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TRUMP TO INFINITY AND BEYOND HQ - The Great and Positive Place (5 Viewers)

I don't know if it was daily, but it sure seemed that way.

Did Jim11 really go away after he was banned or did he resurface under another moniker? Posting styles are distinctive and I don't recall seeing posts from any alias after that which I thought was him.  
So was Jim one of the first conservative voices forever silenced?

The Counterattack Is Underway

Trump supporters have been impatiently waiting for some real push-back on the Democrats and their Deep State and legacy media allies for over three years now. Some well-earned Trumpenfreude is long overdue for those involved in the various illegal investigations (e.g., Crossfire Hurricane), abuses of the FISA process, the impeachment farce, and frivolous investigations into President Trump and his family (e.g., the emoluments clause lawsuit).

With his lifetime acquittal by the US Senate of the hyper-partisan impeachment charges brought by the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, President Trump is now counterattacking on multiple fronts. Let’s review the good news:

AG Barr announces a new policy that there will not be investigations of 2020 presidential candidates, their campaigns, or advisers without his approval (Loretta Lynch’s policy was apparently to look the other way to facilitate investigations):

So, NO investigation into Joe Biden

— Karen (@frespirit01) February 7, 2020

The Vindman twins were summarily dismissed from the National Security Council and walked out to the cheers of many:

From a senior official and witness to Vindmans being escorted out: “People were standing and applauding them getting removed. Not just politicals, but careers in resource, personnel, and intel.” So yeah, those two got what they deserved and everyone knows it. https://t.co/wYWg3cQKJz

— Ned Ryun (@nedryun) February 10, 2020

National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien is reassigning 70 Obama holdovers at the NSC

Ambassador Gordon Sondland was recalled (fired)

AG Barr announced a crackdown and a “‘significant escalation’ against so-called ‘sanctuary cities’ for ‘unconstitutionally interfering’ with federal efforts to enforce immigration law.”

DoJ staff outside Main Justice in DC and separate from John Durham’s criminal investigation have been reviewing Ukrainian-related records – including information provided by Rudy Giuliani – for several weeks (this is the big one that could implicate many in the political class)

Overly harsh (vindictive?) sentencing guidelines for Roger Stone recommended by Mueller’s Democrat prosecutors were revised downward https://dailycaller.com/2020/02/11/doj-revise-prison-far-less-roger-stone/

Swamp rat Jesse Liu, who oversaw the prosecutions of Roger Stone and Michael Flynn, was replaced as US attorney for Washington, DC

Jussie Smollett was indicted on 6 counts

Two Republican senators going after mischaracterizations (lies) in the Horowitz report on FISA abuse

In a tweet (he always identifies future targets!), POTUS goes after Obama-appointee Judge Amy Berman Jackson who presided over the Manafort, Gates, and van der Zwaan

Is this the Judge that put Paul Manafort in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT, something that not even mobster Al Capone had to endure? How did she treat Crooked Hillary Clinton? Just asking! https://t.co/Fe7XkepJNN

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 12, 2020

In another tweet, POTUS brings up Tony Podesta (I wonder why now if not to signal something happening on the legal front)

Whatever happened to Hillary campaign manager Podesta’s BROTHER? Wasn’t he caught, forced to leave his firm, with BIG BAD things to happen? Why did nothing ever happen to him, only to the “other” side?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 12, 2020

Devin Nunes suggests that the Mueller prosecutors are going to face some serious problems as their involvement in perpetuating the Russian hoax through bogus investigations is exposed

John Durham’s criminal investigation continues apace; sources say a mountain of evidence has been uncovered “beyond expectations”

Clinton Foundation-related prosecutions are also reportedly in the queue

All of these are aimed at rooting out the corruption and sedition about which we have been glimpsing through various investigative reports over the past several years, and it’s clear that a ramp-up of actions is underway. There are bound to be more DoJ announcements in the queue, too: prostitution rings, pedophilia, public corruption, and other topics come to mind. It sure seems like a counterattack to me! More Trumpenfreude is on the way…

The end.
Links to all stories available. https://www.redstate.com/stu-in-sd/2020/02/13/the-counterattack-is-underway/

2020 is off to a good start.  

So was Jim one of the first conservative voices forever silenced?
He wasn't silenced for being a conservative voice. He had a habit of starting intentionally inflammatory threads with articles from right wing sources, but then not posting in the thread after that and running away from any subsequent discussion.

So because you’re switching votes from one side to the other that nullifies my point that politics are tribal?  Ok sure. 
You said it was typical left right blame game. I said it’s different this time because the communist path the democrats are on are driving some former democrat voters to leave and switch sides like me. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. We are very likely to get four more years of Trump and I’m sure four more years of making up crimes to pin on the prez while doing everything possible to drag our country down to third world status like the streets of San Fran have already been.

No one is nullifying anything just pointing out that the Bolshevik tactics are driving people to Trump and away from the tyrannical Uber left swing the Dems have made thus far. Trump in a landslide as he continues to drain the swamp and the left tries to cover up their crimes with fake news and lawless sedition.

Probably the last of the entertaining POTUS elections we will ever see. Then in 2024 it back to business as usual.

Bloomberg calls Trump a 'carnival barking clown' after president labels him a 'tiny version' of Jeb Bush  🤣

Probably the last of the entertaining POTUS elections we will ever see. Then in 2024 it back to business as usual.

