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The Americans (1 Viewer)

I was hoping it was Stan who got it when I heard a "major" character got axed.

Stan a fine actor but show needs a bit of sex appeal.  It's a spy thriller.  May be realistic but Stan is so "suburban."  You can have it both ways.

Great show but think it would be better off if it wasn't so one-sided narrative-wise.  A more appealing FBI agent may be what the show is missing.  Wouldn't hurt ratings.

what kind of gets lost in the entire Nina thing is that Stan seems to be onto Philip and Elizabeth.. it's unclear what he thinks he knows but it certainly seems like he's starting to gather information..although all the snooping into Elizabeth's underwear drawer made me think he was just trying to get back at Philip for (not) having sex with his wife

what kind of gets lost in the entire Nina thing is that Stan seems to be onto Philip and Elizabeth.. it's unclear what he thinks he knows but it certainly seems like he's starting to gather information..although all the snooping into Elizabeth's underwear drawer made me think he was just trying to get back at Philip for (not) having sex with his wife
that was martha's underwear drawer

it was hard to tell in that search scene. did Stan find anything truly damaging to Philip? i didn't think so, but thought i remembered an earlier shot of a photograph of Martha/Clark in her room (though you wouldn't expect Philip to be that dumb)

i don't think Stan is onto Phil/Elizabeth directly (though the cancelled Epcot thing was a red flag that piqued his interest). He's got a number of odd facts bumping around in the back of his brain, but they aren't pieced together yet. It would take a lot, even for an FBI agent, to suspect your seemingly all-American next-door neighbors of being foreign spies.

speaking of Martha, interesting to see her straight-up fabricating things on her dinner date.

it was hard to tell in that search scene. did Stan find anything truly damaging to Philip? i didn't think so, but thought i remembered an earlier shot of a photograph of Martha/Clark in her room (though you wouldn't expect Philip to be that dumb)

i don't think Stan is onto Phil/Elizabeth directly (though the cancelled Epcot thing was a red flag that piqued his interest). He's got a number of odd facts bumping around in the back of his brain, but they aren't pieced together yet. It would take a lot, even for an FBI agent, to suspect your seemingly all-American next-door neighbors of being foreign spies.

speaking of Martha, interesting to see her straight-up fabricating things on her dinner date.
I read the scene as he searched expecting to find something and instead found proof of a lonely, normal woman.  It seems to me he left in embarrassment for his suspicions.

it was hard to tell in that search scene. did Stan find anything truly damaging to Philip? i didn't think so, but thought i remembered an earlier shot of a photograph of Martha/Clark in her room (though you wouldn't expect Philip to be that dumb)
I'm sure I'm probably wrong, but for some reason I was thinking I remembered Clark moved the picture to his apartment when Stand was going through her place. Because I thought the same as you - what if Stan finds that pic? Then my (mis?)recollection hit.

I'm sure I'm probably wrong, but for some reason I was thinking I remembered Clark moved the picture to his apartment when Stand was going through her place. Because I thought the same as you - what if Stan finds that pic? Then my (mis?)recollection hit.
Stan didn't find the pic...Phillip moved it.

what kind of gets lost in the entire Nina thing is that Stan seems to be onto Philip and Elizabeth.. it's unclear what he thinks he knows but it certainly seems like he's starting to gather information..although all the snooping into Elizabeth's underwear drawer made me think he was just trying to get back at Philip for (not) having sex with his wife
Someone is lost here.

IIRC, Stan took some photos of the place...maybe a clue turns up there...
Think he took pictures so he could make sure everything was in the right place once he was done (he adjusted a blanket or something right before he left).

Just blew through the last 3 episodes. I was a little down on the premiere but I'm fully back to being on board. Agree with those on the awesome bus scene.  

writing and acting on this is consistently soooooo good. even the kids.

crazy idea for the underlying spy story plus all the hijinx... but the writing makes it all work- believable on a human as well as spy-stuffy front. would be very easy for this to suck... but they make it work.

stan is incredible, IMO. love the scene with the kid- how'd you meet your wife? tells short story about beer spilling at a party... but the kid really just wants to know what to say to a girl, not the whole story- so then what happened? we got married, had our kid, got divorced.

I love this show...

Anyone else think maybe Paige will get pissed enough at Pastor Tim to kill him and that will off her career as a spy?  Would be so awesome.

I love this show...

Anyone else think maybe Paige will get pissed enough at Pastor Tim to kill him and that will off her career as a spy?  Would be so awesome.
that would be awesome- but I don't see her doing it directly. I think it will be something indirect, like providing schedule info, and then being ok with being complicit in it. and definitely put a bullet in blabbermouth tim wife while they're at it.

sad to see Nina go. weird scene, going through the pronouncement and all- I'd figure they'd just take her out back so there's less cleanup.

that would be awesome- but I don't see her doing it directly. I think it will be something indirect, like providing schedule info, and then being ok with being complicit in it. and definitely put a bullet in blabbermouth tim wife while they're at it.

sad to see Nina go. weird scene, going through the pronouncement and all- I'd figure they'd just take her out back so there's less cleanup.
It's late Iron Curtain USSR. The bloated bureaucracy that helped topple the super power is in all its bloated glory. Of course they read her the riot act, but it is still the USSR so they just pop her right there. 

Am I the only one that thinks Keri Russell went from being meh from back in whatever girl tv show she was in back in the day to being smoking hot now?

Her hair back then wasn't doing her any favors.
Yea, the poodle look and the shaved poodle look just was not working for her at all. But it wasn't just the hair.

She even has some unflattering 80's style clothing on and still looks hot now.

Disagree strongly. She was meh 15 years ago or so.

Now she is smoking hot.
I feel the same way. I've probably spent way too much time thinking about this.

Keri Russell at 25, no kids: looks like a lot of 25-year-olds.

Keri Russell at 40, two kids: looks like a lot of 25-year-olds.

One of my favorite episodes. 

Pretty heartbreaking watching Elizabeth watch Phillip talk to Martha on the payphone (plus it helped lead to a nice "reclaiming" for the final scene). Loved Stan and Oleg discussing how ####ty their own countries have been to them.

And Paige (who is really becoming the standard for child actors) summed up childhood pretty well adults seem very clear on what's right for her, but for them, it's just anything goes.

Such a great show. I'm always surprised it gets no love for an Emmy.  The soundtrack is killer too.

I'm also very happy that the Kimmy story line is seemingly done, but I can't recall how it ended.

I think you guys have just been trained to hate kid characters in TV shows. Paige is good. Of course she's pouty and sad all the time. She's the child of Russian spies that lie to her constantly and are never home. She's also a teenage girl. The boy spends all his time at the neighbors and playing video games, not giving a ####. The girl is going to be all dramatic about it.

Agreed. That young lady has turned what is usually a cliche into a pretty well-rounded character. Props to the writers, but Holly Taylor really brings it.
I hate her guts but it would be pretty cool if she became a young spy and helped her parents out on missions.  Maybe poison Pastor Tim. 


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