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*** OFFICIAL *** FFA WAGERING THREAD - Merry Christmas!!! (3 Viewers)

Kingpin90 said:
Here's everything you need to know:

1.) The whole thing is setup to get Ohtani #1 and Gallo #2 to the Finals. Ohtani (1) beats Gallo (2).

Zero percent change anyone named Ohtani (+165) or Gallo (+360) wins this thing. But Ohtani to make the Finals at -120 is my STONE COLD LOCK of the night.

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I am pretty sure I have already made my chops on tennis futures in this thread :coughcough:, so here is my recommended plan for US Open:

2 units on Novak to win -105 (which would be the Grand Salami for Novak for the year......under-reported)

1 unit on Medvedev over Novak exact result when exact futures are released. 

The second bet will clear MUCH more than the first if it hits, and the pressure and heat will be on Novak at Flushing Meadows.  But if Novak comes through you clear a unit.

I've been searching for houses less than 1,250 ft² that also qualify as "waterfront." I can find about 30-40 per state, having searched NC, SC, GA, TN, and MO, IA, and OH. I've learned a little bit extra about specific cities in NC such as Wilmington, Charlotte and Raleigh. Even a couple two-story on stilts with floorplan between 300 and 700 ft². Sounds small af, right? But I'd do it. I think I'm about six months late to the party in NC, though. Yo, what's the next desirable city to pop up on the map, house-wise? Bachelor-wise.

First Morning with only Baseball and football has not started and 1st morning of being single. Time to start thinking about football, little AB fight Golden Gloves this weekend in West Virgina and my divorce was final yesterday. For August, little AB fights on a PPV in Columbus at end of August, and then two nights later we are going to the Jake Paul v. Woodley fiasco. We might be the only people there, from Cleveland, hoping for Paul to get completely pummeled. If any of you degenerates ever find yourselves in Cleveland, I have a pretty sweet place  overlooking the river, multiple bars, restaurants and Gentlemens Clubs within a 10 minute walk and a casino a mile away....... with free parking and a poker room......... lets just say I am starting to know the dealers by name......... 

( OK two of the 3 Gentlemen's Clubs are more like 1.5 blocks and the other is closer to 10 minutes.... and in 1 month of being down here I have only gone to one of them, once, on a school night, when my buddy had his own issues and we started drinking and the next things you know it is 3 AM, I have work in 5 hours and I am wide awake, hammered and smell like stripper.........)  

Day Bases  Bal/TB U8.5 EV

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It's going to be an investment, regardless. But I know what you mean. I'm not trying to flip or rent, despite all the thousands of recent youtube videos and motivational speakers who claim to know the "secret" to investing in real estate. F those troublemaking motivationalists. It'll be for cash and ideally an unfinished place that needs an additional 5-10k in improvements. Straight cash will get me the lowest possible purchase price. Paying for my own cosmetics, that'll generate a return as well. I have the investment aspect covered. I'm looking for market speculation.

p.s. I built a real estate company after I graduated. Real estate company. Flipped houses here in Austin with two other mwn - an investor who "bought" my business plan (guest speaker/friend of the professor from the final semester of entrepreneurial class) and with my friend who's been a realtor for 20 years here in Austin. Dude is a gay marine. Before the market lost all value here, we could walk into a house and he could eyeball the exact value, improvements, and final value, all down to ±200 dollars a transaction (assuming a perfect roof and foundation). They kept me around because I am good at walking into a city office and charming permits from frumpy city officials with my pretty blue eyes. Again, he is a gay marine. Those are his words. I'm just trying to get out of Austin (fade the public) and find a pad in the next market that's about to 🚀

Last night I grilled a couple steaks at the pool. Met a man at the pool who was talking about basketball and said that Chris Paul was 12-0 in games reffed by that referee. He told ME this. He told me about his referee trend. I refrained from saying, "Do you know who you're talking to right now!?"

ChainsawU said:
). They kept me around because I am good at walking into a city office and charming permits from frumpy city officials with my pretty blue eyes. Again, he is a gay marine. Those are his words. I'm just trying to get out of Austin (fade the public) and find a pad in the next market that's about to 🚀
Good stuff - no idea what will rocket next... wish I knew as well. Seems like it is all hot right now. 

