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Path of Exile (free to play & now on Xbone) (1 Viewer)

Another ios skill tree planner has come online. This one has a lot more features than the first.

Full name is Path of Exile Skill Tree Companion


OK I need a little help. What do I need to use to get the other 2 stats on this weapon. It is crazy fast. I think that since it is level 66 I can get max stats on it if I read the articles correctly on crafting. The problem is I can't figure out if I need to use Divine's or Exalts to get the other 2 stats on it without losing what is currently on it. Thanks.


OK I need a little help. What do I need to use to get the other 2 stats on this weapon. It is crazy fast. I think that since it is level 66 I can get max stats on it if I read the articles correctly on crafting. The problem is I can't figure out if I need to use Divine's or Exalts to get the other 2 stats on it without losing what is currently on it. Thanks.
If you want to get the full 6 stats on this weapon, you have to use two exalts. Each exalt will add one stat.

If you then want to max out all the stats, you then use a divine which will perform a reroll of the stats.


OK I need a little help. What do I need to use to get the other 2 stats on this weapon. It is crazy fast. I think that since it is level 66 I can get max stats on it if I read the articles correctly on crafting. The problem is I can't figure out if I need to use Divine's or Exalts to get the other 2 stats on it without losing what is currently on it. Thanks.
Crafting is somewhat complicated at first and gets easier as you mess around with it. There are a number of things that go into it, and I'd recommend being clear on exactly what can happen before you burn exalted or divine orbs, since those are so valuable.

First on Item Level: The highest Item Level possible in the game right now is (I believe) item level 79. To get an item of that level you have to run a level 77 map and collect an item drop from a rare monster. Trust me, we've run some maps. Neither of us is going to be on a level 77 map any time soon. They're almost impossible to get. Your item's level is decent but for crafting purposes, it's actually pretty bad. More on that in a second.

Exalted orbs

Exalted orbs are simple. They add an additional prefix or suffix to your item, if available. You can have a total of 3 prefixes and 3 suffixes on a given item. Your item currently has 2 prefixes and 2 suffixes, so if you exalted it you could roll either one additional prefix or one additional suffix. To see which type of prefixes and suffixes are available for the sort of weapons/armor you have, check this chart: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0ArsB7KohOhhpdHoyZzU2WVZZNXQxMDg4MVk1b0FGbkE&f=true&noheader=true&gid=3

So right now you have the local physical damage% and Local Added Physical Damage prefixes and the Additional Strength and Local Attack Speed % suffixes. Using an exalted orb would allow you to roll anything else from the list that I linked to above. So, for example, you might roll "Leech 2% mana" as an additional prefix when you use your exalted orb.

Now a little bit about the numerical values of the prefixes and suffixes. Another chart: http://www.pathofexile.com/item-data/prefixmod

For your item, scroll down to the section marked "Damage Scaling." You can see from the chart that your +104% falls within the "Vicious" prefix range. Now look at the "Level" column. That's the minimum item level you'd need to roll a Damage Scaling prefix with those values. So, for instance, your item is a 66, so you can't roll the "Tyrannical" prefix. You can roll every other Damage Scaling prefix, though, so the maximum damage% added for your item is 149%. So as far as this prefix goes, your roll is ok but not great. You can do the same thing, if you wish, to check the values of your other prefixes and suffixes as well.

This is why your item level, while ok, isn't really great for crafting. If you look at most of the prefixes and suffixes, you are capped at lower than the maximum possible roll. So while exalting a level 75 item can get you "4% mana leech", your item is capped at 2%. When you're going for the best of the best, you've got to have very high base item types so you can roll the highest possible modifier values for your prefixes and suffixes.

Divine Orbs then randomly reroll the numbers associated with your prefixes and suffixes. So if you just kept the item the way it is and divined it, you would get different numerical values for, e.g., "104% increased physical damage." BUT, the numbers will reroll within the prefix/suffix range that you already have. So for this item, 104% falls within the range of the "Vicious" prefix, so if you divine your item, your increased physical damage% will fall between 90 and 109. You will never divine this item and get a number that falls out of that range. Divine Orbs randomly reroll all of your prefix and suffix numbers at once, so the results are really chaotic. Your item can (and probably will) get better in some areas and worse in others.

