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The Trump Years- Every day something more shocking than the last! (3 Viewers)

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All Presidents, or just President Trump? That percentage is likely variable based on the exact President they are answering about. For example, if HRC won in 2016, and the poll was taken at the same point in time, it's likely that number would be much lower and possibly single digits.
And the number on the D side would likely (and unfortunately) be higher 

And the number on the D side would likely (and unfortunately) be higher 
That would be the expected result, agreed. There's a decent argument that a lot of the result in this case can be explained by the question phrasing itself. 

I'd be willing to bet that if you asked the respondent to repeat the question back, they would say they answered based on the question "Should President Trump have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior?". And that their answer would be different if the question was phrased "Should a President from the Democratic party have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior?". Which may also solicit a different answer than "Should a President in the future have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior?"

What the actual ####. 
To be honest, the way that the question is worded I could see some person reasonably albeit quickly saying to himself, "yeah, the president should ban bad stuff" without thinking it through. 

What's more alarming to me in that article is the number of people who apparently think the press is the enemy of the people.  That's scary ####. 

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To be honest, the way that the question is worded I could see some possible reasonably albeit quickly saying to himself, "yeah, the president should ban bad stuff" without thinking it through. 

What's more alarming to me in that article is the number of people who apparently think the press is the enemy of the people.  That's scary ####. 
There's always some of that in polls but those who identified as Dems or Independents seemed to know how to answer the question. 

This jackass and these dopes buying into his schtick are doing serious long-term damage. I don't really see how this can be sugar coated or put any other way.

I was a bit behind in the news but I have to laugh at the complete idiocy of the direction of our country.  I travelled to Europe this summer and it’s amazing what they are doing with wind, solar and renewable energies...while back here in America we’re trying to recreate the 1950s by bringing back asbestos and coal and turning back environmental regulations left and right.  

Now you have algae blooms all over Florida killing the fish and animals, hurting tourism and businesses. Such short termed idiocy...it’s just embarrassing to be associated with this President 

I do have to admit that Trump has done a surprisingly good job at draining the swamp.  Like everything he approaches it from a different angle...he picks the worst candidates that have business doing that particular job, they are mostly awful, corrupt people...when placed in positions of power they participate in criminal or unethical behavior in a very short time...he usually ignores it for a while but when the drum beat gets too loud he fires them or they’re arrested.  

Its certainly unconventional but he’s removed more people from office in his 18 months than probably any President ever.  Have to give credit where credit is due.


I was a bit behind in the news but I have to laugh at the complete idiocy of the direction of our country.  I travelled to Europe this summer and it’s amazing what they are doing with wind, solar and renewable energies...while back here in America we’re trying to recreate the 1950s by bringing back asbestos and coal and turning back environmental regulations left and right.  

Now you have algae blooms all over Florida killing the fish and animals, hurting tourism and businesses. Such short termed idiocy...it’s just embarrassing to be associated with this President 
Russian Asbestos Company Puts Trump's Face, Seal of Approval, on Pallets of Its Products

"Helping Putin and Russian oligarchs amass fortunes by selling a product that kills thousands each year should never be the role of a U.S. president or the EPA, but this is the Trump administration," 


I should have known it had something to do with the Russians.  If he only cared about our country as much as he cares for Russia we’d be ok. 

Just saw an article title about Trump’s Mar a Lago cronies being in charge of veterans affairs. 

I cant wait until this orange turd is out of office. 

Could you guys imagine if Obama had even attempted even 1% of the crap trump gets away with? Hannity would have a permanent boner probably.

Its so frustrating. 

Just saw an article title about Trump’s Mar a Lago cronies being in charge of veterans affairs. 

I cant wait until this orange turd is out of office. 

Could you guys imagine if Obama had even attempted even 1% of the crap trump gets away with? Hannity would have a permanent boner probably.

Its so frustrating. 
Yet, Obama is the worst President in history according to them.  It's freaking Bizarro World.

“Perjury trap” = dude is guilty
I have several Facebook friends who are police officers. Up until 2016 they frequently filled my timeline with rants against Miranda rights, search & seizure restrictions, and other laws that offered equal protection to all. Today, those same cops are bashing the "dirty dossier" as an illegal search, and accusing Mueller of trying to trick the President into committing perjury.

Any attempt to point out hypocrisy is met with "The libs are the ones who are hypocrites because [insert Hannity talking point here]".

