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****The 2019 Carolina Panthers Thread**** We Rhule At Losing (1 Viewer)

I hope there is nothing, nothing, nothing truthful about Thomas Davis related to this move because Thomas Davis as a person and as a success despite all the injuries is nothing but the kind of stuff you root for and want on your team. And it goes both ways because the Panthers stuck by him through THREE ACL tears and that is not only unlikely but pretty much unheard of. I give a LOT of credit to the Panthers for helping save his career (he wouldn't gotten a chance anywhere else after all the injuries) and I give a lot of credit to Davis for making them as good a team as they become. They deserve to do right by one another.
Davis has always been a class act on and off the field. Some of his interview today was mentioned in an above post by simey, and here is more of it:

"It's really sad and disappointing when you hear all the people that are saying that the reason Mr. Gettleman was released was because of me or Greg," Davis said. "I think that's an unfair statement. I think that's something that you guys are giving us too much credit; we're not that important in the grand scheme of things and intimately, Mr. Richardson made a decision and it's something that we're all going to live with."

Davis confirmed to Riggs that he had spoken to Gettleman about a new deal before the firing.

"We had actually engaged in contract talks," Davis said. "They presented something and we presented something back, and we were just in the process of negotiating.

"I felt like the talks were going well. There's nothing that's going to happen overnight, it's a negotiation for a reason.

"We understand that as players and it really wasn't any hard feelings from my end, because we understand that. They don't have to do it. It's a situation where I have another year and they can make me play it out, or make Greg play his remaining two years out. As players, that's something we agreed to a long time ago. You just want some clarity, some certainty moving forward as a player and I'm thankful that the organization is willing to do it."

I really find it hard to believe they would bring back Hurney. There will be fan backlash. Might be a lot of empty seats this season.
I don't mind him taking over for the season as an interim to help out. That being said, I don't want him to be retained after the season. Been there done that.

It was all a dream, right?

My team didn't really fire the GM that was doing EXACTLY what an NFL GM has to do to win, and replace him with the idiot that was paying 2 RB's half of the salary cap.


Not a dream and a sad state. I was so pumped for this year. I honestly felt like team wise we have a better roster than 2015. Then this. Now I worry about not being able to resign the litany of you guys we need to keep (Turner, Star and Norwell next offseason).

:tinfoilhat:  People are going to believe what they want to anyway, aren't they?  You mentioned a fan backlash if Hurney is brought back as an interim GM. If he is, I hope that fans aren't petty enough to not show up for games. If those type of fans don't show up, they will if the cats start winning games. My mom and dad will show up no matter who is GM.
Just going off the reporting that is even coming in from Panthers official media.

It was all a dream, right?

My team didn't really fire the GM that was doing EXACTLY what an NFL GM has to do to win, and replace him with the idiot that was paying 2 RB's half of the salary cap.

What is with all the drama? Hurney may be brought in as an interim. Interim. When he was the GM, Richardson is the one who gave him the ok on everything he did. Remember when DeAngelo said during the collective bargaining agreement that Jerry told him he would take care of him with a new contract? Hurney is the one who gave him the big contract, but Jerry is the one who was behind it. Another thing, Jerry has never been a fire happy owner. Do you think it is professional for him to announce to the media why he fired Gettleman? Is it everyone's business? The press and others are guessing at what happened, especially because of the bad timing. None of them know the real reason(s).

Not a dream and a sad state. I was so pumped for this year. I honestly felt like team wise we have a better roster than 2015. Then this. Now I worry about not being able to resign the litany of you guys we need to keep (Turner, Star and Norwell next offseason).
Felt? You don't feel like the team is a better roster anymore because the GM was fired?  Are Chief fans freaking out too, because their GM also recently got canned unexpectantly.

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Gettleman is a tough negotiator who wants to be able to put the best product on the field by giving the big $/long term contracts to players whose best Sundays are in front of them.

Richardson and Hurney want to be Mr. Nice Guys by giving big $/long extentions to old guys whose best Sundays are in the past.

It's not a coincidence that the Patriots trade the vast majority of their big name older players the year before their contracts expire.

With a hard salary cap, it is not possible for an NFL team to consistently put a winning product on the field while also paying for past production.

