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Biden Voters, do you regret your vote for Biden? (1 Viewer)

Biden Voters, do you regret your vote for Biden?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 8.8%
  • No

    Votes: 79 69.3%
  • I didn't vote for Biden

    Votes: 25 21.9%

  • Total voters
Funny you should ask. The article I cite directly addresses that. As the Democratic Party moves further to the left, Biden positions himself in the center of that Party. It is more leftward today than it was yesteryear; ergo, Biden is governing from further left than he once would have. 
There are many problems with the article you cited but here’s the main one- it was written over a year ago at a time when Biden was pushing a much more liberal agenda than he actually got. In doing so he behaved no differently from every President in recent history: in the first 100 days of your administration, you push for “sky is the limit” policies, knowing that you’re only going to get a small handful of it. What, exactly, did Biden get? A second stimulus (worth criticizing, but hardly leftist) and an infrastructure deal. And nothing else of his supposed “leftist” agenda. Which of course, goes to the argument that Biden has been an ineffective President. But not a leftist one. 
The other problem with the article is that it conflates liberalism and leftism. And this is all too common by far too many people on the left and right, including yourself IMO. So let’s get this right: a liberal is for tinkering with our current system- sometimes a LOT of tinkering, sometimes a LOT of money. This includes many progressive proposals, such as many listed in the article. A leftist, on the other hand, believes that the current system is so heavily flawed there is no point in tinkering with it- it must be replaced. Biden is not and has never been a leftist. 

A leftist, on the other hand, believes that the current system is so heavily flawed there is no point in tinkering with it- it must be replaced. Biden is not and has never been a leftist
This is sort of a new definition to me. I guess if that's what it means then you have a valid criticism. I'd always thought that there was more fluidity in coming from the left side of the political spectrum, but have at it all you wish. 

From Wiki: Leftist economic beliefs range from Keynesian economics and the welfare state through industrial democracy and the social market to the nationalization of the economy and central planning,[16] to the anarcho-syndicalist advocacy of a council- and assembly-based self-managed anarchist communism. 

I don't think tim's right about this. All my life, the Wiki definition is how I've proceeded with leftism and the understanding of leftism, and I have no birds in the bush to protect when it comes to defining "the left," whereas it's vital to tim's point that he make the distinction. 

You decide. 

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From Wiki: Leftist economic beliefs range from Keynesian economics and the welfare state through industrial democracy and the social market to the nationalization of the economy and central planning,[16] to the anarcho-syndicalist advocacy of a council- and assembly-based self-managed anarchist communism. 
That’s a very wide range isn’t it? I believe in Keynesian economics and the welfare state. I don’t believe in the rest of that garbage. So what does that make me exactly? 

His appointments speak volumes. His insistence on a monetary policy that begat inflation was easily foreseeable, and goes back to the old leftist creditor/debtor saw, whereby devaluing the currency means devaluing debt. 
Biden reappointed a Republican as Fed chair who has overseen a strong increase in the dollar.  This is just a complete load of BS. 

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I don't think tim's right about this. All my life, the Wiki definition is how I've proceeded with leftism and the understanding of leftism, and I have no birds in the bush to protect when it comes to defining "the left," whereas it's vital to tim's point that he make the distinction. 

You decide. 

IMO, In order to support his position he MUST narrow it down to this specific type of leftism only. 

That's not how it's really working nowadays - they're perfectly fine with taking it over instead of tearing it down.  They grow in size on the Democrat side of the aisle every election - that's how it will - and is - being done.  From the inside.

The days of Revolucion!! are so 20th century.  There is a new order.

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That’s a very wide range isn’t it? I believe in Keynesian economics and the welfare state. I don’t believe in the rest of that garbage. So what does that make me exactly? 
It makes you a point along the sliding scale of the political line that goes     

left <-------------------------------------------------------------------> right

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I mean, pick your point along the line. Biden has. It's somewhere in between the furthest left in his party (further left than even before) and the political center. 

Reading this makes it sound like your rebuttal is a whole load of BS, Desert. Straight from an ally's mouth. 

