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Vasectomies (1 Viewer)

Kal El

Just had mine done today, and it went pretty well, aside from a few minor shocks from the thing they used to cauterize the tubes. The worst part was actually wiping off the gel from the plate they had me sit on to ground the electric circuit. Now I'm home and wide awake at midnight thanks to a four hour nap I had earlier.

But I am curious, any horror stories from the masses?

Just had mine done today, and it went pretty well, aside from a few minor shocks from the thing they used to cauterize the tubes. The worst part was actually wiping off the gel from the plate they had me sit on to ground the electric circuit. Now I'm home and wide awake at midnight thanks to a four hour nap I had earlier.

But I am curious, any horror stories from the masses?
Are you nuts?

Do you kryptonian sperm is worth?

Just had mine done today, and it went pretty well, aside from a few minor shocks from the thing they used to cauterize the tubes. The worst part was actually wiping off the gel from the plate they had me sit on to ground the electric circuit. Now I'm home and wide awake at midnight thanks to a four hour nap I had earlier.

But I am curious, any horror stories from the masses?
Are you nuts?Do you kryptonian sperm is worth?
Do you remember my battle with Zod? They tried to calculate the damages, and they're still adding zeroes to that total. Besides, I already have three kids, and they'll be strong enough with half-Kryptonian ancestry.
Things must have changed in the 20 years since I had it done. I didn't have to sit on a plate to ground current...but it sounds like fun.

Had mine done on Thursday. No metal plate for me either.

The worst part during the procedure was the jet injector device for the local anesthesia. Needles may suck but this wasn't much better.

It's been about 44 hours since it happened and I'm feeling much improved. The first day and a half were definitely couch days. Lots of icing and Tylenol.

Vasectomies are great. Had one 5 years ago.

Oops, brb, my 4 year old daughter needs something...

Looks like i will be going down this road this summer. What level of pain/how many days off are we talking here?

Looks like i will be going down this road this summer. What level of pain/how many days off are we talking here?
Mine was pretty much zero pain and I was up and around 24 hours later. The worst part for me was that the doctor wouldn't stop talking about random crap while he was doing it. I know he'd done hundreds of them in his life, but it's only happening once for me. He could at least pretend to pay attention.

16 days out for me. As stated, ice and Tylenol over the weekend, then ok to move around on Monday and beyond. Still a bit sensitive, but mostly back to normal at this point. As for the procedure, gonna be honest, it hurt more than I'd been expecting. But, in and out in roughly a half hour, so probably worth it in the end.

My boys took a little longer to die than expected. Waiting a little longer for me was the worst thing about it. I had no real pain and iced up just the first day. Only regret is not getting it done sooner.

Metal...plate? Errr, no idea on that.

Doc had me in stirrups and used a gel anesthesia that worked well. Except on ol' Lefty where it started to wear off and I could feel some intense pressure. Told the doc and he said

"No problem" and put more on and I was fine the rest of the time.

For me, the worst part were the stitches. Man those sonso#####es hurt when they dig into Mr. Happy (or whatever you want to call it)! Had to keep gauze down there until the stitches

dissolved on their own (over a week).

I did get tested...twice, and was given the ol' "SCOTT FREE" ok, and glad I did it.

So when you go back to get tested what is the right way to go about it?

Ask to use the bathroom and provide a sample at the doctors office?

Rub one out in the doctor's parking lot and bring that into doctors office?

Have the wife help at home and bring that in?

Asking for a friend.

No pain when I had mine done but a weird tugging feel as he was knotting it up. :mellow: Walked out and got a ride to the store for beer and steaks. Took it easy that night and went about my normal business the next day.

So when you go back to get tested what is the right way to go about it?

Ask to use the bathroom and provide a sample at the doctors office?

Rub one out in the doctor's parking lot and bring that into doctors office?

Have the wife help at home and bring that in?