Just for the record, I doubt that this item is worth exalting if you're selling it. The one really awesome mod it has is attack speed. You rolled the absolute best possible attack speed modifier for your item level and your sword already has a really fast base attack speed. As far as that goes, your item is really incredibly good. The rest of your mods are pretty "meh" although you did manage to get both increased physical damage% and added physical damage, which work very well together. It's a very, very nice item and is probably worth exalting if you plan on keeping it and using it as your absolute end-game weapon for one of your characters. If you're selling it, though, you're almost certainly not going to recoup the investment of exalts and/or divines that you'd burn to improve it. Just sell it as is and let the buyer use his own exalts.

Hope that helps. It's hard to be concise since there's a lot of interrelated information that goes into crafting.

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OK I need a little help. What do I need to use to get the other 2 stats on this weapon. It is crazy fast. I think that since it is level 66 I can get max stats on it if I read the articles correctly on crafting. The problem is I can't figure out if I need to use Divine's or Exalts to get the other 2 stats on it without losing what is currently on it. Thanks.
I wouldn't use a divine on it, almost guaranteed to screw up your attack speed stat. Exalteds would be ok if you want to use it yourself.

Do you guys think or have you heard if there will be any additional acts in the future or are the game's areas pretty much set now for release some day?

Do you guys think or have you heard if there will be any additional acts in the future or are the game's areas pretty much set now for release some day?
I seem to recall seeing somewhere that they wanted to release a new act every year for the foreseeable future. Of course, the best laid plans and all of that but yeah, I'm pretty sure they're interested in developing and releasing quite a bit of new content.

Do you guys think or have you heard if there will be any additional acts in the future or are the game's areas pretty much set now for release some day?
We are getting the 2nd half of Act 3 this year, supposedly. After that it supposed to be one act a year for 7 years. This will speed up or become impossible depending on if they staff grows or if the company goes under.Content seems to be the biggest problem for newer players, if they could just keep up with the content patches the majority of players would be satisfied with the wait, but they are falling behind at the moment, a significant slow down between the last 3 patches. Chris Wilson acknowledged this in the most recent announcement and has promised to keep the players more informed and in the loop and will be posting development info every weekday (Sunday through Thursday in the states)

you'd think there would be enough to keep people busy.

I'm still in default with 2 char.

I still have cruel, merciless, maps, hc, races, and I could probably make a dozen new char.

and the occasional cutthroat, I guess.

you'd think there would be enough to keep people busy.

I'm still in default with 2 char.

I still have cruel, merciless, maps, hc, races, and I could probably make a dozen new char.

and the occasional cutthroat, I guess.
True, there is plenty to do. On the other hand, not everyone plays at the same speed, I'm getting a little burned out just because I've hit a gear wall - on all of my characters. The sooner they get back to skill and passive tree balancing the better.

you'd think there would be enough to keep people busy. I'm still in default with 2 char.I still have cruel, merciless, maps, hc, races, and I could probably make a dozen new char.and the occasional cutthroat, I guess.
True, there is plenty to do. On the other hand, not everyone plays at the same speed, I'm getting a little burned out just because I've hit a gear wall - on all of my characters. The sooner they get back to skill and passive tree balancing the better.
How many hours would you estimate you have put in? You go all the way back to closed Beta right?
Any advice on a voip?Think i've seen vent and mumbl mentioned
I used to use vent in WoW, it works fine. No idea how mumbler works, but it's probably similar. I, like Run it Up have hit a gear wall, party play might be something that brought me back. I've actually been playing Age of Empires online a little for variety.

