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*** OFFICIAL *** COVID-19 CoronaVirus Thread. Fresh epidemic fears as child pneumonia cases surge in Europe after China outbreak. NOW in USA (1 Viewer)

That mindset will change as the body count goes up. Those people were saying those things when there were a handful of deaths per day. 
Ok, I get what you're saying. I also think that when you have a family member go down, maybe not die but get taken off their feet with this thing, that's when it becomes real. 

It's the same thing when I get hot and fussy about cancer, I lost my mom at 46, I was 21 and it was devastating. 

We just shot up 100 cases overnight in Palm Beach, again we have thousands if not more infected walking around here that simply don't know they have it, same where you are I bet. 

I'm not going to get banned because you want to argue.  In this forum, we cannot discuss the actions of the president or we have been threatened with suspension.  It's that simple. 

I discussed him and you replied and tagged me in it (didn’t see that til I responded to your first response to me) and it was fine

Not looking to argue in the least

Lighten up Francis...

Another "would you?" question -

considering inviting bro-in-law & family over for Easter.  Two parents, 3 kids, youngest is an infant and the other 2 are same ages as my kids.  They have been quarantining as much as we have.  SIL is a former nurse and has been taking this very seriously.  They would be traveling 4 hours.

Imo sil isn't taking it seriously enough. 

Yesterday's mission was to drop the FDA official response link on all the "DON'T TAKE IBUPROFEN" posts I saw. :coffee:  It's the little things. 

ETA: It did some good for at least one friend who is caring for her immuno-compromised mother, and all they had was ibuprofen for pain relief so she was freaking out and trying to research it when she saw my post. 
I can't tell exactly by that link if the FDA is saying ibuprofen is fine to take or not. It looks they're saying ibuprofen won't make coronavirus worse if you catch it, but could interfere with the accuracy of diagnostic testing.

Thinking on it some more, though ... I can see ibuprofen lowering inflammation and perhaps also antibody counts in the blood. I can't see it making it more difficult to pick up viruses after a nasal swab. @Terminalxylem? @Tecumseh? @ProstheticRGK? @ghostguy123? Beuller?

South Florida Testing...# of tests administered.

-Broward leads with 7,634 and 795 positive tests

-Dade is next with almost 6,600 and 982 positive tests

-Palm Beach bringing up the rear with 1,887 and 279 positive tests

2.75 Million in Miami, 2 Million in Broward, 1.5 Million in Palm Beach...

I'm told I'm not very good at math but...1:10 in Broward tests positive, 1:5 or 1:6 in Dade right now, that's down right frightening and then you have about the same rate in Palm Beach as well. 

If we could get 500,000 people tested down here, you likely would have between 75,000-100,000 positive confirmed CV-19 citizens armed and ready to spread. 

Let's just say it, we need more testing down here and we needed it 2 weeks ago...

I can't tell exactly by that link if the FDA is saying ibuprofen is fine to take or not. It looks they're saying ibuprofen won't make coronavirus worse if you catch it, but could interfere with the accuracy of diagnostic testing.

Thinking on it some more, though ... I can see ibuprofen lowering inflammation and perhaps also antibody counts in the blood. I can't see it making it more difficult to pick up viruses after a nasal swab. @Terminalxylem? @Tecumseh? @ProstheticRGK? @ghostguy123? Beuller?

sorry redundant link.

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I can't tell exactly by that link if the FDA is saying ibuprofen is fine to take or not. It looks they're saying ibuprofen won't make coronavirus worse if you catch it, but could interfere with the accuracy of diagnostic testing.

Thinking on it some more, though ... I can see ibuprofen lowering inflammation and perhaps also antibody counts in the blood. I can't see it making it more difficult to pick up viruses after a nasal swab. @Terminalxylem? @Tecumseh? @ProstheticRGK? @ghostguy123? Beuller?
Right. Part of what they're saying is essentially "don't take your fever reducer then report 'no fever' and proclaim yourself recovered" and the other part of what they're saying is "we don't have enough information to know either way" with goes against what all the Facebook armchair docs are copying and pasting. :lol:  

More and more people are going to start ignoring quarantines. Which will just make things worse. Which will cause more and more people to ignore the quarantines. Which will just make things worse.

