down version of himself, is in Trump's best interest. 

I'll take the Desantis/Scott ticket please
You must not be aware that those two absolutely hate each other.  I have heard rumblings of Scott running, but I can't fathom why anyone 55+ would want him anywhere near the White House that close to their time to start drawing social security or need access to Medicare

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I still think he's the favorite if he runs, assuming he stays fast on his feet with the speech and debate style.  People don't like him, I get it.  But he's pretty fast with the quips and he's good at speaking on the fly when they get on stage.  He made fools out of most of the field last time.  For God's sakes he had Marco Rubio talking about genitalia size. 
That this is how we judge candidates aptly describes why we have clown show representation. 

You must not be aware that those two absolutely hate each other.  I have heard rumblings of Scott running, but I can't fathom why anyone 55+ would want him anywhere near the White House that close to their time to start drawing social security or need access to Medicare
Pretty sure he meant Tim, not Rick. The latter would be unconstitutional anyway since they’re from the same state. Also, SC is the personification of the conservatives belief  that all liberal talk about diversity is cynical tokenism, so there’s no reason conservatives shouldn’t engage in cynical tokenism as well. (That’s also the kind of thinking that gave us Herschel Walker’s Senate campaign)

Yeah, the magnanimous step aside and endorsement, I don't see it.

There's no money in it. He raised 250 mill conning dumb people into thinking he's fighting voter fraud. Then using that money to pay legal bills. Well, he still has legal bills. 

He lost the revenue stream of putting his name on things, because no one who stays in hotels regularly wants to stay in a hotel with his name on it. So......what's he doing for a living? 

Fund-raising as a politician. I don't see how handing off the baton to Ronny Florida, a guy Donald possibly sees as a watered-down version of himself, is in Trump's best interest. 
Leave aside the money (I know, hard to do with Trump) and consider it solely from the perspective of Trump’s ego. He threw a constitution-endangering tantrum rather than accept that American voters rejected him. Now imagine how he would react if Republican primary voters did the same thing. Now imagine that, after beating him, DeSantis goes on to do what Trump couldn’t: beat Biden. I don’t see how he could ever face up to that indignity. 

Which is not to say none of those things can happen. I just think we have to factor into any predictions we make how Trump will react if they do

Pretty sure he meant Tim, not Rick. The latter would be unconstitutional anyway since they’re from the same state. Also, SC is the personification of the conservatives belief  that all liberal talk about diversity is cynical tokenism, so there’s no reason conservatives shouldn’t engage in cynical tokenism as well. (That’s also the kind of thinking that gave us Herschel Walker’s Senate campaign)
Ah.....that makes even less sense. Theres no way Tim would sign on to the nonsense as presented today. Desantis would have to do some major rebranding or Scott would have to sell his soul. 

Ah.....that makes even less sense. Theres no way Tim would sign on to the nonsense as presented today. Desantis would have to do some major rebranding or Scott would have to sell his soul. 
I see little evidence that Tim Scott possesses the soul of which you speak. While he may be far from MTG-level crazy, he’s a down-the-line loyal Republican who seemingly had no issues with Trump. I think if DeSantis picked him he would sign on willingly

I see little evidence that Tim Scott possesses the soul of which you speak. While he may be far from MTG-level crazy, he’s a down-the-line loyal Republican who seemingly had no issues with Trump. I think if DeSantis picked him he would sign on willingly
Then this isn't the Scott that I knew in the House....that's unfortunate.  At one point he was all in on poverty and equal opportunity.  I guess things have taken a turn for the worse since we moved to Florida...didn't realize that.  Jellyfish and Jellyfish2 Electric Boog-a-loo would be a catchy bumper sticker.

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Cheney said the Republican Party "can't survive" if the former president runs for the White House again and wins the GOP nomination for 2024

I think that he can't be the party nominee. And I don't think the party would survive that," Cheney said. "I believe in the party, and I and I believe in what the party can be and what the party can stand for. And I'm not ready to give that up."

"Those of us who believe in Republican principles and ideals have a responsibility to try to lead the party back to what it can be, and to reject, and to reject so much of the toxin and the vitriol," she added.

The complete interview with Janathon Karl


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