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Woke in the middle of the night to find a stranger in my apt (2 Viewers)

The obvious internet tough guy answer is to beat ### first and ask questions later.
I don't think that's the tough guy answer, I think that's how I would seriously react, being scared crapless and wanting to defend myself/take control of the situation.
Yes this is my take as well. I just don't see myself trying to figure it out when I run into somebody that's in my house in the middle of the night carrying a flashlight. There aren't too many explanations that would make sense anyway. My rationale would be get in a few punches while I have the advantage.
Exactly. With my wife and two kids are in the house you can explain what you are doing there after you are incapacitated. Particularly in this city. Crap, some guy broke in and raped an 80 year old woman last year two streets from me.
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Each situation would have to be handled on its own merits and there would be tons of variables in any given situation.

What's the goal in a case like this?... easy... to keep everyone in your family safe, and get the guy out of the house. So attacking him may or may not be the best way to accomplish the actual goal.

Most of us just waking up would probably be half asleep and groggy... the intruder has the advantage of being fully alert and ready to fight if a confrontation starts.

The intruder may be armed - you don't know.

If you attack, you may instantly find yourself in a fight for you life... which you are likely unarmed for, and not mentally prepared for.

There absolutely are situations where attacking is the right move... but it's not the automatic right move in all situations, and it could be the completely wrong move for a wide variety of reasons.

Lol @ all the guys saying they would take bats/pipes etc. to the guys head when half of them would be hiding under the bed. Sure, now that we know it was a stoned Mike Shellenberg, it's easy to say that. What if it was 6'2, 245lb Devonte Johnson with prior convictions and a weapon?
I'd #### him up with a candlestick in the kitchen. :lmao:
My freshman year of college I passed out in my dorm room after a night of many beers. Middle of the night I wake up in still drunken haze to see a pretty chick I've never seen before sitting in my desk chair. Blond hair, nightgown, chesty and lovely enough for a half awake and hammered 18 year old. She's just sitting there looking at me, smiling. I try to say something like "who are you?" I'm confused. Am I in my own dorm room? Is this my roommate's friend? Who is this girl? Before I can do much of anything the girl shushes me, climbs out of the chair into the bed and we start going at it. Once the excitement started I don't remember thinking or caring who she was, only that this was probably the greatest night of my life. After probably only about 5/10 minutes, she mumbles something, gets up and leaves the room. I try to half-heartedly stop her, but I'm still pretty blitzed and just let her go and drift back to sleep.

I wake up the next morning. The night is coming back to me in pieces, including the middle of the night rendezvous with Blondie McBombs. I'm thinking it had to be a dream. Definitely wasn't a girl from my floor. I must've just had a vivid and lovely, drunken dream. So I get up and notice a puddle of water in my desk chair (one of those generic, plastic dorm room chairs). What the hell is that? Maybe she was actually in my room? Spilled something?

Long story short I go down to the dining hall and see the girl!! There she is eating breakfast with the girls who live down the hall from me. They all look at me and start laughing. I go over and immediately the girl says she's sorry and thinks she drunkenly stumbled into my room by mistake. I tell her I was pretty drunk and didn't really know exactly what happened. I told her about the water in the chair. She gives an embarrassed look. "I think I peed there." I kind of smile and shake my head. "Oh well, it happens," I say. I go over to sit with my buddies and tell them all the story. A few of them smell my fingers for proof (there was definitely still some proof on them) and we all laugh and they all smile and stare at the girl for the rest of breakfast. I tried to find her later but she had already left to go back to whatever school she was going to.

So basically for a random, late night, drunken, glorious hook up...I had to clean a puddle of urine off my chair. A trade I would make every. single. time.

The obvious internet tough guy answer is to beat ### first and ask questions later.
I don't think that's the tough guy answer, I think that's how I would seriously react, being scared crapless and wanting to defend myself/take control of the situation.
Yes this is my take as well. I just don't see myself trying to figure it out when I run into somebody that's in my house in the middle of the night carrying a flashlight. There aren't too many explanations that would make sense anyway. My rationale would be get in a few punches while I have the advantage.
Exactly. With my wife and two kids are in the house you can explain what you are doing there after you are incapacitated. Particularly in this city. Crap, some guy broke in and raped an 80 year old woman last year two streets from me.
I would never do that. Never.
The obvious internet tough guy answer is to beat ### first and ask questions later.
I don't think that's the tough guy answer, I think that's how I would seriously react, being scared crapless and wanting to defend myself/take control of the situation.
Yes this is my take as well. I just don't see myself trying to figure it out when I run into somebody that's in my house in the middle of the night carrying a flashlight. There aren't too many explanations that would make sense anyway. My rationale would be get in a few punches while I have the advantage.
Exactly. With my wife and two kids are in the house you can explain what you are doing there after you are incapacitated. Particularly in this city. Crap, some guy broke in and raped an 80 year old woman last year two streets from me.
I would never do that. Never.
Why, was she a stripper?
She buys books, Bob, so she probably isn't your type of gal. :thumbup:
That was just schtick but my wife won't allow me to date so don't worry about it.
I would never do that. Never.
That's some sic #### isn't it? They busted the guy a couple of days later when he tried to break into another home.
I'm a pretty moderate guy but I think that's when you just drive the guy out to some field or quarry and shoot him like a rabid dog.
WTF. :confused:

I'm a heavy sleeper, so I don't know what woke me, but I woke up about an hour ago and crawled out of bed and ran smack into a guy in my apartment outside my bedroom. I was still groggy from sleep so it took me a second to clue in to what was going on; I thought maybe someone had drunkenly walked into the wrong apartment or something, which has happened before. I ask the guy what the hell he is doing in my apartment, he freezes stiff and mumbles something about "sleeping." As I start to wake up a bit more I'm getting annoyed and angry, so I ask him who the hell he is and how he got in here. He tells me his name is "Mike" but I ask again, angrier this time and he says "Mike Schellenberg." It's basically pitch black in my apartment so I can't see the guy but I can tell he is either drunk or scared ####less. I live on the third floor of a three story condo building, and I've been warned about leaving my balcony door open due to the potential fro theft, so I demand he tell me how he got in -- did he climb up? He mumbles something about "his friends." By this time my son has awakened from the commotion and starts yelling for me, and I wake up fully and realize this guy needs to get out of my apartment, now. I tell him he needs to get the #### out before I call the police, escort him to the door, and shove him out.

My son, four years old, was wondering of course what's going on; I told him someone made a mistake and went into thew wrong apartment. My adrenalin is flowing by this point but I needed to calm him down and get him back to sleep. He told me he was scared; I told him it would be okay, it was just a mistake and I'm here to protect him.

So, like I said, WTF. I looked around and nothing had been taken yet. Should I bother calling the police? I think the guy was being honest about his name. :rolleyes: I looked him up on facebook and yes, I think this is him, though I never got a good look at him in my haste to get him out of my apartment and ensure my kid was safe. He was just a skinny youth so throwing him out was no problem; right now I'm just glad it didn't get uglier because I realize if the guy had had a weapon or been more serious about what he was doing, both I and my son could have been in a great deal of danger.
I don't think Fullback Fro would do that.
Well, Mike just came and picked up his stuff. He seems like a nice guy, very apologetic. Glad I didn't kill him.
So did he explain why he was there?
I think he came by to pick up the stuff he left the night before.
:shrug:Yeah, as suspected, he's friends with some kids in the building and wandered in here by mistake. Apparently I left the door unlocked. :lmao:
Did he replace your Twinkies?
Well, Mike just came and picked up his stuff. He seems like a nice guy, very apologetic. Glad I didn't kill him.
So did he explain why he was there?
I think he came by to pick up the stuff he left the night before.
:shrug:Yeah, as suspected, he's friends with some kids in the building and wandered in here by mistake. Apparently I left the door unlocked. :lmao:
You bought this?
Well, Mike just came and picked up his stuff. He seems like a nice guy, very apologetic. Glad I didn't kill him.
So did he explain why he was there?
I think he came by to pick up the stuff he left the night before.
:lol:Yeah, as suspected, he's friends with some kids in the building and wandered in here by mistake. Apparently I left the door unlocked. :bag:
You bought this?
:eek: He was in the building all morning at his friends' place... I left a note on the building billboard telling him or his friends to phone me, and he did half an hour later and was over in less than a minute. Maybe he was really aiming to rip me off, but he didn't, and he was so f'ed up I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Did he explain what he was doing poking around with a flashlight? I'm lucky if I remember a flashlight on a planned camping trip. I'm lucky if I packed one, even luckier if it has working batteries, and it's a rare night I actually remember to get it out and take it with me. This guy was wasted. Why would he have a flashlight?