By July, the vast majority of the country will basically say "Screw it. If I die, I die."
I don’t believe your final sentence at all. Zero chance. 
Statement of fact, not criticism:

US Senator John Kennedy (LA - R) did a guest spot on our big local news radio station Tuesday morning and made a similar point. That there would be some sooner-rather-than-later point where "the people" would no longer "stand for" the shutdowns and the sheltering-in-place. And then "everyone" would just start returning to normal and ignoring any government pronouncements.

The undercurrent of Kennedy's statements was something like "If the quarantining doesn't work preternaturally fast ... we'd just as soon drop it (and save the economy!)."

Tired: The people best positioned to ride out an extended shelter-at-home period are the introverts.

Wired: The people best positioned to ride out an extended shelter-at-home period are the guys with shaved heads.

Nathan R. Jessep said:
Update today, 24 hours later:

2746 cases

119 deaths

773 hospitalized

270 on vents

2476 tests by state

18883 test by commercial

54 of 64 parishes (and I know for a fact one of the parishes not reporting, the one of my home town, has had several confirmed positives, so they're either not in today's update yet, or they are attributed to another parish due to patient's residency)

If I did that math right, that was 441 positive tests out of 3330 tests issued, for a positive rate of 13.24% 
3/28 update

3315 cases

137 deaths

927 hospitalized

336 on vents

2694 tests by state

22467 tests by commercial

56 of 64 parishes reporting cases

569 new cases out of 3802 new tests for a positive rate of 14.96%

Interesting article detailing some of the benefits of larger, more dense cities in terms of ability to take action to counter epidemics (of course the key word is to take action... left unabated, the epidemic certainly will spread quickly and likely more quickly in a city - but with measures taken and personal accountability, I do believe they provide some benefits that can’t be replicated in less dense, auto-oriented environments:

Run FROM the hills

shader said:
I'm not going to get banned because you want to argue.  In this forum, we cannot discuss the actions of the president or we have been threatened with suspension.  It's that simple. 
If we have guidance that my Kennedy post above is clearly out of bounds, then I will hide it.

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I missed where the new bill gives an extra 600/week to unemployed. Wow, that means some people might make more while unemployed.  

I cannot understand why we don’t have a super strict quarantine in place!! All the structures are in place for it to happen.  Everyone is getting a check soon, unemployment money will be substantial.  Lock the country down for 4 weeks.  Right now.  It’s the only option.

I missed where the new bill gives an extra 600/week to unemployed. Wow, that means some people might make more while unemployed.  

I cannot understand why we don’t have a super strict quarantine in place!! All the structures are in place for it to happen.  Everyone is getting a check soon, unemployment money will be substantial.  Lock the country down for 4 weeks.  Right now.  It’s the only option.
Need my carryout!!!!!

Ministry of Pain said:
Let's just say it, we need more testing down here nationally and we needed it 2 weeks a month ago...
Fixed but point taken.

I won't beat the dead horse on this, I think most of us realize the genie is out the bottle by now but increased testing will only help curb the spread.

Andy Dufresne said:
This is interesting too:

"We now know that neither Germany nor France is counting the deaths from coronavirus that occur outside of hospitals, and that the Germans don’t call it “death from coronavirus” if the patient had a previous illness."

Every country on the planet is grossly under reporting the number of deaths from the virus—ourselves included.   There is a lack of accurate testing units.  If people die before they get tested—time and resources are not going to get wasted to pump up a death count that will just trigger more panic.  In Iran-if doctors document a cause of death a being Covid-19–they face extreme punishment from the government.   While I don’t want to guess at the actual number of deaths—I will say that I absolutely believe the global number is exponentially higher than being “reported” or “confirmed”.    