Bloomberg calls Trump a 'carnival barking clown' after president labels him a 'tiny version' of Jeb Bush  🤣
Don't be so sure.  I've seen plenty of posts in this forum that Trump will never step down from being POTUS.  Then he will pass the position to Don Jr.  Who can sling the tweets as well.  

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You said it was typical left right blame game. I said it’s different this time because the communist path the democrats are on are driving some former democrat voters to leave and switch sides like me. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. We are very likely to get four more years of Trump and I’m sure four more years of making up crimes to pin on the prez while doing everything possible to drag our country down to third world status like the streets of San Fran have already been.

No one is nullifying anything just pointing out that the Bolshevik tactics are driving people to Trump and away from the tyrannical Uber left swing the Dems have made thus far. Trump in a landslide as he continues to drain the swamp and the left tries to cover up their crimes with fake news and lawless sedition.
Yeah I don’t think you and I view things though the same lens.  But you have a good day my friend.  

Yeah I don’t think you and I view things though the same lens.  But you have a good day my friend.  
Yeah it’s easier to believe the Russian conspiracy theories invented by communists like Brennan and Comey and broadcast on creepy CNN. They follow their marching orders from the U.N. not the U.S. Watching the Biden’s wilt under their Ukraine robbery has been a nice start to draining the commie swamp.

Yeah it’s easier to believe the Russian conspiracy theories invented by communists like Brennan and Comey and broadcast on creepy CNN. They follow their marching orders from the U.N. not the U.S. Watching the Biden’s wilt under their Ukraine robbery has been a nice start to draining the commie swamp.
Sure. 👍.  Again have a good day buddy. 

Sure. 👍.  Again have a good day buddy. 
America first always and forever. I can’t understand why someone would live in America and not want to make America great again. NAFTA hollowed this countries industrial base out just like Ross Perot predicted. Trump stood up to China. Nobody has ever done that.

Seems like the left is working harder for China and the U.N. than they are for Americans. All they can focus on is their hate for Trump and everything this country stands for. They have become public enemy number one trying to overthrow a President who disagrees with their Marxist/ commie worldview.

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Thank you President Trump!

WASHINGTON – A Gallup poll has encouraging news for President Donald Trump as his battle for reelection heats up: More than 6 in 10 Americans say they are better off than they were three years ago when he took office, and about the same number credit him for the improvement. 

No other incumbent president in the past three decades has enjoyed such a high percentage of people saying they feel better about their situation. In 2012, when President Barack Obama was in the White House, 45% of Americans told Gallup they were better off than they were three years ago. In 2004, 1996 and 1992, the number was 50%. 

In the latest survey, 61% say they are better off, 36% say they're not and 3% say they're about the same.

A strong majority of Americans (62%) say Trump should get credit for improving the economy. Thirty-seven percent say he deserves a "great deal" of credit, and 25% say he deserves a "fair amount." Nineteen percent say he should not take much credit, and 18% say he deserves none at all.

More left wing violence-

EXCLUSIVE: A New Hampshire man was arrested Thursday afternoon after allegedly assaulting a 15-year-old Trump supporter and two adults at a polling site during the state’s first-in-the-nation primary earlier this week.

The teen's mother said in an exclusive interview with Fox News after the arrest that her son is "traumatized."

The Windham Police Department said Patrick Bradley, 34, of Windham, was charged with simple assault and disorderly conduct.

Fox News has learned that the suspect got in the face of the teenage boy who was wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat and volunteering at the Trump tent at Windham High School, a polling location for the New Hampshire primar

Police said the incident happened Tuesday as Bradley exited the voting location inside the high school and was walking by a Trump campaign tent occupied by several supporters. As he passed by the tent, police said, Bradley slapped a 15-year old juvenile across the face and then assaulted two other adults who attempted to intercede.

Bradley is also accused of throwing Trump campaign signs and attempting to knock over the campaign tent, police said.

In the interview with Fox News, the boy’s mother, Cathy Campbell, described the incident involving her son, requesting he remains anonymous.

“My son stayed home from school on Tuesday for a doctor's appointment and we drove by the high school to go vote. When we got there, we saw Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle, and my son was over the moon,” she said. “My son is the most patriotic kid you’d ever meet in your life.”

The Trump campaign confirmed that both Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle were at the polling place on Tuesday.

Campbell told Fox News that later in the day, her son was invited to volunteer at the polling site and hold Trump signs outside the school.


“I was apprehensive about him wearing the MAGA hat, because we know it can provoke and we know people don’t like Trump,” she explained. “But he wore the hat because he’s a proud 15-year-old and he doesn’t know what people are going to be like.”

Campbell said she dropped her son off to volunteer at the school.

“My son was standing outside on the sidewalk and he said ‘have a nice night,’ he said it to everyone. But this man was triggered,” Campbell explained. “He said ‘f--- you’ to him and wound up his hand as fast as he could and slapped him across the face.”

Campbell said that a man, also wearing a MAGA hat, came over to intervene. According to Campbell, that man now has a fractured jaw.

Campbell told Fox News that her husband is a firefighter in town and was on duty during the incident.

“He got the call about the assault and didn’t know it was our son until he got there,” she explained.

“He’s the sweetest kid,” Campbell said of her son. “He was so excited and not realizing that something like this could happen.”


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