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The Trump Years- Every day something more shocking than the last! (3 Viewers)

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President Trump spoke out today against anti-Semitism: 


:thumbup:  This was much needed. Several people called on him to do it, including Hillary Clinton in a tweet this morning. I think it's important to give Trump credit when he does something right. 
He also visited an AA History Museum. He rambled as usual but he said he wanted to heal this country and he was honored to be there.

President Trump spoke out today against anti-Semitism: 


:thumbup:  This was much needed. Several people called on him to do it, including Hillary Clinton in a tweet this morning. I think it's important to give Trump credit when he does something right. 
It's also important to keep it in context:  any decent human being would have been appalled at the stuff people have been doing in Trump's name over the last year and would have taken more forceful action against it a long, long time ago.  

I don't think he's an anti-Semite himself, but I don't think he gives a #### about others who are.  This is a PR move.

60 Minutes Australia did a piece on the migrant crisis and focused a bit on Sweden

This is becoming a pattern.  Trump sprouts some complete nonsense, gets called out for it, then apologists try to find some morsels of truth about some topic that's kind of related to what Trump said and it ends up being treated as a serious discussion and people forget about the lie that started it.

#### that.  Trump invented an incident that didn't happen because he gets information by absentmindly watching cable news instead of from intelligence briefings. That's profoundly stupid and dangerous.  End of analysis. 

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I like how Trump deflects his fake news with "I was just given that information", then immediately doubles down with "Actually, I've seen that information around" (as if that helps).
"Mr. President, why did you launch nuclear missiles at Iran this morning?"

- "They launched theirs at us first."

"Well, no, they actually didn't.  Iran doesn't even have the capability to do that."

- "Well, I was given that information.  Lots of people have been saying it.  Next question."

"Mr. President, why did you launch nuclear missiles at Iran this morning?"

- "They launched theirs at us first."

"Well, no, they actually didn't.  Iran doesn't even have the capability to do that."

- "Well, I was given that information.  Lots of people have been saying it.  Next question."
HFS :lmao:

President Trump spoke out today against anti-Semitism: 


:thumbup:  This was much needed. Several people called on him to do it, including Hillary Clinton in a tweet this morning. I think it's important to give Trump credit when he does something right. 
Third time is the charm. The responses to the questions at the last two press conferences were disgraceful.

This is becoming a pattern.  Trump sprouts some complete nonsense, gets called out for it, then apologists try to find some morsels of truth about some topic that's kind of related to what Trump said and it ends up being treated as a serious discussion and people forget about the lie that started it.

#### that.  Trump invented an incident that didn't happen because he gets information by absentmindly watching cable news instead of from intelligence briefings. That's profoundly stupid and dangerous.  End of analysis. 
So wait there wasn't an issue with migrants rioting in Sweden last night?

Joe Summer said:
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Feb 20

Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!
Swedish police accuse filmmaker of using fake news techniques in documentary

"We don’t stand behind it. It shocked us. He has edited the answers. We were answering completely different questions in the interview. This is bad journalism."
From that article, it's clear that the film is a slice-and-dice of parts of answers, displayed in response to questions they were not asked during the interview. Ami Horowitz is a lying SOS.

Two Swedish police officers were interviewed in the film. Anders Göranzon and Jacob Ekström answered questions about how weapons are becoming more accessible. Horowitz also asked the officers about how crime has spread through cities. But the police officers now say that their answers were taken out of context, and are very critical of how their comments were portrayed on Fox News ”Tucker Carlson Tonight”. ”I don’t understand why we are a part of the segment. The interview was about something completely different to what Fox News and Horowitz were talking about”, says Anders Göranzon.

Why were you interviewed?

It was supposed to be about crime in high risk areas. Areas with high crime rates. There wasn’t any focus on migration or immigration”.

How did you react to the news segment?

”We don’t stand behind it. It shocked us. He has edited the answers. We were answering completely different questions in the interview. This is bad journalism.”

Anders Göranzon continues: ”It feels like hell. The real questions should be shown along with our answers. We don’t own the rights to the film, but the end result is that we don’t want to talk to journalists after this. We can’t trust each other.”

Have you done anything to stop the news segment?

”We just saw it. What can we do? One thing is talking to you. The excerpt they showed doesn’t say anything, we answered a different question. We don’t stand behind what he says. He is a madman.”

DN has tried to reach Mr. Ami Horowitz for a comment.

60 Minutes Australia did a piece on the migrant crisis and focused a bit on Sweden

Fwiw the incident occurs at 10:00 in. The piece is good.

It has nothing to do with Trump.

