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So I somehow pissed off my MIL and wife... wtf?.. blah what now (1 Viewer)


My in-laws were watching our boys this weekend as my wife and I battled the flu. We went to go pick them up and when we got there my 4 month old was crying. I noticed an empty bottle on the chair next to my MIL and figured she had just fed him. Right about that time my 2 year old comes running in screaming "I go pee-pee, I go pee-pee Gam Gam" I offered to take him to the bathroom but his reply was a staunch "No, Gam-Gam takes me to potty" So I took my 4 month old and let my MIL take my oldest to the bathroom. 4 month old was still crying, and so I said to my wife, well she only fed him 4 oz, let me make 2 more since he usually eats 6. Hand the 4 month old to her and go make another 2 oz of formula.

Let me back up slightly. My 4 month old usually eats 6 oz every 2-3 hours (he's a fatty). But he used to only eat 2-4 ozs. So we have two bottle sizes, one that holds up to 4 ozs, and one that holds up to 8 oz. And by "holds 4 oz" I mean there's measurements up the sides of the bottle that show each oz mark up to 4 oz, where there's a large line and a disclaimer that says above it "to prevent spillage, do not fill over this line".

Anyways, so my MIL walks out of the bathroom and sees my wife feeding our 4mo old another bottle and says "I just fed him 6 oz 10 minutes ago, he should be fine". To which I reply "Oh, sorry, I saw the empty 4 oz bottle and assumed that's what you had fed him". And she replies "Yah, you can fill those all the way and they hold 6 oz".


That 4 oz tic is pretty far up the bottle, it just gets narrow from that point on... So I just shrugged and said "o ok, gotcha" and didn't say anything else. About 10 minutes later it's still bugging me because it just doesn't look/feel right. So I went into the kitchen, grabbed an 8oz bottle, filled it up to the 6 oz mark with water and poured it into the 4oz bottle. Sure enough it overflows. It probably holds 5.75 oz if you fill it to the very top, but then there is absolutely no room to add 3 scoops of formula and the valve thing the bottle requires without overflowing it. Which means she's not adding enough water that the formula requires to mix properly. Not sure this is that big of a deal, but then my MIL walks in while I'm standing there holding an overflowing 4 oz bottle.

"What, you didn't trust me? I've raised 2 kids on formula, I know exactly what I'm doing"

"Not that I didn't trust you, it just seemed like the bottle wouldn't hold 6 oz, so I wanted to check for myself. That way if it did, I wouldn't have to always clean the 8 oz bottles we have..."

Then she literally starts crying and says "It really hurts my feelings that you don't trust me and think I can't take care of my grandkids" and leaves the kitchen.

:confused: :confused:

"No it's not that.." I tried to call after her as she walks away crying... wtf....

2 minutes later my wife walks in. "That was incredibly rude of you to try to prove my mom wrong and make her look bad infront of everybody. You don't always have to prove everybody wrong" Then she storms out.

Am I in the twilight zone right now?! Everybody? I'm alone in the kitchen.. Well I was anyways. I was just wanting to make sure that our son was getting the proper mix of water/formula for the nutrition he requires and now I'm a giant ##### apparently. :wall: :wall:

We didn't really talk much the rest of the night as it was pretty late already and I fell asleep putting the boys down. Wife hasn't said much this morning before I left for work. What a trainwreck.

TL/DR: I managed to make my MIL cry, piss off my wife, all because I doubted a bottle designed to hold 4 oz could actually hold 6 oz.

Isn't it the law that all babies be breast fed or they end up stupid? Wasn't that proven in another thread last week? :shrug:

Your mistake was trying to be involved in raising your kids. Just sit on the recliner and drink beer. Wife will let you know if she's ready to concieve another.

My in-laws were watching our boys this weekend as my wife and I battled the flu. We went to go pick them up and when we got there my 4 month old was crying. I noticed an empty bottle on the chair next to my MIL and figured she had just fed him. Right about that time my 2 year old comes running in screaming "I go pee-pee, I go pee-pee Gam Gam" I offered to take him to the bathroom but his reply was a staunch "No, Gam-Gam takes me to potty" So I took my 4 month old and let my MIL take my oldest to the bathroom. 4 month old was still crying, and so I said to my wife, well she only fed him 4 oz, let me make 2 more since he usually eats 6. Hand the 4 month old to her and go make another 2 oz of formula.