you'd think there would be enough to keep people busy. I'm still in default with 2 char.I still have cruel, merciless, maps, hc, races, and I could probably make a dozen new char.and the occasional cutthroat, I guess.
True, there is plenty to do. On the other hand, not everyone plays at the same speed, I'm getting a little burned out just because I've hit a gear wall - on all of my characters. The sooner they get back to skill and passive tree balancing the better.
How many hours would you estimate you have put in? You go all the way back to closed Beta right?
I would say 200 in closed, ~300 in open. Only playing casually atm, didn't play 5 hours last week. Crunch time isn't helping but without content and having little luck trading I've hit a wall.Actually, I was curious myself so I just counted:Lightning Arrow Ranger Lv82 - 130 hrs. (/age is 89 days old)Dual Spork Witch Lv70 - 33 hrs.Crit/Cold Shadow Lv70 - 44 hrs.Firetrap Templar Lv68 - 32 hrs.CI Groundslam Lv62 - 28.5 hrs.EleCleave Templar Lv60 - 20 hrs. (leveling ele cleave is the easiest thing in the game)PhysBow Ranger Lv60 - 22 hrs.About 20 hours worth of races and unfinished characters. A hair over 300 hours in open.For VOIP I would recommend (from best to worst) Mumble > Ventrillo > Skype > everything else > Xfire.

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you'd think there would be enough to keep people busy. I'm still in default with 2 char.I still have cruel, merciless, maps, hc, races, and I could probably make a dozen new char.and the occasional cutthroat, I guess.
True, there is plenty to do. On the other hand, not everyone plays at the same speed, I'm getting a little burned out just because I've hit a gear wall - on all of my characters. The sooner they get back to skill and passive tree balancing the better.
How many hours would you estimate you have put in? You go all the way back to closed Beta right?
I would say 200 in closed, ~300 in open. Only playing casually atm, didn't play 5 hours last week. Crunch time isn't helping but without content and having little luck trading I've hit a wall.Actually, I was curious myself so I just counted:Lightning Arrow Ranger Lv82 - 130 hrs. (/age is 89 days old)Dual Spork Witch Lv70 - 33 hrs.Crit/Cold Shadow Lv70 - 44 hrs.Firetrap Templar Lv68 - 32 hrs.CI Groundslam Lv62 - 28.5 hrs.EleCleave Templar Lv60 - 20 hrs. (leveling ele cleave is the easiest thing in the game)PhysBow Ranger Lv60 - 22 hrs.About 20 hours worth of races and unfinished characters. A hair over 300 hours in open.For VOIP I would recommend (from best to worst) Mumble > Ventrillo > Skype > everything else > Xfire.
Lol, what you accomplished in just 33 hours with your dual spork witch, it took me 170 hours to get to with my messed up Ranger first character :)
OK I finally am putting my very first character to bed. What a mess :) * I completed the game with this character (no maps).* Finished up at level 71* Only partied a couple of times with you guys to farm* Died 299 times :bag: :bag: :bag: * 171 hours :bag: :bag: Great fun though. I am not going to bother with maps because it will just be a waste with this character Hope to improve a bit with my next character which will be a Fire Witch
I meant to add some drop rate info for this 171 hours. I think I got 80% of these in my first 30 hours and then went totally dry for the rest, probably because I was over leveled for much of the game. 3 Exalts1 GCP2 Divines1 Regal0 5L0 6L
Hey - if i generate charges somehow, they just get used auto right away?
Charges are temporary buffs that stack.They have a duration and unless refreshed or consumed once the duration runs out the buff ends.Current skills that consume charges:Immortal Call, consumes endurance charges and grants immunity to physical damage depending on the number of charges consumed.Discharge, consumes ANY charges and deals fire, lightning and cold damage dependent on the number of charges consumed.

Question about the quality of a coral amulet I found. I know it's really, really good. I'm trying to find out if it's in the neighborhood of "you can offer to mirror this item"

Implicit Property: 3.1 Life Regen / sec (I'll likely use some blesseds to get this number up to max or near max)

Prefix 1: 22% Increased Spell Damage (Thaumaturgists, range from 18 to 22%)

Prefix 2: 15% Increased Evasion Rating (Blurred, range from 14 to 16%)

Prefix 3: 14% Increased Energy Shield (Dauntless, range from 14 to 16%)

Suffix 1: 62% Global Critical Strike Multiplier (Ferocity, range from 54 to 66%)

Suffix 2: 29% Fire Resistance (of the Kiln, range 24 to 29%)

Suffix 3: 29% Chaos Resistance (of Exile, range 26 to 30%)

I'm thinking that using blessed orbs is fine, using a divine is probably a braindead idea.

