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Awesome Bill Murray Article (2 Viewers)



You don’t meet Bill Murray. You spend some time in his presence, and then try to figure him out when he’s gone. For the 59-year-old screen legend, star of Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day and Lost in Translation, is a man of many faces, all of which inevitably return to that famous default deadpan of hangdog eyes, flaccid cheeks and slightly protruding lower lip.

Right now, for instance, in a wildly ornate London hotel suite, and dressed down in crumpled black shirt and grey trousers, he has slipped into Zen Master mode. “People can say what they want about civilisation, but really we are all animals,” he muses, beginning a lecture on the bestial heart of man that is inspired by his new movie, Fantastic Mr. Fox, but encompasses all human spirituality and his personal desire to be available, present and honest in his own life. “Which is basically not the situation for me most of the time!” he jokes.

He plops back into movie star mode and speaks fondly of Fantastic Mr Fox, a beguiling stop-frame animated adaptation of Roald Dahl’s classic that is directed by Wes Anderson and stars George Clooney as the eponymous poultry-pilfering hero and Murray as his friend and lawyer, Badger. He calls the movie “charming” and says that it’s really a film about freedom, but he talks mostly about his relationship with 40-year-old Anderson, who first directed Murray in 1998’s Rushmore. “We’ve done five films together now and we look out for each other,” he says. “There is a great sense of trust and loyalty between us.”

Of other directors, though, he is not so enamoured. Terminator Salvation’s McG (aka Joseph McGinty Nichol), for one, who directed Murray in Charlie’s Angels, recently claimed that Murray headbutted him on the Angels’ set during a creative dispute. “That’s bulls***! That’s complete crap!” says Murray, flushing slightly yet maintaining composure. “I don’t know why he made that story up. He has a very active imagination.” He pauses. The subject seems closed, but then a minor eruption. “No! He deserves to die,” he says, coldly staring, without breaking deadpan. “He should be pierced with a lance, not headbutted.”

On screen, strangely, Murray is like this too. The threat of sudden emotional violence is always lurking within. In his early movies, such as Meatballs and Caddyshack, he made this his shtick — witness his famously manic “It just doesn’t matter!” speech from the former movie, or the bursts of gopher-hatred in the latter. In later work, such as Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums, though the performances are more restrained the threat is still there, simmering behind the impassive glare. Think of how he gleefully destroys schoolboy Jason Schwartzman’s bicycle in Rushmore, or how he humiliates Robert De Niro’s tremulous cop in the opening of Mad Dog and Glory with a genuinely terrifying stare and the viciously spat, “F*** off!”

Off camera Murray can seem intimidating and an entire genus of movie gossip has sprung up around his supposedly cruel behaviour on sets. Indeed, at a press conference for The Life Aquatic he was called a “*******” by a former cameraman, who didn’t appreciate Murray’s on-set methods. While his spat with Lucy Liu on Charlie’s Angels has become part of Hollywood lore (he, allegedly, told her that she couldn't act, while she, in return, allegedly, threw punches). “Look, I will dismiss you completely if you are unprofessional and working with me,” he says, defending a working practice that he admits is strict. “When our relationship is professional, and you’re not getting that done, forget it.”

He is, of course, enigmatic too and lives completely off the Hollywood grid. He has no agent or publicist and is contactable only through friends or a freephone answering service. It took Sophia Coppola, for example, seven months to track him down for Lost in Translation. He giggles at the thought and confesses that he gets insane messages on the answering service. Producers reading out entire scripts. Agents begging for work. “Endless crazy stuff.” He adds that “eliminating the agents probably saved me money, but mostly it stopped the irritation of just the endless phone calls and gibberish.”

Nonetheless, despite all this, and perhaps because of it, Murray is universally venerated as a screen demigod. He is worshipped by an entire generation of hipster directors, including Anderson, Coppola and Jim Jarmusch, who see in his features the deliciously modern combination of ironic distance and flat-out heartbreak.