Googling random articles doesn't change the fact that you are wrong. Biden has reappointed a Fed Chair that has overseen a strong appreciation of the USD in recent months. It is completely incorrect to claim, as you did, that he is trying to devalue the currency as some leftist ploy. The dollar is stronger than it has been in 20 years. 

That's a pretty wide gap between the two. 
Sure. And the article I cited had him running to the right of Sanders and the left of Hillary back in 2016 if he'd been given the real go-ahead to run. 

That's about where he'd be on the line. And he's governed that way. 

The dollar is stronger than it has been in 20 years.
Strong when compared to what? A "strong" dollar internationally doesn't mean that "strong" is good. I took Int'l Econ, too. I'm an ECON major. Not a good one, but I am one.

When you say "strong," are you saying compared to its buying power a year ago? Surely this can't be a serious claim. And surely my claim was about inflation, not whether the dollar was "strong" internationally, which is how people generally use the term. 

Again, I could be mistaken. But I doubt it. 

The correct question is do you regret your vote for Biden in the Democratic primary? I can't imagine any Biden voter regretting their vote over Trump

I opted against voting since it was already over by the time Ohio came around, but while he was not my choice then there was never a thought in the general. Nothing's changed then vs now. I hope someone else other than Biden runs in 24, but if he does and the opposition is Trump branded then I'm  voting blue again. He's gonna lose, but this is why I'm voting Tim Ryan in November. On the other side of the coin this is also why I'm voting Mike DeWine again.

There's a very clear line between reasonable conservative and...that.


I opted against voting since it was already over by the time Ohio came around, but while he was not my choice then there was never a thought in the general. Nothing's changed then vs now. I hope someone else other than Biden runs in 24, but if he does and the opposition is Trump branded then I'm  voting blue again. He's gonna lose, but this is why I'm voting Tim Ryan in November. On the other side of the coin this is also why I'm voting Mike DeWine again.

There's a very clear line between reasonable conservative and...that.

Ah, you don't want J.D. Vance. I just looked up Tim Ryan and how he's running against him. I don't blame you. Best of luck. Sounds like an uphill climb. 

dkp993 said:
Didn’t vote for Biden but regret everyday he was the candidate.  

Pretty much everyone does. 

COVID really helped Biden as he did not have to campaign much.  Once Biden was elected and it the public eye people realized how old and in decline he actually is.

Strong when compared to what? A "strong" dollar internationally doesn't mean that "strong" is good. I took Int'l Econ, too. I'm an ECON major. Not a good one, but I am one.

When you say "strong," are you saying compared to its buying power a year ago? Surely this can't be a serious claim. And surely my claim was about inflation, not whether the dollar was "strong" internationally, which is how people generally use the term. 

Again, I could be mistaken. But I doubt it. 
Your claim was that he was devaluing the dollar. Technically, this means the US government is intervening in foreign currency markets to make the dollar less valuable relative to other currencies. That claim is completely incorrect. I was somewhat charitable in assuming you meant depreciation instead of devaluation. Unfortunately, you are also incorrect here as the dollar as been appreciating strongly versus other currencies. 

Pivoting to now claim you were actually talking about inflation is somewhat understandable given your claims at the root of this conversation were completely nonsensical. Still, you are incorrect to claim that monetary policy is responsible for current price changes and very incorrect to say it is a leftist ploy from Biden. 

Huh. That doesn't sound right. The first thing I pull from Google states:

"To devalue a currency, like the dollar, means that the value of the currency decreases. In the case of the dollar, we call this dollar devaluation. The value of a currency is also referred to as purchasing power. The more a currency is devalued, the less you can buy with it because the purchasing power decreases."

Sounds an awful lot like devaluation has to do with inflation, no? 

Huh. That doesn't sound right. The first thing I pull from Google states:

"To devalue a currency, like the dollar, means that the value of the currency decreases. In the case of the dollar, we call this dollar devaluation. The value of a currency is also referred to as purchasing power. The more a currency is devalued, the less you can buy with it because the purchasing power decreases."

