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*** OFFICIAL *** COVID-19 CoronaVirus Thread. Fresh epidemic fears as child pneumonia cases surge in Europe after China outbreak. NOW in USA (1 Viewer)

Good point, we don't know 100%, but her husband was texting me last night apologizing for his wife's behavior, his daughter called mine apologizing for her mom. We only really talked to her and one other couple -- other couple hasn't tested yet but last night one of them started showing symptoms, they are testing today. So possible it wasn't her, but at this point it seems pretty darn likely. 

Normally I wouldn't care, most people will get it and I chose to go to the recital knowing there was a risk, but to have someone who knew they were sick, refuse to get tested or mask, then talk to us like 2 feet away like there was nothing wrong seems incredibly selfish. We had to cancel Lumineers tonight and my daughter's graduation party where we had people coming from several states. Bummer, but hopefully no one gets really sick from this, my wife has flu-like symptoms and is in bed.  
I should have said this before — that sucks.  And it’s really crappy.  And I truly hope you are all ok.

It’a beyond frustrating that we still have people who refuse to stay home when sick and selfishly put their own convenience over the health of others.

Be well.

Agree that in this case there's probably no particular reason to send him at this point. But more generally, is he testing positive on a rapid or PCR? If he's negative on a rapid and positive on a PCR, I wouldn't worry too much about keeping him quarantined, since he's probably not contagious.
Positive on a rapid. 

We opted to keep him home. I am curious to see what the nurse/school says. 

But this is part of the problem and why we have such bad spread in this country — people aren’t using their brains. CDC altered this guidance in order to keep society going. It was deemed that after 5 days, you likely aren’t as contagious, but wear a mask anyway when you are around people. If they really wanted to be 100%, you would need to test negative. But tests were in short supply at the time and the healthcare industry would have shut down due to no staff. And then it was “well if nurses can go to work, why cant we all?”  But I bet that most people are not masking after this 5 day period and most people aren’t bothering to test.

And in a school situation, kids are taking their masks off to eat at snack time and lunch time. Seated shoulder to shoulder now. So following the 5day and mask rule without requiring a test (they even said come if he has symptoms, as long as they are getting better) just makes the environment  ripe for spread.

I am certain this is how covid entered my house in the first place.  The private pre-school my 5yr old attends, that is literally across the street from the public school, said our son had to stay out for 10 days. 

My wife initially wanted to send him because those are the rules and what everyone else has done. But that is not right and I don’t want to be the guy infecting some other household who may have it worse than us.

I just think we have failed miserably with communication and policy overall these two years, and it’s sad.  This is a failure from the top of federal government down to local. 

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jobarules said:
Yep and I was 100% right. I never said covid cases would completely disappear. We are now living with covid. Even careful people like you got it. Everyone will get it. Hospitalizations, deaths, all at low levels all with no masks or mitigation. It's amazing! What a crazy 2 years.
This is false. There are plenty of places that still require masks, or proof of vaccination, or limits to the amount of people in the space, or a host of other mitigation efforts. We are living with covid, no doubt, but things most assuredly are not just like they were 2.5 year ago.

Leeroy Jenkins said:
Positive on a rapid. 

We opted to keep him home. I am curious to see what the nurse/school says. 

But this is part of the problem and why we have such bad spread in this country — people aren’t using their brains. CDC altered this guidance in order to keep society going. It was deemed that after 5 days, you likely aren’t as contagious, but wear a mask anyway when you are around people. If they really wanted to be 100%, you would need to test negative. But tests were in short supply at the time and the healthcare industry would have shut down due to no staff. And then it was “well if nurses can go to work, why cant we all?”  But I bet that most people are not masking after this 5 day period and most people aren’t bothering to test.
And in a school situation, kids are taking their masks off to eat at snack time and lunch time. Seated shoulder to shoulder now. So following the 5day and mask rule without requiring a test (they even said come if he has symptoms, as long as they are getting better) just makes the environment  ripe for spread.

I am certain this is how covid entered my house in the first place.  The private pre-school my 5yr old attends, that is literally across the street from the public school, said our son had to stay out for 10 days. 

My wife initially wanted to send him because those are the rules and what everyone else has done. But that is not right and I don’t want to be the guy infecting some other household who may have it worse than us.

I just think we have failed miserably with communication and policy overall these two years, and it’s sad.  This is a failure from the top of federal government down to local. 
Yeah, in that situation I probably would keep my kid home, too. I feel like in all of these scenarios you're balancing about five different factors, which is what makes it so hard for the CDC to promulgate one-size-fits-all rules

Leeroy Jenkins said:
Positive on a rapid. 

