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The Russia Investigation: Trump Pardons Flynn (3 Viewers)

Coats and Wray seem to be rebuking Trump left and right. Trump has made a point saying that he trusts "MY people", differentiating these guys from Comey, Clapper, Brennan, etc., who were all part of the "deep state." Yet "Trump's people" seem to be siding with the Deep State guys. Wray just went so far as to state that, contrary to the President, Mueller was NOT on a witch hunt.

How long before Trump turns against Coats and Wray as well?

Coats and Wray seem to be rebuking Trump left and right. Trump has made a point saying that he trusts "MY people", differentiating these guys from Comey, Clapper, Brennan, etc., who were all part of the "deep state." Yet "Trump's people" seem to be siding with the Deep State guys. Wray just went so far as to state that, contrary to the President, Mueller was NOT on a witch hunt.

How long before Trump turns against Coats and Wray as well?
he'll just ignore them like he is now.  Trump lives in his own reality...less than 24 hours after he backtracked his statements due to pushback from the Hill he then invites Putin to the WH giving them the finger.  In the middle of all of this nonsense he feels like the next thing he should do is invite the guy to the WH who he admitted that was/is responsible for the cyber attacks on the US less than a day ago.  He is going to do what he wants to do...he'll meet secretly and lie about the meeting.

That shows how he really feels...he could care less that Russia is actively attacking the US and the R's sit there with their head in their hands...

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Fewer than half of Republicans believe that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, according to a new Ipsos poll released Wednesday.

Thirty-four percent of Republicans believe that Russia did not interfere in the election and 46 percent believe it did, according to the poll. Meanwhile, a vast majority of Democrats – 85 percent – think Russia did meddle in the election.

Democrats were far more likely to approve of special counsel Robert Mueller’s job performance in the Russian election interference, with 66 percent of Democrats approving compared to 30 percent of Republicans. Thirty-five percent of Independents approved of Mueller’s work in leading the probe.

Far more Republicans believe that political bias against President Trump sparked the FBI probe and actions surrounding the 2016 election, with 75 percent of Republican respondents agreeing with the statement. Just 32 percent of Democrats and 36 percent of Independents believe that political bias played a role in the start of the investigation.

The poll also found that Americans across political spectrums are following Mueller’s probe, with 67 percent of the American public keeping track of the investigation.

Sixty-two percent of Democrats said they discuss the investigation with their social circle, compared to 49 percent of Republicans.

The poll was largely conducted as Trump faced backlash for siding with Russian President Vladimir Putin's denials of Russian election interference during a press conference.

The president later sought to clarify the comments, saying that he accepts the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Russia interfered in the election before adding, “Could be other people also. A lot of people out there.”

Trump again drew criticism from Democrats on Wednesday when he said that Russia was no longer a threat to the U.S., contradicting his director of national intelligence, Dan Coats. White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders later in the day denied that Trump answered the question on Russia with a negative and was instead refusing to answer any questions.

"He does believe that they would target certainly U.S. election," Sanders said at the White House press briefing on Wednesday.

Ipsos conducted online interviews with 1,005 American adults from July 16 to 17. The poll has a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.


Fewer than half of Republicans believe that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, according to a new Ipsos poll released Wednesday.

Thirty-four percent of Republicans believe that Russia did not interfere in the election and 46 percent believe it did, according to the poll. Meanwhile, a vast majority of Democrats – 85 percent – think Russia did meddle in the election.

Democrats were far more likely to approve of special counsel Robert Mueller’s job performance in the Russian election interference, with 66 percent of Democrats approving compared to 30 percent of Republicans. Thirty-five percent of Independents approved of Mueller’s work in leading the probe.

Far more Republicans believe that political bias against President Trump sparked the FBI probe and actions surrounding the 2016 election, with 75 percent of Republican respondents agreeing with the statement. Just 32 percent of Democrats and 36 percent of Independents believe that political bias played a role in the start of the investigation.

The poll also found that Americans across political spectrums are following Mueller’s probe, with 67 percent of the American public keeping track of the investigation.

Sixty-two percent of Democrats said they discuss the investigation with their social circle, compared to 49 percent of Republicans.