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Felt? You don't feel like the team is a better roster anymore because the GM was fired?
Not with the locker room division and they still have to go through camp and the cuts and pick ups. Dg had a plan for this team which hurney wont see. 

Hurney is being brought in to draw up contracts.  You are blind if you dont see that.  

What is with all the drama? Hurney may be brought in as an interim. Interim. When he was the GM, Richardson is the one who gave him the ok on everything he did. Remember when DeAngelo said during the collective bargaining agreement that Jerry told him he would take care of him with a new contract? Hurney is the one who gave him the big contract, but Jerry is the one who was behind it. Another thing, Jerry has never been a fire happy owner. Do you think it is professional for him to announce to the media why he fired Gettleman? Is it everyone's business? The press and others are guessing at what happened, especially because of the bad timing. None of them know the real reason(s).
he owes it to the psl owners as to why he fired dg

Not with the locker room division and they still have to go through camp and the cuts and pick ups. Dg had a plan for this team which hurney wont see. 

Hurney is being brought in to draw up contracts.  You are blind if you dont see that.  
What locker room division? According to Panther beat writers, Gettleman was causing tension in the locker room.

Read ohers statement 
I hardly call what he said a division in the locker room. Also, Oher said that Gettleman and RV are the only ones that constantly checked on his well being, but Thomas Davis said he contacted Oher 6 different times, and Oher would never respond back. Based on Oher's concussion that cost him most of last season, I think he should retire.

What locker room division? According to Panther beat writers, Gettleman was causing tension in the locker room.
GMs aren't everyone's buddy. They can't be if you want to maintain your ability to keep a winning team. If Gettleman had given Norman everything he wanted someone else wouldn't get paid. The GM has to look to keeping the best 52 not just one. Hard salary cap means everyone doesn't get what they want the second they want it.

GMs aren't everyone's buddy. They can't be if you want to maintain your ability to keep a winning team. If Gettleman had given Norman everything he wanted someone else wouldn't get paid. The GM has to look to keeping the best 52 not just one. Hard salary cap means everyone doesn't get what they want the second they want it.

We are going to have the happiest bunch of well-paid, 40 year-old losers in the league in a few years!


Well hopefully Olsen is happy now since it seems likely his holdout threat was the trigger. So I guess we go back to the days of cap hell and overpaying guys on the wrong side of 30.

Personally I prefer 3 playoff berths and a Super Bowl appearance in 4 years.
Whoa - I never said I agreed with the decision to let DG go.  To me it seems like a decision based on emotion which typically doesn't move a team in the right direction.  I would have preferred to extend TD on a year by year deal.  The wall is coming and father time is undefeated.  We need to get Shaq in the lineup. 

GMs aren't everyone's buddy. They can't be if you want to maintain your ability to keep a winning team. If Gettleman had given Norman everything he wanted someone else wouldn't get paid. The GM has to look to keeping the best 52 not just one. Hard salary cap means everyone doesn't get what they want the second they want it.

We are going to have the happiest bunch of well-paid, 40 year-old losers in the league in a few years!


Seriously guys....I've been gone for less than a month and all hell breaks loose!!!  What the heck is going on up there?!?!

If what I'm reading in this thread is true, it further entrenches my beliefs about Richardson that I was mocked for during the Hurney days.  What GM worth their salt comes here with this obvious attitude of Richardson's?  This really sucks. :wall:  

Gettleman is a tough negotiator who wants to be able to put the best product on the field by giving the big $/long term contracts to players whose best Sundays are in front of them.

Richardson and Hurney want to be Mr. Nice Guys by giving big $/long extentions to old guys whose best Sundays are in the past.

It's not a coincidence that the Patriots trade the vast majority of their big name older players the year before their contracts expire.

With a hard salary cap, it is not possible for an NFL team to consistently put a winning product on the field while also paying for past production.
Was really surprised by this firing.  The Panthers seemed to be following the Patriot mold of building a talented roster by letting guys go a year too early rather than overpay and 3 years too late.

Was really surprised by this firing.  The Panthers seemed to be following the Patriot mold of building a talented roster by letting guys go a year too early rather than overpay and 3 years too late.
We were following the Patriot mold of making smart decisions.

Unfortunately, our owner decided that wasn't nice enough.

How long before we start trading 2nd and 3rd round picks to move up and draft some guy that no one else wanted again?