We opted to keep him home. I am curious to see what the nurse/school says. 

But this is part of the problem and why we have such bad spread in this country — people aren’t using their brains. CDC altered this guidance in order to keep society going. It was deemed that after 5 days, you likely aren’t as contagious, but wear a mask anyway when you are around people. If they really wanted to be 100%, you would need to test negative. But tests were in short supply at the time and the healthcare industry would have shut down due to no staff. And then it was “well if nurses can go to work, why cant we all?”  But I bet that most people are not masking after this 5 day period and most people aren’t bothering to test.
And in a school situation, kids are taking their masks off to eat at snack time and lunch time. Seated shoulder to shoulder now. So following the 5day and mask rule without requiring a test (they even said come if he has symptoms, as long as they are getting better) just makes the environment  ripe for spread.

I am certain this is how covid entered my house in the first place.  The private pre-school my 5yr old attends, that is literally across the street from the public school, said our son had to stay out for 10 days. 

My wife initially wanted to send him because those are the rules and what everyone else has done. But that is not right and I don’t want to be the guy infecting some other household who may have it worse than us.

I just think we have failed miserably with communication and policy overall these two years, and it’s sad.  This is a failure from the top of federal government down to local. 
I put this way more on citizens than I do government/CDC/policy makers. This is an extremely difficult virus to get a handle on, and it's constantly changing. Look at how much blowback people are getting because the "guidance" from the original strain (or the vaccines for that matter) doesn't work as well for the 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th...

The CDC said that something like 30%+ of people will still be contagious after 5 days when they announced that new guidance (which is the reason for the masks for 5 more days and recommended to retest), but they're trying to strike a balance. Yes, if you wanted to be 100%, everyone should just stay home for a long period of time and not return until they test negative, but that's not realistic. There is such variation in this from case to case, like you said, people need to use their brains. Unfortunately we have way too many selfish people in this country, like the one foxco described. But there's just no way to "legislate" that away even if we wanted to. With the proliferation of at home rapid tests and the need to self-report timelines, symptoms, etc., selfish people are just going to ignore the guidelines and do what they want and no one can do anything about it, even if you could somehow "prove" they weren't following them (which you can't).

People need to make these decisions for themselves, and unfortunately too many will opt for what's best/easiest for them, which only prolongs things. Around and around we go.

This is false. There are plenty of places that still require masks, or proof of vaccination, or limits to the amount of people in the space, or a host of other mitigation efforts. We are living with covid, no doubt, but things most assuredly are not just like they were 2.5 year ago.
Where? Not here in NYC. I think people supposed to wear masks on public transportation still but alot dont. Theres a lot more dangers on the subway than covid nowadays.

I put this way more on citizens than I do government/CDC/policy makers. This is an extremely difficult virus to get a handle on, and it's constantly changing. Look at how much blowback people are getting because the "guidance" from the original strain (or the vaccines for that matter) doesn't work as well for the 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th...

The CDC said that something like 30%+ of people will still be contagious after 5 days when they announced that new guidance (which is the reason for the masks for 5 more days and recommended to retest), but they're trying to strike a balance. Yes, if you wanted to be 100%, everyone should just stay home for a long period of time and not return until they test negative, but that's not realistic. There is such variation in this from case to case, like you said, people need to use their brains. Unfortunately we have way too many selfish people in this country, like the one foxco described. But there's just no way to "legislate" that away even if we wanted to. With the proliferation of at home rapid tests and the need to self-report timelines, symptoms, etc., selfish people are just going to ignore the guidelines and do what they want and no one can do anything about it, even if you could somehow "prove" they weren't following them (which you can't).

People need to make these decisions for themselves, and unfortunately too many will opt for what's best/easiest for them, which only prolongs things. Around and around we go.

I agree with all of this, but think that the CDC could have done a better job at communicating and setting expectations in a way that would have allowed for some nuance or more informed choices.

I agree with all of this, but think that the CDC could have done a better job at communicating and setting expectations in a way that would have allowed for some nuance or more informed choices.
Collectively, people really can't do nuance. It's a shame, but it's something that has to be taken account in any public policy.

Let me ask this, if I am still trying to avoid COVID (my wife and I are still negative today), do I need to still send my kids to school in masks, or now that they both caught it, can they go without these last couple of weeks (even though spread is still wild)?

