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Your opinion on the Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Coverage? (1 Viewer)

What's your opinion of the Travis Kelce - Taylor Swift dating coverage?

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It seems too convenient for the NFL that Megastar Swift would now be on NFL games while they are expanding all the ways they can make money from people watching. Sometimes i think it seems a bit contrived to pull in a whole new set of viewers. But then I realize that sounds a bit off the deep end :tinfoilhat:

Overall I don't really care. I'm more annoyed at watching the chiefs still play at this point since Mahomes went from cool to entitled and cringy in like 14 months.
What's your opinion? If any?

And yes, this gets a little off the topic of NFL Football but given the open week, we'll allow it.
There should be a weekly FBG edition, just look at the response you got here
Seriously, I said something similar in another thread where a guy like @travdogg as an example, he puts up a beautiful opening post for his rankings, maybe a page or two of replies
Swift-Kelce, 5 pages before lunch is over

The NFL is an entertainment business these days and this is a prime example.
I expect other players to use their platform and team up with more rock star females/social media darlings of a variety of different sorts and CASH IN!
Brady-Bundchen was a major power couple in the NFL for many years until they weren't.
That vacuum is being filled by others now

The NFL gets what it wants in the Super Bowl with many folks only tuning in to see what happens next in this saga
It's wall to click bait for both Swift and Kelce, they seem to be loving it
I've always taken the smaller amount of replies on rankings threads as people just agreeing with me. :shades:

I think you are always gonna get more attention and responses about a specific topic when its the only real thing going. Kelce/Swift is a much bigger talking point with only 2 teams left, and it being the Super Bowl, than it would be if this same thread were made in, like, week 5, when most everyone is more focused on their fantasy teams, or favorite teams.

I do wonder if having to answer all these questions about it, and the media coverage about it for 2 straight weeks, could be a bit of an edge for SF.
I do wonder if having to answer all these questions about it, and the media coverage about it for 2 straight weeks, could be a bit of an edge for SF.
Good point. It might prove to be very distracting.

That said, I think it would be worse if she were dating Purdy in that the Chiefs have been a top team for so long that I doubt the distraction hurts them too much. By comparison, the 49ers have a 2nd year QB.

Interesting comment though.
As someone else mentioned, the Taylor storyline or in-game mentions / closeups don't bother me as much as the heavy rotation of commercials with Chiefs personnel. Not even sure why that rubs me the wrong way . . . must of the time I ignore the commercials, but they are so frequent, they are hard to miss.
The first time I heard Andy Reid say "chicken nuggies" I laughed. But at this point he might as well scape his hands across a chalkboard.

We’re not quite to Peyton Manning “never said no to a single freaking commercial endorsement fee ever” stage but its getting close with Mahomes and the Chiefs. Really wish we’d get more variety in players doing ads as they’d get more exposure for different fanbases IMO.

And I think multiple people mentioned it in both game threads this past weekend, really wish these insurance companies would stop paying millions and millions to constantly advertise and just lower my damn premiums!
Bottom line, I'll take all the Chiefs commercials over the random menopause hot flashes commercials they started doing this year.

Yeah, yeah, I know that a ton of the guys watching the game have wives that are going through that or will be going through that. But think it through... if your wife is in the full blown throws of menopause and you say, "Hey, you should try that menopause drug, maybe then you'll be normal." Good way to lose viewers, setting them up to be murdered by their wives.
And partly I love it because it drives a certain unhinged segment of the population insane. Fox News called her a Psy Op. MAGAs hate Kelce because he did a commercial for Pfizer, and Swift encourages her young fans to vote. It’s making their heads explode and the conspiracy theorists are out of the woodworks en masse saying the dumbest stuff imaginable and that’s all incredibly entertaining and revealing.
I just stare in awe at the mental gymnastics. Kelce gets paid for a Pfizer shot commercial, so damn him to hell with his wokeness (bc he got the shot, so he's vaxxed, so he's not anti-vax like me, so he's not MAGA like me, so he must hate Trump so I hate him now" or whatever the heck leaps it takes to get from A to B :ROFLMAO:

Taylor urges her fans to vote, not who to vote for, just to go do it, which is their right. "OMG I hate her and her wokeness trying to drum up a resistance movement for the Dems, she's not trying to own the libs like I do so I hate her now" :ROFLMAO:

I can't imagine how horrible it must be to live the kind of life where you're just constantly searching for the next thing to be offended or outraged by. Life is way too short for that kind of BS.
The irony is that the people you describe must actually do two things at once: see reality, and then ignore it.
I wonder how much a company would pay to have Taylor wear their shirt to the Superbowl? Like, imagine her with a Chiefs jacket on but unzipped with a Pets.com shirt on full display. I bet a company would pay ~$5M for that exposure.
I bet it would be closer to 100 Million.
I doubt Pets.com has 100M to blow but maybe
They died at the end of the dotcom boom, was just using a nonsense example.
People hated it, and the networks have toned it down.