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Let me try this way....can someone give me a plausible (if not logical) scenario here which has Richardson firing DG and rehiring Hurney?

As far as Hurney and JR and contracts in the immediate future we'll probably pay Davis a few million extra and pay for Greg's brother's attorney fees but the world will not end because of it.

People act like Gettleman was solely responsible for every success and we are gonna now suck. We can still have a good year. As long as Matt Kalil works out and the rest of Gettleman's draft picks like Funchess, Benjamin, and the new guys contribute, we will be pretty good. If they don't people probably aren't such Gettleman fans any more anyhow. I haven't been for a while and his handling of the Norman situation was a major screwup. And I am not one that thought we should have given him a big contract. If Gettleman was unapologetic, he may have been on shaky ground. He would be with me.

With his firing, I bet it is as simple as a straw that broke the camel's back. Whatever the specific issue, it's very likely Gettleman told JR as long as he was in charge yada yada, and JR said that's enough for me okay you are no longer in charge.  

If Hurney is here to run the day to day and handle the search for the new full time GM, I have no serious issue with that - given the new situation as it now stands. He knows a lot about the job, knows a lot of the people in the building and in the league. We may be a little lucky he is around to step in, as long as they really do follow up and find a new GM. Who could turn out to be good.

Huh? My  :thumbdown:  was in regard to spider referring to the players as 40 year old losers.
simey doesn't understand that Hurney as GM means overpaying for past production, and trading 2nd and 3rd round draft picks to move up and grab nobodies, @The Commish.

You may have to spell it out for him.
I understand very well what Hurney has done in the past. What does Hurney's past actions have to do with me not liking you referring to Panthers players as losers?  I should have just left it alone since you are always full of negativity. By the way, I am not a him.

I understand very well what Hurney has done in the past. What does Hurney's past actions have to do with me not liking you referring to Panthers players as losers?  I should have just left it alone since you are always full of negativity. By the way, I am not a him.
When the Panthers put a bunch of physically declining 35-40 year-olds on the field in a few years they will most definitely be losers.

That is one of the reasons why this was a stupid move by Richardson.

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Rumor has Jake delhomme as cam's backup for 3/38! It would already be inked but JD is too embarrassed to steal that much money but can't negotiate gurney down

Hurney.  Yeesh.  What the hell is going on up there?  Maybe the big cat is preparing Brenton Bersin to take over as GM.   :loco:

stratocatter said:
As far as Hurney and JR and contracts in the immediate future we'll probably pay Davis a few million extra and pay for Greg's brother's attorney fees but the world will not end because of it.

People act like Gettleman was solely responsible for every success and we are gonna now suck. We can still have a good year. As long as Matt Kalil works out and the rest of Gettleman's draft picks like Funchess, Benjamin, and the new guys contribute, we will be pretty good. If they don't people probably aren't such Gettleman fans any more anyhow. I haven't been for a while and his handling of the Norman situation was a major screwup. And I am not one that thought we should have given him a big contract. If Gettleman was unapologetic, he may have been on shaky ground. He would be with me.

With his firing, I bet it is as simple as a straw that broke the camel's back. Whatever the specific issue, it's very likely Gettleman told JR as long as he was in charge yada yada, and JR said that's enough for me okay you are no longer in charge.  

If Hurney is here to run the day to day and handle the search for the new full time GM, I have no serious issue with that - given the new situation as it now stands. He knows a lot about the job, knows a lot of the people in the building and in the league. We may be a little lucky he is around to step in, as long as they really do follow up and find a new GM. Who could turn out to be good.
If not for Gettleman there wouldn't have been any reason to try to keep Norman as there is no reason to think the people who put is in salary cap hell would then get us out. They didn't at any other point. So it would be moot. No money. You hired the guy he got you to 3 post seasons, he won your division multiple times and he got you to a Super Bowl. Maybe you let him.continue to do the job his way and enjoy the success. Your fans, you know the people who pay for this team, were certainly enjoying it.