This thing is double digit exalts, right? I'm not selling it but I would like some confirmation that the item is as good as I think it is. I've checked the Mirroring Service pinned thread at PoE:


and it looks like it's at least as good as most of the amulets listed there and way better than a few of them.

Question about the quality of a coral amulet I found. I know it's really, really good. I'm trying to find out if it's in the neighborhood of "you can offer to mirror this item"

Implicit Property: 3.1 Life Regen / sec (I'll likely use some blesseds to get this number up to max or near max)

Prefix 1: 22% Increased Spell Damage (Thaumaturgists, range from 18 to 22%)

Prefix 2: 15% Increased Evasion Rating (Blurred, range from 14 to 16%)

Prefix 3: 14% Increased Energy Shield (Dauntless, range from 14 to 16%)

Suffix 1: 62% Global Critical Strike Multiplier (Ferocity, range from 54 to 66%)

Suffix 2: 29% Fire Resistance (of the Kiln, range 24 to 29%)

Suffix 3: 29% Chaos Resistance (of Exile, range 26 to 30%)

I'm thinking that using blessed orbs is fine, using a divine is probably a braindead idea.

This thing is double digit exalts, right? I'm not selling it but I would like some confirmation that the item is as good as I think it is. I've checked the Mirroring Service pinned thread at PoE:


and it looks like it's at least as good as most of the amulets listed there and way better than a few of them.
How much does it cost to mirror an item? As it stands, yes, that is a pretty incredible amulet. The only thing I am unsure of is how many characters run both an evasion and energy shield combo.

I obviously have not been on in a while. I am thinking my time is done with the game, and am considering giving my account to someone (I paid the $20 for the deluxe stash tabs). I still have a ton of chaos and other currency, let alone some pretty nice items/gems. I will divide it up if there are people interested. Just too much to do, too little time.

I obviously have not been on in a while. I am thinking my time is done with the game, and am considering giving my account to someone (I paid the $20 for the deluxe stash tabs). I still have a ton of chaos and other currency, let alone some pretty nice items/gems. I will divide it up if there are people interested. Just too much to do, too little time.
I would happily take what ever currency you want to give up. I have been so poor for so long :)

Question about the quality of a coral amulet I found. I know it's really, really good. I'm trying to find out if it's in the neighborhood of "you can offer to mirror this item"

Implicit Property: 3.1 Life Regen / sec (I'll likely use some blesseds to get this number up to max or near max)

Prefix 1: 22% Increased Spell Damage (Thaumaturgists, range from 18 to 22%)

Prefix 2: 15% Increased Evasion Rating (Blurred, range from 14 to 16%)

Prefix 3: 14% Increased Energy Shield (Dauntless, range from 14 to 16%)

Suffix 1: 62% Global Critical Strike Multiplier (Ferocity, range from 54 to 66%)

Suffix 2: 29% Fire Resistance (of the Kiln, range 24 to 29%)

Suffix 3: 29% Chaos Resistance (of Exile, range 26 to 30%)

I'm thinking that using blessed orbs is fine, using a divine is probably a braindead idea.

This thing is double digit exalts, right? I'm not selling it but I would like some confirmation that the item is as good as I think it is. I've checked the Mirroring Service pinned thread at PoE:


and it looks like it's at least as good as most of the amulets listed there and way better than a few of them.
How much does it cost to mirror an item?As it stands, yes, that is a pretty incredible amulet. The only thing I am unsure of is how many characters run both an evasion and energy shield combo.
Mirroring is a service you offer. Someone finds a mirror of kalandra, they give it to you, you mirror your item and give the mirrored copy back to them. You also generally charge a fee for this service - I've seen people ask multiple exalts to mirror a really good item.

The big thing is that they have to just hand you a mirror of kalandra for nothing, so there's some risk of being scammed when you're the one with the mirror.

I'm not sure how often amulets get mirrored anyways, but it certainly looks like it's up there with the best in the game. I don't know what sorts of builds are both ES and EV and I've had a bit of trouble really figuring out what sort of character would maximize the amulet but I have to think that there are builds for which this is either the best or very close to the best amulet out there.