The poll was largely conducted as Trump faced backlash for siding with Russian President Vladimir Putin's denials of Russian election interference during a press conference.

The president later sought to clarify the comments, saying that he accepts the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Russia interfered in the election before adding, “Could be other people also. A lot of people out there.”

Trump again drew criticism from Democrats on Wednesday when he said that Russia was no longer a threat to the U.S., contradicting his director of national intelligence, Dan Coats. White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders later in the day denied that Trump answered the question on Russia with a negative and was instead refusing to answer any questions.

"He does believe that they would target certainly U.S. election," Sanders said at the White House press briefing on Wednesday.

Ipsos conducted online interviews with 1,005 American adults from July 16 to 17. The poll has a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.

With regards to Putin's offer of a referendum on Crimea- assuming it was an honest vote (a big assumption I know) how would that turn out? Would they vote to return to Ukraine?

Let's say you're a Republican Senator or Congressman. You don't like Trump, you want to keep your honor and integrity, you don't want to lose your seat. What do you do?
On the first question, I believe the majority, though far from unanimous, would prefer to return to Ukraine.

On the second question, come on, let's try to be at least a little bit realistic.


Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Thursday said Russia’s cyberattacks on election infrastructure were meant to “cause chaos” for both political parties.

I haven’t seen any evidence that the attempt to interfere in our election infrastructure was to favor a particular political party,” Nielson said during the Aspen Security Forum when asked whether Russia attempted to help President Donald Trump win the 2016 election.

“What we’ve seen on the foreign influence side is they were attempting to intervene and cause chaos on both sides,” she added.

Director of Homeland Security. Un####ingbelievable.

Gotta love that a 10 second clip that starts mid-sentence while Hillary was SoS is exactly the same as what Trump said in Helsinki, but somehow what Trump did is more acceptable because he did a 180.

Try reading a transcript of the interview for more context.  What Hillary said had nothing to do with conspiring with Russia to win an election or throwing our NATO allies under the bus.  I think most would agree that if Russia stuck with the Yeltsin model that it would be a positive for everyone, but Putin is undoing all of that.


Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Thursday said Russia’s cyberattacks on election infrastructure were meant to “cause chaos” for both political parties.

I haven’t seen any evidence that the attempt to interfere in our election infrastructure was to favor a particular political party,” Nielson said during the Aspen Security Forum when asked whether Russia attempted to help President Donald Trump win the 2016 election.

“What we’ve seen on the foreign influence side is they were attempting to intervene and cause chaos on both sides,” she added.

Director of Homeland Security. Un####ingbelievable.
When asked to clarify her statement, Nielsen said, "There is no political party named POLITICAL PARTY 1"

The White House: "Mr. Putin's proposal (regarding questioning Americans) was made with sincerity, but President Trump disagrees with it."

At the press conference, Trump called it an "incredible proposal."

mcintyre1 said:
Also, RE: Tad Devine, a good chunk of that evidence list seems to be related to showing things that Manafort paid for (presumably with ill-gotten funds), including photographs of expensive clothing, Yankees tickets, a Mercedes, etc. I'm obviously not a lawyer, so correct me if this thinking is wrong, but is it possible that the Devine emails are there to document Russian money being spent on ad expenditures and political consultancy by Manafort? If that were the case, it is possible that Devine wouldn't know the money was from Russia, as it was coming from Manafort and Gates. Either way, Devine sounds like an opportunist piece of #### if he was working on that campaign regardless.
There's a market for pictures of expensive clothes??? Man, the rich really ARE different!

Let's say you're a Republican Senator or Congressman. You don't like Trump, you want to keep your honor and integrity, you don't want to lose your seat. What do you do?

It seems to me that you keep your head down and wait for this time to be over. You don't go out of your way to criticize, but you don't support unworthy acts. You vote with the President when the issue is one a conventional Republican would support. And you say very little. Much like the Hollywood actors during the 50s who avoided the blacklist- be quiet, say nothing too controversial, keep your dignity if you can.

Of course the problem with this strategy is it's cowardly. 
This is exactly what John Cornyn is trying to do.