Similarly, the normally suave George Clooney was reduced to a stuttering wreck when he first met Murray at the 2004 Venice Film Festival (“He’s the best comic actor in the world!” gushed Clooney). While the recent hit film Zombieland was built entirely around Murray-worship — that movie climaxes with hero Woody Harrelson standing in front of Murray in a Beverly Hills mansion and screaming with excitement, “Bill - f***ing - Murray!”

“I’ve really gotten a lot of attention in the past few years,” says Murray, with a who-would’ve-thunk-it shrug. “All of a sudden it’s like [points around the ostentatious hotel room décor], I’m getting treated like I dunno what. Handled with kid gloves.”

He says, naturally, that he doesn’t know where it began. He has theories that he started being funny because it made his strict Irish-American father Edward, a lumber salesman, laugh — he fell off the kitchen table doing a James Cagney impression, banged his head and noticed his father chuckling. He grew up in suburban Chicago among a family of nine children (six boys, three girls). He partially funded his high school education by working with his brothers as a caddy at a local golf club (his brother Brian would eventually write Caddyshack based on these experiences). Today, he says that growing up in a large family taught him tolerance, and to “understand a lot of human behaviour, up close”.

Murray studied medicine in Colorado, but left to pursue comedy with Chicago’s famous The Second City theatre group (two of his brothers were members). The story goes he left medicine because he was arrested for marijuana possession in college. The mere mention of it puts Murray on edge. “What is your question?” he says, coolly. If you hadn’t been arrested would you be a doctor now? “I just didn’t enjoy the people who were in pre-med,” he answers, explaining how money-obsessions among medical students turned his stomach. I tentatively joke that his answer has dodged the bullet nicely on the marijuana issue. He doesn’t reply, but instead fixes me a stare that is pure Mad Dog and Glory — the expletive isn’t there, but you can feel it.

The early comedy years seemed effortless, with Murray segueing from The Second City to TV’s Saturday Night Live to mainstream movie smashes. And then, in 1984, after shooting both Ghost Busters and the serious drama The Razor’s Edge, Murray fled the business for four years, moved to Paris with his wife and two sons, and studied philosophy at the Sorbonne. Today, he says that it was a simple decision. “I knew that Ghostbusters was going to be the biggest thing that ever happened and that being in the United States, with that level of fame, would be destructive for me at that time,” he says. “I knew that if I went to another country I would be able to hold on to what I value in myself.”

His return to the top spot was gradual and punctuated with some failures (Larger Than Life, Ghostbusters II) and some modern classics (Groundhog Day, Kingpin). While his relaunch as the melancholic poster-boy for middle-aged ennui began in earnest with Anderson’s Rushmore.

He thought about retiring in 2005, he says, after he made the Jim Jarmusch’s romantic road movie Broken Flowers (“I thought, ‘God, I really can’t top that! I should think about stopping now’”). But these days he says that he is recommitted to his career. “I feel that right now I’m assembling the kind of passion that I used to have,” he says, adding, “I’m taking injections of ambition.” He then bursts out laughing at his own pretensions.

He will be 60 next year, but this doesn’t bother him (“I felt worse about turning 30"). His marriage to the costume designer Jennifer Butler, whom he met on the 1988 film Scrooged, ended last year in a demolition divorce — she was granted custody of their four children (all boys), given two homes and a $7 million payout. I wonder would he contemplate marriage again. The question hits him like a hammer blow and he throws his head back and slowly rubs his face with his hands. “I dunno,” he says, seemingly lost for words. “I dunno. I’m going to have to. I’m not really, um. Interested. You know?” He pauses and, looking suddenly fragile, whispers: “I don’t know if I’d ever get married again.”