Now there's a backlash on the hate, because it looks like no big deal today. But when it started, the networks went overboard, salivating at the prospect of tapping into her base to raise ad rates.

Recall that Carson Daly was in a video teaching Swifties about football. They used to cut to Swift MULTIPLE times, and talked about it, and people wrote about it, and used it to their advantage. Views and clicks, views and clicks.

None of that is her fault. She didn't ask for any of it. Neither did Kelce, or the team. Having her there doesn't bother me, nor does it interest me. To answer the poll accurately, I'd say I probably hated the coverage when it was overboard, and I'm fine with it now. And I hate that most of the backlash of the coverage seems to fall on her, when I blame the networks.
I wonder how much a company would pay to have Taylor wear their shirt to the Superbowl? Like, imagine her with a Chiefs jacket on but unzipped with a Pets.com shirt on full display. I bet a company would pay ~$5M for that exposure.

We're working on that Black Eyed Joe - Taylor Swift Collab.
If you can get her to wear a QR code that directs people to this site, you'll be golden. The whole thing would go viral.

Landing page can have her saying, "I don't always magic football, but when I do, I use Footballguys(TM) for their amazing insight and deep analysis."
I mean, what if you love the game of football and hate the celebrity and money issues that go along with that game happening to be huge in America? How does that mean there's something wrong with you?

Seems pretty natural and that a dislike of that marriage (no pun intended) is also natural.
But why hate her? Seems weird to me. Do those same people hate Tyreek Hill's wife, who they seemed to show a lot during the few Dolphin games I saw this year. Maybe they do.
Bottom line, I'll take all the Chiefs commercials over the random menopause hot flashes commercials they started doing this year.

Yeah, yeah, I know that a ton of the guys watching the game have wives that are going through that or will be going through that. But think it through... if your wife is in the full blown throws of menopause and you say, "Hey, you should try that menopause drug, maybe then you'll be normal." Good way to lose viewers, setting them up to be murdered by their wives.
In addition to the very real possibility of violence, let's keep in mind that if our wives are in the room while we're watching football, they've seen lots of commercials involving erectile dysfunction, and you don't have to be a comedic genius to see the softball that this comment would tee up.

I mean, that wouldn't occur to my wife of course. Just saying.
You watch three hours of a game, and almost everything you see is marketing for you. Something for you to buy, or your kids to make you buy for them.

And in the midst of your truck and Marvel movie commercials, Taylor Swift gets a couple minutes of TV coverage. Taylor Swift being the biggest celebrity in the world, and maybe the biggest of our lifetime.

She isn't doing sideline interviews, she's isn't playing flag football with Terry Bradshaw's daughters at half time, which the networks would love.

Nope, She is attending her boyfriends football game. She doesn't play to the crowd, she spends time with Mahomes' wife, and Kelce's mom.

The networks frankly have shown restraint not showing her after every Kelce catch.


Not gonna get a lot of likes on that post, I'm gonna guess.

First of all, it is beyond hyperbole to suggest that we have been inundated with Taylor Swift coverage during football games. That is simply not true. It is something like 30-40 seconds over the course of a 3hr broadcast. Totally insignificant. Has their relationship been covered more granularly in broader popular culture? Of course. Because she is the biggest pop star on planet earth. All of the social media gossip accounts are all over it. And, of course, people are conflating the broader coverage with what is shown during actual football telecasts. I would suggest that the Brads, Chads and Dads curate their social media accounts more thoughtfully if they are so easily triggered.

Second, and more importantly, the fact that grown men are actually triggered by this is a perfect example of society today in the social media age. Everyone wants to be enraged about anything and everything and shout that rage into the endless silo that is social media. And, the truly sad part of it all is that the rage (on any given topic) is often informed by, or at least underpinned by, political ideology or party affiliation.