Sounds an awful lot like devaluation has to do with inflation, no? 
You should really ask for your money back on that international economics course.

You should really ask for your money back on that international economics course.
Huh. All I remember is sitting for the exam while my friend walked away, turned around under the window through which we were taking the exam and yelled "T___ is going to fail Int'l Econ tonight! Good luck, everybody. He won't be spoiling the curve!" 

The whole class turned and there I sat, red as rhubarb. I think I got a Gentleman's C in the course. 

So yeah, probably not money spent wisely. 

That said, aside from technical language hangups in doctrinal jargon, my point was that the administration's monetary policy was leading to inflation and that the dollar had less purchasing value this year than it did at this point last year. 

I think that's fairly irrefutable. 

You can argue my intent all you want, but that's what I was saying. 

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At this point, I'm pretty firmly of two opinions:

1. Biden is terrible and absolutely must be replaced in 2024.

2. It is good that Biden beat Trump.  

I'm glad that Trump wasn't president during this Ukraine dust-up.  If the GOP nominates somebody besides Trump -- where the downside risk of accidentally starting a nuclear war is not on the table -- I'll probably just sit 2024 out.  Choice of two terrible parties.

Bingo...though, I won't likely sit out fully...probably another 3rd party vote.

I'm pretty sure that Desert_Power is correct regarding what the technical definition of devaluation is. That I hit upon technical jargon to make my point is unfortunate, but that's how he probably understands to read it. I was thinking true dollar "devaluation," meaning that I was comparing the dollar to itself at a previous point in time, not to another currency as in the apparently technically accurate sense of "currency devaluation." I was thinking of a decrease in the purchasing power of the dollar. 

Now that we've had the international economics lesson, I'm still looking for somebody to tell me how inflation has gone up by such a large amount without the attendant monetary policies to match. The Hoover Institution, yes the conservative one out of Stanford, argues that it is the result of the Fed's monetary policy dating back a year or so ago. 


I see TDS is strong here.  

Next you will say the Russian collusion hoax was justified and Hillary did it for the good of the country.  Then you will agree that Biden has done everything to unite the country and that once the BBB bill is passed, inflation will get better.  While you are at it, might as well cover how the withdrawal from Afghanistan was perfectly executed, how Biden shut down Covid as promised, Hunter Biden is a genius and did nothing wrong, Harris was a great pick for VP and has done an amazing job taking control of our borders, shutting down domestic oil production was a stroke of genius, inflation is only high because of Putin, putting Mayor Pete in charge of Transportation when he knew nothing about the job was an excellent decision.

Joe "the buck stops with me" Biden who blames everyone but himself.  If people honestly don't regret voting for old Joe, that's a scary thought for the future.  

Pretty much everyone does. 

COVID really helped Biden as he did not have to campaign much.  Once Biden was elected and it the public eye people realized how old and in decline he actually is.
Biden kept saying he "had a plan to shut down Covid" during the campaign and while he never laid the plan out, I assumed once he took office, it would be explained in detail.  Then the plan was released:

-Social distance

-Wear a mask

-Get vaccinated 

OK, but that was all being done for the most part.  So, there was never a plan beyond what was already implemented or in the process of being implemented once a volume of vaccine was available.

I didn't vote for Biden, but was hoping in the best interests of the country, he would deliver on what he promised during the campaign, especially on uniting the country.  But you don't unite the country when you and your press secretary constantly put the blame for all failures on the previous administration and berate the 70 plus million people that voted against you.  

"I will be the president for everyone, even those who didn't vote for me"  Joe Biden 

If people honestly don't regret elevating Trump into a position of power where he was the alternative, then 2024-2028 is indeed a scary thought for the future. 
Rock you and I both know that hypothetically if the Republican nominee were to be someone like Romney or Cheney, they would be attacked with the same vitriol, hate and unsubstantiated rumors and innuendo that doomed Trump before he even took office.  