Where? Not here in NYC. I think people supposed to wear masks on public transportation still but alot dont. Theres a lot more dangers on the subway than covid nowadays.
A lot do though. And while many, if not all cities have rescinded their mask and proof of vaccine requirements, many private businesses have continued these mitigation efforts (including plenty in NYC). And individually there are millions of people who have continued their own personal mitigation efforts, whether that is not going to crowded indoor places, or masking on a regular basis, or taking covid tests when they feel sick, etc.

Now my wife with autoimmune issues is positive. This sucks. Going to be like a 10+ day process to burn through the house, as I assume I am next soon as I have been sleeping with the positive 5yr old and taking care of the other one, all in an effort to keep the wife from covid — all for naught these past 2 years and this week. Demoralizing. 

Now my wife with autoimmune issues is positive. This sucks. Going to be like a 10+ day process to burn through the house, as I assume I am next soon as I have been sleeping with the positive 5yr old and taking care of the other one, all in an effort to keep the wife from covid — all for naught these past 2 years and this week. Demoralizing. 
Hoping she has mild symptoms as well as the rest of the family.  Is she going to take one of the antivirals?

A lot do though. And while many, if not all cities have rescinded their mask and proof of vaccine requirements, many private businesses have continued these mitigation efforts (including plenty in NYC). And individually there are millions of people who have continued their own personal mitigation efforts, whether that is not going to crowded indoor places, or masking on a regular basis, or taking covid tests when they feel sick, etc.
I havent seen one single private business try and keep/enforce masks anymore. Where are you seeing this?  

I havent seen one single private business try and keep/enforce masks anymore. Where are you seeing this?  
I just went to pick up some clay bowls I made at a workshop a few weeks ago. The clay studio required masks. I work at a museum that requires masks. A concert I went to last week required proof of vaccination. There are thousands of places across the country that are still doing stuff like this. 

That's also going to be a function of where you live. Someone in a sparsely populated red state saying "there are no more requirements anywhere" is just as inaccurate as someone in Philadelphia saying "there are requirements everywhere." Both are true for their own experience, but not for everyone's. 

Now my wife with autoimmune issues is positive. This sucks. Going to be like a 10+ day process to burn through the house, as I assume I am next soon as I have been sleeping with the positive 5yr old and taking care of the other one, all in an effort to keep the wife from covid — all for naught these past 2 years and this week. Demoralizing. 
First of all, I really hope everything goes well for your wife.  But I wouldn’t say it’s all for naught. Today’s covid is less dangerous than if she had caught COVID 1.5 years ago.  So from that perspective you’ve done a great job keeping your family safe.

That's also going to be a function of where you live. Someone in a sparsely populated red state saying "there are no more requirements anywhere" is just as inaccurate as someone in Philadelphia saying "there are requirements everywhere." Both are true for their own experience, but not for everyone's. 
Except only one side keeps speaking in absolutes like this.

I don’t know if she is technically eligible or even how to get it, especially on a holiday weekend. 
Call your doctors office or insurance provider’s advice line. Doctors work even on weekends. 

Paxlovid needs to be taken during the first 5 days of symptoms.  The earlier the better.  Your wife is most likely eligible depending on the exact autoimmune issue she has. I would inquire. The pill works. 

My wife has an auto immune disorder. If she ever gets it, her doctor said to call their office right away. 

I don’t know if she is technically eligible or even how to get it, especially on a holiday weekend. 

My wife just came down with Covid  from a work function a couple of days ago...started feeling sick last night, woke up today feeling terrible, so she took a home test that turned out positive. We went to a local urgent care today around noon, got seen about 1:30, they took her temp and said they didn't need to re-test. They gave her a 5 day dose of Paxlovid (free) and sent us on our way. Home in less than 2 hours.

ETA: they gave her the option of monoclonal antibody treatment but we would have had to go to Tampa and it could have been 48 hours til the quickest appt. She opted for the pills.

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Had to go to urgent care last night for something non-Covid related. Hospitals are one of the few remaining places where I will absolutely, no question, wear a mask, so I donned my trusty KF94 at the entrance. Before I went back to be examined, the receptionist gave me a surgical mask and asked me to "put in on over your mask, or in place of it."

I get that they can't be in the business of evaluating everyone's mask, but I had to chuckle at the notion that, in the interest of safety, I should replace my KF94 with a surgical mask. (I doubled up.)

I can only imagine what certain posters in this thread might have said about that moment. Haven't seen @parasaurolophus in here recently, but I seem to recall that was a particular bugbear of his.