These are the the times we now live in and every day we move closer and closer to a post-truth world (if we are not there already).

I voted kind of like it by the way. I respect the hell out of Taylor Swift, even if I do not at all care for her music. Incredible woman.
Second, and more importantly, the fact that grown men are actually triggered by this is a perfect example of society today in the social media age. Everyone wants to be enraged about anything and everything and shout that rage into the endless silo that is social media.
Love this. I saw this quote, that while I have no daughters, kinda hits when you think about those that do.

"Your daughters are watching you hate Taylor Swift for supporting her boyfriend. And hearing you complain about her taking 60 seconds of air time out of a three hour game. What they hear: "be smaller, be less"
Wait'll the Swifties find this thread. Some of ya'll are hooped!
I think they might be pleasantly surprised. Lots of smart, well thought out posts supporting her in here.

It seems like those that voted they dislike it (More people voted dislike than like), aren't saying much.
It seems too convenient for the NFL that Megastar Swift would now be on NFL games while they are expanding all the ways they can make money from people watching. Sometimes i think it seems a bit contrived to pull in a whole new set of viewers. But then I realize that sounds a bit off the deep end :tinfoilhat:

Overall I don't really care. I'm more annoyed at watching the chiefs still play at this point since Mahomes went from cool to entitled and cringy in like 14 months.

I mean, 30 years ago the NBA had Maddona and Rodman making headlines....she was as big a global star at the time as any, though I don't think anybody save maybe MJ and the Beatles have reached Swift fever. Maybe it is all a ratings' ruse?

I for one choose to believe. I think it's healthier to be happy for people and have a little whimsical in your life.
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Second, and more importantly, the fact that grown men are actually triggered by this is a perfect example of society today in the social media age. Everyone wants to be enraged about anything and everything and shout that rage into the endless silo that is social media.
Love this. I saw this quote, that while I have no daughters, kinda hits when you think about those that do.

"Your daughters are watching you hate Taylor Swift for supporting her boyfriend. And hearing you complain about her taking 60 seconds of air time out of a three hour game. What they hear: "be smaller, be less"

Oh, that's good!
At a bar and they are showing the Det/SFO game. Brock Purdy's family getting a LOT of airtime cheering on their son. Is that somehow more tolerable because they aren't Lovers? Honest question, because at least one 49er fan in here had some rather strong opinions about Swift being shown on camera cheering......
From what I have seen lately, they seem to show her in the box celebrating after Kelce scores or maybe has a big catch but they don't really talk about her otherwise. Don't they show Jerry Jones in his box just as much?
…but….but….but he’s football and all of that.
I can't believe there's anyone out there that is more interested in seeing Jerry Jones on screen cheering more than seeing Taylor Swift...I could be wrong though :ponder:
From what I have seen lately, they seem to show her in the box celebrating after Kelce scores or maybe has a big catch but they don't really talk about her otherwise. Don't they show Jerry Jones in his box just as much?
…but….but….but he’s football and all of that.
I can't believe there's anyone out there that is more interested in seeing Jerry Jones on screen cheering more than seeing Taylor Swift...I could be wrong though :ponder:
People enjoy his facial expressions when his team is getting a beating.
This thread is like watching a car wreck...I shouldn't like it, but I can't stop looking...some are angry that there is too much Taylor Swift while others are even more mad that someone thinks there is too much Taylor Swift...it just goes to show you the NFL always wins...always...they now have been able to turn a message board that 24 hours ago was debating whether Zack Robinson will help Kyle Pitts fantasy stats into 6 pages of how the women in my family are now watching the NFL...Roger "E" Goodell...super genius....game, set, match NFL.
At a bar and they are showing the Det/SFO game. Brock Purdy's family getting a LOT of airtime cheering on their son. Is that somehow more tolerable because they aren't Lovers? Honest question, because at least one 49er fan in here had some rather strong opinions about Swift being shown on camera cheering......
I mean, I assume Brock’s parents are lovers. :oldunsure:
As a non US American „your“ politics are confusing anyways.
As is your use of the double comma in lieu of an opening quotation mark, yet here we are.
Too lazy to switch my tablet’s keyboard to an English layout.