Asking for a friend.
They need it be fresh and they also want to make sure it's yours so you have to do it in front of the nurse.

So when you go back to get tested what is the right way to go about it?

Ask to use the bathroom and provide a sample at the doctors office?

Rub one out in the doctor's parking lot and bring that into doctors office?

Have the wife help at home and bring that in?

Asking for a friend.
They need it be fresh and they also want to make sure it's yours so you have to do it in front of the nurse.
The freshness factor is key here . If you have a long drive to doctors office the home/wife choice may not be an option.

Stuff like this they don't tell you. How are we supposed to figure this out?

Sure we'd all like the receptionist at the docs office to be some hot piece of ### but what if it's some 250 lb scary behemoth?

So when you go back to get tested what is the right way to go about it?

Ask to use the bathroom and provide a sample at the doctors office?

Rub one out in the doctor's parking lot and bring that into doctors office?

Have the wife help at home and bring that in?

Asking for a friend.
They need it be fresh and they also want to make sure it's yours so you have to do it in front of the nurse.
The freshness factor is key here . If you have a long drive to doctors office the home/wife choice may not be an option.

Stuff like this they don't tell you. How are we supposed to figure this out?

Sure we'd all like the receptionist at the docs office to be some hot piece of ### but what if it's some 250 lb scary behemoth?

I never went back to get checked so I don't really know. Always went by the rumor that they sent you into a room with a "vessel" to collect a sample.

So when you go back to get tested what is the right way to go about it?

Ask to use the bathroom and provide a sample at the doctors office?

Rub one out in the doctor's parking lot and bring that into doctors office?

Have the wife help at home and bring that in?

Asking for a friend.
They need it be fresh and they also want to make sure it's yours so you have to do it in front of the nurse.
The freshness factor is key here . If you have a long drive to doctors office the home/wife choice may not be an option.

Stuff like this they don't tell you. How are we supposed to figure this out?

Sure we'd all like the receptionist at the docs office to be some hot piece of ### but what if it's some 250 lb scary behemoth?
:lol: I never went back to get checked so I don't really know. Always went by the rumor that they sent you into a room with a "vessel" to collect a sample.
Posing the question to the previously mentioned behemoth receptionist is a bit weird no?

And collecting specimen in your car outside in the parking lot in broad daylight is considered OK?

Would love to hear how some others went about this.

So when you go back to get tested what is the right way to go about it?

Ask to use the bathroom and provide a sample at the doctors office?

Rub one out in the doctor's parking lot and bring that into doctors office?

Have the wife help at home and bring that in?

Asking for a friend.
They need it be fresh and they also want to make sure it's yours so you have to do it in front of the nurse.
The freshness factor is key here . If you have a long drive to doctors office the home/wife choice may not be an option.

Stuff like this they don't tell you. How are we supposed to figure this out?

Sure we'd all like the receptionist at the docs office to be some hot piece of ### but what if it's some 250 lb scary behemoth?
:lol: I never went back to get checked so I don't really know. Always went by the rumor that they sent you into a room with a "vessel" to collect a sample.
Posing the question to the previously mentioned behemoth receptionist is a bit weird no?

And collecting specimen in your car outside in the parking lot in broad daylight is considered OK?

Would love to hear how some others went about this.
Obviously we should be scoping out the potential doctors and choosing the one with the hottest receptionist. That would make it easier to fulfill the recheck requirement. Go in 3 months after the procedure and hotty hands you a cup and a magazine. Uh, I won't be needing the magazine ma'am, brb.

Stitches??? What kind of neanderthal doctors are you guys visiting? They have a product called skin glue now. Doctor just rubs it on over the small hole he made, takes 15 seconds to dry, and it falls off naturally in about 4 days.

I was supposed to call today. None of this is making me want to do that
Whatever you do - DO NOT youtube the procedure - trust me on this.

Whole thing sounds worse than the actual procedure. Mine happend on a Friday mornoing - I got knocked out for it - woke up and it was done - drove my bicycle home and milked it throughout the weekend.