Good stuff - no idea what will rocket next... wish I knew as well. Seems like it is all hot right now. 
I started in NC and am branching out to other southeast states, avoiding FL, AL, MS. After that will move over to west coast/pacific north.. I'll pay attention to increase the quality of the notes I make so they'll be more shareable 🤝

kevzilla said:
If you're a dancer at the Yellow Rose and need grief counseling, call 1-800-SAW-GONE. Operators are standing by.
If you're a dancer at the Red Rose and need abortion counseling, call planned parenthood.

Wait until I close before you buy the billboards. A typical transaction takes about a month. Let's offer free algebra tutoring. That way they can finally pass the nursing exam and pay for their own lasik surgeries, dental work, and counseling sessions. Obtain their nursing degrees. And send us emails about our unhealthy lifestyle choices.

i don’t know what channel this is on but USA is playing canada in softball and the USA pitcher is unbelievable with the new pants 

So explain this to me  - I am only posting here because this is a safe place and I trust the judgment of the gents in here - I am sure this could be a very entertaining thread but I am trying to wrap my head around this...

As ya'll know, I recently got divorced. One of the issues, that my ex-wife never understood, was that dudes need it. While we were selling the house, she crawled into bed with me a couple of times and I wasn' going to say no but clearlly her idea of a healthy sex life was no where near the level of frequency that I had in mind and it was clearly one of the issues during our marriage. ( mind you, she turns 48 tomorrow and for 48 has this totally rockin' body - think 5'2, 110 pounds, etc) 

fast forward, the Dissolution of Marriage is now final as of a week ago.. for the last 3 weeks.. she stops by my place 1 weeknight and stays overnight every Satursday and makes it clear what she wants.............fast foward She now wants to go on vacation..........  I was literally begging her to go on vacation just to get away and re-connect and she resisted. We have a deal that is good through the end of the year that was cancelled when covid hit in early 2000 for several days in Punta Cana. I wanted to rebook when things re-opened and she said no and instead asked for a divorce. Now she has made it clear she wants a FWB situation and wants to bang me like a screen door in a hurricane. 

So what is up with this?  I have heard of folks hooking up after the divorce, but this seems extreme. I am not honestly sure I want to go on vacation although if she wants to come over I am happy to provide a top notch quality service. I am genuinely guarding my heart a little bit and not sure how the hell I explain this to my 20 year old who is not a huge fan of hers.  I told her I needed to think about the vacation thing... any insight here would be insanely appeciated. 

So explain this to me  - I am only posting here because this is a safe place and I trust the judgment of the gents in here - I am sure this could be a very entertaining thread but I am trying to wrap my head around this...

As ya'll know, I recently got divorced. One of the issues, that my ex-wife never understood, was that dudes need it. While we were selling the house, she crawled into bed with me a couple of times and I wasn' going to say no but clearlly her idea of a healthy sex life was no where near the level of frequency that I had in mind and it was clearly one of the issues during our marriage. ( mind you, she turns 48 tomorrow and for 48 has this totally rockin' body - think 5'2, 110 pounds, etc) 

fast forward, the Dissolution of Marriage is now final as of a week ago.. for the last 3 weeks.. she stops by my place 1 weeknight and stays overnight every Satursday and makes it clear what she wants.............fast foward She now wants to go on vacation..........  I was literally begging her to go on vacation just to get away and re-connect and she resisted. We have a deal that is good through the end of the year that was cancelled when covid hit in early 2000 for several days in Punta Cana. I wanted to rebook when things re-opened and she said no and instead asked for a divorce. Now she has made it clear she wants a FWB situation and wants to bang me like a screen door in a hurricane. 

So what is up with this?  I have heard of folks hooking up after the divorce, but this seems extreme. I am not honestly sure I want to go on vacation although if she wants to come over I am happy to provide a top notch quality service. I am genuinely guarding my heart a little bit and not sure how the hell I explain this to my 20 year old who is not a huge fan of hers.  I told her I needed to think about the vacation thing... any insight here would be insanely appeciated. 
Dating sucks.   You're a known entity.   Simple as that.   

Men's Olympic Golf starts tonight at 6:30pm eastern. 