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Question about the quality of a coral amulet I found. I know it's really, really good. I'm trying to find out if it's in the neighborhood of "you can offer to mirror this item"

Implicit Property: 3.1 Life Regen / sec (I'll likely use some blesseds to get this number up to max or near max)

Prefix 1: 22% Increased Spell Damage (Thaumaturgists, range from 18 to 22%)

Prefix 2: 15% Increased Evasion Rating (Blurred, range from 14 to 16%)

Prefix 3: 14% Increased Energy Shield (Dauntless, range from 14 to 16%)

Suffix 1: 62% Global Critical Strike Multiplier (Ferocity, range from 54 to 66%)

Suffix 2: 29% Fire Resistance (of the Kiln, range 24 to 29%)

Suffix 3: 29% Chaos Resistance (of Exile, range 26 to 30%)

I'm thinking that using blessed orbs is fine, using a divine is probably a braindead idea.

This thing is double digit exalts, right? I'm not selling it but I would like some confirmation that the item is as good as I think it is. I've checked the Mirroring Service pinned thread at PoE:


and it looks like it's at least as good as most of the amulets listed there and way better than a few of them.
How much does it cost to mirror an item?As it stands, yes, that is a pretty incredible amulet. The only thing I am unsure of is how many characters run both an evasion and energy shield combo.
Mirroring is a service you offer. Someone finds a mirror of kalandra, they give it to you, you mirror your item and give the mirrored copy back to them. You also generally charge a fee for this service - I've seen people ask multiple exalts to mirror a really good item.

The big thing is that they have to just hand you a mirror of kalandra for nothing, so there's some risk of being scammed when you're the one with the mirror.

I'm not sure how often amulets get mirrored anyways, but it certainly looks like it's up there with the best in the game. I don't know what sorts of builds are both ES and EV and I've had a bit of trouble really figuring out what sort of character would maximize the amulet but I have to think that there are builds for which this is either the best or very close to the best amulet out there.
Ahh gotcha. I had it backwards. I thought you gave the item to the person with the mirror and they made the copy for you. The mirror is the most valuable piece in the game right? I would feel very nervous giving it to someone.

Question about the quality of a coral amulet I found. I know it's really, really good. I'm trying to find out if it's in the neighborhood of "you can offer to mirror this item"

Implicit Property: 3.1 Life Regen / sec (I'll likely use some blesseds to get this number up to max or near max)

Prefix 1: 22% Increased Spell Damage (Thaumaturgists, range from 18 to 22%)

Prefix 2: 15% Increased Evasion Rating (Blurred, range from 14 to 16%)

Prefix 3: 14% Increased Energy Shield (Dauntless, range from 14 to 16%)

Suffix 1: 62% Global Critical Strike Multiplier (Ferocity, range from 54 to 66%)

Suffix 2: 29% Fire Resistance (of the Kiln, range 24 to 29%)

Suffix 3: 29% Chaos Resistance (of Exile, range 26 to 30%)

I'm thinking that using blessed orbs is fine, using a divine is probably a braindead idea.

This thing is double digit exalts, right? I'm not selling it but I would like some confirmation that the item is as good as I think it is. I've checked the Mirroring Service pinned thread at PoE:


and it looks like it's at least as good as most of the amulets listed there and way better than a few of them.
How much does it cost to mirror an item?As it stands, yes, that is a pretty incredible amulet. The only thing I am unsure of is how many characters run both an evasion and energy shield combo.
Mirroring is a service you offer. Someone finds a mirror of kalandra, they give it to you, you mirror your item and give the mirrored copy back to them. You also generally charge a fee for this service - I've seen people ask multiple exalts to mirror a really good item.

The big thing is that they have to just hand you a mirror of kalandra for nothing, so there's some risk of being scammed when you're the one with the mirror.