Hawkeye21 said:
Yet, Obama is the worst President in history according to them.  It's freaking Bizarro World.
Obama is coming to Denmark next month (to some podunk town in Jutland). I sure hope Trump stays away for ever

[scooter] said:
Any attempt to point out hypocrisy is met with "The libs are the ones who are hypocrites because [insert Hannity talking point here]".
Pretty much any attempt to point out anything is met with this response for a certain percentage of voters. There's no reaching them, unfortunately.

That's what HRC was trying to say, but she called them deplorable, which was a mistake. No need for her to punch down like that and call people something, it's a turnoff. That's where the "go high" argument comes in, because otherwise it just fuels their fire with ammunition. 

What we have now in this country is anything but free press.  Of course everyone wants free press.  The media is controlled by a few Deep State Marxist, Leftists who are attempting to demise our President and incite a communist revolution.  
You do realize that Karl Marx wanted nothing to with a "state", deep or otherwise, right? He was not a believer in big government, or any kind of government, actually. 

What we have now in this country is anything but free press.  Of course everyone wants free press.  The media is controlled by a few Deep State Marxist, Leftists who are attempting to demise our President and incite a communist revolution.  
The part about the demise of the President and inciting the communist revolution is where this may go a bit sideways. That being said, the first two sentences are a solid starting point that, speaking for myself, completely agree with.

Where I would go with the next sentence about the media would be that most the "news" and "press" that remains in this country are entertainment companies that are profit driven. They have advertisers that pay to have their products shown during the commercial break, and the advertisers pay based on the ratings. Clicks are the same thing in the digital world. So Fox, CNN, NBC etc. all sold out on being "free press", it really isn't about pure news for them. They're entertainment companies.

And they reaped what they sowed with Donald Trump. Because Donald Trump brought all the eyeballs, all the clicks, and the networks all bought into it because they were greedy. Treating us all like children really. Or like sports fans, ironically.

Wait...this Space Force is a real thing? I honestly thought this was just one of those times that Trump was riffing and everybody just sort of laughed and turned to more important issues. I assumed it was one of those issues that every time he'd bring it up, John Kelly would tell him that they are working on it, just to keep him satisfied but apparently Mike Pence decided to have a big press conference announcement today 

Although I do still kind of believe my first theory because the entire hoopla so far has to do with the logo which might be their way of placating the orange imbecile  

Yes Mr President we are hard at work on Space Force, just last week we had a designer work on a logo which, as a person who has had great success in branding, you'd appreciate 

Yes, very good. A logo is really key to this, get to work on that. Maybe we should have an Apprentice style showdown on prime time to reveal the winning one 

Yes sir, sounds like a great idea. Those logos should be done in about two months, can't rush these things you know. Then a couple of months for review, you know for dotting the I's and crossing the T's.  

Sounds sensible but we have to get this in front of people to show the tremendous work i'm doing. This is just another example of a place where crooked Hillary would have done something without any pizazz like trying to fix those water pipes. Nobody cares about that, people want bigger 

Yes, sure whatever 

Do you think I should mention it at the campaign rally I'm having for that Tommy Baldwin guy over in Albuquerque 

You mean Troy Balderson in Ohio?? 

Yeah him. We like him right? He's not too nerdy looking is he? Anyway, get Tony a SpaceJam T-shirt. I like Mike 

Sure thing Chief

I do have to admit that Trump has done a surprisingly good job at draining the swamp.  Like everything he approaches it from a different angle...he picks the worst candidates that have business doing that particular job, they are mostly awful, corrupt people...when placed in positions of power they participate in criminal or unethical behavior in a very short time...he usually ignores it for a while but when the drum beat gets too loud he fires them or they’re arrested.  

Its certainly unconventional but he’s removed more people from office in his 18 months than probably any President ever.  Have to give credit where credit is due.

He drains the swamp of dirty water and replaces it with toxic sewage 

I see nothing selective - and even less that is ethical. 

These are pathetic, self serving, lying hypocrites. If someone supports that, it just says a lot about their character. Regardless of political ideology, putting your support behind these people is a terrible lack of judgement and/or appropriate priorities. 

Says a lot about what we've become, as a nation.

This is the way you so it.

So it’s a bannable offense to start a new thread about the president but ok to critique him in here?  Honest question. 
Pretty much any attacking of the President seems to be fair game (as it should be) but attacking his supporters is not (as it should be). Saying things like Koya said are acceptable on both sides as long as you don’t make it personal.  

Note: lots of people on both sides stay fired up about things so it’s easy to upset people

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