We finish on the future and Ghostbusters III. The news that there is third movie on the way has been chewing up the internet for months. Typically, Murray, who is next up in Jim Jarmusch’s fantastically droll assassin’s tale The Limits of Control, is not entirely enthusiastic about the idea. “What they really want from us is just to open the movie and then get lost after introducing a new generation of ghostbusters, who can start the franchise all over again,” he says with a shrug. “I’ve heard the script idea, and part of it is good but, ye know, it’s going to be tough to start again.”

I wonder then, to top it all, with new improved career injections, with demigod status, franchise reboots and Zen-like awareness, is Murray actually, well, ye know, happy these days? Now?

“Hmm, hold on a second,” he says, eyes cast to the ceiling, bottom lip protruding, affecting the pose of a thinker. “I’m happy!” he finally says, while he beams with unbridled joy. He holds the pose for a nanosecond, but then lets it drop duly back, purposefully, like punctuation, to the inscrutable, enigmatic default of deadpan Murray.

Fantastic Mr Fox opens on Oct 23

Bill Murray’s Role call

Caddyshack (Harold Ramis, 1980)

Fresh from TV’s Saturday Night Live, Murray steals every scene as Carl Spackler, a demented groundkeeper at a country club who wages war against a single destructive gopher.

Ghostbusters (Ivan Reitman, 1984)

The biggest blockbuster of the year, Ghost Busters married comedy and action, spawned a hit soundtrack, a theme park ride and would later inspire Men in Black. And it transformed Murray into a phenomenon.

Groundhog Day (Harold Ramis, 1993)

After a patchy time in the late 1980s/early 1990s, Murray returns to surer footing with this comedy classic from long-time collaborator Ramis. Murray plays a jaded TV weatherman who must make sense of his life while trapped for ever in one tedious day.

Lost in Translation (Sofia Coppola, 2003)

Brief Encounter gets a 21st century update as drifting ships Murray (playing an actor) and Scarlett Johansson (a director’s wife) share a chaste affair in Tokyo. Murray’s portriat of a disillusioned A-lister is painfully poignant.

Broken Flowers (Jim Jarmusch, 2005)

Murray’s favourite performance is a portrait of another lonely man, this time the titter-inducingly named “Don Johnston”, who questions ex-girlfriends (Sharon Stone and Jessica Lange included) about the son he has never known.
Guy I know reported his friend was walking through Central Park when all of a sudden someone came up behind him, covered his eyes with his hands and said "Guess who??" Friend says, "That you Jim?" "Nope!" says the stranger, removing his hands. Friend spins around. Stranger says "I'm Bill Murray, and your friends will never believe that."

[standing in an ornamental flowerbed] What an incredible Cinderella story! This unknown, comes out of nowhere, to lead the pack at Augusta. He's at the final hole. He's about 455 yards away, he's gonna hit about a 2-iron, I think. [swings, pulverizes a flower] Oh, he got all of that. The crowd is standing on its feet here at Augusta. The normally reserved crowd is going wild... [pauses] for this young Cinderella who's come out of nowhere. He's got about 350 yards left, he's going to hit about a 5-iron, it looks like, don't you think? He's got a beautiful backswing... [swings, pulverizes another flower] that's- oh, he got all of that one! He's gotta be pleased with that! The crowd is just on its feet here. He's a Cinderella boy. Tears in his eyes, I guess, as he lines up this last shot. He's got about 195 yards left, and he's got a, looks like he's got about an 8-iron. This crowd has gone deadly silent... Cinderella story, out of nowhere, former greenskeeper, now about to become the Masters champion. [swings, pulverizes yet another flower] It looks like a mirac- it's in the hole! It's in the hole!

It's the same thing your whole life: "Clean up your room. Stand up straight. Pick up your feet. Take it like a man. Be nice to your sister. Don't mix beer and wine, ever." Oh yeah: "Don't drive on the railroad track."

Great read. You don't often get a lot of Bill Murray insight. That's actually as close as I can ever remember. (If you know of more, I'd love to read it). Good find, LHUCKS. Thanks.