Being that it’s become clear that every government is being untruthful about the numbers—my best advice for everybody is to take extreme caution and act like you and everybody around you has the virus.  Distance yourselves from others as much as possible, consolidate any trips outside of your home to the minimum possible, create decontamination areas in your home—maybe in your garage where you leave your shoes, and immediately remove clothes there and do not bring in the house until they are washed/sanitized.  If you go grocery shopping—make sure to wipe down and sanitize each and every package.  If you order food delivery—remove the food from whatever packaging/wrapping that it is in—and put it in a clean dish from your house.  After that—microwave it before eating as the virus does not do well in heat.   Avoid ordering non-microwaveable food from restaurants for the next several weeks. Even in the case of fast food—remove it from the wrapper, put it on a plate, and microwave it until it steams. 

 If democratic countries are going to beat this thing—-it’s going to be on the shoulders of the population to do it—not the government.  Authoritarian governments have a better ability to get out in front of this thing and try to stop the spread through their extreme control.   Most democratic governments have elected to take a reactionary stance to trying to stop this thing—-which is going to be a longer and more painful battle.  There is a very high likelihood that a large portion of our population will end up getting this thing.  The key is to try to steer clear from it as long as possible so that there is more time for treatments to develop, and hopefully more time for our supply chains to gain ground on the demands in regards to hospital supples.  In conclusion—all I can say is to be safe and to be smart. Try to keep your home as a controlled clean zone.  

President considers quarantine for NY state and parts of CT and NJ.


The article doesn’t elaborate. How would that be any different than what is already I effect?

I missed where the new bill gives an extra 600/week to unemployed. Wow, that means some people might make more while unemployed.  

I cannot understand why we don’t have a super strict quarantine in place!! All the structures are in place for it to happen.  Everyone is getting a check soon, unemployment money will be substantial.  Lock the country down for 4 weeks.  Right now.  It’s the only option.
The small business stimulus is VERY generous too. There's no reason any small business (especially non-essential / professional services - lawyers, engineers, consultants, etc) should be crying about money right now or even considering laying anyone off. The government is basically offering to pay your payroll for 8 weeks as long as you don't lay anyone off. We were planning to lay 2 people off on Monday and start a "who's next list". Now we're not even revisiting anything related to payroll until July.

There's literally no reason for non-essential workers not to quarantine.

I cannot understand why we don’t have a super strict quarantine in place!! All the structures are in place for it to happen.  Everyone is getting a check soon, unemployment money will be substantial.  Lock the country down for 4 weeks.  Right now.  It’s the only option.
Going by TJ's quote to me above, such a quarantine in the U.S. simply can't be based on voluntary action.

The enforcement actions necessary to force north of 99% compliance ... I just don't think America, collectively, has an appetite for that. And in today's "take a video!" world ... you'd have hundreds of videos on the Internet that would make Kent State look like Disneyland.

There's just no easy answer. America would have to shrug off something essential to its identity to truly enforce a 99+% quarantine among the population.

Blick said:
As someone who’s been doing the right things, staying home, and strictly eliminating interactions, it’s getting harder to understand the end game here. The only plan we have, and it’s not really a plan, is to continue strict social distancing.  

We can’t do this forever.  It would be nice to hear government officials outline steps for when and under what conditions this could end. We’ve been shut down for two weeks now, there are only a small handful of cases in my area.  Frustration is starting to set in.
I just thought I'd point something out using this post.

First, I think some of this frustration is the fact that we can't see what's in front of us. I mean, some places we can see it (Italy, NYC, etc.), but if it's not in front of us, it's harder to see the justification. Unfortunately, I believe that will change for most everywhere soon enough to fix that.

But, the second part that I don't understand as well is this idea that "we can't do this for too long".

Yes, we can. Imagine we were at war with another country that is dropping bombs on a daily basis where you live. Think of many modern day third world countries going through that on a regular basis. Or England in WW2 having to hide in the subways as a matter of life and death. Or the Jews. And that was in a different era without the accommodations we currently have. They didn't have Amazon and Netflix and food delivery. 