Had to go to urgent care last night for something non-Covid related. Hospitals are one of the few remaining places where I will absolutely, no question, wear a mask, so I donned my trusty KF94 at the entrance. Before I went back to be examined, the receptionist gave me a surgical mask and asked me to "put in on over your mask, or in place of it."

I get that they can't be in the business of evaluating everyone's mask, but I had to chuckle at the notion that, in the interest of safety, I should replace my KF94 with a surgical mask. (I doubled up.)

I can only imagine what certain posters in this thread might have said about that moment. Haven't seen @parasaurolophus in here recently, but I seem to recall that was a particular bugbear of his.
We wear KF94s. My wife had to go to the ER this morning and was not asked to replace with or add a surgical mask. If this was a year ago she probably would have been asked to.

I don’t know if she is technically eligible or even how to get it, especially on a holiday weekend. 
All she needs is a condition with high risk of disease progression, delineated here.

Note: “Physical inactivity” counts! But autoimmune disease doesn’t, if she isn’t taking immunosuppressive therapy or have specific organ involvement.

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I havent seen one single private business try and keep/enforce masks anymore. Where are you seeing this?  
Waitstaff most places in HI continue to wear masks, but customers are no longer mandated. I would think healthcare facilities, and possibly nursing/care homes everywhere do as well.

I just went to pick up some clay bowls I made at a workshop a few weeks ago. The clay studio required masks. I work at a museum that requires masks. A concert I went to last week required proof of vaccination. There are thousands of places across the country that are still doing stuff like this. 
Oh yeah, I’ve been to musicals in Chicago and Honolulu recently that required them.

the moops said:
PhillipPhoto said:
I havent seen one single private business try and keep/enforce masks anymore. Where are you seeing this?  
I just went to pick up some clay bowls I made at a workshop a few weeks ago. The clay studio required masks. I work at a museum that requires masks. A concert I went to last week required proof of vaccination. There are thousands of places across the country that are still doing stuff like this. 
This is in the twin cities, FYI. But have been to Chicago and Boston somewhat recently and things were similar there. No city wide mandate, but various places required masks and/or vaccination. Now, plenty did not, but it wasn't extremely rare to see some mitigation efforts from various establishments.

ignatiusjreilly said:
Had to go to urgent care last night for something non-Covid related. Hospitals are one of the few remaining places where I will absolutely, no question, wear a mask, so I donned my trusty KF94 at the entrance. Before I went back to be examined, the receptionist gave me a surgical mask and asked me to "put in on over your mask, or in place of it."

I get that they can't be in the business of evaluating everyone's mask, but I had to chuckle at the notion that, in the interest of safety, I should replace my KF94 with a surgical mask. (I doubled up.)

I can only imagine what certain posters in this thread might have said about that moment. Haven't seen @parasaurolophus in here recently, but I seem to recall that was a particular bugbear of his.
Yep. So dumb. 

Had to deal with that when I broke my ankle in february. Had an awesome 3M aura N95. They made me switch. 


So the wife just lost smell and taste. Probably too late for the pfizer drug now, right?

The doctor said based on timing and her overall health and symptoms that he thought she wouldn’t benefit from it or need it. She also was worried about impact on liver as she had some “liver pathways” issue whatever that is. But now I am not sure that she shouldn’t get it.

But again, probably too late. 

So the wife just lost smell and taste. Probably too late for the pfizer drug now, right?

The doctor said based on timing and her overall health and symptoms that he thought she wouldn’t benefit from it or need it. She also was worried about impact on liver as she had some “liver pathways” issue whatever that is. But now I am not sure that she shouldn’t get it.

But again, probably too late. 
I dont understand. You played so cautious this whole time, wife with auto immune issues gets it and doesn't take paxlovid but you're willing to take a booster every 4 months. Makes no sense.

I dont understand. You played so cautious this whole time, wife with auto immune issues gets it and doesn't take paxlovid but you're willing to take a booster every 4 months. Makes no sense.
Not my call.  Wife concerned about side effects with her liver levels.  Dr didn’t think she needed it and thought it was too late potentially because the other kid was positive Wednesday and she was having a slight cough then that seemed like allergies. Said would call it in if we were worried but didn’t think necessary.  Her symptoms were pretty minor until today (still has no fever or bad cough etc) and her lack of taste/smell seems to be fleeting. 

He also anecdotally said nobody in practice has been in hospital since January due to covid and they are trying not to prescribe the drug except for high risk. 