- If Trump spoke coherently and pointed to serious journalism and legitimate data there would be a conversation. By backing Trump you hurt your own cause, in more ways than one.

squistion said:
They just pop up in less than a day with a new alias - it is like whack a mole. And people keep quoting them, so putting them on ignore doesn't address that (if it did I would be in agreement). I am tired of seeing a rule in the pinned FAQ which is never enforced. Take the rule out and no one will be able to point to it again, because the official policy will be that we all have to live with the troll/alias accounts.
I think it is easy to see a user ID you know is a troll and either put on ignore or scroll right past. Neither takes any time and very little effort. I don't use ignore much but if I see certain user names, I scroll to the next post and it takes a second to do that. I see no reason to read the nonsense I don't want to read let alone respond to it. I don't need alias rules to do that. 

I don't post a whole lot because I am pretty busy but I like to read some threads when I can and I can ignore or scroll past the garbage I don't want to read. 

Sorry to derail the thread. 

As for Trump, I do not like him at all but I liked the McMaster appointment a lot.  :thumbup:

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President Trump spoke out today against anti-Semitism: 


:thumbup:  This was much needed. Several people called on him to do it, including Hillary Clinton in a tweet this morning. I think it's important to give Trump credit when he does something right. 
Best thing he's done since taking office. It's what a president, any president, should do.

Also, miss him.

Another uppity government official fired for disloyalty to Trump --- for an op-ed he wrote before the election.

Singleton's piece criticized Trump's rhetoric about African Americans during the campaign. After the election, the 26-year-old worked with Ben Carson during his confirmation process to become HUD secretary. Singleton, who is African American, then joined the department as a senior adviser.
But on Wednesday, he was brought into the chief of staff's office and fired, the source familiar with the situation told CNN. Singleton was told he was being dismissed because of the op-ed and was escorted from the building, according to the source, who also said Carson was surprised by the move and only learned of it after the fact.
I think Ben better stay quiet about this one.

Ilov80s said:
He campaigned on a lot of things. He hasn't been POTUS long enough to touch all his main campaign points. He always stayed consistent that Immigration was a major focus for him. He's never been consistent with the details. He is following through on it though. He hasn't really addressed the infrastructure plan, ACA is still alive, hasn't drained the swamp, etc. I think it's waaay to early to make judgements on what Trump is really planning. I definitely don't think the way to learn about his actual motives are through his words.
This is a good post, including the bolded, but it misses the point.    His verbal diarrhea has always been the most objectionable aspect of Trump as a candidate and as President.     

Eta bolder/bolded

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fatness said:
The first casualties of Trump's trade wars are Texas cattle ranchers

Sinking the Trans-Pacific Partnership may have been popular with Trump's supporters, but it was not popular with cattle ranchers. They have been building herds for years and anticipated shipping beef products -- some of which are not exactly popular among American consumers -- to Japan as tariffs fell from 38.5 percent to just over 9 percent. Now that opportunity is gone. Instead, other cattle-producing nations like Australia will try to seize the Japanese market on a bilateral basis.

Last week, Texas ranchers shipped 1,430 cattle to Mexico, most to slaughter and to market. On an annual basis that's 74,000 head, part of a brisk two-way business that sees hundreds of thousands of Mexican cattle coming north to be fattened in Midwestern feed lots. But in the event of a trade war, all bets are off. A tariff here means retaliation by the Mexican government there, and the last time that happened, it was the United States that surrendered. In phasing in NAFTA in the early 2000s, Congress abruptly interrupted the movement of Mexican trucks north. The Mexicans retaliated with a crippling tariff on American tomato growers. The Republican Congress caved and today, Mexican trucks head north freely.
Finally a Trump policy I can support. Those giant feedlots need to go away. I'd prefer to see them outlawed by statutes promoting animal welfare, but if they go away as a side effect of trade policy, I guess that's okay too.

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Finally a Trump policy I can support. Those giant feedlots need to go away. I'd prefer to see them outlawed by statutes promoting animal welfare, but if they go away as a side effect of trade policy, I guess that's okay too.
You support the policy because of a side effect?

How about 2 days ago, before you knew about the side effect?

There are things we should not have to congratulate our President on.  One of these things is not hating Jewish people.  If there is a report that Trump didn't #### his own pants today, are you gonna give him a high five?
You know what? I'm trying to be positive. At my new gym I am such a doofus that my personal trainer congratulates me for lifting weights that any regular would laugh at. 