Throughout history, large populations and countries even have gone through far worse with far less for far longer. It just seems a bit much that so many people keep saying "we can't do this for too long" when it's only been a couple weeks and the idea of carrying through with this for even a couple months seems impossible. It's not.

Maybe we need to "see" the bombs being dropped and "see" the dead bodies in the street to take this seriously and realize, yeah, I can stay inside for as long as it takes until it's safe for me and for others. I don't know. No one is saying it's comfortable, but it could be A LOT worse. 

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If we have guidance that my Kennedy list above is clearly out of bounds, then I will hide it.

dammit we need these perspectives - just honesty unbridled truth, facts, statements - now more than ever. It’s one of the reasons I came back to this community because we need information.

Possible NY, NJ and I think they mentioned Connecticut quarantine coming soon according to Trump. Says they are considering it.

NotSmart said:
This is 100% my expectation as well and has been for quite a while.

The only question is timing... will war zone level images coming out of New York be enough to cause the public to put enough pressure on the federal government... or will hospital overrun disasters have to start happening in enough other regions of the country to force a national quarantine.
Seattle and SF weren't enough. No reason to think NYC and ... idk, NOLA/some other metro will. The problem is people continue to find ways to rationalize the "it won't happen here" mentality. Rural v metro, density, distance from epicenters, etc.

Atomic Punk said:
Thanks for looking out for me! My wife and I got home and luckily right before the Canadian government put in there “isolate in place” policy in, which would have meant staying in a Vancouver hotel for 14 days instead of at home. Neither of us have any symptoms and are counting our blessings in that, as well as being at home.
Small victories matter! \O/ Grats. 

Was the Airport you flew into like Auckland or LAX?

Doug B said:
TheDirtyWord said:
A-Rod: "Sure, I got advice for you if you want to crush a curveball or snag a mean hopper. For this? Dr. Fauci is standing next to you every day -- talk to THAT guy. Talk to him a lot."
Is this an actual quote? Or something you made up? Not that it really matters fo this topic but I'm seeing things that indicate the whole Arod thing is fake news.

Guess my chances. I have to go back to work next week. I will drive to work, walk into the building, avoiding people. Then I can either take the elevator or walk up stairs (5th floor to the 12th). Leaning taking the stair case. Then  going to move my computer to a back area where not alot of foot traffic will be. There will be a total of 5 people including me in our office. I will have a men's bathroom to myself. Help.

T J said:
Doug B said:
Why are so many people assessing this through the potential effects on themselves? Why?
Seriously? I hope it doesn’t take a random internet guy to explain that. 
It doesn't. It's just shameful that the reservoir of altruism is that shallow.

See joffer's post a few up. What's being asked of the populace is pretty darned easy. 

Maybe we need to "see" the bombs being dropped and "see" the dead bodies in the street to take this seriously and realize, yeah, I can stay inside for as long as it takes until it's safe for me and for others. I don't know. No one is saying it's comfortable, but it could be A LOT worse. 
What I'm hearing and seeing is a lot this. The "it's a NYC/somewhere else" problem, so no need to be safe/smart. But as we've all...well, as those that are looking should see.. the virus spreads because of density, but also because of people being careless. It doesn't care. 

And to the person you're responding to... dunno about endgame. Maybe this IS the new normal, but i certainly hope not. I'm still hoping for a more viable cure/vaccine sooner than later and way of nipping the symptoms before it gets to ventilator time.  

Doug B said:
TheDirtyWord said:
A-Rod: "Sure, I got advice for you if you want to crush a curveball or snag a mean hopper. For this? Dr. Fauci is standing next to you every day -- talk to THAT guy. Talk to him a lot."
Is this an actual quote? Or something you made up? Not that it really matters for this topic but I'm seeing things that indicate the whole Arod thing is fake news.
Something I made up. TheDirtyWord's link gave no quotes.