Not my call.  Wife concerned about side effects with her liver levels.  Dr didn’t think she needed it and thought it was too late potentially because the other kid was positive Wednesday and she was having a slight cough then that seemed like allergies. Said would call it in if we were worried but didn’t think necessary.  Her symptoms were pretty minor until today (still has no fever or bad cough etc) and her lack of taste/smell seems to be fleeting. 

He also anecdotally said nobody in practice has been in hospital since January due to covid and they are trying not to prescribe the drug except for high risk. 
I don't disagree. Maybe this will have you calm down about this now

So the wife just lost smell and taste. Probably too late for the pfizer drug now, right?

The doctor said based on timing and her overall health and symptoms that he thought she wouldn’t benefit from it or need it. She also was worried about impact on liver as she had some “liver pathways” issue whatever that is. But now I am not sure that she shouldn’t get it.

But again, probably too late. 
Chronic liver disease is a condition for which Paxlovid is indicated. Her doctor is probably referring to interactions with drugs that are metabolized in the liver, as a component of paxlovid prevents breakdown of those medicines. The end result is blood levels of those meds (and risk of toxicity) increases.

Paxlovid is recommended within 5 days of symptom onset. But there are other options still, although it sounds like her doc thinks risk of disease progression isn’t high enough to warrant it.

Just finished reading The Premonition by Michael Lewis.  Wow.  Our public health system is just massively screwed.   Not a lot of major surprises about the big things that were missed in early Covid days.  What was really surprising……is how spot on the insights from this thread were.  The collective knowledge and conclusions from this thread were right in line with the true heroes showcased in The Premonition.  How could our govt be so stupid?!?!??

Just finished reading The Premonition by Michael Lewis.  Wow.  Our public health system is just massively screwed.   Not a lot of major surprises about the big things that were missed in early Covid days.  What was really surprising……is how spot on the insights from this thread were.  The collective knowledge and conclusions from this thread were right in line with the true heroes showcased in The Premonition.  How could our govt be so stupid?!?!??
The way our government currently operates is reactive vs proactive, and the deep partisan we have now only makes it worse.   No one is willing to be proactive and or spend the money if one side really thinks we need it

Both kids negative today. 5yr old had symptoms the first day (stuffy and sore throat) and that was about it — negative 5 days later. 

Oddly, the wife’s smell and taste issue didn’t last the day — maybe just sinuses were stuffed. Her cough is gone now and she ended up walking about much of the day, as opposed to being knocked out with fatigue like this morning.

I have minor symptoms, but they could be allergies too. Who knows though.  I have been exposed here numerous times obviously, even if we are masking etc.  

So my question is, if I avoid testing positive throughout this ordeal, is it possible I built up some additional natural immunity because my body fought it off without a significant infection that showed up on an antigen test?  Maybe I should do one of the at-home PCR tests that I bought based on a recommendation in here months ago.  Odds are I test positive in the coming days anyway.

Regardless, vaccines work. I will get every booster every fall if that is what happens, so my body is always ready for the fight. 

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Someone said private businesses. I havent seen any of that. None at big events either. 
I said private businesses and gave you a list of a few. You shrugged it off as "randos and wait staff"

You can type this into Google if you dont believe me. But there are indeed thousands of private businesses around the country that require masks or vaccination proof or are still limiting capacity to some degree. 

Now perhaps where you live this is not a thing. Cool, but that doesn't mean it is the case everywhere

So my question is, if I avoid testing positive throughout this ordeal, is it possible I built up some additional natural immunity because my body fought it off without a significant infection that showed up on an antigen test?
Yes, this is very much possible. Not only possible, but common with viruses in general.

Just finished reading The Premonition by Michael Lewis.  Wow.  Our public health system is just massively screwed.   Not a lot of major surprises about the big things that were missed in early Covid days.  What was really surprising……is how spot on the insights from this thread were.  The collective knowledge and conclusions from this thread were right in line with the true heroes showcased in The Premonition.  How could our govt be so stupid?!?!??
No idea what book you're referring to, but most governments handled covid poorly to varying degrees.  I don't think the US government did meaningfully worse than anybody else during the early days of the pandemic, and it made at least one very good policy choice (OWS).  

So Dad up on all his shots not sure if he got a second booster. 72 overweight, said it was a bad head cold for a couple days. Mom was worse but recovered pretty quick. Sister who  has heart issue very naseus and wiped out for 2 days. All took the big pills.

I'm just assuming I had it the one day I had a headache.   I know it's anecdotal but I'm becoming less and less concerned


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