Great find! :thumbup: I've followed him at the Pebble Beach Pro-am three different years, and his ability to constantly be "on" is amazing.

Great read. You don't often get a lot of Bill Murray insight. That's actually as close as I can ever remember. (If you know of more, I'd love to read it). Good find, LHUCKS. Thanks.
yeah, as a fan, I've always kept my eyes open for interviews like this one, but there hasn''t been a lot as the article mentioned. Was stoked to see this.
That is a perfect example of classic Murray... the mannerisms, the expressions, the offbeat humor :lmao:There are just a few people who make me start chuckling before they even speak, purely in anticipation of what's coming:Bill MurrayNorm MacDonaldWanda SykesRed Foxxand maybe a couple more I'm not thinking of now, but it's a small group
and maybe a couple more I'm not thinking of now, but it's a small group
tim conway?
It is a crime that comedy is almost never given consideration come Oscar time...Kingpin was sensational. I would have given him best supporting actor for Rushmore. The look on his face when his dolt redhead kids were locking him out of the car clearly expressed a 1000 years of never-ending pain and suffering. That alone should have won it for him.
Had a 20 minute conversation with him in August. Just a great guy. Not what I expected, in that the conversation wasn't at all funny. He's just a laid back, mellow guy.

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Watch Bill Murray Read PoetryBill Murray, perhaps the world’s favorite comic actor, here reads two poems by the great American modernist poet Wallace Stevens–including the beautifully titled “A Rabbit as King of the Ghosts.”

Like Murray, Stevens fervently maintained a “regular guy” persona–despite his (literary) stardom. He went to work every day as a lawyer at an insurance company in Hartford, CT, often walking there and composing the poems in his head. If a biography were made of Stevens’ life–and there could be, he was once in a fistfight with Ernest Hemingway!–Bill Murray might be the ideal choice. Stevens’ dual life as a poet and businessman is perfect for Murray, who is so good at showing us the duality of our natures, how we are many things at once.


Nothing Lasts Forever: The Bill Murray Sci-Fi Film That Went Unseen for 30 YearsAny channel-flipping insomniac who might have come across Turner Classic Movie channel's late-night screening of Nothing Lasts Forever at 2 am one Monday morning would hardly have raised an eyebrow. Another innocuous black-and-white science fiction B-movie, with a maudlin big-band soundtrack and ample 50s era stock footage intercut between stilted dramatic sequences.

But wait—no. That’s impossible. Because isn’t that Dan Aykroyd? And there, playing a sky host on a moonbound commuter bus—a young Bill Murray? Now our poor insomniac would be mightily confused. How could Dan Ackroyd and Bill Murray be in a film that looks for all the world as though it were made in 1952? Is this, like the ​alleged time-traveler caught on film in Charlie Chaplin’s 1928 film The Circus, some instance of paranormal cinematic anachronism?

Calm down. It’s Nothing Lasts Forever, a surrealist 1984 romp playing classic movie tropes against expectation. Convincingly. Directed by Tom Schiller, a longtime Saturday Night Live writer—he of the “Schiller’s Reel” segments—the movie was Lorne Michaels’ first effort as a producer. Beyond Ackroyd and Murray, it also stars comedy legends ​Imogene Coca and ​Mort Sahl. You’ve never heard of it because it never saw theatrical release; Metro Goldwyn-Mayer canned the film after one mediocre test screening, and it has remained criminally underseen ever since.

With the exception of a few prestige screenings over the last decade—at the BAM Cinematek, the Lincoln Center, at the American Cinematheque and the Cinefamily in Los Angeles, to name a few, all largely thanks to ​Bill Murray’s insistence that Warner Brothers make a print of the film available for retrospectives of his career—Nothing Lasts Forever’s only distribution over the last three decades has been a network of bootleg copies made from rare European television screenings, traded by cinephiles and comedy geeks. Until it turned up on TCM Sunday, in the middle of the night, Nothing Lasts Forever had never been aired on American television.