You'd make a fine American! ;)

Where is home, out of curiosity?
Hamburg, Germany
Is that where hamburgers were invented……jk…..cool
Don't they show Jerry Jones in his box just as much?
They do, and with 70 inch High-Def televisions, it's a bit rude
I’m so afraid someone will hug him and accidentally hit him in the face and it explodes into pieces. I’m not sure I could survive seeing that.
I actually like the owner's box shots from Cowboys game. I wish they had more.

It is rare to get a candid glimpse into that Dallas big money/big hair upper crust. Forget Jerry, everyone in that suite is worth checking out, for one way or another.

The women in that booth? They don't just make those women in every state. There's like 3 states you can get one of those. Like......Texas, Georgia, and Tennessee :moneybag:
From what I have seen lately, they seem to show her in the box celebrating after Kelce scores or maybe has a big catch but they don't really talk about her otherwise. Don't they show Jerry Jones in his box just as much?
Yes, but often that’s sad miserable Jerruh, watching his Cowboys collapse again, and again.

I think no matter where you fall on the Swift/Kelce debate, we can all get together and agree that’s just good entertainment right there.
From what I have seen lately, they seem to show her in the box celebrating after Kelce scores or maybe has a big catch but they don't really talk about her otherwise. Don't they show Jerry Jones in his box just as much?
Yes, but often that’s sad miserable Jerruh, watching his Cowboys collapse again, and again.

I think no matter where you fall on the Swift/Kelce debate, we can all get together and agree that’s just good entertainment right there.
Some people consider a Jerry Jones implosion more entertaining than a Swift / Kelce moment.
It's a weird spot for sure.

The folks that really don't like it are something I don't understand.

And I don't really understand the sanctimonious high horse from the folks who scold the people that like it.

It's interesting telling people how they should feel.

Overall, it's just a fascinating issue I think.
It's a weird spot for sure.

The folks that really don't like it are something I don't understand.

And I don't really understand the sanctimonious high horse from the folks who scold the people that like it.

It's interesting telling people how they should feel.

Overall, it's just a fascinating issue I think.
Personally I don’t think people care that much and are turned off more by the Chiefs State Farm commercials
We had a historic freezing game, and Jason Kelce was out there with no shirt, pounding brewskis in a luxury suite with the most famous person in the world, while her boyfriend/his brother wins on the field.

That's pretty awesome.
We had a historic freezing game, and Jason Kelce was out there with no shirt, pounding brewskis in a luxury suite with the most famous person in the world, while her boyfriend/his brother wins on the field.

That's pretty awesome.
I have my doubts about “most famous person in the world “ comment.
"Your daughters are watching you hate Taylor Swift for supporting her boyfriend. And hearing you complain about her taking 60 seconds of air time out of a three hour game. What they hear: "be smaller, be less"

I've seen this one a bunch lately. It sounds cool I guess and appropriately shames anyone not liking the situation as I assume that's the intent.

But I don't think most people are "hating" Swift "for supporting her boyfriend".

I find that most people that don't like it are just tired of the hype. It has nothing to do with supporting her boyfriend. But removing that sort of cuts the legs out of the moral high ground position.

It's a weird situation.
It's a weird spot for sure.

The folks that really don't like it are something I don't understand.

And I don't really understand the sanctimonious high horse from the folks who scold the people that like it.

It's interesting telling people how they should feel.

Overall, it's just a fascinating issue I think.
Personally I don’t think people care that much and are turned off more by the Chiefs State Farm commercials
I kinda like the one with MAUTO. Good for a giggle every time.
We had a historic freezing game, and Jason Kelce was out there with no shirt, pounding brewskis in a luxury suite with the most famous person in the world, while her boyfriend/his brother wins on the field.

That's pretty awesome.
I have my doubts “most famous person in the world “ comment.

I don't know. She's up there for that title. Definitely in the conversation. I'm not sure who would be more famous right now.
From what I have seen lately, they seem to show her in the box celebrating after Kelce scores or maybe has a big catch but they don't really talk about her otherwise. Don't they show Jerry Jones in his box just as much?
…but….but….but he’s football and all of that.
I can't believe there's anyone out there that is more interested in seeing Jerry Jones on screen cheering more than seeing Taylor Swift...I could be wrong though :ponder:
People enjoy his facial expressions when his team is getting a beating.
It's fun the first few times, but the 20th time, playoffs after playoffs? Boooring...
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