Si Woo Kim has got three PGA tour victories to his name. He's also South Korean. Because of this, he is required by his government to spend 20 months working for the military. One way out of this duty? Win an Olympic medal!

Si Woo Kim is 15 to 1 to win a medal, 50 to 1 to win gold. 

Weather could be a big issue for the game at Wrigley tonight.  If you like over, you may want 1H over only.  There is a major storm hitting later tonight, but the winds may change and blow in before the game ends.

Nah. Let me think about this one.

my ex-wife never understood
try and find a different way of saying this. it'll help answer the question.

also - explain the events leading to the divorce. try and do it from her point of view if possible. and her influences, mother in law, etc..

How tall are you. Has her height ever resulted in her being bullied. What type of work does she do. How long since your boys been out the house.

You have to say no to the vacation thing. Just a flat no. No explaination. Better listen to that one for me.

Either she's a genius or she's something else. This needs another set of eyes, for sure. Let me know those things if u wanna keep going w this. I'm seeing a few things.


Qatar +295 win in reg.

Qatar W & o2.5tg +575

Qatar DNB +180

o2.5tg  +105

BTTS: YES -115

gotta take a shot on the WC Host invaders ... too beefy to pass up. 

USA is +105, if so inclined 

I had a few....France dying in Euro yesterday took out 2/3.  So now I've got TB/Italy/Padres/Novak in Wimbeldon.  That one pays 275-1.  So...vai in italia.

Got pretty danged excited for an hour this afternoon when the rumor was Scherzer to the Padres.

Then both Scherzer and Trea Turner went to the Dodgers instead.  :sadbanana:

So explain this to me  - I am only posting here because this is a safe place and I trust the judgment of the gents in here - I am sure this could be a very entertaining thread but I am trying to wrap my head around this...

As ya'll know, I recently got divorced. One of the issues, that my ex-wife never understood, was that dudes need it. While we were selling the house, she crawled into bed with me a couple of times and I wasn' going to say no but clearlly her idea of a healthy sex life was no where near the level of frequency that I had in mind and it was clearly one of the issues during our marriage. ( mind you, she turns 48 tomorrow and for 48 has this totally rockin' body - think 5'2, 110 pounds, etc) 

fast forward, the Dissolution of Marriage is now final as of a week ago.. for the last 3 weeks.. she stops by my place 1 weeknight and stays overnight every Satursday and makes it clear what she wants.............fast foward She now wants to go on vacation..........  I was literally begging her to go on vacation just to get away and re-connect and she resisted. We have a deal that is good through the end of the year that was cancelled when covid hit in early 2000 for several days in Punta Cana. I wanted to rebook when things re-opened and she said no and instead asked for a divorce. Now she has made it clear she wants a FWB situation and wants to bang me like a screen door in a hurricane. 

So what is up with this?  I have heard of folks hooking up after the divorce, but this seems extreme. I am not honestly sure I want to go on vacation although if she wants to come over I am happy to provide a top notch quality service. I am genuinely guarding my heart a little bit and not sure how the hell I explain this to my 20 year old who is not a huge fan of hers.  I told her I needed to think about the vacation thing... any insight here would be insanely appeciated. 
Not sure what advice to give here other than to say make sure you are happy.  

if the ink is dry and it got so bad that a separation was needed I can’t reconcile why you would want to be together unless there were kids involved.

Do you trust Vegas hotel room safes
Mostly. Security can get in there whenever they need to. So could housekeeping, with a little review of the internet. Since housekeeping is essentially a thing of the past now, it's not super risky.

I've never had more than $5K in one so YMMV

Do you trust Vegas hotel room safes
I once locked my passport in one and must have made a mistake when I put in the code so I couldn't get it open again.  Watched a youtube video and was able to get into it with the default password from the manufacturer.

So, no.

I once locked my passport in one and must have made a mistake when I put in the code so I couldn't get it open again.  Watched a youtube video and was able to get into it with the default password from the manufacturer.

So, no.
One, two, three, four, five?

That's amazing. I've got the same combination on my luggage.

I once locked my passport in one and must have made a mistake when I put in the code so I couldn't get it open again.  Watched a youtube video and was able to get into it with the default password from the manufacturer.

So, no.
Good info to know, thanks on not trusting them.


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