I'm not sure how often amulets get mirrored anyways, but it certainly looks like it's up there with the best in the game. I don't know what sorts of builds are both ES and EV and I've had a bit of trouble really figuring out what sort of character would maximize the amulet but I have to think that there are builds for which this is either the best or very close to the best amulet out there.
Ahh gotcha. I had it backwards. I thought you gave the item to the person with the mirror and they made the copy for you.The mirror is the most valuable piece in the game right? I would feel very nervous giving it to someone.
There's a mirror list in the forums somewhere of items that can be mirrored, at least you'd have some recourse if you got scammed by a person posting in that thread.

yeah, there's no way I'd be handing my mirror around to randoms.

they could give me items to mirror, if they want.
Well but why would someone give you an item to mirror? They already have the item and a mirrored copy is worth less since you can't alter a mirrored item. The person with the mirror is the one that really wants to make a deal. Since the item is worth at least as much at the mirror, either way somebody has to give something crazy to somebody they don't know. It's sorta a mess but I don't know how you get around it. You could trade like 10 exalts for the mirror as collateral and then give the 10 back for the item or something like that. I don't have 10 exalts sitting around, though, so I'd be SOL if someone wanted to do that.

I guess you have to have enough of a decent reputation of not doing dirty stuff like that but yeah, i'd be nervous.

Well they need a guy that is a third party to do the mirroring. Simple. Unless third party guy keeps mirror and item to be mirrored. LOL

I think that GGG is working on a way to help with this scenario. Maybe a moderator doing the deal.

Well they need a guy that is a third party to do the mirroring. Simple. Unless third party guy keeps mirror and item to be mirrored. LOL I think that GGG is working on a way to help with this scenario. Maybe a moderator doing the deal.
I still have a bad feeling that it is going to be the market which ultimately turns off many new players once we get to release.
So many of the unique items make me scratch my head. For example, what character would benefit from the Tabula Rasa?http://en.pathofexilewiki.com/wiki/Tabula_Rasa
I am guessing that is a free 6L. A 6L that allows any combination of gems would be powerful regardless of stats or none.
I assume that is what the white sockets mean. But you are giving up possibly 7 defensive stats (1 implicit and 3 pre and 3 suff) for two extra links (this assumes 4l are easy to come by). In a game where defense means so much this seems expensive for the 2 extra links.
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So many of the unique items make me scratch my head. For example, what character would benefit from the Tabula Rasa?http://en.pathofexilewiki.com/wiki/Tabula_Rasa
I am guessing that is a free 6L. A 6L that allows any combination of gems would be powerful regardless of stats or none.
I assume that is what the white sockets mean. But you are giving up possibly 7 defensive stats (1 implicit and 3 pre and 3 suff) for two extra links (this assumes 4l are easy to come by). In a game where defense means so much this seems expensive for the 2 extra links.
I built a non-standard character and would absolutely love a tabula rasa. Best armor in the game for me but I'm not paying exalts for it. But yeah, for certain builds it's actually the best possible armor.

So many of the unique items make me scratch my head. For example, what character would benefit from the Tabula Rasa?http://en.pathofexilewiki.com/wiki/Tabula_Rasa
I am guessing that is a free 6L. A 6L that allows any combination of gems would be powerful regardless of stats or none.
I assume that is what the white sockets mean. But you are giving up possibly 7 defensive stats (1 implicit and 3 pre and 3 suff) for two extra links (this assumes 4l are easy to come by). In a game where defense means so much this seems expensive for the 2 extra links.
I built a non-standard character and would absolutely love a tabula rasa. Best armor in the game for me but I'm not paying exalts for it. But yeah, for certain builds it's actually the best possible armor.
I can see it being fantastic for levels 25-50 since you can use so many gems very early since typically a 6l has a much higher level requirement but I would have to study a build to understand how you get past missing so many defensive stats deep into merciless or maps.
0.10.8 Patch notes up, should go live tonight or early tomorrow. A lot of promising changes in here.

