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Star Trek: Discovery | Premieres September 24, 2017 (3 Viewers)

I'm not sure if it is a mistake or not streaming - I don't feel like the quality will suck, but it will limit the audience.  But Star Trek fans (new and old) will see it without a doubt.  

The streaming to me is a mistake in that CBS is not offering anything that isn't already covered by Netflix or Amazon or Hulu. So we're  paying $6 a month to watch Star Trek. 

Over/Under on how many episodes before the Borg appear?

Have no confidence that CBS can do this right even if streaming only somehow manages to give them a little more creative freedom, but hopefully I am wrong.

Not real confident in the upcoming movie either, probably will make tons of money despite being terrible with the Fast and Furious guy at the helm. Still, the remake of Wrath of Khan was surprisingly well done.

Over/Under on how many episodes before the Borg appear?

Have no confidence that CBS can do this right even if streaming only somehow manages to give them a little more creative freedom, but hopefully I am wrong.

Not real confident in the upcoming movie either, probably will make tons of money despite being terrible with the Fast and Furious guy at the helm. Still, the remake of Wrath of Khan was surprisingly well done.
I thought the second one was just ok. The first remake was awesome.

I thought the second one was just ok. The first remake was awesome.
Opposite for me. Thought the first was well done in that they translated the heart of the original show. The cast did a great job recreating the iconic characters, set design, everything else was really well represented but updated. Abrams did a great job translating a geeky, niche property and making it palatable for the masses (much like the recent Star Wars reboot.)

I just can't get over how terrible the plot/script was. It was like a bad Voyager episode level writing. But whatever, it made hundreds of millions of dollars and resurrected a much beloved property so who cares, right?

To this day I still don't know how I managed to give Enterprise a chance after that god awful intro.

I am sort of annoyed how many trek fans in here are ranking DS9 above TNG.    Chief O'Brian spinoff showcase, now with more Worf.   LAME.

Its really really hard to cast enough good actors in the right roles to make something like Star Trek work because its an ensemble show by nature.  Even the Walking Dead, while a strong show, really boiled down to Darryl and Carol.  Anything not focused on them starts to get pretty bad.


I am sort of annoyed how many trek fans in here are ranking DS9 above TNG.    Chief O'Brian spinoff showcase, now with more Worf.   LAME.
DS9 finished really strong so I think that sticks with people.  There were some really long drags in there though.

The other star trek thread on the movie reminded me about two recent news-related items:

Star Trek: Bridge Crew (VR game)

Apparently, you'll play with up to 3 other players in a VR environment, with each person serving a specific role (captain, science officer, engineer, and tactical).  The goal is to accomplish missions working with one another - each person has access to only information on their consoles, so communication of relevant information in different situations is ke for the captain to make the correct decision.  Pretty awesome.  I believe they tested this out with a few actors from various series (Burton was one, I believe).

CBS Sets New Rules for Fan-Made Films

I actually haven't watched any of the fan-made films, but I've been meaning to catch Renegades (formerly Star Trek Renegades - now just Renegades).  The new rules pretty much make fan-made films impossible, and I believe there are several.  

Now that we have a new series in the works and have argued sufficiently for the best series, let's get to the important question that's been debated since the dawn of time:

Who's the hottest?

Uhura (Original)






Uhura (New)

The images are just to give a frame of reference and voting should not reflect the actual images.  Some characters were heavily sexualized, while others were done so to a much lesser degree, so I tried to give basic poses in their garb from their respective series.

I have a tough time choosing between four of them.  I need some opinions to help narrow my choice.

Well the fact that they have been willing to blow up the Enterprise in the past which means we don't really know if it will blow up again or not. Heck since it's an alternative timeline they could even kill off a crew member if they wanted to (I'm looking at you Mr. Chekov).
:unsure: :cry:

I feel bad for that comment now.

Seven and Dax were my boyhood favs but TPol and new Uhara are smoking hot. 
Seven got my original vote but while she isn't "ugly" if she didn't have the bog boobs she'd be lower on the list. Changing my vote to T'Pol.

NG and DS0 in retrospect were the best series. When they first came out, I thought TOS was good, but 40 years later, not so much.