Did he explain what he was doing poking around with a flashlight? I'm lucky if I remember a flashlight on a planned camping trip. I'm lucky if I packed one, even luckier if it has working batteries, and it's a rare night I actually remember to get it out and take it with me. This guy was wasted. Why would he have a flashlight?
That's the part that doesn't make sense, but I didn't ask. He took his eyeglasses off at the doorway and walked past my entertainment centre, computer, and Xbox games without so much as disturbing them. Doesn't sound like burglar behavior to me. I'm seriously starting to wonder if I hallucinated the flashlight thing.
Did he explain what he was doing poking around with a flashlight? I'm lucky if I remember a flashlight on a planned camping trip. I'm lucky if I packed one, even luckier if it has working batteries, and it's a rare night I actually remember to get it out and take it with me. This guy was wasted. Why would he have a flashlight?
That's the part that doesn't make sense, but I didn't ask. He took his eyeglasses off at the doorway and walked past my entertainment centre, computer, and Xbox games without so much as disturbing them. Doesn't sound like burglar behavior to me. I'm seriously starting to wonder if I hallucinated the flashlight thing.
were you on acid?
Did he explain what he was doing poking around with a flashlight? I'm lucky if I remember a flashlight on a planned camping trip. I'm lucky if I packed one, even luckier if it has working batteries, and it's a rare night I actually remember to get it out and take it with me. This guy was wasted. Why would he have a flashlight?
That's the part that doesn't make sense, but I didn't ask. He took his eyeglasses off at the doorway and walked past my entertainment centre, computer, and Xbox games without so much as disturbing them. Doesn't sound like burglar behavior to me. I'm seriously starting to wonder if I hallucinated the flashlight thing.
were you on acid?
Last night? No. I thought I saw light as I got out of bed and in my grogginess thought that he had switched it off when I came out of my bedroom. He had frozen in the doorway to another room and was hoping I wouldn't see him, but I was sure he was holding a flashlight the whole time. But I was barely conscious at the time, and high on adrenalin when I sat down and recalled the whole thing, so there you have it.
Did he explain what he was doing poking around with a flashlight? I'm lucky if I remember a flashlight on a planned camping trip. I'm lucky if I packed one, even luckier if it has working batteries, and it's a rare night I actually remember to get it out and take it with me. This guy was wasted. Why would he have a flashlight?
That's the part that doesn't make sense, but I didn't ask. He took his eyeglasses off at the doorway and walked past my entertainment centre, computer, and Xbox games without so much as disturbing them. Doesn't sound like burglar behavior to me. I'm seriously starting to wonder if I hallucinated the flashlight thing.
Maybe he wasn't after electronics. Maybe he had a particular loot in mind. Maybe he was after........the family jewels!
This happened to me once. I woke up and there was a guy holding a fleshlight. Turns out that guy was me.

I'm a pretty moderate guy but I think that's when you just drive the guy out to some field or quarry and shoot him like a rabid dog.
Quarrys are a great place to get rid of a body.
tell us about the cop visit.
They never came. I called back and told them not to bother. They told me when I called that they might not come until tomorrow or even sometime during the week.
WTF do you live in Mayberry?
Someone should PM Keerok and ask him to start a new Is this normal ? thread. Is it normal for someone to bring a flashlight when visiting friends?

I predict that 99.9% of the people here will vote no. The other .1% will be lying.

This is what happened:

He went into your place with the intention to steal something. You caught him in the act. He freaked out and answered all your questions honestly. You contacted him via Facebook informing him that he left his eyeglasses (which aren't cheap) and weed (not cheap either) there. Since he's probably poor he figured it'd be a good idea to pick those items up. I'm sure he liked the idea of getting his shoes back too.

Next time someone breaks in, shoot the perp. And if you miss don't contact him on facebook.

St. Louis Bob said:
RudiStein said:
I'm a pretty moderate guy but I think that's when you just drive the guy out to some field or quarry and shoot him like a rabid dog.
Quarrys are a great place to get rid of a body.
drpill said:
AhrnCityPahnder said:
tell us about the cop visit.
They never came. I called back and told them not to bother. They told me when I called that they might not come until tomorrow or even sometime during the week.
WTF do you live in Mayberry?
Cops here in what I call the Baltimore of the North have real emergencies to deal with. As Canadian cities go, there's a lot of crazy gun violence in this town; drive by shootings almost every weekend all summer long. I imagine my case -- no emergency, nothing stolen, etc. would be pretty low priority.
Someone should PM Keerok and ask him to start a new Is this normal ? thread. Is it normal for someone to bring a flashlight when visiting friends?

I predict that 99.9% of the people here will vote no. The other .1% will be lying.

This is what happened:

He went into your place with the intention to steal something. You caught him in the act. He freaked out and answered all your questions honestly. You contacted him via Facebook informing him that he left his eyeglasses (which aren't cheap) and weed (not cheap either) there. Since he's probably poor he figured it'd be a good idea to pick those items up. I'm sure he liked the idea of getting his shoes back too.