Version 0.10.8

  • Added four new Unique items, three of which were designed by our Diamond supporters. There are new general mechanics that first appear on these items:
  • - Consecrated Ground is a ground effect that provides life regeneration to allies.
  • - Desecrated ground is a ground effect that does chaos damage to enemies.
  • - Lucky/Unlucky indicates that the random check is performed twice and the better/worse outcome is selected.
  • New vendor recipes have been added. These are for specific niche purposes rather than being general currency recipes.
  • "Extra gore" effects granted by certain Unique items have been improved, along with slight changes to normal blood effects.
  • Added two new cosmetic microtransactions: Demon Hand Cleave and Emerald Rain of Arrows.
  • The Alternate Art Redbeak given out in the first race season has been given custom 3d art.
  • Graphical Effects have been given to the 3D models for Quill Rain and Rathpith Globe.
  • Continued to incrementally improve the art, effects and environments and audio.
  • Improved the forced delay on acceptance when other trader changed or removed items and rapidly accepted in single item trades.
  • Reverb has been added to audio in selected areas. Some players may need to adjust their audio volumes in response to this.
  • Boss music now stops on boss death.
  • NPCs turn to face the player when dialogue is initiated.
  • Website forum searches now allow time based queries and filters.
  • Skill Gems now display Mana Multiplier instead of Mana Cost Multiplier.
  • Added a letter from Piety to Arteri in the Western Forest, with a voice acted passage that explains more of the story related to The Way Forward quest.
  • Added the Letters of Exile in Lioneye's Watch. This object can be clicked to show information about the history of some of Wraeclast's exiles.
Merciless/Map Changes:
  • The content levels for several Act 3 Merciless areas have been changed:
  • - The Catacombs: 63 -> 67
  • - Battlefront: 61 -> 62
  • - Solaris Temple Level 2: 62 -> 63
  • - Solaris Temple Level 3: 62 -> 63
  • - The Docks: 62 -> 63
  • - Market Sewers: 62 -> 64
  • - Sewers Aqueduct: 62 -> 65
  • - Barracks: 62 -> 66
  • - Lunaris Temple Level 1: 63 -> 66
  • - Lunaris Temple Level 2: 63 -> 67
  • - Lunaris Temple Level 3: 64 -> 68
  • Non-map areas cannot drop Maps with a base level higher than 66.
  • Each map type now contains a special monster pack based on the theme of the area. This creates a monster variety between map types that players can plan around and lets us adjust the challenge of different map types beyond their size and layout.
  • The threshold level for currency penalty is unchanged. You will not treated as being higher than level 68 for purposes of the currency penalty.
  • Merciless Piety now has a dedicated map drop slot with a chance to drop a level 66 map.
  • The Catacombs now has a Scribe’s Rack chest that can drop scrolls or maps.
  • The Marketplace waypoint has been moved to being outside Catacombs entrance.
  • Previously, the item rarity bonuses of monsters would not affect any Maps that were dropped. This limitation has been removed, which means that bosses like Piety are likely to drop magic/rare Maps rather than white ones.
  • Lightning Warp now has increased damage at high levels and it now has a 3% reduced skill effect duration per level after the first.
  • Discharge now has increased damage at high levels.
  • Freeze Mine has had its cast time for laying the mine decreased to 500ms from 1 second.
  • The detonation time for all mines has been reduced to 200ms from 1 second.
  • Puncture now has increased damage at high levels and Physical Damage % added to it that increases each level, to match other similar skills. Puncture may now be used with Two Handed Swords.
  • The Life Leech Support gem now starts at 5% leech and progresses in smaller increments up to 8.8% leech at Level 20.
  • The Mana Leech Support gem now starts at 2% and goes up in smaller increments, reaching 5.1% at Level 20.
  • Asphyxia, the boss of the Reef map has been redesigned, with new stats, skills and AI.
  • The notable passive Deep Thoughts near the Witch area has been changed to: +20% maximum mana, +20% mana regeneration, 20 Intelligence.
  • The notable passive Deep Thoughts between the Ranger and Shadow start area has been changed to a Mana Flows notable passive.
Bug Fixes:
  • Town instances now have a 20 second ping timeout rather than 6 seconds.
  • Fixed a bug where instances would sometimes crash when multiple players were entering a new map.
  • Fixed a bug where Devouring Totem would attempt to raise a corpse on its own location which is then killed, causing an instance crash.
  • Fixed a bug where projectiles could appear at the wrong height.
  • Fixed a bug where Shield Charge consumes mana when frozen.
  • Fixed a bug where a specific skeleton pack in map areas would always spawn as magic.
  • Fixed a bug where characters wearing Icetomb were affected by chilled ground.
Two of the uniques are from the same diamond supporter and are supposed to be related, I would wager one of them has the consecrated ground and the other has the desecrated ground. At least one of the uniques is a ring.