I'll probably just sit 2024 out.  Choice of two terrible parties.
Please don’t IK.  3rd party no matter who it is.  We need to get a third party in the national debate, to do that they need to garner 15% of the vote.  If your going to protest (by sitting out) at least have your vote mean something.   

If people honestly don't regret elevating Trump into a position of power where he was the alternative, then 2024-2028 is indeed a scary thought for the future. 
When the alternative is Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton?  Come on man, you can't be serious

DeSantis in 2024!

Rock you and I both know that hypothetically if the Republican nominee were to be someone like Romney or Cheney, they would be attacked with the same vitriol, hate and unsubstantiated rumors and innuendo that doomed Trump before he even took office.  
No...they really wouldn't have.  Though, they would have been attacked by Trump in the primary for sure...and his base.  Just like some still do go after them.

Now that we've had the international economics lesson, I'm still looking for somebody to tell me how inflation has gone up by such a large amount without the attendant monetary policies to match. The Hoover Institution, yes the conservative one out of Stanford, argues that it is the result of the Fed's monetary policy dating back a year or so ago. 
It definitely seems like they left rates too low too long (again). We are seeing  more aggressive action recently.  They overestimated the effects of COVID supply  chain issues at first.

I try not to hold the Fed to an infallible standard. A global pandemic and fiscal stimulus levels we’ve never seen before must be hard for them to manage.

In the long run, I think I’ll be glad this happened. For a few decades we have been debating whether deficits matter. Well, they do!

It definitely seems like they left rates too low too long (again). We are seeing  more aggressive action recently.  They overestimated the effects of COVID supply  chain issues at first.

I try not to hold the Fed to an infallible standard. A global pandemic and fiscal stimulus levels we’ve never seen before must be hard for them to manage.

In the long run, I think I’ll be glad this happened. For a few decades we have been debating whether deficits matter. Well, they do!
"Debt and the Twin Deficits Debate" or something like that? That famous essay was out of another textbook I was supposed to understand but didn't. Hey - yo! 

Rock you and I both know that hypothetically if the Republican nominee were to be someone like Romney or Cheney, they would be attacked with the same vitriol, hate and unsubstantiated rumors and innuendo that doomed Trump before he even took office
Sure, but those rumors would be unsubstantiated. Aside from Russiagate and the laptop kerfuffle, what wasn't true about Trump? Look, this is a guy that said that Tiananmen was a show of "strength" from the Chinese government to their protestors and dissidents. He said it approvingly. You want this guy as your president?? 

Heck no. Heck no on Monday, twice on Tuesday, thrice on Wednesday, a quartet on Thursday, a quint on Friday. Saturday and Sunday everybody gets to be friends. 

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Sure, but those rumors would be unsubstantiated. Aside from Russiagate and the laptop kerfuffle, what wasn't true about Trump? Look, this is a guy that said that Tiananmen was a show of "strength" from the Chinese government to their protestors and dissidents. He said it approvingly. You want this guy as your president?? 

Heck no. Heck no on Monday, twice on Tuesday, thrice on Wednesday, a quartet on Thursday, a quint on Friday. Saturday and Sunday everybody gets to be friends. 
Yeah I disagree.  I’m saying no on Sunday too as prep for Monday mornings no. 

Rock you and I both know that hypothetically if the Republican nominee were to be someone like Romney or Cheney, they would be attacked with the same vitriol, hate and unsubstantiated rumors and innuendo that doomed Trump before he even took office.  
And the Right is so gentle in their approach to Left candidates.  🙄

Correct me if I’m wrong (and I absolutely could be as I didn’t pay much attention in those days) but wasn’t the big “scandal” when Romney last ran that he paid less taxes then his secretary?  That’s the best they could do right?