Comedian and writer​ Jake Fogelnest is one such cinephile comedy geek who twigged to Nothing Lasts Forever a long time ago; he first heard of it in the late 90s, as a piece of filmic legend, but it was another decade before he came across a bootleg DVD.

“Having someone describe this movie to you is very frustrating,” he explained to me over email. “A black and white film directed by Tom Schiller, produced by Lorne Michaels, starring the kid from Gremlins, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and it's NEVER been released? Oh, and by the way they go to the MOON? How could this never come out? That just doesn't make sense. It didn't make sense…when I first heard about it in the 90s and it makes even less sense that it's still essentially unavailable in 2015."

It’s difficult to explain, exactly, what Nothing Lasts Forever is all about. In a dystopian New York City under the iron thumb of the Port Authority, our protagonist, played by Gremlins star Zach Galligan, is a struggling, doe-eyed artist with a thankless job: monitoring cars at the entrance of the Holland Tunnel. Despite having failed the state-sanctioned art test, he spends his nights loafing about the East Village with a leggy German dilettante, trying to draw inspiration from a parodic series of performance artists and art-noise bands.​

His kindness to a tramp on the steps of Carnegie Hall, however, soon leads to a one-time invitation to the city’s true reality: an underground world where magical hobos determine the fates of every New Yorker. The hobo brotherhood promises him a bright future as an artist, if only he can get to the moon first, and fulfill his destiny as the true love of a lunar native named Eloi, played by Lauren Tom with light-up deely-boppers on her head. It gets weirder, but I don’t want to spoil Nothing Lasts Forever’s singular pleasures, which unfold in loopy dreamtime and could not be more wonderful to discover firsthand, even 31 years later.

"It's always interesting when a movie gets lost," explains Millie DeChirico, the programmer for ​TCM Underground, the late-night programming block that featured the film Sunday, "especially one that has a lot of cool people attached to it. I'd never seen it or even heard much about it before I figured out it was available to air... but I just knew it would be something people would want to see." There were apparently no serious licensing hurdles to airing the film, it had simply been overlooked.

"I chose Nothing Lasts Forever just because it's so rarely seen," DeChirico said, "part of the job of programming TCM Underground is trying to put these kinds of films on the air."

Tonally, Nothing Lasts Forever is equal measures Thomas Pynchon and Destination Moon, a pitch-perfect mimicry of a camp 1950s science fiction film filtered through a literary fever dream. No surprise from a director best known for his cinematic send-ups on Saturday Night Live; Schiller’s iconic “​Love is a Dream,” a 1988 SNL segment starring Phil Hartman and Jan Hooks, which was recently re-aired on SNL to commemorate Hooks’ death, isn’t even funny—just a sentimental, timeless pastiche, a shred of celluloid from some parallel past.

Warner Brothers currently owns the rights to Nothing Lasts Forever; they've stated that "unspecified legal difficulties" keep the film from its rightful DVD release. Those issues are likely the prodigious amount of vintage film clips the movie contains; the bits and pieces of everything from I Love Lucy to Battleship Potemkin peppered throughout Nothing Lasts Forever not only give the film its particular vintage flavor—they make it a copyright nightmare. A source at the ​Warner Archive confirmed to me that the film is not cleared for home video.

Still, Warner reps have stated that the film's reissue is “on the middle burner—not the front, but not the back.”

​Let's hope those burners stay warm.


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Someone my wife knows recently stopped at an airport restaurant for a bite to eat while waiting for a connecting flight. She ran into Bill on her way into the restaurant and mentioned to him that he looked a lot like Bill Murray. He said that there was a reason for that because he is Bill Murray.

They had never met before, and he asked if she wanted to eat with him. He chatted with her for an hour, let her take selfies, and picked up the tab. She said he was the nicest / funniest / friendliest person.
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