Everyone has his or her own level. Trump is a beginner at public service. He's like a first grader thrust into a calculus class, but like it or not he represents our country. So anytime he does something even halfway right, we should all applaud and say "Nice job! You're improving Mr. President". Besides he loves the adulation and doesn't care what it's for, so there's still a chance we can steer him on the right track. 

You know what? I'm trying to be positive. At my new gym I am such a doofus that my personal trainer congratulates me for lifting weights that any regular would laugh at. 

Everyone has his or her own level. Trump is a beginner at public service. He's like a first grader thrust into a calculus class, but like it or not he represents our country. So anytime he does something even halfway right, we should all applaud and say "Nice job! You're improving Mr. President". Besides he loves the adulation and doesn't care what it's for, so there's still a chance we can steer him on the right track. 
Maybe if he has a hard time with Calculus he shouldn't have bull####ted some teachers into letting him in the class.

You know what? I'm trying to be positive. At my new gym I am such a doofus that my personal trainer congratulates me for lifting weights that any regular would laugh at. 

Everyone has his or her own level. Trump is a beginner at public service. He's like a first grader thrust into a calculus class, but like it or not he represents our country. So anytime he does something even halfway right, we should all applaud and say "Nice job! You're improving Mr. President". Besides he loves the adulation and doesn't care what it's for, so there's still a chance we can steer him on the right track. 
He's 70 years old.  "It's bad that people are harassing Jews and committing anti-Semitic vandalism, often in my name" isn't a good first step for a president, it's a good first step of being a not-awful human being.  And Trump took a year to do it.  

Praising him for it is lowering the bar.  He didn't have to run for president.  When he chose to do so he chose to be measured by that standard, not by the standard of a preschooler.

I'm waiting for Squissy's take but you are grossly overreacting to a friend of the gay community 
I am not totally clear what the story is. Sounds like he is taking back the advice BO issued. I don't think any of this has any binding authority. I could be wrong though. We have had a few students were in varying stages of coping with their mental gender not matching their physical sex. None of them were comfortable using either bathrooms, so we set-up a couple single-person unisex bathrooms that they use. We also created a couple mixed gender gym classes instead of separating them all by gender. It was like that before the BO order and will stay that way after DJT rescinds. 

It seems like just a PR move. 

Finally a Trump policy I can support. Those giant feedlots need to go away. I'd prefer to see them outlawed by statutes promoting animal welfare, but if they go away as a side effect of trade policy, I guess that's okay too.
Thanks for the link!  Initially after reading, I wondered if this means he will lose support in Texas.  I don't think so.  It may not be apples to apples, but I recall a (very short 14 minute) Vox podcast not long ago.  They interviewed people in Kentucky, all of whom are Trump supporters.  Many of the interviewees are recipients of Obamacare (Kentucky is one of the leaders in Obamacare recipients), including 1 person who actually had a job signing people up for Obamacare.  Even she was a Trump supporter.  My conclusion after listening to that podcast and after reading this article is that people will lie to themselves when convenient and other times will just ignore long term affects and happily vote against their own interests.

You guys should check out that Vox podcast. :thumbup:

I am not totally clear what the story is. Sounds like he is taking back the advice BO issued. I don't think any of this has any binding authority. I could be wrong though. We have had a few students were in varying stages of coping with their mental gender not matching their physical sex. None of them were comfortable using either bathrooms, so we set-up a couple single-person unisex bathrooms that they use. We also created a couple mixed gender gym classes instead of separating them all by gender. It was like that before the BO order and will stay that way after DJT rescinds. 

It seems like just a PR move. 
I can't recall having been in a single-gender gym class when I was in school.  Has it always been that way, or am I mis-remembering?  

I am not totally clear what the story is. Sounds like he is taking back the advice BO issued. I don't think any of this has any binding authority. I could be wrong though. We have had a few students were in varying stages of coping with their mental gender not matching their physical sex. None of them were comfortable using either bathrooms, so we set-up a couple single-person unisex bathrooms that they use. We also created a couple mixed gender gym classes instead of separating them all by gender. It was like that before the BO order and will stay that way after DJT rescinds. 

It seems like just a PR move. 
To be honest I don't believe there is a 100% right answer on this issue. I feel for kids that have issues like this. Sounds like you guys are handling it in a good way

I can't recall having been in a single-gender gym class when I was in school.  Has it always been that way, or am I mis-remembering?  
I think it depends on the school. Mine was split by gender in high school. The school I work at now, we were splitting by gender because we have swimming and thought it might be more appropriate/a little safer to separate for swimming. We also developed a small Muslim population and for those girls, they have to swim separate from the boys. For the mixed classes boys/girls  just alternate turns swimming. 

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