Unless you're being primaried, you aren't losing GOP votes because you stood up to Trump; Trump supporters will never vote for a Democrat.   Real conservatives will support your actions.   You may even pick up some independents and moderate Democrats if you're running against someone that is far left.
The problem with standing up to Trump is you will get primaried if you betray the base like that. 

I hesitate to use this analogy, but I feel it's relevant.

"I would have pulled out of the hooker, but it felt so good." 

It's predicated on the fact you had relations with a hooker.  And you didn't wear a condom.  And did I mention she's pregnant? 

Did I mention she's a Nazi?  Well, at least that's what you thought.  She's really a Russian spy.  And you might want to get an AIDS test.

Welcome to today's GOP.  The party of very much not Ronald Reagan.

Did I mention she's 16?
Wait- I just impregnated a 16 year old diseased Nazi hooker? What is happening in this thread? 

Poor Liesel- so young and yet so old. She tried to charge me in Deutchmarks. That cute little Swastika on her thigh turned me on. How was I to know her real name was Sletvana? 

Not many presidents would have the courage to model their approach to foreign policy on Neville Chamberlain.
Do you know how Hitler got Neville Chamberlain to give him everything at Munich? He held a conference at an old palace that forbids smoking. And after an hour and a half of not smoking, Neville Chamberlain would've given Hitler his mother as a dance partner.

– Bert Cooper

That's no excuse.  I hesitate to use this analogy, but I feel it's relevant.

"I would have stood up against the Nazis, but I would have been thrown in jail or executed"
It doesn't excuse their cowardice but it is a legitimate explanation why some are doing they're doing. 

Not many presidents would have the courage to model their approach to foreign policy on Neville Chamberlain.
As always, Independence Day explains life. Say what you will about Trump and his base, they elected a warrior and they got a wimp. Trump could have taken a hard stance against Russian interference, imposed sanctions, and supported any investigation that rooted out corruption even if it meant people he liked and trusted went to prison. But he did the opposite of all of that. I guess we'll find out why soon enough.

JuniorNB said:
Oh, I'm fully aware of that. I just can't believe that Republican congressmen don't care about Trump's fear of Putin. I get the rightie/leftie stuff. But Trump is obviously compromised. There's no way they can't see what's plain as day. How can they possibly not want to know just how badly Putin owns Trump and what Trump may have promised him?  I've always assumed they were all too afraid to speak out because they knew Trump, and then his base, would turn on them. This is the first time I think they're all in on it.
Always have been. It's why they've stonewalled everything at every turn.

The Hill‏Verified account @thehill 34m34 minutes ago

Homeland Security chief echoes Trump on Charlottesville: "It's not that one side was right and one side was wrong" http://hill.cm/bT2RmQ6
She is disgusting.

Personally I think it would be a great idea for Putin to visit the White House in October.
Maybe not actually in the White House.....

Oh? Do you think it’s a good idea to have Putin bring his most trusted “diplomats” into American soil right before the election?
but,.....Yes, get them all to enter willingly into the country and then arrest them all. We have plenty of good reasons to.

Btw per NBC Coats/DNI was not informed that Lavrov & Kislyak would be visiting the Oval Office when that happened either. 
Of course not. Transparency-101 for the gullible. Arrest them too.

Ramsay Hunt Experience said:
Tom Skerritt said:
I mentioned Watergate to my ~50yo dental hygienist while she was cleaning my teeth a few weeks ago. And she replied "Watergate... what's that?"
Forgive me, but the most pressing question this raises with me is how Watergate comes up as a topic for conversation in that context.
She told me that she was going to DC with her husband, and she was asking about places to stay. I mentioned that I had stayed in a little boutique hotel next to the Watergate.

I was having a discussion about Russia with a Trump guy.   His new current stance is 

  • We do it to other countries
  • The Democrats do it.
  • Russia is only a threat to the satellite countries around it.  Not to us so who cares. 
  • He compared Russian to annoying bugs.  Said we shouldn't even worry about them.  
Sounds about right.  

Crazy that Trump was preparing to give away even more of Ukraine. Anyone still wondering why Putin wanted Trump to win?
Ha ha, the Ukraine.  Do you know what the Ukraine is?  It's a sitting duck.  A road apple.  The Ukraine is weak.  It's feeble.  I think it's time to put the hurt on the Ukraine.

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