Let me back up slightly. My 4 month old usually eats 6 oz every 2-3 hours (he's a fatty). But he used to only eat 2-4 ozs. So we have two bottle sizes, one that holds up to 4 ozs, and one that holds up to 8 oz. And by "holds 4 oz" I mean there's measurements up the sides of the bottle that show each oz mark up to 4 oz, where there's a large line and a disclaimer that says above it "to prevent spillage, do not fill over this line".

Anyways, so my MIL walks out of the bathroom and sees my wife feeding our 4mo old another bottle and says "I just fed him 6 oz 10 minutes ago, he should be fine". To which I reply "Oh, sorry, I saw the empty 4 oz bottle and assumed that's what you had fed him". And she replies "Yah, you can fill those all the way and they hold 6 oz".


That 4 oz tic is pretty far up the bottle, it just gets narrow from that point on... So I just shrugged and said "o ok, gotcha" and didn't say anything else. About 10 minutes later it's still bugging me because it just doesn't look/feel right. So I went into the kitchen, grabbed an 8oz bottle, filled it up to the 6 oz mark with water and poured it into the 4oz bottle. Sure enough it overflows. It probably holds 5.75 oz if you fill it to the very top, but then there is absolutely no room to add 3 scoops of formula and the valve thing the bottle requires without overflowing it. Which means she's not adding enough water that the formula requires to mix properly. Not sure this is that big of a deal, but then my MIL walks in while I'm standing there holding an overflowing 4 oz bottle.

"What, you didn't trust me? I've raised 2 kids on formula, I know exactly what I'm doing"

"Not that I didn't trust you, it just seemed like the bottle wouldn't hold 6 oz, so I wanted to check for myself. That way if it did, I wouldn't have to always clean the 8 oz bottles we have..."

Then she literally starts crying and says "It really hurts my feelings that you don't trust me and think I can't take care of my grandkids" and leaves the kitchen.

:confused: :confused:

"No it's not that.." I tried to call after her as she walks away crying... wtf....

2 minutes later my wife walks in. "That was incredibly rude of you to try to prove my mom wrong and make her look bad infront of everybody. You don't always have to prove everybody wrong" Then she storms out.

Am I in the twilight zone right now?! Everybody? I'm alone in the kitchen.. Well I was anyways. I was just wanting to make sure that our son was getting the proper mix of water/formula for the nutrition he requires and now I'm a giant ##### apparently. :wall: :wall:

We didn't really talk much the rest of the night as it was pretty late already and I fell asleep putting the boys down. Wife hasn't said much this morning before I left for work. What a trainwreck.

TL/DR: I managed to make my MIL cry, piss off my wife, all because I doubted a bottle designed to hold 4 oz could actually hold 6 oz.
Here's a pro tip: whenever a woman you are related to through marriage (or possibly blood) says something so blatantly wrong that it makes your head spin, just say "Huh..." like you've never considered that before and walk away. Do not EVER contradict them on something they are blatantly wrong on. Obey Sun Tzu's law of always allowing your opponent a graceful exit.

Dont worry about it, by tomorrow you will have done something else completely harmless to rile them up and they will have forgotten all about this.

lol. i think i'd be like, "well, since i'm in trouble anyway, just thought you'd like to know you were wrong"

"What, you didn't trust me? I've raised 2 kids on formula, I know exactly what I'm doing"

"Is that why you're so hypersensitive? You still feel like a failure of a mother because you couldn't breastfeed your children like a real woman?"

That's what I would have said.

No win here. Suck it up and apologize or you are never getting laid again. No disclaimer, no justification, just an outright apology.

Start hiding formula...

your first mistake was using logic and actual facts and/or science to support your position.

Your second mistake was trying be rational to a mother and grandmother when a relative newborn is involved.

Didn't you see on page two of the WIFE/MIL/Kid interaction manual - it's just like page 1 of the Wife Manual; "You can either be right, or you can be happy, but not both... pick carefully."

In other news, you should take Sheik up on his offer before someone else does.. those Foles Jerseys are going to be collectors items.

"What, you didn't trust me? I've raised 2 kids on formula, I know exactly what I'm doing"

"Is that why you're so hypersensitive? You still feel like a failure of a mother because you couldn't breastfeed your children like a real woman?"