Next time someone breaks in, shoot the perp. And if you miss don't contact him on facebook.
A) I didn't contact him via facebook. I left a message on a dry erase board inside our condo building telling him or his friends to call me. He did, within an hour.B) Why would anyone who needs eyeglasses take them off while robbing someone's house and leave them on the floor?

Otherwise I agree; it's still a possibility he was trying to rip me off and just happened to suck at it. It just seems less likely to me than the possibility that he was high as a kite and wandered into my apartment by mistake.

St. Louis Bob said:
RudiStein said:
I'm a pretty moderate guy but I think that's when you just drive the guy out to some field or quarry and shoot him like a rabid dog.
Quarrys are a great place to get rid of a body.
drpill said:
AhrnCityPahnder said:
tell us about the cop visit.
They never came. I called back and told them not to bother. They told me when I called that they might not come until tomorrow or even sometime during the week.
WTF do you live in Mayberry?
Cops here in what I call the Baltimore of the North have real emergencies to deal with. As Canadian cities go, there's a lot of crazy gun violence in this town; drive by shootings almost every weekend all summer long. I imagine my case -- no emergency, nothing stolen, etc. would be pretty low priority.
East St. Louis of the north sounds more appropriate.If breaking and entry is a low priority for the cops I would really consider moving. But hey, that's just me.
A) I didn't contact him via facebook. I left a message on a dry erase board inside our condo building telling him or his friends to call me. He did, within an hour.B) Why would anyone who needs eyeglasses take them off while robbing someone's house and leave them on the floor?Otherwise I agree; it's still a possibility he was trying to rip me off and just happened to suck at it. It just seems less likely to me than the possibility that he was high as a kite and wandered into my apartment by mistake.
He may have dropped the eyeglasses by mistake. Him having a flashlight blows my mind, so I'm not 100% sold on his story.Either way, glad it ended in you and your son being okay.
A) I didn't contact him via facebook. I left a message on a dry erase board inside our condo building telling him or his friends to call me. He did, within an hour.B) Why would anyone who needs eyeglasses take them off while robbing someone's house and leave them on the floor?Otherwise I agree; it's still a possibility he was trying to rip me off and just happened to suck at it. It just seems less likely to me than the possibility that he was high as a kite and wandered into my apartment by mistake.
He may have dropped the eyeglasses by mistake. Him having a flashlight blows my mind, so I'm not 100% sold on his story.Either way, glad it ended in you and your son being okay.
Me too. :thumbdown:
I too had an incoherent mumbler at my house a while back. I was pulling into my driveway from my alley and saw a guy run into my yard. I confronted him while he was standing there in the shadows (it was 11:30) and he was like "Uh uh I was just uh....". I asked him again what the #### was he doing in my driveway and he muttered something else incoherent. I pulled into my driveway and he quickly walked away. I grabbed a hammer and took off after him. He got a few street away and disappeared into the shadows again. I called the cops and the got him. He had a hunting knife and a can of mace on him. He also had priors for sex crimes and burglary. Nice guy to have in your back yard at close to midnight when you live with a 22 year old blond.

I'm not sure what I would have done if a guy was in my place. being single and no kids to worry about. I'd probably hit him with a golf club.

This is what happened:

He went into your place with the intention to steal something. You caught him in the act. He freaked out and answered all your questions honestly. You contacted him via Facebook informing him that he left his eyeglasses (which aren't cheap) and weed (not cheap either) there. Since he's probably poor he figured it'd be a good idea to pick those items up. I'm sure he liked the idea of getting his shoes back too.

Next time someone breaks in, shoot the perp. And if you miss don't contact him on facebook.
I don't know. I'm siding more with the Stoner Claus interpretation of Schellenberg. I mean look at the guy. He's got Jack Sikma's hair from circa '81, and he didn't hesitate to post a profile pic where he's clearly stoned out of his mind.
This is what happened:

He went into your place with the intention to steal something. You caught him in the act. He freaked out and answered all your questions honestly. You contacted him via Facebook informing him that he left his eyeglasses (which aren't cheap) and weed (not cheap either) there. Since he's probably poor he figured it'd be a good idea to pick those items up. I'm sure he liked the idea of getting his shoes back too.

Next time someone breaks in, shoot the perp. And if you miss don't contact him on facebook.
I don't know. I'm siding more with the Stoner Claus interpretation of Schellenberg. I mean look at the guy. He's got Jack Sikma's hair from circa '81, and he didn't hesitate to post a profile pic where he's clearly stoned out of his mind.
How'd things work out with the cop?

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