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Insein said:
I mean they put this scene into the pilot. They knew what they had.
And even with that, that series still garnered the worst ratings. It's almost like, the hotter the actresses they used, the less popular that series was.  Correlation and not causation, I know, but weird.  

No Kira votes?  Surprised to see original Uhura and Troi but not her.  I think Kira definitely ranks pretty significantly above those two, IMO.

EDIT: Screw updating this, here's the wiki link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_Discovery

More details on new series:

Title: Start Trek Discovery

Air Date: May 2017

Broadcast: CBS (first episode), CBS All Access thereafter, Netflix (outside of US and Canada..... $@#%!!!)

Main Cast

  • [Unknown] as Lietunenant Commander "Number One"

    Will be a female, minority character and the main lead of the show
  • Will reportedly be referred to as "Number One" until the end of the first season

[*]Doug Jones as Lieutenant Science Officer Saru

  • Member of a new species

[*]Anthony Rapp as Science Officer Stamets 

  • Specializes in astromycology 
  • Will be the first openly gay character in the franchise's history


The overall premise will focus around the same themes we all know and love.  The first season will be a complete story-arc that focuses on "an incident and an event in Star Trek history that's been talked about but never been explored."

Star Trek Universe Timeline:

The series will take place about 50 years prior to TOS in the Prime Universe (not the universe of the recent movies, but the universe of the various TV series).  

Other Details:

  • The series will not be starred by the ship's captain - instead, it will be seen through the perspective of the first officer.
  • Episode's won't have a strict length of time to be filmed within - so some episode's maybe slightly longer or shorter than others.
  • The series is closer to the TOS as opposed to Enterprise so that they can include some TOS iconography into this series.
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Are you saying that only the first episode will be on broadcast TV and after that you have to use online options?  Interesting?

Are you saying that only the first episode will be on broadcast TV and after that you have to use online options?  Interesting?
Yea, CBS is featuring this series on their All-access service as the first all-access only series.  They want more subscribers to their service and think that with the avid fan following plus the new fans from the movies that they'll create a new, profit friendly audience on their app.  

However, being a little worried about the fallout of forcing folks to their service and being offered a really good offer from Netflix, it'll also be available on Netflix, but only outside of the US and Canada.  Not sure if you can VPN and trick Netflix into thinking your outside those regions, but I'll be trying that.  Otherwise, I'm going to fork over the stupid money for the dumb service.

Yea, CBS is featuring this series on their All-access service as the first all-access only series.  They want more subscribers to their service and think that with the avid fan following plus the new fans from the movies that they'll create a new, profit friendly audience on their app.  

However, being a little worried about the fallout of forcing folks to their service and being offered a really good offer from Netflix, it'll also be available on Netflix, but only outside of the US and Canada.  Not sure if you can VPN and trick Netflix into thinking your outside those regions, but I'll be trying that.  Otherwise, I'm going to fork over the stupid money for the dumb service.
Netflix probably classifies their subscribers by billing location, not IP.

Good cast lineup for this show - one of the dead walking dead characters coming over to the new series.

Also, in other news, finished TNG series again and starting up DS9 again.  Pumped.

Also, if no one has seen the blurays of TNG (netflix has them), they are unbelievable.  Compare them to the originals and it's nuts.  They had to rescan all of the negatives and repiece the series together to get the bluray quality.  Unfortunately, they probably won't do the same for DS9 or Voyager, as the TNG blurays weren't as profitable as they anticipated.

I liked a lot of the trailer - the bridge doesn't look like an Apple store, for starters - but had two major design problems I couldn't get past.  First, where are the rank designations?  I HATE it when they ignore stuff like this.  Starfleet is a military organization.  They need rank insignia.  Second, the ship, inside and out, looks like Archer's Enterprise mixed with Voyager.  If they didn't tell you, there would be no sense whatsoever that this was ten years before the NCC-1701 Enterprise.  Sigh. 

Ok, I guess I could see that.  When I see "before Kirk" I think Shatner, not the reboot. 
The producers are being ambiguous about the time setting because they don't want to be beholding to either TOS or the reboot movies.  Here is what they said:


"Really when we developed the story it could take place in either Prime or Kelvin so the timeline was relatively inconsequential. But there was the cleanliness of keeping our series independent of the films. That way we don't have to track anything [happening in the movie universe] and they don't have to track what we're doing.