That's what I would have said.
Also, a large, "OOOOHHHHH, that explains so much..." would've gone well here too.

Next time, just let it go. This is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things and it will not have any long-term implications on the growth or health of your child.

:lmao: Different situation, but this sounds identical to what happened when my GF's friend babysit our puppy while we went out of town.

When your dog has had diarrhea for the entire 5 days you were gone, you should NEVER question whether that person took care of them properly.

Welcome to the confused married guy club. Invite them both to nice relaxing trip to a haunted house.

I go to a party at the apt of a friend who recently had a baby. I notice they're letting their kid crawl all over the counter, sit on food surfaces with just a diaper, they dunk ears of corn in the water of the kiddie pool before putting them on the grill, and it goes on. Every single person who eats the food gets horribly sick. I suggest fecal contamination. I'm the bad guy. How could I blame the baby? What?!

My in-laws were watching our boys this weekend as my wife and I battled the flu. We went to go pick them up and when we got there my 4 month old was crying. I noticed an empty bottle on the chair next to my MIL and figured she had just fed him. Right about that time my 2 year old comes running in screaming "I go pee-pee, I go pee-pee Gam Gam" I offered to take him to the bathroom but his reply was a staunch "No, Gam-Gam takes me to potty" So I took my 4 month old and let my MIL take my oldest to the bathroom. 4 month old was still crying, and so I said to my wife, well she only fed him 4 oz, let me make 2 more since he usually eats 6. Hand the 4 month old to her and go make another 2 oz of formula.

Let me back up slightly. My 4 month old usually eats 6 oz every 2-3 hours (he's a fatty). But he used to only eat 2-4 ozs. So we have two bottle sizes, one that holds up to 4 ozs, and one that holds up to 8 oz. And by "holds 4 oz" I mean there's measurements up the sides of the bottle that show each oz mark up to 4 oz, where there's a large line and a disclaimer that says above it "to prevent spillage, do not fill over this line".

Anyways, so my MIL walks out of the bathroom and sees my wife feeding our 4mo old another bottle and says "I just fed him 6 oz 10 minutes ago, he should be fine". To which I reply "Oh, sorry, I saw the empty 4 oz bottle and assumed that's what you had fed him". And she replies "Yah, you can fill those all the way and they hold 6 oz".


That 4 oz tic is pretty far up the bottle, it just gets narrow from that point on... So I just shrugged and said "o ok, gotcha" and didn't say anything else. About 10 minutes later it's still bugging me because it just doesn't look/feel right. So I went into the kitchen, grabbed an 8oz bottle, filled it up to the 6 oz mark with water and poured it into the 4oz bottle. Sure enough it overflows. It probably holds 5.75 oz if you fill it to the very top, but then there is absolutely no room to add 3 scoops of formula and the valve thing the bottle requires without overflowing it. Which means she's not adding enough water that the formula requires to mix properly. Not sure this is that big of a deal, but then my MIL walks in while I'm standing there holding an overflowing 4 oz bottle.

"What, you didn't trust me? I've raised 2 kids on formula, I know exactly what I'm doing"

"Not that I didn't trust you, it just seemed like the bottle wouldn't hold 6 oz, so I wanted to check for myself. That way if it did, I wouldn't have to always clean the 8 oz bottles we have..."

Then she literally starts crying and says "It really hurts my feelings that you don't trust me and think I can't take care of my grandkids" and leaves the kitchen.

:confused: :confused:

"No it's not that.." I tried to call after her as she walks away crying... wtf....

2 minutes later my wife walks in. "That was incredibly rude of you to try to prove my mom wrong and make her look bad infront of everybody. You don't always have to prove everybody wrong" Then she storms out.

Am I in the twilight zone right now?! Everybody? I'm alone in the kitchen.. Well I was anyways. I was just wanting to make sure that our son was getting the proper mix of water/formula for the nutrition he requires and now I'm a giant ##### apparently. :wall: :wall:

We didn't really talk much the rest of the night as it was pretty late already and I fell asleep putting the boys down. Wife hasn't said much this morning before I left for work. What a trainwreck.

TL/DR: I managed to make my MIL cry, piss off my wife, all because I doubted a bottle designed to hold 4 oz could actually hold 6 oz.


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