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Permanent Daylight Saving Time (1 Viewer)



Patty Murray speaking for permanent Daylight Saving Time on the Senate floor.   She introduced a bipartisan bill with Marco Rubio.

There does not appear to be any actual opposition, but this bill hasn't gotten to a vote.   I think this is the third time this has been introduced.  19 states have passed legislation approving permanent Daylight Saving Time, but it takes an act of congress to approve it.  

If we can't pass bipartisan legislation with no actual opposition, how do we expect our government to actually function?

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We're on DLS 8 months out of the year as it is now. I'm definitely in favor of just leaving the clocks alone. I would support leaving it an hour ahead, however personally I'd rather we move it back this weekend and leave it there, at standard time. But whatever, enough of this hour ahead, hour back crap.

We're on DLS 8 months out of the year as it is now. I'm definitely in favor of just leaving the clocks alone. I would support leaving it an hour ahead, however personally I'd rather we move it back this weekend and leave it there, at standard time. But whatever, enough of this hour ahead, hour back crap.
No chance we want to move it back and keep it there. That is crazy talk. Dark in morning is way preferred to dark at 400 pm

We're on DLS 8 months out of the year as it is now. I'm definitely in favor of just leaving the clocks alone. I would support leaving it an hour ahead, however personally I'd rather we move it back this weekend and leave it there, at standard time. But whatever, enough of this hour ahead, hour back crap.
States can do that.   You can opt out of DST, like Hawaii and Arizona have.  You just can't make it permanent without approval from congress.


I'll take "What topic comes up 2x per year for $400 Alex"
It's come up on the Senate floor 3 times now.   Each time with bipartisan support.   My question is why it doesn't get to a vote.  It costs nothing and it's popular with both sides.   The 19 states that have passed legislation have all done it in the last 4 years.  

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No chance we want to move it back and keep it there. That is crazy talk. Dark in morning is way preferred to dark at 400 pm
My standard East Coast time zone is GMT-5. If I had a preference it would be to keep us in a geographically correct zone. But I wouldn't care if we stayed at GMT-4.

Remember always hating this when my kids were young. Twice a year we dealt with it for a week trying to either get to them to bed an hour different than the previous day or having them wake up an hour early. And speaking as someone who has insomnia and an internal alarm clock  I don’t need the government screwing with a time change twice a year.

The sun would not come up until 8:57am on Dec 31 in Ohio.  What effect would this have on outdoor workers?  Would they not start until 9am and have to work later?  

The sun would not come up until 8:57am on Dec 31 in Ohio.  What effect would this have on outdoor workers?  Would they not start until 9am and have to work later?  

There are still the same # of daylight hours. So yea, maybe they have to start later in the winter.

The sun would not come up until 8:57am on Dec 31 in Ohio.  What effect would this have on outdoor workers?  Would they not start until 9am and have to work later?  
As someone who works outside you work whenever there's daylight. Doesn't really matter the time it happens 

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Rubiobot said:
Changing the time twice a year is ridiculous. Just pick a ####### time and leave it alone.

And as I'm usually the guy who wants certain FFA & SP threads moved here, this is not a political issue. It's something the majority of Americans want to happen and one day will and this thread should be moved to the FFA.


And as I'm usually the guy who wants certain FFA & SP threads moved here, this is not a political issue. It's something the majority of Americans want to happen and one day will and this thread should be moved to the FFA.
This sort of goes back to my initial post.   Why is this political?   Why won't the Senate bring it to a vote?

Time and time zones fall under the department of transportation.   Michelle Calder is the head of the committee overseeing the department of transportation.  She says she is in favor of this bill.   There is no opposition from anyone that I am aware of.   It costs nothing and is expected to save money.   

The fact that they can't pass unopposed bipartisan legislation that the states are requesting is infuriating.   

Crap. Had no idea it was this weekend. Falling back is wayyy better than springing ahead. But I have noticed it getting light earlier when I get off work at 6:30am

Pemanent- No.

One good thing about it - Going to Puerto Rico the 28th, and the time will be the same now because they don't do it.

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I'm a hard pass on change. Kids walking to school in the dark is a line in the sand. Adults dealing with no sun on their winter drive home from work is an appropriate tradeoff.

Either use DST all year or get rid of it! Florida voted to stay on it year round, which is fine by me, but this twice yearly screwing with clocks has to stop! Pick one and that’s the time zone now!

They tried it during the Nixon administration, and it was undone after children had to go to school in the dark in winter.

They tried it during the Nixon administration, and it was undone after children had to go to school in the dark in winter.
The kids still have to go to school in the dark in winter.  And these days it takes almost no money to light up a kid like a Christmas tree.

In all seriousness, this time change has shown to cause a large number of deaths.  The "kids in the dark" thing is a lark.

It sucks getting home from work at 5:30 and it's already dark in the winter. 

It sucks trying to put kids to bed at 8:30 and it's still light outside in the summer. 

It sucks that some states don't observe it, so half the year you're an hour out of sync and half the year your're not, and you can never remember which half of the year it happens in. 

It sucks trying to remember how to set the damn clock in my truck twice a year. 

It sucks when the clocks "fall back" in November and kids that now wake up at 6 AM naturally on weekends now wake up at 5.  Wait, what's that?  Oh, that only happens with mine?  Well it sucks for just me then. 

Quit moving the freaking clocks around.  Leave it alone.  Sunset time naturally shifts on its own, you'll get more sunlight in the evenings sometimes, and less other times, and this giant rock we're on will still keep turning round and round.

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