If not for Gettleman there wouldn't have been any reason to try to keep Norman as there is no reason to think the people who put is in salary cap hell would then get us out. They didn't at any other point. So it would be moot. No money. You hired the guy he got you to 3 post seasons, he won your division multiple times and he got you to a Super Bowl. Maybe you let him.continue to do the job his way and enjoy the success. Your fans, you know the people who pay for this team, were certainly enjoying it.
How do you know there wasn't major friction between Richardson and Gettleman, and they had a final disagreement that was enough for Richardson? If you have an employee who is good, yet disrespects you or others and isn't inline with your philosophy you have every right to let that person go. Richardson is not an idiot. Sometimes respect and what you believe in is greater than winning, and Richardson wants to win.

How do you know there wasn't major friction between Richardson and Gettleman, and they had a final disagreement that was enough for Richardson? If you have an employee who is good, yet disrespects you or others and isn't inline with your philosophy you have every right to let that person go. Richardson is not an idiot. Sometimes respect and what you believe in is greater than winning, and Richardson wants to win.
So you think this is all one big coinky dink?

If not for Gettleman there wouldn't have been any reason to try to keep Norman as there is no reason to think the people who put is in salary cap hell would then get us out. They didn't at any other point. So it would be moot. No money. You hired the guy he got you to 3 post seasons, he won your division multiple times and he got you to a Super Bowl. Maybe you let him.continue to do the job his way and enjoy the success. Your fans, you know the people who pay for this team, were certainly enjoying it.
You are writing conjecture. The situation as it actually was, the point on that is exactly that we had plenty of cap. Do you really need to be convinced how assine Gettleman was in running off Norman altogether when he had him for a year? Really? It did not preclude drafting his replacement. Which was the correct strategy without question, as opposed to how it was handled. 

That saying about pride going before a fall, fits perfectly here.

Not a dream and a sad state. I was so pumped for this year. I honestly felt like team wise we have a better roster than 2015. Then this. Now I worry about not being able to resign the litany of you guys we need to keep (Turner, Star and Norwell next offseason).
You can scratch Turner off your list of worries.

You can scratch Turner off your list of worries.
True, but if Hurney follows his usual pattern and tries to make everyone the highest paid player at their position in the NFL, we are going to have some dollar menu guys starting and on the depth chart.

Hopefully, he has learned that you cannot pay everyone a king's ransom like the New York Yankees do.

Well, that and no more trading 2nd, 3rd, and 4th round picks to move up for nobodies.  This isn't the NBA, Marty, good players are still available in those rounds.

Smh.  Still in disbelief that we are back to this ********.(rhymes with tuckfard)

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True, but if Hurney follows his usual pattern and tries to make everyone the highest paid player at their position in the NFL, we are going to have some dollar menu guys starting and on the depth chart.

Hopefully, he had learned that you cannot pay everyone a king's ransom like the New York Yankees do.

Well, that and no more trading 2nd, 3rd, and 4th round picks to move up for nobodies.  This isn't the NBA, Marty, good players are still available in those rounds.

Smh.  Still in disbelief that we are back to this ********.
Turner is the third highest paid at his position, and I don't think the Panthers overpaid.

"Gettleman worked hard to keep analytics at the heart of his personnel decisions and emotions out of them."

This is exactly the reason Gettleman was able to lift the Panthers from mediocrity and salary cap hell.  ...and it's exactly the reason Richardson, and his buddy Hurney, are going to run them back into the gutter.

****ing Twilight Zone #### going on in Charlotte.  ****!!!!

I understand very well what Hurney has done in the past. What does Hurney's past actions have to do with me not liking you referring to Panthers players as losers?  I should have just left it alone since you are always full of negativity. By the way, I am not a him.
When the Panthers put a bunch of physically declining 35-40 year-olds on the field in a few years they will most definitely be losers.

That is one of the reasons why this was a stupid move by Richardson.
Why did you delete your "woman" comment?

Why did you delete your "woman" comment?
Because I wanted you to focus on the information instead of the "trigger".

...or as the article correctly states is the difference between Gettleman and Hurney/Richardson; I wanted you to look at the situation analytically, not emotionally.

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You can scratch Turner off your list of worries.
Yep. Sounds like the deal was already laid out and thank goodness Hurney/JR didn't decide against finishing it. I just want Norwell. That's all. I have a friend that played for the Panthers and knows Hurney and he didn't think that much of Star so I'm wondering if Hurney shares the same feeling.

Still upset because we were so well positioned for this year and I think everyone was on the same page with what went wrong last year. JR owns the team so what we think is pretty meaningless. I'm really worried about next year's draft. 


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