"We can redefine the visual style. We get to play with all of the iconography of those ships and that universe. Since we are doing this series in 2016, and all of the other series have been produced [at a time that] isn’t as sophisticated as we are now with what we can do production-wise, we’re going to be reestablishing an entire look for the series — not only for the series, but for what we wanted to accomplish with Star Trek beyond this series."

Heard a bunch of rumors a few months ago of a lot of retooling. Hard to say if it is retooling or if they are just still working on defining what the show will be. What they showed in that footage fits with the rumors/leaks to some extent. For those that are curious I'll put in spoilers, although who knows how true it is at this point.

I like the production value but not a fan of some of the re-envisioning such as the look of the Klingons for example. I don't see how I'll ever get to watch this though since I'm not going to pay for yet another streaming service subscription.

Sasha from The Walking Dead is the lead, but she will be playing the first officer for the full first season and not a captain. There were a lot of leaks and confusion about there being two captains featured in the show and two ships (the one in this trailer (USS Shenzuu) and the design shown earlier in the thread (USS Discovery) that most folks hated with the triangular primary hull attached to the saucer section

:nerd: .) Based on this trailer's footage it honestly feels like its from the first 15~30 mins of the first episode. The writers have said the show will focus on a pivotal event mentioned in all the shows in Starfleet's history but not shown on screen yet. Most guesses are that its the Starfleet/Klingon war which fits with what they are teasing here. Its a good chance that Sasha is the only survivor of the first ship shown captained by Michelle Yoeh and then becomes the first officer on another ship for the rest of the season.

CorrectIon: Looks like even more stuff is out on the net than I knew. Michelle Yoeh is in all episodes so IDK if that means she and the Shenzuu survives or if its more a flashback type thing. Looks like the show is going to be very different from the prior formats, and may actually include multiple ships including viewpoints from the Klingon side.
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I liked a lot of the trailer - the bridge doesn't look like an Apple store, for starters - but had two major design problems I couldn't get past.  First, where are the rank designations?  I HATE it when they ignore stuff like this.  Starfleet is a military organization.  They need rank insignia.  Second, the ship, inside and out, looks like Archer's Enterprise mixed with Voyager.  If they didn't tell you, there would be no sense whatsoever that this was ten years before the NCC-1701 Enterprise.  Sigh. 
On the ship:

That's actually not the Discovery, its a different ship, the USS Shenzuu. I am guessing they thought making it look like that would seem like an evolution of Archer's Enterprise? Maybe then the Discovery is "newer" and is supposed to look more NCC 1701-esque? Anyway, they have been too obsessed with that design ever since they introduced the Akira class in First Contact. Seems like every new ship after that has been similar.
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Buckna said:
Prime refers to the TOS and all the following series and movies. Kelvin timeline is what they are now calling the Abrams-verse/alternate universe/reboot movie series timeline. Comes from the ship that Kirk's parents are on and is destroyed when the romulan ship goes back in time and altering history. It was named the USS Kelvin. :nerd:
Thanks for that explanation, now I can be the :nerd: that explains to others.

Thanks for that explanation, now I can be the :nerd: that explains to others.
Yeah, it's kind of dumb. They did that because apparently JJ-Verse / Abrams-Verse had a "negative connotation". Plus Star Trek nerds are really, really :nerd:

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Are they still going to go with the terrible decision of only broadcasting this online with a subscription? Kiss of death for the show.

Are they still going to go with the terrible decision of only broadcasting this online with a subscription? Kiss of death for the show.
I think that's still the plan, but I still firmly believe this will change.  They are releasing the episodes on Netflix to essentially ever other country except for the US and Canada.  It's just odd. I'm guessing they announced that early on to test the waters and see what kind of response they would get to determine if they could get enough trekkies to pay for the service.  Hopefully thats a big fat no and they'll just release it on Netflix to the US and Canada too.

The CBS all access thing still kills me.  I'm holding out hope that might change if the ratings suck because they don't pull enough audience on their streaming service.  


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