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the regret would be for the disaster Biden has plunged this nation into and all the lies/promises Biden made and the people voting for him believed

but I don't think anyone really voted FOR Biden ... they voted for Democrat or for not-Trump .... but FOR Biden?  I see Trump banners still out there .. never not a one do I see Biden. Facebook still has pro-Trump postings. .. not a single pro-Biden

while maybe not regretting the vote for Biden (and the win) everyone can regret how incredible bad this country has been under his Administration

that we can 100% agree on I'd think

By the way, as others have pointed out, this poll was a bit flawed from the start.  I should know because I’ve created a few of these myself.😀

I voted that I regretted my vote, but that’s really not the case.  I am more disappointed than regretful. I really did think Biden would be the right man at the right time to help calm things down and bring the country together.  He ran as a moderate but he’s been far to the left of that.  Feels like a bait and switch.

His Presidency has been a failure thus far, and I don’t see how one could look at the objective results and conclude otherwise.  Larry Summers and others warned him last year that his $1.9 trillion America Rescue Plan would worsen the already emerging inflation, and we know a year later that this is exactly what happened.  So he worsened inflation, botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, and despite having ample time to resolve this baby formula issue, he missed it completely.

Poor execution is one thing, but it’s his leadership failures that have disappointed me most.  He’s been way more negative and divisive that I ever imagined he would be. If we didn’t have Trump so close in the rearview mirror, I think people would see this more clearly.  What bothers me most is the complete lack of accountability within his Administration. It’s nothing but the blame game, and usually directed at the prior President.  A good leader admits mistakes and then goes about correcting them.  His crankiness and cognitive decline are a problem, but obviously outside of his control.  I saw this for years with my Dad, and it’s painfully obvious that what I’m seeing with Joe Biden is a man in the early to mid stages of dementia.  It saddens me to see this, and angers me to no end when Fox shows clips of it or jokes about it.

Having said all that, I really don’t regret my vote for Biden one bit, because the alternative was horrendous.  Trump just wasn’t an option for me in 2020.  I liked this policies but hated his personality and his leadership style. He destroyed the image of an office that is way too important, not only to us but the entire world.  There was a group of people who voted for Trump in 2016, then pinched their nose and voted for Biden in 2020.  And in a recent poll that should scare the crap out of Democrats, only 3 out of 10 people in this group would vote for Biden again in 2024.  As for me, I am one of the 3 in 10 .  If Trump is the Republican nominee in 2024, I will vote for whoever is on the Democratic ticket, including Biden.

But I stick by my prediction that I’ve made in here several times - Trump will not be the Republican nominee in 2024.  He’s a side show at the moment, entertaining and mildly amusing, but I think most Republicans know deep down that January 6th disqualifies him from the main stage.

It will either be DeSantis, Pence, or Haley.  I hope it is Haley or Pence.  I’ve said this before in here, but every time America has faced an existential crisis, a transformative leader has emerged to save the country.  The person most equipped to be that savior is Nikki Haley. If you look back at the crisis she faced as governor with the racial shooting at the church in South Carolina, she did a tremendous job bringing people together.  I just wish more people recognize this high upside.

Well maybe you should run for President.  I’ll get started on the bumper stickers…



OMG - you are priceless. 

Some campaign needs to hire you IMMEDIATELY!!!


Sure, but those rumors would be unsubstantiated. Aside from Russiagate and the laptop kerfuffle, what wasn't true about Trump? Look, this is a guy that said that Tiananmen was a show of "strength" from the Chinese government to their protestors and dissidents. He said it approvingly. You want this guy as your president?? 

Heck no. Heck no on Monday, twice on Tuesday, thrice on Wednesday, a quartet on Thursday, a quint on Friday. Saturday and Sunday everybody gets to be friends. 
No and I only vote third party but the corrupted leftist media will go full on attack on any R candidate regardless of who they are. 

No and I only vote third party but the corrupted leftist media will go full on attack on any R candidate regardless of who they are
I don't think we're in real serious disagreement here. The major problem is they cried that the sky was falling since 1960 and now it actually might be. 

Abbott was in the wrong.  Lets seay they decided to do nothing and shut the plant down, then what?  Are the feds going to do nothing?
Abbot recalled their product and shut their plant down.   That caused an immediate shortage.  Because of the trade policies in place, we were importing zero from Canada at the time. 

The administration reversed those policies, invoked the DPA and purchased from Europe.   What did they do wrong, again?


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