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Looks like a great release.

RunItUp, are you aware of what the new recipes are or do we have to wait for someone to discover them?

Looks like a great release.RunItUp, are you aware of what the new recipes are or do we have to wait for someone to discover them?
Very little idea for the recipe, but the devs have been getting probed for info and they just keep saying they are utility recipes. So there may be one currency one (hopefully an exalt, to make the economy fix itself) but more likely some jewelery recipes, maybe a recipe to combine quality gems (doubtful).

Looks like a great release.RunItUp, are you aware of what the new recipes are or do we have to wait for someone to discover them?
Very little idea for the recipe, but the devs have been getting probed for info and they just keep saying they are utility recipes. So there may be one currency one (hopefully an exalt, to make the economy fix itself) but more likely some jewelery recipes, maybe a recipe to combine quality gems (doubtful).
Ok thanks. I will try and read the wikia recipe page every few days in case it get updated.
Looks like a great release.RunItUp, are you aware of what the new recipes are or do we have to wait for someone to discover them?
Very little idea for the recipe, but the devs have been getting probed for info and they just keep saying they are utility recipes. So there may be one currency one (hopefully an exalt, to make the economy fix itself) but more likely some jewelery recipes, maybe a recipe to combine quality gems (doubtful).
Ok thanks. I will try and read the wikia recipe page every few days in case it get updated.
They should be found tonight, unless they are very unintuitive, uniques and recipes are usually found within hours of the patch, which is going up now in 20 minutes.

Looks like a great release.RunItUp, are you aware of what the new recipes are or do we have to wait for someone to discover them?
Very little idea for the recipe, but the devs have been getting probed for info and they just keep saying they are utility recipes. So there may be one currency one (hopefully an exalt, to make the economy fix itself) but more likely some jewelery recipes, maybe a recipe to combine quality gems (doubtful).
Ok thanks. I will try and read the wikia recipe page every few days in case it get updated.
They should be found tonight, unless they are very unintuitive, uniques and recipes are usually found within hours of the patch, which is going up now in 20 minutes.
Sweet. I will definitely read the wikia then first thing tomorrow morning.
I know I am very early in my second character (level 12 Fire Witch) but I can't get over how nice the zombie meat shields are. No one ever gets close to me. I used to get drunk on life potions with my bow Ranger but now I rarely touch them.

I know I am very early in my second character (level 12 Fire Witch) but I can't get over how nice the zombie meat shields are. No one ever gets close to me. I used to get drunk on life potions with my bow Ranger but now I rarely touch them.
oh yeah, summons are awesome like that.


I know I am very early in my second character (level 12 Fire Witch) but I can't get over how nice the zombie meat shields are. No one ever gets close to me. I used to get drunk on life potions with my bow Ranger but now I rarely touch them.
I'm playing my second character (a Cold Witch, my other character is a Templar) and I think I'm enjoying the Witch more. With four zombies, six skeletons, and a Spectre gem I picked up yesterday, that's a lot of extra damage distributors/sponges to go around.

I know I am very early in my second character (level 12 Fire Witch) but I can't get over how nice the zombie meat shields are. No one ever gets close to me. I used to get drunk on life potions with my bow Ranger but now I rarely touch them.
I'm playing my second character (a Cold Witch, my other character is a Templar) and I think I'm enjoying the Witch more. With four zombies, six skeletons, and a Spectre gem I picked up yesterday, that's a lot of extra damage distributors/sponges to go around.
nice! I am sticking to just zombies for now as I just want to minor in summoning, but if I have the mana for it, I will start adding some of the other summons as the game goes on. What level are you?

what supports do you guys use for your summons?

I've got 2 of my gems plugged into a +1 minion lvl hat with one blue support.

I've got an added lightning dam, also, I run wrath and anger.

I put a +life on hit support on my spectre and ghosted one of those giant spear statues --- the dude has lasted, like, 3 areas.

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