Stil one of the best decisons I've ever made.

Only downside is that it hurts your resale value.

I was supposed to call today. None of this is making me want to do that
Whatever you do - DO NOT youtube the procedure - trust me on this.

Whole thing sounds worse than the actual procedure. Mine happend on a Friday mornoing - I got knocked out for it - woke up and it was done - drove my bicycle home and milked it throughout the weekend.

Stil one of the best decisons I've ever made.

Only downside is that it hurts your resale value.
Very low resale value as it is

I was supposed to call today. None of this is making me want to do that
Whatever you do - DO NOT youtube the procedure - trust me on this.

Whole thing sounds worse than the actual procedure. Mine happend on a Friday mornoing - I got knocked out for it - woke up and it was done - drove my bicycle home and milked it throughout the weekend.

Stil one of the best decisons I've ever made.

Only downside is that it hurts your resale value.
Very low resale value as it is
Then it's really a no brainer.

Anytime. Anywhere. At a moments notice

Had mine done in January of 2013 at Kaiser Permanente.

No metal plate. Took around 30 minutes after checking in. Procedure was uncomfortable but the actual amount of pain was not that high. I'd say it peaked at a 4/10 when he was digging around to find the vas deferens, causing what felt like an undue amount of squeezing on the testes. Also hit that 4/10 mark during one of the two initial incisions.

I should add that I have a bit of anxiety about medical procedures, so that doesn't help my experience. Overall I'd compare the experience to having a couple of fillings replaced at the dentist.

They say that 1 in 500 men has some sort of adverse reaction that they lump under the term "post-vasectomy pain syndrome." Unfortunately for me, I think I qualify. While the initial recovery was a breeze (almost felt guilty being off my feet), I had a lot of vague aches in the area and radiating out through the pelvic base and lower abdominal area. These occurred almost daily at first, lasting anywhere up to two hours, but over time they became less frequent and shorter in duration. Six months out they probably occurred once a week for half an hour or so, with less intensity. If you have ever suffered from what we know as "blue balls," then you have an approximation of what these aches feel like.

In hindsight from two years out I'm happy I did it. I no longer experience aches. I admit that I had regrets during the first 3 months or so.

It's a very personal decision, and I wish you the best with it.

I was supposed to call today. None of this is making me want to do that
Whatever you do - DO NOT youtube the procedure - trust me on this.

Whole thing sounds worse than the actual procedure. Mine happend on a Friday mornoing - I got knocked out for it - woke up and it was done - drove my bicycle home and milked it throughout the weekend.

Stil one of the best decisons I've ever made.

Only downside is that it hurts your resale value.
Only hurts your resale value if you mention it to the buyer.

I was real nervous about having mine done. Got the scalpel free procedure and it was a piece of cake. Took about ten minutes, only pain was a slight ##### from the needle to numb things up. I just took an 800 mg of Ibuprofen when I left the office, put the bag of peas on them when I got home, and was expecting to wake up the next morning in dire need of more pain meds and some swelling. I never took any other pain meds, there was no swelling and I had to resist the temptation of going around the house since I didn't want to lay on a couch all day. Maybe I just got lucky or had a real good doctor.

I was back to using the boys 7 days later and things are going well. I plan on going in later this month to see if I get the all clear. As others have said, I wish I had done it sooner.

ETA- I didn't need any stitches either.

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I was supposed to call today. None of this is making me want to do that
Whatever you do - DO NOT youtube the procedure - trust me on this.

Whole thing sounds worse than the actual procedure. Mine happend on a Friday mornoing - I got knocked out for it - woke up and it was done - drove my bicycle home and milked it throughout the weekend.

Stil one of the best decisons I've ever made.

Only downside is that it hurts your resale value.
Only hurts your resale value if you mention it to the buyer.
get the JunkFaxTM


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