I would hope it is fake news ... makes me wonder how such a piece ever saw the light of day, but whatever.

Guess my chances. I have to go back to work next week. I will drive to work, walk into the building, avoiding people. Then I can either take the elevator or walk up stairs (5th floor to the 12th). Leaning taking the stair case. Then  going to move my computer to a back area where not a lot of foot traffic will be. There will be a total of 5 people including me in our office. I will have a men's bathroom to myself. Help.
:shrug:  Sounds like you will be isolated at all times and generally OK.

My last week in the office (3/16-20), the entire building started a voluntary effort not to pack the elevators. Riders went up one a time or at most two at a time. The elevators are big enough to maintain something like eight feet of distance for 2 or 3 riders.

Of course, it did help that for that entire week, the building was probably at no more than 10-15% capacity ... and falling off as the week went on.

DallasDMac said:
Just tried to shop for a chest freezer at Best Buy. I guess I found the one thing harder to get than TP.
Those have been cleaned out for at least a month. I asked about one at HD a couple weeks ago and the guy just looked at me like I was stupid. You can maybe buy a huge freezer (15 cubic feet) but nothing 5-7 cubic feet is in stock anywhere. 

:shrug:  Sounds like you will be isolated at all times and generally OK.

My last week in the office (3/16-20), the entire building started a voluntary effort not to pack the elevators. Riders went up one a time or at most two at a time. The elevators are big enough to maintain something like eight feet of distance for 2 or 3 riders.

Of course, it did help that for that entire week, the building was probably at no more than 10-15% capacity ... and falling off as the week went on.
Thanks for always responding to me. I'm pretty anxious about this. I called in sick on Monday two weeks ago due to allergies. They gave me two weeks off paid with no sick days used. The bad news is our laptops don't arrive until end of April. While I was gone all the spare computers were taken, so the other analyst in my group all get to work from home now and I'm stuck here. They won't let me buy my own laptop but I think it's more they want someone from my department at the office. 

My current desk is right next to the kitchen so there would be people passing my area all day getting coffee and water/ heating food. That would be a horrible idea not to move my computer right?

My current desk is right next to the kitchen so there would be people passing my area all day getting coffee and water/ heating food. That would be a horrible idea not to move my computer right?
How close would they be coming to you?

I'm one to be a little bit cavalier with the transmission risk (a very little bit). Like, I don't think people walking around nearby is a special risk so long as no one is hacking and sneezing everywhere, or being gross about lack of handwashing, or things like that.

So, if people are brushing the back of your chair all day on their way to the kitchen ... then, yeah, move. But if people are passing and staying several feet away from you, no problem.

However, really I would just advise to trust your gut. If you feel better moving, then by all means move. Sounds like floorspace availability is not a problem.

What I'm hearing and seeing is a lot this. The "it's a NYC/somewhere else" problem, so no need to be safe/smart. But as we've all...well, as those that are looking should see.. the virus spreads because of density, but also because of people being careless. It doesn't care. 

And to the person you're responding to... dunno about endgame. Maybe this IS the new normal, but i certainly hope not. I'm still hoping for a more viable cure/vaccine sooner than later and way of nipping the symptoms before it gets to ventilator time.  
We are way past this point.  

I missed where the new bill gives an extra 600/week to unemployed. Wow, that means some people might make more while unemployed.  

I cannot understand why we don’t have a super strict quarantine in place!! All the structures are in place for it to happen.  Everyone is getting a check soon, unemployment money will be substantial.  Lock the country down for 4 weeks.  Right now.  It’s the only option.
Am I off understanding everything is not solved going full quarantine for a month? That is, if we protect 80% (non-essentials) from infection for a month, then go back to BAU, isn’t it just a matter of time for the global spread to catch them and the same spike occurs, just delayed? I guess I understood flattening the curve did not mean eliminating cases, but spreading out unavoidable infections over a longer duration vs all at once. To that end, isn’t something between full quarantine and BAU the answer?


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